Labels:text | font | poster | graphic design | graphics | menu | printing OCR: 1996 Action Wake All rights reserved Jake All trademarks acknowledged Made in Holland TM what's on this cd rom. cheats - Editors - Pictures (viewers included) More than 1600 extra levels (WAD files) -Sounds, turn your Doom II game into a real nightmare - Text about everything you want to know about DOOM II. - Patches for upgrading your Doom II version, note: you must upgrade from Doom Il version 1.2. -Programs for use with Doom II (utilities etc.) You must have the original Doom II game if you want to make use of the extra levels. 8 713399 003034 Doom 11 is a trademark of ID Software Action Ware 4 levels for Doom II Action Ware 4 levels for Doom II