Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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CopyWrite supports all of the IBM PS/2 models except
those with a speed of 33 Mhz.
Listed below are notes regarding this edition, which do
not appear in the printed manual. We recommend that
you print this file and keep it with your printed
An Australian, Mr. Anthony C Harvey, is selling
counterfeit copies of our software.
He has advertised using our company name. He has
printed labels and manuals duplicating the appearance
of our products, and he has negotiated cheques made
payable to Quaid Software Ltd. We are pursuing civil
and criminal remedies against Mr. Anthony C Harvey.
Customers in possession of counterfeit copies of our
software obtained from Mr. Anthony C Harvey or
Aardvark Utilities should request a refund from:
Mr. Anthony C Harvey, c/o
Aardvark Utilities,
PO Box 514, Hawthorn 3122
Victoria, Australia
It is possible he has changed his address and company
Starting with the November 1988 edition the "Unguard"
utility now unprotects diskettes protected by the
Everlock copy protection system by AZ-TECH up to version 1.94
Starting with the May 1990 edition the "Rescue"
utility now handles diskettes protected by the
Everlock copy protection system by AZ-TECH up to version 2.03
Rescue was developed to remove copy protection. For
those familiar with the Unguard utility, Rescue is used
the same way. Instructions on the use of "Rescue" are
listed below.
For two drive systems you will need the original
program diskette, and a blank formatted diskette that
will be referred to as the Rescued backup diskette.
■ Insert your CopyWrite diskette into Drive A:, and
the Rescued backup diskette into drive B:.
■ To start the Rescue program, at the DOS prompt type
"a:rescue" [enter]. Once Rescue has loaded, remove
your CopyWrite diskette from drive A:, and replace
it with the program diskette.
■ The cursor will point to the function "Source
drive". If the Source drive is NOT set to a:, use
the [+] [-] keys to change it to a:.
■ Using the cursor down key move the cursor to the
function "Source product", and enter the source
product name from the list included with your
CopyWrite package.
■ Using the cursor down key move the cursor to the
function "Target drive". Using the [+] or [-] keys
change the target drive to b:.
■ Using the cursor down key move the cursor to the
function "Strip copy protection" and press the enter
As Rescue processes the copy protected program, it will
display the files it reads from the original diskette,
and writes to the target.
A successful Rescue will report:
I have stripped the copy protection.
Press any key to proceed.
For this type of system it is recommended that you
create a separate subdirectory for the package you want
to Rescue. These instructions make two assumptions,
first that your hard drive is c:, and secondly you are
not currently running the program from your hard drive
■ Create the subdirectory your program will be loaded
into using the DOS command mkdir. If you already
have a subdirectory for your program skip this step.
■ Change to the subdirectory your program will be loaded
into using the DOS command chdir.
■ Insert your CopyWrite diskette into Drive A:.
■ To start the Rescue program, at the DOS prompt type
"a:rescue" [enter]. Once Rescue has loaded, remove
your CopyWrite diskette from drive A:, and replace
it with the program diskette.
■ The cursor will point to the function "Source
drive". If the Source drive is NOT set to a:, use
the [+] [-] keys to change it to a:
■ Using the cursor down key move the cursor to the
function "Source product", and enter the source
product name from the list in your CopyWrite
■ Using the cursor down key move the cursor to the
function "Target drive". Using the [+] or [-] keys
change the target drive to c:
■ Using the cursor down key move the cursor to the
function "Strip copy protection" and press the enter
As Rescue processes the copy protected program, it will
display the files it reads from the original diskette,
and writes to the target.
A successful Rescue will report:
I have stripped the copy protection .
Press any key to proceed.
CopyWrite supports all of the IBM PS/2 models except
those with a speed of 33 Mhz, as well as the Tandy 1000
computers (EX, SX, HX, and TX) having a DMA chip ( the
DMA chip comes with the memory expansion boards), using
both 5.25" diskettes, and 3.5" diskettes. CopyWrite
will support 3.5" diskettes on machines other than the
PS/2 provided their drive designation is either A: or
B: (this is required because CopyWrite needs direct
access to the floppy drive controller card). This
means CopyWrite cannot support 3.5" diskette drives
that require device drivers to be loaded (i.e.
driver.sys that comes with DOS 3.2 and later).
Since many software publishers have abandoned the use
of copy protection, there is less requirement to revise
CopyWrite. We no longer do so monthly, but at
irregular intervals as changes in technology or copy
protection require.
CopyWrite is 100% compatible with the following
Compaq Portable and Deskpro
Compaq Portable 286 and Deskpro 286
Compaq Portable I and II
IBM PS/2 model 30, 50, 60, 80, 50z, 55, 70
( but not 33 Mhz machines )
Micronics 80386 20Mhz
Sperry PC
Tandy 1000 EX, SX, HX, TX with DMA chips
Tandy 1200
Toshiba T3100
Zenith Z-150 and Z-160
We have had reports that CopyWrite is also compatible
with the following computers. However, if there is a
problem with CopyWrite on these computers we may be
unable to duplicate the problem in order to correct it.
We will do our best to solve any problems with these
AT&T 6300 (will not run Prolok disks)
Eagle (later models only)
Kaypro PC
Leading Edge PC
Olivetti M24 (will not run Prolok disks)
Panasonic Sr. Partner
Tandy 3000
Tava PC
Vectra HP
Any computer not listed above may not be compatible
with CopyWrite. Machines that have an Accelerator
board are most likely incompatible with CopyWrite.
CopyWrite will not copy high density diskettes. If you
have a computer not listed above and you have found
that CopyWrite runs without problems on it please
contact us with the make and model so that we can
inform other customers of its compatiblity. Thank you.
Fastback and Concentric Information Processor are no
longer supported. Also, dBase III version 1.1 is
backed up using UnGuard only and not using CopyWrite
and loading Ramkey into memory first.
With this edition of CopyWrite, you should be able to
backup your Prolok 2 and Everlock protected software.
To backup Prolok 2 protected software you do it by
using CopyWrite and then loading Ramkey into memory
before using the backup, or by using UnGuard on each of
the .exe files on the program disk. For Everlock
protected software use CopyWrite or Unguard or Rescue.
Consult the manual for the full list of supported
programs. Additions to the software list are shown
CopyWrite contains generic routines for removing copy protection
from the following schemes:
Superlok by Softguard Unguard
ProLok II by Vault Unguard
Everlock by AZ-Tech CopyWrite (up to ver 1.94)
Everlock by AZ-Tech Unguard (up to ver 1.94)
Everlock by AZ-Tech Rescue source product: everopen (up to ver 2.03)
Accolade Rescue source product: accol
Electronic Arts Rescue source product: elecarts
Epyx Rescue source product: epyx
Mindscape Rescue source product: mind
Origin Systems Rescue source product: british
Sierra Rescue source product: sierra
The Learning Company Rescue source product: learn
(install) means that you must first install the product on your
hard drive, and then unprotect it.
Epyx and Accolade use very similar copy-protection.
You may try 'accol' and 'epyx' as the source product for both these companies.
Everlock by AZ-Tech CopyWrite All versions up to 1.94
■ Makes a duplicate copy of the Everlock protected diskette. Anything
you can do with the original diskette, you can do with the
CopyWrite copy.
Everlock by AZ-Tech Unguard All versions up to 1.94.
■ Creates an unprotected version of the Everlock protected file that was
specified to Unguard.
■ Works on the hard drive installed form of Everlock protection.
■ Works on stand-alone diskettes.
■ Does NOT work if the protected software makes a protection check after
the software was initially loaded.
Everlock by AZ-Tech Rescue All versions up to 2.03
■ Later versions may also be handled.
■ Creates a new version of the Everlock protected file that was
specified to Rescue, and creates some SYS files to hold the Everlock
special data. These SYS files must be present in the default
sub-directory, to run the new file that Rescue created.
■ Works on the hard drive installed form of Everlock protection.
■ Does NOT work on stand-alone diskettes.
■ Does work for protection checks made by the protected software after the
software was initially loaded.
■ Instructions for unprotecting Everlock with Rescue.
(1) Install the Everlock protected software to your hard drive.
Change to the sub-directory that holds this protected software.
(2) Run Rescue with Source drive C: (must be the hard drive)
Source product: EVEROPEN
Target drive A: (usually a floppy)
Strip copy protection: (hit Enter)
(3) Rescue will then ask for the protected filename. This is the
main executable file of the protected software. It must have
an extension of COM or EXE. Answer the question and hit Enter.
(4) Rescue will create a new version of the Everlock protected file
and some SYS files on the target drive.
(5) Uninstall or recall the Everlock protected software from your
hard drive.
(6) Rename the protected filename on your hard drive to something else.
(7) Copy all the files that Rescue created on the target drive, to
your hard drive.
Protection Use Versions
1-2-3 rel 2.2 Lotus by Lotus rc lotus22 (install)
1-2-3 rel 3.0 Lotus by Lotus rc lotus30 (install)
4th & Inches by Accolade cw
4th & Inches by Accolade rc accol
688 Attack Sub by Electronic Arts rc six88 (install)
Abc Monday Night Football rc abcmondy
Abrams Battle Tank by Electronic Arts rc abram
Abrams Battle Tank by Electronic Arts rc btank
Accolade (generic) rc accol
Ace of Aces rc aceaces
Advanced D&D Pool Of Radiance rc advdungo
Advanced Flight Trainer rc advfli
Advanced Flight Trainer by Elec Arts rc chuckaft
After Burner by Sega cw
After Burner by Sega rc sega
Airborne Ranger by MicroProse cw
Airborne Ranger by MicroProse rc micro
Allen Bradley PLC-2 Ladder Logic v1.02 un pc2menu.com
Allen Bradley PLC-2 Online Progr v0.62 un pc2tol.com
Ancient Land Of Y's rc anclndof
APBA Baseball (stats program) V1.2 un stats.exe
Apollo 18 by Accolade rc apo18
Archipelagos rc archiplg
Arctic Antics Spy vs Spy III by Epyx rc epyx
Arkanoid by Taito un arkanoid.com
Arkanoid II by Taito un doh.com
Auto Duel by Origin Systems rc british
Auto-Mate Plus V3.02 by Royal Digital un amp.com
Aviontek Duat WX Decoder v1.2 rc everopen (install)
Award Maker Plus by Baudville Inc. rc toolwork
Axe of Rage by Epyx cw
Axe of Rage by Epyx rc epyx
Back Trak v2.0 un backtrak.exe
Bad Blood rc badblood
Bad Dudes rc badduds
BancStar v3.1g by National Financial un b.exe
Bar Games by Accolade rc barwet
Bar Games (9-19-89) rc bargms91
Barbarian by Melbourne House rc barbar
Batman by Data East rc batbydts
Batman : Joker rc batjokr
Batman : Penguin rc batpngui
Battle Chess by Interplay rc batchss
Battle Chess by Interplay rc battlchs
Battle Of Britain rc thebttlo
Battle Tank, Abrams by Electronic Arts rc btank
Battle Tech rc battch
BattleChess II by Interplay rc batches2
Battlehawks by LucasFilm rc bhawks
Battletech by Infocom rc btech
Blades Of Steel by Konami rc blaofstl
Block Buster by Mindscape cw
Block Buster by Mindscape rc mind
Blue Angels rc blungls
Bop 'N' Wrestle by Mindscape rc mind
Bridge 6.0 rc bri60
Bridge-It ver 3.5 rc everopen format35.exe copy35.exe init35.exe
Bruce Lee Lives rc brullivs
Bruce Lee Lives rc toolwork
Bubble Ghost cw
Bubble Ghost (run on A: drive) rc accol
Buck Rogers rc bucrogrs
CAI by CAI rk
California Games by Epyx rc calgames
Captain Blood by Mindscape rc mind
Carbon Copy Plus 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 rc carcopyp
Carrier Command rc carcommn
Castlevania rc castlvni
Caveman Ugh-lympics rc cavughli
Caveman Ugh-lympics rc cavughly
Centerfold Square rc centsqu
Champions of Krynn by S.S.I. rc ssikrynn
Championship Boxing by Sierra cw
Chess Master 2000 by Software Toolworks rc che2000
Chess Master 2100 by Software Toolworks rc toolwork
Chess Master 2100 1.01 Softwr Toolworks rc che2100i (install)
Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer rc chuckaft
Club Backgammon rc clubckgm
Colonel's Bequest by Sierra rc bequ
Conflict in Europe rc conurop
Convert ZX cw,un convert.com
Crime Watch rc criwtch
Crime Wave by Access rc access
Crime Wave by Access rc crimwav
Crossbow rc crossbow
Crossword Magic v4.0 L&S Computerware cw
Curse of the Azure Bonds by S.S.I. rc azure
Curse Of The Azure Bonds by S.S.I. rc curofthz
Cycles by Accolade rc cycles
Cycles (Ega, Cga, Tandy) rc cycgcgtn
Dam Busters by Accolade rc dambust
Data Manager Series by Timeworks cw
dBase IV (french) un dbase.com (install)
Death Sword by Epyx rc epyx
Demon Stalkers by Electronic Arts rc demstlkr
Demon's Winter rc demintr
Designasaurus rc designsu
DFDdraw by McDonnell Douglas rc mind
Die Hard by Accolade rc diehardy
Donalds Alphabet Chase rc donlphbt
Downhill Challenge by Broderbund cw
Downhill Challenge by Broderbund cw TANDY version
Downhill Challenge by Broderbund rc broder
Dr.Doom's Revenge by MicroProse cw
Dr.Doom's Revenge by MicroProse rc doomrev
Dragon Strike by S.S.I rc dragonss
Dragon's Lair rc ddrir
Dragon's Lair rc drair
Duel by Accolade cw
Duel, Test Drive II by Accolade rc tesdrivi
Earl Weaver Baseball (9-28-89) rc earwvrbs
Earl Weaver BaseBall by Electronic Arts rc earlball
Early Games For Younger Children rc eargmsfo
Earthrise rc earthris
Empire: Wargame Of The Century rc emprgmof
Epyx (generic) rc epyx
Escape by Hell by Electronic Arts rc escbyhll
Everlock up to 2.02 by AZ-Tech rc everopen (install)
F-15 Strike Eagle II by MicroProse cw
F-15 Strike Eagle II ver 451.01 rc f15two
F-15 Strike Eagle II ver 451.02 rc f15two May 90
F-16 Combat Pilot rc f16ombtp
F-16 Combat Pilot by Electronic Arts rc f16elec
F-19 Stealth Fighter by MicroProse cw
F-19 Stealth Fighter by MicroProse rc micro
FaceOff! by Gamestar rc facefite
Faces rc fac
Faces by Spectrum Holobyte rc faceless
Faery Tale Adventure Book 1 rc fairy
Family Jewels : The New Testament Game cw
Fast Break by Accolade rc fasbrk
Fast! V4.2 by Field Audit System cw/un faspro.com
Ferrari Formula One rc ferformu
Ferrari Formula One by Electronic Arts rc ferrform
Fiendish Freddy rc fiefrddy
Final Assault by Epyx rc finssult
Financial Profiles v3.0 rc everopen (install)
Fool's Errand rc foolish
Four X Four Road Racing by Epyx rc fouxfour
Games, Summer Edition by Epyx rc thegmssu
GameStar Basketball rc gambsktb
GameStar Boxing rc gamboxin
Gamestar Football rc gamfootb
Garfield 1988 rc gar88
Garfield Deluxe Edition 1988 rc gardluxd
Gauntlet by Mindscape rc mind
Ghosts 'n Goblins rc ghongobl
Gin King - Cribbage King by Elec Arts rc ginkingc
Goldrush by Sierra rc gold
Grand Prix Circuit by Accolade cw
Grand Prix Circuit by Accolade rc accol
Graphing Equations by Sunburst cw
Grave Yardage rc grayrdg
Grave Yards rc grayrds
Green Globs by Sunburst cw
Gunboat by Accolade rc gunbote
Hardball (cga version) by Accolade rc accol
Hardball (cga, ega, tandy) by Accolade cw
Hardball II rc harii
Hardball II (all versions) by Accolade rc hardtwo
Hardball II (all versions) by Accolade rc hball2
Harley-Davidson by Mindscape rc harly
Harrier by Mindscape rc mind
Hat Trick by Capcom cw
Heavy Metal by Access Software rc hvmetal
Heroes of the Lance by S.S.I. rc herolanc
Hole-in-One Mini Golf rc holnigol
Hostage by Mindscape rc hostg
Human Killing Machine rc humkilli
ICC/02 Unisys Terminal Emulation v6.07 un datacomm.com
ICED by IC Editors un iced.exe (install)
Ikari Warrior III rc ikawrrio
Impossible Mission II by Epyx rc impmissi
Indiana Jones Last Crusade by Lucasfilm rc indylast
Indianapolis 500 rc indy500
Infiltrator by Mindscape rc mind
Infiltrator II by Mindscape rc mind
Instrument Management Systems rc instrm
Jack Nicklaus Greatest Golf by Accolade rc jack18
Jack Nicklaus Unlimited Golf by Accolad rc jacklimi
James Bond rc jambond
JetFighter:The Adventure by Broderbund cw
JetFighter:The Adventure by Broderbund rc everopen (install)
JetFighter:The Adventure by Broderbund rc jetfit
Joan Of Arc rc joaofrc
John Elway's Quarterback by Melbourne cw
John Madden Football rc johmddnf
John Madden Football by Elec Arts rc madfoot
Jordan Vs Bird rc jorvsbir
Jordon vs Bird One on One by Elec Arts rc jordbird
JRPacman by Thundermountain cw
Kindercomp V1.1 by Spinnaker cw
King's Quest IV Perils of Rosella rc kquest4
Kings of the Beach by Electronic Arts rc kinbeach
Knights of the Sky by MicroProse rc knites
L.A. Crackdown by Epyx cw
L.A. Crackdown by Epyx rc epyx
Ladder Logistics un ab.exe
Lakers vs Celtics by Electronic Arts rc lakecel
Lakers Vs. Celtics rc lakvsclt
Last Ninja rc thelstni
Last Ninja V1.1 by Activision rk
Legacy of the Ancients by Elec Arts rc legaci (install)
Leisure Suit Larry Looking For Love rc larry2
Licence to Kill by Broderbund cw
Licence to Kill by Broderbund rc accol
Life&Death by Software Toolworks rc lifedeat (install)
Lombard Rally by Mandarin Software rc lomb (install)
Lotus 1-2-3 rel 2.2 by Lotus rc lotus22 (install)
Lotus 1-2-3 rel 3.0 by Lotus rc lotus30 (install)
Lotus Student Spreadsheet un 123.com
Lowblow rc lowblow
M1 Tank Platoon by Microprose cw
Magellan by Lotus rc magell (install)
MAI Basic Four V3.0 by PC Link un pclink.com
ManHunter : NewYork by Sierra rc manhunt
Master Ninja rc masninj
Math Blaster Plus by Davidson rc matblstr
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing rc toolwork
Mean Streets by Access rc access
Mean Streets by Access rc meen
Mean Streets (9-17-89) rc meastrts
Mean-18 Golf by Accolade rc accol
Mech Warrior rc mecwrrio
Menu Manager v4.1 by Amtek cw
Miami Vice rc miavic
Mickey Mouse's Runaway Zoo. rc micmouss
Micro Cap II v4.5 un mc2.exe
Micro TSP v6.0 un tsp.exe
Might and Magic II -New World Computing cw
Might and Magic II -New World Computing rc mmtwo
Mindscape (generic) rc mind
Mini-Putt by Accolade cw
Moebius rc moebius
Monday Night Football rc monnight
Moon Walker rc moowlkr
Motocross rc motocros
Movie Magic Budgeter v3.0g un mm.com
Movie Magic Scheduler v3.0g un mms.com
Ogre by Origin rc oger
One On One rc oneonon
One on One, Jordon vs Bird by Elec Arts rc jordbird
Operation Wolf by Taito un opwolf.com
Origin Systems (generic) rc british
Out Run by Sega cw
Out Run by Sega rc sega
Paperboy by Mindscape rc paprboy
Paperboy (06/16/88) rc pap61688
Pete Rose Pennant Fever rc petrospn
Pga Tour Golf rc pgatourg
PHM Pegasus by Electronic Arts rc pegs
Pinball Wizard by Accolade cw
Pipe Dream rc pipdrm
Pipe Dream by Lucasfilm rc pipedrem
Platoon by DataEast rk
Playroom rc playroom
Playroom by Broderbund cw
Pluto by Southwest Data Systems rk
Pluto by Southwest Data Systems un plutokey.exe
Police Quest II: The Vengeance by Sierra rc policeq2
Pool Of Radiance By S.S.I. rc pooofrdi
Populus rc populus
Power Drome rc powdrom
Pro Tennis rc protnnis
Profitext & Kartei by IM cw
ProLok 2 by Vault rk 3.5 inch diskettes
ProLok 3 by Vault rk
ProLok 3 by Vault rk 3.5 inch diskettes
ProLok 3 by Vault un
Psi 5 Trading Company rc psi5trdi
PSpice rc pspice
Punctuation: Level II v1.01 by IBM cw
Punisher rc punishr
Purple Saturn Day by Epyx rc pursturn
Qix by Taito un qix.com
Rack 'em by Accolade rc racm
Radar II ver 4.0c rk
RailRoad Tycoon by MicroProse rc railway
Rambo III by Taito un rambo.com
Rampage rc rampg2
Red Lightning rc redlight
Red Storm Rising by MicroProse cw
Red Storm Rising by MicroProse rc reds
Renegade by Taito un renegade.com
Rick Dangerous by MicroPlay cw
Rick Dangerous by MicroPlay rc ricky
Rings Of Zilfin rc rinofzil
Road Runner rc roarunnr
Robo-cop rc robocop
Robocop by DataEast rc accol
Rocky's Boots by Learning Company rk
Sargon IV rc sariv
Scavengers rc sca88
Scoop rc scoop
Serve and Volley by Accolade rc serndvol
Seven Spirits Of Ra rc sevspiri
Shanghai (run on A: ) by Activision rc shanga
Shanghai (run on C: ) by Activision rc shangc
Shermon Tank M4 rc shetnkm4
Shinobi by Sega cw
Shinobi by Sega rc sega
Silent Service II rc silsrvic
Silpheed by Sierra rc silf
Sim City rc simcity
Sim Earth by Maxis rc simurth (install)
SimCity by Maxis rc sims
SimCity v1.07 by Maxis rc sims
Ski Or Die (Cga) by Electronic Arts rc skiordic
Ski Or Die (Ega) by Electronic Arts rc skiordig
Ski Or Die (Tandy) by Electronic Arts rc skiordit
Sky Shark by Taito un skyshark.com
Skyfox II rc skyiig
Snap II by Edtech un snapII.exe
Soko-ban rc sokobn
Solitaire Royale rc solroyl
Space Harrier by Mindscape rc spahrrir
Space Rogue rc sparogu
Space Rogue by Origin Systems rc spacerog
Space Station Oblivion by Epyx rc epyx
Spectrum v4.0 un a.exe, e.com
Sporting News Baseball by Epyx rc sponwsbs
SPSS/PC+ v2.0 advanced statistics rc spsspcv2 (install)
SPSS/PC+ v2.0 base rc spsspcv2 (install)
SPSS/PC+ v2.0 tables rc spsspcv2 (install)
SQCpack v3.1 un sqc1.exe
Star Control by Accolade rc stacontr
Star Glider II by Microplay rc staglidr
Star Trek V: Final Frontier, Lucasfilm rc spock5
Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative rc statrkth
Star Wars by Broderbund rc stawrs
Starwars rc starwrs
Starwars by Broderbund cw
Steel Thunder by Accolade rc thund
Street Sports Basketball by Epyx cw
Street Sports Basketball by Epyx rc epyx
Strike Fleet rc strflt
Strike Fleet by Lucas Films rc strfltby
Strip Poker II rc strpokri
Stunt Driver by Spectrum Holobyte rc studrivr
Su-25 Stormovik rc su2tormo
Sub Mission (1987) by Mindscape rc accol
Summer Games by Epyx rc thegmssu
Super Bike rc supbik
Super Factory by Sunburst cw
Super Factory by Sunburst rc supfctor
Super Pacman rc suppcmng
Superstar Ice Hockey by Mindscape rc mind
Superstar Indoor Sports by Mindscape rc mind
Superstar Soccer by Mindscape rc mind
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles rc teenturt
Test Drive by Accolade rc accol
Test Drive 3 by Accolade rc testdriv
Test Drive II, the Duel by Accolade cw
Test Drive II: The Duel by Accolade rc tesdrivi
Test Drive III by Accolade rc tesdriv3
The Third Courier rc thethird
Their Finest Hour by LucasFilm rc finest
Thexder II: Firehawk by Sierra rc thefirhw
Three Stooges by Cinemaware rc thethrst
Thunder Strike rc thustrik
TKO Boxing rc tko
To Diablo v1.02 by Diablo Systems Inc. rc mind
Tongue Of The Fatman rc tonofthf
Tongue of the Fatman by Activision rc tung
Trader's Profit Motive System rk
Trader's Profit Motive System un motive.exe
Train by Accolade cw
Transworld rc tranworl
Triango rc tringo
Tunnels Of Armageddon by Calif Dreams rc tunofrmg
Type to Learn by Sunburst cw ( set track range 0-80 )
Ultima I by Origin Systems rc british
Ultima I and II by Origin Systems rc british
Ultima II by Origin Systems rc british
Ultima III by Origin Systems rc british
Ultima IV by Origin Systems rc british
Ultima V by Origin Systems rc british
Under Fire by Avalon Hill cw
Vette by Spectrum HoloByte rc myvette
ViceVersa v2.0 by Information Conversion un vv.com
Wayne Gretzky Hockey rc waygrtzk
Wayne Gretzky Hockey by Bethesda rc greatone (install)
Welltris rc welltris
Welltris rc welt
Welltris by Spectrum Holobyte rc weltr
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego? cw
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego? cw TANDY version
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego? rc broder
Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? cw TANDY version
Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? rc broder
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? cw TANDY version
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? rc broder
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? cw
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? cw TANDY version
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? rc broder
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? rc whofrmdr
Willow by Mindscape rc mind
Wing Commander by Origin Systems rc wingcmd
Wizard of Oz by Windham Classics cw
Wizard Of Words rc wizofwor
WolfPack by Broderbund rc wolfpck
World Tour Golf rc wortourg
WPS Test Report (LNNB) rk
WPS Test Report (SILS) rk
WPS Test Report (TSCS) rk
Xmen by MicroPlay cw
Xmen by MicroPlay rc xmenboba
Zany Golf by Electronic Arts rc zangolf
Zhodani Conspiracy rc zhoconsp
Special Cases
(install) means that you must first install the product on your
hard drive, and then unprotect it.
SPSS/PC+ v2.0 advanced statistics
SPSS/PC+ v2.0 base
SPSS/PC+ v2.0 tables install SPSS/PC on your hard drive (assume c:),
make the SPSS/PC sub-directory the default for c:,
run Rescue from the CopyWrite disk in a:,
put a blank formatted floppy in drive a:,
select these menu parameters.
Source drive c:
Source product SPSSPCV2
Target drive a:
copy the new files from a: to c:
Fast must rename .exe to .com file.
Fast! V4.2 rename .exe file to .com file and use a
dos copy to transfer it onto a copywrite
copy of the diskette.
Cogo v4.12L by CivilSoft must use dos assign a=c prior to running.
Micro TSP v6.0
When unprotecting this program using a hard disk make
sure you copy the 'install' diskette, 'disk 1', and then
'disk 2' onto your hard disk in that order. Delete the
file 'tsp.exe' from you hard disk. Run the unguard
program using 'tsp.exe' as the source file.
Novell Netware v2.11
This product uses both SuperLok copy protection and some
protection of their own. Start by making yourself a
backup copy of the "gendata" diskette using the
CopyWrite program. Delete the file getdata.com from
your CopyWrite backup. Run "Unguard" using the
"gendata" diskette as the source diskette, and
"getdata.com" as the source file. Unguard will create a
file called "getdata.com", and "getdata.qxe" copy these
files onto your CopyWrite backup of the "gendata"
diskette. Once you have used the CopyWrite backup
diskette to install the Novell Netware the CopyWrite
backup diskette will no longer work. You may want to
make yourself a working archive again.
Alpine Encounter
Is a "flippy disk". In order to make a backup using
CopyWrite, you need to set the number of sides option
to 1. Then make a backup of one side of the original
diskette to a blank diskette. When that is done turn
over the original diskette to side 2 and make a backup
of that side to another blank diskette. In the end you
will have two diskettes as backups for the original
one "flippy diskette". Be sure to label each backup
diskette so that you know which is Side 1 and which is
Side 2.
If you are just making a backup of the original disk,
then you need to use SoloBoot to run the backup you
make. If you use the install that comes on the
original Amnesia program disk then you can use Ramkey
to run it from the hard drive after you install it.
Backgammon 5.0
At the end of the CopyWrite procedure you will receive
the message "Abort, Retry, or Ignore?". Select the "A"
for abort and that will bring you back to DOS. The
copy you made will run like the original. Just reboot
your system to load it.
Crossword Magic
At the end of the CopyWrite procedure you will receive
the message "sector not found error reading drive...
Abort, Retry, Ignore?". Choose the "I" to ignore.
This will return you to the CopyWrite menu. Now exit
to DOS. The backup CopyWrite made is good and will
run like the original.
Disk Optimizer v1.4
Before using UnGuard to make your backup, use DOS and
copy all the files from the original disk to the target
disk. Then delete optimize.com from the target disk.
Now run UnGuard. Instead of creating one new file,
UnGuard will create optimize.qxe and a new
Microreality V2.0 rev. B
You should read the Special Case section of the printed
manual under the ".Com and .Exe Files" heading. Those
notes apply to this program as well.
Colonel's Bequest by Sierra.
Press <Enter> at the fingerprint screen. Do not click
mouse or joystick button.
Vault Corporation emerged from bankruptcy on March 24,
1988. The appeal of Vault Corporation from the trial
court decision mentioned in the printed manual was
decided by the appeals court in our favor on June 21,
1988. Short of an appeal to the Supreme Court, this
will probably end the litigation on the subject of
making backup copies of computer software. As it now
stands, there is no legal barrier to the sale or use of
CopyWrite, as long as it is used for backup purposes.
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using data displayed on your computer screen.
The Envelope Please ... is a revolutionary new
resident program that captures the name and
address at the top of a letter, and with one
keystroke, prints it on an envelope in your
The Envelope Please... works with most
popular IBM software including WordStar,
Symphony, dBASE and resident software such as
Point at the address portion of a letter
on screen, put an envelope in your printer,
and print.
Need a return address printed in the top left
corner of your envelope? The Envelope
Please... will print that too! And for dot
matrix printers that won't normally feed an
envelope, The Envelope Please... will print
The Envelope Please... the better way to
print most popular size envelopes using Epson
and compatible dot matrix printers, most daisy
wheel and HP and compatible laser printers and
an IBM PC, XT or AT. (The program uses about
15k of RAM)
The Envelope Please... $39 US.
Disk Explorer recovers accidentally deleted
files and directories automatically!
Every computer user will one day know the
sinking feeling that follows accidental
deletion of a file, program or directory.
What many people don't know however is that as
long as nothing has been written to the disk
since the deletion, the data is still on the
diskette. In these circumstances, recovery is
possible and Disk Explorer will do it quickly.
For the more technically inclined, Disk
Explorer will also let you see what's really
on your disk, view and change formats, change
the status of files, change data in any
sector, correct bad tracks and much more.
Disk Explorer, the program every computer user
should have, just in case is available for $75
Quaid Analyzer is a professional quality
With the Quaid Analyzer, you can:
-See occurrences of any interrupt, with it's
meaning shown on screen.
-View memory as text or instructions,
scrolling as easily as you do with an editor.
-Run until a memory location or I/O port is
-Protect your hard disk from accidental
-Analyze software without the source, even
when it uses countermeasures to thwart
-See all stages of the boot load.
The Quaid Analyzer is a software tool
occupying 100kb RAM. It runs on an IBM PC and
most MS-DOS systems without hardware
modifications. The Quaid Analyzer is
available for $200 US.
OmniEdit is a powerful two dimensional editor,
word processor, calculator and communications
package. It will allow you to capture and
move rectangular areas within other DOS files,
justify paragraphs, search and replace, and
"undo" the last function performed. In
addition, it can send and receive files using
the Xmodem protocol. OmniEdit uses DOS files,
without any special markers, so you can use it
with just about any other software. The price
is $50 US.
All products listed above or revisions to your
existing Quaid software are available from
Quaid Software Ltd. by calling (416) 961-8243
with your credit card or by printing and
sending the order form below with payment to:
Quaid Software Limited
45 Charles Street East Third Floor
Dept. 740
Toronto Ontario M4Y 1S2
When ordering revisions, cut off the top of
the original master diskette including the
label and return it with your order. This
will prevent any delay of your order when
going through customs.
All checks from outside of the U.S. and
Canada must be drawn on a US bank account.
│ Please rush me: Qty Price Total │
│ │
│ CopyWrite ___ @ $75 US _____ │
│ CopyWrite Revision ___ @ $25 US _____ │
│ The Envelope Please... ___ @ $39 US _____ │
│ Disk Explorer ___ @ $75 US _____ │
│ Quaid Analyzer ___ @ $200 US _____ │
│ OmniEdit ___ @ $50 US _____ │
│ │
│ │
│ __ Check __ Money Order │
│ │
│ __ VISA __ MasterCard __ Amex __ Diners Club │
│ │
│ Credit Card #:___________________ Exp Date______ │
│ Name:____________________________________ │
│ Address:_________________________________ │
│ City:____________________________________ │
│ State:__________________ Zip:____________ │
│ Phone number:____________________________ │
│ Signature:_______________________________ │