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- ;; @(#)psi.err 1.17 94/03/08
- ;;
- ;; Default psi error list
- ;;
- ((APPSYN "bad combination expression")
- (ARGSMISSING "not enough arguments")
- (ARGSWRONG "wrong number of arguments")
- (BADAPP "attempt to apply non-procedure")
- (BADCONT "can't apply a continuation created by another eval")
- (BADCHAR "bad #\\ syntax: unexpected white space")
- (BADDOTPAR "bad dotted pair: unexpected ')'")
- (BADERR "unspecified error")
- (BADFIRDOT "bad dotted pair: unexpected '.'")
- (BADFORMALS "bad formal parameter list")
- (BADMACRO "bad macro expression")
- (BADMACRONAM "bad macro name")
- (BADNAME "unrecognized name for character constant")
- (BADNUMBER "badly formed number")
- (BADPAIR "bad dotted pair")
- (BEGINSYN "bad begin expression")
- (CANTCLOSE "cannot close")
- (CANTOPEN "cannot open")
- (CANTRUN "not licensed to run non-compiled scripts")
- (BADRUNID "compiled script has an invalid creator ID")
- (CANTWRITE "cannot write")
- (CLOSED_PORT "port is closed")
- (CWCCSYN "bad call/cc expression")
- (DEFINESYN "bad define expression")
- (DEFINESEQ "define expression not at start of body")
- (FIXNUMFRAC "this version doesn't support fractional numbers")
- (FIXNUMEXP "this version doesn't support 'scientific notation'")
- (IFSYN "bad if expression")
- (INVARGS "invalid argument")
- (INVPROC "invalid function")
- (LAMBDASYN "bad lambda expression")
- (LESSARGS "too few arguments")
- (MACROSYN "bad macro definition")
- (MOREARGS "too many arguments")
- (NAMTOOLONG "character name too long")
- (NOGTRACE "global trace not available")
- (NO_MEM "out of memory")
- (NULLAPP "null application")
- (NULLDATA "null must be quoted")
- (ONLY_ONE_STR "only one string can be used in an input port")
- (PRIMERR "")
- (PROTLEAK "warning, GC protection leak")
- (BADERRTIME "error while in error handler")
- (QUOTESYN "bad quote expression")
- (RANGECHECK "index out of range")
- (REGEXLOOP "regular expression may not match empty string; infinite loop")
- (SETSYN "bad set! expression")
- (STRTOOLONG "string too long")
- (SYMTOOLONG "symbol too long")
- (TBD "implementation not yet complete")
- (UNBOUNDVAR "unbound variable")
- (UNXPEOF "unexpected EOF on input")
- (UNXPEOFL "unexpected EOF on input. expected ')'")
- (UNXPEOFS "unexpected EOF on input, expected '\"'")
- (UNXPRPAR "unexpected ')' in input")
- (WHYMACRO "missing argument(s) in macro definition")
- (WRONGNARGS "wrong number of arguments")
- (UNLINKERR "unlink failed")
- (MDOMAIN "domain error")
- (MRANGE "argument(s) cause function range error")
- (MSING "argument(s) cause undefined result (singularity)")
- (MOVERFLOW "argument(s) cause overflow")
- (MUNDERFLOW "argument(s) cause underflow")
- (MTLOSS "argument(s) cause total loss of significance")
- (MPLOSS "argument(s) cause partial loss of significance")
- (RENAMEERR "rename failed")
- (ALREADYDEF "symbol already bound in this scope")
- (SYNTAX "syntax error")
- (READONLY "object is immutable")
- (IOERR "low level I/O error")
- (KEYWORD "attempt to use reserved word as a variable name")
- (WANTLIST "invalid argument (expecting a list)")
- (WANTPAIR "invalid argument (expecting a pair)")
- (WANTSYMBOL "invalid argument (expecting a symbol)")
- (WANTSTRING "invalid argument (expecting a string)")
- (WANTIPORT "invalid argument (expecting an input port)")
- (WANTOPORT "invalid argument (expecting an output port)")
- (WANTPORT "invalid argument (expecting a port)")
- (WANTSTRIPORT "invalid argument (expecting an input string port)")
- (WANTSTROPORT "invalid argument (expecting an output string port)")
- (WANTPROC "invalid argument (expecting a procedure)")
- (WANTMACRO "invalid argument (expecting a macro)")
- (WANTVECTOR "invalid argument (expecting a vector)")
- (WANTCHAR "invalid argument (expecting a character)")
- (WANTBOOL "invalid argument (expecting a boolean)")
- (WANTNUM "invalid argument (expecting a number)")
- (WANTXNUM "invalid argument (expecting an exact number)"))