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RenderWare(TM) v1.4 d Release Notes
February 1995
This software is copyright Criterion Software Limited 1995. All Rights
This software is furnished under a license agreement or a
non-disclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied only in
accordance with the terms of the agreement. It is against the law to
copy the software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the
license or non-disclosure agreement.
RenderWare is a registered trademark of Canon Inc.
Welcome to RenderWare v1.4!
These release note describe various aspects of Version 1.4 of
RenderWare for MS Dos. Information on the new features that have
been added for V1.4 and the features that have changed, can be
found in the printed documentation supplied with the SDK
To install RenderWare 1.4 for DOS you should use the supplied installation
program. To initiate an installation make the current working directory the
directory that you are installing from. So if your CD drive is drive E type
change to the RenderWare Dos installation directory \rwdos
To start the installation type
The installation program will give you options on what you wish to install.
Environment Variables
The environment variable RWSHAPEPATH must be set to a directory path
comprising all directories that contain RenderWare script and
texture files. The installation program will take care of this for you
but if you subsequently move the RenderWare installatio then you will
need to modify these values.
For this distribution RWSHAPEPATH should be set to:
set RWSHAPEPATH=c:\rwdos\scripts;c:\rwdos\textures;
If RenderWare is not installed in "c:\rwdos\" please substitute the
actual location in the above command.
Also of importance is the environment variable RWHOME. This defines the
directory where RenderWare looks for the dosrw.ini file which defines
characteristics such as screen resolution. To use the default dosrw.ini file
which is located in the root directory of the distribution RWHOME should
be set to:
set RWHOME=c:\rwdos
Note that if you wish to try a different resolution on a demonstration program
just edit the rwdos.ini file to obtain the mode you require. Check that your
machine has a VESA BIOS and is capable to achieving the resolution (use
VESAMODE to check and UNIVBE for a VESA BIOS TSR).
It is strongly recommended that the above lines are added to the AUTOEXEC.BAT
of any machine on which RenderWare is to run. This will ensure that the shape
path is set whenever the machine starts, and the same screen configuration
is picked up.
RenderWare v1.4 applications running under MS DOS do not
require a configuration file. However, RenderWare applications should
be run under MS DOS with the environment variable RWSHAPEPATH
appropriately set - see "Environment Variables" above.
Release Content
Once you have installed the RenderWare V1.4 DOS SDK, the following
top level directories will be present. Each directory in the release
contains a readme file that describes the content of the directory.
This directory is split into 2 subdirectories, RWGIFTS and SAMPLE.
Both of these subdirectories contain RenderWare demonstration programs
together with source code. The difference between the 2 is that the
SAMPLE directory contains programs that have been written for the
RenderWare V1.4 API, whereas the RWGIFTS directory contains demo source
that was written for a previous release of RenderWare and has simply
been ported to V1.4 without taking advantage of any of the new features.
the SAMPLE sources are as follows
DOSCYBER - Cyberstreet
DOSROLLE - Rollercoaster
DOSVIEW - A simple viewer
the RWGIFTS sources are as follows
DOSEXP - Duck Shoot
DOSKNIGH - Animated Knights
DOSMAZE - Maze walkthrough
DOSROBOT - Robbie the Robot
DOSSIM - N Body Simulation
DOSTANK - Tank simualation
Each of these programs has a SRC, a SCRIPTS and a TEXTURES directory.
Note: The executable for each of these demos requires that the scripts
and textures are either in the same directory as the executable or are
contained in subdirectories called SCRIPTS and TEXTURES respectively.
If any of the demo sources are built in place, then the executable will
need to be moved into the parent directory in order for the program to
run. Alternatively you can copy the SCRIPTS and TEXTURES directory into
the SRC directory.
This directory contains the main RenderWare header files. This
directory should be on the include path for all applications that use
This directory contains the RenderWare library files. This directory
should be on the link path for all applications that use RenderWare.
This directory contains sample RenderWare scripts. There are 3
subdirectories that contain additional scripts.
EXTRA - Public domain 3D models that have been converted into the
RenderWare format.
TEXT - Simple polygonal font scripts
EXTTEXT - Extruded versions of the TEXT directory
This directory contains sample RenderWare textures. There is an
single subdirectories that contains additional scripts.
EXTRA - Public domain 3D textures that have been converted into a
format readable by RenderWare.
The following 2 tools are provided for use with RenderWare for DOS.
UNIVBE - So that many different video cards can be used with
RenderWare, for resolutions higher than 320x200, RenderWare
conforms to the VESA standard. If your card has a VESA bios
then RenderWare will function at other resolutions. If you
have an older card then you will need to install a VESA
bios TSR (terminate and stay resident) program. UNIVBE is a
VESA TSR and works with most SuperVGA cards. Read the
UNIVBE documentation to check if UNIVBE is compatible with
your card.
The file "vesatest.txt" gives details of cards that
RenderWare for DOS has been tested on. It also shows if a
tested card works with UNIVBE correctly when using
RenderWare for DOS.
VESAMODE - This is a simple program, which first checks if you have
a VESA bios available. If so it will list all of the modes
that are available for access. Only standard VESA modes may
be accessed by RenderWare. Read the documentation in the
"tools\vesamode" directory for more details.
Known Problems
We are aware of a very small number of minor problems with this
release of RenderWare. These problems will be corrected in the next
RenderWare v1.x maintenance release.
RenderWare V1.4 Defect List
d-107 Polygons which have a masked texture applied to them are still
picked, even if the the pick position is over a masked
(fully transparent) pixel. (Severity 3: non-fatal).
d-123 The documentation of RwSplineTransforms() suggests that,
by specifying an "UP" vector, banking will be suppressed. This
is not the case. Specifying an "UP" vector will prevent the
generation of matrices which "flip" vertical orientation but
will not lock the the "UP" vector of the matrix. (Severity 4:
d-135 "2d" container clumps in scenes can lead to incorrect rendering.
If an object is "2D", for example, a flat plane, and is marked
with the clump hint "rwCONTAINER", then incorrect object ordering
can result. To correct the problem add "phantom" vertices to the
clump to extend it into the third dimension. (Severity 3:
d-172 If RwRenderClump() is passed a clump which is part of a
hierarchy (i.e., a clump which has a parent and/or children) the
library will crash. Passing individual clumps to RwRenderClump()
avoids this problem. (Severity 2: fatal).
d-249 If during an API level RwModelBegin() and RwModelEnd() context
in which prototypes have been defined RwForAllClumpsInScene()
(or one of its variants) is called with the default scene the
clumps forming the prototype clumps defined in that modelling
context will be passed to the callback function. To avoid this
problem use a scene created with RwCreateScene() to hold the
clumps of interest. (Severity 3: non-fatal).
d-260 RwSetCameraBackColor() and RwSetCameraBackColorStruct() do not
check the range of the color component values they are passed.
If out of range values (less than CREAL(0.0) or greater than
CREAL(1.0)) then the resulting colors are undefined. Ensure
only color components in the range CREAL(0.0) and CREAL(1.0)
are passed. (Severity 3: non-fatal).
d-264 RwSetPaletteEntries() does not report an error if a NULL pointer
is passed in the place of the RwPaletteEntry array. The
function will simply take no action. (Severity 3: non-fatal).
RenderWare is a registered trademark of Canon Inc.
Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.
Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.