Thank you for your interest in my Chinese Checkers program.
I'm going to give a quick overview of the program here.
How to play
The game is quite simple, and similar to the game of checkers. You play around a 6 edge star, and each player has ten marbles, that are placed in the 10 spots in the player's home base. The object of the game is to be the first to get all ten marbles in the opposing edge of the star. In order to do this, a player can move it's marbles, either by moving to an adjacent spot (6 directions) if it's empty, or, by a number of successive jumps. A jump is permitted if the adjacent square is occupied, and the adjacent square (in the same direction) to that one is free. Once a jump is executed, the player can keep on jumping as long as he wants. Jumps have to be followed by jumps, i.e. a player cannot jump, then make a simple move, and a jump cannot follow a simple move. To make a move, each player must drag the marble it want's to move to the next spot, release the left mouse button, and repeat, if a multiple move is performed. Once the move is completed, the player, must press on the Right mouse button, to finish the move.
Starting the game
When you start a new game, you can select to play from 1 to 6 players, this is the number of players playing at you computer. If you wish to play over a network, then you must select the number of players that will play on that machine. If you wish to play alone, then select 1 player, the computer will automatically be the second player. Enter the name of each player in the appropriate box.
Network Play
To play over a network, one computer must be chosen as a server, the only thing the server does, is to keep track of players and moves. Note: The server must press OK, before the other players try to connect. The players that want to connect to the server must fill-in the server name. Once the server has received all the connections, the person at the station, will start the game. Each player will play in turn, as they would on a single machine.
Please send feedback to me ( or, for any improvements you might like to see, any bugs or problems you encounter. This way I can keep on
improving the game, and make it more enjoyable for you.