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395 lines
(procedure scrub
(if (exists (tackon "photogenics:" OLDKACK))
(delete (tackon "photogenics:" OLDKACK)
(prompt ("\n\nDeleting redundant program code:\n\n%s\n\n" OLDKACK) )
(help "\n\n\nRelease 1.2a of Photogenics makes this file redundant, so we're getting rid of it.")
(procedure fresh
(prompt ("\n\nInstalling new release of file:\n\n%s\n\n" NEWSTUFF))
(source (tackon "new" NEWSTUFF))
(dest (tackon "photogenics:" PATH))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(procedure do_a_patch
(if (exists ("%s%s" PATH FILE))
(working ("Patching: %s\n\n" FILE))
(run ( ("c/spatch -o%s%s -p%s%s.diff %s%s" PATH FILE PATCH FILE ORIGINAL FILE)))
"\n\n\nThis interim 1.2a set of patches can only be applied to a"
" previous installation of Photogenics 1.2 - it won't be compatible"
" with versions 1.1a and below, or any of the Special Edition"
" releases. If you're not using the full 1.2 version, please hit"
" ABORT now."
"\n\nGood, you're still with us ;->\n\n"
"The patch will only affect parts of Photogenics 1.2 which have"
" been installed on your hard disk - unfortunately, due to the"
" ever-growing size of the main code, the floppy distribution"
" for 1.2a has been heavily reorganised, and a patch to the"
" original floppies isn't easily possible <however Almathera"
" can update your original disk set from 1.2 to 1.2a if you"
" send in your disks, return postage and registration details>."
"\n\nIf you install extra parts of release 1.2 from your original"
" disks *after* applying this patch, you'll need to re-apply it"
" to patch the new stuff you install. <C'est la vie>\n\n"
" You really need to have this archive unpacked to the RAM disk or"
" a spare partition on your hard drive, as we patch against the"
" original 1.2 disks and so there's gonna be some disk-swapping"
" to do. <Hence you want to have this patch available at all times>"
(prompt "Please insert Photogenics release 1.2 disk 1 in any drive")
(dest "Photogenics_1")
(help @askdisk-help)
; loop for each one...
(set LOOP-FLAG -1)
(while (< LOOP-FLAG 93 )
(set LOOP-FLAG (+ 1 LOOP-FLAG ))
(set FILE
(select LOOP-FLAG
"Photogenics" ; 0
"pgs.library" ; 1
"ACBM.gio" ; 2
"ILBM.gio" ; 12
"ShowHam8.gio" ; 22
"AddNoise" ; 26
"Contrast" ;36
"GradientTint" ;46
"Mix" ; 56
"RubEmboss" ; 66
"Split" ; 76
"EGS.gio" ; 81
"StudioII-Print.gio" ; 91
"VLab.gio" ; 93
; wind thru the list changing paths on the fly
(if (= 1 LOOP-FLAG)
(set PATH "photogenics:data/libs/")
(set ORIGINAL "Photogenics_1:data/libs/")
(set PATCH "diffs/data/Libs/")
(if (= 2 LOOP-FLAG)
(set PATH "photogenics:data/GIO/")
(set ORIGINAL "Photogenics_1:data/GIO/")
(set PATCH "diffs/data/GIO/")
(if (= 26 LOOP-FLAG)
(set PATH "photogenics:data/PaintModes/")
(set ORIGINAL "Photogenics_1:data/PaintModes/")
(set PATCH "diffs/data/PaintModes/")
(if (= 81 LOOP-FLAG)
(set PATH "photogenics:data/GIO/")
(set ORIGINAL "Photogenics_3:ExtraGIOs/")
(set PATCH "diffs/ExtraGIOs/")
(if (= 0 LOOP-FLAG)
(prompt "Copying original core binary")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Photogenics_1:Photogenics")
(dest "diffs/")
(set PATH "diffs/")
(set ORIGINAL "Photogenics_1:")
(set PATCH "diffs/")
(working "Reuncompressing patched main program code")
(run ("c/Deplode diffs/Photogenics Photogenics:Photogenics")
(prompt "Reuncompressing patched main program code")
(help "Reuncompressing patched main program code")
(if (> LOOP-FLAG 80 )
(prompt "Please insert Photogenics release 1.2 disk 3 in any drive")
(dest "Photogenics_3")
(help @askdisk-help)
(if (> (exists "photogenics:data/GIO/FramestoreDisplay.gio") 0)
(run "Photogenics_3:c/lhex -qfw=diffs/ x Photogenics_3:Toaster.lha")
(set PATH "photogenics:data/GIO/")
(set ORIGINAL "diffs/")
(set PATCH "diffs/Toaster/")
(set FILE "FramestoreDisplay.gio")
(set FILE "FramestoreFile.gio")
(set FILE "FramestoreGrab.gio")
(set OLDKACK "Data/Paintmodes/Maximum")
(set OLDKACK "Data/Paintmodes/Minimum")
(set OLDKACK "Data/Paintmodes/Highlights")
(set OLDKACK "Data/Paintmodes/Lowlights")
(set OLDKACK "Data/GIO/Ascii-Art.gio")
(set OLDKACK "Data/GIO/CyBERgraphics.gio")
(set OLDKACK "Data/GIO/PCD.gio")
(set OLDKACK "Data/GIO/PrefsPrinter.gio")
; okay, nuked from orbit, let's do the new stuff...
(set NEWSTUFF "data/PaintModes/Hi&LowLights")
(set PATH "data/PaintModes")
(set NEWSTUFF "data/GIO/Ascii-Art.gio")
(set PATH "data/GIO")
(set NEWSTUFF "data/GIO/CyberGraphX.gio")
(set NEWSTUFF "data/GIO/PCD.gio")
(set NEWSTUFF "data/GIO/PrefsPrinter.gio")
(run "c/Avail >nil: <nil: FLUSH") ; now wash your hands....
(set #PGX-ENV "Creating Photogenics directory in ENV:...")
(cat "\nNow copying your Photogenics preferences into %s\n"
"(Photogenics v1.2a uses environmental variables"
" instead of the Photogenics file tree)")
(if ( < (exists "envarc:Photogenics" (noreq) ) 2)
(makedir "envarc:Photogenics"
(prompt "Creating Photogenics directory in ENVARC:...")
(help @makedir-help)
(makedir "env:Photogenics"
(prompt "Creating Photogenics directory in ENVARC:...")
(help @makedir-help)
(if (exists "photogenics:data/Preferences" (noreq))
(prompt (#PREFS-MOVE "ENVARC:"))
(source "photogenics:Data/Preferences")
(dest "ENVARC:Photogenics/")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(newname "preferences")
(prompt (#PREFS-MOVE "ENV:"))
(source "photogenics:Data/Preferences")
(dest "ENV:Photogenics/")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(newname "preferences")
(delete "photogenics:Data/Preferences"
(prompt "\n\n\n\nYour preferences have been copied into ENV: and ENVARC, so can now be deleted from the Photogenics file tree.")
(help "\n\n\n\n\n\n Installing v1.2a requires you to delete this file.")
(prompt "Updating READ.ME")
(source "new/READ.ME")
(dest "photogenics:")
(help @copyfiles-help)
"\n\nPhotogenics 1.2a has now been patched into your existing"
" installation. Please remember to repatch should you"
" install extra data from your 1.2 release disks <or"
" simply have your 1.2 set updated to 1.2a>, and in"
" the meantime, enjoy the new update to the package"
" once you've read the new READ.ME file."
(run "run photogenics_3:c/More photogenics:READ.ME")
(exit (quiet))