Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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The OS/2 version of CallMe (ver.1.42) does not perform password checking.
Although the author has indicated that a new version for OS/2 will be
released shortly we have no assurance that it will perform password
checking either.
The reason for checking passwords is that a new caller could log into your
BBS with the password "**EMSI_REQA77E" and provide the phone number of a
local Fido BBS instead of his real number. When CallMe calls that number
the BBS may answer with "**EMSI_REQA77E" which is the request for an EMSI
session. CallMe will accept that as a valid password for the user and
validate him/her. The user can login later and change his password to
something less suspicious. He now has an account on your system that
cannot be traced to his personal phone number.
Chekpass.cmd (included in this archive) is a REXX program that you can run
from Max's menus.ctl. It accepts the user's password as an argument and
compares it with the words listed in Badpass.txt (also included in this
archive). If the user's password is found in the list then Chekpass.cmd
creates Badpass.flg which is just a flag file that Callmep.bbs looks for
when it runs. If the flag file exits then the user is immediately
disconnected. If the flag file does not exist then Callmep.bbs proceeds
with the verification.
System Requirements
Chekpass.cmd is a REXX program for OS/2 and requires that the basic
REXX interpreter be installed. REXX extensions are not required.
Chekpass.cmd works in conjunction with CallMe ver.1.42 by Dan Thomson
widely distributed in the archive OS2CMAV.*. Chekpass.cmd might work with
later versions of CallMe (though I suspect Dan has added password checking
to recent releases of CallMe) and might be adaptable to other call back
verifiers as well.
1. Put Chekpass.cmd and Badpass.txt in your Max directory, the directory
that Maxp.exe resides in.
2. Add the following lines in the appropriate spot in Max's menus.ctl.
Xtern_DOS Chekpass.cmd_%e Disgrace "Register"
NoDsp Display_File Misc\Callmep Disgrace "R"
3. Add the following line to your Callmep.mec, exactly as shown, watch the
spaces and make sure there's no space between "[ifexist]" and
"badpass.flg" and 1 space following "badpass.flg" ......
[ifexist]badpass.flg Your password is not allowed. [pause][pause][hangup]
....... so that Callmep.mec starts out something like this (don't chop
any lines out of Callmep.mec):
[ckoff moreoff cls]
[yellow blink]CALLME [lightred]-- [lightblue]Maximus Automatic Verifier
[green]by Dan Thomson, June 1992[pause][pause][pause]
[ifexist]badpass.flg Your password is not allowed. [pause][pause][hangup]
[iftime GE 08:00 iftime LE 23:00][goto Continue]
4. Now run "Siltp max" and "Meccap callmep" and test the installation
by asking a friend to log in with a phony name and one of the bad passwords
listed in Badpass.txt.
Editing Badpass.txt
Badpass.txt is just a flat ASCII file so use an appropriate editor. You
can add whatever you want to the list of bad passwords but it MUST be in
uppercase. Chekpass.cmd converts the password it receives from Max into
uppercase to facilitate comparisons. If, for example, you put "horse"
in the list and a user has chosen "HORSE" as his password then
Chekpass.cmd will regard this as an acceptable password and continue
with the verification.
Chekpass.cmd is simple and does not recognize comments in Badpass.txt. You
can add comments but Chekpass will treat them as part of the list of bad
passwords. That should be OK though if you make your comment lines so
long that no user is likely to use exactly the same line as a password. I
haven't tested this idea because I see no need for comments in
Badpass.txt. If you want to add comments then you should probably test to
see if they work OK.
Use this little REXX ditty free of charge. Hack it any way you want but if
you do then please remove my name from it and package it under a different
filename before distributing it so that it can't be confused with mine.
The following addresses/numbers may be invalid soon. It looks like I may
have to move again soon. Though I may disappear for a week or 2, I'll be
back in the nodelist before long.
Kim Bergman
The Sailboard
Fido 1:358/25
data: 403-824-3019
voice: 403-824-3923
Nobleford, Alberta
T0L 1S0