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- /*
- bbscport.c
- Support routines used by BBSc.c to access the modem port.
- Written By Mike Kelly
- Modified to run under UNIX I/O control by Dave Stanhope.
- 03/09/83 v1.0 written
- 07/08/83 v1.0 Added code to look for modem carrier detect,
- and exit() if not still connected.
- */
- #include "bbscdef.h"
- #include <sgtty.h>
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- #define LASTDATE " 07/08/83 "
- #define VERSION " 1.0 "
- portinstat() /* returns 1 if no char, 0 if char waiting */
- {
- long count ;
- ioctl(STDIN, FIONREAD, &count) ; /* see if any previous data */
- if(count > 0) return(0) ; else return(1) ;
- }
- char portin() /* get one byte from the port */
- {
- char byte;
- if(read(STDIN, &byte, 1) != 1) return(CPMEOF) ;
- return(byte & 0x7F);
- }
- portsin(buf,max) /* get a line of input max. chars long */
- int max ; char *buf ;
- {
- int cnt, byte ; char bytex ;
- cnt = 0;
- byte = FALSE;
- while (++cnt <= max && byte != '\r')
- {
- while((byte = portin()) < ' ' || byte > '}')
- {
- if (byte == '\r') { break ; } /* carriage return */
- if (byte == '\b' && cnt > 1) /* backspace */
- {
- portout(byte);
- portout(' ');
- portout(byte);
- *buf--; /* backout last char */
- cnt--; /* decrement count too */
- }
- }
- if (byte != '\r')
- {
- *buf++ = byte;
- }
- portout(byte); /* echo good chars only */
- }
- *buf++ = '\0'; /* tag \0 on end */
- }
- portout(byte) /* send one byte to the port */
- char byte; /* return CTL_K for those times want to check */
- { /* if the person wants to stop sending */
- char byte0 ;
- if (portinstat() == 0) /* == 0 means char waiting */
- {
- if ((byte0 = portin()) == 0x13) /* ctl-S?, then */
- { /* simulate xon/xoff */
- portin(); /* gobble up the char */
- }
- if (byte0 == CTL_K || byte0 == 'K' || byte0 == 'k')
- { /* look for stop sending key */
- stop_that = TRUE; /* if so, set switch on */
- }
- }
- byte0 = byte ; write(STDOUT,&byte0,1) ; /* send the byte */
- return(OK) ;
- }
- portsout(string) /* send a string to the port */
- char *string ;
- {
- char byte ;
- while (byte = (*string++))
- {
- portout(byte) ; /* send one byte at a time */
- }
- }
- portlsout(string,len) /* send a string to the port, pad to length */
- char *string ; int len ;
- {
- char byte ;
- while (byte = (*string++))
- {
- portout(byte) ; /* send one byte at a time */
- len-- ;
- }
- while (len > 0) { portout(' ') ; len-- ; } /* pad with spaces */
- }
- porttype(tbuf) /* type a file to the port */
- FILE *tbuf ;
- {
- char byte ;
- stop_that = FALSE; /* reset switch */
- portsout("\r\nType ctl-K or K to skip this\r\n\n");
- while (((byte = getc (tbuf)) != EOF) && (byte != CPMEOF))
- {
- if(byte == '\n') portout('\r') ;
- portout(byte);
- if (stop_that) /* received ctl-K or K */
- {
- portsout(CRLF);
- stop_that = FALSE; /* reset switch */
- return; /* nuf's enough */
- }
- }
- }
- portinit()
- {
- /* set raw mode for this terminal */
- struct sgttyb arg;
- ioctl (STDIN, TIOCGETP, &arg);
- arg.sg_flags |= RAW ;
- arg.sg_flags &= ~ECHO;
- ioctl (STDIN, TIOCSETP, &arg);
- }
- portrst()
- {
- /* set raw mode for this terminal */
- struct sgttyb arg;
- ioctl (STDIN, TIOCGETP, &arg);
- arg.sg_flags &= ~RAW;
- arg.sg_flags |= ECHO ;
- ioctl (STDIN, TIOCSETP, &arg);
- }
- char gobble() /* gobble up any answer */
- {
- int cnt = 0 ;
- while (cnt++ < 20) portin ;
- }
- /* end of program */