.TransMission Critical Brings you a track by Mistix .prima-facie evidence. (shorter compo edit) .Style : Trance (hmm.) .BPM (aprox.): 135 .Speed : 3 .Playtime (aprox.): 4 Minutes 23 Seconds .Channels : 14 .Size (approx): 641 kb Heres a minimal trance tune... Just a bit of tracking to pass the time. Also my entry for the BMP Music Competition Samples from these people : Grump, Thunderbass Jay, Maelcum, JRB DAC, All at TRiP Pruple Motion, Zodiak Rob Roy. And those ever-so groovy 909 patches. Most samples from JRB So a big respect goes out to him! Greets time : Caliban, Grump, Nitro Gigalo 13, Turrican Shok, Hard Static JRB, Chuck B and people i've unfortunately forgoten (i'll remember soon =) email me... sfreibe@tpgi.com.au fish.Brisbane. fish. Australia.fish.Galaxy