Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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Text File
271 lines
Changes since v3.01
* Read the upgrade notes in UPGRADE.DOC.
* The bulletins are no longer hard-coded, they are entirely configurable by way
of template files. Included in this archive is SAMPLE.ZIP which contains a
copy of the .TPL files I am currently using on my system. They all end with
the .TPL extension, but you may name them whatever you'd like. Each bulletin
in AMUCFG on the Bulletin menu must have a template file defined. For
example, the template for my File Area Overview is defined as
D:\AMU\TPL\FILEOVR.TPL. You will notice that some items have been removed
from the Bulletin configuration section in AMUCFG. The reason is that
everything that was on that screen is now configurable. You define colors
in the templates by using the following type of macro:
Where <background> is the hex code for the background color and <foreground>
is the hex code for the foreground color. For example, @1F@ would give you
text with a background color of Blue and a foreground color of White. This
is similar to the way WildCat! handles it's color codes. The following is a
chart of the hex codes:
0 - Black 8 - Dark Gray
1 - Blue 9 - Light Blue
2 - Green A - Light Green
3 - Cyan B - Light Cyan
4 - Red C - Light Red
5 - Magenta D - Light Magenta
6 - Brown E - Yellow
7 - Light Gray F - White
The colors 0 thru 7 may be used for background colors. The colors 0 thru F
may be used for foreground colors.
In addition, as you might expect, we now have an entire boatload of macros
available. Some macros are not available for all bulletin types. For
example, if the template file for your Most Downloaded Files bulletin
contains the macro for the total number of messages on your system, it's
value will be zero since that information is not calculated for that type
of bulletin. The macros are as follows, and the same rules concerning
formatting apply to these macros as to all the other macros AMU uses, and
for brevity I will leave out the beginning and trailing '@' marks. So
if you see AVGCALLS, the macro you would really use is @AVGCALLS@ in the
template file. One important note regarding the macros which report
a total number of something. If you use a macro in your Top Uploaders
bulletin which reports the total number of uploads, for example, the
total is that of ALL users on your system, not the total of just those
listed on the bulletin. Consequently, the macros which report averages
are based on the average of ALL users on your system and not just those
listed on the bulletin. A similar situation prevails for the file and
message area totals/averages.
CLS - Used to clear the screen in the ANSI and AVATAR bulletins
AREANAME - Name of the current file/message area
AREANUM - Number of the current file/message area
RANK - Which entry in the bulletin this is (1, 2, 3, etc)
BPS - BPS Rate at which this file was downloaded (Daily Ul/Dl)
LOWBPS - Lowest BPS rate (Daily Ul/Dl)
HIGHBPS - Highest BPS rate (Daily Ul/Dl)
NUMFXER - Number of files transferred (Daily Ul/Dl)
USERNAME - User's real name
USERALIAS - User's alias
FILENAME - Filename
DOORNAME - Name of the door (from the DOORS.CTL type file)
GRAPH - Horizontal bar graph of the use the current entry has versus
the rest of the system
FILESIZE - File size in bytes
FILESIZEK - File size in kilobytes
FDLS - Number of times file was downloaded
TOTALFILES - Number of files in all areas selected for this bulletin
TOTALFSIZE - Number of bytes in the files in all areas selected for this
TOTALFSIZEK - Number of kilobytes in the fileas for all areas selected for
this bulletin
TOTALFDLS - Number of downloads in all areas selected for this bulletin
AVGFDLS - Average number of downloads for each file on your system
AREAFILES - Number of files in the current area
AREASIZE - Number of bytes in the current area
AREASIZEK - Number of kilobytes in the current area
AREADLS - Number of downloads in the current area
POSTS - Number of messages posted to the current area
READS - Number of messages read in the current area
MSGS - Number of messages in the current area
TOTALPOSTS - Total number of messages posted by users on your system as
read from the BBS logfiles if this is a Message Base Overview
bulletin, or the total number of posts by users as read from
the user file if this is a Top User bulletin.
TOTALREADS - Total number of messages read by users on your system.
TOTALMSGS - Total number of messages on your system.
ACCESS - Number of times the current door was accessed
TOTALACCESS - Total number of door accesses
AVGACCESS - Average number of times each door was accessed
ULS - Number of files the current user has uploaded
ULSK - Number of kilobytes the current user has uploaded
DLS - Number of files the current user has downloaded
DLSK - Number of kilobytes the current user has downloaded
CALLS - Number of times the current user has called
ULDL - User's Upload:Download ratio (based on files)
ULDLK - User's Upload:Download ratio (based on kilobytes)
POSTCALL - User's Post:Call ratio
TOTALULS - Total number of files uploaded by all users
TOTALULSK - Total number of kilobytes uploaded by all users
TOTALDLS - Total number of files downloaded by all users
TOTALDLSK - Total number of kilobytes downloaded by all users
TOTALCALLS - Total number of calls by all users
TOTALPOSTS - Total number of posts by all users
TOTALULDL - Upload:Download ratio on your system (files)
TOTALULDLK - Upload:Download ratio on your system (kilobytes)
TOTALPOSTCALL - Post:Call ratio on your system
AVGULS - Average uploads per user (files)
AVGULSK - Average uploads per user (kilobytes)
AVGDLS - Average downloads per user (files)
AVGDLSK - Average downloads per user (kilobytes)
AVGCALLS - Average calls per user
AVGPOSTS - Average posts per user
AVGULDL - Average Upload:Download ratio per user (files)
AVGULDLK - Average Upload:Download ratio per user (kilobytes)
AVGPOSTCALL - Average Post:Call ratio per user
* AMU will now recognize the new file structures for Concord's upcoming
Gamma-5 release as well as the current Gamma-4 versions. You do not
need to make any changes in AMUCFG, AMU will figure it out dynamically.
* The way in which macros which contain the '<', '>', and '|' formatting
characters has changed significantly! In the past, a macro such as
@SYSOP<<<<@ would be replaced with the Sysop's name (left justified)
and the '@' symbols would be replaced with spaces. If you left out the
formatting characters, the '@' symbols would not be replaced by spaces.
In an effort to make things more consistant and also to fix a couple other
problems, the '@' symbols will NOT be replaced with spaces any longer
under any circumstances. What does this mean? It means that if you are
using macros that contain formatting characters, you need to put a space
before the macro and a space after the macro. For example, if you used to
have something such as "Created by@PRODUCT_ID<<@on @DATE@", you will need
to change that line to "Created by @PRODUCT_ID<<@ on @DATE@". I have
changed the default .TPL template files as well as some other sample files
which are distributed with AMU to reflect the above change.
* As a result of the above change, a new default List Format for the
Allfiles/Newfiles listings has been created. If you want to have your
current List Format string replaced with the new default, simply go into
AMUCFG and blank out your current List Format string. When AMU runs,
the default will be filled in and saved.
* If you had more than one logfile set up in the Archives section as a
"Julian Rename", and had it set up to compress on a monthly basis, only
the first entry would be processed. Fixed.
* In previous versions, setting the Download Counter Width to zero in
AMUCFG on the File Manager -> Global menu would not only serve to disable
AMU from adding download counters, but would also cause AMU to remove
any existing download counters. This has been changed, if that field is
set to zero, AMU will leave any existing download counters intact.
* If you have told AMU to add approximate download times in your Allfiles
listings, it will now calculate the times for 2400, 14400, 28800,
and 64000 bps rates.
* The file sharing used when the user file is opened for reading has been
changed. However, when AMU needs to open the user file to update it's
contents, it will still require exclusive access and will fail if another
application has it open. This is to prevent potential data corruption.
* For Maximus 3.01 systems, users who have the 'Hidden' bit set in the
user profile will not be shown on bulletins.
* When you use command line parameters, AMU will now check to make sure
each one is valid before processing anything.
* Fixed a problem with the FILES.BBS creation when one did not already
* While updating download counters for systems using the RA file database,
AMU will now update the 'Last Date Downloaded' field as well.
* Rewrote a portion of the code which handles the Message Base Overview
* The 'Relative Usage' graph macro (@GRAPH@) available in the Top User
bulletins is no longer available for the Upload:Download,
UploadK:DownloadK, or Post:Call bulletin types. The results just do not
make much sense when you think about it.
* The List Format for the Allfiles/Newfiles has changed. The following
macros are valid:
@FILENAME@ - Filename
@DATE@ - Filedate
@SIZE@ - Filesize
@SIZEK@ - Filesize in kilobytes
@DLS@ - Number of downloads
@DESC@ - File description
@DESCDL@ - File description with approximate download time
The big change with these macros is that you can now use the '<', '>' and
'|' characters for formatting just like all of the other macros AMU
uses. When you run AMUCFG -upgrade, a new default list format will be
entered for each of your Allfiles/Newfiles list records.
* Fixed a bug in the Maximus 3.01 code that would not display the
user's birthdate properly.
* AMU will no longer attempt to modify a multi-volume archive for
the following archive formats: ARJ, RAR.
* AMU will no longer insist that the BBS file/message areas on Maximus
systems is different each time AMU runs. Run AMUCFG -Importfiles and
then AMUCFG -Importmsgs first so AMUCFG can store the proper date, after
that everything should be ok.
* Fixed a bug in the Message Posting code which would always interpret
the @USER_SUBDATE@ and @USER_BDATE@ macros to be the same as @DATE@.
* In AMUCFG on the System -> System menu you can now define which character
is to be used to separate the components of a date. For example, if you
choose '-' (the default), the date will look like 12-01-96.
* Added a macro @USER_CITY@ which is available in the bulletins and in the
messages posted to the users. This is replaced by the user's location.
* Added an option in the File Manager -> Areas section where people using
the RA FDB can tell AMU whether the Old option should calculate the age
of a file based upon the file date or upload date of the file.
* Added an option in the File Manager -> Areas section where you can have
AMU move files that have no description or which have what you defined
as the 'Missing Description' to a separate file area.
* Added an option in the File Manager -> Areas section where you can have
AMU compress text versions of files in your file areas. This uses a
control file called ZIPTEXT.CTL in the AMU directory where you list the
extensions AMU should consider as being text files (ASC, TXT, DOC, etc).
For example, if you have a file called BBSLIST.TXT in a file area that
has this option enabled, have the archive format set to ZIP, and have
TXT in your ZIPTEXT.CTL file, AMU will compress BBSLIST.TXT into a
BBSLIST.ZIP file and remove the BBSLIST.TXT version.
* Added four new bulletin types:
- "User List" which can be used to create a list of the users on your
- "Today's Callers" which can be used to create a list of the people who
have called your BBS today. (*not* the mailer)
- "Today's Birthdays" to create a list of users who have a birthday today
- "Today's Sub Exp" to create a list of users whose subscription expires
The corresponding command line parameters for the above are USERLIST,
TODAYCALL, BDAYLIST, and SUBLIST respectively, and the TEMPLATE.ZIP file
distributed with the Beta 2 archive contains four new template files that
can be used for these bulletins.
* The Filter Graphics, Import GIF Information, Force Rearchiving, and
Honor AV switches have been taken off the Global Options menu and
are now definable for each file area on the File Manager -> Areas menu.
* For Concord systems, AMU will now honor whatever has been defined as the
FILES.BBS path/name in CSETUP for FILES.BBS areas.
* For each bulletin, you can now define which formats you want created.
Currently, AMU is capable of creating ASCII (.ASC), ANSI (.ANS), and AVATAR
(.AVT) versions of each bulletin.
* Fixed a longstanding (but was unable to reproduce it until now) problem with
the ANSI bulletins in which the background color ANSI code would not be
interpretted correctly by some ANSI drivers.