(prompt "Where do you want Retro Index to be installed ?\n(no drawer will be created, but I recommend you to create one)")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "Sys:")
(makeassign "retro_index" #directory)
(set @default-dest #directory)
(set #hack_installed
(prompt "Do you have Hack Attack III installed?")
(help "Hack Attack III is a comprehensive POKE guide written by Rastan. This index can link itself to run any of the POKE guides, so you can load, cheat and run the game at the click of a couple of buttons. It will update all of the Hack Attack III POKE guides to include two buttons - a 'LOAD from Retro Gold' button, and a 'RUN game' button")
(choices "No I don't" "Yes I do")
(default %01)
(if (= #hack_installed 1)
(run "ram:retro_temp_dir/lha -x -M x archives/retro-ha3.lha retro_index:")
(set #ha3_dir
(prompt "Where is Hack Attack III installed?")
(help "This program needs to know where Hack Attack III is installed, as the index program links to it via an assignment of 'HA3'. If you have already given Hack Attack III an assignment other than HA3, you can delete this from USER-STARTUP or STARTUP-SEQUENCE (depending on where you have the assignement made). It won't do any harm at all, but it only makes sense :-)")
(default "Sys:")))
(if @pretend
(makeassign "HA3" "T:" (safe)))
(makeassign "HA3" #ha3_dir)
(startup "Hack Attack III"
(prompt "Some instructions need to be added to the \"S:user-startup\" so that your system will be properly configured to use the link with Hack Attack III.")
(help "This program needs to know where Hack Attack III is installed, as the index program links to it via an assignment of 'HA3'.\n If you have already given Hack Attack III an assignment other than HA3, you can delete this from USER-STARTUP or STARTUP-SEQUENCE (depending on where you have the assignement made). It won't do any harm at all, but it only makes sense :-)")
(command "assign HA3: \"" #ha3_dir "\"\n"))
;end of assigning HA3()
(if (= #hack_installed 0)
((run "ram:retro_temp_dir/lha -x -M x archives/retro-std.lha retro_index:")))
(prompt "A script called ZXAM_RUN.DOPUS already exists in your REXX: directory!")
(help "It could be that this is from a previous installation of the program, or it could be an earlier version of the script.\nIf you are really sure that you don't need the version currently installed in the REXX: directory on your HD, then tick the first option ('Copy installation version').\nIf you want to copy the installation version, but keep a backup copy of the original version currently installed on your HD, tick both boxes.\nIf you want to only keep the version on your HD, don't tick either box'")
(choices "Install version from this installation."
(message "The installer version of the script has not been copied")
;do absolutely nothing at all hehehe
(if (= #hack_installed 1)
(prompt "Copying FILELIST to RAM:")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(dest "ram:")
(run "rexxmast")
(rexx "ram:retro_temp_dir/ha3_update.rexx"
(prompt "This program must now run an AREXX script to update all of the POKE guide files in\nHack Attack III. This will probably take a minute or two, so go make a cup of tea, listen to a good CD (I recommend anything by Pet Shop Boys), or have a quick game of the cool Klondike AGA (using one of Rastan's Speccy cardsets to get you in the nostalgic mood)...\n\n\nNOTE!! You are SERIOUSLY advised to click HELP before continuing here!\n\nENSURE REXXMAST IS RUNNING!")
(help "Running it in this installer will NOT open any "progress" window ...It will appear as if the computer has frozen. If you don't hear any disk access, then the installer is probably looking for REXXMAST, so start it by typing in 'REXXMAST'.\n\nMore importantly, you will NOT be able to stop the process (apart from resetting the Amiga)\n\nIf you chose to abort now, there should be an icon in the directory this program came from (where you extracted it in the first place), called HA3_UPDATE.REXX in the subdirectory LHA. Run this by typing RX HA3_UPDATE.REXX..")