AlieN LookAlikE @ ProduxionZ presents (4.23min) by InZanER "unknown sweeping" BPM 232 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HARD-TRANCE POW!! no being mr. nicy it's GOT TO BE all alienlookalike <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< InZanER sezz... These tracks come from InZanER's base of the second-bone- mega.xm, parts of it are remixed... This song is released 4 the bmp-compo 97' ()()()()()()()()()()() UNKNOWN SWEEPING@ ()()()()()()()()()()() By InZanER eeh jongen!! (eeJ) jonko man?!? :] CaLiFoRnIA, KnowsHOW if you have any questions or comments write & don't hesitate :/ InZanER's email: da happy short version UnknowN SweepinG FinisheD on jan-7-97" (eeJ)!!:/ made in FT206 FTII = da best!!!! UnknowN SweepinG da happy short version songlength: 4.23min BMP 232 from da second-bone!! If there are any groups out there who want to release my tracks..... contact me, I'll be glad to dump da base !!??!! InZanER's web site coming soon under construction whhoooo whaaaaaa trippiN'' on.... ********************** At least not last :/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/ InZanER sezz,, Always think you can think different! -> trip out -> trip in -> trip on Da EnD = NeW BegiN Trip OuT!! I said TRIP OUT!! I SAID TRIP OUT!!!! You better smoke a Jonko! SooN,, I can see da stress TRIP-KICK!!!!TIP!!!! InZanER's TIP : Smoke some joints when you are in a mushroom trip Then fantasy BecomeS