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118 lines
Short: Serif fonts, in .pfb format
This is a collection of fonts in Adobe Postscript (.pfb) format. The Adobe
font format is superior to the Compugraphic Intellifont format, and of this
collection, not all fonts exist as Compugraphic equivalents. So, if
possible, use the Adobe version. Programs like PageStream, FinalWriter and
TypeSmith directly understand Adobe fonts (load the .pfb files), and using
util/libs/type1beta9.lha (found on Aminet Set 2 Disk b) you can use
Postscript fonts in any program that understands Amiga fonts, because they
are converted on the fly.
All fonts in this collection have hints. These are instructions how to
make the fonts look good at low resolutions. However not all programs
make use of them.
In the archive pix/illu/AminetPFonts.lha you find a set of images
displaying all fonts of the whole font collection. Also, each archives
contains an archive index image and an image for each font.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
59364 30492 48.6% 18-Jan-96 09:06:06 0Serif09_Index.IFF
4366 1712 60.7% 14-Jan-96 06:28:12 GaramondCursive.afm
1950 1142 41.4% 15-Jan-96 17:46:54 GaramondCursive.iff
60569 56871 6.1% 11-Jan-96 08:14:34 GaramondCursive.pfb
9266 2545 72.5% 14-Jan-96 06:28:22 GaramondCursiveHelper.afm
2460 1475 40.0% 15-Jan-96 17:46:58 GaramondCursiveHelper.iff
64460 60789 5.6% 11-Jan-96 08:16:22 GaramondCursiveHelper.pfb
10383 3518 66.1% 14-Jan-96 06:28:30 GaramondeMinuscule.afm
1752 939 46.4% 15-Jan-96 17:47:04 GaramondeMinuscule.iff
57297 53549 6.5% 11-Jan-96 08:18:04 GaramondeMinuscule.pfb
4423 1721 61.0% 14-Jan-96 06:28:40 GaramondHelper.afm
2328 1117 52.0% 15-Jan-96 17:47:08 GaramondHelper.iff
63593 59941 5.7% 11-Jan-96 08:20:54 GaramondHelper.pfb
10005 3139 68.6% 14-Jan-96 06:29:36 Garth.afm
2348 1159 50.6% 15-Jan-96 17:47:24 Garth.iff
92483 88958 3.8% 11-Jan-96 08:33:14 Garth.pfb
10020 3090 69.1% 14-Jan-96 06:29:48 GarthGraph.afm
2352 1175 50.0% 15-Jan-96 17:47:30 GarthGraph.iff
82658 79036 4.3% 11-Jan-96 08:36:24 GarthGraph.pfb
9689 3017 68.8% 14-Jan-96 06:30:02 Gatineau.afm
1870 984 47.3% 15-Jan-96 17:47:36 Gatineau.iff
59657 55951 6.2% 11-Jan-96 08:39:12 Gatineau.pfb
9768 2989 69.4% 14-Jan-96 06:30:10 GatineauBold.afm
2074 1115 46.2% 15-Jan-96 17:47:42 GatineauBold.iff
62152 58487 5.8% 11-Jan-96 08:40:58 GatineauBold.pfb
9978 3150 68.4% 14-Jan-96 06:30:18 GatineauBoldItalic.afm
2118 1354 36.0% 15-Jan-96 17:47:46 GatineauBoldItalic.iff
59657 55915 6.2% 11-Jan-96 08:42:36 GatineauBoldItalic.pfb
9856 3206 67.4% 14-Jan-96 06:30:28 GatineauIt.afm
1982 1280 35.4% 15-Jan-96 17:47:52 GatineauIt.iff
59259 55535 6.2% 11-Jan-96 08:44:12 GatineauIt.pfb
10559 3220 69.5% 14-Jan-96 06:31:24 Gilliard.afm
1904 1033 45.7% 15-Jan-96 17:48:22 Gilliard.iff
45909 42139 8.2% 11-Jan-96 08:54:04 Gilliard.pfb
10573 3217 69.5% 14-Jan-96 06:31:32 GilliardBold.afm
2100 1130 46.1% 15-Jan-96 17:48:26 GilliardBold.iff
46615 42850 8.0% 11-Jan-96 08:54:54 GilliardBold.pfb
10723 3322 69.0% 14-Jan-96 06:31:38 GilliardBoldItalic.afm
2062 1401 32.0% 15-Jan-96 17:48:30 GilliardBoldItalic.iff
48062 44327 7.7% 11-Jan-96 08:55:42 GilliardBoldItalic.pfb
10703 3353 68.6% 14-Jan-96 06:31:44 GilliardItalic.afm
1936 1276 34.0% 15-Jan-96 17:48:34 GilliardItalic.iff
46828 43055 8.0% 11-Jan-96 08:56:36 GilliardItalic.pfb
10480 3169 69.7% 14-Jan-96 06:32:02 Gleepha.afm
2172 1055 51.4% 15-Jan-96 17:48:44 Gleepha.iff
45638 41882 8.2% 11-Jan-96 08:59:04 Gleepha.pfb
10511 3179 69.7% 14-Jan-96 06:32:08 GleephaBold.afm
2294 1059 53.8% 15-Jan-96 17:48:48 GleephaBold.iff
46689 42925 8.0% 11-Jan-96 09:00:06 GleephaBold.pfb
10589 3286 68.9% 14-Jan-96 06:32:14 GleephaBoldItalic.afm
2282 1218 46.6% 15-Jan-96 17:48:52 GleephaBoldItalic.iff
46788 43007 8.0% 11-Jan-96 09:01:06 GleephaBoldItalic.pfb
10562 3249 69.2% 14-Jan-96 06:32:20 GleephaItalic.afm
2164 1183 45.3% 15-Jan-96 17:48:56 GleephaItalic.iff
45739 41962 8.2% 11-Jan-96 09:02:06 GleephaItalic.pfb
5039 1692 66.4% 14-Jan-96 06:32:32 GloucesterOpenFace.afm
1688 1103 34.6% 15-Jan-96 17:49:04 GloucesterOpenFace.iff
76942 73320 4.7% 11-Jan-96 09:06:26 GloucesterOpenFace.pfb
8712 2761 68.3% 14-Jan-96 06:32:48 GoldMine.afm
3642 2097 42.4% 15-Jan-96 17:49:14 GoldMine.iff
71684 68023 5.1% 11-Jan-96 09:10:50 GoldMine.pfb
9063 2916 67.8% 14-Jan-96 06:32:58 GoldMineTall.afm
4772 2549 46.5% 15-Jan-96 17:49:22 GoldMineTall.iff
72827 69152 5.0% 11-Jan-96 09:16:16 GoldMineTall.pfb
8722 2734 68.6% 14-Jan-96 06:33:06 GoldMineThin.afm
2818 1681 40.3% 15-Jan-96 17:49:30 GoldMineThin.iff
70230 66548 5.2% 11-Jan-96 09:21:44 GoldMineThin.pfb
8752 2856 67.3% 14-Jan-96 06:33:16 GoldMineTnIt.afm
2818 1798 36.1% 15-Jan-96 17:49:36 GoldMineTnIt.iff
70327 66654 5.2% 11-Jan-96 09:27:20 GoldMineTnIt.pfb
5042 2046 59.4% 14-Jan-96 06:34:44 GoudyHundred.afm
1386 777 43.9% 15-Jan-96 17:50:16 GoudyHundred.iff
40255 36459 9.4% 11-Jan-96 09:56:48 GoudyHundred.pfb
10718 3602 66.3% 14-Jan-96 06:33:50 GoudyOldStyleBold.afm
1788 1019 43.0% 15-Jan-96 17:49:56 GoudyOldStyleBold.iff
63264 59568 5.8% 11-Jan-96 09:37:52 GoudyOldStyleBold.pfb
10731 3569 66.7% 14-Jan-96 06:34:08 GoudyOldStyleNormal.afm
1766 977 44.6% 15-Jan-96 17:50:08 GoudyOldStyleNormal.iff
59926 56174 6.2% 11-Jan-96 09:41:40 GoudyOldStyleNormal.pfb
10710 3594 66.4% 14-Jan-96 06:34:00 GoudyOldStyleNormalItalic.afm
1696 1048 38.2% 15-Jan-96 17:50:02 GoudyOldStyleNormalItalic.iff
61633 57864 6.1% 11-Jan-96 09:39:54 GoudyOldStyleNormalItalic.pfb
6165 2379 61.4% 14-Jan-96 06:34:38 GoundyHundredBold.afm
1492 861 42.2% 15-Jan-96 17:50:14 GoundyHundredBold.iff
51454 47708 7.2% 11-Jan-96 09:55:34 GoundyHundredBold.pfb
10876 3773 65.3% 14-Jan-96 06:34:54 GourdaBold.afm
1836 1003 45.3% 15-Jan-96 17:50:20 GourdaBold.iff
46412 42619 8.1% 11-Jan-96 09:59:04 GourdaBold.pfb
10911 3913 64.1% 14-Jan-96 06:35:02 GourdaItal.afm
1658 996 39.9% 15-Jan-96 17:50:24 GourdaItal.iff
45025 41217 8.4% 11-Jan-96 09:59:56 GourdaItal.pfb
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
2166799 1809898 16.4% 04-Nov-95 17:08:06 91 files