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│ [H]elp Information View a Compressed File AviewCom v6.4 │
Compressed files are commonly used on BBS's to reduce the space required
to store the file thereby reducing the transmission time. In addition,
it allows you to save complete programs containing multiple files into a
simple and easy to manage single file. The two main problems associated
with these files are knowing what they contain, and in their present form,
are not usable, thus requiring an additional utility to restore them to
their original form.
Selecting this option allows you to "look inside" the selected file. From
here, you can choose a variety of options ranging from reading the contents
of embedded ASCII text files to marking specific embedded files for
Please note, selecting this option allows you to view the contents of a
SINGLE compressed file (commonly referred to as an archived file). If you
would like to view the contents of any additional compressed files, you
must exit this program and return to the file listing presented by the BBS
and reselect a new file.
Shown below is a sample display using the file BOBST12.ZIP.
Performing ArcView on [Bobst12.zip]
# FileName Stowage UnZIP Sz ZIP Size Pct Date Time CRC
═══ ═══════════ ═══════ ════════ ════════ ═══ ════════ ═════ ════════
1 bobstat.doc Implode 1730 1108 36% 10/20/91 10:26 BCE3480B
2 bobstat.exe Implode 14112 8450 41% 10/20/91 10:30 F75BE467
3 bobstat.cfg Stored 48 48 0% 09/15/91 14:50 FB73C709
─── ─────────── ──────── ──────── ───
3 File(s) Pkunzip Total 15890 9606 40%
Enter [filename] or [#] to read, [D]ownLoad, [M]ark, [V]iew, [L]ist, or [H]elp
[55] Mins Left [ # [filename] D M V L H [Return] to Quit]?
Shown above is a listing of the files contained with the compressed file
called BOBST12.ZIP. Below is a description of the available commands.
[filename] -
This option allows you to enter in the EXACT filename of the
ASCII text file you wish to read the contents of. This is useful
for reading the contents of .DOC, .TXT, READ.ME and various other
text type files. If a binary file has been selected, such as a
.EXE, .COM etc, the system will inform you its not an ASCII file
and will not display it. Between each screenful of information,
you're presented with the following sub-prompt:
More - [Y]es, [N]o, [C]ontinuous, [B]ack, [H]ome, [E]nd, [S]earch, [J]ump?
Below is a description of these options.
[Y]es -
This will display another screenful of information from
the selected file.
[N]o -
When selected, this will abort the read mode and return
to the main prompt.
[C]ontinuous -
This option will display the remaining contents of the
file in nonstop mode. If you select this option and
wish to abort the continuous mode, you may do this by
pressing the [SPACEBAR]. As a matter of fact, pressing
the [SPACEBAR] anywhere will abort whatever is being
displayed at the time and return you to the main prompt.
[B]ack -
This will move backwards in the file by one page length.
The page length is the number of lines per page you have
set in your user defaults. Typically it is 23 lines.
[H]ome -
Moves back to the beginning of the file.
[E]nd -
Moves to the end of the file.
[S]earch -
Searches the file for a text string. The search begins
from the last line displayed. The first line in which
the string is found is displayed followed by the next
screenful of lines.
[J]ump -
Moves to a specified line number.
[#] to read -
This option performs exactly the same as the [filename] option
listed above except instead of entering in the filename manually,
you simply select the number to the immediate left of the desired
[D]ownload -
Selecting this option allows you to choose specific files listed
in the current archive for downloading. This can be useful when
you only need one or two files, thus saving you download time by
not transferring the entire compressed file. Selecting this
option presents the following sub-prompt.
Enter [filename] or [#] to DownLoad, [M]arked, [A]rchive, [Return] to quit?
Shown below is a description of the available options.
[filename] -
To select only this file for download, you must enter
the complete filename as displayed via the [L]ist or
[V]iew commands. You will then be asked if you wish
to have the file compressed. If you say "No", then no
compression will be performed on the selected file prior
to downloading. It will be transmitted in its original
size. If you say "Yes", then it will be compressed.
[#] -
This is the number to the immediate left of the filename
used for selecting only this file for download. Similar
to the above command, selecting this method will not
perform any compression on the selected file prior to
downloading and thus will be transmitted in its original
[M]arked -
This option when chosen, will select those files that
have been previously marked for download via the
[M]ark files option.
[A]rchive -
This will send the entire archive intact.
[Return] to quit -
This aborts the download process and returns to the
main prompt. Those files that have been previously
[M]arked, remain intact.
If you've chosen files via the [M]ark option, the system will
then proceed to extract those file(s) from the original archive
and re-compress them into a new filename similar to AVIEWnnn.???.
Where nnn refers to the archive number and ??? is the original
compression format. At present, this is not a selectable
compression method, but rather the same method used in the
original archive.
After the the desired file(s) have been selected, you are then
prompted similar to below:
Transfer Time: 01:26 seconds
[X] Xmodem CRC [B] Ymodem Batch [G] Ymodem-g [Z]modem
[T] MobyTurbo Zmodem [A] Abort or Protocol?
From here you can select the desired file transfer protocol to
send the file to you in, or select [A]bort to return to the
main prompt. If for whatever reason the file transfer was NOT
successful, you will then have the option to resend if desired.
Please note, that if you've selected files for download via the
[M]ark option, the file received will be named similar to
AVIEW000.ZIP or AVIEW001.ZIP and not the original filename.
[M]ark -
This option is used to select the desired file by entering in the
number associated with it displayed to the left of the filename.
Multiple files may be selected, but only one at a time. Stacking
of file numbers is not permitted. Also, any file(s) selected by
this method will be automatically compressed prior to downloading
thereby reducing the overall transfer time. Selecting this
option presents the following sub-prompt:
Enter [filename] or [#] or [R]ange to Mark, [C]lear, [Return] to quit?
Shown below is a description of the available options.
[filename] -
To mark this file for download, you must enter the
complete filename as displayed via the [L]ist or [V]iew
commands including the file extensions.
[#] -
This is the number to the immediate left of the filename
used for marking this file for download.
[R]ange -
This allows you to enter the numbers of an inclusive
range of files you wish to mark. All files in the range
will be marked. The Start# is the first file to mark,
and the End# is the last file to mark.
[C]lear -
This option is used to clear the ENTIRE list of
previously [M]arked files.
[Return] to quit -
When selected, this option will abort the file marking
process and return to the main prompt.
[V]iew -
This option is used to redisplay the detailed information on
selected archive. This information is often useful when
searching for a newer release of a spcific program by checking
the file date and time information. Additional information is
displayed regarding the compression percentage, file sizes
before and after and so on. Shown below is a sample display.
# FileName Stowage UnZIP Sz ZIP Size Pct Date Time CRC
═══ ═══════════ ═══════ ════════ ════════ ═══ ════════ ═════ ════════
1 bobstat.doc Implode 1730 1108 36% 10/20/91 10:26 BCE3480B
2 bobstat.exe Implode 14112 8450 41% 10/20/91 10:30 F75BE467
3 bobstat.cfg Stored 48 48 0% 09/15/91 14:50 FB73C709
─── ─────────── ──────── ──────── ───
3 File(s) Pkunzip Total 15890 9606 40%
[L]ist -
This option is used to display general information on the files
contained in the selected archive. This is commonly used to
display which files have been marked for download. Shown below
is a sample display.
# File Name Unzip Size Marked
──── ────────────── ────────── ──────
1 [bobstat.doc ] 1730 Marked
2 [bobstat.exe ] 14112
3 [bobstat.cfg ] 48
[H]elp -
Displays this Help information screen.
[Return] -
Exits and returns to the BBS.
┌───────────────────────── End of Help Information ─────────────────────────┐