Labels: text | screenshot | font OCR: Human : Good overall choice. Elf : Weak starting physical attacking/defense, best starting magic use. Half-Elf: Cross Between Human and Elf. Dwarf : Weak starting physical attacking, but good defense. Best starting health, but no starting spell units. Gnome : Weak starting physical attacking, but best defense. Weakest start- ing health. Good starting spell units with good magic defense. # Race Attadu Attdef Health Spell Units Spladu Spldef 1 Human 10 10 10 2 0 2 Elf ? ? 8 6 2 2 3 Half-Elf 9 9 8 4 1 1 4 Dwarf 8 11 12 0 1 5 Gnome 7 12 6 4 2 2 Select Your Character's Race: (1-5)