home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- bbsc.c
- BBS (Bulletin Board System) written in UNIX SYSTEM-III "C".
- Support files needed:
- bbscdef.h
- bbscport.o or bbscport.c
- bbsclock.o or bbsclock.c
- bbscfile.o or bbscfile.c
- bbscmisc.o or bbscmisc.c
- Mike Kelly
- 03/09/83 v1.0 written
- 07/07/83 v1.0 updated
- */
- #include "bbscdef.h"
- #define LASTDATE " 02/07/84 "
- #define PGMNAME "BBSc "
- #define VERSION " 1.1 "
- main()
- {
- int i;
- /*
- * init global variables
- */
- debug = FALSE;
- statcnt = 0;
- xpert = FALSE;
- active = TRUE;
- w_fname[0] = '\0';
- w_lname[0] = '\0';
- strcpy(w_password,"MPK0");
- u_fname[0] = '\0';
- u_lname[0] = '\0';
- strcpy(u_password,"MPK0");
- u_time1[0] = '\0';
- u_date1[0] = '\0';
- u_time2[0] = '\0';
- u_date2[0] = '\0';
- u_city[0] = '\0';
- mm[0] = '\0';
- dd[0] = '\0';
- yy[0] = '\0';
- month[0] = '\0';
- day[0] = '\0';
- year[0] = '\0';
- date[0] = '\0';
- week[0] = '\0';
- ttime[0] = '\0';
- strcpy(msg_delete,"0");
- msg_no[0] = '\0';
- msg_date[0] = '\0';
- msg_date[0] = '\0';
- msg_time[0] = '\0';
- msg_to[0] = '\0';
- msg_from[0] = '\0';
- msg_pass[0] = '\0';
- msg_subject[0] = '\0';
- msg_text[0] = '\0';
- stop_that = FALSE;
- /* get date and time from the clock */
- gettime(ttime);
- getdate(mm,dd,yy,month,day,year,date,week);
- portinit() ; /* init terminal modes */
- signon() ;
- driver() ;
- portrst() ; /* undo any special modes */
- }
- /* end of mainline routine */
- driver()
- {
- char linebuf[MAXLINE],
- buf[128],
- *bufptr, /* ptr to buf */
- usercd[100], /* user record */
- *userptr, /* ptr to usercd */
- cmd[2];
- int cnt,
- ok_sw,
- case_sw,
- i,
- num0,
- num1,
- num2;
- cnt = 0;
- ok_sw = TRUE;
- bufptr = buf;
- xpert = FALSE;
- cmd[0] = '\0';
- while (active)
- {
- stop_that = FALSE ; /* reset switch */
- portsout(CRLF);
- if (!xpert)
- {
- portsout("Commands: B,C,E,G,K,N,Q,R,S,W,X or ? ");
- }
- portsout("===> ");
- portsin(cmd,1);
- portsout(CRLF);
- *cmd = toupper(*cmd) ;
- switch (cmd[0])
- {
- case ('C'): /* Unix */
- cmd_c();
- break;
- case ('E'): /* enter msg */
- cmd_e();
- break;
- case ('G'): /* goodby */
- cmd_g();
- break;
- case ('K'): /* kill msg */
- cmd_k();
- break;
- case ('Q'): /* quick scan */
- cmd_q();
- break;
- case ('R'): /* read msg */
- cmd_r();
- break;
- case ('S'): /* scan msg */
- cmd_s();
- break;
- case ('X'): /* expert toggle */
- cmd_x();
- break;
- case ('N'): /* print new-user stuff */
- cmd_p(NEWUSER);
- break;
- case ('W'): /* print welcome file */
- cmd_p(WELCOME);
- break;
- case ('B'): /* print bulletins */
- cmd_p(BULLETINS);
- break;
- case ('?'): /* help */
- cmd_p(HELP);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* end of function */
- cmd_g() /* good-by */
- {
- active = FALSE;
- portsout("\r\nThanks for calling ");
- portsout(w_fname) ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- sleep(5) ; /* for the Smartmodem */
- portsout("+") ; /* get the modems attention */
- portsout("+") ; /* get the modems attention */
- portsout("+") ; /* get the modems attention */
- sleep(15) ; /* for the Smartmodem */
- gobble() ;
- portsout("ATH") ; /* hang up the phone */
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- sleep(15) ; /* for the Smartmodem */
- }
- /* end of function */
- cmd_c() /* go to the operating system level */
- {
- if ((inbuf=fopen(SYSTEM,"r")) == NULL)
- {
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("Exiting to the operating system level!") ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- }
- else
- {
- porttype(inbuf); /* type a file to port */
- close(inbuf);
- }
- active = FALSE;
- }
- /* end of function */
- cmd_e() /* enter a message */
- {
- int entering,
- editing,
- cnt1;
- char msg[50],
- l_cnt[3],
- ans[2];
- entering = editing = TRUE;
- cnt1 = 0;
- l_cnt[0] = '0'; /* init line count */
- msg_text[0] = '\0'; /* init message text area */
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("This will be message # ");
- portsout(h_next_msg);
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout(" ____.____1____.____2\r\n");
- portsout("Who is the message for ===> ");
- portsin(msg_to,20);
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("What is the subject ===> ");
- portsin(msg_subject,20);
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("A line can contain 40 characters, up to 20 lines.") ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("To end, enter a carriage return on an empty line.") ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout(" .___.____1____.____2____.____3____.____4") ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- while (entering) /* get the text of the message */
- {
- linecnt(l_cnt); /* calc line count */
- portsout(l_cnt); /* show line count */
- portsout("> "); /* and prompt */
- portsin(msg,40);
- portsout(CRLF);
- strcat(msg,"\n"); /* put a <lf> on each line */
- if (strlen(msg) < 2) /* count cr too */
- {
- entering = FALSE; /* all done */
- }
- else
- {
- strcat(msg_text,msg); /* append each line to text */
- }
- if ((++cnt1) > 19) /* only allow 20 lines */
- {
- entering = FALSE; /* all done */
- }
- }
- while (editing) /* save it, fix it, list it, or get out */
- {
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("(S)ave, (L)ist, or (Q)uit") ;
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("(D)elete, (I)nsert, or (E)dit line ==> ") ;
- portsin(ans,1); /* get a byte */
- portsout(CRLF);
- *ans = toupper(*ans) ;
- switch (ans[0]) /* get 1 byte */
- {
- case ('S'): /* save message */
- savemsg();
- editing = FALSE; /* get out of while */
- break;
- case ('E'): /* edit message */
- case ('I'): /* edit message */
- case ('D'): /* edit message */
- editmsg(*ans);
- break;
- case ('L'): /* list message */
- listmsg();
- break;
- case ('Q'): /* get out w/out saving */
- editing = FALSE; /* get out of while */
- break;
- default:
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("Shall we try that one again?\r\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* end of function */
- linecnt(lcnt) /* 2 byte string of line numbers */
- char *lcnt;
- {
- int icnt;
- char xcnt[4];
- icnt = atoi(lcnt);
- if (++icnt < 10)
- {
- strcpy(lcnt,"0");
- itoa(xcnt,icnt);
- strcat(lcnt,xcnt);
- }
- else
- {
- itoa(xcnt,icnt);
- strcpy(lcnt,xcnt);
- }
- return;
- }
- /* end of function */
- savemsg() /* save a message */
- {
- int fd;
- portsout("Saving...\r\n");
- strcpy(msg_delete,"0"); /* delete byte */
- strcpy(msg_date, mm);
- strcat(msg_date,"/");
- strcat(msg_date, dd);
- strcat(msg_date,"/");
- strcat(msg_date, yy);
- strcpy(msg_time,ttime); /* and the time */
- strcpy(msg_from,w_fname); /* and the from name */
- strcat(msg_from," ");
- strcat(msg_from,w_lname);
- portsout("Updating the message file...\r\n");
- if ((fd = msgopen(2)) == ERROR) /* open i/o */
- {
- return(ERROR);
- }
- msgwrt(fd); /* write the message */
- msgclose(fd);
- strcpy(h_date,msg_date);
- portsout("Updating the header file...\r\n");
- hdrwrt(); /* update the header file */
- }
- /* end of function */
- listmsg()
- {
- char *ptr,
- byte,
- lcnt[3];
- int i;
- ptr = msg_text; /* ptr points to start of text */
- lcnt[0] = '0'; /* start linecount at zero */
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- while (*ptr != 0)
- {
- linecnt(lcnt);
- portsout(lcnt); /* put out line number */
- portsout(">");
- while (byte = *ptr++)
- {
- if (byte == '\n') /* we dont save <cr>, so add */
- { /* it here when find a <cr> */
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- break ;
- }
- else portout(byte) ;
- }
- }
- }
- /* end of function */
- editmsg(tflag) char tflag ;
- {
- char ans[3] ;
- int lnum ; /* line number to edit */
- while(1)
- {
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("Enter line number to ") ;
- if(tflag == 'E') portsout("edit,") ;
- else if(tflag == 'D') portsout("delete,") ;
- else if(tflag == 'I') portsout("insert after,") ;
- else return ;
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout(" or RETURN to exit ==> ");
- portsin(ans,2); /* only 20 lines possible */
- portsout(CRLF);
- lnum = atoi(ans);
- if (lnum <= 0)
- {
- break; /* out of while and return */
- }
- if ((lnum < 20) || ((lnum == 20) && (tflag != 'I')))
- {
- editline(lnum,tflag) ; break ;
- }
- else /* else slap on hand and loop around */
- {
- portsout("Aw come on, there can only be 20 lines!");
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("Shall we try that again?");
- portsout(CRLF);
- }
- }
- }
- /* end of function */
- editline(line_no,tflag)
- int line_no ; char tflag ;
- {
- char work_msg[(20*40)+40], /* work message area */
- *work_ptr, /* pointers */
- *msg_ptr,
- *new_ptr,
- new_line[40+1], /* new line to replace in text */
- byte ;
- int i ; /* a counter */
- work_msg[0] = '\0'; /* init strings */
- new_line[0] = '\0';
- i = 1 ; /* assume at line one */
- work_ptr = work_msg; /* put the addr of work_msg in the pointer */
- msg_ptr = msg_text; /* put the addr of the global message in ptr */
- new_ptr = new_line; /* the new line too */
- while(byte = *msg_ptr) /* if at the line then found it's start */
- {
- if(line_no == i) break ; /* found the line */
- while(byte = *msg_ptr++) /* move msg to work area */
- { /* until end of msg */
- *work_ptr++ = byte;
- if (byte == '\n') /* end of line? */
- {
- i++ ; break ; /* then stop moving */
- }
- }
- }
- if (byte == 0) /* if true then there ain't no such beast */
- {
- portsout("Hmmm, can't seem to find that line");
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout(" give me another chance, ok?");
- portsout(CRLF);
- return; /* here we go round the mulberry bush */
- }
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("Line to ") ;
- if(tflag == 'E')
- { portsout("edit") ; }
- else if(tflag == 'I')
- { portsout("insert after"); }
- else if(tflag == 'D')
- {
- portsout("delete");
- }
- else return ;
- portsout(" is:") ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout(">") ;
- while(byte = *msg_ptr++) /* show the line to edit */
- {
- if(tflag == 'I')
- {
- *work_ptr++ = byte ; /* if adding new line copy */
- }
- if(byte == '\n') break ;
- portout(byte);
- }
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- if(tflag == 'D')
- {
- portsout("Are you sure? (Y/N) ==> ");
- byte = portin() ; /* get answer */
- portout(byte) ; /* send it back */
- if ((byte != 'Y') && (byte != 'y')) return ;
- }
- else
- {
- portsout("Enter new line:") ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout(">") ;
- portsin(new_line,40) ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- strcat(new_line,"\n\0") ; /* lf at end new line */
- while (*work_ptr++ = *new_ptr++) /* tag on new line to */
- { ; } /* work area */
- *work_ptr--; /* back up one */
- }
- while (*work_ptr++ = *msg_ptr++) /* now move in rest of */
- { ; } /* message to work area */
- *work_ptr++ = '\0'; /* for luck */
- strcpy(msg_text,work_msg); /* replace the message with the */
- /* new line inserted */
- }
- /* end of function */
- cmd_k()
- {
- char ans[11];
- int kill_msg,
- fd,
- rc;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("Enter message number to delete ==> ") ;
- portsin(ans,10) ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- kill_msg = atoi(ans) ;
- fd = msgopen(2) ; /* open i/o */
- if ((rc = msgread(fd,kill_msg)) == ERROR || rc == 0)
- {
- portsout("Can't delete that message!") ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- return ;
- }
- portsout("Deleting message...") ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- strcpy(msg_delete,"9") ; /* mark for deletion */
- if (msgrewrt(fd,kill_msg) == ERROR) /* re-write the record just read */
- {
- portsout("Sorry, can't delete that message");
- portsout(CRLF);
- return;
- }
- msgclose(fd);
- portsout("Message ");
- portsout(ans);
- portsout(" has been deleted!") ;
- portsout(CRLF);
- return;
- }
- /* end of function */
- cmd_q()
- {
- char ans[11];
- int q_msg,
- fd,
- rc;
- if ((fd = msgopen(0)) == ERROR) /* open input */
- {
- return(ERROR);
- }
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("Enter starting message number -- RETURN to exit ==> ");
- portsin(ans,10);
- q_msg = atoi(ans);
- if (q_msg == 0) /* = 0 all done */
- {
- msgclose(fd);
- return;
- }
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("No. Date Subject") ;
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("---------------------------------------");
- portsout(CRLF);
- while ((rc = msgread(fd,q_msg++)) != ERROR)
- { /* read until eof or error */
- if (rc == 0)
- {
- continue; /* not a valid msg */
- }
- portlsout(msg_no , 6) ;
- portlsout(msg_date,12) ;
- portsout(msg_subject ) ;
- portsout(CRLF);
- if (stop_that) /* ctl-K ? */
- {
- stop_that = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- msgclose(fd);
- }
- /* end of function */
- cmd_r()
- {
- char msgno[10],
- *text,
- byte0;
- int msg,
- fd,
- rc;
- if ((fd = msgopen(0)) == ERROR) /* open input */
- {
- return(ERROR);
- }
- portsout("\r\n\n");
- portsout("Enter the message number to read");
- portsout(" - RETURN to exit ==> ");
- while (!stop_that)
- {
- portsin(msgno,9);
- portsout(CRLF);
- msg = atoi(msgno); /* make the no. integer */
- if (msg == 0)
- {
- break;
- }
- if ((rc = msgread(fd,msg)) == 0 || rc == ERROR)
- {
- portsout("Message ");
- portsout(msgno);
- portsout(" not found\r\n");
- }
- else
- {
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("No. ");
- portsout(msg_no);
- portsout(" ");
- portsout(msg_date);
- portsout(" ");
- portsout(msg_time);
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("From: ");
- portsout(msg_from);
- portsout(" To: ");
- portsout(msg_to);
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("Subject: ");
- portsout(msg_subject);
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout(CRLF);
- text = msg_text;
- while (byte0 = (*text++))
- {
- if (byte0 == '\n')
- {
- portout('\r');
- }
- portout(byte0);
- if (stop_that)
- {
- stop_that = FALSE;
- msgclose(fd);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("Number or RETURN to exit ==> ") ;
- }
- msgclose(fd);
- }
- /* end of function */
- cmd_s()
- {
- char ans[11];
- int q_msg,
- fd,
- rc;
- if ((fd = msgopen(0)) == ERROR) /* open input */
- {
- return(ERROR);
- }
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("Enter starting message number -- RETURN to exit ) ==> ") ;
- portsin(ans,10);
- q_msg = atoi(ans);
- if (q_msg == 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("No. Date From ") ;
- portsout(" To Subject") ;
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("---------------------------------------") ;
- portsout("---------------------------------------") ;
- portsout(CRLF);
- while ((rc = msgread(fd,q_msg++)) != ERROR)
- { /* read until eof or error */
- if (rc == 0)
- {
- continue; /* not a valid msg */
- }
- portlsout(msg_no , 6) ;
- portlsout(msg_date,12) ;
- portlsout(msg_from,21) ;
- portlsout(msg_to ,21) ;
- portsout(msg_subject) ;
- portsout(CRLF);
- if (stop_that)
- {
- stop_that = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- msgclose(fd);
- }
- /* end of function */
- cmd_x()
- {
- xpert = !xpert; /* flip the expert mode */
- }
- /* end of function */
- cmd_p(name) char *name ; /* type a file */
- {
- if ((inbuf=fopen(name,"r")) == NULL)
- {
- portsout("\r\nSorry, needed file not available\r\n");
- }
- else
- {
- porttype(inbuf); /* type a file to port */
- close(inbuf); /* close it to free up fcb */
- }
- }
- /* end of function */
- signon()
- {
- char byte0 ;
- int i ;
- int tfd ;
- portsout(PGMNAME) ;
- portsout("Version") ;
- portsout(VERSION) ;
- portsout(LASTDATE) ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- /*
- * type welcome file
- */
- if ((inbuf=fopen(WELCOME,"r")) == NULL)
- {
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("Welcome file not present, welcome anyhow!") ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- }
- else
- {
- porttype(inbuf); /* type a file to port */
- close(inbuf);
- }
- portsout("On at "); /* give date and time of signon */
- portsout(ttime);
- portsout(" ");
- portsout(week);
- portsout(" ");
- portsout(date);
- /*
- * get name
- */
- while (1)
- {
- portsout("\r\n\n");
- portsout("Enter your first name ==> ");
- portsin(w_fname,20);
- fix_name(w_fname) ;
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("Enter your last name ==> ");
- portsin(w_lname,20);
- fix_name(w_lname) ;
- portsout("\r\r\n");
- portsout("Hello ");
- portsout(w_fname);
- portsout(" ");
- portsout(w_lname);
- portsout(CRLF);
- portsout("Did I get your name right? (Y/N) ==> ");
- byte0 = portin(); /* get answer */
- portout(byte0); /* send it back */
- if ((byte0 == 'Y') || (byte0 == 'y'))
- {
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- wcaller() ;
- if (checkuser())
- {
- break ; /* got a valid user */
- }
- else
- {
- return ; /* do not have a valid user */
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * type bulletins file
- */
- if ((inbuf=fopen(BULLETINS,"r")) == NULL)
- {
- portsout("\r\nNo Bulletins today\r\n");
- }
- else
- {
- porttype(inbuf); /* type a file to port */
- close(inbuf);
- }
- hdrread(); /* read msgs header file into memory */
- /*
- * end of signon
- */
- }
- /* end of function */
- fix_name(adr) char *adr ;
- {
- char *adrs ;
- adrs = adr ;
- while(*adrs)
- {
- *adrs = tolower(*adrs) ;
- adrs++ ;
- }
- *adr = toupper(*adr) ;
- }
- wcaller() /* added this caller to the caller file */
- {
- int code ;
- char l_date[80] ;
- strcpy(l_date, mm) ;
- strcat(l_date, "/") ;
- strcat(l_date, dd) ;
- strcat(l_date, "/") ;
- strcat(l_date, yy) ;
- if ((inbuf=fopen(CALLERS,"a")) == NULL) /* create or open for append */
- {
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("Can't open/create callers file!");
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- return ;
- }
- code = fprintf(inbuf,"%s %s %s %s",l_date,ttime,w_fname,w_lname) ;
- if (code < 0)
- {
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("Caller file has problem writing") ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- }
- else
- {
- fputs("\n",inbuf) ; /* put lf on end of each record */
- }
- fclose(inbuf) ;
- /* now also save caller as last-caller */
- if ((inbuf=fopen(LASTCALL,"w")) == NULL) /* create or open for write */
- {
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("Can't open/create last-caller file!");
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- return ;
- }
- code = fprintf(inbuf,"%s %s %s %s",l_date,ttime,w_fname,w_lname) ;
- if (code < 0)
- {
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("Last-caller file has problem writing") ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- }
- else
- {
- fputs("\n",inbuf) ; /* put lf on end of record */
- }
- fclose(inbuf) ;
- }
- /* end of function */
- checkuser() /* returns 1 when find a match */
- {
- char name[50] ;
- if ((inbuf=fopen(USERS,"r")) == NULL)
- {
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("User file not present, will log you on as");
- portsout(" a GUEST!");
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- strcpy(u_fname,"GUEST");
- strcpy(u_lname," ");
- strcpy(u_password,"MPK0");
- return(TRUE);
- }
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("Checking user file...");
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- while (readuser(inbuf) != 0) /* look until eof on users file */
- {
- if ((strcmp(u_fname,w_fname) == 0) &&
- (strcmp(u_lname,w_lname) == 0))
- {
- if (checkpass() == OK)
- {
- fclose(inbuf) ;
- return(TRUE) ; /* passwords match */
- }
- else
- {
- fclose(inbuf) ;
- return(FALSE) ; /* passwords dont match */
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(inbuf) ;
- newuser() ; /* not on file, so add 'em */
- /*
- * type new-user file
- */
- if ((inbuf=fopen(NEWUSER,"r")) != NULL)
- {
- porttype(inbuf) ; /* type a file to port */
- close(inbuf) ;
- }
- return(TRUE) ;
- }
- /* end of function */
- checkpass() /* returns TRUE (1) when equal passwords */
- {
- char *passptr;
- int j,
- i;
- passptr = w_password; /* give passptr the addr of w_password */
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) /* give 'em 3 tries to get it right */
- {
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("Enter your password ==> ") ;
- for (j=0; j < 4; j++) /* password is 4 long */
- {
- /* *passptr++ = portin() ;
- */
- w_password[j] = portin() ;
- portout('_');
- }
- /* *passptr++ = '\0';
- */
- w_password[j] = '\0';
- if ((strcmp(w_password,u_password)) == 0)
- {
- return(OK); /* passwords match */
- }
- portsout(" Incorrect!\007") ;
- }
- if (i >= 3)
- {
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("Sorry, but three tries is all you get!") ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout(" Goodby....") ;
- cmd_g() ; /* hang up the phone */
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- return(ERROR); /* bad try on password */
- }
- }
- /* end of function */
- newuser()
- {
- char pword[5];
- int j;
- if ((inbuf=fopen(USERS,"a")) == NULL)
- {
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("Can't open/create the user file for writing!") ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- return ;
- }
- strcpy(u_fname,w_fname);
- strcpy(u_lname,w_lname);
- strcpy(u_time1,ttime);
- strcpy(u_time2,ttime);
- strcpy(u_date1,mm);
- strcat(u_date1,"/");
- strcat(u_date1,dd);
- strcat(u_date1,"/");
- strcat(u_date1,yy);
- strcpy(u_date2,mm);
- strcat(u_date2,"/");
- strcat(u_date2,dd);
- strcat(u_date2,"/");
- strcat(u_date2,yy);
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("Welcome, as a new user I need a few pieces") ;
- portsout(" of information.") ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("Please enter the City, State you are from ===> ");
- portsin(u_city,30);
- portsout(CRLF);
- while (1)
- {
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("Ok, now I need a 4 character password ===> ");
- for (j=0; j < 4; j++) /* password is 4 long */
- {
- u_password[j] = portin();
- portout('_');
- }
- u_password[j] = '\0';
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("Just to make sure, enter it again ===> ");
- for (j=0; j < 4; j++) /* password is 4 long */
- {
- w_password[j] = portin();
- portout('_');
- }
- w_password[j] = '\0';
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- if (strcmp(u_password,w_password) == 0)
- {
- break ; /* get it right twice, then get out */
- }
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout("hmmmm, one of us forgot it already") ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout(" let's try it again!!") ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- portsout(CRLF) ;
- }
- wrtuser(inbuf) ; /* write a user record */
- fflush(inbuf) ; /* ok leor, just for you */
- fclose(inbuf) ; /* close the file after new user added */
- }
- /* end of function */
- readuser(buf) /* read a record from the user file */
- /* returns 0 on eof, 1 on good read */
- FILE *buf;
- {
- int code;
- code = fscanf(buf,"%[^~]~%[^~]~%[^~]~%[^~]~%[^~]~%[^~]~%[^~]~%[^~]~\n",
- u_fname,
- u_lname,
- u_password,
- u_time1,
- u_date1,
- u_time2,
- u_date2,
- u_city);
- if (code < 8)
- {
- return(0); /* all done, hit eof */
- }
- else
- {
- return(1); /* good read */
- }
- }
- /* end of function */
- wrtuser(buf)
- FILE *buf;
- {
- int code;
- code = fprintf(buf,"%s~%s~%s~%s~%s~%s~%s~%s~",
- u_fname,
- u_lname,
- u_password,
- u_time1,
- u_date1,
- u_time2,
- u_date2,
- u_city);
- if (code == -1)
- {
- portsout("User file has problem writing\r\n");
- }
- else
- {
- fputs("\n",buf); /* put lf on end of each record */
- }
- }
- /* end of function */
- /* end of program */