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Text File | 1996-01-30 | 442.7 KB | 11,227 lines |
- --::::::::::
- --types.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- ***************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * CS_Parts_Types * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- ***************************************************
- package CS_Parts_Types is
- --| Purpose
- --| Provide common type definitions for items in CS_Parts
- --| and useful conversion utilities.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes
- --| Not all MIL-HDBK-1804 PDL annotations are
- --| used in this package due to its simplicity.
- --| No exceptions are raised in this package.
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| 07/15/90 Rick Conn Initial Design and Code
- type BYTE is range 16#0# .. 16#FF#;
- for BYTE'SIZE use 8;
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CS_Parts_Types.Convert . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Convert (Item : in CHARACTER) return BYTE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Convert a CHARACTER into a BYTE.
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CS_Parts_Types.Convert . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Convert (Item : in INTEGER) return BYTE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Convert an INTEGER into a BYTE. If the
- --| INTEGER is greater than 255, only the low-order
- --| BYTE is converted.
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CS_Parts_Types.Convert . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Convert (Item : in BYTE) return CHARACTER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Convert a BYTE into a CHARACTER. If the most
- --| significant bit of the BYTE is set, it is cleared
- --| as the CHARACTER.
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CS_Parts_Types.Convert . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Convert (Item : in BYTE) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Convert a BYTE into a INTEGER.
- end CS_Parts_Types;
- --::::::::::
- --console.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- *********************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * Console * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- *********************************************************
- package Console is
- --| Purpose
- --| Console provides a set of I/O and screen control commands
- --| for either IBM PC computers employing the ANSI.SYS device
- --| driver or the VT100-compatible family of terminals. By using
- --| this package, a programmer may manipulate the terminal screen
- --| regardless if it is an IBM PC with ANSI.SYS or a VT100 terminal.
- --|
- --| The console object runs in one of three modes:
- --| TTY All screen-oriented commands are disabled
- --| VT100 All screen-oriented commands except display
- --| color control (foreground and background)
- --| are enabled
- --| ANSI All screen-oriented commands are enabled
- --| The default mode is TTY, and the mode of the console object
- --| can be changed at any time by calling the Set_Terminal
- --| routine.
- --|
- --| The output to the console object can be enabled or disabled
- --| by using the Enable_Output and Disable_Output routines.
- --| The Push and Pop routines can be used to preserve the current
- --| state of the console and restore the console to the previous
- --| state.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| 3/8/91 Richard Conn Initial Release
- Max_Number_of_States : constant NATURAL := 10;
- -- number of enable/disable states to the console; also,
- -- number of Push calls before a State_Overflow exception
- type TERMINAL_KIND is (TTY, -- no screen-oriented commands
- ANSI, -- colors supported
- VT100 -- no colors
- );
- type ROW_NUMBER is new INTEGER range 1..24;
- type COLUMN_NUMBER is new INTEGER range 1..80;
- type RENDITION is
- for RENDITION'Size use INTEGER'Size;
- for RENDITION use
- BLINKING => 5,
- type OVERFLOW_ACTION is -- used for a Put(STRING)
- (TRUNCATE_HEAD, -- ABC becomes "BC"
- TRUNCATE_TAIL, -- ABC becomes "AB"
- );
- type NUMERIC_OVERFLOW_ACTION is -- used for a Put(INTEGER)
- (FILL_WITH_OVERFLOW_CHAR, -- 123 becomes "**"
- OUTPUT_FULL_NUMBER -- 123 becomes "123"
- );
- type JUSTIFICATION is -- used for a Put(STRING)
- (LEFT_JUSTIFIED, -- ABC becomes "ABC "
- );
- INPUT_ERROR : exception; -- raised on invalid input
- STATE_OVERFLOW : exception;
- -- raised if the Max_Number_of_States is exceeded
- STATE_UNDERFLOW : exception;
- -- raised if too many Pop routine calls are made
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.Set_Terminal . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure Set_Terminal (New_Setting : in TERMINAL_KIND := TTY);
- --| Purpose
- --| Define the kind of user's terminal. If this routine is not
- --| called, TTY is assumed.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.Enable_Output . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure Enable_Output;
- --| Purpose
- --| Enable the output routines of the console object (affects current
- --| state only). These routines include Position_Cursor, Erase_Display,
- --| Erase_Line, Set_Rendition, all the Put and Put_Line routines, and
- --| New_Line.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.Disable_Output . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure Disable_Output;
- --| Purpose
- --| Disable the output routines of the console object (affects current
- --| state only). These routines include Position_Cursor, Erase_Display,
- --| Erase_Line, Set_Rendition, all the Put and Put_Line routines, and
- --| New_Line.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.Push . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure Push;
- --| Purpose
- --| Increment to the next state (environment) of the console object.
- --| All states are initialized to be enabled. This routine permits,
- --| for example, a console to be turned off for silent running and
- --| then temporarily turned on for an error message display. The
- --| console object stays in this new state, which may be altered by
- --| the Enable_Output and Disable_Output routines, until a Pop is
- --| executed.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| STATE_OVERFLOW -- raised if Max_Number_of_States is exceeded
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.Pop . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure Pop;
- --| Purpose
- --| Decrement to the previous state (environment) of the console object.
- --| All states are initialized to be enabled. See the Push routine
- --| for more details.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| STATE_UNDERFLOW -- raised if current state tries to drop below 0
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.Position_Cursor . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure Position_Cursor (Row : in ROW_NUMBER;
- Column : in COLUMN_NUMBER);
- --| Purpose
- --| Position the cursor to the indicated Row and Column. Row 1,
- --| Column 1 is the upper left corner of the screen.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.Erase_Display . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure Erase_Display;
- --| Purpose
- --| Erase the entire display and place the cursor at the home position.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.Erase_Line . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure Erase_Line;
- --| Purpose
- --| Erase from the cursor to the end of the line.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.Set_Rendition . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure Set_Rendition (New_Setting : in RENDITION);
- --| Purpose
- --| Add the indicated New_Setting to the current graphics display
- --| rendition (default is ALL_ATTRIBUTES_OFF). Calls to this procedure
- --| are cumulative until all attributes are turned off.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Color selections are ignored on a VT100 compatible terminal.
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.Put . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure Put (Item : in CHARACTER);
- procedure Put (Item : in STRING);
- --| Purpose
- --| Output a character or a string to the console.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.Put . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure Put
- ( Item : in STRING;
- Field_Width : in NATURAL;
- Fill_Char : in CHARACTER := ' ';
- Overflow_Char : in CHARACTER := '*' );
- --| Purpose
- --| Output a string to the console in a field of a given
- --| Field_Width.
- --| If Item is shorter than Field_Width,
- --| the On_Underflow flag takes effect, justifying Item
- --| in the field as indicated using the Fill_Char.
- --| If Item is longer than Field_Width, the On_Overflow
- --| flag takes effect, either truncating Item on the left or
- --| right or filling the field with the Overflow_Char.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.Put . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure Put (Item : in INTEGER;
- Width : in NATURAL;
- Overflow_Char : in CHARACTER := '*');
- --| Purpose
- --| Output an integer to the console. It will be placed in a
- --| field that is Width characters long. Width of 0 fits the
- --| INTEGER exactly. If the resulting sequence of characters
- --| has fewer than Width characters, then leading spaces are
- --| first output to make up the difference. If the resulting
- --| sequence of characters has more than Width characters,
- --| then the On_Overflow flag takes effect.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.Put . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure Put (Item : in FLOAT;
- Fore : in NATURAL;
- Aft : in NATURAL;
- Overflow_Char : in CHARACTER := '*');
- --| Purpose
- --| Output a floating point number to the console. Fore is the
- --| number of characters to be displayed before the decimal point,
- --| and Aft is the number of characters to be displayed after the
- --| decimal point. Item's value appears as follows:
- --|
- --| Fore Aft fields
- --| ---- --- (Fore=4, Aft=3)
- --| nnnn.nnn if Item is positive
- --| -nnn.nnn if Item is negative
- --| ******** if overflow with defaults
- --|
- --| If Item is negative, a leading minus sign, which counts as
- --| one of the characters in the Fore field, is output.
- --| If -1.0 < Item < 1.0, then -0 or 0 is output in the Fore
- --| field.
- --| If the number of digits required to display Item in the Fore
- --| field exceeds the value of Fore (i.e., is too big), the
- --| On_Overflow flag takes effect, either overriding Fore or filling
- --| the field with the Overflow_Char.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.Put . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure Put (Item : in FLOAT;
- Fore : in NATURAL := 2;
- Aft : in NATURAL := 2;
- Exp : in NATURAL := 3);
- --| Purpose
- --| Output a floating point number in scientific notation
- --| to the console. Fore is the number of characters to be
- --| displayed before the decimal point (only one digit and
- --| a sign are displayed, so rest of Fore characters are
- --| leading spaces), Aft is the number of characters to be
- --| displayed after the decimal point, and Exp is the number
- --| of characters in the exponent. Item's value appears as:
- --|
- --| -- ---- --- (Fore=2, Aft=4, Exp=3)
- --| n.nnnnE+nn if Item is positive
- --| -n.nnnnE+nn if Item is negative
- --|
- --| The Fore field will always contain a single digit with
- --| an optional minus sign. If Fore > 2, leading spaces are
- --| prefixed to the output. Hence, Put(-123.0, 4, 2, 3) outputs
- --| " -1.23E+02".
- --| Exp is the size of the field for the number after the "E".
- --| This field always includes a leading sign (see -123.0 example
- --| above).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.Put_Line . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure Put_Line (Item : in STRING);
- --| Purpose
- --| Output a string followed by a new line to the console.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.New_Line . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure New_Line;
- --| Purpose
- --| Output a new line to the console.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.Get . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure Get
- ( Item : out CHARACTER);
- procedure Get
- ( Item : out INTEGER);
- procedure Get
- ( Item : out FLOAT);
- --| Purpose
- --| Get views the Console input as a stream and
- --| returns the next Item of the appropriate type
- --| from it.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Input_Error raised if the next item
- --| in the stream is not of the
- --| correct type when translated
- --| from the characters or if the
- --| translation process encounters
- --| an error condition
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| If the Item is of type INTEGER or FLOAT, Get
- --| skips over whitespace characters (blank, tab, new
- --| line) first and then starts translating at the
- --| first non-white character encountered.
- --| If the Item is of type CHARACTER, Get returns
- --| the next character, whitespace or not.
- -- .................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Console.Get_Line . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .................................................................
- procedure Get_Line
- ( Item : out STRING;
- Last : out NATURAL );
- --| Purpose
- --| Get_Line reads a line from the console.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- end Console;
- --::::::::::
- --bintree.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- ********************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- ********************************************************
- generic
- type VALUE_TYPE is private;
- with function Difference(P, Q: VALUE_TYPE) return integer is <>;
- -- Must return a value > 0 if P > Q, 0 if P = Q, and less than
- -- zero otherwise.
- package Binary_Trees_Pkg is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package is an efficient implementation of unbalanced binary trees.
- --| These trees have the following properties:
- --|
- --| 1. Inserting a value is cheap (log n Differences per insertion).
- --| 2. Finding a value is cheap (log n Differences per querey).
- --| 3. Can iterate over the values in sorted order in linear time.
- --| 4. Space overhead is moderate (2 "pointers" per value stored).
- --|
- --| They are thus useful both for sorting sequences of indeterminate size
- --| and for lookup tables.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes
- --| The following example shows how to use this package where nodes in
- --| the tree are labeled with a String_Type value (for which a natural
- --| Difference function is not available).
- --|-
- --| package SP renames String_Pkg;
- --|
- --| type my_Value is record
- --| label: SP.string_type;
- --| value: integer;
- --| end record;
- --|
- --| function differ_label(P, Q: SP.string_type) return integer is
- --| begin
- --| if SP."<"(P, Q) then return -1;
- --| elsif SP."<"(Q, P) then return 1;
- --| else return 0;
- --| end if;
- --| end differ_label;
- --|
- --| package my_Tree is new Binary_Trees_pkg(my_Value, differ_Label);
- --|
- --| Note that the required Difference function may be easily written in terms
- --| of "<" if that is available, but that frequently two comparisons must
- --| be done for each Difference. However, both comparisons would have
- --| to be done internally by this package for every instantiation if the
- --| generic parameter were "<" instead of Difference.
- --|
- --|
- --| Every node can be visited in the tree in linear time. The cost
- --| of creating an iterator is small and independent of the size
- --| of the tree.
- --|
- --| Recognizing that comparing values can be expensive, this package
- --| takes a Difference function as a generic parameter. If it took
- --| a comparison function such as "<", then two comparisons would be
- --| made per node visited during a search of the tree. Of course this
- --| is more costly when "<" is a trivial operation, but in those cases,
- --| Difference can be bound to "-" and the overhead in negligable.
- --|
- --| Two different kinds of iterators are provided. The first is the
- --| commonly used set of functions Make_Iter, More, and Next. The second
- --| is a generic procedure called Visit. The generic parameter to Visit is
- --| a procedure which is called once for each value in the tree. Visit
- --| is more difficult to use and results in code that is not quite as clear,
- --| but its overhead is about 20% of the More/Next style iterator. It
- --| is therefore recommended for use only in time critical inner loops.
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Bill Toscano and Michael Gordon, Intermetrics, Inc.
- -- Exceptions --
- Duplicate_Value: exception;
- -- Raised on attempt to insert a duplicate node into a tree.
- Not_Found: exception;
- -- Raised on attempt to find a node that is not in a tree.
- No_More: exception;
- -- Raised on attempt to bump an iterator that has already scanned the
- -- entire tree.
- Out_Of_Order: exception;
- -- Raised if a problem in the ordering of a tree is detected.
- Invalid_Tree: exception;
- -- Value is not a tree or was not properly initialized.
- -- Types --
- -- Used to specify the order in which values should be scanned from a tree:
- --
- -- inorder: Left, Node, Right (nodes visited in increasing order)
- -- preorder: Node, Left, Right (top down)
- -- postorder: Left, Right, Node (bottom up)
- type TREE is private;
- type ITERATOR is private;
- -- Operations --
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- Function Create return TREE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Create and return an empty tree. Note that this allocates
- --| a small amount of storage which can only be reclaimed through
- --| a call to Destroy.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- Procedure Insert (V: VALUE_TYPE;
- T: TREE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Insert V into T in the proper place. If a value equal
- --| to V (according to the Difference function) is already contained
- --| in the tree, the exception Duplicate_Value is raised.
- --| Caution: Since this package does not attempt to balance trees as
- --| values are inserted, it is important to remember that inserting
- --| values in sorted order will create a degenerate tree, where search
- --| and insertion is proportional to the N instead of to Log N. If
- --| this pattern is common, use the Balanced_Tree function below.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Duplicate_Value
- --| Invalid_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- procedure Insert_if_not_Found (V : VALUE_TYPE;
- T : TREE;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Duplicate : out VALUE_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Insert V into T in the proper place. If a value equal
- --| to V (according to the Difference function) is already contained
- --| in the tree, Found will be True and Duplicate will be the duplicate
- --| value. This might be a sequence of values with the same key, and
- --| V can then be added to the sequence.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Invalid_Tree.
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- procedure Replace_if_Found (V : VALUE_TYPE;
- T : TREE;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Old_Value : out VALUE_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Search for V in T. If found, replace the old value with V,
- --| and return Found => True, Old_Value => the old value. Otherwise,
- --| simply insert V into T and return Found => False.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Invalid_Tree.
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- procedure Destroy (T: in out TREE);
- --| Purpose
- --| The space allocated to T is reclaimed. The space occupied by
- --| the values stored in T is not however, recovered.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- generic
- with procedure Free_Value(V: in out VALUE_TYPE) is <>;
- procedure Destroy_Deep (T: in out TREE);
- --| Purpose
- --| The space allocated to T is reclaimed. The values stored
- --| in T are reclaimed using Free_Value, and the tree nodes themselves
- --| are then reclaimed (in a single walk of the tree).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- generic
- with function Next_Value return VALUE_TYPE is <>;
- -- Each call to this procedure should return the next value to be
- -- inserted into the balanced tree being created. If necessary,
- -- this function should check that each value is greater than the
- -- previous one, and raise Out_of_Order if necessary. If values
- -- are not returned in strictly increasing order, the results are
- -- unpredictable.
- Function Balanced_Tree (Count: NATURAL) return TREE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Create a balanced tree by calling next_Value Count times.
- --| Each time Next_Value is called, it must return a value that compares
- --| greater than the preceeding value. This function is useful for balancing
- --| an existing tree (next_Value iterates over the unbalanced tree) or
- --| for creating a balanced tree when reading data from a file which is
- --| already sorted.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- generic
- with function Copy_Value(V: VALUE_TYPE) return VALUE_TYPE is <>;
- -- This function is called to copy a value from the old tree to the
- -- new tree.
- Function Copy_Tree (T: TREE) return TREE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Create a balanced tree that is a copy of the tree T.
- --| The exception Invalid_Tree is raised if T is not a valid tree.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Invalid_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- Function Is_Empty (T: TREE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff T is an empty tree or if T was not initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- Function Find (V: VALUE_TYPE;
- T: TREE) return VALUE_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Search T for a value that matches V. The matching value is
- --| returned. If no matching value is found, the exception Not_Found
- --| is raised.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Not_Found
- --| Invalid_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- Procedure Find (V : VALUE_TYPE;
- T : TREE;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Match : out VALUE_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Search T for a value that matches V. On return, if Found is
- --| TRUE then the matching value is returned in Match. Otherwise, Found
- --| is FALSE and Match is undefined.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Invalid_Tree;
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- function Is_Found (V: VALUE_TYPE;
- T: TREE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff V is found in T.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Invalid_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- function Size (T: TREE) return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the number of values stored in T.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- generic
- with procedure Process(V: VALUE_TYPE) is <>;
- procedure Visit (T : TREE;
- Order : SCAN_KIND);
- --| Purpose
- --| Invoke Process(V) for each value V in T. The nodes are visited
- --| in the order specified by Order. Although more limited than using
- --| an iterator, this function is also much faster.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Invalid_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- function Make_Iter (T: TREE) return ITERATOR;
- --| Purpose
- --| Create an iterator over a tree.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Invalid_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- function More (I: ITERATOR) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff unscanned nodes remain in the tree being
- --| scanned by I.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- procedure Next (I: in out ITERATOR;
- V: out VALUE_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the next value in the tree being scanned by I.
- --| The exception No_More is raised if there are no more values to scan.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| No_More
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- private
- type NODE;
- type NODE_PTR is access NODE;
- type NODE is
- record
- Value : VALUE_TYPE;
- Less : NODE_PTR;
- More : NODE_PTR;
- end record;
- type TREE_HEADER is
- record
- Count : NATURAL := 0;
- Root : NODE_PTR := Null;
- end record;
- type TREE is access TREE_HEADER;
- record
- State : ITER_STATE;
- Parent : ITERATOR;
- Subtree : NODE_PTR;
- end record;
- end Binary_Trees_Pkg;
- --::::::::::
- --bit.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- ***************************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- ***************************************************************
- package Bit_Functions is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package allows the Ada programmer to manipulate the bits
- --| within an object of type INTEGER. The bits are numbers from
- --| the right to the left, starting with number zero.
- --|
- --| +------------------------+
- --| + 15 14 13 ... 3 2 1 0 !
- --| +------------------------+
- --|
- --| In each routine, the number of bits being manipulated
- --| is NBITS. START_AT identifies the right most bit of NBITS field.
- --|
- --| e.g.
- --| ... 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- --| X X X nbits = 3
- --| start_at = 2
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes
- --| Not all MIL-HDBK-1804 PDL annotations are
- --| used in this package due to its simplicity.
- --| No exceptions are raised by this package.
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Freeman Moore, TI
- -- ..................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................................
- function Bit_Extract (Item, Start_At, Nbits : INTEGER) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the bit field extracted from ITEM, as a signed integer.
- -- ..................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................................
- function Ubit_Extract (Item, Start_At, Nbits : INTEGER) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the bit field extracted from ITEM, unsigned integer.
- -- ..................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................................
- function Bit_Insert (This_Item, Nbits, Into_Item, Start_At : INTEGER)
- return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Insert NBITS from THIS_ITEM into the object INTO_ITEM,
- --| with the rightmost bit identified by START_AT.
- -- ..................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................................
- function Bit_Remove (Item, Start_At, Nbits : INTEGER) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| BIT_REMOVE will zero out NBITS of ITEM at position START_AT.
- -- ..................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................................
- function Shift_Left (Item, Nbits : INTEGER) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return ITEM shifted left by NBITS.
- -- ..................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................................
- function Shift_Right (Item, Nbits : INTEGER) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return ITEM shifted right by NBITS.
- -- ..................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................................
- function Bit_AND (Word1, Word2 : INTEGER) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the AND of the two objects.
- -- ..................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................................
- function Bit_OR (Word1, Word2 : INTEGER) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the OR of the two objects.
- -- ..................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................................
- function Bit_Mask (Nbits : INTEGER) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return an object with NBITS of one bits, right justified.
- end Bit_Functions;
- --::::::::::
- --bplustre.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- **********************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * BP_Tree * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- **********************************************************
- generic
- type KEY_TYPE is limited private;
- type NON_KEY_ITEM_TYPE is limited private;
- type NON_KEY_ITEM_CONTAINER is limited private;
- with function Empty
- (This_Non_Key_Item_Container : in NON_KEY_ITEM_CONTAINER)
- return Boolean is <>;
- with procedure Assign
- (To_Non_Key_Item_Container : in out NON_KEY_ITEM_CONTAINER;
- From_Non_Key_Item_Container : in NON_KEY_ITEM_CONTAINER)
- is <>;
- with procedure Insert
- (Container : in out NON_KEY_ITEM_CONTAINER;
- Non_Key_Item : in NON_KEY_ITEM_TYPE ) is <>;
- with procedure Delete
- (Container : in out NON_KEY_ITEM_CONTAINER;
- Non_Key_Item : in NON_KEY_ITEM_TYPE ) is <>;
- with procedure Destroy_Contents
- (This_Non_Key_Item_Container : in out NON_KEY_ITEM_CONTAINER)
- is <>;
- -- This procedure must destroy everything in the container
- -- in preparation for the destruction of the container itself.
- with procedure Assign (Target_Key : in out KEY_TYPE;
- Source_Key : in KEY_TYPE) is <>;
- with function Less_Than (First_Key : in KEY_TYPE;
- Second_Key : in KEY_TYPE)
- return Boolean is <>;
- with function Equal (First_Key : in KEY_TYPE;
- Second_Key : in KEY_TYPE)
- return Boolean is <>;
- package BP_Tree is
- --| Purpose
- --| Implement a B+ Tree class of objects.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: William Thomas Wolfe, Clemson University
- -- *******************************************************
- -- This software is part of the Clemson University
- -- Computer Science Department's Ada Software
- -- Repository, and is copyrighted (C) 1989 by
- -- Clemson University. Permission to copy without
- -- fee all or part of this software is granted,
- -- provided that the copies are not made or
- -- distributed for direct commercial advantage, and
- -- that this copyright notice is not deleted or
- -- modified. To copy otherwise, or to republish,
- -- requires a fee and/or specific permission.
- -- *******************************************************
- type B_PLUS_TREE is limited private;
- Key_Does_Not_Exist_In_This_B_Plus_Tree : EXCEPTION;
- No_Preceding_Key_Exists_In_This_B_Plus_Tree : EXCEPTION;
- No_Following_Key_Exists_In_This_B_Plus_Tree : EXCEPTION;
- No_Keys_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_B_Plus_Tree : EXCEPTION;
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . BP_Tree.Destroy . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- procedure Destroy
- (Targeted_Object : in out POINTER_TO_B_PLUS_TREE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Unlike Unchecked_Deallocation, this procedure will properly
- --| destroy the B_Plus_Tree pointed to.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . BP_Tree.Insert_Item . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- procedure Insert_Item
- (Targeted_B_Plus_Tree : in out B_PLUS_TREE;
- Key_Value : in KEY_TYPE;
- Non_Key_Information : in NON_KEY_ITEM_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Insert an element into the Targeted_B_Plus_Tree.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . BP_Tree.Delete_Item . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- procedure Delete_Item
- (Targeted_B_Plus_Tree : in out B_PLUS_TREE;
- Key_Value : in KEY_TYPE;
- Non_Key_Information : in NON_KEY_ITEM_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Remove an element from the Targeted_B_Plus_Tree.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Key_Does_Not_Exist_In_This_B_Plus_Tree
- --| No_Keys_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_B_Plus_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . BP_Tree.Key_Exists . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Key_Exists (Targeted_B_Plus_Tree : in B_PLUS_TREE;
- Search_Key : in KEY_TYPE)
- return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff Search_Key is found in Targeted_B_Plus_Tree.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . BP_Tree.Number_Of_Keys_Stored . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Number_Of_Keys_Stored
- (Targeted_B_Plus_Tree : in B_PLUS_TREE)
- return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the Number_of_Keys_Stored in Targeted_B_Plus_Tree.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . BP_Tree.Get_Item_Container . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Get_Item_Container
- (Targeted_B_Plus_Tree : in B_PLUS_TREE;
- Search_Key : in KEY_TYPE )
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the NON_KEY_ITEM_CONTAINER associated with the
- --| Search_Key in Targeted_B_Plus_Tree.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Key_Does_Not_Exist_In_This_B_Plus_Tree
- --| No_Keys_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_B_Plus_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| This procedure involves copying the entire container. If
- --| your NON_KEY_ITEM_TYPE is quite large, it may be advisable
- --| to implement it as a pointer to the "real" structures,
- --| thus reducing the copying burden per instance of the
- --| NON_KEY_ITEM_TYPE to that of a single pointer.
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . BP_Tree.Get_First_Key . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Get_First_Key (Targeted_B_Plus_Tree : in B_PLUS_TREE)
- return KEY_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the first KEY_TYPE in Targeted_B_Plus_Tree.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| No_Keys_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_B_Plus_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . BP_Tree.Get_Last_Key . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Get_Last_Key (Targeted_B_Plus_Tree : in B_PLUS_TREE)
- return KEY_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the last KEY_TYPE in Targeted_B_Plus_Tree.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| No_Keys_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_B_Plus_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . BP_Tree.A_Preceding_Key_Exists . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function A_Preceding_Key_Exists
- (Targeted_B_Plus_Tree : in B_PLUS_TREE;
- Search_Key : in KEY_TYPE)
- return Boolean;
- --| Purpose
- --| Determine if a key exists in the Targeted_B_Plus_Tree
- --| before the Search_Key.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Key_Does_Not_Exist_In_This_B_Plus_Tree
- --| No_Keys_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_B_Plus_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . BP_Tree.Get_Preceding_Key . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Get_Preceding_Key
- (Targeted_B_Plus_Tree : in B_PLUS_TREE;
- Search_Key : in KEY_TYPE)
- return KEY_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Obtain the preceding key in the Targeted_B_Plus_Tree
- --| before the Search_Key.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Key_Does_Not_Exist_In_This_B_Plus_Tree
- --| No_Preceding_Key_Exists_In_This_B_Plus_Tree
- --| No_Keys_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_B_Plus_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . BP_Tree.A_Following_Key_Exists . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function A_Following_Key_Exists
- (Targeted_B_Plus_Tree : in B_PLUS_TREE;
- Search_Key : in KEY_TYPE)
- return Boolean;
- --| Purpose
- --| Determine if a key exists in the Targeted_B_Plus_Tree after
- --| the Search_Key.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Key_Does_Not_Exist_In_This_B_Plus_Tree
- --| No_Keys_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_B_Plus_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . BP_Tree.Get_Following_Key . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Get_Following_Key
- (Targeted_B_Plus_Tree : in B_PLUS_TREE;
- Search_Key : in KEY_TYPE)
- return KEY_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Obtain the following key in the Targeted_B_Plus_Tree
- --| before the Search_Key.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Key_Does_Not_Exist_In_This_B_Plus_Tree
- --| No_Following_Key_Exists_In_This_B_Plus_Tree
- --| No_Keys_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_B_Plus_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . BP_Tree.Delete_Key . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- procedure Delete_Key
- (Targeted_B_Plus_Tree : in out B_PLUS_TREE;
- Search_Key : in KEY_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Remove a Search_Key from the Targeted_B_Plus_Tree.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Key_Does_Not_Exist_In_This_B_Plus_Tree
- --| No_Keys_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_B_Plus_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| The NON_KEY_ITEM_CONTAINER associated with this key will
- --| be emptied via the Destroy_Contents procedure.
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . BP_Tree.Exchange . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- procedure Exchange (First_B_Plus_Tree : in out B_PLUS_TREE;
- Second_B_Plus_Tree : in out B_PLUS_TREE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Exchanges the values of First_B_PLUS_TREE and
- --| Second_B_PLUS_TREE in O(1) time.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . BP_Tree.Assign . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- procedure Assign (To_B_Plus_Tree : in out B_PLUS_TREE;
- From_B_Plus_Tree : in B_PLUS_TREE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Replaces the contents of To_B_Plus_Tree with
- --| From_B_Plus_Tree.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . BP_Tree.Destroy . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- procedure Destroy (Targeted_B_Plus_Tree : in out B_PLUS_TREE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Destroys all keys and all associated containers
- --| and renders the tree Empty.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . BP_Tree.Destroy . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Empty (Targeted_B_Plus_Tree: in B_PLUS_TREE)
- return Boolean;
- --| Purpose
- --| Determine if Targeted_B_Plus_Tree is empty.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- private
- end BP_Tree;
- --::::::::::
- --cisc.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- *******************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- *******************************************
- package Case_Insensitive_String_Comparison is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package provides a complete set of comparison functions on strings
- --| where case is NOT important ("a" = "A").
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Programmer: Michael Gordon
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- function ToUpper (C: CHARACTER) return CHARACTER;
- --| Purpose
- --| If C is in 'a'..'z' return the corresponding upper case
- --| character. Otherwise, return C. This is implemented by a table
- --| lookup for speed.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- procedure UpCase (S: in out STRING);
- --| Purpose
- --| Convert all characters in S to upper case.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- pragma inline(UpCase);
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- function UpCase (S: STRING) return STRING;
- --| Purpose
- --| Make a copy of S, convert all lower case characters to upper
- --| case and return the copy.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- function ToLower (C: CHARACTER) return CHARACTER;
- --| Purpose
- --| If C is in 'A'..'Z' return the corresponding lower case
- --| character. Otherwise, return C. This is implemented by a table
- --| lookup for speed.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- procedure DownCase (S: in out STRING);
- --| Purpose
- --| Convert all characters in S to lower case.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- pragma inline(DownCase);
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- function DownCase (S: STRING) return STRING;
- --| Purpose
- --| Make a copy of S, convert all lower case characters to lower
- --| case and return the copy.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- function Compare (P, Q: STRING) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return an integer less than zero if P < Q, zero if P = Q, and
- --| an integer greater than zero if P > Q.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- function Equal (P, Q: STRING) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff P = Q.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- function Less (P, Q: STRING) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff P < Q.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ......................................................
- function Less_or_Equal (P, Q: STRING) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff P <= Q.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- function Greater (P, Q: STRING) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff P > Q.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..........................................................
- function Greater_or_Equal (P, Q: STRING) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff P >= Q.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- private
- pragma inline (Equal, Less, Less_or_Equal, Greater, Greater_or_Equal);
- pragma inline (ToUpper, ToLower);
- end Case_Insensitive_String_Comparison;
- --::::::::::
- --cli.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- **************************************
- -- * *
- -- * CLI (Command Line Interface) * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- **************************************
- package CLI is
- --| Purpose
- --| CLI is a package which implements a Command
- --| Line Interface. It mirrors the UNIX/C
- --| command line interface, providing an argument
- --| count and the arguments themselves.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Compiler limit on string length and dynamic memory.
- --| INITIALIZE must be called once, and only once, during
- --| the execution of the main Ada proc.
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| 2/25/88 Richard Conn Initial Version
- --| 5/12/89 Richard Conn Review and Upgrade
- --| 4/11/90 Richard Conn MIL-HDBK-1804 Annotations and
- --| Meridian Ada Interface Added
- -- ...................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................
- procedure Initialize (Program_Name : in STRING;
- Command_Line_Prompt : in STRING);
- --| Purpose
- --| Initialize this package. This routine must be called
- --| before any other routines or objects are called or referenced.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- -- ...................................
- -- . .
- -- . CLI.ARGC (Argument Count) . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................
- function ArgC return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the number (1 to N) of command line arguments.
- --| ARGC is at least 1 because the name of the program or
- --| process is always ARGV(0).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................
- -- . .
- -- . CLI.ARGV (Argument Value) . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................
- function ArgV (Index : in NATURAL) return STRING;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the INDEXth (0 <= INDEX < ARGC) command line
- --| argument. Example: if ARGC = 1, ARGV(0) is the only
- --| valid argument string. ARGV(0) is always the name of
- --| the program or process.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| INVALID_INDEX raised if Index >= ARGC
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- INVALID_INDEX : exception;
- UNEXPECTED_ERROR : exception; -- raised anytime
- end CLI;
- --::::::::::
- --cset.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- ******************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * Character_Set * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- ******************************************************
- package Character_Set is
- --| Purpose
- --| These routines test for the following subsets of package
- --| ASCII:
- --| Routine Subset tested for
- --| ======= =================
- --| ALPHA 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z'
- --| ALPHA_NUMERIC ALPHA | '0'..'9'
- --| CONTROL < ' ' | DEL
- --| DIGIT '0'..'9'
- --| GRAPHIC ' ' < ch < DEL (does not include space)
- --| HEXADECIMAL DIGIT | 'A'..'F' | 'a'..'f'
- --| LOWER 'a'..'z'
- --| SPACE HT | LF | VT | FF | CR | ' '
- --| UPPER 'A'..'Z'
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes
- --| Most of the "functions" are actually arrays indexed by
- --| CHARACTER, so they are remarkably efficient.
- --| Not all MIL-HDBK-1804 PDL annotations are
- --| used in this package due to its simplicity.
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Richard Conn, TI
- --| Modified by: Joseph M. Orost, Concurrent Computer Corp
- use ASCII;
- type BIT_ARRAY is array (CHARACTER) of BOOLEAN;
- pragma PACK (BIT_ARRAY);
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Character_Set.Is_Alpha . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- Is_Alpha : constant BIT_ARRAY :=
- BIT_ARRAY'('a' .. 'z' => TRUE,
- 'A' .. 'Z' => TRUE,
- others => FALSE);
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Character_Set.Is_Alpha_Numeric . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- Is_Alpha_Numeric : constant BIT_ARRAY :=
- BIT_ARRAY'('a' .. 'z' => TRUE,
- 'A' .. 'Z' => TRUE,
- '0' .. '9' => TRUE,
- others => FALSE );
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Character_Set.Is_Control . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- Is_Control : constant BIT_ARRAY :=
- DEL => TRUE,
- others => FALSE);
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Character_Set.Is_Digit . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- Is_Digit : constant BIT_ARRAY :=
- BIT_ARRAY'('0' .. '9' => TRUE,
- others => FALSE);
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Character_Set.Is_Graphic . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- Is_Graphic : constant BIT_ARRAY :=
- BIT_ARRAY'('!' .. '~' => TRUE,
- others => FALSE);
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Character_Set.Is_Hexadecimal . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- Is_Hexadecimal : constant BIT_ARRAY :=
- BIT_ARRAY'('0' .. '9' => TRUE,
- 'A' .. 'F' => TRUE,
- 'a' .. 'f' => TRUE,
- others => FALSE );
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Character_Set.Is_Lower . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- Is_Lower : constant BIT_ARRAY :=
- BIT_ARRAY'('a' .. 'z' => TRUE,
- others => FALSE);
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Character_Set.Is_Printable . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- Is_Printable : constant BIT_ARRAY :=
- BIT_ARRAY'(' ' .. '~' => TRUE,
- others => FALSE);
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Character_Set.Is_Punctuation . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- Is_Punctuation : constant BIT_ARRAY :=
- BIT_ARRAY'('!' .. '/' => TRUE,
- ':' .. '@' => TRUE,
- '[' .. '`' => TRUE,
- '{' .. '~' => TRUE,
- others => FALSE );
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Character_Set.Is_Space . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- Is_Space : constant BIT_ARRAY :=
- LF => TRUE,
- VT => TRUE,
- FF => TRUE,
- CR => TRUE,
- ' ' => TRUE,
- others => FALSE);
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Character_Set.Is_Upper . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- Is_Upper : constant BIT_ARRAY :=
- BIT_ARRAY'('A' .. 'Z' => TRUE,
- others => FALSE);
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Character_Set.Lower . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- Lower : constant TRANSLATION_ARRAY :=
- --| Notes
- --| LOWER can be used in place of TO_LOWER (Ada won't
- --| allow overloading of an object and a procedure).
- LF , VT , FF , CR , SO , SI , DLE, DC1, DC2, DC3,
- RS , US , ' ', '!', '"', ASCII.SHARP, '$', '%', '&', ''',
- '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '0', '1',
- '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';',
- '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e',
- 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o',
- 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y',
- 'z', '[', '\', ']', '^', '_', '`', 'a', 'b', 'c',
- 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm',
- 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w',
- 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~', DEL);
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Character_Set.To_Lower . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function To_Lower (Ch : in CHARACTER) return CHARACTER;
- procedure To_Lower (Ch : in out CHARACTER);
- procedure To_Lower (Str : in out STRING);
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Character_Set.Upper . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- Upper : constant TRANSLATION_ARRAY :=
- --| Notes
- --| UPPER can be used in place of TO_UPPER.
- --|
- LF , VT , FF , CR , SO , SI , DLE, DC1, DC2, DC3,
- RS , US , ' ', '!', '"', ASCII.SHARP, '$', '%', '&', ''',
- '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '0', '1',
- '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';',
- '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E',
- 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O',
- 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y',
- 'Z', '[', '\', ']', '^', '_', '`', 'A', 'B', 'C',
- 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M',
- 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W',
- 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '{', '|', '}', '~', DEL);
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Character_Set.To_Upper . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function To_Upper (Ch : in CHARACTER) return CHARACTER;
- procedure To_Upper (Ch : in out CHARACTER);
- procedure To_Upper (Str : in out STRING);
- subtype CONTROL_CHARACTER_NAME_2 is STRING (1 .. 2);
- subtype CONTROL_CHARACTER_NAME_3 is STRING (1 .. 3);
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Character_Set.CC_Name_2 . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function CC_Name_2 (Ch : CHARACTER)
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns Ch as a two-character string. If Ch is a control
- --| character, the string contains a caret (^) followed by
- --| the control character letter (e.g., ^H for ASCII.BS).
- --| If Ch is not a control character, the string contains a
- --| leading space and the character.
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Character_Set.CC_Name_3 . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function CC_Name_3 (Ch : CHARACTER)
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns Ch as a three-character string. If Ch is a control
- --| character, the string contains the name given in ASCII (e.g.,
- --| "BS " for ^H). If Ch is not a control character, the string
- --| contains two leading spaces and the character.
- end Character_Set;
- --::::::::::
- --cssc.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- ********************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * Case_Sensitive_String_Comparison * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- ********************************************************
- package Case_Sensitive_String_Comparison is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package provides a complete set of comparison
- --| functions on strings where case is important ("a" /= "A").
- --| In most cases these have the same effect as the Ada
- --| predefined operators. However, using this package
- --| makes it easier to substitute case-insensitive comparison
- --| later.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes
- --| No exceptions are raised by any method, so the MIL-HDBK-1804
- --| annotation requirements are reduced.
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Michael Gordon, Intermetrics
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Case_Sensitive_String_Comparison.Compare . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Compare (P, Q: STRING) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return an integer less than zero if P < Q, zero if
- --| P = Q, and an integer greater than zero if P > Q.
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Case_Sensitive_String_Comparison.Equal . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Equal (P, Q: STRING) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return True iff P = Q.
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Case_Sensitive_String_Comparison.Less . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Less (P, Q: STRING) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return True iff P < Q.
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Case_Sensitive_String_Comparison.Less_or_Equal . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Less_or_Equal (P, Q: STRING) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return True iff P <= Q.
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Case_Sensitive_String_Comparison.Greater . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Greater (P, Q: STRING) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return True iff P > Q.
- -- ......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Case_Sensitive_String_Comparison.Greater_or_Equal . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ......................................................
- function Greater_or_Equal (P, Q: STRING) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return True iff P >= Q.
- private
- pragma Inline (equal, less, less_or_equal, greater,
- greater_or_equal);
- end Case_Sensitive_String_Comparison;
- --::::::::::
- --cstrings.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- *********************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * CStrings * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- *********************************************************
- generic
- Max_String_Length : NATURAL := 400; -- max length of a string
- -- including the trailing
- -- ASCII.NUL character
- package CStrings is
- --| Purpose
- --| CStrings provides a number of procedures and functions
- --| which manipulate null-terminated strings (called C Strings)
- --| and Ada strings (which contain no null character).
- --| Type STRING is used to contain the C and Ada strings.
- --| A C string contains a sequence of characters followed
- --| by an ASCII.NUL; more characters may follow the ASCII.NUL
- --| in the buffer, but they are ignored. An Ada string is
- --| a sequence of characters bound by the dimensions of the
- --| buffer; all characters in the buffer are a part of the
- --| string.
- --| The names of these procedures and functions were taken
- --| from a listing of string-oriented C library functions.
- --| The functionality of these routines is almost always
- --| identical to the functionality of the original C routines.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes
- --| Reference Sun Release 4.0 man pages on "strings".
- --| Each string referenced in this specification is followed
- --| by one of the following comments:
- --|
- --| Comment Meaning
- --| =========== =========================================
- --| -- Ada The string is an Ada String
- --| -- C The string is a C String
- --| -- Ada or C The string is an Ada String or a C String
- --|
- --| Modifications Author: Richard Conn, MACA
- --| 2/27/90 Richard Conn Initial Version and Release
- -- Exceptions
- LENGTH_ERROR : exception; -- resulting string length
- -- is too long for buffer
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Make_Cstring . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Make_Cstring (From : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- To : out STRING); -- C
- --| Purpose
- --| Place a copy of From into To. Place
- --| the null terminator (ASCII.NUL) at the character
- --| in To corresponding to From(From'LAST+1).
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| LENGTH_ERROR -- Destination is too short to hold
- --| the result or the result exceeds
- --| Max_String_Length characters
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Make_Cstring . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Make_Cstring (From_To : in out STRING; -- Ada or C
- Index : in NATURAL);
- --| Purpose
- --| Place a null into From_To on the indicated
- --| character.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| LENGTH_ERROR -- Index is out of bounds
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Ada_String . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Ada_String (From : in STRING) -- Ada or C
- return STRING; -- Ada
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the slice of From up to but not including
- --| the ending NUL. If From is an Ada string (no null),
- --| then the entire string is returned.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Strcat . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Strcat (To : in out STRING; -- C
- From : in STRING); -- Ada or C
- function Strcat (From_Part_1 : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- From_Part_2 : in STRING) -- Ada or C
- return STRING; -- C
- --| Purpose
- --| Strcat appends a copy of string Source to the end
- --| of string Destination. The procedure Strcat modifies
- --| the string Destination, while the function Strcat
- --| does not modify the string Destination.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| LENGTH_ERROR -- Destination is too short to hold
- --| the result or the result exceeds
- --| Max_String_Length characters
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Strncat . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Strncat (To : in out STRING; -- C
- From : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- Length : in NATURAL);
- function Strncat (To : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- From : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- Length : in NATURAL)
- return STRING; -- C
- --| Purpose
- --| Strncat appends a copy of string From to the end
- --| of string To. The procedure Strncat modifies
- --| the string To, while the function Strncat
- --| does not modify the string To. At most Length
- --| characters are appended.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| LENGTH_ERROR -- Destination is too short to hold
- --| the result or the result exceeds
- --| Max_String_Length characters
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Strcmp . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Strcmp (String1 : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- String2 : in STRING) -- Ada or C
- --| Purpose
- --| Strcmp compares its arguments and returns the values
- --| LESS_THAN, EQUAL_TO, or GREATER_THAN accordingly as
- --| String1 is lexicographically less than, equal to, or
- --| greater than String2.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Strncmp . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Strncmp (String1 : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- String2 : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- Length : in NATURAL)
- --| Purpose
- --| Strncmp compares its arguments and returns the values
- --| LESS_THAN, EQUAL_TO, or GREATER_THAN accordingly as
- --| String1 is lexicographically less than, equal to, or
- --| greater than String2. Strncmp compares at most
- --| Length characters.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Strcasecmp . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Strcasecmp (String1 : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- String2 : in STRING) -- Ada or C
- --| Purpose
- --| Strcasecmp compares its arguments and returns the values
- --| LESS_THAN, EQUAL_TO, or GREATER_THAN accordingly as
- --| String1 is lexicographically less than, equal to, or
- --| greater than String2. Differences in case are ignored.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Strncasecmp . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Strncasecmp (String1 : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- String2 : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- Length : in NATURAL)
- --| Purpose
- --| Strncasecmp compares its arguments and returns the values
- --| LESS_THAN, EQUAL_TO, or GREATER_THAN accordingly as
- --| String1 is lexicographically less than, equal to, or
- --| greater than String2. Differences in case are ignored.
- --| At most Length characters are compared.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Strcpy . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Strcpy (From : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- To : out STRING); -- C
- --| Purpose
- --| Strcpy copies From to To, stopping after
- --| the null character has been copied.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| LENGTH_ERROR -- Destination is too short to hold
- --| the result
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Strncpy . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Strncpy (From : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- To : out STRING; -- C
- Length : in NATURAL);
- --| Purpose
- --| Strncpy copies From to To, copying
- --| at most Length characters. If there are more
- --| than Length characters in To, Length
- --| characters will be copied and a trailing null
- --| appended after the last character.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| LENGTH_ERROR -- Destination is too short to hold
- --| the result
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Strlen . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Strlen (String1 : in STRING) -- Ada or C
- return NATURAL;
- pragma inline (Strlen);
- --| Purpose
- --| Strlen returns the number of characters in String1,
- --| not including the null-terminating character.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Strchr . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Strchr (String1 : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- Char1 : in CHARACTER)
- return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Strchr returns the index of the first occurrence
- --| of Char1 in the string String1 or the value 0 if
- --| Char1 does not occur in String1. The null-terminating
- --| character is considered to be part of String1.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| This function is identical to the index and strchr
- --| functions in C.
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Strrchr . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Strrchr (String1 : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- Char1 : in CHARACTER)
- return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Strrchr returns the index of the last occurrence
- --| of Char1 in the string String1 or the value 0 if
- --| Char1 does not occur in String1. The null-terminating
- --| character is considered to be part of String1.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| This function is identical to the rindex and strrchr
- --| functions in C.
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Strpbrk . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Strpbrk (String1 : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- String2 : in STRING) -- Ada or C
- return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Strpbrk returns the index of the first occurrence in
- --| String1 of any character from String2 or the value 0 if
- --| no character from String2 exists in String1.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Strspn . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Strspn (String1 : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- String2 : in STRING) -- Ada or C
- return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Strspn returns the length of the initial segment
- --| of String1 which consists entirely of characters
- --| from String2.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Strcspn . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Strcspn (String1 : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- String2 : in STRING) -- Ada or C
- return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Strcspn returns the length of the initial segment
- --| of String1 which consists entirely of characters
- --| not from String2.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . CStrings.Strtok . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Strtok (Target : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- Start : in out NATURAL;
- Delimiters : in STRING; -- Ada or C
- Next_Token : out STRING); -- C
- --| Purpose
- --| Strtok considers the string Target to consist of a
- --| sequence of zero or more text tokens separated by spans
- --| of one or more characters from the separator string
- --| Delimiters. A call to Strtok returns the first token
- --| in Target on or after the character indexed by Start.
- --| This token is returned in the string Next_Token with
- --| a null character immediately following the token.
- --| The separator string Delimiters may be different from
- --| call to call.
- --|
- --| Strtok must be called with Start's actual parameter
- --| being an initialized variable; generally, Start's
- --| initial value is Target'FIRST.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| LENGTH_ERROR -- Next_Token is too short to hold
- --| the result
- end CStrings;
- --::::::::::
- --darray.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- **************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- **************************************************
- generic
- type ELEM_TYPE is private;
- with function Equal (E1, E2: ELEM_TYPE)
- return BOOLEAN is "=";
- package Darray_Pkg is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package provides the dynamic array (darray) abstract data type.
- --| A darray has completely dynamic bounds, which change during runtime as
- --| elements are added to/removed from the top/bottom. darrays are similar
- --| to deques, differing only in that operations for indexing into the
- --| structure are also provided. A darray is indexed by integers that
- --| fall within the current bounds. The component type, elem_type, of a
- --| darray is a generic formal parameter of this package, along with a
- --| function, equal, that is assumed to form an equality relation over
- --| over elem_type.
- --|
- --| The notation, <first, elts>, will be used to denote a darray.
- --| first is the current low bound of the darray. elts is the sequence
- --| of elements contained in the darray. For a given darray, d, the
- --| dot selection mechanism is used to refer to these components, e.g.,
- --| d.first and d.elts. & is used for sequence concatenation, and also
- --| for prepending/postpending a single element to a sequence. |s| is
- --| the number of elements in a sequence, s, and () is the null sequence.
- --| Standard Ada array indexing notation is adopted for sequences.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Programmer: Ron Kownacki, Intermetrics
- -- Primary Types
- type DARRAY is private;
- type ARRAY_TYPE is array (INTEGER range <>) of ELEM_TYPE;
- -- Storage Management Constants and Types (see create procedure)
- Default_Predict : constant POSITIVE := 100;
- Default_High : constant POSITIVE := 50;
- Default_Expand : constant POSITIVE := 100;
- -- Exceptions
- No_More : exception; -- Raised on incorrect use of an iterator.
- Out_of_Bounds : exception; -- Raised on index out of current bounds.
- Uninitialized_Darray : exception;
- -- Raised on use of uninitialized darray by most operations.
- -- Iterators
- type ELEMENTS_ITER is private;
- -- Constructors
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Create(First: in INTEGER := 1;
- Predict: in POSITIVE := Default_Predict;
- High_Percent: in POSITIVE := Default_High;
- Expand_Percent: in POSITIVE := Default_Expand;
- D: in out DARRAY);
- --| Purpose
- --| Sets d to <first, ()>. If d has previously been initialized,
- --| then a destroy(d) is first performed. The predict parameter
- --| specifies the initial space allocated. (predict = #elements).
- --| The high_percent parameter is the caller's expectation of the
- --| percentage of add_highs, out of total adds, to the darray. For
- --| example, a caller would specify 100 if it was known that no
- --| add_lows would be performed. The expand_percent parameter
- --| specifies the amount of additional space, as a percentage of
- --| currently allocated space, that is to be allocated whenever an
- --| expansion becomes necessary. For example, 100 doubles the
- --| allocated space.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Array_to_Darray(A: in ARRAY_TYPE;
- First: in INTEGER := 1;
- Predict: in POSITIVE;
- High_Percent: in POSITIVE
- := Default_High;
- Expand_Percent: in POSITIVE
- := Default_Expand;
- D: in out DARRAY);
- --| Purpose
- --| Sets d to <first, a(a'first..a'last)>. If d has previously
- --| been initialized, then an implicit destroy(d) is performed.
- --| The high_percent and expand_percent parameters are defined
- --| as for create. Raises out_of_bounds iff predict < a'length.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| out_of_bounds
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Set_First(D: in out DARRAY;
- First: in INTEGER);
- --| Purpose
- --| Sets d.first to first.
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if d has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Add_Low (D: in out DARRAY;
- E: in ELEM_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Sets d to <d.first - 1, e & d.elts>.
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if d has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Add_High (D: in out DARRAY;
- E: in ELEM_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Sets d.elts to d.elts & e.
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if d has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Remove_Low (D: in out DARRAY);
- --| Purpose
- --| Sets d to <d.first + 1, d.elts(d.first + 1 .. last(d))>.
- --| Raises out_of_bounds iff is_empty(d).
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if d has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --| out_of_bounds
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Remove_High (D: in out DARRAY);
- --| Purpose
- --| Sets d.elts to d.elts(d.first..last(d) - 1).
- --| Raises out_of_bounds iff is_empty(d).
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if d has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --| out_of_bounds
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Store (D: in out DARRAY;
- I: in INTEGER;
- E: in ELEM_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Replaces d.elts(i) with e. Raises out_of_bounds iff
- --| either is_empty(d) or i is not in d.first..last(d).
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if d has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --| out_of_bounds
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Copy (D: DARRAY) return DARRAY;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns a copy of d. Subsequent changes to the structure of d
- --| will not be visible through the application of operations to
- --| the copy of d, and vice versa. Assignment or parameter passing
- --| without using copy (or copy_deep, described below) will result
- --| in a single darray value being shared among objects.
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if d has not been initialized.
- --| The assignment operation is used to transfer the values of
- --| the elem_type component objects of d; consequently, changes
- --| in these values may be observable through both darrays if
- --| elem_type is an access type, or contains access type
- --| components.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- generic
- with function Copy (E: ELEM_TYPE) return ELEM_TYPE;
- function Copy_Deep (D: DARRAY) return DARRAY;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns a copy of d. Subsequent changes to the structure of d
- --| will not be visible through the application of operations to
- --| the copy of d, and vice versa. Assignment or parameter passing
- --| without using copy_deep or copy will result in a single
- --| darray value being shared among objects.
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if d has not been initialized.
- --| The transfer of elem_type component objects is accomplished by
- --| using the assignment operation in conjunction with the copy
- --| function. Consequently, the user can prevent sharing of
- --| elem_type access components.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- Query Operations
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Fetch (D: DARRAY; I: INTEGER) return ELEM_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns d.elts(i). Raises out_of_bounds iff either is_empty(d)
- --| or i is not in d.first..last(d).
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if d has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| out_of_bounds
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Low (D: in DARRAY) return ELEM_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns d.elts(d.first). Raises out_of_bounds iff is_empty(d).
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if d has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| out_of_bounds
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function High (D: in DARRAY) return ELEM_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns d.elts(last(d)). Raises out_of_bounds iff is_empty(d).
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if d has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| out_of_bounds
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function First (D: in DARRAY) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns d.first.
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if d has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Last (D: in DARRAY) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns d.first + |d.elts| - 1.
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if d has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Is_Empty (D: in DARRAY) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns length(d) = 0, or equivalently, last(d) < d.first.
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if d has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Length (D: in DARRAY) return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns |d.elts|.
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if d has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Equal (D1, D2: DARRAY) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return (d1.first = d2.first and
- --| last(d1) = last(d2) and
- --| for each i in d1.first..last(d1),
- --| equal(d1.elts(i), d2.elts(i)).
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if either d1 or d2 has not been
- --| initialized. Note that (d1 = d2) implies that equal(d1, d2)
- --| will always hold. "=" is object equality, equal is state
- --| equality.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Darray_to_Array (D: DARRAY) return ARRAY_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Let bounds_range be d.first..d.first + length(d) - 1. If
- --| bounds_range is empty, then return an empty array with bounds
- --| of 1..0. Otherwise, return bounds_range'(d.elts).
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if d has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- Iterators
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Make_Elements_Iter (D: DARRAY) return ELEMENTS_ITER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Create and return an elements itererator based on d. This
- --| object can then be used in conjunction with the more function
- --| and the next procedure to iterate over the components of d.
- --| Raises uninitialized_darray if d has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_darray
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function More (Iter: ELEMENTS_ITER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return true iff the elements iterator has not been exhausted.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Next (Iter: in out ELEMENTS_ITER;
- E: out ELEM_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Let iter be based on the darray, d. Successive calls of next
- --| will return, in e, successive elements of d.elts. Each call
- --| updates the state of the elements iterator. After all elements
- --| have been returned, an invocation of next will raise no_more.
- --| Requires:
- --| d must not be changed between the invocations of
- --| make_elements_iterator(d) and next.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| no_more
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- Heap Management
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Destroy (D: in out DARRAY);
- --| Purpose
- --| Return space consumed by the darray value associated with object
- --| d to the heap. (If d is uninitialized, this operation does
- --| nothing.) If other objects share the same darray value, then
- --| further use of these objects is erroneous. Components of type
- --| elem_type, if they are access types, are not garbage collected.
- --| It is the user's responsibility to dispose of these objects.
- --| d is left in the uninitialized state.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- private
- type ARRAY_PTR is access ARRAY_TYPE;
- type DARRAY_INFO is
- record
- First_Idx : POSITIVE;
- Last_Idx : NATURAL;
- First : INTEGER;
- High_Percent : POSITIVE;
- Expand_Percent : POSITIVE;
- Arr : ARRAY_PTR := null;
- end record;
- type DARRAY is access DARRAY_INFO;
- -- Let r be an instance of the representation type.
- -- Representation Invariants:
- -- 1. r /= null, r.arr /= null (must be initialized to be valid.)
- -- 2. r.arr'first = 1 and
- -- r.arr'last >= 1
- -- 3. r.first_idx <= r.last_idx or
- -- r.first_idx = r.last_idx + 1
- -- 4. r.first_idx <= r.last_idx =>
- -- r.first_idx, r.last_idx in r.arr'range
- -- 5. r.expand_percent, r.high_percent get values at creation time,
- -- and these never change.
- --
- -- Abstraction Function: (denoted by A(r))
- -- if r.last_idx < r.first_idx then
- -- <r.first, ()>
- -- else
- -- <r.first, (r.arr(r.first_idx),...,r.arr(r.last_idx))>
- --
- -- These properties follow:
- -- 1. length(A(r)) = r.last_idx - r.first_idx + 1
- -- 2. last(A(r)) = r.first + r.last_idx - r.first_idx
- -- 3. fetch(A(r), i) =
- -- if (i - r.first + r.first_idx) in r.first_idx..r.last_idx
- -- then r.arr(i - r.first + r.first_idx)
- -- else undefined. (out_of_bounds)
- record
- Last : INTEGER := 0;
- Current : INTEGER := 1;
- Arr : ARRAY_PTR;
- end record;
- -- Let d be the darray that an elements_iter, i, is based on.
- -- Initially, i.current = d.first_idx, i.last = d.last_idx, and
- -- i.arr = d.arr.
- -- more(i) = i.current <= i.last.
- -- next(i) = i.arr(current). i.current incremented by next.
- -- Note that if an elements_iter object is not initialized, then
- -- more is false.
- end Darray_Pkg;
- --::::::::::
- --dlist.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- *****************************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- *****************************************************************
- generic
- type ELEMENT_OBJECT is private;
- package Doubly_Linked_List is
- --| Purpose
- --| DOUBLY_LINKED_LIST manipulates the abstract data type
- --| LIST_ID, which is a linked list of objects.
- --| DOUBLE_LIST provides routines to add objects to,
- --| delete objects from, and extract objects from
- --| the list. DOUBLE_LIST also allows the user to
- --| move about through the list and manipulate the
- --| list in various ways.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| The number of list elements is restricted to
- --| INTEGER'LAST and the amount of memory or virtual
- --| memory in the computer system.
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Richard Conn
- -- Types
- type LIST_ID is limited private;
- -- Exceptions
- LIST_IS_EMPTY : exception;
- INVALID_INDEX : exception;
- UNEXPECTED_ERROR : exception; -- raised anytime
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Initialize (ID : in out LIST_ID);
- --| Purpose
- --| Initialize the list to empty (the list is empty when
- --| first used); if the list contained any elements, they
- --| are deleted.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- function First_Element (ID : in LIST_ID) return ELEMENT_OBJECT;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the first element of the list.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- function Last_Element (ID : in LIST_ID) return ELEMENT_OBJECT;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the last element of the list.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- function Current_Element (ID : in LIST_ID) return ELEMENT_OBJECT;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the current element of the list.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Goto_First (ID : in out LIST_ID);
- --| Purpose
- --| Set the current element of the list to be the first
- --| element.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Goto_Last (ID : in out LIST_ID);
- --| Purpose
- --| Set the current element of the list to be the last
- --| element.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Goto_Element (ID : in out LIST_ID;
- --| Purpose
- --| Set the current element of the list to be the Nth (INDEX)
- --| element.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- function Current_Index (ID : in LIST_ID) return ELEMENT_POSITION;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the number of the current element.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- function Last_Index (ID : in LIST_ID) return ELEMENT_POSITION;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the number of the last element.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Advance (ID : in out LIST_ID);
- --| Purpose
- --| Advance, setting the current element to be the next
- --| element.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Backup (ID : in out LIST_ID);
- --| Purpose
- --| Backup, setting the current element to be the previous
- --| element.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- function Is_Empty (ID : in LIST_ID) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE if the list is empty.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- function Is_End (ID : in LIST_ID) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE if the end of the list has been passed.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- function Is_First (ID : in LIST_ID) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE if the current element is the first element.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Append_Element (ID : in out LIST_ID;
- Element : ELEMENT_OBJECT);
- --| Purpose
- --| Append an element after the current element; set the current
- --| element to this new element.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Insert_Element (ID : in out LIST_ID;
- Element : ELEMENT_OBJECT);
- --| Purpose
- --| Insert an element before the current element; the current
- --| element remains unchanged.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Delete_Element (ID : in out LIST_ID);
- --| Purpose
- --| Delete the current element; the current element becomes the
- --| element following the current element.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- private
- type ELEMENT;
- type ELEMENT is
- record
- end record;
- type LIST_ID is
- record
- First : ELEMENT_POINTER := null; -- first element
- Last : ELEMENT_POINTER := null; -- last element
- Current : ELEMENT_POINTER := null; -- current element
- Free : ELEMENT_POINTER := null; -- free element list
- Number_of_Elements : ELEMENT_POSITION := 0; -- number of elements
- Current_Index : ELEMENT_POSITION := 0; -- index of current element
- end record;
- end Doubly_Linked_List;
- --::::::::::
- --dyn.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- *******************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * DYN * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- *******************************************************
- package Dyn is
- --| Purpose
- --| Implement a dynamic string object class and provide operations
- --| to manipulate objects of this class.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| This is a package of several string manipulation functions based on
- --| a built-in dynamic STRING type DYN_STRING. It is an adaptation and
- --| extension of the package proposed by Sylvan Rubin of Ford Aerospace and
- --| Communications Corporation in the Nov/Dec 1984 issue of the Journal of
- --| Pascal, Ada and Modula-2. Some new functions have been added, and much
- --| of the body code has been rewritten.
- --|
- --| This package is derived from DSTR3.SRC in the Ada Software Repository
- --| DSTR3.SRC was written by R.G. Cleaveland. The derivation, done by
- --| Richard Conn, was done to remove those general-purpose features of the
- --| package not needed for the PTF project.
- Max_D_String_Length : constant POSITIVE := 100;
- -- This is the maximum LENGTH of a dynamic string implemented with this
- -- package. This value is "arbitrary" in that any reasonable number
- -- equal to or less than the maximum STRING LENGTH permitted by the
- -- compiler is acceptable. The specific value above was chosen as a
- -- compromise between programmer convenience and memory space requirements.
- subtype DS_POS is INTEGER range 0..MAX_D_STRING_LENGTH;
- type DYN_STRING is private;
- STRING_TOO_SHORT: exception;
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- function D_String (Char: CHARACTER) return DYN_STRING;
- --| Purpose
- --| Creates a one-byte dynamic string of contents CHAR.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- function D_String (Str : STRING) return DYN_STRING;
- --| Purpose
- --| Creates a dynamic string of contents STR.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . DYN.CHAR . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- function Char (Dstr : DYN_STRING;
- Posit : POSITIVE := 1) return CHARACTER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the Nth character of a dynamic string.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . DYN.STR . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- function Str (Dstr: DYN_STRING) return STRING;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the string whose contents is the value of a dynamic
- --| string.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- function Length (Dstr: DYN_STRING) return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns the LENGTH of the dynamic string.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- procedure Clear (Dstr: in out DYN_STRING);
- --| Purpose
- --| Makes DSTR a null string.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- private
- type DYN_STRING is
- record
- end record;
- end Dyn;
- --::::::::::
- --fof.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- **********************************
- -- * *
- -- * Formatted_Output_File (FOF) * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- **********************************
- package Formatted_Output_File is
- --| Purpose
- --| Formatted_Output_File manipulates objects of type STRING (text),
- --| placing text into the output file as it is received.
- --| Formatted_Output_File is also used to define the format of the
- --| text (number of lines per page, header, footer, etc.).
- --|
- --| Formatted_Output_File is a form of Report Generator. Taking in
- --| raw text and other directives (implemented by its procedures),
- --| Formatted_Output_File creates reports (with header lines, footer
- --| lines, page numbering, etc).
- --|
- --| Formatted_Output_File is also referred to as FOF.
- --|
- --| See the test programs for examples of the use of FOF.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| 04/22/90 Rick Conn Initial version from PTF's FOF
- --| package of 8/16/89
- type FILE is
- private;
- Maximum_Number_Of_Lines_On_Page
- : constant
- := 200;
- Maximum_Line_Length
- : constant
- := 200;
- Maximum_Number_Of_Header_Footer_Lines
- : constant
- := 8;
- Maximum_Number_Of_Pages
- : constant
- := 32000;
- ( TOP_MARGIN, -- Number of lines before first header
- BOTTOM_MARGIN, -- Number of lines after last footer
- LEFT_MARGIN, -- Column num of the last col before the 1st char
- RIGHT_MARGIN, -- Column number of the last char of the line
- LEFT_INDENT, -- Number of columns to indent from LEFT_MARGIN
- RIGHT_INDENT, -- Number of columns to indent from RIGHT_MARGIN
- TOTAL_LINES, -- Number of lines on a page
- HEADER_LINES, -- Number of lines in the header
- FOOTER_LINES, -- Number of lines in the footer
- LINE_SPACING, -- Number of blank lines after each text line
- PAGE_OFFSET, -- Number of columns to offset each line
- TEMP_INDENT -- Number of columns to indent next line only
- -- (this is an absolute value, not influenced
- -- by the LEFT_MARGIN or LEFT_INDENT settings)
- );
- ( BOLD, -- Make words come out bold (overstrike)
- CENTER, -- Center lines (Put_Line with No Fill)
- FILL, -- Successively place words into an output
- -- line until the next word will not fit
- -- between the left and right margins
- -- (with indents)
- JUSTIFY, -- Fill output line to RIGHT_MARGIN -
- -- RIGHT_INDENT with spaces between words
- PAGING, -- Break output on page boundaries,
- -- outputting footer, bottom margin,
- -- top margin, and header
- UNDERLINE, -- Underline words
- UNDERLINE_PUNCT, -- If ON, underline punctuation
- USE_FORM_FEED -- Use form feeds to eject pages
- );
- type OFF_ON is
- ( OFF, ON );
- of OFF_ON;
- Page_Attribute_Defaults
- := (
- TOP_MARGIN => 4,
- LEFT_MARGIN => 12,
- TOTAL_LINES => 66,
- TEMP_INDENT => 0 );
- Line_Attribute_Defaults
- := (
- BOLD => OFF,
- FILL => ON,
- Page_Number_Id_Default
- : constant CHARACTER
- := '#';
- type LINE_NUMBER is
- new INTEGER range 0 .. Maximum_Number_Of_Lines_On_Page;
- type HEADER_FOOTER_LINE is -- H/F line numbers
- new INTEGER range 1 .. Maximum_Number_Of_Header_Footer_Lines;
- type PAGE_NUMBER is
- new INTEGER range 0 .. Maximum_Number_Of_Pages;
- type STATUS is -- for Open
- ( OK, NOT_OK );
- type PAGE_SIDE is -- for margins and indents
- type PAGE_KIND is -- for headers and footers
- type NUMERIC_FORMAT is -- for page numbers
- Range_Error
- : exception;
- File_Not_Open
- : exception;
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Open . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Open
- ( Item : in out FILE;
- File_Name : in STRING;
- Result : out STATUS );
- --| Purpose
- --| Open the formatted output file for subsequent processing.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Close . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Close
- ( Item : in FILE );
- --| Purpose
- --| Close the formatted output file.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Put_Invisible_Word . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Put_Invisible_Word
- ( Item : in FILE;
- What : in STRING );
- --| Purpose
- --| Add a word to the current line and do not increment the
- --| character count.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Put_Word . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Put_Word
- ( Item : in FILE;
- What : in STRING );
- --| Purpose
- --| Add a word to the current line.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Put_Line . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Put_Line
- ( Item : in FILE;
- What : in STRING );
- --| Purpose
- --| Add a line to the current page. If line break, insert blank
- --| lines as per LINE_SPACING.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Break_Line . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Break_Line
- ( Item : in FILE );
- --| Purpose
- --| Break the current line (if it contains any words, output them).
- --| Insert blank lines as per the LINE_SPACING setting.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Current_Line . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- function Current_Line
- ( Item : in FILE )
- return LINE_NUMBER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the number of the current line.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Skip . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Skip
- ( Item : in FILE;
- Number_Of_Lines : in LINE_NUMBER := 1 );
- --| Purpose
- --| Skip Number_Of_Lines in the output after first issuing a Break_Line.
- --| LINE_SPACING influences the actual number of lines skipped.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Break_Page . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Break_Page
- ( Item : in FILE );
- --| Purpose
- --| If there is anything on the current page, output it and advance
- --| to the next page.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Break_Page . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Break_Page
- ( Item : in FILE;
- New_Page_Num : in PAGE_NUMBER );
- --| Purpose
- --| If there is anything on the current page, output it and advance
- --| to the next page. Set the number of the next page to New_Page_Num.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Current_Page . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- function Current_Page
- ( Item : in FILE )
- return PAGE_NUMBER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the number of the current page.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Current_Page . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- function Current_Page
- ( Item : in FILE )
- return STRING;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the number of the current page as a string.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Set_Page_Number_Format . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Set_Page_Number_Format
- ( Item : in FILE;
- Format_String : in STRING );
- --| Purpose
- --| Set the format of the page number. If the Format_String is not
- --| null, the page numbers in the headers and footers will appear as
- --| indicated (with the literal number substituted for # characters).
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Set_Page_Attribute . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Set_Page_Attribute
- ( Item : in FILE;
- To : in NATURAL );
- --| Purpose
- --| Set a specified page attribute.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Range_Error raised if To is outside the range for What
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Set_Line_Attribute . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Set_Line_Attribute
- ( Item : in FILE;
- To : in OFF_ON );
- --| Purpose
- --| Turn off or on the indicated attribute for the current and
- --| following lines.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Get_Page_Attribute . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- function Get_Page_Attribute
- ( Item : in FILE;
- What : in PAGE_ATTRIBUTE )
- return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Get a specified page attribute.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Get_Line_Attribute . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- function Get_Line_Attribute
- ( Item : in FILE;
- What : in LINE_ATTRIBUTE )
- return OFF_ON;
- --| Purpose
- --| Get the indicated attribute for the current and
- --| following lines.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Test_Page . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- function Test_Page
- ( Item : in FILE;
- Number_Of_Lines : in LINE_NUMBER )
- return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE if Number_Of_Lines is remaining on the current page.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Set_Footer_Line . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Set_Footer_Line
- ( Item : in FILE;
- Class : in PAGE_KIND;
- Left_Text : in STRING;
- Center_Text : in STRING;
- Right_Text : in STRING );
- --| Purpose
- --| Store a footer line for EVEN, ODD, or ALL pages.
- --| The footer line is dynamically adjusted, based on the left and right
- --| margin settings. The strings Left, Center, and Right are left-
- --| justified, centered, and right-justified in the indicated footer
- --| line, respectively.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Set_Header_Line . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Set_Header_Line
- ( Item : in FILE;
- Class : in PAGE_KIND;
- Left_Text : in STRING;
- Center_Text : in STRING;
- Right_Text : in STRING );
- --| Purpose
- --| Store a header line for EVEN, ODD, or ALL pages.
- --| The header line is dynamically adjusted, based on the left and right
- --| margin settings. The strings Left, Center, and Right are left-
- --| justified, centered, and right-justified in the indicated header
- --| line, respectively.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Set_Page_Number_Id . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Set_Page_Number_Id
- ( Item : in FILE;
- To : in CHARACTER );
- --| Purpose
- --| Set the character used to represent the page number in the
- --| header and footer lines of the output file.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Set_Page_Number_Format . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Set_Page_Number_Format
- ( Item : in FILE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Set the format used to represent the page number in the
- --| header and footer lines of the output file.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . FOF.Page_Number_Format . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- function Page_Number_Format
- ( Item : in FILE )
- --| Purpose
- --| Get the format used to represent the page number in the
- --| header and footer lines of the output file.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| File_Not_Open
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- private -- Formatted_Output_File
- type FILE is
- access FILE_OBJECT;
- end Formatted_Output_File;
- --::::::::::
- --hashfcns.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- *********************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * Hashing_Functions_PKG * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- *********************************************************
- package Hashing_Functions_PKG is
- --| Purpose
- --| Provide a string hashing function.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Bill Toscano and Michael Gordon, Intermetrics
- generic
- Prime_Num: in POSITIVE; -- Required to be prime
- function Hash_String (S: STRING) return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Produces a uniform distribution over the range 0..prime - 1.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- end Hashing_Functions_PKG;
- --::::::::::
- --in.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- **********************************
- -- * *
- -- * Input_File * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- **********************************
- package Input_File is
- --| Purpose
- --| Input_File implements an abstract data type of an input file.
- --| Input_File offers an abstraction that can be made more efficient
- --| by not using Text_IO (and having its associated overhead imposed)
- --| if possible,
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| 08/16/89 Rick Conn Initial Version
- type FILE_TYPE is
- private;
- Cannot_Open_Input_File
- : exception;
- Read_Error
- : exception;
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . Input_File.Open . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Open
- ( Id : in out FILE_TYPE;
- File_Name : in STRING );
- --| Purpose
- --| Open an existing FILE_TYPE object.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Cannot_Open_Input_File
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . Input_File.Get_Line . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Get_Line
- ( Id : in out FILE_TYPE;
- Item : out STRING;
- Last : out NATURAL );
- --| Purpose
- --| Get_Line reads an Item to the FILE_TYPE object.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Read_Error
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . Input_File.End_Of_File . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- function End_Of_File
- ( Id : in FILE_TYPE )
- return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| End_Of_File returns TRUE if the FILE_TYPE object is empty or
- --| no more data is in it.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Read_Error
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . Input_File.Close . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Close
- ( Id : in out FILE_TYPE );
- --| Purpose
- --| Close closes input from the FILE_TYPE object.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- private -- Input_File
- type FILE_TYPE is
- access FILE_OBJECT;
- end Input_File;
- --::::::::::
- --lists.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- *********************************************
- -- * *
- -- * LISTS * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- *********************************************
- generic
- type ITEMTYPE is private; -- This is the data being manipulated.
- with function Equal (X,Y: in ITEMTYPE) return BOOLEAN is "=";
- -- This allows the user to define
- -- equality on ItemType. For instance
- -- if ItemType is an abstract type
- -- then equality is defined in terms of
- -- the abstract type. If this function
- -- is not provided equality defaults to
- -- =.
- package Lists is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package provides singly linked lists with elements of type
- --| ItemType, where ItemType is specified by a generic parameter.
- --|
- --| When this package is instantiated, it provides a linked list type for
- --| lists of objects of type ItemType, which can be any desired type. A
- --| complete set of operations for manipulation, and releasing
- --| those lists is also provided. For instance, to make lists of strings,
- --| all that is necessary is:
- --|
- --| type StringType is string(1..10);
- --|
- --| package Str_List is new Lists(StringType); use Str_List;
- --|
- --| L:List;
- --| S:StringType;
- --|
- --| Then to add a string S, to the list L, all that is necessary is
- --|
- --| L := Create;
- --| Attach(S,L);
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Programmer Buddy Altus, Intermetrics
- type LIST is private;
- type LISTITER is private;
- CircularList :exception; -- Raised if an attemp is made to
- -- create a circular list. This
- -- results when a list is attempted
- -- to be attached to itself.
- EmptyList :exception; -- Raised if an attemp is made to
- -- manipulate an empty list.
- ItemNotPresent :exception; -- Raised if an attempt is made to
- -- remove an element from a list in
- -- which it does not exist.
- NoMore :exception; -- Raised if an attemp is made to
- -- get the next element from a list
- -- after iteration is complete.
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- procedure Attach (List1: in out LIST; List2: in LIST);
- --| Purpose
- --| Appends List2 to List1. This makes the next field of the last element
- --| of List1 refer to List2. This can possibly change the value of List1
- --| if List1 is an empty list. This causes sharing of lists. Thus if
- --| user Destroys List1 then List2 will be a dangling reference.
- --| This procedure raises CircularList if List1 equals List2. If it is
- --| necessary to Attach a list to itself first make a copy of the list and
- --| attach the copy.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| CircularList
- --|
- --| Notes
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Attach (Element1: in ITEMTYPE; Element2: in ITEMTYPE) return LIST;
- --| Purpose
- --| This creates a list containing the two elements in the order
- --| specified.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- procedure Attach (L: in out LIST; Element: in ITEMTYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Appends Element onto the end of the list L. If L is empty then this
- --| may change the value of L.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- procedure Attach (Element: in ITEMTYPE; L: in out LIST);
- --| Purpose
- --| This prepends list L with Element (makes Element the first item in
- --| list L).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Attach (List1: in LIST; List2: in LIST) return LIST;
- --| Purpose
- --| This returns a list which is List1 attached to List2. If it is desired
- --| to make List1 be the new attached list the following ada code should be
- --| used.
- --|
- --| List1 := Attach (List1, List2);
- --|
- --| This procedure raises CircularList if List1 equals List2. If it is
- --| necessary to Attach a list to itself first make a copy of the list and
- --| attach the copy.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| CircularList
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Attach (Element: in ITEMTYPE; L: in LIST) return LIST;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns a new list which is headed by Element and followed by L.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Attach (L: in LIST; Element: in ITEMTYPE) return LIST;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns a new list which is L followed by Element.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Copy (L: in LIST) return LIST;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns a copy of L.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- generic
- with function Copy (I: in ITEMTYPE) return ITEMTYPE;
- function CopyDeep (L: in LIST) return LIST;
- --| Purpose
- --| This produces a new list whose elements have been duplicated using
- --| the Copy function provided by the user. This is helpful if the type
- --| of a list is an abstract data type.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Create return LIST;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns an empty, initialized list.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- procedure DeleteHead (L: in out LIST);
- --| Purpose
- --| This will return the space occupied by the first element in the list
- --| to the heap. If sharing exists between lists this procedure
- --| could leave a dangling reference. If L is empty, EmptyList will be
- --| raised.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| EmptyList
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- procedure DeleteItem (L: in out LIST; Element: in ITEMTYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Removes the first element of the list equal to Element. If there is
- --| not an element equal to Element, then ItemNotPresent is raised.
- --|
- --| This operation is destructive; it returns the storage occupied by
- --| the elements being deleted.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| ItemNotPresent
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function DeleteItem (L: in LIST; Element: in ITEMTYPE) return LIST;
- --| Purpose
- --| This returns the List L with the first occurrence of Element removed.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function DeleteItems (L: in LIST; Element: in ITEMTYPE) return LIST;
- --| Purpose
- --| This function returns a copy of the list L which has all elements which
- --| have value Element removed.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- procedure DeleteItems (L: in out LIST; Element: in ITEMTYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| This procedure removes all occurrences of Element from the List L. This
- --| is a destructive procedure.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- procedure Destroy (L: in out LIST);
- --| Purpose
- --| This returns to the heap all the storage that a list occupies. Keep in
- --| mind if there exists sharing between lists then this operation can leave
- --| dangling references.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- generic
- with procedure Dispose (I :in out ITEMTYPE);
- procedure DestroyDeep (L :in out LIST);
- --| Purpose
- --| This procedure is used to destroy a list and all the objects contained
- --| in an element of the list. For example if L is a list of lists
- --| then destroy L does not destroy the lists which are elements of L.
- --| DestroyDeep will now destroy L and all the objects in the elements of L.
- --| The produce Dispose is a procedure which will destroy the objects which
- --| comprise an element of a list. For example if package L was a list
- --| of lists then Dispose for L would be the Destroy of list type package L was
- --| instantiated with.
- --|
- --| This procedure requires no sharing between elements of lists.
- --| For example, if L_int is a list of integers and L_of_L_int is a list
- --| of lists of integers and two elements of L_of_L_int have the same value
- --| then doing a DestroyDeep will cause an access violation to be raised.
- --| The best way to avoid this is not to have sharing between list elements
- --| or use copy functions when adding to the list of lists.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function FirstValue (L: in LIST) return ITEMTYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| This returns the Item in the first position in the list. If the list
- --| is empty EmptyList is raised.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| EmptyList
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- procedure Forward (I :in out LISTITER);
- --| Purpose
- --| This procedure can be used in conjunction with Cell to iterate over a list.
- --| This is in addition to Next. Instead of writing
- --|
- --| I :ListIter;
- --| L :List;
- --| V :List_Element_Type;
- --|
- --| I := MakeListIter(L);
- --| while More(I) loop
- --| Next (I, V);
- --| Print (V);
- --| end loop;
- --|
- --| One can write
- --|
- --| I := MakeListIter(L);
- --| while More (I) loop
- --| Print (Cell (I));
- --| Forward (I);
- --| end loop;
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function IsEmpty (L: in LIST) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff L is empty.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function IsInList (L: in LIST; Element: in ITEMTYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Walks down the list L looking for an element whose value is Element.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function LastValue (L: in LIST) return ITEMTYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns the last element in a list. If the list is empty EmptyList is
- --| raised.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| EmptyList
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Length (L: in LIST) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Count the number of elements in list L.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function MakeList (E :in ITEMTYPE) return LIST;
- --| Purpose
- --| Takes in an element and returns a list.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function MakeListIter (L: in LIST) return LISTITER;
- --| Purpose
- --| This prepares a user for iteration operation over a list. The iterater is
- --| an operation which returns successive elements of the list on successive
- --| calls to the iterator. There needs to be a mechanism which marks the
- --| position in the list, so on successive calls to the Next operation the
- --| next item in the list can be returned. This is the function of the
- --| MakeListIter and the type ListIter. MakeIter just sets the Iter to the
- --| the beginning of the list. On subsequent calls to Next the Iter
- --| is updated with each call.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function More (L: in LISTITER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns TRUE iff there are more elements in the list.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- procedure Next (Place: in out LISTITER; Info: out ITEMTYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| This is the iterator operation. Given a ListIter, Next returns the
- --| current item and updates the ListIter.
- --|
- --| The iterators subprograms MakeListIter, More, and Next should be used
- --| in the following way:
- --|
- --| L: List;
- --| Place: ListIter;
- --| Info: SomeType;
- --|
- --|
- --| Place := MakeListIter(L);
- --|
- --| while ( More(Place) ) loop
- --| Next(Place, Info);
- --| process each element of list L;
- --| end loop;
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- procedure ReplaceHead (L: in out LIST; Info: in ITEMTYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Replaces the information in the first element in the list. Raises
- --| EmptyList if the list is empty.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| EmptyList
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- procedure ReplaceTail (L: in out LIST; NewTail: in LIST);
- --| Purpose
- --| Replaces the tail of a list with a new list. If the list whose tail
- --| is being replaced is null EmptyList is raised.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| EmptyList
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Tail (L: in LIST) return LIST;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns a list which is the tail of the list L. Raises EmptyList if
- --| L is empty. If L only has one element then Tail returns the Empty
- --| list.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| EmptyList
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function CellValue (I :in LISTITER) return ITEMTYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| This returns the value of the element at the position of the iterator.
- --| This is used in conjunction with Forward.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Equal (List1: in LIST; List2: in LIST) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns true if for all elements of List1 the corresponding element
- --| of List2 has the same value. This function uses the Equal operation
- --| provided by the user. If one is not provided then = is used.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- private
- type CELL;
- type LIST is access CELL; -- pointer added by this package
- -- in order to make a list
- type CELL is -- Cell for the lists being created
- record
- Info : ITEMTYPE;
- Next : LIST;
- end record;
- type LISTITER is new LIST; -- This prevents Lists being assigned to
- -- iterators and vice versa
- end Lists;
- --::::::::::
- --logical.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- ***************************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- ***************************************************************
- package Logical is
- --| Purpose
- --| LOGICAL provides bit-level manipulation on INTEGER objects.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes
- --| Not all MIL-HDBK-1804 PDL annotations are
- --| used in this package due to its simplicity.
- --| No exceptions are raised by this package.
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Joseph Orost, Concurrent Computer Corporation
- -- ..................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................................
- function Rotate (Arg, Count : INTEGER) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return arg rotated count bits.
- --| If count < 0, rotate is to the right,
- --| else, rotate is to the left.
- -- ..................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................................
- function Shift (Arg, Count : INTEGER) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return arg logically shifted count bits.
- --| Bits shifted out either end are lost.
- --| If count < 0, shift is to the right,
- --| else, shift is to the left
- -- ..................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . LOGICAL."xor" . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................................
- function "xor" (Left, Right : INTEGER) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return left XOR right.
- -- ..................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . LOGICAL."and" . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................................
- function "and" (Left, Right : INTEGER) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return left AND right.
- -- ..................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . LOGICAL."or" . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................................
- function "or" (Left, Right : INTEGER) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return left OR right.
- -- ..................................................................
- -- . .
- -- . LOGICAL."not" . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................................
- function "not" (Right : INTEGER) return INTEGER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return NOT right.
- end Logical;
- --::::::::::
- --lparse.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- *****************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- *****************************************************
- package Line_Parser is
- --| Purpose
- --| Line_Parser parses strings in a manner similar to ARGC/ARGV
- --| under UNIX. Function ARGC returns a count of the number of
- --| tokens in the string and function ARGV returns each token
- --| as a separate substring.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Richard Conn
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- procedure Initialize (Item : in STRING);
- --| Purpose
- --| Initialize this package. This routine MUST be called
- --| before any other routines.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function ArgC return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the number of tokens in the string.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function ArgV (Index : in NATURAL) return STRING;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the Nth token in the string (the first token is
- --| numbered 0). Valid values for INDEX are from 0 to
- --| ARGC-1.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| INVALID_INDEX is raised if INDEX > ARGC-1
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- INVALID_INDEX : exception;
- UNEXPECTED_ERROR : exception;
- end Line_Parser;
- --::::::::::
- --matrix.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- ****************************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * Matrix_Package * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- ****************************************************************
- package MATRIX_PACKAGE is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package is a general purpose matrix package. It defines data
- --| types VECTOR and MATRIX, and contains functions to perform general
- --| matrix algebra operations.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Not all MIL-HDBK-1804 PDL annotations are used in this package
- --| due to its simplicity.
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Dr. Roger Lee, Naval Air Development Center
- --| Art Adamson, Consultant
- -- Types
- type VECTOR is array(integer range<>) of float ;
- subtype VEC2T is VECTOR (integer range 1..2) ;
- subtype VEC3T is VECTOR (integer range 1..3) ;
- type MATRIX is array(integer range<>,integer range <>) of float;
- type MATR2T is array(integer range<>) of VEC2T;
- -- Exceptions
- INCOMPARABLE_DIMENSION :exception; -- the dimension of matrices
- -- or vectors to be operated are
- -- incomparable
- SINGULAR : exception; -- matrix to be inverted is singular
- -- Operations
- function TRANSPOSE(A : MATRIX) return MATRIX ; -- transpose of matrix
- function TRANSPOSE(A : VECTOR) return VECTOR ; -- transpose of vector
- function "+" (A : VECTOR; B : VECTOR) return VECTOR ; -- sum of vector
- function "+" (A : MATRIX; B : MATRIX) return MATRIX ; -- sum of matrix
- function "+" (A : float; B : VECTOR) return VECTOR ;
- -- float added to, each term of matrix
- function "+" (A : VEC2T; B : MATR2T) return MATR2T ;
- -- Vec2T added to, each term of MATR2T
- function "+" (A : MATR2T; B : MATR2T) return MATR2T ;
- -- Corressponding terms added.
- function "-" (A : VECTOR; B : VECTOR) return VECTOR ;
- -- difference of vector
- function "-" (A : MATRIX; B : MATRIX) return MATRIX ;
- -- difference of matrix
- function "*" (A : float; B : VECTOR) return VECTOR ;
- -- scalar, vector multiplication
- function "*" (A : VECTOR; B : float) return VECTOR ;
- -- vector, scalar multiplication
- function "*" (A : VECTOR; B : VECTOR) return float ;
- -- inner(dot) product of two vectors
- function "*" (A : MATRIX; B : VECTOR) return VECTOR ;
- -- matrix,column vector multiplication
- function mat4mult(UL : MATRIX; UR : MATRIX; BL : MATRIX; BR : MATRIX;
- B : VECTOR) return VECTOR ;
- -- large matrix broken into 4 smaller ones, column vector multiplication
- -- (upper left, upper right, bottom left, bottom right--all square)
- function "*" (A : VECTOR; B : MATRIX) return VECTOR ;
- -- row vector,matrix multiplication
- function "*" (A : float; B : MATRIX) return MATRIX ;
- -- scalar, matrix multiplication
- function "*" (A : MATRIX; B : float) return MATRIX ;
- -- matrix, scalar multiplication
- function "*" (A : MATRIX; B : MATRIX) return MATRIX ;
- -- matrix, matrix multiplication
- function "*" (A : float; B : MATR2T) return MATR2T ;
- -- Multiplies each term of a MATR2T by a float
- function "*" (A : VEC2T; B : MATR2T) return VECTOR ;
- -- Dot product of each term of MATR2T by a VEC2T, return array of floats
- function "*" (A : VECTOR; B : MATR2T) return MATR2T ;
- --Multiplies each term of VEC2T by a corresponding float from a VECTOR
- function "**"(A : MATRIX; P : integer) return MATRIX;
- -- square matrix raised to integer power
- -- if P = -1, we invert the matrix
- function "**" (A : VECTOR; B : VECTOR) return VECTOR ;
- -- A X B = ab sin(theta) a direction
- --perpendicular to plane of A & B.
- function JCROSS (A : VEC2T) return VEC2T ;
- --Rotates Vec2T 90 degrees CW.
- function JCROSS (A : MATR2T) return MATR2T ;
- --Rotates Vec2T's 90 degrees CW.
- function ROTX (A : VEC2T) return VEC2T ;
- --Rotates Vec2T 180 degrees about the X axis.
- function ROTY (A : VEC2T) return VEC2T ;
- --Rotates Vec2T 180 degrees about the Y axis.
- function aXbDOTj(A : VEC2T; B : VEC2T) return FLOAT;
- --Gets magnitude of A cross B for 2 2D vectors.
- function GETTAN (A : VEC2T; B : VEC2T) return FLOAT;
- --Gets TAN(THETA) between 2 2D vectors.
- --::::::::::
- --mlib.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- ***************************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- ***************************************************************
- package Floating_Characteristics is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package is a floating mantissa definition of a binary FLOAT
- --| It was first used on the DEC-10 and the VAX but should work for any
- --| since the parameters are obtained by initializing on the actual hardware.
- --| Otherwise the parameters could be set in the spec if known.
- --| This is a preliminary package that defines the properties
- --| of the particular floating point type for which we are going to
- --| generate the math routines.
- --| The constants are those required by the routines described in
- --| "Software Manual for the Elementary Functions" W. Cody & W. Waite
- --| Prentice-Hall 1980.
- --| Actually most are needed only for the test programs
- --| rather than the functions themselves, but might as well be here.
- --| Most of these could be in the form of attributes if
- --| all the floating types to be considered were those built into the
- --| compiler, but we also want to be able to support user defined types
- --| such as software floating types of greater precision than
- --| the hardware affords, or types defined on one machine to
- --| simulate another.
- --| So we use the Cody-Waite names and derive them from an adaptation
- --| of the MACHAR routine as given by Cody-Waite in Appendix B.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Not all MIL-HDBK-1804 PDL annotations are
- --| used in this package due to its simplicity.
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Major Terry Courtwright, World Wide Military Command and
- --| Control Information Systems Joint Program Management Office
- Ibeta : INTEGER;
- -- The radix of the floating-point representation
- -- The number of base IBETA digits in the DIS_FLOAT significand
- Irnd : INTEGER;
- -- TRUE (1) if floating addition rounds, FALSE (0) if truncates
- Ngrd : INTEGER;
- -- Number of guard digits for multiplication
- Machep : INTEGER;
- -- The largest negative integer such that
- -- 1.0 + FLOAT(IBETA) ** MACHEP /= 1.0
- -- except that MACHEP is bounded below by -(IT + 3)
- Negep : INTEGER;
- -- The largest negative integer such that
- -- 1.0 -0 FLOAT(IBETA) ** NEGEP /= 1.0
- -- except that NEGEP is bounded below by -(IT + 3)
- Iexp : INTEGER;
- -- The number of bits (decimal places if IBETA = 10)
- -- reserved for the representation of the exponent (including
- -- the bias or sign) of a floating-point number
- Minexp : INTEGER;
- -- The largest in magnitude negative integer such that
- -- FLOAT(IBETA) ** MINEXP is a positive floating-point number
- Maxexp : INTEGER;
- -- The largest positive exponent for a finite floating-point number
- Eps : FLOAT;
- -- The smallest positive floating-point number such that
- -- 1.0 + EPS /= 1.0
- -- In particular, if IBETA = 2 or IRND = 0,
- -- Otherwise, EPS = (FLOAT(IBETA) ** MACHEP) / 2
- Epsneg : FLOAT;
- -- A small positive floating-point number such that 1.0-EPSNEG /= 1.0
- Xmin : FLOAT;
- -- The smallest non-vanishing floating-point power of the radix
- -- In particular, XMIN = FLOAT(IBETA) ** MINEXP
- Xmax : FLOAT;
- -- The largest finite floating-point number
- -- Here the structure of the floating type is defined.
- -- I have assumed that the exponent is always some integer form.
- -- The mantissa can vary.
- -- Most often it will be a fixed type or the same floating type
- -- depending on the most efficient machine implementation.
- -- Most efficient implementation may require details of the machine hardware
- -- In this version the simplest representation is used.
- -- The mantissa is extracted into a FLOAT and uses the predefined operations.
- subtype EXPONENT_TYPE is INTEGER; -- should be derived
- subtype MANTISSA_TYPE is FLOAT; -- range -1.0..1.0;
- -- A consequence of the rigorous constraints on MANTISSA_TYPE is that
- -- operations must be very carefully examined to make sure that no number
- -- greater than one results.
- -- Actually this limitation is important in constructing algorithms
- -- which will also run when MANTISSA_TYPE is a fixed point type.
- -- If we are not using the STANDARD type, we have to define all the
- -- operations at this point.
- -- We also need PUT for the type if it is not otherwise available.
- -- Now we do something strange.
- -- Since we do not know in the following routines whether the mantissa
- -- will be carried as a fixed or floating type, we have to make some
- -- provision for dividing by two.
- -- We cannot use the literals, since FIXED/2.0 and FLOAT/2 will fail.
- -- We define a type-dependent factor that will work.
- Mantissa_Divisor_2 : constant FLOAT := 2.0;
- Mantissa_Divisor_3 : constant FLOAT := 3.0;
- -- This will work for the MANTISSA_TYPE defined above.
- -- The alternative of defining an operation "/" to take care of it
- -- is too sweeping and would allow unAda-like errors.
- Mantissa_Half : constant MANTISSA_TYPE := 0.5;
- -- Subprograms
- procedure Defloat (X : in FLOAT;
- procedure Refloat (N : in EXPONENT_TYPE;
- Z : out FLOAT);
- -- Since the user may wish to define a floating type by some other name
- -- CONVERT_TO_FLOAT is used rather than just FLOAT for explicit coersion.
- function Convert_to_Float (K : INTEGER) return FLOAT;
- function Convert_to_Float (F : MANTISSA_TYPE) return FLOAT;
- end Floating_Characteristics;
- -- ***************************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- ***************************************************************
- with Floating_Characteristics;
- use Floating_Characteristics;
- package Numeric_Primitives is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package contains the definitions of several useful constants
- --| and functions associated with FLOAT numbers.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Due to the simplicity of this package, the MIL-HDBK-1804 PDL
- --| annotations are not used in the rest of this specification.
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Major Terry Courtwright, World Wide Military Command and
- --| Control Information Systems Joint Program Management Office
- -- This may seem a little much but is put in this form to allow the
- -- same form to be used for a generic package.
- -- If that is not needed, simple litterals could be substituted.
- Zero : FLOAT;
- One : FLOAT;
- Two : FLOAT;
- Three : FLOAT;
- Half : FLOAT;
- -- The following "constants" are effectively deferred to
- -- the initialization part of the package body.
- -- This is in order to make it possible to generalize the floating type.
- -- If that capability is not desired, constants may be included here.
- One_Over_PI : FLOAT;
- Two_Over_PI : FLOAT;
- PI_Over_Two : FLOAT;
- PI_Over_Three : FLOAT;
- PI_Over_Four : FLOAT;
- PI_Over_Six : FLOAT;
- -- Subprograms
- function Sign (X, Y : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- -- Returns the value of X with the sign of Y.
- function Max (X, Y : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- -- Returns the algebraicly larger of X and Y.
- function Truncate (X : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- -- Returns the floating value of the integer no larger than X.
- -- AINT(X)
- function Round (X : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- -- Returns the floating value nearest X.
- function Ran return FLOAT;
- -- This uses a portable algorithm and is included at this point.
- -- Algorithms that presume unique machine hardware information
- -- should be initiated in FLOATING_CHARACTERISTICS.
- end Numeric_Primitives;
- -- ***************************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- ***************************************************************
- with Floating_Characteristics;
- use Floating_Characteristics;
- package Core_Functions is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package contains the definitions of several fundamental
- --| functions associated with FLOAT numbers.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Due to the simplicity of this package, the MIL-HDBK-1804 PDL
- --| annotations are not used in the rest of this specification.
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Major Terry Courtwright, World Wide Military Command and
- --| Control Information Systems Joint Program Management Office
- Exp_Large : FLOAT;
- Exp_Small : FLOAT;
- -- Subprograms
- function SQRT(X : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- function CBRT(X : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- function LOG(X : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- function LOG10(X : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- function EXP(X : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- function "**"(X, Y : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- end Core_Functions;
- -- ***************************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- ***************************************************************
- package Trig_Functions is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package contains the definitions of several trigonometric
- --| and hypertrigonometic functions associated with FLOAT numbers.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Due to the simplicity of this package, the MIL-HDBK-1804 PDL
- --| annotations are not used in the rest of this specification.
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Major Terry Courtwright, World Wide Military Command and
- --| Control Information Systems Joint Program Management Office
- function SIN(X : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- function COS(X : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- function TAN(X : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- function COT(X : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- function ASIN(X : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- function ACOS(X : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- function ATAN(X : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- function ATAN2(V, U : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- function SINH(X : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- function COSH(X : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- function TANH(X : FLOAT) return FLOAT;
- end Trig_Functions;
- --::::::::::
- --out.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- **********************************
- -- * *
- -- * Output_File * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- **********************************
- package Output_File is
- --| Purpose
- --| Output_File implements an abstract data type of an output file.
- --| Output_File offers an abstraction that can be made more efficient
- --| by not using Text_IO (and having its associated overhead imposed)
- --| if possible and also offers the ability to suppress the output,
- --| which may be desired if a caller is skipping over pages and just
- --| wants to output to a null device during this process.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| 08/16/89 Rick Conn Initial Version
- type FILE_TYPE is
- private;
- Cannot_Create_Output_File
- : exception;
- Write_Error
- : exception;
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . Output_File.Already_Exists . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- function Already_Exists
- ( File_Name : in STRING )
- return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Determine if the FILE_TYPE object already exists.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . Output_File.Delete . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- function Delete
- ( File_Name : in STRING )
- return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Delete the FILE_TYPE object. Return TRUE if successful.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . Output_File.Create . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Create
- ( Id : in out FILE_TYPE;
- File_Name : in STRING );
- --| Purpose
- --| Create creates a new FILE_TYPE object.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Cannot_Create_Output_File
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . Output_File.Put . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Put
- ( Id : in out FILE_TYPE;
- Item : in CHARACTER );
- procedure Put
- ( Id : in out FILE_TYPE;
- Item : in STRING );
- --| Purpose
- --| Put writes an Item to the FILE_TYPE object.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Write_Error
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . Output_File.Put_Line . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Put_Line
- ( Id : in out FILE_TYPE;
- Item : in STRING );
- --| Purpose
- --| Put_Line writes an Item to the FILE_TYPE object. The Item is followed
- --| by a New_Line;
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Write_Error
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . Output_File.New_Line . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure New_Line
- ( ID : in out FILE_TYPE );
- --| Purpose
- --| New_Line writes an end-of-line sequence to the FILE_TYPE object.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Write_Error
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . Output_File.New_Page . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure New_Page
- ( ID : in out FILE_TYPE );
- --| Purpose
- --| New_Page writes an end-of-page sequence to the FILE_TYPE object.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Write_Error
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . Output_File.Enable_Output . SPEC
- -- . Output_File.Disable_Output .
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Enable_Output
- ( ID : in out FILE_TYPE );
- procedure Disable_Output
- ( ID : in out FILE_TYPE );
- --| Purpose
- --| Enable_Output and Disable_Output enable and disable the output of
- --| Items and new lines to the FILE_TYPE object. When created, output
- --| to a FILE_TYPE object is enabled.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..................................
- -- . .
- -- . Output_File.Close . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................
- procedure Close
- ( ID : in out FILE_TYPE );
- --| Purpose
- --| Close closes output to the FILE_TYPE object.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- private -- Output_File
- type FILE_TYPE is
- access FILE_OBJECT;
- end Output_File;
- --::::::::::
- --permutat.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- ****************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * Permutations_Class * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- ****************************************************
- generic
- type ITEM_TYPE is private;
- type INDEX_TYPE is (<>);
- type LIST_TYPE is array (INDEX_TYPE range <>) of ITEM_TYPE;
- package Permutations_Class is
- --| Purpose
- --| Generate all permutations of a set of ITEM_TYPE objects.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Doug Bryan, Stanford University
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Permutations_Class.Iterate_Through_Length... . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- generic
- with procedure Process (A_Permutation : LIST_TYPE);
- procedure Iterate_Through_Length_Factorial_Permutations
- (Of_Items : LIST_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| For an actual parameter for Of_Items of length n,
- --| n! (n factorial) permutations will be produced.
- --|
- --| The procedure permutes the elements in the array ITEMS.
- --| actually it permutes their indicies and re-arranges the items
- --| within the list. The procedure does not care of any or all
- --| of the items in the list are equal (the same).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- end Permutations_Class;
- --::::::::::
- --priqueue.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- ********************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- ********************************************************
- generic
- type ENQUEUED_OBJECT is limited private;
- type PRIORITY_VALUE is (<>);
- with procedure Assign (Target : in out ENQUEUED_OBJECT;
- Source : in ENQUEUED_OBJECT) is <>;
- with function "=" (First_Object : in ENQUEUED_OBJECT;
- Second_Object : in ENQUEUED_OBJECT) return BOOLEAN is <>;
- with procedure Destroy (Targeted_Object : in out ENQUEUED_OBJECT) is <>;
- with function "<" (First_Object : in PRIORITY_VALUE;
- Second_Object : in PRIORITY_VALUE) return BOOLEAN is <>;
- package Prioritized_Queue is
- --| Purpose
- --| Support prioritized queues. Items may be added to removed
- --| from these queues based on priority, as opposed to first
- --| arrival.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Bill Wolfe, Clemson University
- -- *******************************************************
- -- This software is part of the Clemson University
- -- Computer Science Department's Ada Software
- -- Repository, and is copyrighted (C) 1989 by
- -- Clemson University. Permission to copy without
- -- fee all or part of this software is granted,
- -- provided that the copies are not made or
- -- distributed for direct commercial advantage, and
- -- that this copyright notice is not deleted or
- -- modified. To copy otherwise, or to republish,
- -- requires a fee and/or specific permission.
- -- *******************************************************
- type PRIORITY_QUEUE is limited private;
- -- requires O (n) space, where n is the NUMBER_OF_ITEMS in the queue.
- Requested_Item_Does_Not_Exist_In_This_Priority_Queue : EXCEPTION;
- No_Items_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_Priority_Queue : EXCEPTION;
- -- ..........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..........................................................
- procedure Destroy (Targeted_Object : in out POINTER_TO_PRIORITY_QUEUE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Remove the queue, freeing the space allocated to it.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Unlike UNCHECKED_DEALLOCATION, this procedure will properly
- --| destroy the PRIORITY_QUEUE being pointed to. Works in O (n)
- --| time, where n is the NUMBER_OF_ITEMS in the PRIORITY_QUEUE
- --| being pointed to.
- -- ..........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..........................................................
- procedure Insert_Item (Queue : in out PRIORITY_QUEUE;
- Object : in ENQUEUED_OBJECT;
- Priority : in PRIORITY_VALUE);
- --| Insert the indicated OBJECT into the QUEUE at the given PRIORITY.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| The QUEUE can safely handle multiple instances of a given
- --| (OBJECT, PRIORITY) pair. Works in O (log n) time, where n
- --| is the NUMBER_OF_ITEMS in the updated QUEUE.
- --| A series of consecutive initializing insertions uses O (n) time,
- --| where n is the number of insertions.
- -- ..........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..........................................................
- procedure Remove_Highest_Priority_Object
- (Highest_Priority_Object : in out ENQUEUED_OBJECT;
- Queue : in out PRIORITY_QUEUE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Remove the highest priority object. If there are several objects
- --| of the same highest priority, the first object entered will be
- --| removed.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| No_Items_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_Priority_Queue
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Works in O (log n) time, where n is the NUMBER_OF_ITEMS
- --| originally in the QUEUE. Raises
- --| No_Items_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_Priority_Queue
- --| if the QUEUE is EMPTY.
- -- ..........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..........................................................
- procedure Remove_Highest_Priority_Object
- (Highest_Priority_Object : in out ENQUEUED_OBJECT;
- Priority_of_the_Object : out PRIORITY_VALUE;
- Queue : in out PRIORITY_QUEUE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Remove the highest priority object in a queue, returning both
- --| the object and its priority.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| No_Items_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_Priority_Queue
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Works in O (log n) time, where n is the NUMBER_OF_ITEMS
- --| originally in the QUEUE.
- --| Raises No_Items_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_Priority_Queue
- --| if the QUEUE is EMPTY.
- -- ..........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..........................................................
- procedure Delete_Item (Queue : in out PRIORITY_QUEUE;
- Object : in ENQUEUED_OBJECT;
- Priority : in PRIORITY_VALUE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Delete an item in the queue given the item and its priority.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Requested_Item_Does_Not_Exist_In_This_Priority_Queue
- --| No_Items_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_Priority_Queue
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Works in O (n) time, where n is the NUMBER_OF_ITEMS originally
- --| in the QUEUE.
- --|
- --| If multiple occurrences of the specified OBJECT and PRIORITY
- --| exist, the first such occurrence found will be deleted, and
- --| all others will be left undisturbed.
- --| PURGE_ITEM should be used if you wish to eliminate all such
- --| occurrences.
- --|
- --| If no occurrences of the specified OBJECT and PRIORITY exist,
- --| and the queue is not EMPTY, raises
- --| Requested_Item_Does_Not_Exist_In_This_Priority_Queue.
- --|
- --| If the QUEUE is EMPTY, raises
- --| No_Items_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_Priority_Queue.
- -- ..........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..........................................................
- procedure Purge_Item (Queue : in out PRIORITY_QUEUE;
- Object : in ENQUEUED_OBJECT);
- --| Purpose
- --| Remove all instances of an OBJECT regardless of its priority.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Works in O (n) time, where n is the NUMBER_OF_ITEMS originally
- --| in the QUEUE.
- --|
- --| Will terminate normally, even if the QUEUE was already EMPTY...
- -- ..........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..........................................................
- procedure Purge_Item (Queue : in out PRIORITY_QUEUE;
- Object : in ENQUEUED_OBJECT;
- Priority : in PRIORITY_VALUE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Remove all instances of an OBJECT at a given PRIORITY.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Works in O (n) time, where n is the NUMBER_OF_ITEMS originally
- --| in the QUEUE.
- --|
- --| Will terminate normally, even if the QUEUE was already EMPTY...
- -- ..........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..........................................................
- procedure Purge_Priority (Queue : in out PRIORITY_QUEUE;
- Priority : in PRIORITY_VALUE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Removes all objects of a given PRIORITY.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Works in O (n) time, where n is the NUMBER_OF_ITEMS originally
- --| in the QUEUE.
- --|
- --| Will terminate normally, even if the QUEUE was already EMPTY...
- -- ..........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..........................................................
- procedure Purge_Priority_Range (Queue : in out PRIORITY_QUEUE;
- From_Priority : in PRIORITY_VALUE;
- To_Priority : in PRIORITY_VALUE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Remove all objects with priorities between FROM_PRIORITY and
- --| TO_PRIORITY, inclusive.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Works in O (n) time, where n is the NUMBER_OF_ITEMS originally
- --| in the QUEUE.
- --|
- --| Will terminate normally, even if the QUEUE was already EMPTY...
- -- ..........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..........................................................
- procedure Merge (Target_Queue : in out PRIORITY_QUEUE;
- Source_Queue : in PRIORITY_QUEUE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Merge two queues. The objects which were in the SOURCE_QUEUE
- --| are merged into the TARGET_QUEUE; the SOURCE_QUEUE
- --| is left EMPTY.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Works in O (log n) time, where n is the NUMBER_OF_ITEMS
- --| in the newly merged queue.
- -- ..........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..........................................................
- procedure Change_Priority (Queue : in out PRIORITY_QUEUE;
- Object : in ENQUEUED_OBJECT;
- Old_Priority : in PRIORITY_VALUE;
- New_Priority : in PRIORITY_VALUE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Change the priority of an object in a queue.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Requested_Item_Does_Not_Exist_In_This_Priority_Queue
- --| No_Items_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_Priority_Queue
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Works in O (n) time, where n is the NUMBER_OF_ITEMS in the QUEUE.
- --|
- --| If multiple occurrences of the specified OBJECT and OLD_PRIORITY
- --| exist in the QUEUE, the first such occurrence found will be
- --| modified, and all others will be left undisturbed.
- --|
- --| If no occurrences of the specified OBJECT and OLD_PRIORITY exist
- --| in the QUEUE, and the QUEUE is not EMPTY, raises
- --| Requested_Item_Does_Not_Exist_In_This_Priority_Queue.
- --|
- --| If the QUEUE is EMPTY, raises
- --| No_Items_Currently_Exist_In_This_Empty_Priority_Queue.
- -- ..........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..........................................................
- function Empty (Queue : in PRIORITY_QUEUE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Determine if a queue is empty.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Works in O (1) time.
- -- ..........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..........................................................
- function Number_of_Items (Queue : in PRIORITY_QUEUE)
- return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Determines the number of items in a queue.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Works in O (n) time, where n is the NUMBER_OF_ITEMS in the QUEUE.
- -- ..........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..........................................................
- procedure Assign (Target_Object : in out PRIORITY_QUEUE;
- Source_Object : in PRIORITY_QUEUE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Assign one queue to another, replacing the TARGET_OBJECT.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Works in O (n) time, where n is the maximum of the
- --| NUMBER_OF_ITEMS to be destroyed in the TARGET_OBJECT
- --| and the NUMBER_OF_ITEMS in the SOURCE_OBJECT.
- -- ..........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..........................................................
- procedure Destroy (Targeted_Object : in out PRIORITY_QUEUE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Destroy a queue, freeing its contents.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Works in O (n) time, where n is the NUMBER_OF_ITEMS in the QUEUE.
- private
- --::::::::::
- --qsort.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . QSORT . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- generic
- type ITEM is private;
- type INDEX is (<>);
- type ROW is array (INDEX range <>) of ITEM;
- with function "<" (X, Y : ITEM) return BOOLEAN is <>;
- procedure Qsort (A : in out ROW);
- --| Purpose
- --| Sort the one-dimensional array A using the Quick Sort
- --| algorithm.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: John Anderson, TI
- --::::::::::
- --random.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- ********************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * RANDOM * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- ********************************************************
- package Random is
- --| Purpose
- --| Random.Number returns a pseudo-random number in 0.0 .. 1.0.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes
- --| Uses 16-bit integers, so should be quite portable.
- --| Not all MIL-HDBK-1804 PDL annotations are
- --| used in this package due to its simplicity.
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Original Work: Bill Whitaker
- --| Later Mods by: Richard Conn, Ron Bell
- -- ......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ......................................................
- function Number return FLOAT;
- end Random;
- --::::::::::
- --scanners.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- **************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * Scanners * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- **************************************************
- package Scanners is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package is used to break strings into tokens in a
- --| very simple but efficient manner. For maximum efficiency,
- --| the scanner type is not private so that it can be used
- --| directly. The following conventions are adopted to allow
- --| the Ada string handling primitives to be used to maximum
- --| advantage:
- --|
- --| 1. Strings are never copied. The scanner type contains
- --| First and Last components so that slices may be used
- --| to obtain the desired tokens (substrings).
- --|
- --| 2. The scanner type does not include a copy of the
- --| string being scanned, also to avoid copying strings.
- --|
- --| 3. The Length component of a scanner is always set to the
- --| length of the item scanned. If it is zero it means
- --| that no such item was found, either because it wasn't
- --| there or because the scanner is exhausted. The is_Empty
- --| operation may be used to determint if a scanner is
- --| exhausted (usually before attempting to scan something).
- --|
- --| 4. All operations have well defined behavior for any
- --| consistent input. There are no exceptions declared in
- --| this package or raised directly by the operations in
- --| the package.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Not all MIL-HDBK-1804 PDL annotations are
- --| used in this package due to its simplicity.
- --| No exceptions are raised by this package.
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Bill Toscano and Michael Gordon, Intermetrics
- -- Types:
- type SCANNER_TYPE is record
- Index : NATURAL; -- Index of next char to be scanned
- Max_Index : NATURAL; -- Index of last scannable char
- First : NATURAL; -- Index of 1st char of the result of a scan
- Last : NATURAL; -- Index of last char of the result of a scan
- Length : NATURAL; -- Length of the item scanned
- end record;
- -- Constructors:
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . Scanners.Start_Scanner . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- procedure Start_Scanner (
- Scanner : in out SCANNER_TYPE;
- S : in STRING;
- Last : in NATURAL);
- --| Purpose
- --| Initialize Scanner for scanning S from S'FIRST to Last.
- --| S and Last are typically obtained by calling
- --| Text_IO.Get_Line.
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . Scanners.Is_Empty . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Is_Empty (Scanner: in SCANNER_TYPE)
- return BOOLEAN;
- pragma inline(is_Empty);
- --| Purpose
- --| Return True iff Scanner.Index > Scanner.Max_Index.
- --| Return TRUE iff there are more characters to scan.
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . Scanners.Is_Alpha . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Is_Alpha (Scanner : in SCANNER_TYPE;
- S : in STRING)
- return BOOLEAN;
- pragma inline(is_Alpha);
- --| Purpose
- --| Return True iff S(Scanner.Index) is an alphabetic character.
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . Scanners.Is_Alpha . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Is_Digit (Scanner : in SCANNER_TYPE;
- S : in string)
- return BOOLEAN;
- pragma inline(is_Digit);
- --| Purpose
- --| Return True iff S(Scanner.Index) is a decimal digit.
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . Scanners.Is_Sign . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Is_Sign (Scanner : in SCANNER_TYPE;
- S : in STRING)
- return BOOLEAN;
- pragma inline(is_Sign);
- --| Purpose
- --| Return True iff S(Scanner.Index) is '+' or '-'
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . Scanners.Is_Digit_or_Sign . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Is_Digit_or_Sign (Scanner : in SCANNER_TYPE;
- S : in string)
- return BOOLEAN;
- pragma inline(is_Digit_or_Sign);
- --| Purpose
- --| Return True iff S(Scanner.Index) is '+', '-', or a decimal digit.
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . Scanners.Skip_Blanks . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- procedure Skip_Blanks (Scanner : in out SCANNER_TYPE;
- S : in STRING);
- --| Purpose
- --| Increment Scanner.Index until S(Scanner.Index) is
- --| neither a blank nor a tab character, or until it is
- --| greater than Scanner.Max_Index.
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . Scanners.Trim_Blanks . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- procedure Trim_Blanks (Scanner : in out SCANNER_TYPE;
- S : in STRING);
- --| Purpose
- --| Adjust Scanner.First and Scanner.Last such that
- --| S(Scanner.First..Scanner.Last) contains neither leading
- --| nor trailing blanks or tabs. Scanner.Length is adjusted
- --| accordingly. This is useful to remove blanks after a
- --| call to Scan_Delimited, Scan_Quoted, Scan_Until, etc.
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . Scanners.Scan_Until . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- procedure Scan_Until (Scanner : in out SCANNER_TYPE;
- S : in STRING;
- C : in CHARACTER);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan in string S starting at Scanner.Index until the
- --| character C is encountered or the string ends. On
- --| return, if Scanner.Length > 0 then
- --| S(Scanner.First..Scanner.Last) contains the characters that
- --| appeared before C and Scanner(Index) = C. If C was
- --| not found, then the scanner is not affected except to
- --| set Scanner.Length to 0.
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . Scanners.Scan_Word . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- procedure Scan_Word (Scanner : in out SCANNER_TYPE;
- S : in STRING);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan in string S for a sequence of non-blank characters,
- --| starting at Scanner.Index. On return, if
- --| Scanner.Length > 0 then S(Scanner.First..Scanner.Last)
- --| is a word and Scanner.Index is just past the end of the
- --| word (Scanner.Last+1), ready to scan the next item.
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . Scanners.Scan_Number . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- procedure Scan_Number (Scanner : in out SCANNER_TYPE;
- S : in STRING);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan in string S for a sequence of numeric characters,
- --| optionally preceeded by a sign (+/-), starting at
- --| Scanner.Index. On return, if Scanner.Length > 0 then
- --| S(Scanner.First..Scanner.Last) is a number and
- --| Scanner.Index is just past the end of the number
- --| (Scanner.Last+1), ready to scan the next item.
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . Scanners.Scan_Delimited . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- procedure Scan_Delimited (Scanner : in out SCANNER_TYPE;
- S : in STRING);
- --| Purpose
- --| The character S(Scanner.Index) is considered a "quote".
- --| Scanner.First is set to the Scanner.Index+1, and
- --| Scanner.Index is incremented until another "quote"
- --| is encountered or the end of the string is reached.
- --| On return, Scanner.Last is the index of the closing
- --| "quote" or the last character in S if no closing "quote"
- --| was found.
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . Scanners.Scan_Quoted . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- procedure Scan_Quoted (Scanner : in out SCANNER_TYPE;
- S : in out STRING);
- --| Purpose
- --| The character S(Scanner.Index) is considered a "quote".
- --| The string S is scanned for a closing "quote". During
- --| the scan, two quotes in a row are replaced by a single
- --| quote. On return, Scanner.First is the first character
- --| of the quoted string, and Scanner.Last is the last
- --| character. (The outermost quotes are not included.)
- --| Scanner.Index is the first character after the
- --| closing quote, Scanner.Length is the number of characters
- --| in the quoted string. Note that the string being scanned
- --| (S) is modified by this routine (to remove the extra quotes,
- --| if any).
- end Scanners;
- --::::::::::
- --search.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- *****************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- *****************************************************
- with System;
- generic
- type COMPONENT_TYPE is limited private; -- type of component to search for
- type INDEX_TYPE is (<>); -- type of array index
- type ARRAY_TYPE is array (INDEX_TYPE range <>) of COMPONENT_TYPE;
- with function "<"(Left, Right : in COMPONENT_TYPE) return BOOLEAN is <>;
- with function "="(Left, Right : in COMPONENT_TYPE) return BOOLEAN is <>;
- package Search_Utilities is
- --| Purpose
- --| Search_Utilities is a generic searching package. The Search subprograms
- --| will search a one dimensional array of any data type
- --| indexed by discrete type components.
- --|
- --| Note that the component type of the array is not restricted to simple
- --| types. An array of records or allocators can be searched. If the
- --| component type is a record or allocator, then the generic formal
- --| subprogram parameter "<" below must be specified as a selector
- --| function.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Geoff Mendal, Stanford University
- -- This type should be used to specify how the data is
- -- ordered. The default is Not_Ordered. However, significant CPU time
- -- can be saved if the data is ordered and the default, Not_Ordered,
- -- is overridden.
- --
- -- If the data are ordered, then if two or more components in the array
- -- can match the search component provided, then the component location
- -- returned by Search should be thought of as an arbitrary selection
- -- from amongst those possible match-components.
- --
- -- If the data are not ordered, then if two or more components in the
- -- array can match the search component provided, then the component
- -- location returned by Search will be the one closest to
- -- Search_Array'FIRST.
- type PERFORMANCE_INSTRUMENTATION_TYPE is range -1 .. System.Max_Int;
- -- This type declaration should be used to specify the
- -- instrumentation analysis data that can be returned by the
- -- Search procedure below. -1 is only returned if an overflow in
- -- calculations has occurred. The Search subprograms will not terminate
- -- if an overflow in instrumentation analysis data calculations has
- -- occurred.
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Version return STRING;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns the version number of this package.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- procedure Search (
- Component : in COMPONENT_TYPE;
- Search_Array : in ARRAY_TYPE;
- Location_Found : out INDEX_TYPE;
- Component_Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Order_Strategy : in DATA_ORDER_TYPE := NOT_ORDERED;
- No_Match_Index : in INDEX_TYPE := INDEX_TYPE'LAST);
- --| Purpose
- --| This procedure will search a one dimensional array of
- --| components. It can search an ordered or unordered array. If
- --| an ordered array is specified, it defaults to an ascending
- --| order (which can be overridden by the user). The array components
- --| must only support equality, inequality, and assignment (private
- --| types). The array indices can be of any discrete type. The number
- --| of comparisons can also be returned.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- procedure Search (
- Component : in COMPONENT_TYPE;
- Search_Array : in ARRAY_TYPE;
- Location_Found : out INDEX_TYPE;
- Component_Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Order_Strategy : in DATA_ORDER_TYPE := NOT_ORDERED;
- No_Match_Index : in INDEX_TYPE := INDEX_TYPE'LAST);
- --| Purpose
- --| This overloading of procedure Search should be used when
- --| no instrumentation analysis data are required.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Search (
- Component : in COMPONENT_TYPE;
- Search_Array : in ARRAY_TYPE;
- Order_Strategy : in DATA_ORDER_TYPE := NOT_ORDERED)
- return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| This overloading of function Search should be used when
- --| the user only wants to know if the component exists or not.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Search (
- Component : in COMPONENT_TYPE;
- Search_Array : in ARRAY_TYPE;
- Order_Strategy : in DATA_ORDER_TYPE := NOT_ORDERED;
- No_Match_Index : in INDEX_TYPE := INDEX_TYPE'LAST)
- return INDEX_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| This overloading of function Search should be used when
- --| the component is definitely known to exist and only the location
- --| is required. (Note that No_Match_Index may be used to return a
- --| no match index value... but this won't work in all cases.)
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- end Search_Utilities;
- --::::::::::
- --slist.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- *****************************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- *****************************************************************
- generic
- type LIST_ELEMENT is private;
- package Singly_Linked_List is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package provides an abstraction for a singly linked list.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Richard Conn
- -- Types
- type LIST_TYPE is limited private;
- -- Exceptions
- End_Error : exception;
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- function Empty (List : LIST_TYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Indicates whether the list contains any elements.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- function Null_Node (List : LIST_TYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Indicates whether the "current pointer" references an element
- --| in the list.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- function Head_Node (List : LIST_TYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Indicates whether the "current pointer" references the head
- --| of the list.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- function Tail_Node (List : LIST_TYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Indicates whether the "current pointer" references the tail
- --| of the list.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- function Current_Element (List : LIST_TYPE) return LIST_ELEMENT;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns the value of the element referenced by the "current pointer".
- --| Raises End_Error if Null_Node(List) = True.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| End_Error
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure First (List : in out LIST_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Positions the "current pointer" at the head of the list
- --| (even if the list is empty).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Next (List : in out LIST_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Positions the "current pointer" at the next element in the list.
- --| After the last element in the list, Null_Node(List) becomes True.
- --| Raises End_Error if Null_Node(List) = True.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| End_Error
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Insert_After (List : in out LIST_TYPE;
- Element : LIST_ELEMENT);
- --| Purpose
- --| Inserts an element after the "current pointer".
- --| If Null_Node(List) = True the element is appended after
- --| the tail element.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Insert_Before (List : in out LIST_TYPE;
- Element : LIST_ELEMENT);
- --| Purpose
- --| Inserts an element before the "current pointer".
- --| If Null_Node(List) = True the element is prepended before
- --| the head element.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Delete_Element (List : in out LIST_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Deletes the element referenced by the "current pointer" from the list.
- --| Upon deletion, the "current pointer" references the element after the
- --| deleted element.
- --| Raises End_Error if Null_Node(List) = True.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| End_Error
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- generic
- with procedure Transformation (Element : in out LIST_ELEMENT);
- procedure Modify (List : LIST_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Permits modification of the element referenced by the "current pointer"
- --| where the modification doesn't require external values (e.g.
- --| incrementing a field of the element).
- --| Raises End_Error if Null_Node(List) = True.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| End_Error
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- generic
- type UPDATE_INFORMATION is private;
- with procedure Transformation (Element : in out LIST_ELEMENT;
- Information : UPDATE_INFORMATION);
- procedure Update (List : LIST_TYPE;
- Information : UPDATE_INFORMATION);
- --| Purpose
- --| Permits modification of the element referenced by the "current pointer"
- --| where the modification requires external values (e.g. assigning a value
- --| to a field of the element).
- --| Raises End_Error if Null_Node(List) = True.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| End_Error
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- Pragmas
- pragma Inline (Empty, Null_Node, Head_Node, Tail_Node, Current_Element);
- pragma Inline (Modify, Update);
- private
- type NODE;
- type NODE_ACCESS is access NODE;
- type NODE is
- record
- Element : LIST_ELEMENT;
- end record;
- type LIST_TYPE is
- record
- Previous : NODE_ACCESS;
- Current : NODE_ACCESS;
- end record;
- end Singly_Linked_List;
- --::::::::::
- --sort.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- *****************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- *****************************************************
- with System; -- predefined package SYSTEM
- generic
- type COMPONENT_TYPE is private; -- type of the data components
- type INDEX_TYPE is (<>); -- type of array index
- type ARRAY_TYPE is array (INDEX_TYPE range <>) of COMPONENT_TYPE;
- with function "<" (Left,Right : in COMPONENT_TYPE) return BOOLEAN is <>;
- with function Equal (Left,Right : in COMPONENT_TYPE) return BOOLEAN is "=";
- package Sort_Utilities is
- --| Purpose
- --| Sort_Utilities is a generic sorting package. The Sort subprograms
- --| will sort a one dimensional array of any component type that supports
- --| assignment, equality, and inequality (private types) indexed by
- --| discrete type components. The default linear order is ascending order
- --| but may be overridden by the user. The default sort algorithm,
- --| Quicksort (non-recursive), may also be overridden.
- --|
- --| Note that the component type can be a record type. The Sort subprograms
- --| are not restricted to simple data types. If records are to be sorted,
- --| then the formal generic subprogram parameter "<" must be
- --| specified with by a linear order, e.g., a function provided
- --| as an actual generic subprogram parameter at instantiation.
- --|
- --| Note that the component type can be an access type (which can
- --| point to other objects, improving sort efficiency). If access types
- --| are to be sorted, then the formal generic subprogram parameter "<"
- --| must be specified by a linear order (see example #3 below).
- --| Since access types can be sorted, the Sort routine below can be
- --| used to sort limited types and unconstrained types (designated by
- --| an access type).
- --|
- --| For data in which equality does not truly apply (i.e., real types)
- --| one can use the Equal function to specify an equality operation.
- --| Hence, one can decide that two numbers are "close enough" to be
- --| equal (see example #4 below).
- --|
- --| The number of comparisons and exchanges made to sort the array
- --| can be returned. These numbers should give some indication on how
- --| much work was actually performed by the sorting algorithms. These
- --| numbers can also be used to compare the relative efficiency
- --| of the sorting algorithms.
- --|
- --| This package can be used to sort data on external devices. The user
- --| should use this package to sort a subset of the external data, then
- --| use a merge operation on all sorted subsets. For example, if the
- --| system can only hold 1000 components in RAM, but you need to sort
- --| 3000 components, bring in components #1-1000 and sort them using this
- --| routine, and then write them to a file. Next do the same with
- --| components #1001-2000, and finally with components #2001-3000. Now
- --| merge the three sorted files using a merge package.
- --|
- --| One of the Sort subprograms is a function which can be used to sort
- --| an array and test it against another in an inline expression. This
- --| can be useful when comparing the contents of two arrays which may be
- --| equal, but not at the identical indices. This will be most useful for
- --| comparing the equality of sets implemented as arrays (see example #5
- --| below).
- --|
- --| Other Sort subprograms allow the user to maintain the original state
- --| of the array by returning a new array that is sorted. These subprograms
- --| will be useful in cases where sorting is required, but the original
- --| (unsorted) data must be preserved.
- --|
- --| Design of this package has been documented in the IEEE Computer
- --| Society Second International Conference on Ada Applications and
- --| Environments proceedings. Contact the IEEE or the author for a copy
- --| of the paper. This paper is forthcoming in a special issue of IEEE
- --| Software also.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| See the explanation below for details on the different
- --| sort algorithms available and their respective merits.
- --| There are also examples at the end of this specification
- --| on the use of this package.
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Goeff Mendal, Stanford University
- type SORT_ALGORITHM_TYPE is (Quicksort, Recursive_Quicksort, Bsort,
- Bubble_Sort, Bubble_Sort_with_Quick_Exit, Selection_Sort, Heapsort,
- Insertion_Sort, Merge_Sort);
- -- Users can specify the type of sorting algorithm they want by
- -- specifying an enumeration literal from the type above. The default
- -- algorithm, Quicksort (non-recursive), generally performs best.
- --
- -- One note about stability of the algorithms: only the Bubble Sorts
- -- and Insertion Sort are stable algorithms. Thus, they are the
- -- only algorithms that preserve the ordering of equal components
- -- without use of a selector function. In all cases, a selector
- -- function may be specified to introduce stability into the
- -- sorting algorithms (see example #3 below).
- --
- -- Quicksort: O(NlogN). Is most efficient when used with large, unsorted
- -- arrays. Uses an explicit stack to maintain state and
- -- partitions. Instable. This is the default algorithm.
- -- Recursive_Quicksort: O(NlogN). Is most efficient when used with large,
- -- unsorted arrays. Recursive nature may introduce significant
- -- memory overhead for very large arrays. Instable.
- -- Bsort: O(NlogN). Is most efficient when used with large arrays
- -- that are already sorted, partially sorted, or sorted in
- -- reverse. Recursive. Instable.
- -- Bubble_Sort: O(N**2). Is most efficient when used with small
- -- arrays that are almost already sorted. Non-recursive.
- -- Brute force. Low memory requirements. Stable.
- -- Bubble_Sort_with_Quick_Exit: O(N**2). Is most efficient when
- -- used with small arrays that are almost already sorted.
- -- Non-recursive. Same as bubble sort above except brute
- -- force is limited. Stable.
- -- Selection_Sort: O(N**2). Is most efficient when used with
- -- small arrays in which the Component_Type is a
- -- record type. Non-recursive. Brute force. Instable.
- -- Heapsort: O(NlogN). Is most efficient when used with
- -- large, unsorted arrays. Non-recursive. Very low
- -- memory requirements. Instable.
- -- Insertion_Sort: O(N**2). Is most efficient when used with
- -- small arrays that are almost already sorted. Non-
- -- recursive. Brute force. Stable.
- -- Merge_Sort: O(NlogN). Is most efficient when used with medium-large
- -- arrays. Non-recursive. Instable. Uses an auxiliary array
- -- to perform merging.
- -- This type declaration should be used to specify the
- -- instrumentation analysis results that can be returned by the Sort
- -- subprograms below. -1 is only returned if an overflow in calculations
- -- has occurred. The Sort subprograms will still sort the array if an
- -- overflow in instrumentation analysis data calculations
- -- occurs.
- Sort_Arrays_Length_Mismatch : exception;
- -- This exception is raised during execution of the Sort
- -- subprograms which take two arrays as parameters. These two arrays
- -- must be of the same length.
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Version return STRING;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns the version number of this package.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Sort (
- Sort_Array : in out ARRAY_TYPE;
- Number_of_Comparisons,
- Sort_Algorithm : in SORT_ALGORITHM_TYPE := Quicksort);
- --| Purpose
- --| The following procedure will sort a one dimensional array of
- --| components. It can sort in ascending/descending order or any
- --| user-defined order. It can sort components of any type that
- --| support equality, inequality, and assignment (private types).
- --| The array indices can be of any discrete type. The number of
- --| comparisons and exchanges can also be returned.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Sort (
- Sort_Array : in out ARRAY_TYPE;
- Sort_Algorithm : in SORT_ALGORITHM_TYPE := Quicksort);
- --| Purpose
- --| This overloading of procedure Sort should be specified
- --| when no instrumentation analysis data are required.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Sort (
- Unsorted_Array : in ARRAY_TYPE;
- Sorted_Array : out ARRAY_TYPE;
- Number_of_Comparisons,
- Sort_Algorithm : in SORT_ALGORITHM_TYPE := Quicksort);
- --| Purpose
- --| The following overloading of procedure Sort should be used when
- --| the original data must be preserved and instrumentation analysis
- --| results are required.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Sort_Arrays_Length_Mismatch is raised if Unsorted_Array
- --| and Sorted_Array are not
- --| the same length
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Sort (
- Unsorted_Array : in ARRAY_TYPE;
- Sorted_Array : out ARRAY_TYPE;
- Sort_Algorithm : in SORT_ALGORITHM_TYPE := Quicksort);
- --| Purpose
- --| The following overloading of procedure Sort should be used when
- --| the original data must be preserved and no instrumentation analysis
- --| results are required.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Sort_Arrays_Length_Mismatch is raised if Unsorted_Array
- --| and Sorted_Array are not
- --| the same length
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Sort (
- Sort_Array : in ARRAY_TYPE;
- Sort_Algorithm : in SORT_ALGORITHM_TYPE := Quicksort)
- return Array_Type;
- --| Purpose
- --| This overloading of function Sort should be used when
- --| sorting is required in an inline expression.
- end Sort_Utilities;
- --::::::::::
- --stringer.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- *****************************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- *****************************************************************
- package String_Manipulator is
- --| Purpose
- --| STRING_MANIPULATOR provides a few routines
- --| for storing string values into different
- --| sizes of strings.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Richard Conn
- -- Exceptions
- STRING_OVERFLOW : exception; -- raised by GUARDED_LOAD
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Load (From : in STRING;
- To : out STRING;
- Fill_Character : in CHARACTER := ' ');
- --| Purpose
- --| LOAD places the string FROM into the first part of the
- --| string TO, filling the rest with FILL_CHARACTER; if the string
- --| FROM is longer than the string TO, the string FROM is truncated
- --| into TO without warning
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Load (From : in STRING;
- To : out STRING;
- Last : out NATURAL;
- Fill_Character : in CHARACTER := ' ');
- --| Purpose
- --| LOAD places the string FROM into the first part of the
- --| string TO, filling the rest with FILL_CHARACTER; if the string
- --| FROM is longer than the string TO, the string FROM is truncated
- --| into TO without warning
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Guarded_Load (From : in STRING;
- To : out STRING;
- Fill_Character : in CHARACTER := ' ');
- --| Purpose
- --| GUARDED_LOAD places the string FROM into the first part of the
- --| string TO, filling the rest with FILL_CHARACTER; if the string
- --| FROM is longer than the string TO, the exception STRING_OVERFLOW is
- --| raised
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Guarded_Load (From : in STRING;
- To : out STRING;
- Last : out NATURAL;
- Fill_Character : in CHARACTER := ' ');
- --| Purpose
- --| GUARDED_LOAD places the string FROM into the first part of the
- --| string TO, filling the rest with FILL_CHARACTER; if the string
- --| FROM is longer than the string TO, the exception STRING_OVERFLOW is
- --| raised
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- procedure Fill (What : out STRING;
- With_Item : in CHARACTER := ' ');
- --| Purpose
- --| FILL fills the string WHAT with the indicated WITH_ITEM
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .............................................................
- function Is_Filled (What : in STRING;
- With_Item : in CHARACTER := ' ') return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| IS_FILLED returns TRUE if the string WHAT contains only the
- --| character WITH_ITEM; IS_FILLED returns FALSE otherwise
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- end String_Manipulator;
- --::::::::::
- --testlog.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- **************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * Test_Log * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- **************************************************
- package Test_Log is
- --| Purpose
- --| A Test Log is a log of test activity. Expected and
- --| Actual test results can be reported to it via the Compare
- --| routines, and Test Log can build a summary report of
- --| the test results. It keeps track of the number of
- --| tests and the number of errors detected.
- --|
- --| Test_Log provides a number of Compare routines
- --| that compare one value with another and two counters.
- --| The Test Counter is incremented each time a Compare
- --| routine is called and the Error counter is
- --| incremented each time the comparison does not work
- --| out.
- --|
- --| Test_Log performs its operations in one of three modes
- --| which may be selected by calling the Set_Mode routine:
- --| SILENT all results of calls to Compare are
- --| logged internally and no display is
- --| generated except when the Report
- --| routine is called
- --| VERBOSE all results of calls to Compare are
- --| displayed on the console
- --| REPORT_TO_FILE same as VERBOSE, except the results
- --| are written to a file rather than to
- --| the console
- --|
- --| A fourth "mode" is USER_SELECTABLE, which results in a
- --| prompt being displayed to the user and the user selecting
- --| one of the modes SILENT, VERBOSE, or REPORT_TO_FILE.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes
- --| The Test and Error counters are initially set to
- --| zero. They may be reset to zero at any time by
- --| calling the Reset procedure.
- --| The Test and Error counters are of type NATURAL,
- --| so care should be exercised to see that no more
- --| tests than NATURAL'LAST are done before a Reset.
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| 2/27/91 Richard Conn Initial Version and Release
- REPORT_FILE_ERROR : exception;
- -- raised if output report file cannot be created
- Test_Log_File : constant STRING := "testlog.rpt";
- -- Name of test log file (see next comment)
- -- The Test Log can run silently, displaying a summary report
- -- at the end, or verbosely, displaying each comparison as it
- -- is done. The REPORT_TO_FILE mode is the same as VERBOSE,
- -- but the output is sent to Test_Log_File rather than the
- -- console. USER_SELECTABLE causes the user to be prompted at
- -- the console and manually select the SILENT, VERBOSE, or
- -- REPORT_TO_FILE modes.
- -- Values of the result of a test
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Test_Log.Set_Mode . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- procedure Set_Mode (To : in MODE);
- --| Purpose
- --| The mode of operation is set to the indicated mode.
- --| See the discussion above for a description of the
- --| modes.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes
- --| If this routine is not called, the default mode
- --| is SILENT.
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Test_Log.Set_Test_ID_Field_Width . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- procedure Set_Test_ID_Field_Width (To : in NATURAL := 10);
- --| Purpose
- --| Set the length of a test ID to be output (up to 60).
- --| Any test ID string shorter than this length will be
- --| padded with spaces. Any test ID string longer than
- --| this length will be output in full.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes
- --| If this routine is not called, the field width is
- --| automatically set to the default value.
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Test_Log.Set_String_Field_Width . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- procedure Set_String_Field_Width (To : in NATURAL := 20);
- --| Purpose
- --| Set the length of a string to be output (up to 60).
- --| Any string shorter than this length will be padded
- --| with spaces. Any string longer than this length
- --| will be output in full.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes
- --| If this routine is not called, the field width is
- --| automatically set to the default value.
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Test_Log.Set_Integer_Field_Width . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- procedure Set_Integer_Field_Width (To : in NATURAL := 20);
- --| Purpose
- --| Set the length of an integer to be output.
- --| If the integer requires more space than this,
- --| the necessary space will be taken.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes
- --| If this routine is not called, the field width is
- --| automatically set to the default value.
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Test_Log.Set_Float_Field_Width . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- procedure Set_Float_Field_Width
- (Before_Decimal : in NATURAL := 2;
- After_Decimal : in NATURAL := 5;
- In_Exponent : in NATURAL := 4);
- --| Purpose
- --| Set the length of the fields of a floating point
- --| value to be output. If In_Exponent is non-zero,
- --| scientific notation is used; if In_Exponent is
- --| zero, fixed point notation is used.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes
- --| If this routine is not called, the field widths are
- --| automatically set to the default values.
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Test_Log.Reset . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- procedure Reset;
- --| Purpose
- --| The Reset routine resets the test and error counters.
- --| It need not be called the first time this package's
- --| routines are used since these counters come up
- --| initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Test_Log.Compare . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- procedure Compare(Test_ID : in STRING;
- Expected_Result : in STRING;
- Actual_Result : in STRING);
- procedure Compare(Test_ID : in STRING;
- Expected_Result : in INTEGER;
- Actual_Result : in INTEGER);
- procedure Compare(Test_ID : in STRING;
- Expected_Result : in FLOAT;
- Actual_Result : in FLOAT;
- Tolerance : in FLOAT);
- --| Purpose
- --| These routines compare the two values (x1 and x2) for
- --| equality (except in the case of F1 and F2, which are
- --| compared by abs(F1-F2)<Tolerance). If these values
- --| are equal or within tolerance, then only the
- --| Test counter is incremented. If these values are
- --| not equal or within tolerance, the Test counter and
- --| Error counter are incremented and the Test_ID is
- --| displayed.
- --|
- --| If the Mode (see the Set_Mode procedure) is SILENT,
- --| the results are not shown. If the Mode is VERBOSE
- --| or REPORT_TO_FILE, then the Test_ID, the Expected_Result,
- --| the Actual_Result, and the result of the comparison
- --| (FAIL or PASS) is written to the console (VERBOSE)
- --| or the output file Test_Log_File (REPORT_TO_FILE).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Test_Log.Enter_Test_Result . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- procedure Enter_Test_Result
- (Test_ID : in STRING;
- Result : in TEST_RESULT);
- --| Purpose
- --| This routine enters Result as though a Compare call
- --| was made. This is the same as calling one of the
- --| Compare routines, but the result of the comparison
- --| is the input value to this routine and no comparison
- --| is actually done. This is useful when a test does
- --| not generate a value as a result, such as when the
- --| test expects an exception to be raised.
- --|
- --| See the Purpose section of the Compare routines
- --| for more information.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Test_Log.Error_Count . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- function Error_Count return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Error_Count returns the value of the Error Counter.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Test_Log.Test_Count . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- function Test_Count return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Test_Count returns the value of the Test Counter.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Test_Log.Write . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- procedure Write(Message : in STRING := "");
- --| Purpose
- --| Write the message to the console followed by a
- --| New Line.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Test_Log.Report . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- procedure Report(Message : in STRING := "");
- --| Purpose
- --| Print a report showing the values of the Test and
- --| Error Counters. If Message is not null, it is
- --| printed, indented, before the counter values.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Test_Log.Close . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- procedure Close;
- --| Purpose
- --| Close the Test Log. If a Test_Log_File is open,
- --| it is closed.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- end Test_Log;
- --::::::::::
- --binfile.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- **************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * Binary_File * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- **************************************************
- with CS_Parts_Types; -- for BYTE type
- use CS_Parts_Types;
- package Binary_File is
- --| Purpose
- --| Binary_File provides a convenient mechanism for accessing
- --| binary files, implemented as an abstract data type. The
- --| binary file may be read or written one byte at a time.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| 7/15/90 Rick Conn Initial Design and Code
- type FILE_TYPE is limited private;
- type BLOCK is array (INTEGER range <>) of BYTE;
- Data_Error, -- full BLOCK could not be read
- Device_Error, -- problem with underlying system
- End_Error, -- read attempted into end of file
- Mode_Error, -- read attempted from output file, etc.
- Name_Error, -- invalid file/dir name
- Status_Error, -- file already open
- Use_Error, -- write to read/only file, others
- Unexpected_Error
- : exception;
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Binary_File.Create . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Create (File : in out FILE_TYPE;
- Name : in STRING);
- --| Purpose
- --| Create a binary file and open it for output.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Device_Error -- raised if file cannot be created
- --| -- due to a hardware error
- --| Name_Error -- raised if Name is not a valid file
- --| -- or directory reference
- --| Status_Error -- raised if file Name is already
- --| -- open
- --| Use_Error -- raised if file Name exists and is
- --| -- read/only
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Binary_File.Open . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Open (File : in out FILE_TYPE;
- Name : in STRING);
- --| Purpose
- --| Open an existing binary file for input.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Device_Error -- raised if file cannot be opened
- --| -- due to a hardware error
- --| Name_Error -- raised if Name is not a valid file
- --| -- or directory reference
- --| Status_Error -- raised if file Name is already
- --| -- open
- --| Use_Error -- raised if file Name is write/only
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Binary_File.Close . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Close (File : in out FILE_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Close the indicated file.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Binary_File.Reset . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Reset (File : in out FILE_TYPE;
- Mode : in FILE_MODE := IN_FILE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Close the indicated file and reopen it (at the
- --| beginning) for input or output.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Device_Error -- raised if file cannot be accessed
- --| -- due to a hardware error
- --| Name_Error -- raised if Name is not a valid file
- --| -- or directory reference
- --| Status_Error -- raised if file Name is already
- --| -- open
- --| Use_Error -- raised if file Name exists and is
- --| -- read/only
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Binary_File.Mode . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Mode (File : in FILE_TYPE) return FILE_MODE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the mode (IN_FILE or OUT_FILE) of the
- --| indicated File.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Binary_File.Name . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Name (File : in FILE_TYPE) return STRING;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the name of the indicated File.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Binary_File.Is_Open . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Is_Open (File : in FILE_TYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff the indicated File is open.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Binary_File.Is_End . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- function Is_End (File : in FILE_TYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE if the next byte to be returned from
- --| the indicated File is beyond the end of the file.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Binary_File.Read . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Read (File : in FILE_TYPE;
- Item : out BYTE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Read the next byte from an OPENed File.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Device_Error -- raised if File cannot be accessed
- --| -- due to a hardware error
- --| End_Error -- raised if the next byte to be
- --| -- returned is beyond the end of
- --| -- the File
- --| Mode_Error -- raised if File is opened for
- --| -- output (mode OUT_FILE)
- --| Status_Error -- raised if File has not been
- --| -- OPENed
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Binary_File.Read . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Read (File : in FILE_TYPE;
- Item : out BLOCK);
- --| Purpose
- --| Read the next block from an OPENed File.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Data_Error -- raised if a full BLOCK could
- --| -- not be read from the file
- --| Device_Error -- raised if File cannot be accessed
- --| -- due to a hardware error
- --| End_Error -- raised if the next byte to be
- --| -- returned is beyond the end of
- --| -- the File
- --| Mode_Error -- raised if File is opened for
- --| -- output (mode OUT_FILE)
- --| Status_Error -- raised if File has not been
- --| -- OPENed
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Binary_File.Write . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Write (File : in FILE_TYPE;
- Item : in BYTE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Write the next byte to a CREATEed File.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Device_Error -- raised if File cannot be accessed
- --| -- due to a hardware error
- --| Mode_Error -- raised if File is opened for
- --| -- input (mode IN_FILE)
- --| Status_Error -- raised if File has not been
- --| -- CREATEd
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Binary_File.Write . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...................................................
- procedure Write (File : in FILE_TYPE;
- Item : in BLOCK);
- --| Purpose
- --| Write the next block to a CREATEed File.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Device_Error -- raised if File cannot be accessed
- --| -- due to a hardware error
- --| Mode_Error -- raised if File is opened for
- --| -- input (mode IN_FILE)
- --| Status_Error -- raised if File has not been
- --| -- CREATEd
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- private
- type FILE_OBJECT; -- deferred to body
- type FILE_TYPE is access FILE_OBJECT;
- end Binary_File;
- --::::::::::
- --bintree2.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- ***********************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- ***********************************************
- with Lists;
- generic
- type ITEMTYPE is private;
- with function "<" (X,Y: in ITEMTYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- package BinaryTrees is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package creates an ordered binary tree. This will allow for
- --| quick insertion, and search.
- --|
- --| The tree is organized such that
- --|
- --| leftchild < root root < rightchild
- --|
- --| This means that by doing a left to right search of the tree will can
- --| produce the nodes of the tree in ascending order.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Bill Toscano and Michael Gordon, Intermetrics
- type TREE is private; -- This is the type exported to represent the
- -- tree.
- type TREEITER is private; -- This is the type which is used to iterate
- -- over the set.
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- function Create return TREE;
- --| Purpose
- --| This creates a tree containing no information and no children.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- procedure Deposit (I : in ITEMTYPE; S : in TREE);
- --| Purpose
- --| This changes the information stored at the root of the tree S.
- --| It deposits the information I in the root of S.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- procedure DestroyTree (T :in out TREE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Destroys a tree and returns the space which it is occupying.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- Procedure Insertnode(N : In Out ITEMTYPE;
- T : In Out TREE;
- Root : Out TREE;
- Exists : out BOOLEAN);
- --| Purpose
- --| This adds the node N to the tree T inserting in the proper position.
- --| Root is the root of the subtree which Node N heads (the position
- --| of Node N in T).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- function MakeTreeIter (T : in TREE) return TREEITER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Sets a variable to a position in the tree where the iteration is
- --| to begin. In this case, the position is a pointer to the deepest
- --| leftmost leaf in the tree.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- function More (I : in TREEITER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns TRUE iff there are more elements in the tree
- --| over which to iterate.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .................................................
- procedure Next (I : in out TREEITER;
- Info : out ITEMTYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| This is the iterator operation. Given an Iter in the Tree, it
- --| returns the item Iter points to and updates the Iter. If Iter
- --| is at the end of the Tree, More will indicate such.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- private
- type NODE;
- type TREE is access NODE;
- type NODE is
- record
- Info : ITEMTYPE;
- LeftChild : TREE;
- RightChild : TREE;
- end record;
- package NodeOrder is new Lists (TREE);
- type TREEITER is
- record
- NodeList : NodeOrder.LIST;
- State : NodeOrder.LISTITER;
- end record;
- end BinaryTrees;
- --::::::::::
- --hashmap.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- ******************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * Hashed_Mapping_PKG * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- ******************************************************
- with lists; -- Lists used in implementation. (private)
- pragma elaborate(lists);
- generic
- type KEY_TYPE is private;
- with function Equal (K1, K2: KEY_TYPE) return BOOLEAN is "=";
- type BUCKET_RANGE is range <>;
- -- Defines the number of hash buckets, one for each member
- with function Hash (K: KEY_TYPE) return BUCKET_RANGE;
- -- Required property: equal(e1, e2) => hash(e1) = hash(e2).
- -- Best results if hash produces a uniform distribution
- -- over BUCKET_RANGE.
- type VALUE_TYPE is private;
- package Hashed_Mapping_PKG is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package provides a mapping from one arbitrary type,
- --| KEY_TYPE, to another arbitrary type, VALUE_TYPE. These
- --| types are generic formals to the package, along with an
- --| equality relation on KEY_TYPE, an integer subtype that
- --| determines the number of hash buckets, and a hashing
- --| function on KEY_TYPE that maps to that integer subtype.
- --|
- --| For the purpose of specifying the operations in this
- --| package, we will view a mapping as a set of bindings,
- --| or key/value pairs. This allows the use of set notation
- --| in description.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Ron Kownacki, Intermetrics
- type MAPPING is private;
- No_More: exception;
- -- Raised on incorrect use of an iterator.
- Uninitialized_Mapping: exception;
- -- Raised on use of an unitialized MAPPING by most operations.
- Already_Bound: exception;
- -- Raised on attempt to rebind a key that is currently bound.
- Not_Bound: exception;
- -- Raised when a key that is expected to be bound is unbound.
- type KEYS_ITER is private; -- Bound keys in arbitrary order.
- type VALUES_ITER is private; -- Bound values in arbitrary order.
- type BINDINGS_ITER is private; -- Key,value pairs in arbitrary order
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.Create . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Create return MAPPING;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return {}.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.Bind . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- procedure Bind (Map: in out MAPPING;
- Key: in KEY_TYPE;
- Value: in VALUE_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Insert the binding, <key, value>, into map. Raises
- --| already_bound iff a pair, <k', v'>, where equal(key, k'),
- --| is in map. Raises Uninitialized_Mapping iff map has
- --| not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Already_Bound
- --| Uninitialized_Mapping
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.Unbind . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- procedure Unbind (Map: in out MAPPING;
- Key: in KEY_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| If <k, v>, where equal(key, k), is in map, then removes
- --| <k, v> from map. Raises not_bound if no such pair exists.
- --| Raises Uninitialized_Mapping iff map has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Not_Bound
- --| Uninitialized_Mapping
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.Copy . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Copy (Map: MAPPING) return MAPPING;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns a copy of map. Subsequent changes to map will not be
- --| visible through applying operations to the copy of map.
- --| Assignment or parameter passing without copying will result
- --| in a single MAPPING value being shared among MAPPING objects.
- --| Raises Uninitialized_Mapping iff map has not been initialized.
- --| The assignment operation is used to transfer the values of the
- --| KEY_TYPE and VALUE_TYPE type COMPONENTs of map; consequently,
- --| changes in the values of these types may be observable through
- --| both MAPPINGs if these are access types, or if they contain
- --| COMPONENTs of an access type.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Uninitialized_Mapping
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- Query Operations:
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.Is_Empty . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Is_Empty (Map: MAPPING) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return map = {}.
- --| Raises Uninitialized_Mapping iff map has not been
- --| initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Uninitialized_Mapping
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.Size . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Size (Map: MAPPING) return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return |map|, the number of bindings in map.
- --| Raises Uninitialized_Mapping iff map has not been
- --| initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Uninitialized_Mapping
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.Is_Bound . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Is_Bound (Map: MAPPING; Key: KEY_TYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return true iff equal(key, k) for some <k, v> in map.
- --| Raises Uninitialized_Mapping iff map has not been
- --| initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Uninitialized_Mapping
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.Fetch . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Fetch (Map: MAPPING; Key: KEY_TYPE) return VALUE_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| If <k, v>, where equal(key, k), is in map, then return v.
- --| Raises not_bound if no such <k, v> exists.
- --| Raises Uninitialized_Mapping iff map has not been
- --| initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Not_Bound
- --| Uninitialized_Mapping
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- Iterators:
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.Make_Keys_Iter . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Make_Keys_Iter (Map: MAPPING) return KEYS_ITER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Create and return a keys iterator based on map. This
- --| object can then be used in conjunction with the more
- --| function and the next procedure to iterate over all keys
- --| that are bound in map. Raises Uninitialized_Mapping iff
- --| map has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Uninitialized_Mapping
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.More . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function More (Iter: KEYS_ITER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return true iff the keys iterator has not been exhausted.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.Next . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- procedure Next (Iter: in out KEYS_ITER; Key: out KEY_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Let iter be based on the MAPPING, map. Successive calls
- --| of next will return the bound keys of map in some
- --| arbitrary order. After all bound keys have been returned,
- --| then the procedure will raise no_more.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| No_More
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Map must not be changed between the invocations of
- --| Make_Keys_Iterator (Map) and Next.
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.Make_Values_Iter . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Make_Values_Iter (Map: MAPPING) return VALUES_ITER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Create and return a values iterator based on map. This
- --| object can then be used in conjunction with the more
- --| function and the next procedure to iterate over all values
- --| that are bound to keys in map.
- --| Raises Uninitialized_Mapping iff map has not been
- --| initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Uninitialized_Mapping
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.More . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function More (Iter: VALUES_ITER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return true iff the values iterator has not been exhausted.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.Next . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- procedure Next (Iter: in out VALUES_ITER; Val: out VALUE_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Let iter be based on the MAPPING, map. Successive calls
- --| of next will return the bound values of map in some
- --| arbitrary order. After all bound values have been returned,
- --| then the procedure will raise no_more.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| No_More
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Map must not be changed between the invocations of
- --| Make_Values_Iterator (Map) and Next.
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.Make_Keys_Iter . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function Make_Bindings_Iter (Map: MAPPING) return BINDINGS_ITER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Create and return a bindings iterator based on map.
- --| This object can then be used in conjunction with the
- --| more function and the next procedure to iterate over
- --| all key/value pairs in map. Raises Uninitialized_Mapping
- --| iff map has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Uninitialized_Mapping
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.More . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- function More (Iter: BINDINGS_ITER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return true iff the bindings iterator has not been exhausted.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.Next . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- procedure Next (Iter: in out BINDINGS_ITER;
- Key: out KEY_TYPE;
- Val: out VALUE_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Let iter be based on the MAPPING, map. Successive calls
- --| of next will return the key/value pairs of map in some
- --| arbitrary order. After all such pairs have been returned,
- --| then the procedure will raise no_more.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| No_More
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Map must not be changed between the invocations of
- --| Make_Bindings_Iterator (Map) and Next.
- -- Heap management:
- -- .......................................................
- -- . .
- -- . Hashed_Mapping_PKG.Destroy . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- .......................................................
- procedure Destroy (M: in out MAPPING);
- --| Purpose
- --| Return space consumed by MAPPING value associated with
- --| object m to the heap. (If m is uninitialized, this
- --| operation does nothing.) If other objects share the
- --| same MAPPING value, the further use of these objects is
- --| erroneous. COMPONENTs of type VALUE_TYPE, if they are
- --| access types, are not garbage collected. It is the user's
- --| responsibility to dispose of these objects. m is left in
- --| the uninitialized state.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- private
- type COMPONENT is record
- Key: KEY_TYPE;
- end record;
- function Equal (C1, C2: COMPONENT) return BOOLEAN;
- -- Return true iff equal(c1.key, c2.key).
- package Bucket_PKG is new Lists (COMPONENT, Equal);
- use Bucket_PKG;
- type BUCKET_ARRAY is array (BUCKET_RANGE) of LIST;
- type MAPPING_REC is record
- Size : NATURAL;
- Buckets : BUCKET_ARRAY;
- end record;
- type MAPPING is access MAPPING_REC;
- -- Representation Invariants:
- -- 1. r /= null. (This would be the uninitialized case)
- -- 2. If for some i, a COMPONENT, c, is in bucket r.buckets(i),
- -- then hash(c.key) = i.
- -- 3. If a COMPONENT, c1, is in bucket, r.buckets(i), then there is
- -- no other c2 in r.buckets(i) such that equal(c1, c2).
- -- (Enforce one binding to a given key at any time.)
- -- 4. r.size equals the total number of COMPONENTs in buckets
- -- r.buckets(BUCKET_RANGE'first) through
- -- r.buckets(BUCKET_RANGE'last).
- --
- -- Abstraction Function:
- -- A(r) is the set consisting of all key, value pairs that appear as
- -- COMPONENTs in buckets r.buckets(BUCKET_RANGE'first) through
- -- r.buckets(BUCKET_RANGE'last).
- type GENERAL_ITER is record
- Map : MAPPING;
- Current : BUCKET_RANGE;
- Position : LIST;
- end record;
- -- For a given general_iter, i, the make, more and next operations
- -- have the following effects:
- -- make: Sets map field to the given MAPPING, sets i.current to the
- -- lowest idx of a nonempty bucket, and sets i.position to the head
- -- of that bucket.
- -- more: Returns not empty(i.position).
- -- next: key, val fields of first COMPONENT of i.position.
- -- Advances i.position to next COMPONENT in bucket, if it exists.
- -- Otherwise, increments i.current until a nonempty bucket, and sets
- -- i.position to this bucket. When this fails, sets i.position to an
- -- empty bucket.
- type KEYS_ITER is new general_iter;
- type VALUES_ITER is new general_iter;
- type BINDINGS_ITER is new general_iter;
- end Hashed_Mapping_PKG;
- --::::::::::
- --ltrees.spc
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- -- *************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- *************************************************
- with Lists;
- generic
- type LABEL_TYPE is private;
- -- This is used to identify nodes in the tree.
- type VALUE_TYPE is private;
- -- Information being contained in a node of tree
- with function "<" (X: in LABEL_TYPE; Y: in LABEL_TYPE)
- return BOOLEAN is <> ;
- -- Function which defines ordering of nodes
- -- a < b -> not (b < a) and (b /= a) for all a and b.
- package Labeled_Trees is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package creates an ordered binary tree. This will allow for
- --| quick insertion, and search.
- --|
- --| The tree is organized such that
- --|
- --| label (leftchild) < label (root) label (root) < label (rightchild)
- --|
- --| This means that by doing a left to right search of the tree will
- --| produce the nodes of the tree in ascending order.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Bill Toscano and Michael Gordon, Intermetrics, Inc.
- type TREE is private;
- type TREE_ITER is private;
- Label_Already_Exists_In_Tree : exception;
- Label_Not_Present : exception;
- No_More : exception;
- Tree_Is_Empty : exception;
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Create return TREE;
- --| Purpose
- --| This creates a tree containing no information and no children. An
- --| emptytree.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- generic
- with procedure Dispose_Label (L :in out LABEL_TYPE);
- with procedure Dispose_Value (V :in out VALUE_TYPE);
- procedure Destroy_Deep_Tree (T : in out TREE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Destroys all nodes in a tree and the label and value associated
- --| with each node.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- procedure Destroy_Tree (T : in out TREE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Destroys a tree and returns the space which it is occupying.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Fetch_Value (T : in TREE;
- L : in LABEL_TYPE) return VALUE_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Get the value of the node with the given label.
- --| If the label is not present Label_Not_Present is raised.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Label_Not_Present
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Fetch_Value (T : in TREE) return VALUE_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the value stored at the root node of the given tree.
- --| Raises Label_Not_Present if the tree T is empty.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Label_Not_Present
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Get_Tree (T : in TREE;
- L : in LABEL_TYPE) return TREE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Get the subtree whose root is labelled L.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Label_Not_Present if the label L is not in T
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- procedure Forward (I : in out TREE_ITER);
- --| Purpose
- --| This is used to advance the iterator. Typically this is used in
- --| conjunction with Node_Value and Node_Label.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- procedure Insert_Node (T : in out TREE;
- L : in LABEL_TYPE;
- V : in VALUE_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Inserts a node into the specified tree.
- --| This adds the node with label L to the tree T. Label_Already_Exists is
- --| raised if L already exists in T.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Label_Already_Exists
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Is_Empty (T : in TREE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns TRUE iff the tree is empty.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Is_Label_In_Tree (T : in TREE;
- L : in LABEL_TYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns TRUE iff the given labels is in the given tree.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- procedure Is_Label_In_Tree (T : in TREE;
- L : in LABEL_TYPE;
- Subtree : out TREE;
- Present : out BOOLEAN);
- --| Purpose
- --| This operation can be used to see if a label is in the tree.
- --| It sets the variable Present to TRUE iff the given label is in
- --| the given tree.
- --| If it is, the Subtree out parameter can then be used to
- --| to update the value field of the label. The sequence would be
- --|
- --| Is_Label_In_Tree (T, L, Subtree, Present);
- --| if Present then
- --| Store_Value (Subtree, SomeValue);
- --| end if;
- --|
- --| If the label is not Present, then Subtree is the root of the tree
- --| where the label would be stored if it were present. Thus the following
- --| sequence would be useful.
- --|
- --| Is_Label_In_Tree (T, L, Subtree, Present);
- --| if not Present then
- --| Insert_Node (Subtree, L, V);
- --| end if;
- --|
- --| The advantage to this routine is that the tree need only be searched
- --| once instead of twice once for the existence check and then once for
- --| the insertion.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Iterator_Label (I : in TREE_ITER) return LABEL_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns the label of the node corresponding to the iterator.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Iterator_Value (I : in TREE_ITER) return VALUE_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns the value of the node corresponding to the iterator.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Make_Tree (L : in LABEL_TYPE;
- V : in VALUE_TYPE) return TREE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Creates a tree whose root has the given label and value.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Make_Tree_Iter_In (T : in TREE) return TREE_ITER;
- --| Purpose
- --| This sets up an iteration of the nodes of the tree in inorder.
- --| By using the Next operations the nodes of the tree are returned in
- --| in inorder. Inorder means return the left child then the node
- --| then the right child.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Make_Tree_Iter_Post (T : in TREE) return TREE_ITER;
- --| Purpose
- --| This sets up an iteration of the nodes of the tree in postorder.
- --| By using the Next operations the nodes of the tree are returned in
- --| post order. Post order means return the node first then its left child
- --| and then its right child.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Make_Tree_Iter_Pre (T : in TREE) return TREE_ITER;
- --| Purpose
- --| This sets up an iteration of the nodes of the tree in preorder.
- --| By using the Next operations the nodes of the tree are returned in
- --| ascending order.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function More (I : in TREE_ITER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns TRUE iff there are more elements in the tree to
- --| iterate over.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- procedure Next (I : in out TREE_ITER;
- V : out VALUE_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| This returns the next element in the iteration and advances the iterator.
- --| No_More is raised when after the last element has been returned and
- --| an attempt is made to get another element.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| No_More
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- procedure Next (I : in out TREE_ITER;
- V : out VALUE_TYPE;
- L : out LABEL_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| This iteration operation returns the label of a node as well as the
- --| node's value. No_More is raised if Next is called after the last
- --| element of the tree has been returned.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| No_More
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- procedure Store_Value (T : in out TREE;
- L : in LABEL_TYPE;
- V : in VALUE_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Sets a new value V in the tree T at the node identified
- --| by the label L.
- --| Label_Not_Present is raised if L is not in T.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Label_Not_Present
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- procedure Store_Value (T : in out TREE;
- V : in VALUE_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| This stores the value V in the root node of the tree T.
- --| Raises Label_Not_Present if T is empty.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Label_Not_Present
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- private
- type NODE;
- type TREE is access NODE;
- type NODE is
- record
- Label : LABEL_TYPE;
- Value : VALUE_TYPE;
- Left_Child : TREE;
- Right_Child : TREE;
- end record;
- package NODE_ORDER is new Lists (TREE);
- type TREE_ITER is
- record
- Node_List : Node_Order.LIST;
- State : Node_Order.LISTITER;
- end record;
- end Labeled_Trees;
- --::::::::::
- --set.spc
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- -- ************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * SET_PKG * SPEC
- -- * *
- -- ************************************************
- with Lists;
- pragma Elaborate (Lists);
- generic
- type ELEM_TYPE is private;
- with function Equal (E1, E2: ELEM_TYPE) return BOOLEAN is "=";
- package Set_Pkg is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package provides the set abstract data type. All standard set
- --| operations are provided. Standard mathematical set notation is
- --| employed to describe the effects of the operations.
- --|
- --| The component type, and an equality relation used for membership
- --| tests, are generic formals of the package. The implementation isn't
- --| particularly fast, since the only available information about the
- --| component type is the equality relation. However, this shouldn't be a
- --| concern unless the sets become large or speed becomes important.
- --| See scalar_set_pkg, hashed_set_pkg and ordered_set_pkg for other
- --| implementations.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Programmer: Ron Kownacki, Intermetrics
- --| One of a family of set packages:
- type SET is private;
- -- Exceptions:
- No_More: exception; -- Raised on incorrect use of an iterator.
- -- Iterators:
- type MEMBERS_ITER is private; -- Members of a set in arbitrary order
- -- Constructors:
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Create return SET;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return {}. This operation is not strictly necessary, since an
- --| uninitialized set object is viewed as the empty set.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- procedure Insert (S: in out SET;
- E: in ELEM_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Insert the element, e, into the set, s.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- procedure Delete (S: in out SET;
- E: in ELEM_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| If e is in s, then remove e from s. Otherwise, no effect.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Intersect (S1, S2: SET) return SET;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return {e | member(s1, e) and member(s2, e)}.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Union (S1, S2: SET) return SET;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return {e | member(s1, e) or member(s2, e)}.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Copy (S: SET) return SET;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns a copy of s. Subsequent changes to s will not be
- --| visible through the application of operations to the copy of s.
- --| Assignment or parameter passing without copying will result
- --| in a single set value being shared among objects.
- --| The assignment operation is used to transfer the values of
- --| the elem_type components of s; consequently, changes in these
- --| values may be observable through both sets if these types are
- --| access types, or if they contain access type components.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- Query Operations
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Equal (S1, S2: SET) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return (for all e: elem_type (member(s1, e) iff member(s2, e))).
- --| Note that (s1 = s2) implies equal(s1, s2) holds for all time.
- --| "=" is object equality, equal is state equality.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Is_Empty (S: SET) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return s = {}.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Is_Member (S: SET; E: ELEM_TYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return true iff e is a member of s.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Size (S: SET) return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return |s|, the cardinality of s.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- Iterators
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Make_Members_Iter (S: SET) return MEMBERS_ITER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Create and return a members iterator based on s. This object
- --| can then be used in conjunction with the more function and the
- --| next procedure to iterate over the members of s in some
- --| arbitrary order.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function More (Iter: MEMBERS_ITER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return true iff the members iterator has not been exhausted.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- procedure Next (Iter: in out MEMBERS_ITER;
- E: out ELEM_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Let iter be based on the set, s. Successive calls of next
- --| will return the members of s in some arbitrary order.
- --| After all members have been returned, then the procedure will
- --| raise no_more.
- --| Requires:
- --| s must not be changed between the invocations of
- --| make_nodes_iterator(g) and next.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| no_more
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- Heap management
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- procedure Destroy (S: in out SET);
- --| Purpose
- --| Return space consumed by the set value associated with object
- --| s to the heap. If other objects share the same set value, then
- --| further use of these objects is erroneous. Components of type
- --| elem_type, if they are access types, are not garbage collected.
- --| It is the user's responsibility to dispose of these objects.
- --| s is set to {}.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- private
- package List_Pkg is new Lists (ELEM_TYPE, Equal);
- use List_Pkg;
- type SET is new LIST;
- -- Representation Invariants:
- -- None; all lists are legal representations of sets.
- -- Abstraction Function: A: representation --> set
- -- A(null) = create.
- -- A(attach(r, e)) = insert(A(r), e).
- -- Sufficient since all lists can be generated by null, attach.
- --
- -- Note that this implementation allows faster insertion and
- -- membership testing than if duplicate insertions of an element
- -- caused a check to ensure that each element is only kept once in
- -- the list. This implies that deleting an element always involves
- -- a scan of the entire list.
- type MEMBERS_ITER is new LIST;
- -- For a set, s, make returns members_iter(copy(list(s))).
- -- More(iter) returns true iff list(iter) isn't empty.
- -- Next(iter) returns the first element in list(iter). Before doing
- -- this, it removes all occurrences of this element from list(iter).
- end Set_Pkg;
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- -- **************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- **************************************************
- with Lists;
- generic
- type ELEM_TYPE is private;
- package Stack_Pkg is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package provides the stack abstract data type. Element type is
- --| a generic formal parameter to the package. There are no explicit
- --| bounds on the number of objects that can be pushed onto a given stack.
- --| All standard stack operations are provided.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Programmer: Ron Kownacki, Intermetrics
- type STACK is private;
- -- Exceptions:
- Uninitialized_Stack: exception;
- -- Raised on attempt to manipulate an uninitialized stack object.
- -- The initialization operations are create and copy.
- Empty_Stack: exception;
- -- Raised by some operations when empty.
- -- Constructors:
- -- ..............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................................
- function Create return STACK;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the empty stack.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................................
- procedure Push (S: in out STACK; E: in ELEM_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Push e onto the top of s.
- --| Raises uninitialized_stack iff s has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_stack
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................................
- procedure Pop (S: in out STACK);
- --| Purpose
- --| Pops the top element from s, and throws it away.
- --| Raises empty_stack iff s is empty.
- --| Raises uninitialized_stack iff s has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| empty_stack
- --| uninitialized_stack
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................................
- procedure Pop (S: in out STACK; E: out ELEM_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Pops the top element from s, returns it as the e parameter.
- --| Raises empty_stack iff s is empty.
- --| Raises uninitialized_stack iff s has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| empty_stack
- --| uninitialized_stack
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................................
- function Copy (S: STACK) return STACK;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return a copy of s.
- --| Stack assignment and passing stacks as subprogram parameters
- --| result in the sharing of a single stack value by two stack
- --| objects; changes to one will be visible through the others.
- --| copy can be used to prevent this sharing.
- --| Raises uninitialized_stack iff s has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_stack
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- Queries:
- -- ..............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................................
- function Top (S: STACK) return ELEM_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the element on the top of s. Raises empty_stack iff s is
- --| empty.
- --| Raises uninitialized_stack iff s has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| empty_stack
- --| uninitialized_stack
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................................
- function Size (S: STACK) return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the current number of elements in s.
- --| Raises uninitialized_stack iff s has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_stack
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................................
- function Is_Empty (S: STACK) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return true iff s is empty.
- --| Raises uninitialized_stack iff s has not been initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| uninitialized_stack
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- Heap Management:
- -- ..............................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................................
- procedure Destroy (S: in out STACK);
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the space consumed by s to the heap. No effect if s is
- --| uninitialized. In any case, leaves s in uninitialized state.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- private
- package Elem_List_Pkg is new Lists (ELEM_TYPE);
- subtype ELEM_LIST is Elem_List_Pkg.LIST;
- type STACK_REC is
- record
- Size: NATURAL := 0;
- Elts: ELEM_LIST := Elem_List_Pkg.Create;
- end record;
- type STACK is access STACK_REC;
- -- Let an instance of the representation type, r, be denoted by the
- -- pair, <size, elts>. Dot selection is used to refer to these
- -- components.
- --
- -- Representation Invariants:
- -- r /= null
- -- elem_list_pkg.length(r.elts) = r.size.
- --
- -- Abstraction Function:
- -- A(<size, elem_list_pkg.create>) = stack_pkg.create.
- -- A(<size, elem_list_pkg.attach(e, l)>) = push(A(<size, l>), e).
- end Stack_Pkg;
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- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- **********************************************
- package Command_Line_Processor is
- --| Purpose
- --| COMMAND_LINE_PROCESSOR is an abstract state machine
- --| that allows the user to access a command line, which
- --| may contain file references which are include files,
- --| as a simple list of file names which can be accessed
- --| via an interator and a Get function. The command line
- --| syntax is:
- --|
- --| command input_file input_file ... output_file
- --| or:
- --| command input_file input_file ... input_file
- --|
- --| where any "input_file" may be prefixed by an "@"
- --| to make it an include file.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --| Modifications
- --| 2/19/90 Rick Conn Initial Design and Code
- -- the command line either contains only input
- -- files or a group of input files and one
- -- output file
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Initialize (Program_Name : in STRING;
- Command_Kind : in COMMAND_LINE_LAYOUT
- --| Purpose
- --| Initialize the package, specifying a program
- --| name which may be used by the Command Line
- --| Interface
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Reset;
- --| Purpose
- --| Reset the iterator.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . CLP.IS_END . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Is_End return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE if no more file names are
- --| available.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function File_Name return STRING;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the name of the next file.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Output_File_Name return STRING;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the name of the output file.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function File_Name_Count return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Number of file names in command line.
- END_OF_FILE_LIST : exception;
- INIT_ERROR : exception;
- UNEXPECTED_ERROR : exception; -- raised anytime
- end Command_Line_Processor;
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- -- ********************************************************
- with Binary_Trees_Pkg;
- generic
- type LABEL_TYPE is private; -- Type for labels stored in the tree.
- type VALUE_TYPE is private; -- Type for values stored in the tree.
- with function Difference (P, Q: LABEL_TYPE) return INTEGER is <>;
- -- Must return a value > 0 if P > Q, 0 if P = Q, and less than
- -- zero otherwise, where P and Q are labels.
- package Labeled_Binary_Trees_Pkg is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package provides labeled binary trees, which are the same as
- --| unlabeled binary trees except that when searching for or inserting
- --| a value into the tree, only the label field is compared.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| USAGE: (See Overview of Binary_Trees_Package)
- --|
- --| PERFORMANCE: (See Overview of Binary_Trees_Package)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Bill Toscano and Michael Gordon, Intermetrics, Inc.
- -- This should be private (but cannot be)
- record
- Label : LABEL_TYPE;
- Value : VALUE_TYPE;
- end record;
- function LV_Differ (P, Q: LABEL_VALUE_PAIR) return INTEGER;
- package LVT is new Binary_Trees_Pkg (LABEL_VALUE_PAIR, LV_Differ);
- -- Exceptions --
- Duplicate_Value: exception renames LVT.Duplicate_Value;
- -- Raised on attempt to insert a duplicate label into a tree.
- Not_Found: exception renames LVT.Not_Found;
- -- Raised on attempt to find a label that is not in a tree.
- No_More: exception renames LVT.No_More;
- -- Raised on attempt to bump an iterator that has already scanned the
- -- entire tree.
- Out_Of_Order: exception renames LVT.Out_Of_Order;
- -- Raised if a problem in the ordering of a tree is detected.
- Invalid_Tree: exception renames LVT.Invalid_Tree;
- -- Value is not a tree or was not properly initialized.
- -- Types --
- --? function InOrder return LVT.Scan_Kind renames LVT.InOrder;
- InOrder : constant SCAN_KIND := LVT.InOrder;
- PreOrder : constant SCAN_KIND := LVT.PreOrder;
- PostOrder : constant SCAN_KIND := LVT.PostOrder;
- -- is (inorder, preorder, postorder);
- -- Used to specify the order in which values should be scanned from a tree:
- --
- -- inorder: Left, Node, Right (nodes visited in increasing order)
- -- preorder: Node, Left, Right (top down)
- -- postorder: Left, Right, Node (bottom up)
- subtype TREE is LVT.TREE;
- -- Operations --
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- Function Create return TREE renames LVT.Create;
- --| Purpose
- --| Create and return an empty tree. Note that this allocates
- --| a small amount of storage which can only be reclaimed through
- --| a call to Destroy.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- Procedure Insert (L: LABEL_TYPE;
- T: TREE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Insert (L, V) into T in the proper place. If a label equal
- --| to L (according to the Difference function) is already contained
- --| in the tree, the exception Duplicate_Label is raised.
- --| Caution: Since this package does not attempt to balance trees as
- --| values are inserted, it is important to remember that inserting
- --| labels in sorted order will create a degenerate tree, where search
- --| and insertion is proportional to the N instead of to Log N. If
- --| this pattern is common, use the Balanced_Tree function below.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Duplicate_Value
- --| Invalid_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- procedure Insert_if_not_Found (L : LABEL_TYPE;
- T : TREE;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Duplicate : out VALUE_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Insert V into T in the proper place. If a value equal
- --| to V (according to the Difference function) is already contained
- --| in the tree, Found will be True and Duplicate will be the duplicate
- --| value. This might be a sequence of values with the same key, and
- --| V can then be added to the sequence.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Invalid_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- procedure Replace_if_Found (L : LABEL_TYPE;
- T : TREE;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Old_Value : out VALUE_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Search for L in T. If found, replace the old value with V,
- --| and return Found => True, Old_Value => the old value. Otherwise,
- --| simply insert the L, V pair into T and return Found => False.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Invalid_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- procedure Destroy (T: in out TREE) renames LVT.Destroy;
- --| Purpose
- --| The space allocated to T is reclaimed. The space occupied by
- --| the values stored in T is not however, recovered.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- generic
- with procedure Free_Value (V: in out VALUE_TYPE) is <>;
- with procedure Free_Label (L: in out LABEL_TYPE) is <>;
- procedure Destroy_Deep (T: in out TREE);
- --| Purpose
- --| The space allocated to T is reclaimed. The values and
- --| labels stored it T are reclaimed using Free_Label and
- --| Free_Value, and the tree nodes themselves
- --| are then reclaimed (in a single walk of the tree).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- generic
- with procedure Next_Pair (L: in out LABEL_TYPE; V: in out VALUE_TYPE)
- is <>;
- -- Each call to this procedure should return the next (Label, Value)
- -- pair to be
- -- inserted into the balanced tree being created. If necessary,
- -- this function should check that each value is greater than the
- -- previous one, and raise Out_of_Order if necessary. If values
- -- are not returned in strictly increasing order, the results are
- -- unpredictable.
- function Balanced_Tree (Count: NATURAL) return TREE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Create a balanced tree by calling next_Pair Count times.
- --| Each time Next_Pair is called, it must return a label that compares
- --| greater than the preceeding label. This function is useful for balancing
- --| an existing tree (next_Pair iterates over the unbalanced tree) or
- --| for creating a balanced tree when reading data from a file which is
- --| already sorted.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- generic
- with function Copy_Label (L: LABEL_TYPE) return LABEL_TYPE is <>;
- with function Copy_Value (V: VALUE_TYPE) return VALUE_TYPE is <>;
- -- This function is called to copy a value from the old tree to the
- -- new tree.
- Function Copy_Tree (T: TREE) return TREE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Create a balanced tree that is a copy of the tree T.
- --| The exception Invalid_Tree is raised if T is not a valid tree.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Invalid_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- function Is_Empty (T: TREE) return BOOLEAN renames LVT.Is_Empty;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff T is an empty tree or if T was not initialized.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- Function Find (L: LABEL_TYPE;
- T: TREE) return VALUE_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Search T for a label that matches L. The corresponding value
- --| is returned. If no matching label is found, the exception Not_Found
- --| is raised.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Not_Found
- --| Invalid_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- Procedure Find (L : LABEL_TYPE;
- T : TREE;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Match : out VALUE_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Search T for a label that matches L. On return, if Found is
- --| TRUE then the corresponding value is returned in Match. Otherwise,
- --| Found is FALSE and Match is undefined.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Invalid_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- function Is_Found (L: LABEL_TYPE;
- T: TREE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff L is found in T.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Invalid_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- function Size (T: TREE) return NATURAL renames LVT.Size;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the number of values stored in T.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- generic
- with procedure Process(L: LABEL_TYPE; V: VALUE_TYPE) is <>;
- procedure Visit (T : TREE;
- Order : SCAN_KIND);
- --| Purpose
- --| Invoke Process(V) for each value V in T. The nodes are visited
- --| in the order specified by Order. Although more limited than using
- --| an iterator, this function is also much faster.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Invalid_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- function Make_Iter (T: TREE) return ITERATOR renames LVT.Make_Iter;
- --| Purpose
- --| Create an iterator over a tree.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Invalid_Tree
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- function More (I: ITERATOR) return BOOLEAN renames LVT.More;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff unscanned nodes remain in the tree being
- --| scanned by I.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ........................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ........................................................
- procedure Next (I: in out ITERATOR;
- L: out LABEL_TYPE;
- V: out VALUE_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the next value in the tree being scanned by I.
- --| The exception No_More is raised if there are no more values to scan.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| No_More
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- end Labeled_Binary_Trees_Pkg;
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- -- ****************************************************
- with BinaryTrees;
- generic
- type ITEMTYPE is private;
- with function "<" (X, Y : in ITEMTYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- package OrderedSets is
- --| Purpose
- --| This abstractions is a counted ordered set. This means that
- --| associated with each member of the set is a count of the number of
- --| times it appears in the set. The order part means that there is
- --| an ordering associated with the members. This allows fast insertion.
- --| It also makes it easy to iterate over the set in order.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Bill Toscano and Michael Gordon, Intermetrics
- type SET is private;
- type SETITER is private;
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- function Cardinality (S : in SET) return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the number of members in the set.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- function Create return SET;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the empty set.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- procedure Destroy (S : in out SET);
- --| Purpose
- --| Destroy a set and return its space.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- function GetCount (I : in SETITER) return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns the count associated with the member corresponding to the
- --| current interator I.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- procedure Insert (M : in ITEMTYPE;
- S : in out SET);
- --| Purpose
- --| Insert a member M into set S.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- function MakeSetIter (S : in SET) return SETITER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Prepares a user for an iteration operation by returning
- --| a SetIter.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- function More (I : in SETITER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns TRUE if there are more elements in the set
- --| to iterate over.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- .....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- .....................................................
- procedure Next (I : in out SETITER;
- M : out ITEMTYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns the current member in the iteration and increments
- --| the iterator.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- private
- type MEMBER is
- record
- Info : ITEMTYPE;
- Count : NATURAL;
- end record;
- function "<" (X: in MEMBER; Y: in MEMBER) return BOOLEAN;
- package TreePkg is new BinaryTrees (ITEMTYPE => MEMBER, "<" => "<");
- type SET is
- record
- SetRep :TreePkg.TREE;
- end record;
- type SETITER is
- record
- Place : TreePkg.TREEITER;
- Count : NATURAL;
- end record;
- end OrderedSets;
- --::::::::::
- --string.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- **********************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- **********************************************
- package String_Pkg is
- --| Purpose
- --| Package string_pkg exports an abstract data type, string_type. A
- --| string_type value is a sequence of characters. The values have arbitrary
- --| length. For a value, s, with length, l, the individual characters are
- --| numbered from 1 to l. These values are immutable; characters cannot be
- --| replaced or appended in a destructive fashion.
- --|
- --| In the documentation for this package, we are careful to distinguish
- --| between string_type objects, which are Ada objects in the usual sense,
- --| and string_type values, the members of this data abstraction as described
- --| above. A string_type value is said to be associated with, or bound to,
- --| a string_type object after an assignment (:=) operation.
- --|
- --| The operations provided in this package fall into three categories:
- --|
- --| 1. Constructors: These functions typically take one or more string_type
- --| objects as arguments. They work with the values associated with
- --| these objects, and return new string_type values according to
- --| specification. By a slight abuse of language, we will sometimes
- --| coerce from string_type objects to values for ease in description.
- --|
- --| 2. Heap Management:
- --| These operations (make_persistent, flush, mark, release) control the
- --| management of heap space. Because string_type values are
- --| allocated on the heap, and the type is not limited, it is necessary
- --| for a user to assume some responsibility for garbage collection.
- --| String_type is not limited because of the convenience of
- --| the assignment operation, and the usefulness of being able to
- --| instantiate generic units that contain private type formals.
- --| ** Important: To use this package properly, it is necessary to read
- --| the descriptions of the operations in this section.
- --|
- --| 3. Queries: These functions return information about the values
- --| that are associated with the argument objects. The same conventions
- --| for description of operations used in (1) is adopted.
- --|
- --| A note about design decisions... The decision to not make the type
- --| limited causes two operations to be carried over from the representation.
- --| These are the assignment operation, :=, and the "equality" operator, "=".
- --| See the discussion at the beginning of the Heap Management section for a
- --| discussion of :=.
- --| See the spec for the first of the equal functions for a discussion of "=".
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Programmer: Ron Kownacki, Intermetrics
- type STRING_TYPE is private;
- -- Used for equal, "<" and "<=" functions. If the comparison_option
- -- is case_sensitive, then a straightforward comparison of values
- -- is performed. If the option is case_insensitive, then comparison
- -- between the arguments is performed after first normalizing them to
- -- lower case.
- Bounds: exception; -- Raised on index out of bounds.
- Any_Empty: exception; -- Raised on incorrect use of match_any.
- Illegal_Alloc: exception; -- Raised by value creating operations.
- Illegal_Dealloc: exception; -- Raised by release.
- -- Constructors:
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Create (S: in STRING) return STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return a value consisting of the sequence of characters in s.
- --| Sometimes useful for array or record aggregates.
- --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly
- --| released. (See procedures mark/release.)
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| illegal_alloc
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . STRING_PKG.& . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function "&" (S1, S2: in STRING_TYPE) return STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the concatenation of s1 and s2.
- --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly
- --| released. (See procedures mark/release.)
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| illegal_alloc
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . STRING_PKG.& . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function "&" (S1: in STRING_TYPE; S2: in STRING) return STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the concatenation of s1 and create(s2).
- --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly
- --| released. (See procedures mark/release.)
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| illegal_alloc
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . STRING_PKG.& . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function "&" (S1: in STRING; S2: in STRING_TYPE) return STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the concatenation of create(s1) and s2.
- --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly
- --| released. (See procedures mark/release.)
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| illegal_alloc
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Substr (S : in STRING_TYPE;
- I : in POSITIVE;
- Len : in NATURAL)
- return STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the substring, of specified length, that occurs in s at
- --| position i. If len = 0, then returns the empty value.
- --| Otherwise, raises bounds if either i or (i + len - 1)
- --| is not in 1..length(s).
- --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly
- --| released. (See procedures mark/release.)
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| illegal_alloc
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Splice (S : in STRING_TYPE;
- I : in POSITIVE;
- Len : in NATURAL)
- return STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Let s be the string, abc, where a, b and c are substrings. If
- --| substr(s, i, length(b)) = b, for some i in 1..length(s), then
- --| splice(s, i, length(b)) = ac.
- --| Returns a value equal to s if len = 0. Otherwise, raises bounds if
- --| either i or (i + len - 1) is not in 1..length(s).
- --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly
- --| released. (See procedures mark/release.)
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| illegal_alloc
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Insert (S1, S2: in STRING_TYPE; I: in POSITIVE)
- return STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return substr(s1, 1, i - 1) & s2 & substr(s1, i, length(s1)).
- --| equal(splice(insert(s1, s2, i), i, length(s2)), s1) holds if no
- --| exception is raised by insert.
- --| Raises bounds if i is not in 1..length(s1) + 1.
- --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly
- --| released. (See procedures mark/release.)
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| bounds
- --| illegal_alloc
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Insert (S1 : in STRING_TYPE;
- S2 : in STRING;
- I : in POSITIVE)
- return STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return substr(s1, 1, i - 1) & s2 & substr(s1, i, length(s1)).
- --| equal(splice(insert(s1, s2, i), i, length(s2)), s1) holds if no
- --| exception is raised by insert.
- --| Raises bounds if i is not in 1..length(s1) + 1.
- --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly
- --| released. (See procedures mark/release.)
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| bounds
- --| illegal_alloc
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Insert (S1 : in STRING;
- S2 : in STRING_TYPE;
- I : in POSITIVE)
- return STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return s1(s1'first..i - 1) & s2 & s1(i..s1'last).
- --| equal(splice(insert(s1, s2, i), i, length(s2)), s1) holds if no
- --| exception is raised by insert.
- --| Raises bounds if i is not in s'first..s'last + 1.
- --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly
- --| released. (See procedures mark/release.)
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| bounds
- --| illegal_alloc
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Lower (S: in STRING) return STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return a value that contains exactly those characters in s with
- --| the exception that all upper case characters are replaced by their
- --| lower case counterparts.
- --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly
- --| released. (See procedures mark/release.)
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| illegal_alloc
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Lower (S: in STRING_TYPE) return STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return a value that is a copy of s with the exception that all
- --| upper case characters are replaced by their lower case counterparts.
- --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly
- --| released. (See procedures mark/release.)
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| illegal_alloc
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Upper (S: in STRING) return STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return a value that contains exactly those characters in s with
- --| the exception that all lower case characters are replaced by their
- --| upper case counterparts.
- --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly
- --| released. (See procedures mark/release.)
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| illegal_alloc
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Upper (S: in STRING_TYPE) return STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return a value that is a copy of s with the exception that all
- --| lower case characters are replaced by their upper case counterparts.
- --| Raises illegal_alloc if string space has been improperly
- --| released. (See procedures mark/release.)
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| illegal_alloc
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- Heap Management (including object/value binding):
- --
- -- Two forms of heap management are provided. The general scheme is to "mark"
- -- the current state of heap usage, and to "release" in order to reclaim all
- -- space that has been used since the last mark. However, this alone is
- -- insufficient because it is frequently desirable for objects to remain
- -- associated with values for longer periods of time, and this may come into
- -- conflict with the need to clean up after a period of "string hacking."
- -- To deal with this problem, we introduce the notions of "persistent" and
- -- "nonpersistent" values.
- --
- -- The nonpersistent values are those that are generated by the constructors
- -- in the previous section. These are claimed by the release procedure.
- -- Persistent values are generated by the two make_persistent functions
- -- described below. These values must be disposed of individually by means of
- -- the flush procedure.
- --
- -- This allows a description of the meaning of the ":=" operation. For a
- -- statement of the form, s := expr, where expr is a STRING_TYPE expression,
- -- the result is that the value denoted/created by expr becomes bound to the
- -- the object, s. Assignment in no way affects the persistence of the value.
- -- If expr happens to be an object, then the value associated with it will be
- -- shared. Ideally, this sharing would not be visible, since values are
- -- immutable. However, the sharing may be visible because of the memory
- -- management, as described below. Programs which depend on such sharing are
- -- erroneous.
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Make_Persistent (S: in STRING_TYPE) return STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns a persistent value, v, containing exactly those characters in
- --| value(s). The value v will not be claimed by any subsequent release.
- --| Only an invocation of flush will claim v. After such a claiming
- --| invocation of flush, the use (other than :=) of any other object to
- --| which v was bound is erroneous, and program_error may be raised for
- --| such a use.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Make_Persistent (S: in STRING) return STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns a persistent value, v, containing exactly those chars in s.
- --| The value v will not be claimed by any subsequent release.
- --| Only an invocation of flush will reclaim v. After such a claiming
- --| invocation of flush, the use (other than :=) of any other object to
- --| which v was bound is erroneous, and program_error may be raised for
- --| such a use.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- procedure Flush (S: in out STRING_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Return heap space used by the value associated with s, if any, to
- --| the heap. s becomes associated with the empty value. After an
- --| invocation of flush claims the value, v, then any use (other than :=)
- --| of an object to which v was bound is erroneous, and program_error
- --| may be raised for such a use.
- --|
- --| This operation should be used only for persistent values. The mark
- --| and release operations are used to deallocate space consumed by other
- --| values. For example, flushing a nonpersistent value implies that a
- --| release that tries to claim this value will be erroneous, and
- --| program_error may be raised for such a use.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- procedure Mark;
- --| Purpose
- --| Marks the current state of heap usage for use by release.
- --| An implicit mark is performed at the beginning of program execution.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- procedure Release;
- --| Purpose
- --| Releases all heap space used by nonpersistent values that have been
- --| allocated since the last mark. The values that are claimed include
- --| those bound to objects as well as those produced and discarded during
- --| the course of general "string hacking." If an invocation of release
- --| claims a value, v, then any subsequent use (other than :=) of any
- --| other object to which v is bound is erroneous, and program_error may
- --| be raised for such a use.
- --|
- --| Raises illegal_dealloc if the invocation of release does not balance
- --| an invocation of mark. It is permissible to match the implicit
- --| initial invocation of mark. However, subsequent invocations of
- --| constructors will raise the illegal_alloc exception until an
- --| additional mark is performed. (Anyway, there is no good reason to
- --| do this.) In any case, a number of releases matching the number of
- --| currently active marks is implicitly performed at the end of program
- --| execution.
- --|
- --| Good citizens generally perform their own marks and releases
- --| explicitly. Extensive string hacking without cleaning up will
- --| cause your program to run very slowly, since the heap manager will
- --| be forced to look hard for chunks of space to allocate.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| illegal_dealloc
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- Queries:
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Is_Empty (S: in STRING_TYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff s is the empty sequence of characters.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Length (S: in STRING_TYPE) return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return number of characters in s.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Value (S: in STRING_TYPE) return STRING;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return a string, s2, that contains the same characters that s
- --| contains. The properties, s2'first = 1 and s2'last = length(s),
- --| are satisfied. This implies that, for a given string, s3,
- --| value(create(s3))'first may not equal s3'first, even though
- --| value(create(s3)) = s3 holds. Thus, "content equality" applies
- --| although the string objects may be distinguished by the use of
- --| the array attributes.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Fetch (S: in STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the ith character in s. Characters are numbered from
- --| 1 to length(s). Raises bounds if i not in 1..length(s).
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| bounds
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- procedure Set_Comparison_Option (Choice: in COMPARISON_OPTION);
- --| Purpose
- --| Set the comparison option for equal, "<" and "<=" (as described
- --| above) to the given choice. The initial setting is case_sensitive.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Get_Comparison_Option return COMPARISON_OPTION;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the current comparison_option setting.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Equal (S1, S2: in STRING_TYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Value equality relation; return true iff length(s1) = length(s2)
- --| and, for all i in 1..length(s1), fetch(s1, i) = fetch(s2, i).
- --| (If the comparison_option is currently case_insensitive, then
- --| lower(s1) and lower(s2) are used instead.)
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| The "=" operation is carried over from the representation.
- --| It allows one to distinguish among the heap addresses of
- --| STRING_TYPE values. Even "equal" values under case_sensitive
- --| comparison may not be "=", although s1 = s2 implies equal(s1, s2).
- --| There is no reason to use "=".
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Equal (S1: in STRING_TYPE; S2: in STRING) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return equal(s1, create(s2)).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Equal (S1: in STRING; S2: in STRING_TYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return equal(create(s1), s2).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . STRING_PKG."<" . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function "<" (S1, S2: in STRING_TYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Lexicographic comparison according to the current comparison_option;
- --| return value(s1) < value(s2).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . STRING_PKG."<" . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function "<" (S1: in STRING_TYPE; S2: in STRING) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Lexicographic comparison according to the current comparison_option;
- --| return value(s1) < s2.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . STRING_PKG."<" . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function "<" (S1: in STRING; S2: in STRING_TYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Lexicographic comparison according to the current comparison_option;
- --| return s1 < value(s2).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . STRING_PKG."<=" . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function "<=" (S1, S2: in STRING_TYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Lexicographic comparison according to the current comparison_option;
- --| return value(s1) <= value(s2).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . STRING_PKG."<=" . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function "<=" (S1: in STRING_TYPE; S2: in STRING) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Lexicographic comparison according to the current comparison_option;
- --| return value(s1) <= s2.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . STRING_PKG."<=" . SPEC
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function "<=" (S1: in STRING; S2: in STRING_TYPE) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Lexicographic comparison according to the current comparison_option;
- --| return s1 <= value(s2).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Match_C (S : in STRING_TYPE;
- Start : in POSITIVE := 1) return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the minimum index, i in start..length(s), such that
- --| fetch(s, i) = c. Returns 0 if no such i exists,
- --| including the case where is_empty(s).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Match_Not_C (S : in STRING_TYPE;
- Start : in POSITIVE := 1) return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the minimum index, i in start..length(s), such that
- --| fetch(s, i) /= c. Returns 0 if no such i exists,
- --| including the case where is_empty(s).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Match_S (S1, S2: in STRING_TYPE; Start: in POSITIVE := 1)
- return natural;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the minimum index, i, in start..length(s1), such that,
- --| for all j in 1..length(s2), fetch(s2, j) = fetch(s1, i + j - 1).
- --| This is the position of the substring, s2, in s1.
- --| Returns 0 if no such i exists, including the cases
- --| where is_empty(s1) or is_empty(s2).
- --| Note that equal(substr(s1, match_s(s1, s2, i), length(s2)), s2)
- --| holds, providing that match_s does not raise an exception.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Match_S (S1 : in STRING_TYPE;
- S2 : in STRING;
- Start : in POSITIVE := 1) return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the minimum index, i, in start..length(s1), such that,
- --| for all j in s2'range, s2(j) = fetch(s1, i + j - 1).
- --| This is the position of the substring, s2, in s1.
- --| Returns 0 if no such i exists, including the cases
- --| where is_empty(s1) or s2 = "".
- --| Note that equal(substr(s1, match_s(s1, s2, i), s2'length), s2)
- --| holds, providing that match_s does not raise an exception.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Match_Any (S, Any : in STRING_TYPE;
- Start : in POSITIVE := 1) return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the minimum index, i in start..length(s), such that
- --| fetch(s, i) = fetch(any, j), for some j in 1..length(any).
- --| Raises any_empty if is_empty(any).
- --| Otherwise, returns 0 if no such i exists, including the case
- --| where is_empty(s).
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| any_empty
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Match_Any (S : in STRING_TYPE;
- Any : in STRING;
- Start : in POSITIVE := 1) return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the minimum index, i, in start..length(s), such that
- --| fetch(s, i) = any(j), for some j in any'range.
- --| Raises any_empty if any = "".
- --| Otherwise, returns 0 if no such i exists, including the case
- --| where is_empty(s).
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| any_empty
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Match_None (S, None : in STRING_TYPE;
- Start : in POSITIVE := 1) return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the minimum index, i in start..length(s), such that
- --| fetch(s, i) /= fetch(none, j) for each j in 1..length(none).
- --| If (not is_empty(s)) and is_empty(none), then i is 1.
- --| Returns 0 if no such i exists, including the case
- --| where is_empty(s).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ...............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ...............................................
- function Match_None (S : in STRING_TYPE;
- None : in STRING;
- Start : in POSITIVE := 1) return NATURAL;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return the minimum index, i in start..length(s), such that
- --| fetch(s, i) /= none(j) for each j in none'range.
- --| If not is_empty(s) and none = "", then i is 1.
- --| Returns 0 if no such i exists, including the case
- --| where is_empty(s).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- private
- type STRING_TYPE is access STRING;
- -- Abstract data type, STRING_TYPE, is a constant sequence of chars
- -- of arbitrary length. Representation type is access string.
- -- It is important to distinguish between an object of the rep type
- -- and its value; for an object, r, val(r) denotes the value.
- --
- -- Representation Invariant: I: rep --> boolean
- -- I(r: rep) = (val(r) = null) or else
- -- (val(r).all'first = 1 &
- -- val(r).all'last >= 0 &
- -- (for all r2, val(r) = val(r2) /= null => r is r2))
- --
- -- Abstraction Function: A: rep --> STRING_TYPE
- -- A(r: rep) = if r = null then
- -- the empty sequence
- -- elsif r'last = 0 then
- -- the empty sequence
- -- else
- -- the sequence consisting of r(1),...,r(r'last).
- end String_Pkg;
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- -- **********************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- **********************************************
- with String_Pkg;
- use String_Pkg;
- package String_Scanner is
- --| Purpose
- --| Functions for scanning tokens from strings.
- --|
- --| This package provides a set of functions used to scan tokens from
- --| strings. After the function make_Scanner is called to convert a string
- --| into a string Scanner, the rest of the functions may be called to scan
- --| various tokens from the string.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --| Modifications
- --| Source: Bill Toscano and Michael Gordon, Intermetrics
- type SCANNER is private;
- Out_Of_Bounds : exception;
- -- Raised when a operation is attempted on a
- -- Scanner that has passed the end
- Scanner_Already_Marked : exception;
- -- Raised when a Mark is attemped on a Scanner
- -- that has already been marked
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Make_Scanner (S : in STRING_TYPE) return SCANNER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Construct a Scanner from S.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Destroy_Scanner (T : in out SCANNER);
- --| Purpose
- --| Free space occupied by the Scanner.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function More (T : in SCANNER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff additional characters remain to be scanned.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Forward (T : in SCANNER);
- --| Purpose
- --| Advance the scanner position.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Backward (T : in SCANNER);
- --| Purpose
- --| Bump back the scanner position.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Get (T : in SCANNER) return CHARACTER;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return character at the current Scanner position.
- --| The scanner position remains unchanged.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Out_Of_Bounds
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Next (T : in SCANNER;
- C : out CHARACTER);
- --| Purpose
- --| Return character at the current Scanner position and update
- --| the position.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Out_Of_Bounds
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Position (T : in SCANNER) return POSITIVE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return a positive integer indicating the current Scanner position,
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Out_Of_Bounds
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Get_String (T : in SCANNER) return STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return a String_Type corresponding to the contents of the Scanner
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Get_Remainder (T : in SCANNER) return STRING_TYPE;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return a String_Type starting at the current index of the Scanner
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Mark (T : in SCANNER);
- --| Purpose
- --| Mark the current index for possible future use.
- --|
- --| Exceptions
- --| Scanner_Already_Marked
- --|
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Restore (T : in SCANNER);
- --| Purpose
- --| Restore the index to the previously marked value
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Is_Word (T : in SCANNER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff Scanner is at the start of a word.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Scan_word (T : in SCANNER;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Result : out STRING_TYPE;
- Skip : in BOOLEAN := FALSE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan T for a sequence of non-blank
- --| characters. If at least one is found, return Found => TRUE,
- --| Result => <the characters>.
- --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Is_Number (T : in SCANNER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff Scan_Number would return a non-null string (Scanner is
- --| at a decimal digit).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Scan_Number (T : in SCANNER;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Result : out STRING_TYPE;
- Skip : in BOOLEAN := FALSE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan T for a sequence of digits.
- --| If at least one is found, return Found => TRUE, Result => <the digits>.
- --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Scan_Number (T : in SCANNER;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Result : out INTEGER;
- Skip : in BOOLEAN := FALSE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan T for a sequence of digits.
- --| If at least one is found, return Found => TRUE, Result => <the digits>.
- --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Is_Signed_Number (T : in SCANNER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff Scan_Signed_Number would return a non-null
- --| string and Scanner is at a decimal digit or sign (+/-).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Scan_Signed_Number (T : in SCANNER;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Result : out STRING_TYPE;
- Skip : in BOOLEAN := FALSE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan T for a sequence of digits preceeded with optional sign.
- --| If at least one digit is found, return Found => TRUE,
- --| Result => <the digits>.
- --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Scan_Signed_Number (T : in SCANNER;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Result : out INTEGER;
- Skip : in BOOLEAN := FALSE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan T for a sequence of digits preceeded with optional sign.
- --| If at least one digit is found, return Found => TRUE,
- --| Result => <the digits>.
- --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Is_Space (T : in SCANNER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff Scan_Space would return a non-null string.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Scan_Space (T : in SCANNER;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Result : out STRING_TYPE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan T past all white space (spaces
- --| and tabs. If at least one is found, return Found => TRUE,
- --| Result => <the characters>.
- --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Skip_Space (T : in SCANNER);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan T past all white space (spaces and tabs).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Is_Ada_Id (T : in SCANNER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff Scan_Ada_Id would return a non-null string.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Scan_Ada_Id (T : in SCANNER;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Result : out STRING_TYPE;
- Skip : in BOOLEAN := FALSE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan T for a valid Ada identifier.
- --| If one is found, return Found => TRUE, Result => <the characters>.
- --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Is_Quoted (T : in SCANNER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff T is at a quoted string (eg. ... "Hello" ...).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Scan_Quoted (T : in SCANNER;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Result : out STRING_TYPE;
- Skip : in BOOLEAN := FALSE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan at T for an opening quote
- --| followed by a sequence of characters and ending with a closing
- --| quote. If successful, return Found => TRUE, Result => <the characters>.
- --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable.
- --| A pair of quotes within the quoted string is converted to a single quote.
- --| The outer quotes are stripped.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Is_Enclosed (B : in CHARACTER;
- T : in SCANNER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff T as encosed by B and E (eg. ... [ABC] ...).
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Scan_Enclosed (B : in CHARACTER;
- T : in SCANNER;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Result : out STRING_TYPE;
- Skip : in BOOLEAN := FALSE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan at T for an enclosing character
- --| followed by a sequence of characters and ending with an enclosing character.
- --| If successful, return Found => TRUE, Result => <the characters>.
- --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable.
- --| The enclosing characters are stripped.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Is_Sequence (Chars : in STRING_TYPE;
- T : in SCANNER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff T is at some character of Chars.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Is_Sequence (Chars : in STRING;
- T : in SCANNER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff T is at some character of Chars.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Scan_Sequence (Chars : in STRING_TYPE;
- T : in SCANNER;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Result : out STRING_TYPE;
- Skip : in BOOLEAN := FALSE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan T for a sequence of characters C such that C appears in
- --| Char. If at least one is found, return Found => TRUE,
- --| Result => <the characters>.
- --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable.
- --| Skip means to skip white characters before scanning.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Scan_Sequence("0123456789", S, Index, Found, Result)
- --| is equivalent to Scan_Number(S, Index, Found, Result)
- --| but is less efficient.
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Scan_Sequence (Chars : in STRING;
- T : in SCANNER;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Result : out STRING_TYPE;
- Skip : in BOOLEAN := FALSE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan T for a sequence of characters C such that C appears in
- --| Char. If at least one is found, return Found => TRUE,
- --| Result => <the characters>.
- --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable.
- --| Skip means to skip white characters before scanning.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --|
- --| Notes
- --| Scan_Sequence("0123456789", S, Index, Found, Result)
- --| is equivalent to Scan_Number(S, Index, Found, Result)
- --| but is less efficient.
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Is_Not_Sequence (Chars : in STRING_TYPE;
- T : in SCANNER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff T is not at some character of Chars.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Is_Not_Sequence (Chars : in STRING;
- T : in SCANNER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff T is not at some character of Chars.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Scan_Not_Sequence (Chars : in STRING_TYPE;
- T : in SCANNER;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Result : out STRING_TYPE;
- Skip : in BOOLEAN := FALSE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan T for a sequence of characters C such that C does not appear
- --| in Chars. If at least one such C is found, return Found => TRUE,
- --| Result => <the characters>.
- --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable.
- --| Skip means to skip white characters before scanning.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Scan_Not_Sequence (Chars : in STRING;
- T : in SCANNER;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Result : out STRING_TYPE;
- Skip : in BOOLEAN := FALSE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan T for a sequence of characters C such that C does not appear
- --| in Chars. If at least one such C is found, return Found => TRUE,
- --| Result => <the characters>.
- --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE and Result is unpredictable.
- --| Skip means to skip white characters before scanning.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Is_Literal (Chars : in STRING_TYPE;
- T : in SCANNER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff T is at literal Chars.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Is_Literal (Chars : in STRING;
- T : in SCANNER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff T is at literal Chars.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Scan_Literal (Chars : in STRING_TYPE;
- T : in SCANNER;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Skip : in BOOLEAN := FALSE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan T for a literal Chars such that Char matches the sequence
- --| of characters in T. If found, return Found => TRUE,
- --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE
- --| Skip means to skip white characters before scanning.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Scan_Literal (Chars : in STRING;
- T : in SCANNER;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Skip : in BOOLEAN := FALSE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan T for a litral Chars such that Char matches the sequence
- --| of characters in T. If found, return Found => TRUE,
- --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE
- --| Skip means to skip white characters before scanning.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Is_Not_Literal (Chars : in STRING;
- T : in SCANNER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff T is not at literal Chars
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- function Is_Not_Literal (Chars : in STRING_TYPE;
- T : in SCANNER) return BOOLEAN;
- --| Purpose
- --| Return TRUE iff T is not at literal Chars
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Scan_Not_Literal (Chars : in STRING;
- T : in SCANNER;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Result : out STRING_TYPE;
- Skip : in BOOLEAN := FALSE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan T for a literal Chars such that Char does not match the
- --| sequence of characters in T. If found, return Found => TRUE,
- --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE
- --| Skip means to skip white characters before scanning.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ..............................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..............................................
- procedure Scan_Not_Literal (Chars : in STRING_TYPE;
- T : in SCANNER;
- Found : out BOOLEAN;
- Result : out STRING_TYPE;
- Skip : in BOOLEAN := FALSE);
- --| Purpose
- --| Scan T for a litral Chars such that Char does not match the
- --| sequence of characters in T. If found, return Found => TRUE,
- --| Otherwise return Found => FALSE
- --| Skip means to skip white characters before scanning.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- private
- type SCAN_RECORD is
- record
- Text : STRING_TYPE; -- Copy of string being scanned
- Index : POSITIVE := 1; -- Current position of Scanner
- Mark : NATURAL := 0; -- Mark
- end record;
- type SCANNER is access SCAN_RECORD;
- end String_Scanner;
- --::::::::::
- --tod.spc
- --::::::::::
- -- ****************************************************
- -- * *
- -- * *
- -- ****************************************************
- with Calendar; -- Predefined (internal representation) TOD package.
- package TOD_Utilities is
- --| Purpose
- --| This package will provide direct conversion from an external
- --| time/date string to the internal Ada CALENDAR.TIME representation
- --| and vice versa. Most free format external representations are
- --| supported. Components of an external format include:
- --| Year, Month and Day (as numbers and strings), Hour, Minutes,
- --| and Seconds
- --| As long as the external representation can be parsed unambiguously,
- --| this package should be able to handle the conversion. Examples of
- --| legal external formats:
- --| 7pm Fr March 12, 1982
- --| 15 Dec. 84 12:36PM
- --| 6/01/83 <-- defaults to 12:00:00AM
- --| 3:45AM <-- defaults to the current date
- --| 18:07:35 <-- defaults to the current date
- --| 8-26 <-- defaults to 12:00:00AM of the current year
- --| friday <-- defaults to 12:00:00AM of the current or next
- --| future Friday
- --| Examples of illegal external representations:
- --| 2/31/84 <-- February never has a 31st day
- --| 12:3605/01/84 <-- too tough to parse (nondeterminstic)
- --| 3/8423:00:00 <-- too tough to parse (nondeterminstic)
- --| 3:54:29AMTues <-- too tough to parse (nondeterminstic)
- --| Nov 1983 <-- must always include day number in the date
- --| Sun 8/3/84 <-- 8/3/84 was a Friday
- --|
- --| Optional periods may be placed after ABBREVIATED day/month names.
- --|
- --| All external formats are converted to upper case, so there are no
- --| problems with specifying mixed and/or lower case input. All
- --| results are returned in upper case by default (which can be overridden
- --| by specifying lower case or mixed case).
- --|
- --| Special external formats: TODAY, TOMORROW, YESTERDAY, NOW
- --| TODAY is equivalent to 12AM of the current date. TOMORROW and
- --| YESTERDAY are equivalent to the next/previous date. NOW is
- --| equivalent to calling the function CALENDAR.CLOCK.
- --|
- --| Defaults:
- --| If the year is omitted, it defaults to the current year. If the
- --| time is omitted, it defaults to 12:00:00AM. If the day name and no
- --| date is specified, the current or next future date is assumed. If
- --| only the time is specified, the current date is assumed. If the
- --| minutes and/or seconds are not specified in the time, they default
- --| to zero. If the year is given in short format (1 or 2 digits) then
- --| it defaults to the current century.
- --|
- --| BNF for the external representation:
- --| {<special_format> [<time>] |
- --| [<time>] <special_format> |
- --| <day_string> &|* <date> &|* <time>}
- --|
- --| <special_format> ::= {TODAY | TOMORROW | YESTERDAY | NOW}
- --|
- --| <day_string> ::= SU|NDAY, MO|NDAY, ..., SA|TURDAY
- --|
- --| <date> ::= {<month_number><sep1><day_number>[<sep1><year_number>] |
- --| <month_name><sep2><day_number>[<sep2><year_number>] |
- --| <day_number><sep2><month_name>[<sep2><year_number>] |
- --| <full_year_number><sep2><month_name><sep2><day_number> |
- --| <full_year_number><sep2><day_number><sep2><month_name>}
- --|
- --| <time> ::= {<hour>':'<minutes>[':'<seconds>][<AM_PM>] |
- --| <AMPM_hour><AM_PM>}
- --|
- --| <month_number> ::= 1 .. 12
- --| <month_name> ::= JAN|UARY, FEB|RUARY, ..., DEC|EMBER
- --| <day_number> ::= 1 .. 31
- --| <year_number> ::= {<short_year_number> | <full_year_number>}
- --| <short_year_number> ::= [0]0 .. 99 <-- for century 2000
- --| [0]1 .. 99 <-- for century 2100
- --| <full_year_number> ::= 1901 .. 2099
- --| <sep1> ::= {'-'|'/'}
- --| <sep2> ::= {<sep1> | {' ' | ','} ...}
- --|
- --| <hour> ::= [0]0 .. 24
- --| <AMPM_hour> ::= [0]1 .. 12
- --| <minutes> ::= 00 .. 59
- --| <seconds> ::= 00 .. 59
- --| <AM_PM> ::= {"AM" | "PM"}
- --|
- --| Notes on the BNF above:
- --| Items in angle brackets must be separated by at least one
- --| blank and/or comma when they appear with exactly one space
- --| between them.
- --|
- --| However, items in angle brackets which are not separated by
- --| exactly one blank have a more rigid syntax, and must be followed
- --| precisely as specified in the BNF.
- --|
- --| Some characters/strings are enclosed in quotes to emphasize that
- --| they are explicit, and not metasymbols. When specifying an
- --| external TOD_String, do NOT include the quotes.
- --|
- --| The AM/PM indicator may be left off the time if at least the
- --| hours and minutes are specified. If only the hour is specified,
- --| it must be in the range 01 .. 12 and must have the AM/PM
- --| indicator following it. If the AM/PM indicator is left off a
- --| time format, AM is assumed unless the hour is in the range
- --| 13 .. 23. If the AM/PM indicator is included, the hour must
- --| be in the range 01 .. 12.
- --|
- --| Notation:
- --| {...|...|...} -- Select exactly one alternative.
- --| [...] -- Optional.
- --| &| -- Select one or the other or both,
- --| &|* -- Same as &| with the extension of selecting
- --| the items in any order.
- --| ' ' -- Encloses a character literal.
- --| " " -- Encloses a string.
- --| < > -- Encloses a non-terminal symbol.
- --| ... -- Denotes a repeatable field.
- --| | -- Separates alternatives and denotes legal
- --| -- abbreviations.
- --|
- --| Initialization Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- --|
- --| Modifications
- --| Author: Geoff Mendal, Stanford University
- External_TOD_Representation_Length : constant POSITIVE := 38;
- 1 .. External_TOD_Representation_Length);
- -- This type should be used to retrieve an external TOD
- -- representation from the CALENDAR.TIME representation.
- type TYPE_SET is (UPPER_CASE, lower_case, Mixed_Case);
- -- This type should be used to specify the type set of an
- -- external representation returned by the internal-to-external
- -- function below.
- -- ..................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ..................................................
- function Version return STRING;
- --| Purpose
- --| Returns the version number of this package.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Convert (
- Default_Setting : in TYPE_SET := UPPER_CASE)
- --| Purpose
- --| The following function will take the CALENDAR.TIME representation
- --| and return an external representation. The external representation
- --| has the following format:
- --| Columns 1 .. 9 : Day as a string
- --| Columns 11 .. 12 : Day as a number
- --| Columns 14 .. 22 : Month as a string
- --| Columns 24 .. 27 : year number
- --| Columns 29 .. 38 : time in AM/PM format
- --| All unused columns are blank
- --|
- --| Example string returned:
- --| "THURSDAY 09 AUGUST 1984 05:19:05PM"
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes (none)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Now (Default_Setting : in TYPE_SET := UPPER_CASE)
- --| Purpose
- --| This function is a convenience, equivalent to calling
- --| the above Convert function with an argument of
- --| CALENDAR.CLOCK. The current time and date are
- --| returned as specified for Convert above.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (none)
- --| Notes
- --| Same as Convert(Calendar.Clock)
- -- ....................................................
- -- . .
- -- . .
- -- ....................................................
- function Convert (TOD_String : in STRING) return CALENDAR.TIME;
- --| Purpose
- --| This function will take an external TOD representation
- --| and return the CALENDAR.TIME representation. The external
- --| representation can be any STRING object that conforms to
- --| the BNF given above.
- --|
- --| Exceptions (see below)
- --| Notes (none)
- Duplication_Error, -- "5/25/61 May 25 1961"
- Date_Error, -- "2/31/75"
- Month_Number_Error, -- "13/1/1960"
- Year_Error, -- "1/1/1900"
- Day_Number_Error, -- "1/32/1984"
- Day_Date_Error, -- "Sunday 8/3/84"
- Month_Missing_Error, -- "1961 25"
- Day_Number_Missing_Error, -- "1961 May"
- Hour_Error, -- "25:00:00"
- Minute_Error, -- "23:61:00"
- Second_Error, -- "23:59:60"
- Time_String_Error, -- "1:05:05:PM"
- Abbreviation_Error, -- "Sept.emb. 5"
- External_Representation_Error : exception; -- "blah blah blah"
- -- These exceptions will be raised if the input to the
- -- above function cannot be parsed unambiguously. Also, this function
- -- traps CALENDAR.TIME_ERROR and instead raises the exception
- -- Date_Error below in its place.
- end TOD_Utilities;