Labels: text | menu | screenshot | font OCR: PIE IN THE FACE Welcome to the gang of PIE IN THE FACE. This gane will not take la play! wy for a few minutes ach das and una cas do very well at the game! There are several is af y DOCUMENTED hiddes surprises in this gane se das't say you were mot PIE IN THE FACE Is . n where you bey pies and throw then at other users with the goal of getting a high score! When you first sigum and enter your allas. .. som will see the follausing screen displayed: pick a nice neutral allas ue the wep can easily change your allas or kill your pluge) A Pie In the TVCZ BBS Cant RELISTERES TO: The Seed Version 1.4 RIM LEER Caten X1 0 OC Xlaick ple CElat ple (Three Ple Flip crilip coin CPharchane ples cShell Fles (a)les high scares Apart daily activity OH Jans change CEDILL yourself CLIScore Sale Ester connand: Here Is a breakdown of the consands and what they ncan! Score line shows spaar current score (negative ar positive) and the YLER Scoret Rowy . 75 Your allas nane Is displayed. Went you will see bou many pies you have. Pies are all yours o ong cas rob pies ar money from you. The Eates percent will explained with the Eat connand. Eaten x: If you wish to throw sone pies at someone thes Jant enter the and 'e' and it will being you to the "chick a pie sab news' re on that later. (C3laack ple Eating ple gives you protection and it lovers the odds af you being hit. The idea is that if you cat ple thes you will have more ad will be harder to WIT! by entering the umaand 'e' you will see the cest and percentage of eating ple. blasty if you hus umeune is going to attach yum (revenge] the is la yar best interests to eat it a big piece of plet (E3at ple Three gie flip allows you to enter a member beturen 1-3. pater will alse select a manter leluren 1-3 and if you match yom 11 get back the moonyj yes inested, Odds are Th (Three Ple Flip Flip a coin is another way to get money. The odds are 90 percent with a twist. If you paf $38 doun you can win or lose 5:00. <Palig coin Purchasing ples is the main part of the game! By pies to throw other mera! <Purchase ples Selling pies is another way to get some cash. The co retty well eapais Itself. (5)ell Ples This shean you all the players ranked by their scores. How well (43 le high scares explained later. Report daily activity beings up another sub new which will be will be Chepart daily activity yet you! Bas Clunge Is ons way you cas hide yourself if someone is out you will mened 5000 backs to do It. "If you are attached heavily and would rather start ance than dig ourself out of a negative score ... then Just kill yourself. Bom 111 thes le re-lollialized the west Lire the upog rum the event, Another way to get sone cash is to sell your score. Tous cas Figure out how much the computer will give you for selling your cere. ELIScare Sele Quilt Is a command to end the guns and bring you back to the MIS. Thats alent it far the nais commands in pie ls the face lets Bank at the "Clack a A Pie In the fact Bas Case Version 1.2 KELISTERIS TO: The Seed Sovers BES YLER Score: selectise uleu (this Is not a high score listing) a ple at (Rieture to mein Tmder conn sho ta attack hen Just enter "1' to see & carrest list of players. This list This HE UPSUNTER as long as you are in the click a pie sab nem. To the sorted high score list thes Junt go back to the male nemn. The west command Is (CHEKX a ple at someone. After entering '℃" os will we the following: Later target RUMNEX or NICE (qhelt r of the pigger or kis A player Sport or chole the ple ym The vert neve Is the RIPURT DAILY ACTIVITY sub nem. Just eater sem to get here. TIE IN DIE NICE! ally log Reporting wem ........ Select to see today's loga . Select to see previous day's Elas this Tulos Read daily news Wielpc Game documentation Retare to Bein New! The commands pretty well explals themselves but I'11 briefly go command show the activity for TOMAT. actually for a previo day he daily newspaper. 18 is created by the slightly euret. It shows the price changes, any deaths, and boms's ques to players. comeand displays this file. nand returen you to the main sem. Thats alent it sa jang in and throw some plesttttttt1111 By the way. , aaby people who play on a regular basis are eligible