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Version 1.0
A BBS Doors Development Library
for the BASCOM 7.x compiler
Copyright (c) 1990-91
by Ted Freeman
All rights reserved.
Support board is:
MicroNet PCBoard
Node1: 405-528-3175 1200-14.4K
Node2: 405-528-8610 1200/2400 ULTRA
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page i
Warranty ............................................ ii
Copyright notice .................................... ii
Distribution ........................................ ii
Description ......................................... ii
BOX ................................................. 1
CLRSCRN ............................................. 1
DE.LAY .............................................. 2
DETECT.ANSI ......................................... 2
DIS.PLAY ............................................ 3
ENTER ............................................... 4
EXIT.DOOR ........................................... 4
IN.PUT .............................................. 4
INITIALIZE .......................................... 5
LINES ............................................... 5
MAKE.BLT ............................................ 5
MAKE.BLT.CURRENT .................................... 6
MORE ................................................ 6
MUSIC ............................................... 6
OUT.PUT ............................................. 6
SEND ................................................ 6
SHOW.BLT ............................................ 6
COLOR TABLE ......................................... 7
CONFIGURATION FILE FORMAT ........................... 8
PCBOARD.SYS VARIABLES ............................... 9
USERS.SYS VARIABLES ................................. 11
DOOR.SYS VARIABLES .................................. 12
USERINFO.DAT VARIABLES .............................. 14
DORINFOx.DEF VARIABLES .............................. 14
CALLINFO.BBS VARIABLES .............................. 15
SFDOORS.DAT VARIABLES ............................... 17
CHAIN.TXT VARIABLES ................................. 19
MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ................................. 20
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page ii
This product is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The entire
risk as to the results and performance of the program is assumed by you.
Futhermore, the author does not warrant, guarantee, or make any other
representations regarding the use of, or the results of the use of the
program, and you rely on the program and results solely at your own
risk. The author cannot and will not accept responsibility for system
damage, loss of profit, or any other special, consequential or incidental
damages resulting from the use or inability to use this product.
DOORFRAME Copyright (c) 1990-91 by Ted Freeman is being distributed as
Shareware. Under this concept you may use the SHAREWARE (unregistered)
version for a reasonable period of time for evaluation after which you
must either register your copy or discontinue usage.
You are encouraged to distribute DOORFRAME provided that all files
contained in the archive are distributed in their original and
unmodified state.
DOORFRAME is a subroutine library for developing online BBS Doors for
systems that are compatible with PCBOARD.SYS, USERS.SYS, DOOR.SYS,
interfacing to the BBS.
This version of DoorFrame was written for BASCOM (tm) 7.x and is not
recommended for use with earlier versions of the compiler. DoorFrame also
utilizes some of the routines contained in Tom Hanlin's PBClone library.
The COM routines are handled by the QBSerial I/O library.
NOTE: A version of DoorFrame is also available for Quickbasic 4.x.
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 1
Since the subroutines are DECLAREd in DFRAMEX.INC (you DID $INCLUDE: it didn't
you?) you should not use the CALL statement. Type the name of the subroutine
and list it's parameters (if any) without the enclosing parentheses.
For example:
PARAMETERS: SROW% - ROW the box is to start at. Valid numbers are 1 - 22.
Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
SCOL% - COLUMN the box is to start at. Valid numbers are 1 - 79.
Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
EROW% - ROW the box is to end at. Valid numbers are 2 - 23.
Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
ECOL% - COLUMN the box is to end at. Valid numbers are 2 - 80.
Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
BTYPE% - Type of border. Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
0 = No border (spaces all the way around).
1 = Single line all the way around.
2 = Double line all the way around.
3 = Double line on sides, single on top and bottom.
4 = Single line on sides, double on top and bottom.
BFG% - Foreground color of the border. (See color table)
Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
BBG% - Background color of the border. (See color table)
Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
FFG% - Foreground color of the box fill characters.
Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
FBG% - Background color of the box fill characters.
Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
FCHAR% - ASCII number of the character to fill box with.
EX: 32 = SPACE, 65 = A, 206 = ╬
SHADOW% - 1 = Shadow, 0 = no Shadow. This will put a Shadow
on the right and bottom edges of the box.
TITLE$ - Displays a title centered on the top border.
Accepts a STRING variable or QUOTED TEXT.
DESCRIPTION: Draws a BOX with various style borders. The inside of the
BOX may be filled with any ASCII character you choose. The
upper left corner of the screen is ROW 1, COLUMN 1 and the
bottom right is ROW 23, COLUMN 80.
DESCRIPTION: Clears both the LOCAL (if ON) and REMOTE displays. This is the
only way you should do a clear screen.
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 2
PARAMETERS: SEC%, 1, 2, Etc.
DESCRIPTION: Pauses your program for the number of seconds in SEC%. Accepts
INTEGER number or variable.
DESCRIPTION: This routine will determine if the remote system has ANSI
capability. If the remote system is ANSI compatible, the
GRAPHICS% variable will be set equal to -1 otherwise it is
set to 0. This routine does not control whether COLOR is used
or not, see the MODE% variable for that.
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 3
PARAMETERS: MSG$ - Text to be printed in either variable or quoted form.
Example: "Print this" or MSG$ = "Print this".
FG% - Foreground color (0 - 15) Of the text. Can be in
INTEGER number or INTEGER variable form.
Example: FG% = 1, 1, BLUE (See Color Table)
BG% - Background color (0 - 7) of text otherwise same as FG%
BLINK% - Enter 1 for blinking text or 0 for normal text.
Accepts INTEGER number or INTEGER variable.
BELL% - Enter 1 to sound a beep on the remote or 0 for no
beep. Does not beep on the local computer.
Accepts INTEGER number or INTEGER variable.
XPOS% - Row number for cursor positioning. Valid numbers
are 0 - 23 (status line is on 24 - 25). Enter 0 to
disable. Accepts INTEGER number or variable.
NOTE: XPOS% is ignored when GRAPHICS% = 0.
YPOS% - Column number for cursor positioning. Valid numbers
are 0 - 80. Enter 0 to disable. Accepts INTEGER number
or INTEGER variable.
NOTE: YPOS% is ignored when GRAPHICS% = 0.
NL% - Enter 1 to send a CR/LF at the end of the line. Enter
0 to position the cursor after the last character.
Accepts INTEGER number or INTEGER variable.
CENTER% - Enter 1 to center the line or 0 for no centering.
CAPS% - Enter 1 to convert text to all uppercase.
Enter -1 to convert text to all lowercase.
Enter 0 for no case conversion.
Accepts INTEGER number or INTEGER variable.
DESCRIPTION: Displays text to both the Local (if on) and Remote screens.
Accepts the full ASCII charcter set (0 - 255). Supports ANSI
color and cursor positioning (XPOS%, YPOS%). DoorFrame features
auto-ANSI detection and will display in graphics mode if it
senses ANSI capability on the remote end.
ENHANCEMENTS: There are some special symbols available to make text blink
in the middle of a line in any color you wish. For example:
DIS.PLAY "This will {Blink Yellow{", LWHITE, BLACK, 1, 0,......
Note the {'s before and after Blink Yellow. They tell the routine
to display the text in between in yellow and blinks because
BLINK% = 1. If BLINK% = 0 then the text is displayed in yellow
but does not blink. The rest of the line is displayed in white
on black. The symbols and their corresponding colors are:
~ = Blue, ` = Green, @ = Cyan, ^ = Red, | = Magenta
{ = Yellow and } = White.
Put a * in front of the first symbol to display in low intensity
colors. Ex: *}text} displays 'text' in low intensity white.
Please note that you must have called DETECT.ANSI before using
these symbols and you may use only one set per DIS.PLAY. See the
included DISPLAY.BAS file for examples on using this option.
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 4
DESCRIPTION: Outputs a "Press <ENTER> to Continue" prompt and waits for the
response. If the caller is in graphics mode, this is centered
on line 23. In non-graphics mode it is centered 2 lines below
the last line printed.
PARAMETERS: YN$, "Y", "N", "G"
DESCRIPTION: VERY IMPORTANT! Always call this subroutine as the last thing
your program does. EXIT.DOOR updates the system files with any
changes that have been made to system variables, closes the
files, etc. When your Door closes, DoorFrame displays:
Thank you for using (Door Name)
Please wait while (BBS NAME) reloads.
You can toggle this ON, "Y" or OFF, "N" when you call EXIT.DOOR.
Accepts a STRING variable YN$ = "Y" or quoted text "Y".
If you wish to allow the caller to log off from your Door, call
PARAMETERS: LENGTH% - Desired length of input. Accepts an INTEGER number
or variable. 0 = any length.
WAITTIME% - Number of seconds to wait for input. If ENTER is not
pressed before this times out, control is passed back
to the calling routine and RESPONSE$ will contain "-1"
IFG% - Foreground color of the caller's response (INTEGER).
IBG% - Background color of the caller's response (INTEGER).
DESCRIPTION: Gets a response from the caller which is returned in the variable
RESPONSE$. Passes ASCII characters in the range 32 - 127 and
ignores all others. The 1st parameter indicates the desired
length of the input. Pass 0 to accept any length. This feature
allows you to use HOT KEYS! If you are prompting for a Y/N you
could do something like:
DIS.PLAY "Is everything correct? (y/n) " (+ your parameters)
IN.PUT 1, 180, 12, 0
Etc., Etc.
As soon as the caller hit Y or N, the subroutine terminates
without his having to hit ENTER (however IN.PUT always returns
when ENTER is pressed). Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
The IN.PUT can also be used as a timed routine. In the example
above, The routine would wait for 180 seconds. if it does not
receive a keypress within that time, it returns to the calling
routine and RESPONSE$ would contain a "-1".
(See the enclosed EXINPUT.BAS for an example).
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 5
code does anything. This subroutine opens the system files and
obtains all the information you will need to run your Door. It
first reads the configuration file you passed on the command
line, then it reads the BBS interface file PCBOARD.SYS, etc.
There are 3 variables that must be populated before the call
PROGNAME$ = "Name of your Door"
VERSION$ = " v0.0"
PROGNAME$ and VERSION$ are displayed on the Status line after
the callers name. EXENAME$ must be populated if you plan to use
the high score bulletin generator. EXENAME$ is the filename of
your program minus the .EXE extension.
PARAMETERS: SROW% - Row the line starts at. Valid numbers are 1 - 22.
Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
SCOL% - Column the line starts at. Valid numbers are 1 - 79.
Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
LEN% - Length of the line. Max. of 23 for vertical, 80 horiz.
Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
DIR$ - "H" = horizontal. "V" = vertical. Accepts a STRING
variable or quoted text.
ENDS% - If you are placing the line inside a box, you can
make the ends of the line match the box border.
Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
0 = No ends. (straight line only)
1 = Single line.
2 = Double line.
MID% - Type of line. 1 = Single line. 2 = Double line.
Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
EFG% - Foreground color of the ends (see color table).
Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
EBG% - Background color of the ends (see color table).
Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
MFG% - Foreground color of the line (see color table).
Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
MBG% - Background color of the line (see color table).
Accepts an INTEGER number or variable.
DESCRIPTION: Draws either a vertical or horizontal line at the specified
PARAMETERS: HI.SCORE#, 10, 10000, Etc.
DESCRIPTION: This routine will write a hi-score bulletin listing the top ten
scores. The parameter passed must be double precision (#). This
routine creates a file called FILENAME.BUL (where FILENAME is
the same as specified in the EXENAME$ variable). The first line
of this .BUL file indicates the path to the actual BLT file. It
initially writes FILENAME.BLT. If you wish to have a different
filename (such as BLT1) you must edit this line. The filename
for your BLT file should be 7 characters or less because
DoorFrame also writes a graphics BLT and appends a G to the
filename. (You should also explain this to your user Sysops!)
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 6
PARAMETERS: HI.SCORE#, 10, 10000, Etc.
DESCRIPTION: Same as MAKE.BLT except it posts CURRENT scores rather than
highest scores.
DESCRIPTION: Outputs "Press <ENTER> to continue, or <E> to end" and waits
for a response. Check the variable RESPONSE$ for an "E" and
terminate the current routine if found. For example:
Etc.. Etc.
DESCRIPTION: Outputs music to the remote system. The TUNE$ parameter
contains the same codes you would normally use in the BASIC
PLAY statement. For example:
TUNE$ = "t110 l8 ms d4 mn o3 g a b o4 c ... "
Since not all communications programs can handle music, you
should ask the user if he has music capabilities. If the
user can't handle music he will simply see the music codes
come across his screen (not a pretty sight!).
PARAMETERS: LF%, 1, 2, Etc.
DESCRIPTION: Outputs the specified number of CR/LF. Parameter is an INTEGER
number or an INTEGER variable. Ex: OUT.PUT 2
FILENAME$ - STRING variable or quoted text of file to SEND.
YN% - 0 = Do not use the ENTER prompt after last page.
1 = Use the ENTER prompt after last page.
DESCRIPTION: Sends the specified filename. This can be either an ASCII file
or an ANSI file. SEND first checks for the existance of the file
and either sends the file or reports "File not Found!". This is
handy for displaying Help files, Welcome screens, etc.
DESCRIPTION: Call this routine if your Door features a Hi-score bulletin. Make
sure you have called MAKE.BLT first! Best place to call this
is just before you call EXIT.DOOR. For example:
SHOW.BLT "Y" will ask if they want to see the Bulletin.
SHOW.BLT "N" displays the bulletin without asking.
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 7
0 - BLACK Low X X
1 - BLUE " X X
2 - GREEN " X X
3 - CYAN " X X
4 - RED " X X
6 - YELLOW " X X
7 - WHITE " X X
8 - GRAY High X
9 - LBLUE " X
10 - LGREEN " X
11 - LCYAN " X
12 - LRED " X
14 - LYELLOW " X
15 - LWHITE " X
The COLORs are defined as CONSTANT in the DFRAMEX.INC file so you may use
either the actual color number, it's name or an INTEGER variable of your own
choosing when CALLing the DIS.PLAY subroutine.
The first few lines of your Door should be:
PROGNAME$ = "Name of the Door"
VERSION$ = " v1.0"
EXENAME$ = "FILENAM" <- NOTE: Max of 7 letters!
TIMEOUT% = 240 <- Numbers of seconds to wait for keyboard
activity. 240 will wait for 4 minutes
then send a Keyboard Timeout msg. and
exit back to the BBS. Defaults to 300.
OWNER$ = "Your Name" <- For registered DoorFrame users only.
SERIAL$ = "99999" <- DoorFrame will display an EVALUATION
COPY message until registered.
Your code.......
MAKE.BLT HI.SCORE# <- If you want one generated.
SHOW.BLT "Y" <- If you want to show it before door closes.
The configuration filename passed on the command line is OPENed as #1. This
file is left open so you may read additional lines from the .CFG file.
Although it is not absolutely necessary, you should CLOSE #1 somewhere near
the start of your program.
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 8
The format of the configuration file used by Doors created with DoorFrame is:
C:\PCB\PCBOARD.SYS <- For PCBoard systems using PCBOARD.SYS only
C|\PCB\USERS.SYS <- For PCBoard systems using USERS.SYS
C:\BBS\CALLINFO.BBS <- For Wildcat! systems (prior to v3.0)
C:\BBS\USERINFO.DAT <- For Wildcat! 3.x+ systems.
C:\BBS\DOOR.SYS <- For systems that support DOOR.SYS
C:\BBS\DORINFOx.DEF <- For QBBS/RBBS/RA. Replace x with Node #.
C:\BBS\SFDOORS.DAT <- For Spitfire systems.
MicroNet <- BBS name
Ted <- Sysop's first name
Freeman <- Sysop's last name
. <- The Configuration file is left open as #1
. so you may add whatever is necessary.
NOTE: DoorFrame supports COM 1-4 on the standard IRQ's - COM1/COM3 = IRQ4 and
COM2/COM4 = IRQ3. If you wish to use a non-standard IRQ, add the IRQ
number after the configuration filename. Let's assume your Door is
called FOOBAR and you want to use COM1 and IRQ5. The command line
passed to your Door would be:
The /5 tells DoorFrame to use IRQ5 rather than the standard IRQ4 that
is normally used with COM1. No /x parameter is needed for the standard
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 9
ALLOWEDBYTES# Allowed D/L bytes from the PWRD file.
This number has already been multipled
by 1024 so it will be in actual bytes
rather than Kilobytes allowed.
* BAUDCONN$ Connect rate of caller or "LOCAL"
* BAUDOPEN$ Port opening BPS
* BBSSYS$ Name of the BBS
CALLALARM% Caller alarm status. -1=ON, 0=OFF
* CALLERSLOC$ Location of CALLERSx log
CHATSTATUS$ Chat mode status. "U" or "A"
* CITY$ Callers city and state
* COMPORT% COM port number
CONFREG$ Conferences registered in
DISPLAY% Local display status. -1=ON, 0=OFF
DOWNLOADS% Number of downloads made
* ECC% Error corrected connect. 1=YES, 0=NO
EXENAME$ Name of .EXE (Programmer supplied)
EXPERT$ Expert mode - "Y" or "N"
EXPIRE$ Callers expiration date
* FIRST$ Callers first name
GRAPHICS% Graphics mode status. -1=ON, 0=OFF
Determines if the caller is ANSI compatible
If your door requires the use of cursor
positioning and GRAPHICS% = 0 then you
should kick him back out of the door.
* HPHONE$ Callers home phone number
* LASTON$ Date caller last logged on (MM-DD-YY)
LEVEL& Callers security level
* LOCALUSR% -1 = LOCAL mode, 0 = Online
* LOGONHRS$ Time caller logged on in HH:MM format
* LOGONMINS% Time caller logged on in minutes
MODE% 0 = Non-color, -1 = color is on. Default
is the BBS setting. You may force color
by setting this to -1.
* NAME$ Callers full name
* NETWORK% 1 = BBS is networked, 0 = no network
* NODENUM% Node number
OWNER$ Name DoorFrame is registered to (if any).
PASSWORD$ Password of caller
PAGEBELL% Page bell status. -1=ON, 0=OFF
PAGELEN% Callers page length
* PCBOARD% 1 = PCBoard, 0 = non-PCBoard
PRINTER% Printer status. -1=ON, 0=OFF
PROGNAME$ Name of DOOR (Programmer supplied)
PROTOCOL$ Caller's default protocol (Z, X, etc.)
RESPONSE$ Returned after a CALL to IN.PUT
SERIAL$ Your DoorFrame serial #. String variable.
* SYSLOC$ Location of system file. This contains the
path/filename of line 1 in the .CFG file.
* SYSOP% 1 = SYSOP is using DOOR, 0 otherwise
* SYSOPFIRST$ Sysops first name
SYSOPFLAG$ " ", "N"=Sysop Next, "X"=Exit to DOS
* SYSOPLAST$ Sysops last name
* SYSOPNAME$ Sysops first and last names
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 10
TIMEADJUST% Use to adjust the callers remaining time
online. This variable adjusts the ELAPSED
time so if you wish to decrease his time,
give this a positive value.
* TIMEALWD% Minutes caller is allowed
* TIMELEFT% Time caller has left in minutes. Doorframe
calculates this so changing it has no effect
* TIMENOW% Current time in minutes (0 - 1440)
* TIMESON% Number of times on system
TIMEOUT% Programmer supplied. Defaults to 5 mins if
not specified. Has a minimum of one min.
No limit on maximum.
* TIMEUSED% Time used so far today in minutes
UPLOADS% Number of uploads made
* USERCOMMENT$ User maintained comment
* USERSLOC$ Location of USERS file
* USERNUM% Record number of caller
VERSION$ DOOR version # (Programmer supplied)
* WPHONE$ Callers work phone number
NOTES: Variables marked with '*' are provided for information only.
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 11
When using USERS.SYS, all variables contained in PCBOARD.SYS may
be used plus the following additional variables.
DAILYDNLDBYTES& Bytes downloaded so far today.
DELETEFLAG% 1 = delete this record, 0 = keep
EXPIREDLEVEL& Expired Security level
LASTCONF% Conference number last in.
LASTTIMEON$ Last time caller was on
MSGS.LEFT% Number of messages posted
MSGS.READ% Number of messages read
PCB.VERSION% PCBoard version number (i.e. 1450)
TOTDNLDBYTES& Total number of BYTES downloaded
TOTUPLDBYTES& Total number of BYTES uploaded
NOTES: These variables are all passed back to PCBoard.
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 12
ALIAS$ Callers alias/handle
* ANSISUPPORT$ Caller supports ANSI but in NG mode
* BAUDCONN$ Connect rate of caller or "LOCAL"
* BAUDOPEN$ Port opening BPS
* BBSCOLOR% BBS default color code (1-15)
* BBSSYS$ Name of the BBS
BIRTHDATE$ Callers date of birth
CALLALARM% Caller alarm status. -1=ON, 0=OFF
* CITY$ Callers city and state
* COMPORT% COM port number (1 - 4).
CONFREG$ Conferences registered in
DAILY.BYTES.ALWD# Daily download max. K limit
DISPLAY% Local display status. -1=ON, 0=OFF
DOORS.OPENED% Number of Doors caller has opened
DOWNLOADS% Number of downloads made
* ECC% Error corrected connect. 1=YES, 0=NO
EXENAME$ Name of .EXE (Programmer supplied)
EXFROM% Conference exited to Door from.
EXPERT$ Expert mode - "Y" or "N"
EXPIRE$ Callers expiration date
* EVENT$ Event time (hh:mm)
GRAPHICS% Graphics mode status. -1=ON, 0=OFF
Determines if the caller is ANSI compatible
If your door requires the use of cursor
positioning and GRAPHICS% = 0 then you
should kick him back out of the door.
* HPHONE$ Callers home phone number
* LASTON$ Date caller last logged on (MM-DD-YY)
LASTSCAN$ Date of last directory/new files scan.
LEVEL& Callers security level
* LOCALUSR% -1 = LOCAL mode, 0 = Online
* LOGONHRS$ Time caller logged on in HH:MM format
* LOGONMINS% Time caller logged on in minutes
MAX.FILES% Maximum daily files available
MINSCREDIT% Time credits in minutes
MODE% 0 = Non-color, -1 = color is on. Default
is the BBS setting. You may force color
by setting this to -1.
MSGS.LEFT% Total messages left
* NAME$ Callers full name
* NETWORK% 1 = BBS is networked, 0 = no network
* NODENUM% Node number
NUM.DL.TODAY% Files downloaded so far today
OWNER$ Name DoorFrame is registered to (if any).
PAGEBELL% Page bell status. -1=ON, 0=OFF
PAGELEN% Callers page length
* PARITY% Parity (word length?) (7 or 8)
PASSWORD$ Password of caller
* PATHGEN$ Path to the GEN directory
* PATHMAIN$ Path to the MAIN directory
PRINTER% Printer status. -1=ON, 0=OFF
PROGNAME$ Name of DOOR (Programmer supplied)
PROTOCOL$ Callers default protocol (Z, X, etc)
RESPONSE$ Returned after a CALL to IN.PUT
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 13
SECREM$ Number of seconds remaining this call.
SERIAL$ Your DoorFrame serial #. String variable.
* SYSLOC$ Location of system file. This contains the
path/filename of line 1 in the .CFG file.
* SYSOP% 1 = SYSOP is using DOOR, 0 otherwise
* SYSOPFIRST$ Sysops first name
* SYSOPLAST$ Sysops last name
* SYSOPNAME$ Sysops first and last names
TIMEADJUST% Use to adjust the callers remaining time
online. This variable adjusts the ELAPSED
time so if you wish to decrease his time,
give this a positive value.
* TIMELASTCALL$ Time of last call (hh:mm)
* TIMELEFT% Time caller has left in minutes. Doorframe
calculates this so changing it has no effect
* TIMENOW% Current time in minutes (0 - 1440)
TIMEOUT% Programmer supplied. Defaults to 5 mins if
not specified. Has a minimum of one min.
No limit on maximum.
* TIMESON% Number of times on system
* TIMEUSED% Time used so far today in minutes
TOTAL.BYTES.TODAY# Daily download K total
TOTAL.KB.DL# Total K bytes downloaded
TOTAL.KB.UL# Total K bytes uploaded
UPLOADS% Number of uploads made
* USERCOMMENT$ User maintained comment
* USERNUM% Record number of caller
VERSION$ DOOR version # (Programmer supplied)
* WPHONE$ Callers work phone number
NOTES: Variables marked with '*' are provided for information only.
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 14
* ACTIVE.MENU% 0=Main, 1=Msg, 2=File, 3=Sysop
ALIAS$ Callers alias/handle
* ANSISUPPORT$ 'Y' or 'N' for ANSI enabled.
BANKED.TIME% Banked time. (DLT - MaxLogOn)
* BAUDCONN$ Connect rate of caller or "LOCAL"
* COMMAND.LINE$ Started with a CommandLine switch. Y or N.
* DATABITS$ Databits, 7 or 8.
* DOOR.LOGOFF$ Y or N. Set to Y if caller logged off from
inside the door.
DOOR.DL& Number of files DL'ed in the door.
DOOR.KB& Downloads in K, add to daily and total bytes
* ECC% Error corrected connect. 1=YES, 0=NO
* LOGONTIMEDATE$ Time and date caller logged on to BBS
* NAME$ Callers full name
SEC.LEVEL.NAME$ Security level name.
NOTES: Variables marked with '*' are provided for information only.
All other variables are taken from the DOOR.SYS file.
* BAUDRATE$ Baud rate and parity of caller.
Ex. 2400 BAUD,N,8,1
NOTE: RBBS adds baud rate of BBS.
* BBSSYS$ Name of the BBS
* CITY$ Callers city and state
* COMPORT% COM port number (1 - 4).
DISPLAY% Defaults to -1 (ON).
* DORINFO13TH$ 13th line available only on RBBS systems.
EXENAME$ Name of .EXE (Programmer supplied)
* FIRST$ Callers first name
GRAPHICS% Graphics mode status. -1=ON, 0=OFF
Determines if the caller is ANSI compatible
If your door requires the use of cursor
positioning and GRAPHICS% = 0 then you
should kick him back out of the door.
Use DETECT.ANSI to determine this.
* LAST$ Callers last name
* LASTON$ Default 01-01-80 (not provided in DORINFO)
LEVEL& Callers security level
* LOCALUSR% -1 = LOCAL mode, 0 = Online
MODE% 0 = Non-color, -1 = color is on. Default
is the BBS setting. You may force color
by setting this to -1.
* NAME$ Callers full name
NETWORK$ Network type. DoorFrame reads/writes as is.
* NODENUM% Number of this Node.
OWNER$ Name DoorFrame is registered to (if any).
PROGNAME$ Name of DOOR (Programmer supplied)
RESPONSE$ Returned after a CALL to IN.PUT
SERIAL$ Your DoorFrame serial #. String variable.
* SYSLOC$ Location of system file. This contains the
path/filename of line 1 in the .CFG file.
* SYSOP% 1 = SYSOP is using DOOR, 0 otherwise
* SYSOPFIRST$ Sysops first name
* SYSOPLAST$ Sysops last name
* SYSOPNAME$ Sysops first and last names
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 15
TIMEADJUST% Use to adjust the callers remaining time
online. This variable adjusts the ELAPSED
time so if you wish to decrease his time,
give this a positive value.
* TIMELEFT% Time caller has left in minutes. Doorframe
calculates this so changing it has no effect
* TIMENOW% Current time in minutes (0 - 1440)
TIMEOUT% Programmer supplied. Defaults to 5 mins if
not specified. Has a minimum of one min.
No limit on maximum.
* TIMESON% Defaults to 1 (Not provided in DORINFO)
* TIMEUSED% Time used so far today in minutes
NOTES: Variables marked with '*' are provided for information only.
* BAUDCONN$ Connect rate of caller or "LOCAL"
* BBSSYS$ Name of the BBS
* CITY$ Callers city and state
* COMPORT% COM port number (1 - 4).
CONFREG$ Conferences registered in (ABCD etc.)
DAILY.BYTES.ALWD# Daily download max. K limit
* DATABITS$ 7 or 8
DISPLAY% Local display status. -1=ON, 0=OFF
* DOORNUMBER$ BBS number of this door?
EXENAME$ Name of .EXE (Programmer supplied)
* ENTERDOOR$ Time caller entered door in HH:MM format.
* FIRST$ Callers first name
GRAPHICS% Graphics mode status. -1=ON, 0=OFF
Determines if the caller is ANSI compatible
If your door requires the use of cursor
positioning and GRAPHICS% = 0 then you
should kick him back out of the door.
Use DETECT.ANSI to determine this.
* LAST$ Callers last name
LASTMSG$ Last message read
* LASTONDATE$ Date and time of last call
LEVEL& Callers security level
* LOCALUSR% -1 = LOCAL mode, 0 = Online
* LOGONTIMEDATE$ Time and date caller logged on to BBS
* LOGONHRS$ Time caller logged on in HH:MM format
MODE% 0 = Non-color, -1 = color is on. Default
is the BBS setting. You may force color
by setting this to -1.
* MNP$ "MNP/ARQ Connection" or "Normal Connection"
* NAME$ Callers full name
NUM.DL.TODAY% Files downloaded so far today
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 16
OWNER$ Name DoorFrame is registered to (if any).
PASSWORD$ Password of caller
PROGNAME$ Name of DOOR (Programmer supplied)
RESPONSE$ Returned after a CALL to IN.PUT
SERIAL$ Your DoorFrame serial #. String variable.
* SYSLOC$ Location of system file. This contains the
path/filename of line 1 in the .CFG file.
* SYSOP% 1 = SYSOP is using DOOR, 0 otherwise
* SYSOPFIRST$ Sysops first name
* SYSOPLAST$ Sysops last name
* SYSOPNAME$ Sysops first and last names
TIMEADJUST% Use to adjust the callers remaining time
online. This variable adjusts the ELAPSED
time so if you wish to decrease his time,
give this a positive value.
* TIMELEFT% Time caller has left in minutes. Doorframe
calculates this so changing it has no effect
* TIMENOW% Current time in minutes (0 - 1440)
* TIMEOFF$ Time caller exited from the door.
TIMEOUT% Programmer supplied. Defaults to 5 mins if
not specified. Has a minimum of one min.
No limit on maximum.
* TIMEUSED% Time used so far today in minutes
* USERNUM% Record number of caller
NOTES: Variables marked with '*' are provided for information only.
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 17
* BAUDCONN$ Connect rate of caller or "LOCAL"
* BBSDIR$ Spitfire's home directory
* BBSSYS$ Name of the BBS
* CITY$ Callers city and state
* COMPORT% COM port number (1 - 4).
DAILY.BYTES.ALLOWED# Maximum download BYTES per day
DISPLAY% Local display status. -1=ON, 0=OFF
DLPERDAY% Number of downloads allowed per day
DLTODAY% Number of downloads made today
DOWNLOADS% Number of downloads made
* ECC% Error corrected connect. 1=YES, 0=NO
EXENAME$ Name of .EXE (Programmer supplied)
EXTRATIME& Number of seconds gained since logon
* FIRST$ Callers first name
* FRONTEND$ "TRUE" or "FALSE" if booted from a
front end program.
GRAPHICS% Graphics mode status. -1=ON, 0=OFF
Determines if the caller is ANSI compatible
If your door requires the use of cursor
positioning and GRAPHICS% = 0 then you
should kick him back out of the door.
Use DETECT.ANSI to determine this.
* HPHONE$ Callers home phone number
* LAST$ Callers last name
LASTMCONF$ Last message conference
LASTFAREA$ Last file area
LEVEL& Callers security level
* LOCALUSR% -1 = LOCAL mode, 0 = Online
* LOGONHRS$ Time caller logged on in HH:MM format
* LOGONSECS& Number of seconds since midnight
when caller logged on to the BBS.
* MAXBAUD$ Maximum baud of the system
MODE% 0 = Non-color, -1 = color is on. Default
is the BBS setting. You may force color
by setting this to -1.
* NAME$ Callers full name
* NODENUM% Number of this Node.
* NODTELOCK$ "TRUE" or "FALSE" if configured for
software data flow control.
OWNER$ Name DoorFrame is registered to (if any).
PASSWORD$ Password of caller
PROGNAME$ Name of DOOR (Programmer supplied)
RESPONSE$ Returned after a CALL to IN.PUT
* SECONDS& Number of seconds since midnight
when caller entered the door.
SERIAL$ Your DoorFrame serial #. String variable.
* SYSLOC$ Location of system file. This contains the
path/filename of line 1 in the .CFG file.
* SYSOP% 1 = SYSOP is using DOOR, 0 otherwise
* SYSOPFIRST$ Sysops first name
* SYSOPLAST$ Sysops last name
* SYSOPNAME$ Sysops first and last names
NOTES: Variables marked with '*' are provided for information only.
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 18
TIMEADJUST% Use to adjust the callers remaining time
online. This variable adjusts the ELAPSED
time so if you wish to decrease his time,
give this a positive value.
* TIMEALWD% Minutes caller is allowed
* TIMELEFT% Time caller has left in minutes. Doorframe
calculates this so changing it has no effect
* TIMENOW% Current time in minutes (0 - 1440)
TIMEOUT% Programmer supplied. Defaults to 5 mins if
not specified. Has a minimum of one min.
No limit on maximum.
* TIMEUSED% Time used so far today in minutes
TOTAL.BYTES.TODAY# BYTES downloaded so far today
TOTAL.KB.DL# Total K bytes downloaded
TOTAL.KB.UL# Total K bytes uploaded
UPLOADS% Number of uploads made
* USERNUM% Record number of caller
NOTES: Variables marked with '*' are provided for information only.
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 19
AGE$ Caller's age
ALIAS$ Callers alias/handle
* BBSSYS$ Name of the BBS
* CALLSIGN$ HAM radio call sign
COLUMNS$ Caller's screen width
* COMPORT% COM port number (1 - 4).
COSYSOP% 1 if Caller is co-Sysop, 0 if not
* DATADIR$ System DATA directory
DISPLAY% Local display status. -1=ON, 0=OFF
DOWNLOADS% Number of downloads made
EXENAME$ Name of .EXE (Programmer supplied)
* FIRST$ Callers first name
* GFILESDIR$ System GFILES directory
GOLD$ Caller's gold (?)
GRAPHICS% Graphics mode status. -1=ON, 0=OFF
Determines if the caller is ANSI compatible
Use DETECT.ANSI to determine this.
* LAST$ Callers last name
* LASTON$ Date caller last logged on (MM/DD/YY)
LEVEL& Callers security level
* LOCALUSR% -1 = LOCAL mode, 0 = Online
* LOG$ System LOG of the day
* LOGONSECS& Number of seconds since midnight
when caller logged on to the BBS.
MODE% 0 = Non-color, -1 = color is on. Line 14
of CHAIN.TXT determines this setting.
* NAME$ Callers full name
* NODENUM% Defaults to 1 (not provided in CHAIN.TXT)
OWNER$ Name DoorFrame is registered to (if any).
PAGELEN% Callers page length
PARITY$ "8N1" etc.
PROGNAME$ Name of DOOR (Programmer supplied)
RESPONSE$ Returned after a CALL to IN.PUT
SERIAL$ Your DoorFrame serial #. String variable.
SEX$ Callers sex
* SYSLOC$ Location of system file. This contains the
path/filename of line 1 in the .CFG file.
* SYSOP% 1 = SYSOP is using DOOR, 0 otherwise
* SYSOPFIRST$ Sysops first name
* SYSOPLAST$ Sysops last name
* SYSOPNAME$ Sysops first and last names
TIMEADJUST% Use to adjust the callers remaining time
online. This variable adjusts the ELAPSED
time so if you wish to decrease his time,
give this a positive value.
* TIMELEFT% Time caller has left in minutes. Doorframe
calculates this so changing it has no effect
* TIMENOW% Current time in minutes (0 - 1440)
TIMEOUT% Programmer supplied. Defaults to 5 mins if
not specified. Minimum 1 min.
* TIMEUSED% Time used so far today in minutes
TOTAL.KB.DL# Total K bytes downloaded
TOTAL.KB.UL# Total K bytes uploaded
UPLOADS% Number of uploads made
* USERNUM% Record number of caller
NOTES: Variables marked with '*' are provided for information only.
DOORFRAME v1.0 - Users Guide - Page 20
DoorFrame requires DOS 3.x and up since all files are opened in SHARED mode.
When using PCBOARD.SYS, DoorFrame requires that PCBOARD.DAT be in the same
directory as PCBOARD.SYS. DoorFrame also accesses the USERS file.
When using USERS.SYS, DoorFrame also accesses PCBOARD.SYS, PCBOARD.DAT and the
USERS file.
The DOOR.SYS used by DoorFrame is the standard 52 line GAP (tm) file.
The CALLINFO.BBS used by DoorFrame currently contains 36 lines.
Trapping errors
If you wish to utilize the internal error trapping, insert the following
line wherever you wish the trapping to begin. I would suggest putting it
right after you call INITIALIZE.
Then at the very end of your program insert the following:
If ANY Basic error is encountered, it will branch to ERR.ROUTINE and call
the ERRORS subroutine. The error will be printed to the screen and written
to DFRAME.ERR. Your Door will then exit back to the BBS.