S.P.A.C.E S.E.E.D.S Tracked / Sequenced by NeXuS / PuRe ReSiSTaNCe ........................... Sample credits: Necros, BaseHead, and Karl. Samples # 15,16,17,23,27, 28,29 are original. ........................... playing time aprx: 6:00 min ........................... .(c) Copyright NeXuS / PR . . july 1995. . ........................... This tune was written in about 12 hours. The idea of writing this song came to me when I was sitting on the ground at night time, walking my dog, and staring at the stars :). I was thinking of different life forms that could exist out there... I don't really know WHY I suddenly started thinking of this song, but that's when it was born :) ........................... This is dedicated to all of you ppl who likes techno muzik. Keep techno alive! (hehe...) ........................... Greets fly to: BigJim, Axl, Necros, BaseHead. and all PR dudes :). ........................... NOTE: please make sure that your player supports S8x panning command... otherwhise the song may sound like a mess :). ........................... peace, nexus.