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Assembly Source File
647 lines
;; FOSSIL/Modem Testing Utility
;; Copyright (c) June, 1989
;; Unique Computing Pty Limited & David Nugent
;; FidoNet Node 3:632/348.0
;; Alternet Node 7:833/387.0
; This utility is useful for testing various aspects of FOSSIL-aware software,
; by simulating a modem and enabling the user to set or reset certain status
; information returned by the FOSSIL to an application.
; It was created primarily to simulate a remote modem connect for testing
; purposes using a direct wire but allowing direct control from local keyboard.
; FUTIL installs as a TSR wedge between the FOSSIL and an application. It
; requires that a revision 5 FOSSIL driver be installed prior to it, and it
; will capture INT 14H (it looks like a FOSSIL to the application) and
; intercept certain FOSSIL calls in order to carry out its simulation.
; This utility is particularly useful because it is release WITH SOURCE.
; It can therefore be modified and re-assembled to carry out any simulation
; required, but this will take a little knowledge in how FOSSIL operates
; and some expertise in PC operations in general.
; Please read the accompanying documentation for license details and caveats.
; V1.00 June 1989 Original release
; V1.10 July 1989 Small bug fix: purging FOSSIL
; receive buffer now clears pending input
; status bit (previously this would look
; effectively hang a machine with some s/w).
; NOTE: MASM 5.10 or TASM 1.0 is required to assembly this program!
; Earlier versions of MASM will NOT work.
; Provides TASM->MASM compatibility
ifdef ??version
;; Definitions/readability section
CDSIG equ 0F23DH ; FUTIL's signature
MAGIC equ 01954H ; FOSSIL's magic number
DOS equ 021H ; DOS interrupt
TSR equ 027H ; .COM TSR call
; Keyboard shift key codes
CTRL equ 004H ; Ctrl key is down
SHIFTS equ 003H ; Any shift pressed
LSHIFT equ 002H ; Left shift
RSHIFT equ 001H ; Right shift
ALT equ 008h ; Alt key pressed
NUMLOCK equ 020H ; Numlock state
; BIOS ports, data area definitions
SH_STATE equ 0417H ; Shift state byte
KBD_PORT equ 060H ; Keyboard data port
KBD_CTRL equ 061h ; Keyboard control port
LSC equ (LSHIFT or CTRL) ; Shorthand for Ctrl-LShift
KUSED equ 0FH ; Bits used in shift mask
; FOSSIL status bits
PS_CARRIER equ 0080H ; Carrier signal from MSREG
PS_RXCHARS equ 0100H ; Characters in input buffer
;; Start program
_code segment para public 'code'
assume CS:_code
org 100h ; .COM start
; Jump to install (which is unloaded on TSR
jmp install
; Int 14H entry point
jmp SHORT parse
; FOSSIL data section
oldvec dd 0 ; Old INT 14H vector
dw MAGIC ; Make it look like a FOSSIL
dw 001bH ; Revision 5 type
kbdvec dd 0 ; Old INT 09H vector
port dw 0 ; Port number
; Status information
cstate dw 0 ; Carrier detect mask (default no extra)
cdmask dw -1 ; Status mask out bits (default leave alone)
tdata dw 0 ; Ignore transmit data flag
rdata dw 0 ; Receive data flag
isdata dw 0 ; Is data to send flag
strp dw 0 ; Pointer to current string
;; INT 14H handler
;; Only a subset of commands are intecepted
;; Tests code in AH, otherwise passes control
;; to the installed FOSSIL driver
cmp DL,BYTE PTR CS:[port] ; Select only for current port
je @F
jmp DWORD PTR CS:[oldvec]
cmp AH,01H ; Transmit data
je @istxch
cmp AH,02H ; Receive data
je @isrxch
cmp AH,03H ; Port status
jne @F
jmp @isstat
cmp AH,0AH ; Receive buffer purge
je @isrp
cmp AH,0BH ; Transmit no wait
je @istxnw
cmp AH,0CH ; Read, no wait
je @ispeek
cmp AH,18H ; Receive block
jne @F
jmp @isrxb
cmp AH,19H ; Transmit block
jne @norm
jmp @istxb
; ---------------------
; Read, non-destructive
; ---------------------
cmp CS:[isdata],0 ; Is there data to be returned?
je @norm
push BX
mov BX,CS:[strp]
mov AL,CS:[BX] ; Get next character
pop BX
xor AH,AH
jmp @bye
; ---------------------
; Transmit no wait call
; ---------------------
cmp CS:[tdata],0 ; Eat character
je @norm
mov AX,1 ; 1 = successfully sent
jmp @bye
; -----------------------------------------
; Purge receive buffers (and pending input)
; -----------------------------------------
mov CS:[isdata],0
mov CS:[strp],0
and CS:[cstate],not PS_RXCHARS ; Reset "chrs in rx buf" status bit
jmp SHORT @norm
; ------------------
; Transmit character
; ------------------
cmp CS:[tdata],0 ; Eat character
jne @F
jmp @isstat
mov AL,03H ; Force a status call
jmp @isstat
jmp DWORD PTR CS:[oldvec] ; Jump straight to old vector
; -----------------
; Receive character
; -----------------
cmp CS:[isdata],0 ; Is there data to be returned?
je @rch
push BX
mov BX,CS:[strp]
mov AX,CS:[BX] ; Get next character
pop BX
inc CS:[strp] ; Move pointer to next character
or AH,AH ; Test for end of string
jne @F
and CS:[cstate],not PS_RXCHARS ; Reset "chrs in rx buf" status bit
mov CS:[isdata],0
xor AH,AH
jmp SHORT @bye
cmp CS:[rdata],0 ; Give control to FOSSIL?
je @norm
push AX
mov AH,3 ; Else get status
int 14H
test AX,PS_RXCHARS ; Are there characters in buffer?
pop AX
je @isrxch
cmp CS:[isdata],0 ; Is there data to be returned?
jne @isrxch1
jmp SHORT @norm
; -------------------
; Transmit block data
; -------------------
cmp CS:[tdata],0 ; Eat character
je @norm
mov AX,CX ; Return number of characters 'sent'
jmp SHORT @bye
; ------------------
; Receive block data
; ------------------
cmp CS:[isdata],0 ; Is there data to be returned?
je @norm
push DI ; Hmm, better get to work ...
push CX
push BX
cld ; Required for string opcodes
mov BX,CS:[strp] ; Get pointer to string
jcxz @up ; Opps, zero chrs requested
mov AX,CS:[BX] ; Get next character
inc BX
stosb ; Store it in user buffer
or AH,AH ; Test for end of string
je @F
loop @B ; Until user buffer full
jmp SHORT @up
@@: ; No more available at this point
and CS:[cstate],not PS_RXCHARS ; Reset "rx chrs avail" status bit
mov CS:[isdata],0
xor BX,BX
mov CS:[strp],BX ; Update string pointer
mov AX,CX ; Save remaining number of characters
pop BX ; Restore all registers
pop CX
pop DI
sub AX,CX ; Calculate/return # of bytes received
neg AX
jmp SHORT @bye
; -------------------
; Status call handler
; -------------------
pushf ; Simulate the old INT 14H
call DWORD PTR CS:[oldvec]
or AX,CS:[cstate] ; OR in set mask
and AX,CS:[cdmask] ; AND out reset mask
iret ; Return to user
parse ENDP
;; Configuration section
; This section contains information which can be modified to suit.
; Modem control strings
; Various strings returned by a typical modem, available by 'hotkey'
nocarrier db 'NO CARRIER',13,10,0
ok db 'OK',13,10,0
error db 'ERROR',13,10,0
busy db 'BUSY',13,10,0
ring db 'RING',13,10,0
rring db 'RRING',13,10,0
voice db 'VOICE',13,10,0
connect db 'CONNECT',13,10,0
connect300 db 'CONNECT 300',13,10,0
connect1200 db 'CONNECT 1200',13,10,0
connect2400 db 'CONNECT 2400',13,10,0
connect24rel db 'CONNECT 2400/REL',13,10,0
connect9600 db 'CONNECT 9600',13,10,0
connectfast db 'CONNECT FAST',13,10,0
; This next section is a series of structures which allows a 'hotkey'
; combination to be tied to a given action. The structures contain the
; contents of the INT 14H variables used in the above intercept routines
; and pressing the hotkey combination simply copies in values for these
; variables setting of a reaction by the next intercepted INT 14H call.
notkey STRUC
scanc db ? ; Keyboard scan code (returned by KB ROM)
kshft db ? ; Keyboard shift state (BIOS)
cmask dw ? ; Status OR mask (force these bits on)
cbits dw ? ; Status AND mask (force these bits off)
itx dw ? ; Ignore transmited data flag (don't give to FOSSIL)
irx dw ? ; Don't call FOSSIL to receive data flag
srx dw ? ; Is there data to 'receive' flag
dofs dw ? ; Offset of string to 'receive'
notkey ENDS
SZ_ka equ <size notkey> ; Size of one hotkey structure
KEYS equ 20 ; Defines how many structures to scan
; Hot keys table
KeyCodes label word
notkey <29H, LSC, 0000H, not 0000H, 00H, 00H, 00H, 0 > ; cs` Turns all processing off
notkey <0bH, LSC, 0000H, not 0080H, 00H, 00H, 00H, 0 > ; cs0 Force no carrier
notkey <18H, LSC, 0100H, not 0080H, 00H, 01H, 01H, ok > ; csO 'OK'
notkey <12H, LSC, 0100H, not 0080H, 00H, 01H, 01H, error > ; csE 'ERROR'
notkey <31H, LSC, 0100H, not 0080H, 00H, 01H, 01H, nocarrier > ; csN 'NO CARRIER'
notkey <30H, LSC, 0100H, not 0080H, 00H, 01H, 01H, busy > ; csB 'BUSY'
notkey <21H, LSC, 0180H, not 0000H, 00H, 01H, 01H, connectfast > ; csF 'CONNECT FAST'
notkey <0aH, LSC, 0180H, not 0000H, 00H, 01H, 01H, connect9600 > ; cs9 'CONNECT 9600'
notkey <04H, LSC, 0180H, not 0000H, 00H, 01H, 01H, connect24rel> ; cs3 'CONNECT 2400/REL'
notkey <03H, LSC, 0180H, not 0000H, 00H, 01H, 01H, connect2400 > ; cs2 'CONNECT 2400'
notkey <02H, LSC, 0180H, not 0000H, 00H, 01H, 01H, connect1200 > ; cs1 'CONNECT 1200'
notkey <13H, LSC, 0100H, not 0080H, 00H, 01H, 01H, ring > ; csR 'RING'
notkey <2fH, LSC, 0100H, not 0080H, 00H, 01H, 01H, voice > ; csV 'VOICE'
notkey <17H, LSC, 0100H, not 0080H, 00H, 01H, 01H, rring > ; csI 'RRING'
notkey <00H, 00H, 0000H, not 0000H, 00H, 00H, 00H, 0 >
notkey <00H, 00H, 0000H, not 0000H, 00H, 00H, 00H, 0 >
notkey <00H, 00H, 0000H, not 0000H, 00H, 00H, 00H, 0 >
notkey <00H, 00H, 0000H, not 0000H, 00H, 00H, 00H, 0 >
notkey <00H, 00H, 0000H, not 0000H, 00H, 00H, 00H, 0 >
notkey <00H, 00H, 0000H, not 0000H, 00H, 00H, 00H, 0 >
;; Keyboard (hardware) interrupt handler
;; This routine is triggered on make or break (press or release)
;; of ANY key on the keyboard. The KB port is then inspected to
;; see which key was pressed, and the current shift status read.
;; The above hotkeys table is then scanned for a match; if found,
;; the rest of the structure is copied into the variable space,
;; otherwise the call passes to the previous INT 9H handler.
assume DS:nothing,ES:nothing ; Could (and will) be anywhere
push AX ; Must preserve EVERY register here
push CX
push DI
push ES
xor AX,AX
mov ES,AX
in AL,KBD_PORT ; Scan code of key pressed
mov AH,ES:[SH_STATE] ; Current shift state bits
and AH,KUSED ; Mask out unused bits
mov DI,offset KeyCodes ; Scan key codes table
cmp AX,CS:[DI]
je @F
add DI,SZ_ka
loop @B
; Key was not found
pop ES ; Restore saved registers
pop DI
pop CX
pop AX
jmp CS:[kbdvec] ; Pass though to original vector
; Key combo found; take action
in AL,KBD_CTRL ; Save value of kbd control lines
mov AH,AL
or AL,80H ; Set kbd enable bit
mov AL,AH
mov AL,20H ; Signal end of HW interrupt to 8259A
out 20H,AL
push BX
xor BX,BX
mov CX,SZ_ka/2
jmp SHORT @F
mov AX,CS:[DI+BX] ; Copy variables to intercept data area
mov CS:[BX+offset cstate-2],AX
inc BX
inc BX
loop @Clp
pop BX ; Restore registers
pop ES
pop DI
pop CX
pop AX
Int_9 ENDP
;; End resident section
;; The rest of this code is discarded on installation as a TSR, and
;; does not consume additional memory
; Installation messages
msg_nofos db 7,'No FOSSIL driver installed',13,10,'$'
msg_instald db 7,'FUTIL is already installed',13,10,'$'
msg_instnot db 7,'FUTIL is not installed',13,10,'$'
msg_instok db 'FUTIL is now active',13,10,'$'
msg_inval db 7,'Invalid command line option',13,10,'$'
msg_unloaded db 'FUTIL successfully unloaded',13,10,'$'
msg_start db 'FUTIL v1.10 FOSSIL Communications Companion Utility',13,10
db 'Copyright (C) 1989 David Nugent & Unique Computing Pty Ltd',13,10
db '$'
; ----------------------
; Installation procedure
; ----------------------
install PROC NEAR
assume ds:_code ; DS = CS by default
mov DX,offset msg_start ; Output our logo
mov AH,9
int DOS
cld ; Required for string opcodes
mov SI,81H ; Start of command line
cmp AL,13 ; Test for end of cmdline
je @Load
cmp AL,0
je @Load
cmp AL,32 ; Skip spaces,
je @Top
cmp AL,9 ; and tabs
je @Top
cmp AL,'/' ; Looking for a valid switch
je @F ; character (- or / will do)
cmp AL,'-'
je @F
mov AL,3 ; Something else is invalid
mov DX,offset msg_inval
jmp ExitMsg
; Read switch value
cmp AL,'a' ; Convert to uppercase
jb @F
cmp AL,'z'
ja @F
sub AL,'a'-'A'
cmp AL,'U' ; /U = Uninstall
je @Unload
cmp AL,'P' ; /P = Port number
jne @nogood
cmp AL,'0' ; Convert # to binary
jb @nogood
cmp AL,'9'
ja @nogood
sub AL,'0'
xor AH,AH
mov port,AX ; Save in our local variable
jmp SHORT @Top
; Unload from memory
call ChkLoad ; See if FUTIL is loaded
cmp ES:[BX+10],CDSIG ; Is this program installed?
mov DX,offset msg_instnot
mov AL,2
jne ExitMsg
push DS ; Preserve DS for later
push ES
push ES
pop DS
mov DX,word ptr [kbdvec]
mov DS,word ptr [kbdvec+2]
mov AX,2509H ; Release keyboard
int DOS
pop DS
mov DX,word ptr [oldvec]
mov DS,word ptr [oldvec+2]
mov AX,2514H ; Release INT 14H
int DOS
pop DS
mov AH,49H ; Deallocate memory (at ES)
int DOS
mov DX,offset msg_unloaded
xor AL,AL
jmp SHORT ExitMsg
; Load into memory
call ChkLoad ; Check to see if we're loaded
cmp ES:[BX+10],CDSIG ; Is this program installed?
mov DX,offset msg_instald
mov AL,2
je ExitMsg
mov DX,offset Int_14 ; Install vector for INT 14H
mov AX,2514H
int DOS
mov AX,3509H ; Get keyboard vector
int DOS
mov word ptr [kbdvec],BX
mov word ptr [kbdvec+2],ES
mov DX,offset Int_9
mov AX,2509H ; Intercept keyboard
int DOS
mov AX,CS
mov ES,AX
mov ES,ES:[02cH] ; Free our environment
mov AH,049H
int DOS
mov DX,offset msg_instok
mov AH,09H ; Print message
int DOS
mov DX,offset msg_nofos ; Stay resident
int TSR
install ENDP
; Exit (abort) with a message
push AX ; Save exit code
mov AH,09H ; Print message
int DOS
pop AX
mov AH,4cH ; And exit
int DOS
ExitMsg ENDP
; Check to see if already loaded
mov AX,3514H ; Get int 14H vector
int DOS
mov word ptr [oldvec],BX ; And save it
mov word ptr [oldvec+2],ES
cmp ES:[BX+6],MAGIC ; Is a FOSSIL there?
mov DX,offset msg_nofos
mov AL,1
je @F
pop BX
mov BX,offset ExitMsg
push BX
ChkLoad ENDP
_code ends
end start