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Assembly Source File
461 lines
; FTYPE Type a file to a COM Port
COM equ 1
ifdef ??version
_code segment byte
if COM
org 0100H
assume cs:_code
jmp _start
PortNum dw 0 ; Assumes port 0
ChgBaud dw -1 ; -1 means don't change
Share dw 0 ; FOSSIL is shared
IsInit dw 0 ; FOSSIL is initialised
Carrier dw 0 ; Don't check carrier if non-zero
Handle dw 0 ; DOS file handle
DoEcho dw 0 ; Echo to screen as well
RateTbl dw 0043H ; 300 baud
dw 0063H ; 600 baud
dw 0083H ; 1200 baud
dw 00a3H ; 2400 baud
dw 00c3H ; 4800 baud
dw 00e3H ; 9600 baud
dw 0003H ; 19200 baud
dw 0023H ; 38400 baud
BaudTbl dw 300
dw 600
dw 1200
dw 2400
dw 4800
dw 9600
dw 19200
dw 38400
_bmark equ $
UseText db 'FTYPE v1.10 Type a file to a port via FOSSIL',13,10
db ' Copyright (C) 1992 David Nugent & Unique Computing Ptd Ltd',13,10,10
db 'Usage: ftype [/Pn] [/Bnnn] [/S] [/N] <filename>',13,10,10
db ' Where: /Pn Optional port number: 0=COM1 1=COM2 ... (default is 0, COM1)',13,10
db ' /Bnnnn Optional baud rate (default is current baud rate)',13,10
db ' /S Leaves FOSSIL driver active on exit',13,10
db ' /N Proceed even if carrier is not present',13,10
db ' /E Type output to screen (as well)',13,10
db 10
_utend equ $
NoFoss db 13,10,'ftype: No FOSSIL loaded!',13,10
_nfend equ $
NoPort db 13,10,'ftype: FOSSIL init error (port not available)?',13,10
_nport equ $
NoCarr db 13,10,'ftype: No carrier - lost caller?',13,10
_ncarr equ $
SndErr db 13,10,'ftype: Error sending string!',13,10
_serr equ $
TimErr db 13,10,'ftype: Timeout waiting for output to clear!',13,10
_terr equ $
InBaud db 13,10,'ftype: Invalid baud rate specified',31,10
_vbaud equ $
NoFile db 13,10,'ftype: Unable to open file',13,10
_nfile equ $
RdErr db 13,10,'ftype: Error reading file',13,10
_rerr equ $
; Scan the command line for switches
if COM
assume ds:_code, es:_code
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
assume ds:_code,es:nothing
mov SI,080H
mov AL,ES:[SI]
inc SI
mov DI,SI
mov CL,AL
xor CH,CH
cmp CX,1
jg @S
jmp Usage
mov AL,byte ptr ES:[SI]
cmp AL,020H
je @F
cmp AL,009H
jne @N
inc SI
loop @S
jmp Usage
cmp AL,'/'
jne _ChkFile
inc SI
dec CX
mov AL,byte ptr ES:[SI]
inc SI
dec CX
cmp CX,1
jg @F
jmp Usage
cmp AL,'a'
jb @F
cmp AL,'z'
ja @F
sub AL,32
cmp AL,'P'
jne @F
jmp @Port
cmp AL,'B'
jne @F
jmp @Baud
cmp AL,'S'
je @Share
cmp AL,'E'
je @Echo
cmp AL,'N'
je @F
jmp Usage
inc Carrier
jmp @S
inc DoEcho
jmp @S
inc Share
jmp @S
; Check tha file exists and can be opened
mov BX,offset BufferStart
add BX,800FH ; Add buffer and round
mov AX,CS
sub BX,AX
shr BX,1
shr BX,1
shr BX,1
shr BX,1
mov AH,04aH ; Chop off memory for DOS 4.x->
int 021H
mov DX,SI ; Find end of string
cmp AL,0dH
je @F
cmp AL,020H
je @F
cmp AL,09H
je @F
loop @B
inc SI
dec SI ; ASCIZ string
mov byte ptr [SI],0
xor AL,AL ; Open read_only
mov AH,03DH
int 021H
jnc @F
mov DX,offset NoFile
mov CX,_nfile - NoFile
jmp Error
mov Handle,AX ; Save handle
xor CX,CX ; No bytes currently in buffer
; Check that a FOSSIL exists
push ES
mov AX,03514H ; Check INT 14H vector
int 021H
cmp ES:[BX+6],01954H
pop ES
je @F
mov DX,offset NoFoss
mov CX,_nfend - NoFoss
jmp Error
mov AH,04H
mov DX,PortNum
int 014H ; Initialise FOSSIL driver
cmp AX,01954H
je @F
mov DX,offset NoPort
mov CX,_nport - NoPort
jmp Error
cmp ChgBaud,-1
je @M
mov AL,byte ptr ChgBaud ; Set baud rate
xor AH,AH
mov DX,PortNum
int 014H
push CS
inc IsInit
cmp CX,0 ; How many bytes left?
jne @F
mov DX,offset BufferStart
mov CX,8000 ; 32K chunks
mov BX,Handle
mov AH,03fH ; Read next slab
int 021H
mov CX,AX ; Update counter
mov SI,offset BufferStart ; And start of buffer
jnc @F
mov DX,offset RdErr ; File read error
mov CX,_rerr - RdErr
jmp SHORT Error
jcxz _nomore ; End of file
call @Send ; Send next one
dec CX
push CX
xor CX,CX ; Large timeout value
mov AH,03H
mov DX,PortNum
int 014H
cmp Carrier,0
jne @F
test AL,080H ; Is carrier up?
mov DX,offset NoCarr
mov CX,_ncarr - NoCarr
jmp SHORT Error
and AH,40H ; Is TX buffer empty yet?
jnz @F
loop @J
jmp SHORT @to
mov AH,0DH
int 014H
cmp AX,-1
je @F
mov AH,0EH
int 014H
cmp AL,27 ; Was ESC hit?
je @End
pop CX
jmp @M
mov AL,13 ; Send CR
call @Send
mov AL,10 ; Send LF
call @Send
xor CX,CX ; Large timeout value
mov AH,03H
mov DX,PortNum
int 014H
cmp Carrier,0
jne @F
test AL,080H ; Is carrier up?
jz @cl
and AH,40H ; Is TX buffer empty yet?
jnz @End
loop @H
mov DX,offset TimErr ; Transmitter timed out
mov CX,_terr - TimErr
jmp SHORT Error
xor AL,AL
jmp SHORT Exit
mov DX,offset UseText
mov CX,_utend - UseText
mov BX,2
call Write
mov BX,1
cmp IsInit,0
je Exit
mov AL,1
; -------
cmp Share,0
jne @F
cmp IsInit,0
je @F
mov AH,05H
mov DX,PortNum
int 014H
mov BX,Handle
or BX,BX ; Close file
je @F
mov AH,03fH
int 021H
mov AH,04CH
int 021H
; -------
mov AH,040H
int 021H
; Parse port number
mov AL,byte ptr ES:[DI]
inc SI
dec CX
sub AL,'0'
xor AH,AH
mov PortNum,AX
jmp @S
; Parse baud rate
xor DX,DX
xor AH,AH
jcxz @F
mov AL,byte ptr ES:[SI]
cmp AL,'0'
jb @F
cmp AL,'9'
ja @F
inc SI
dec CX
sub AL,'0'
mov BX,DX
shl DX,1
shl DX,1
add DX,BX
shl DX,1
add DX,AX
jmp @L
push CX
mov CX,(_bmark - BaudTbl)/2
mov BX,offset BaudTbl
cmp DX,[BX]
je @F
add BX,2
loop @B
pop CX
mov DX,offset InBaud
mov CX,_vbaud - InBaud
jmp Error
sub BX,BaudTbl - RateTbl
mov AX,[BX]
mov ChgBaud,AX
pop CX
jmp @S
; Send a character to the port
push CX
mov CX,512 ; Attempt sending 512 times
push AX
mov AH,0BH ; TX chr no wait
mov DX,PortNum
int 014H
or AL,AL ; Character sent?
jne @F
pop AX
loop @X
pop CX
pop AX ; Pop return address
mov DX,offset SndErr
mov CX,_serr - SndErr
jmp Error
pop AX
cmp AL,13 ; Delay after CR or LF
je @F
cmp AL,10
jne @K
xor CX,CX
mov AH,03H ; Wait until its sent
push AX
mov DX,PortNum
int 014H
and AH,040H
pop AX
jne @F
loop @B
jmp @to
mov CX,3
push ES
mov BX,ES:[046cH]
cmp BX,ES:[046cH]
jne @B
loop @B
pop ES
cmp DoEcho,0
je @F
mov AH,13H
int 014H
pop CX ; Character sent
BufferStart label byte
_code ends
end _go