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220 lines
**** OCTOBER 1993, ISSUE #01 ***
BBS's to the MAX or (BBSMAX)
For the latest BBSMAX call the Support BBS
The Support BBS for BBS MAX is:
Jim's Nuclear Powered BBS
Home of BBSMAX Listing
316-364-XXXX (Temp Unavailable)
Or Call
Phone Cops Donut Shop :
Or call the SoftWare Creations BBS:
2400 - 14.4k V.32/V.36 Hays (508)-368-7036
Welcome to the first issue of BBS's to the MAX, (BBSMAX). As with
anything new BBSMAX is starting small. Not on my choice, but because
BBSMAX is new there will be a reluctancy on the part of many SysOp's
to try it because of the fear of getting into something new. They
would like to see it out there in the BBS world first. I do understand
that, especially these days. Well here it is! This file depends on
you to get it passed around, (You needed the File-Ratio points anyway)
Upload this file everywhere you call, and watch for more BBSMAX!
Everything you ever wanted to know about a BBS before you give
the (Phone Company) a penny of your hard earned money.
Find the BBS that supports your habits. Looking for games?
You may look at the BBS "Main Interest" or the Description and see if
it's their specialty, or it might be that a certain BBS is the Support
BBS for your favorite game's or other programs. To find out if a
BBS is a Support or Author BBS look under the "A" and if there is a
yes go to the "A =" in that BBS's listing to see if it is your type
of Programs. If it is the Adult Files that interest you, look under
the "X" and there will be a "Y" or "N", its that simple.
For you Long Distance callers, In some areas it is far cheaper to
call Out Of State numbers than those in your own Area Code or State.
Most Long Distance company's have a calling plan that can save you
many of those hard earned dollars. You should give your Long Distance
Carrier a call, most of them have an 800 number listed in your phone
book that can give you all the information you need to get your Phone
Bill down to size, and give you a chance to explore the BBS World.
This File will be available once a month as BBSMAX##, BBSMAX00 being
The Pre-Release for SysOp's to get their BBS's Listed in the first
issue which will be BBSMAX01. SysOp's fill out SYSOP.APP for this.
Now for the World of BBS's. The following describes the entries
for each of these fine BBS's. They are in order of Area Code and
Then the Town. The First BBS listed in a specific town will always
be the first and then in order of my recieving the applications
will continue. Give them a call Today!
F= = Number of available files
@ = Baud of that Specific Node (+)= 14400+, (=)= 9600 (-)= 2400 or less
Baud = Top Baud Rate Supported
C = Main CPU File Types ( I= IBM compatible, M= Mac, A= Amiga,)
N = Total Number of Nodes
P = Number of Public Nodes
S = Number of Subscriber or Supporting Member Nodes
Meg = Meg of On-Line Space (Hard Drive and CD-ROM)
CD = CD ROM's On-Line
# = Number or CD-ROM's On-Line
R = That the BBS has a CD-ROM disk rotation schedule
ASP = Association of Shareware Professionals Member BBS (Yes or No)
HRS = Hours per Day
B = Beta Test Site
A = Software Support BBS ( Author BBS )
V = Visiting SysOp Area or Conference
X = Adult Files and/or Conference Area
O = On-Line Games
T = Free or Trial Membership time in (Days) [0 = None]
% = File Ratio - Number Shown is the (# of Files) you May Download for every
(one) Quality Non-Duplicate Upload Made to the board! [0 = No Ratio]
$ = Supporting Membership available to Reduce or Remove File Ratios, add to
available On-Line Time, and/or access restricted or Member only Functions
U = Upload Processor used to check for Duplicate Files ect.
Z = Zmodem Protocol Available
2 = 2 Way Protocols Available
M = Messages Bases and/or Networks, Mail Doors available
In the description there are three lines available for complete descriptions
of the B, A, O, CD, $, V, M, Misc. or any other special fetures of that BBS.
O = Would include some On-Line games that are a special feature of that BBS.
(ASAD) in a listing is, (Association of Software Authors and Distributors).
Due to an ommission in some of the applications, there are no total available
file amounts on some BBS's. Use your imagination by checking their total MEG.
217 ILLINOIS See Also Area Code (312)
Main # @ Baud C N P S Meg CD # R ASP HRS B A V X O T % $ U Z 2 M
566-3775+ 16800--I--3--3--0--5000-Y--6-N--N--24--Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-60-0-Y-N-Y-Y-Y
FANTASY LAND BBS - Williamsville #00001 |
F=50,000 PcBoard 15 - 486DX-33 - US Robotics ex9409 |
566-3701+ O = Member of several national BRE games, and many others. |
566-3776+ M = FidoNet, DoorNet, RIME, and AfterDark, |
Misc = Apogee, Epic, TNJSoft, extensive message areas. |
Main Interest = IBM, Files, Games and Gifs. |
SYSOP = Steve Horrighs |
Main # @ Baud C N P S Meg CD # R ASP HRS B A V X O T % $ U Z 2 M
627-4246+ 14400--I--1--1--0--3000-Y--2-N--N--24--N-Y-Y-Y-Y--0-3-Y-N-Y-Y-Y
Dark Star's Domain - Lothian #00003 |
PcBoard - 486-40 - US Robotics ex9409 |
X = Adult File Areas Available |
O = OnLine Games Available |
Misc. = Author and Support BBS, Visiting SysOp Area. |
Main Interest = IBM, Adult Files, Online Games |
SYSOP = Jerry Messineo |
312 ILLINOIS See Also Area Code (217)
Main # @ Baud C N P S Meg CD # R ASP HRS B A V X O T % $ U Z 2 M
237-8365+ 14400--I--4--3--1-12000-Y--8-N--N--24--N-Y-N-Y-N-0-10-Y-Y-Y-Y-N
The Not So Perfect BBS - Chicago #00005 |
F=60,000 PcBoard 15 - 486DX-33 - US Robotics Dual STD ex9409 |
237-8366+ X = Adult File Areas Available |
889-4603+ A = Support BBS for (Fitness Mate) |
Misc. = Support BBS, 8 CD-Rom's On-Line |
Main Interest = IBM, Complete File Exchange |
SYSOP = George Kedra |
316 KANSAS See Also Area Code (913)
Main # @ Baud C N P S Meg CD # R ASP HRS B A V X O T % $ U Z 2 M
364-8536+ 14400--I--2--1--1--2500-Y--2-N--Y--24--Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-30-5-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y
Jim's Nuclear Powered BBS - Burlington #00000 |
F=25,000 PcBoard 15 - 386DX-40 - Hays Accura 144 + 144 ex0000 |
B = JES Software |
A = JES Software, BBS's to the MAX Listing's (BBSMAX) |
Misc. = Large Adult Graphic's File Area Available! |
Main Interest = IBM, All File Interests |
SYSOP = Jim Saueressig |
364-8584+ 14400--I--1--1--0---220-N--0-N--N--24--N-N-N-N-Y-15-5-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y
Phone Cops Donut Shop - Burlington #0000X |
Telegard 2.7 - 286-12 - Light-Comm 14400 ex9409 |
O = Land of Devistation |
O = Other On-Line games available |
Misc. == Message Bases Available |
Main Interest = IBM, All Files |
SYSOP = Kevin Bailey |
Main # @ Baud C N P S Meg CD # R ASP HRS B A V X O T % $ U Z 2 M
479-8328= 9600---I--1--1--0--100--N--0-N--N--24--N-N-N-N-N--0-7-N-N-Y-N-Y |
STONEHENGE BBS - San Rafael #00006 |
TAG - 486 - Speedmodem Star ex9409 |
*FREE* A free board with files and very active topics |
Emphasis on text files of varied interest, and topics |
This BBS has been On-Line four more than 4 years! |
Main Interest = IBM, User Topics, Variety of text files |
SYSOP = John Chipps | |
Main # @ Baud C N P S Meg CD # R ASP HRS B A V X O T % $ U Z 2 M
943-0211+ 14400--I-16-16--0--7000-Y--6-N--Y--24--Y-Y-N-N-Y-30-7-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y |
ONE STOP PCBoard - Richland #00002 |
PcBoard 15 - 486DX-50 - US Robotics ex9409 |
946-4173+ Eastern Wasington's Only Award Winning BBS! 100's of Doors |
946-0866+ UseNet, FidoNet, U'NINet, Intelec, RecoverNet, InterNode Chat |
946-3452+ A = Scrabble Door, DataSoft, also SilverNet National Ads. |
946-3080+ Main Interest = IBM, Full Service System |
SYSOP = Gary Hedberg (ASAD) | |
Main # @ Baud C N P S Meg CD # R ASP HRS B A V X O T % $ U Z 2 M
796-5627+ 16800--I-10-10--0-10000-Y-12-N--N--24--Y-N-N-Y-Y--0-0-Y-N-Y-Y-Y |
DataCOM Super Systems BBS - Clearwater #00004 |
F=85,000 PcBoard 15 - 486-50 - US Robotics HST ex9409 |
Tons of Windows, SoundBlaster, MIDI, and VGA Games. |
All Nodes Huge Adult Area with over 13,500 Files. 12 CD ROM's On-Line. |
Accessed Over 2 Gig. Hard Drive Space. V.32 now & V.FAST W/(28.8) soon |
With Main Main Interest = IBM, DTP, Graphics, MultiMedia, and VGA files |
Number SYSOP = Steve Sanders, N4WAK | |