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Last update 3-13-94
ALIBABA.EXE IS A FORTUNE TELLER DOOR for Searchlight bbs' and it requires
List of files:
ALIBABA.EXE Main program.
JARCFG.BBS File that holds your BBS Name and tells
SLbio.exe where to find DOOR.SYS.
ANSWERS.DAT Editable answer file. (answers that Alibaba uses)
SLAMS.DAT Editable slam file. (slams that Alibaba uses)
SEARCH.DAT Editable word search file (Alibaba uses this to find a match
in the question) if no match found will inform user that
he is unable to understand the question.
ALIBABA.DOC This file.
WELCOME.ANS Editable Welcome ansi screen (The Draw works great)
WELCOME.TXT Editable Welcome text screen
MAIN.ANS Editable Main menu ansi screen
MAIN.TXT Editable Main menu text screen
USERS.QST If a "1" is found on the command line, Alibaba will write
the users name and question to this file.
NOTE JARCFG.BBS contains your bbs name and *** path for DOOR.SYS ***
1) Edit the JARCFG.BBS file to contain the name of your bbs and path to
DOOR.SYS file.
2) Setup Searchlight to write a DOOR.SYS drop file.
3) From the slbbs directory run the config.exe utility.
a) Press "E. Searchlight Menu Editor"
b) Select a menu
c) Press "F1"
d) Select "<F1> Add"
1. Select "Door"
Command Name .................. Ali Babba
Command Name .................. a
Description ................... Fortune Teller door
Access Levels & Graphics [...] 'we'll get to this later
Door Command .................. alibaba.exe 1 (1 to write users.qst)
(or the drive and path of your choice)
Directory Path ................ d:\bbsdoors\ali
Communication support.......... Standard
Abort Method................... None
Write Protection .............. No
Parameter File ................ DOOR.SYS
Pause After Door .............. No
Now for the "Access Levels & Graphics [...]"
Minimum Access Level ........... 0
Maximum Access Level ........... 255
Graphics Required .............. ALL
That's it folks!
Note --- You can also set it up to run as a login or logoff door...
Alibaba.exe is FREE (If you do use it I would appreciate a call to let me
know how you like it.)
Eagles Eye BBS (207)-724-2016
If you want to send me a donation for my efforts I will gracefully accept.
Jim Richard
Rt 3 Box 3651
Gardiner, Maine 04345
BBS (207) 724-2016
Voice (207)-724-2094
Alibaba.exe is guaranteed to do absolutely nothing and if for some strange
reason it does work, then consider yourself lucky...