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580 lines
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Aurora Editor v2.1
// Copyright 1993-1995 nuText Systems. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
// Aurora/CUA Keyboard definitions (included by MAIN.AML)
// If you have made any changes, save this file and select 'Recompile
// the Editor' from the Set menu. Exit and re-enter the editor for
// your changes to take effect.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Edit and File Manager windows
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
object edit_fmgr
// Controls
function '≡' // close window
// Menu activation
key <esc> gotobar // to last menu bar item
key <f10> gotobar // to last menu bar item
key <alt f10> gotomenu // goto last pull-down menu
key <alt f> gotomenu "file" // to file menu (cua)
key <alt a> gotomenu "macro" // to macro menu (cua)
key <alt p> gotomenu "options" // to options menu (cua)
key <alt w> gotomenu "window" // to window menu (cua)
key <alt h> gotomenu "help" // to help menu (cua)
key <f1> gotomenu "help" // to help menu (cua)
// Scroll
key <pgdn> pagedown // scroll down (cua)
key <pgup> pageup // scroll up (cua)
key <ctrl pgup> row (getviewtop) // to page top
key <ctrl pgdn> row (getviewbot) // to page bottom
key <ctrl home> row 1 // to file top (cua)
key <ctrl end> row (getlines) // to file bottom (cua)
key <center> adjustrow // center cursor
key <ctrl f9> adjustrow 1 // scroll to page top
key <ctrl f10> adjustrow (getviewrows) // scroll to page bottom
key <ctrl up> rollrow -1 // scroll up one line
key <ctrl down> rollrow 1 // scroll down one line
key <ctrl -> lastpos // to last cursor position
// print w/prompt for marked text
function print2
if mark? then
case yncbox "Print Marked Block Only?"
when 'Yes' options = 'b'
when 'Cancel', '' return
print options
// File
key <ctrl n> opennew // new edit window
key <f3> askopen // open prompt (cua)
key <ctrl o> askopen // open prompt (cua)
key <alt z> openlast // open last window
key <alt -> filelist // file list
key <ctrl p> print2 // print
key <alt q> close // close window
key <ctrl f4> close // close window (cua-win)
key <alt f4> closeall // close all windows (cua-win)
key <alt x> closeall // close all windows and save
key <shift f1> quickref 'qw' // quick function reference
key <shift f2> quickref 'fw' // function reference
// Window
key <alt 0> winlist // window list (cua)
key <alt down> minimize // minimize window
key <alt up> maximize // maximize window
key <f6> nextwindow // next window (cua)
key <shift f6> prevwindow // prev window (cua)
key <shift f3> tile 'v' // tile vertical
key <shift f4> tile 'h' // tile horizontal
key <shift f5> cascade // cascade
key <ctrl k><q> close // close window
// Search
key <ctrl q><s> askscan // file scan prompt
key <ctrl b> gotomark 't' // find top of block
key <ctrl 6> cyclebook // cycle through bookmarks
// Set
key <ctrl f1> togglemode // toggle video mode
key <alt f2> recompile // recompile the editor
// Macro
key <shift f12> pickmacro // macro picklist
key <ctrl f12> runmac "maclist" // macro menu
key <alt f12> askeval // macro command prompt
key <alt f9> askrun // DOS command prompt
key <f9> shell // exit to DOS
// Other
key <alt f5> opencfg "tran" // edit translation table
// undefined or unnamed keys
key <otherkey> (keycode)
say (getkeyname (keycode)) + " not defined"
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Prompts and Edit windows
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
object prompt
// Controls
function '≡' // close window
function '*' // simulate <enter>
call <enter> // (2-line box only)
// Cursor
key <left> left // move cursor left
key <right> right // move cursor right
key <home> col 1 // to column one
key <end> col getlinelen + 1 // to end of line
// Cursor + CUA-marking
key <shift left> left
key <shift right> right
key <shift home> col 1
key <shift end> col getlinelen + 1
// Scroll
key <ctrl pgup> rollcol -(getviewcols - 1) // page left
key <ctrl pgdn> rollcol getviewcols - 1 // page right
// Editing
key <ins> setting 'I' TOGGLE // toggle insert mode
key <del>
if getmarkbuf == getcurrbuf then
deleteblock // delete selected text
delchar // delete character
key <backspace> backsp // delete left character
key <alt f6> delchar (getlinelen) // erase to end of line
key <ctrl [> literal // enter literal character
key <alt => asciilist // display ascii chart
// Block
//key <alt a> markchar // mark character
key <alt k> markcolumn // mark column
key <alt 1> markword // mark word
key <alt 2> markeol // mark to end of line
key <alt u> destroymark // unmark
// copy block to prompt
key <alt c>
instext (getmarktext)
col getlinelen + 1
// paste from clipboard to prompt (cua)
key <shift ins>
oldmark = usemark _ClipName
instext (getmarktext)
usemark oldmark
col getlinelen + 1
key <ctrl v> call <shift ins>
// copy from prompt to clipboard (cua)
key <ctrl ins> copy
key <ctrl c> copy
// Prompt history
key <up> prevhist // retrieve prev prompt
key <down> nexthist // retrieve next prompt
key <pgup> askhistory // history popup menu
key <pgdn> askhistory // history popup menu
// Exit
key <esc> close // quit prompt
// non-function keys
key <char> (character) // typeable keys
write character
// filename completion
key <ctrl tab> askcomplete // filename completion
key <tab> askcomplete
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Edit windows
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
object edit
// Controls
function '≡'
close // close window
// Menu
key <esc> gotobar // to last menu bar item
key <alt s> gotomenu "search" // to search menu (cua)
key <alt o> gotomenu "fold" // to fold menu (cua)
key <alt b> gotomenu "block" // to block menu (cua)
key <alt e> gotomenu "edit" // to edit menu (cua)
key <alt t> gotomenu "text" // to text menu (cua)
// Cursor
key <up> up // move cursor up
key <down> down // move cursor down
// Cursor + CUA-marking
key <shift up> up
key <shift down> down
key <enter> enter // enter key
key <greyenter> enter // keypad enter key
key <del>
if getmarkbuf == getcurrbuf then
deleteblock // delete selected text
delchar2 // delete character
key <backspace> backsp // delete left char
key <ctrl t> delword _CSet // delete right word
key <tab>
if getmarkbuf == getcurrbuf then
shiftblock _TabWidth // shift block
tabright // tab right
key <shift tab>
if getmarkbuf == getcurrbuf then
shiftblock -_TabWidth // shift block
tableft // tab left
key <ctrl left> prevword // find left word
smark // cua marking
key <ctrl right> nextword // find right word
smark // cua marking
// Scroll
key <pgdn> pagedown // page down
key <pgup> pageup // page up
// Scroll + CUA-marking
key <shift pgdn> pagedown
key <shift pgup> pageup
key <ctrl home> row 1 // to file top
key <ctrl end> row (getlines) // to file bottom
// scroll up one line
key <ctrl up>
rollrow -1
if getrow <> getviewbot then
// scroll down one line
key <ctrl down>
rollrow 1
if getrow <> getviewtop then
// File
key <f3> askopen // open prompt (cua)
key <ctrl o> askopen // open prompt (cua)
key <alt i> askinsert // open and insert prompt
key <alt n> askname // rename prompt
key <f2> save // save file (cua)
key <ctrl s> save // save file (cua)
key <f4> open "*.*" // display file manager
key <ctrl f4> close // close window (cua-win)
key <alt q> close // close window
key <alt f4> closeall // close all windows (cua-win)
//key <ctrl x> close 's' // close window
// Edit
key <alt backspace> undo // undo last change (cua)
key <ctrl z> undo // undo last change (cua)
key <alt ins> redo // redo last change (cua) ??
key <ctrl a> redo // redo last change (cua)
// clipboard keys
key <shift del> cut // cut (cua)
key <ctrl x> cut (if? (shiftkey?) 'a') // cut/cut-append (cua)
key <ctrl ins> copy // copy (cua)
key <ctrl c> copy (if? (shiftkey?) 'a') // copy/copy-append (cua)
key <shift ins> paste // paste (cua)
key <ctrl v> paste (if? (shiftkey?) 'o') // paste/paste-over (cua)
key <ctrl del> clear // clear clipboard (cua)
key <ctrl u>
if shiftkey? then
paste 'w' // paste from windows
copy 'w' // copy to windows
// cut/cut-append current line
key <ctrl y>
oldmark = usemark 'T'
cut (if? (shiftkey?) 'a')
usemark oldmark
// Window
//key <ctrl c> copywin // copy window
key <alt v> splitwin 'v' // split window vertical
key <ctrl f8> toolbar // display tool bar
// Block
key <alt l> markline // mark line
key <alt 3> markpara "tb" // mark paragraph
key <alt c> copyblock2 // copyblock
key <alt m> moveblock2 // move block
key <ctrl m> moveblockover // move block over
key <alt d> deleteblock2 // delete block
key <shift f7> shiftblock -1 // unindent block
key <shift f8> shiftblock 1 // indent block
key <ctrl k><f> fillblock2 // fill block with string
key <alt r> formatblock2 // reformat block
key <alt y> formatblock2 "rj" // reformat & right just block
key <ctrl k><s> saveblock2 // save block
key <ctrl k><o> sortblock2 // sort block
key <ctrl k><u> caseblock // change block to uppercase
key <shift f9> quote // quote a block
key <ctrl k><c> justblock2 'c' // center a block
// Search
key <f5> askfind // find prompt (cua)
key <ctrl f> askfind // find prompt
key <alt f3> askfind // find prompt (win)
key <ctrl g> askrepl // replace prompt ??
key <ctrl i> isearch // incremental search
key <ctrl h> askfindo // find occurrences
key <ctrl l> findlast // do last find/replace
key <ctrl 2> quickbook // set quick bookmark
key <ctrl j> askrow // go to line prompt
key <alt 7> search2 "f/f" // go to next fold
key <ctrl ]> gotomatch2 // find matching char
key <alt f7> gotoerror // go to compiler error
// place bookmarks (ms-dos edit)
key <ctrl k><0> placebook '0'
key <ctrl k><1> placebook '1'
key <ctrl k><2> placebook '2'
key <ctrl k><3> placebook '3'
key <ctrl k><4> placebook '4'
key <ctrl k><5> placebook '5'
key <ctrl k><6> placebook '6'
key <ctrl k><7> placebook '7'
key <ctrl k><8> placebook '8'
key <ctrl k><9> placebook '9'
// goto bookmarks (ms-dos edit)
key <ctrl q><0> gotobook2 '0'
key <ctrl q><1> gotobook2 '1'
key <ctrl q><2> gotobook2 '2'
key <ctrl q><3> gotobook2 '3'
key <ctrl q><4> gotobook2 '4'
key <ctrl q><5> gotobook2 '5'
key <ctrl q><6> gotobook2 '6'
key <ctrl q><7> gotobook2 '7'
key <ctrl q><8> gotobook2 '8'
key <ctrl q><9> gotobook2 '9'
// Fold
key <alt 8> foldline // fold next line
key <alt 9> foldline 'u' // unfold next line
key <alt g> destroyfold2 // destroy closed/open fold
key <alt \> // open or close fold
if fold? then
key <alt [> foldall 'os' // open all folds
key <alt ]> foldall 'cs' // close all folds
// Text
key <ctrl enter> insline2 // insert line
key <ctrl backspace> delline // delete line
key <alt j> joinline // join line
key <alt 4> insline (gettext) // duplicate line
key <alt 5> swapline // swap line
key <alt 6> centerline // center line
key <alt f1> commentline // comment/uncomment line
key <ctrl k><t> timestamp // date/time stamp
key <ctrl k><x> tabfile // expand tabs
key <ctrl \> hiliteword // highlight words
// Set
key <ctrl w> setting 'L' TOGGLE // live word wrap toggle
key <ctrl d> setting 'D' TOGGLE // line draw toggle
// Macro
key <shift f10> compilemacro2 (getbufname) // compile current file
key <shift f11> runmacro2 (getbufname) // run current file
// non-function (typeable) keys
key <char> (character) // typeable keys
write character
// Other
key <ctrl q><q> askrepkey // repeat entered keys
// invoke a spell checker from within an edit window
// (replace 'jspell' with your favorite spell checker)
key <f11>
save // save the current file
run "jspell " + getbufname "ck" // call spellchecker
reopen // reopen current file
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// File Manager windows
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
object fmgr
// Menu activation
key <alt m> gotomenu "mark" // to mark menu (cua)
key <alt c> gotomenu "command" // to command menu (cua)
key <alt s> gotomenu "sort" // to sort menu (cua)
key <tab> gotobar2 // to drive menu bar
// Cursor
key <left> rollcol -1 // scroll left one column
key <right> rollcol 1 // scroll right one column
key <home> col 1 // scroll to column one
key <up> up // move cursor up
key <down> down // move cursor down
key <shift up> fmark // mark files
key <shift down> fmark // mark files
// file manager commands (single character command codes)
key <char> (c)
// toggle file mark
if c == ' ' then
// <shift-character> commands
elseif shiftkey? then
case locase c
when 'o' fopen 'o' // open file/directory
when 'e' fopen 'e' // open file/directory
when 'z' fopen "ze" // open maximized
when 'b' fopen 'b' // open binary file
when 'y' fopen "be" // open binary in one window
when 'k' openkey2 (getffile) // open key macro file
when 'm' fmove // move file
when 'c' fcopy // copy file
when 'd' fdelete // delete file
when 'n' frename // rename file
when 'r' frun 'c' // run program/batch file
when 'p' fprint // print file
when 'a' fattr // change file attributes
when 't' ftouch // touch file
// spell checker
when 's' run "jspell " + getffile "ck"
// unarchive .ZIP or .LZH files
when 'u'
f = getffile
run (if? (pos ".lzh" f 'i') "lha e " "pkunzip ") + f "ck"
// view .ZIP or .LZH archives
when 'v'
f = getffile
runcap (if? (pos ".lzh" f 'i') "lha v " "pkunzip -v ") + f
// hotkey to files
onhotkey c
key <backspace> onhotkey '\x08' // undo hotkey
// File
key <ctrl backspace> fup // parent directory
// Mark
key <alt k> fmark "ma" // mark all files
key <alt u> fmark "ua" // unmark all
// Command
key <enter> fopen '1' // open file (one only)
key <ctrl enter> fopen 'q' // open file (close fmgr)
key <del> fdelete // delete file
// Sort
key <alt n> fsort 'n' // sort by name
key <alt e> fsort 'e' // sort by extension
key <alt d> fsort 'd' // sort by date/time
// Print
key <ctrl p> print // print fmgr contents
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Movable/Sizable windows
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
object win
key <ctrl f5> sizekey // move/size with kbd
key <ctrl f6> pankey // pan video with kbd
//key <alt ins> sizewin -2 -1 -2 -1 2 // move window northwest
key <alt del> sizewin 2 1 2 1 2 // move window southeast
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// All windows
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
object mon
// key macros
key <ctrl r> record // toggle record setting
key <ctrl e> play // play scrap key macro
// define multi-key prefixes
key <ctrl k> prefix <ctrl k> // define <ctrl k> prefix
key <ctrl q> prefix <ctrl q> // define <ctrl q> prefix