Welcome to the ALGEBRA MODULE of the HAYDEN SCORE IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM FOR THE SAT, one of six modules designed to raise your SAT scores. :RA This Algebra Module is an effective tool to begin your preparation for the Mathematical section of the Scholastic Aptitude Tests. The system is easy to operate so that you can concentrate on its content. All of the information you need to answer questions appears on the screen, as do instructions for moving from one part of the program to another. More detailed information follows in the User's Guide. :RA This ALGEBRA MODULE provides instruction and practice in solving the entire range of algebra problems of the types found on the SAT: linear and literal equations, systems of linear equations, quadratic and radical equation, and reducing algebraic fractions. For other areas in the Mathematical section of the SAT, Geometry and Quantitative Comparisons and Word Problems, review material is available as two separate modules in the Hayden System. :RA MENUS The MAIN MENU lets you move easily from one section of the program to another. Simply press the key corresponding to the letter next to the section you wish to see. :RA Selecting "B. Algebra" from the Main Menu displays a DETAIL MENU which offers you the following options: A. Definitions, Analysis and Strategies B. Examples With Tutormode C. Examples Without Tutormode :RA DEFINITIONS, ANALYSIS AND STRATEGIES should be reviewed before going on to the examples. It provides useful strategies for tackling the kinds of questions the subject covers. First, background information on each question type is presented, then methods for answering these questions, including valuable tricks and shortcuts, are demonstrated. :RA EXAMPLES WITH TUTORMODE is the core of the Hayden System. This option gives you a detailed, step-by-step explanation of how to arrive at the correct answer. By reviewing and practicing, you develop more efficient problem-solving techniques. :RA EXAMPLES WITHOUT TUTORMODE provides quick drill and practice in areas where you are already strong so that you can improve speed and accuracy. If you answer incorrectly, you are shown the correct answer, but no detailed explanation is provided. At the end of the section, the computer tallies the number of questions answered correctly and incorrectly, providing an indication of how well you have mastered the material. :RA FUNCTION KEYS A function key is a key which has a specific effect on the program's operation each time it is pressed. Whenever a menu is on your screen the following function keys are operational: M (Main Menu) Q (Quit) Pressing "M" always brings you back to the MAIN MENU. Pressing "Q" causes the computer to ask if you really want to quit. If you answer "Y", you end the program. If you answer "N", you continue where you left off. :RA While text is on the screen pressing "R" restarts the section (erasing any previous answers that you may have entered), pressing "M" takes you to the last menu displayed and pressing "Q" enables you to quit. :RA The left-arrow key lets you page backwards through the text one screen at a time until the first screen of the section is reached. When a question appears on the screen, your previous answer, if any, is shown. You can replace that answer by entering another one, or you can leave your answer undisturbed by pressing the left-arrow again. :RA Pressing the letter "O" leaves the current question temporarily unanswered and displays the next question. At the end of the section you have a chance to review all the unanswered questions. :ET :ET