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Door Source - Version 4.0
Copyrighted 1989,1989,1990,1991
By Todd Miller
Support Boards:
PC-Technologies (Sysop Todd Miller) (919) 294-1770
Mail Support:
PO Box 77103
Greensboro, NC 27417-7103
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 2
Table of Contents
Disclaimer and Credits.............................................4
The deal on NO registration........................................6
Some Never Nevers..................................................7
Quick Start........................................................8
Loading Door Source.............................................8
First few lines.................................................8
Getting Started....................................................10
Command line options...............................................
Door Writing Techniques............................................16
Gathering data from the user....................................19
Making friendly menus...........................................20
Finishing your door................................................23
Getting more out of Door Source....................................25
The definable page sound........................................25
Two fancier input prompts.......................................26
Advanced Techniques................................................29
Extra status line...............................................29
Writing your own I/O routines...................................30
How a door works...................................................32
Converting from 3.2 or before......................................33
Summary of new features............................................34
Appendix A - CALL Syntax...........................................35
Appendix B - Optimizing your door..................................36
Appendix C - Common Questions......................................37
Appendix D - Variable Reference....................................38
Appendix E - Script Commands.......................................41
Appendix F - Command Reference.....................................53
ANSIMusic.......................................................56 BackSpace.......................................................57
WriteUsers......................................................104 Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 4
Disclaimer and Credits
This software (including instructions for its use) is provided "as is"
without warranty of any kine. Further, the author does not warrant,
guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use, or the results
of the use, of the software or written materials converning the software
in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliabilty, currentnes, or otherwise.
The entire risk as to the results and performance of the software is
assumed by you. If the software or written materials are defective, you,
and not the author, or the authors distributors or employees, assume
the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction.
Neither the author nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation,
production, or delivery of this software shall be liable for any direct,
indirect, consequential, or incidental damages (including damages for
loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business
information, and the like) arising out of the use of or inability of
to use such software. Distribution of the software is allowed as long
as it is in complete form as when you recieved it. Distribution of
the libraries without the documentation is not allowed.
Sorry for such a long disclaimer, but you have to cover that legal stuff.
QuickBasic (R) is a registered trade mark of Microsoft Corporation
PCBoard (R) is a registered trade mark of Clark Development Company (CDC)
MS-DOS (R) is a registered trade mark of Microsoft Corporation
Door Source is copyrighted Computer City, USA 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991
Troy Getty - For helping in the testing of 4.0 and suggesting a
badly needed routine, ShellToDOS.
Daniel Sharpe - For letting us put the RainbowSend command into Door
Premo Mondone - Who has given me suggestions for 3.0 and above
To all my competitors - Who give me inspiration to make this product
better than theirs. (And cheaper too!)
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 5
Welcome to Door Source! Door Source is a Quick Basic library,
intended for using with versions 4.0 and above. Door Source provides
you with a collection of routines to help you interface with a bulletin
board and the communications port to make a "door", or otherwise
referred to as a third party program, that adds onto the board.
Some people don't like having to read a large manual, and rather
jump right in with both feet and start off, if you would like to quickly
start, please read the following two sections after this introduction.
It is advised however, that you read Door Writing Techniques, and
Getting More out of Door Source too. If you have previously used
Door Source, you should refer to Converting from 3.2 or before and
also to the Summary of New Features. Door Source will also be
referred to as DS in this manual.
Door Source is provided to you free of charge, and you can
receive technical support at (919) 294-1770 (DATA 2400 max).
Door Source users will be given free access to the other nodes
after first calling the number above.
Files included
Here is a list of files that you should have:
DS40 .DOC - Door Source 4.0 documentation
DOORSORC.INT - Door Source 4.0 include file
DSGAME .INT - Door Source 4.0 include file
WINDDEMO.BAS - Window demo using the Window routine
MENUDEMO.BAS - Menu demo using the MenuManager routine
PRMTDEMO.BAS - Prompts demo using various input routines
BLCKDEMO.BAS - A demo using the UserBlock type declaration
ERRDEMO .BAS - A demo with the CarrierLossError variable
SAMPLE .BAS - A sample door program written with Door Source
MANUAL .FRM - A form to order a printed manual with disks
LOADQB .BAT - A batch file to make loading DS easier
DS00x .DS4 - These are special files with extra routines
DSINST .EXE - This will help you select the right object
files for the most compact DS library.
DSINST .DOC - Documentation on how to use the installer
COMPRESS.ZIP - A program to compress the HighScores data files
DOORINST.ZIP - A program to install your doors on other boards
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 6
The deal on NO registration
This may seem extremely odd, but Door Source is offered 100%
completely free. There are no registration fees, no more forms,
you don't ever have to send us a thing!
Why? Many years ago when Door Source was first started on,
I realized the need for a better product in the field of door
tool kits, and I decided that I would try to fill that gap, but
at no charge. All the other door kits (that I know of) ask for
some kind of registration, and I think this is truly one of the
first that requires none at all.
But I do like to know who is using Door Source, and a call to
PC-Technologies just to say thanks, or, better yet, to give a
suggestion for improvements, is always appreciated! If you have
a specific need for a routine or improvement to the Door Source
library, you can call and tell it to me, and you're guaranteed
that 90% of all improvements or suggestions are added within a
few releases!
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 7
Some Never Nevers
There are some things you never should do when using Door Source.
What you shouldn't do is listed below, and since most people won't
believe it unless they know why, we have included reasons, and
in some cases, alternate routines to use instead.
Never use CLS, VIEW PRINT, PRINT, LOCATE, or COLOR because
Door Source handles all screen output, and using these
will cause Door Source to lose some of its pointers on the
screen. Also, on systems using DesqView, it could cause lock ups.
Never use OPEN COM or ON COM, because Door Source doesn't use
Quick Basic's communication routines, and using these would
cause a confliction of interrupts between Door Source and
Quick Basic, that would lead to unpredictable results.
Never use SCREEN, because Door Source handles screen output,
it wouldn't be able to follow your change to a different
mode, and would cause serious problems.
Never use END or SYSTEM, because that would cause Door Source
to leave its interrupt handlers still in place and the
next program to run would probably crash.
Never use DEFINT, or any of DEF beside DEF FN, because
Door Source expects variables to be passed that are in
single precision format (the default of Quick Basic).
Never use PLAY or SOUND, because it will cause a sound
when the sysop using your door program may not want sound,
like in the middle of the night, use BeepSpeaker instead
of BEEP or SOUND, and AnsiMusic instead of PLAY.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 8
Quick Start
Installing and loading Door Source
After you have unzipped the Door Source file (assuming that you
have since you're reading this), you will only need to copy a few
files into your Quick Basic sub-directory. All you will need to
copy is DS40.QLB, DS40.LIB, and DOORSORC.INT. Now you are ready
to load up Quick Basic, which you can do by typing:
QB [your program name] /L DS40
You also can add on a /CMD[command$ string] that would place
what you put there into COMMAND$ inside Quick Basic. This would
be used to easily specify your configuration file for the door,
an example is this:
Putting a space in between the /CMD and TESTDOOR.CFG will
cause Door Source not to recognize your configuration file
The First Few Lines
Once inside the Quick Basic environment, ready to write a
new door program, the first line should always be:
This will tell Quick Basic to include this file into your
program. What this file contains is declarations for the
Door Source routines (to help eliminate errors), a COMMON SHARED
block, along with a few CONSTant declarations. At the end of the
file, it calls the InitDoor routine, which starts Door Source
rolling. The next line after that in your program should be:
PROGNAME$ = "My Door"
You should replace "My Door" with the name of your door. But
make sure that it is in quotations, or Quick Basic will give you
a Type mismatch error. The name placed in this string shouldn't
exceed 20 characters. The next line should be:
RELEASE$ = "1.0"
This is the release number (or version number) of your door
program. It should be less than 6 characters long, and can contain
letters and numbers (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), as well as punctuation.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 9
CALL ClrScrn
CALL ClrScrn should be the next line in your program. It will
clear the screen, and now you almost ready to go on about your
door, however, there is one last thing. In the DOORSORC.INT, when
it calls InitDoor, it will leave a file open for you (file number 1)
and this file is the configuration file. If you would like to
INPUT anything from it, do that here, and once you are done inputing
anything else that was added onto the configuration file, or if
you didn't input anything at all, you will need to add one last
line, which is:
Now you are ready to write your door. A few basic routines that
you should look up are Send (on page XX), Incomm (on page XX),
ClrScrn (on page XX), and NL (on page XX). I'm sure you are
sick of reading this manual by now, but these are the 4 most
basic commands. You should also read Testing Your Door before you
try to run the door for the first time, because there are a few
things to make sure that you have in your program, and on your
disk in order for it to work.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 10
Getting Started
Writing a simple program in Door Source
Before loading Quick Basic, make sure that you have set the
proper environment strings to direct Quick Basic to your Door
Source directory (if you have one).
You will also need to make a configuration file that you
can use to test a simple door with. The Door Source configuration
file format is a simple four line file. You can make it longer
if your door needs information from it (see Advanced Techniques).
An example configuration file might be called TESTDOOR.CFG and look
like this:
The first line is a drive/path/filename to the bbs interface file,
and the second line is the name of the bbs using the door. The third
line is the first name of the sysop and the fourth line is the last
name of the sysop.
Now, load up Quick Basic, with the /L (library) switch on it like
QB /L DS40
That will load up Quick Basic and the Door Source library. Two other
switches that you might use when loading Quick Basic are:
/RUN - This is put at the beginning of the line right after
QB and will make Quick Basic run the file specified.
/CMDMYCONFIG.CFG - The /CMD option always comes at the end, and what
comes DIRECTLY after the /CMD will be loaded into
the COMMAND$, this simulates what you would have
if someone loaded your program like this:
The MYCONFIG.CFG would be put in the COMMAND$, but
if you want to test doors inside Quick Basic, you
should use this option, or set the COMMAND$ from
the Run menu in Quick Basic.
Once Quick Basic is loaded, you should press ALT-R to get the
Run menu, and the select Modify COMMAND$ (If it isn't listed, then
go to the options menu and select Full Menus, then try again). Now
enter in the name of the configuration file that you made earlier
before loading (If you didn't make it, you can shell to dos from the
File menu and make it there). Put after the configuration filename,
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 11
the word LOCAL. LOCAL will tell Door Source to read the configuration
file, but not to use the BBS interface file. Door Source will prompt
you for a name, and if you want to use ANSI graphics. This way, you
don't have to worry about making a test PCBOARD.SYS, DORINFO1.DEF,
CALLINFO.BBS, or DOOR.SYS. If you didn't specify LOCAL, it would look
for the bbs interface file that you gave it.
Now type the following program into Quick Basic:
PROGNAME$="Hello World"
CALL ClrScrn
CALL Send("Hello World!",No,Yes,10)
CALL Incomm("How are you today, @FIRST@ ?",No,No,14)
CALL ExitDoor
Press the F5 key and the program will run. If you receive an
error, refer to Common Questions to find a solution. You should
see Door Source ask you for a name, and if you want ANSI graphics.
Then the screen will clear and it will say Hello World! in High
Intensity Green, and the beneath that it will show How are you today,
with your first name. Enter in anything you want and press enter.
It will then say Closing Door... and more. You'll also notice that
at the bottom of the screen is a status line, and it will be
discussed later in this section. Now let's find out how this
program works.
First, the INCLUDE file has a lot of DECLAREs in it and a
COMMON SHARED block, it also makes a CALL to the Door Source
routine InitDoor. Inside InitDoor, Door Source will read the
configuration file, process the bbs interface file (in this
case, it will ask you for your name and if you want ANSI
instead), and it will set up the communications port if it
is going to be used.
In the next two lines, you set up two variables. PROGNAME$
should be the name of your program. RELEASE$ should be the
version number of your program. Door Source will display these
on the status line. PROGNAME$ shouldn't be bigger than 20 characters
and RELEASE$ shouldn't be bigger than 5 characters. They both
can contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and punctuation.
Then you make a call to the Door Source routine ClrScrn, which
clears the screen (local and remote), and updates the status line.
At this point, if you had added onto the configuration file, you
would read it here, but since we didn't, we just close the file
that InitDoor left open for us.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 12
The first four lines of the program above should be the first
four lines in all of your doors, except you would replace what
PROGNAME$ and RELEASE$ with information for your door.
Send is a Door Source routine that outputs (local and remote)
a string, and can optionly beep the speaker, and send a enter when
done. The number is the color number, here's the format for calling
CALL Send("Hello World!", No, Yes, 10)
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | Color to use
| | Send enter when done?
| Beep the speaker when done?
What to output
Incomm is another routine that outputs first and then waits
for input back. There are many options that you can use with
Incomm, most which are in global variables, which are covered
in the reference for it. Here's the way to call Incomm:
CALL Incomm("How are you today, @FIRST@ ?", No, No, 14)
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | Color to use
| | Limit the length? If
| | so, max length.
| Send enter before input?
What to output first
You may have noticed how @FIRST@ wasn't displayed on the screen,
but your first name was instead. That's because that when Door Source
sees one of these, it knows to replace it with what you want instead.
There is a complete list of these in Appendix D.
The last call is to ExitDoor, which closes up Door Source files
and removes the Door Source interrupt handlers. If you use END
instead of ExitDoor, then the interrupt handlers will remain in
place, causing the next program to run to crash. ExitDoor will
also insure that the caller stays connected while he/she is transferred
back to the bbs.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 13
Door Source can support foreground and background colors. There
are three different ways that you can use and change colors too.
Here's a color chart:
# Name Hex Foreground Background
0 Black 0 Y Y
1 Blue 1 Y Y
2 Green 2 Y Y
3 Cyan 3 Y Y
4 Red 4 Y Y
5 Magenta 5 Y Y
6 Brown 6 Y Y
7 White 7 Y Y
8 Gray 8 Y N
9 HiBlue 9 Y N
10 HiGreen A Y N
11 HiCyan B Y N
12 HiRed C Y N
13 HiMagenta D Y N
14 Yellow E Y N
15 HiWhite F Y N
Way #1 to use color
CALL Send("Hello!",No,No,12)
CALL Send("Bye!",No,Yes,10)
This would output Hello! in high intensity red and on the same
line it would put Bye! in high intensity green.
Way #2 to use color
CALL Send("Hello!",No,Yes,HiRed)
CALL Send("Bye!",No,Yes,HiGreen)
This would output the same thing as above, the only difference
is that it is easier to read.
Way #3 to use color
CALL Send("Hello!@X0ABye!",No,Yes,12)
This would output the same as the first and second way, but
this one does it with one string. The whole key to this method
is the @X0A code in the middle. It tells Door Source to change
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 14
Color Code
Here's how to use the special color codes:
|||Foreground color
||Background color
|Second part of signal code
First part of signal code
You can also change the background color by setting the
variable BackGroundColor to a color number on the chart
above that is valid a background color (0-7).
Command Line Options
Door Source has numerous command line options in order to provide
flexibility with most computer systems. Here is a list:
LOCAL - Forces Door Source to run in local mode. This
is really meant for testing purposes, but it
still reads the configuration file, but doesn't
read the bbs interface file.
NETWORK - Forces file sharing to be active incase you
are using something other than SHARE to manage
file locking.
IRQ=n - Lets you change the IRQ used for the com port
specified in the bbs interface file.
(See below for more information)
ADDR=&Hnnnn - Lets you change the address used for the com
port specified in the bbs interface file.
(See below for more information)
PS2 - Forces the PS/2 IRQs and addresses if a PS/2
isn't detected (Normally it is, but you can't
always tell!)
RBBS - Forces Door Source into RBBS/QBBS mode
WILDCAT - Forces Door Source into Wildcat 2.0 mode
DOORSYS - Forces Door Source into 31-Line DOOR.SYS mode
PCB121 - Forces Door Source into PCBoard 11.8/12.x mode
with COM 1 active
PCB122 - Forces Door Source into PCBoard 11.8/12.x mode
with COM 2 active
PCB14 - (DEFAULT) Forces Door Source into PCBoard 14.x
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 15
When you use the IRQ or the ADDR option, you must include the other.
You can't use just the IRQ and not the ADDR, and you can't use just
the ADDR and not the IRQ. Here's a chart with the STANDARD IRQs
and addresses for the PS/2s and IBM PCs:
Non PS/2
Com port IRQ Address
1 4 &H3F8
2 3 &H2F8
3 4 &H3E8
4 3 &H2E8
5-8 4 &H3F8
Com port IRQ Address
1 4 &H3F8
2 3 &H2F8
3 3 &H3220
4 3 &H3228
5 3 &H4220
6 3 &H4228
7 3 &H5220
8 3 &H5228
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 16
Door Writing Techniques
When writing a door, you should keep three concepts in mind, they
1) Compatibility
2) Flexibility
3) Multi-node
A compatible door is a door that easily runs on several bbs types.
Door Source currently supports PCBoard 11.8+, PCBoard 14.x, WildCat,
RBBS/QBBS DORINFO1.DEF, and the 31-line version of DOOR.SYS. Modifying
specific detailed parts of the user's information makes the door
less portable, since not all systems have the same information as
A flexible door is one that allows the sysop to EASILY tell the
game where things are, and to set the options that they want.
Options like a tournament mode, turns per day, plays per day, etc,...
are good options to have. Letting the sysop define text from the
door is stretching this a little, but some sysops like this feature.
Of course it does mean a lot of work on your part too.
A multi-node door is often the hardest to write, but not if you
know how. Really it is very easy, easier than most think. You first
have to decide how multi-node you want your door to get. For example,
you might not won't to try to program something to let two players
on at the same time attack each other, so maybe you don't let on
go into the same sector as another that is currently on, or you
could go for the more complex way and do a one-on-one active battle
mode (which players would like). But the one thing all multi-node
doors must do is to share files correctly, and the way to do this
is to open files as SHARED, and to LOCK and UNLOCK individual records.
You will also want to keep in contact with other nodes playing
your door at the same time, and this can be done with a simple file
that would be organized by node. It would tell the other nodes if
it was running maintenance (so the others would play while it was), or
to tell the other nodes where someone is. In the Door Source Door
tool kit, it contains routines to maintain a file, and others to
help make your door more multinode. A multi-node door is always
praised by the sysops of a multi-node system.
Quick Basic problems
Quick Basic does have a few problems, and you will encounter them
if you are working on a large door project. You will probably
encounter a "Out of Stack Space" or a "Out of Data Space" error.
I've found that exiting to DOS and then coming back will usually
solve the problem. If not, then its time to do some work on your
program. If you know that you're door will be large, or if your
door gets larger than you expected, then here are a few tips on
how to get rid of these problems, or to prevent them:
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 17
1) Use variables, not constants. When you call a routine,
like Send, and pass it a constant, the space that the
constant used is not released for other programs to use.
Instead, it stays in memory until your program quits.
So call Send or other routines this way, by defining your
variable first.
CALL Send(Lin$, No, Yes, ColorToUse)
If you didn't set up the variables before hand, you
would have just used up 12 bytes of stack space that
wouldn't be made available for other things. (I didn't
miscount, a string has a 4 byte discriptor on it.)
2) Use MAKEDS so that your Door Source library will be
as small as possible, and so it won't take up extra
space with routines you don't need.
3) Use as few variables as possible. You should set aside
two or three variables for your loops, a few for input,
and a few for output, etc,... Just don't go around
putting in new variables, because it will eliminate
stack space.
4) If you are using your own COMMON SHARED block, eliminate
all unnecessary variables from it, and don't declare
a function or subroutine as STATIC unless necessary.
Large doors
When writing LARGE doors with Door Source, you should use
a multi-module program. To create a new module, you must select
the Create file option from the file menu (full menus only).
Here are some tips for writing large doors:
1) Make a COMMON SHARED block for each of your modules
that has commonly used variables.
2) Include the DOORSORC.INT at the beginning of each module
so that it can use the Door Source routines and variables.
3) Make as many things as possible a routine or a function,
and place those routines and functions into a module of
their own (You could even have several modules of routines).
4) Remember that you can't GOTO or GOSUB to a line number or a
label in another module.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 18
5) Anything that is done more than once is a good candidate for
routine or function, even if it just calculates a score
or shows lots of information.
6) When calling routines (Door Source or your own), pass
variables, not constants to them.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 19
Gathering Data from the User
When writing your door, you will want to keep a consistent, but
friendly and easy to use approach to receiving information back from
the user. Using the PromptIncomm or EntryIncomm is a good way to
gather a limited amount of data, PromptIncomm is most useful for
yes and no questions, and for amounts. EntryIncomm is good for
long replies (sentences, names, etc,...).
You can also vary Incomm in a number of ways, the Incomm routine
is the kernel for PromptIncomm and EntryIncomm. You can write your own
routine to first do your special prompt and then call Incomm. For
example, if you wanted to make a prompt that used RainbowSend so the
prompt is lots of different colors, you could do this:
SUB RainbowInput(Text$, LimitField)
CALL RainbowSend(Text$, No, No, 11)
CALL Incomm("", No, LimitField, Last.Clr.Used)
This would be output Text$ (the prompt) using RainbowSend first,
then use Incomm to receive the data. The variable, Last.Clr.Used, is
a Door Source variable that has the number of the last color used
stored in it.
If you have specific keys that you want the user to use and to
lock out the others, use the Table$ and Default.Table$ to limit
the input to certain keys, for example:
CALL Incomm("Do you want to quit (Y/N) ? ", No, 1, 14)
The above example first sets Table$ to equal YN, now Door Source
will only allow the user to input the letters Y and N (Lower case
will NOT work, you have to add in the lower case letters too!).
The last line sets Table$ back to the default (when Door Source
starts, Table$ is already at the default). This is very important
so that you don't accidentally keep limiting input when you don't
want to. Also, NEVER change Default.Table$, doing so will make it
only harder on you to undo the Table$ setting. You don't have to
worry about adding in characters like backspace or enter, because
Door Source assumes that you will want to let the user use those
keys. Table$ does not affect any output routines, only the Door
Source input routines (except CommInkey$ and CommKeyInkey$ functions)
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 20
Making friendly menus
Friendly menus (to you and the user) are menus that can be
aborted in the middle of display. To make a friendly menu in
Door Source, define a array and put your menu in it. This also
makes it easy for you to make a quick change to one or all of
your menus if you have all of the arrays in the same place.
An example of how to make a friendly menu would be:
CONST Main.Menu.Length = 5
DIM Main.Menu$(5)
Main.Menu$(1)="(1) Quit"
Main.Menu$(2)="(2) Quit"
Main.Menu$(3)="(3) Quit"
Main.Menu$(4)="(4) Quit"
Main.Menu$(5)="(5) Quit"
CALL BlockSend(Main.Menu$(), No, Main.Menu.Length)
If the user was to press the space bar, CTRL-X, or CTRL-K while
the menu was displaying, it would stop displaying and let your
program go on to receive the input.
Another form of the friendly menu (but doesn't allow aborting)
is using MenuManager to display your menu, and allows ANSI users to
use a scroll bar to scroll up and down and make their choice, and
allows non-ANSI users to enter their selection.
Presenting information in a compact format
Displaying ten, twenty character long lines, on ten separate lines
is a waste of space. Instead, you could compact the display to five
lines, or even less. Setting TabSpace in between calls to one of the
Send routines will let you make a nicely formatted display, for example:
CALL Send("Info #1:"+Info1$, No, No, 10)
TabSpace = 40
CALL Send("Info #2:"+Info2$, No, Yes, 10)
CALL Send("Info #3:"+Info3$, No, No, 10)
TabSpace = 40
CALL Send("Info #4:"+Info4$, No, Yes, 10)
Would look like:
Info #1: Something Info #2: Something else
Info #3: Anything Info #4: Anything else!
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 21
If you want to display information from an array in a compact
format, you could do this:
Stack = 0
FOR X = 1 TO 10
IF Stack = 0 THEN
CALL Send("Info :"+Info$(X), No, No, 10)
TabSpace = 40
Stack = 1
CALL Send("Info :"+Info$(X), No, Yes, 10)
Stack = 0
IF TabSpace = 40 THEN TabSpace = 0
In the above example, the variable Stack changes from 0 to 1 and
back again to keep track of whether or not it's time to tab over to
column 40 or to end the line. The IF after the NEXT X makes sure that
you aren't set at column 40 for your next output when you don't want
to be.
You could also put in another IF block inside the FOR loop to let
you decide whether or not you have any information to display or not.
You could also modify all the above examples so that you could have
three columns and not just two.
The Configuration File
You can make the configuration file for your door program larger
than what Door Source requires it to be, and you can read in the
information yourself too. Door Source automatically reads in the
first four lines of the configuration file and sets everything up
for you to read the rest. Reading more from the configuration file
is simple:
ProgName$="Configuration Reader"
LINE INPUT #1, ExtraInfo$
LINE INPUT #1, ExtraNumber
CALL ClrScrn
Even though there is no open statement, Door Source opened the
file and read the information from it already (It did this from in
the DOORSORC.INT). Remember to close the file after use, even if you
don't use it at all. The only limit to how long your configuration
file can be is the disk space and the amount of memory you can
use to store the information. The configuration file can not be
in a random access format, only sequential.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 22
Testing your Door
The easiest way to test your door is to run it from inside the
Quick Basic environment. You first have to have three things done
so that you can, and they are:
1) Have a sample configuration file in the Quick Basic
2) Load Quick Basic with the /L option and DS40 after it
For example:
3) Load Quick Basic with the /CMD option and your configuration
file's name after it with the word LOCAL.
(See above example)
If you forgot to load with the /CMD option, you can set it from
inside Quick Basic from the Run menu (Modify COMMAND$).
Now all you have to do is press F5 to run your program. If you
have any problems, refer to Appendix C - Common Questions.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 23
Finishing your Door
To eliminate all possible problems, you should first thoroughly test
you door in two manners, logically, and unlogically. When you are
logically testing it, you should use your door the way you designed
it to be used, noting the little problems as you go. Then when you
unlogically test it, you try testing your program in a way completely
opposite of how you designed it. This method is a through method to
debug your program. You will find most of the errors through this
method, but then there are always situations that even you didn't
think of in either of these manners.
To finish a door you will need to compile to door into a EXE format.
This way you can use the door without having to load QuickBasic to run
your doors. Since Door Source doesn't use Quick Basic's communications
routines, you CAN compile your door to be a stand-alone program, that
doesn't need BRUN45.EXE. If you prefer to not make it a stand-alone,
you do not have to use a patched version of BRUN45.EXE like other
door packages require.
In order to compile your program, you must go to the Run menu and
select Make EXE. It will compile your program in memory and then
a window will pop up asking what you want the final file name of the
program to be, and other options. Do not select the produce debug
code option, it will only make your program larger and slower, and
allow people to break it in the middle by pressing CTRL-Break. After
you have everything like you want it, select one of the button on the
bottom of the window to start the process.
Of course, you'll need to provide some documentation for your
door, and good documentation should have some of these sections listed
Table of contents
Overview/Summary of the door
List of files in archive
Configuration file setup
Command line options
Batch file setup
Customization instructions
List of function/ALT keys
Possible errors/Troubleshooting
A good disclaimer is always something that is hard to come by, here
is a disclaimer that pretty much covers you:
This program and other files associated with it are not
guaranteed to be bug free or virus free. We are not
responsible for any damages of any kind, including
profit loses and data loss, that relate directly or
indirectly to these programs and files. You may
distribute this program, as long as it is in unmodified
form with all the files originally included.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 24
You may wish to add/change/delete something from this one, but it
is a pretty good one. A overview or summary of the door would be a
simple explanation of exactly what your door does, no specifics
really. The configuration file section should show a sample
configuration file, and give a sentence or two on each line in the
file. The command line options should show the user how to
configure the door to run with his system. Refer to the chapter
on command line options to put into your documentation.
The batch file setup should show a few example batch files, and
telling you if you need to add it in your daily event, etc,...
The customization section should tell the sysop that uses your door
how to better customize it to what he needs. Some examples might be
aliases allowed/not allowed, location of files, prompts, etc,...
The list of function keys is basically this:
F3 - Printer toggle
F4 - Page bell toggle
F5 - Shell to DOS
F7 - Caller alarm toggle
F8 - Return caller to board
F10 - Start sysop chat
ESC - Enter sysop chat
ALT-X - Drop to DOS after caller logs off
ALT-N - Sysop next on flag
Troubleshooting should list a few possible errors that might
occur, and how to solve them. Like if error number 53 (File not found)
occurs, then search your configuration file for a misspelled filename
or a wrong path. If error 61 (Disk full) occurs, free up disk space.
Some errors can't be solved, and you could list those and have them
call a bulletin board for more help.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 25
Getting more out of Door Source
This section and the following section, Advanced Techniques, are
very closely related. With Door Source 4.0, it is basically possible
for you to write your own input and output routines using out base
routines to do the dirty work. The difference in between this section
and the next is simply that this tells you how to take advantage of
some of the new variables and features, and the next section tells
you more on programming more advanced things with Door Source.
The definable page sound
You can easily change the sound of the SysopPage routine by
setting 3 variables - PageSound.1, PageSound.2, and PageSound.3
The sound generated is in the order of PageSound.1, then PageSound.2,
and then the final sound is PageSound.3. The numbers you put in
PageSound should be in the acceptable range of the SOUND command,
which is somewhere around 45-32767. A page sound of 200, 400, 600
would make a sound that starts out low, then the next sound is
about double the pitch of the first, and the third is double the
pitch of the second. Its possible to create a variety of different
sounds with this, try experimenting with the SOUND command first to
find what you like the best. The duration of the sounds is set, and
can't be changed.
CALL SysopPage(Answered)
Filtering your input
Sometimes, you may want to limit the input to a question to a
few letters, or selectively not recognize certain characters. To
do so, you should set the Table$ variable. An example would be:
Table$ = "YNyn"
CALL Incomm("You can only type Y and N:",No,1,15)
' Anything else besides Y,N,y,n that the user types is
' not displayed or recognized. Backspace and enter CAN NOT
' be filtered out.
Table$ = Default.Table$
' This is necessary to reset the filter back to normal,
' if you didn't do this then you'll have problems with
' later Incomm commands still being restricted with the
' filtering.
You can only type Y and N:Y Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 26
Protecting input from prying eyes
When a password or something secret needs to be concealed, you
can now set a "substitution character" that will be displayed in
place of what the user really types. You can make the character
anything you wish, but making it a null turns it off.
Protected.Input$="*" ' Now shows a * in place of text
CALL Incomm("Password:", No, No, 15)
Protected.Input$="" ' Turns it off - Back to normal display
Two fancier input prompts
EntryIncomm prints out a field of (----) above the area where
the user's input will be displayed. The size of the field is based
on how big you make the field. Good for ANSI and NON-ANSI!
CALL EntryIncomm("Your new name:", 25, LightGreen, Yellow)
' ^ Field size
Your new name:Zantigahicatal
PromptIncomm is most useful in ANSI cases, but will handle
non-ansi well too, but the purpose of the routine is defeated
then. What it does is create a field similar to the EntryIncomm
but the field is on the same line as the input. The second text
field is the "default field" tells the user what it defaults to
if they press enter, but its up to you to interpret them pressing
enter. You can pass a string as the second parameter, and it
will use that instead of one of the already programmed constants.
The constants are:
Default1 = (Enter=no)
Default2 = (Enter=none)
Default3 = (Enter=quits)
CALL PromptIncomm("Do you wish to quit",Default1,
LightGreen, 1, Yellow)
' ^ Field size
Do you wish to quit (Enter=no) ? (N) Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 27
Unabortable ViewFiles
Do you want to force the user to see out an entire file? Its easy
to block the abort codes by setting the variable No.Abort to YES,
then when the user tries to abort, it won't let him. However, if
more prompts are still offered, answering NO to it will stop the
No.Abort = YES
CALL ViewFile("MYFILE.ANS", No, No, No)
No.Abort = NO ' Reset it back to normal
Disabling carrier checking
How would you like to turn off carrier checking for a
call back verification program of some sort, or something
along those lines? Try setting Carrier.Check to YES, and
Door Source will *IGNORE* the carrier detect flag. If the
user drops carrier, you'll have to handle and detect yourself!
Carrier.Check = No ' Disables carrier checking
Carrier.Check = Yes ' (Default) enables carrier checking
Checking the baud and the carrier, setting DTR, CTS, and RTS
Checking the baud rate
The variable Baud& has the baud rate stored in it. Here's
what the number in it means:
1 - Local mode
300 - 300 baud
1200 - 1200 baud
2400 - 2400 baud
4800 - 4800 baud
9600 - 9600 baud
19200 - 19,200 baud
38400 - 38,400 baud
115200 - 115,200 baud
Checking the carrier
The routine CheckCarrier will tell you if a carrier is
CALL CheckCarrier(CarrierFlag)
IF CarrierFlag = NO AND Baud& > 1 THEN
CALL ExitDoor ' Carrier lost!
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 28
Setting the DTR, CTS, and RTS
The DTR (Data Terminal Ready) when on normally means that
you are on-line, and have a connection. However, on most
modems, turning it off while it is on will break the
CALL ChangeDTR(YES) ' Turn DTR on
CALL ChangeDTR(NO) ' Turn DTR off
CTS Control On/Off
CTS (Clear To Send) is used to signal the other modem that
it is ok to send characters. Modems that don't preform
error checking or UARTS that don't have buffers may require
CTS flow-control to be on during high-speed file transfers.
CALL ChangeCTS(YES) ' Turn CTS control on
CALL ChangeCTS(NO) ' Turn CTS control off
RTS (Request To Send) is used by most auto-dial modems to
see if a computer is ready to receive data from the modem.
If the RTS signal isn't detected, some modems may refuse
to accept modem commands or send result codes.
CALL ChangeRTS(YES) ' Turn RTS on
CALL ChangeRTS(NO) ' Turn RTS off
Automatic more prompts
If you're displaying lots of information, like programmed in
documentation, and you don't want to keep track of when you
need to show a more prompt or a press any key prompt, just
simply set the AutoMore variable to one of the settings:
0 Disables the prompts (default)
MorePrompt (Or the value 1) Causes automatic more prompts
PressKeyPromp (Or the value 2) Causes automatic press any key
AutoMore = MorePrompt
The variable Lines.Since will tell you how many lines have been
sent SINCE the last ClrScrn WITH one of the Send routines or
Incomm routines. The automatic prompts are by default not
enabled, and when enabled, they occur every 23 lines.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 29
Advanced Techniques
Door Source has several new features that are more program
related, that are just a little bit to hard to put in the previous
section, Getting more out of Door Source.
The extra line status line
Normally, Door Source has lines 24 and 25 in use with its status
line, but if you have some information of you're own that you'd
like to put on it, now you can by using the GameInfoUpdate
routine with the variable GameInfoCol.
The only major change you have to make to your program is to use
the DSGAME.INT file instead of the DOORSORC.INT file, and you'll
need to write a routine to do the status line updating.
First of all, the Door Source status line is moved up to lines
23 and 24, and we leave 25 for your use. You call the
GameInfoUpdate routine like you would call print, for example:
. (Later in the program) Background
. \/
CALL GameInfoUpdate("This is on the 25th line!", No, 14, 7)
^ Text ^ ^
| Foreground
The background is the last number, and the color you specify is
the foreground color. The enter parameter is like the ; on a
print command, telling it no keeps the current position at that
spot, but yes will start at column 1 when you do the next
But what if you want to position the cursor somewhere on the
line without printing to that location? Or what if you want
to know where the cursor is? You can tell both of these by
looking at the GameInfoCol variable. For example:
A = GameInfoCol ' A now contains the horizontal position
' of the cursor on line 25.
GameInfoCol = 30 ' With the next GameInfoUpdate call, it
' will start printing at column 30.
Now the only thing missing is your interfacing this into your
program. The easiest way to do this is to write a new ClrScrn
routine, that you call in place of ClrScrn, this is necessary
because ClrScrn doesn't update your line when called, so you'll
have to do it. Here's an example of a new ClrScrn:
SUB ClearTheScreen
CALL ClrScrn
CALL GameInfoUpdate("This is on the 25th line!",No,14,7)
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 30
Writing your own output routines
With Door Source, you can virtually write your own output
routines for use with your program. The kernel for all of our
output routines is the Send1Line routine. It will send one
line out to the local and remote display, and will decode the
substitution codes too! All that's left for you to do is to
write your own routine that calls this routine. For example,
say you wanted to write a routine that would colorize all of the
letters that are the capital A, then you might do this:
SUB ColorizeTheA(Text$,AColor$,RegularColor$)
FOR X=1 TO LEN(Text$)
IF MID$(Text$,X,1)="A" THEN
CALL Send1Line(AColor$+MID$(Text$,X,1))
CALL Send1Line(RegularColor$+MID$(Text$,X,1))
The variables AColor$ and RegularColor$ would store the @X color
codes for the colors for A's and other letters.
Writing your own input routines
You can write your own input routines too with Door Source.
The main kernel for the input routine is CommInkey$, and a few
other routines supplement the features offered in Incomm. An
example input routine that is very simple might be:
SUB GetInput
You should also be aware that all filters, and special variables
that affect input with Incomm do NOT work with CommInkey$, you
have to program in support for them yourself if you want them.
The GetInput routine above would wait for a key to be pressed
on the local or remote keyboard. Now say that you want to echo
the character to the screen and to the remote screen, you'd do
SUB GetInput
CALL Send1Line(A$) ' Echos the character
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 31
Now maybe you want to trap the function keys, you could do this:
SUB GetInput
CALL ExtendedCode(A$,NULL) ' Process the function key
CALL Send1Line(A$) ' Echos the character
The NULL variable on the ExtendedCode is used only by Incomm,
and you shouldn't pass anything to it in place of it, and its
not used to return anything to your program. Now the GetInput
routine we have above is pretty good. It will accept input
from the keyboard and from remote, check for a extended code
and process it, otherwise it will echo the character.
You can also write your own chat routine, but use our code
by calling Incomm with the second parameter as a 5. This
will print the "Sysop started chat at" and the "Hello, this is"
lines, and then will handle the input and color for you, then
once the sysop presses ESC to end the chat, it will print the
"Sysop ended chat at" and return control to you. So basically, by
passing a 5 as the second parameter forces a chat.
CALL Incomm("",5,No,15) ' Forces a chat
Carrier loss processing
Sometimes in more complex doors, its necessary to process
a carrier drop yourself in order to save and wrap up files.
You could turn carrier checking off, but its best if you use
the CarrierLossError method. What you do is set CarrierLossError
to YES and when carrier is dropped, a error number 255 will be
forced, and if you have a ON ERROR trapping processing in your
program, you will be able to catch it, and then let Door Source
finish off the rest. For an example, please refer to the example
program ERRDEMO.BAS.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 32
How a door works
Understanding how a door works is good to know so that you can
better plan your door. Here's a simple diagram on what happens:
BBS Creates the interface file and exits
Door's batch file is run
|--> Door loads and reads in the interface file
| \|/
Door Source | The door opens the communications port if needed
handles this | \|/
with your | User interacts with the door
program | \|/
|--> Door eventually exits, updating the interface file
BBS reloads and reads in the interface file
User continues using the bbs
The DOORSORC.INT file sets up the necessary DECLAREs for the routines
and the functions, it then sets up the COMMON SHARED block which lets
you share variables with Door Source, like Baud&. Then it sets up
a few constants, and then calls InitDoor, then the Door Source library
takes over, and reads the configuration file, initialize its variables
and then opens the com port for access. Then control is returned to
you and your program picks up from their setting the program's name
and version, etc,... While you're doing other processing, Door Source
is ALWAYS looking at the com port, keeping received data in its
buffer until you're ready for it. Door Source monitors everything
for you, from carrier detection to characters being sent to
characters being received, all behind the scenes.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 33
Converting from Door Source 3.2 or before to 4.0
There are a few changes in how you call routines from 3.2 and
before. Here's the list and how to change your program to fit 4.0
without major restructuring. The easiest way to change things is
using the QuickBasic search and replace feature from the edit menu.
* Routine AllTrun is now a function, you use it like this:
A$ = AllTrun$(A$)
* Routine HighScores has a extra parameter. The new third parameter
lets you output its output to a already open file by passing the
file number, but if you pass a 0, it outputs to the screen.
CALL HighScores(Score, ScoreDataFile$, OutputFileNumber)
* Routine Windows has a few parameters changes, the text foreground
and text background have been deleted since WindowPrint and
WindowInput do all window processing. Windows in your program
will need to be re-written because of this.
CALL Windows(ULR, ULC, LRR, LRC, Foreground, Background,
Border, Shadow)
* Routine Windows has two new borders, they are:
3 - Double horizontal Single vertical
4 - Single horizontal Double vertical
* Routine DayOfWeek moved into ScriptCMD.
* Routine MenuManager parameters have been changed, the Select$
parameter has been deleted, since now ANSI.Select$ and
NonANSI.Select$ (COMMON SHARED variables) are now used for the
select string. BarForeground and BarBack have been added, they
have the foreground and background color for the selection bar.
CALL MenuManager(Menu$(),Center,TextColor,NumberOfSelections,
BarForeground, BarBackground, BarnumberSelected)
* Routine SysopPage now has an extra parameter, this extra one is
used to return a variable in, not to pass one. It returns a 1 (YES)
if the page was answered.
CALL SysopPage(Answered)
* Routine ErrorLevelSet has been removed because of environment
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 34
Summary of new features
LOCAL command line switch added
NETWORK command line switch added
Up.Key$ and Down.Key$ variables added
SysopPage changed
PageSound.1, PageSound.2, and PageSound.3 added
Page.String$ added
F5 (Shell to DOS) added
F3 (Printer toggle) added
GameInfoUpdate routine added
GameInfoCol added
Table$ and Default.Table$ added
PromptIncomm routine added
No.Abort added
MenuManager changed
Parser changed
WindowPrint and WindowInput routines added
ExtendedCode routine added
Protected.Input$ added
BlockSend routine added
RainbowSend routine added
Windows routine changed
DayOfWeek routine moved into ScriptCMD
RandNum function fixed
EntryIncomm added
AllTrun routine changed into a function
CheckCarrier routine added
Baud& variable added
CarrierLossError added
Carrier.Check added
ChangeDTR, ChangeCTS, and ChangeRTS added
IRQ command line parameter added
ADDR command line parameter added
PS2 command line parameter added
HighScores changed
ALL ROUTINES optimized to run faster, and to be more compact
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 35
Appendix A - CALL Syntax
CALL QSend(Text$, Enter)
CALL BackSpace(Text$)
CALL ExtendedCode(Text$,NULL)
CALL BeepSpeaker()
CALL NL(Number.Of.Lines)
CALL Send(Text$, Bell, Enter, Color.To.Use)
CALL Incomm(Text$, Enter, Limit.Field, Color.To.Use)
CALL ANSIMusic(Music$, Music)
CALL GameInfoUpdate(Text$, Enter, Color.To.Use, Color.Background)
CALL BackSpaceOver()
CALL Center(Text$)
CALL ClrScrn
CALL ColorEasy(Text$, Color.To.Use, Enter)
CALL DoorBusy()
CALL ErrorLevelSet(Error.Level)
CALL ExitDoor()
CALL GetTime(Hours, Minutes, Seconds, SinceMid#)
CALL HighScores(Score, Score.FileName$, OutputFileNumber)
CALL MenuManager(Menu$(), Center, TextColor, Number.Of.Bars,
Select.Color, BarForeground, BarBackground, BarSelected)
CALL MoveCursor(X,Y)
CALL Parser(SearchFor$, SearchIn$, Array$(), ErrCode)
CALL ReadUsers(ErrCode)
CALL ScriptCMD()
CALL Sorter(Array$(), How.Many.Elements)
CALL SysopPage(Answered)
CALL TimeConvert(Hours, Minutes, New.Time$)
CALL ViewFile(FileName$, Check.For.GFile, MorePrompts, EnterPrompt)
CALL WaitASec(How.Many.Seconds.To.Wait)
CALL Windows(ULR, ULC, LRR, LRC, Fore, Back, Border, Shadow)
CALL WriteUsers(ErrCode)
CALL BlockSend(Array$(), Center, Lines.To.Send)
CALL WindowPrint(Text$, Row, Col, Fore, Back)
CALL WindowInput(Text$, MaxLength, Row, Col, Fore, Back)
CALL RainbowSend(Text$, Bell, Enter, Color.To.Use)
CALL PromptIncomm(Text$, Default$, DefaultColor, LimitField,
CALL EntryIncomm(Text$, LimitField, FieldColor, Color.To.Use)
CALL ShellToDos(Shell.String$)
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 36
Appendix B - Optimizing your door
The best way to optimize a door program can be divided into two
1) The first part is cleaning up your code. This would mean
elimination of most or all GOTOs and GOSUBs, elimination
of as many constants as possible, and elimination of
repetition in your code.
2) The second part is compiling from the command line.
QuickBasic compiles with some unneeded options when you
select the Make EXE command from the Run menu. You might
need the error trapping flag (/X) if you have a ON ERROR
statement in your program, and you might need the switch
for dynamic arrays (/AH) if you're using them. Here's a
sample compilation for a NON-STANDALONE program:
For a STANDALONE program, use this:
These parameters will compile the to the most compact
format. You can also use PKLITE to compress it more.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 37
Appendix C - Common Questions
Q: How do I read in additional information from the configuration
A: To read in more information, simply INPUT from file #1 after you
call ClrScrn for the first time. Make sure to close it when you're
done. Here's an example:
CALL ClrScrn
INPUT #1, ExtraInfo
Door Source doesn't read past the fourth line of the configuration
file, so you can put whatever you please there.
Q: How do I test a door from inside QuickBasic?
A: You must have first loaded QuickBasic with the /L option specifying
the Door Source library. For example:
Then you will need to setup the command line parameters by setting
the COMMAND$, you do this from the Run menu from Modify COMMAND$.
Now, as long as your configuration file, bbs interface file, and
all other files you need exist, you can press F5 and test your door
from QuickBasic.
Q: Should I compile as a stand-alone door?
A: It's up to you. A stand-alone door will not need the BRUN45.EXE,
but it will make your door significantly larger, and compiling
not as a stand-alone will save space. Door Source will work fine
either way.
Q: What does the error "Error opening port -1" mean?
A: It means that you have specified a invalid serial port, and you
should check your bbs interface file or your bbs's setup.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 38
Appendix D - Variable Reference
The first part of this reference is of the global variables, the
second is of the global UserBlock type declaration.
Variable Name Purpose
------------- ------------------------------------------------------
ARG$ Input from user, returned by Incomm routine
SYSDPATH$ Drive/Path/Filename of bbs interface file
BBSName$ Name of BBS running on
SysopNM$ Sysop FULL name
CALLNAME$ Caller's FULL name
Baud& Baud rate of caller
PROGNAME$ Name of your door
RELEASE$ Version of your door
ANSI Ansi Flag (1 = On 0 = Off)
I1$,I2$,I3$ Input variables to script commands
O1$,O2$,O3$ Output variables from script commands
User.Color Color that user input will be display in
BackGroundColor Color to use for background when displaying
Exit.Dor.1$ First line of ExitDoor message
Exit.Dor.2$ Second line of ExitDoor message
Exit.Dor.Clr1 Color of first line
Exit.Dor.Clr2 Color of second line
UserF$ First name of caller
UserL$ Last name of caller
Caps Convert all input to caps (1 = Yes 0 = No)
Page.Bell Page bell toggle (-1 = On 0 = Off)
Caller.Alarm Caller alarm (-1 = On 0 = Off)
Sysop.Next Sysop next on toggle (-1 = On 0 = Off)
Hang.Up Exit to DOS after log off toggle (-1 = On 0 = Off)
User.Record Record number of user
Network Network active (1 = Yes 0 = No)
Display.Toggle Display on/off toggle (ignored by DS -1 = On 0 = Off)
Printer.Toggle Printer on/off (-1 = On 0 = Off)
BusyFlag A signal to ExitDoor that DoorBusy routine is in use
UserFile$ Drive/Path/Filename of USERS file (PCBoard ONLY!)
Up.Key$ Key to be used for scrolling up in MenuManager
Down.Key$ Key to be used for scrolling down in MenuManager
Parity Parity of user calling (7 or 8 data bits)
Filter Incomm filtering active (filters all high ascii out)
BusyFile$ Drive/Path/Filename of busy file for DoorBusy routine
SysFirst$ Sysop's first name
SysLast$ Sysop's last name
CommPort Communacations port being used (1-8)
Last.Clr.Used Last color used in a call to Send
EchoKey STOPS echoing keys to remote user (1 = Yes 0 = No)
No.Enter.Send Incomm doesn't send enter when done (1 = Yes 0 = No)
File.Missing$ String ViewFile$ displays when file is not found
BBSType$ Type of BBS in use (PCB14, PCB121, PCB122, WILDCAT,
RBBS, or DOORSYS) Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 39
Node Node caller is on
TabSpace Send will tab to this column before sending
InverseText Reverses the text colors (Foreground/Background switch)
Sysop Sysop is on (1 = Yes 0 = No)
BlinkText Send will make text blink
Not.Around$ String to show when Sysop doesn't answer page
PARAM$ Extra command-line parameters that DS didn't use
Page.String$ String to display while paging
PageSound.1 First tone of page
PageSound.2 Second tone of page
PageSound.3 Third tone of page
GameInfoCol Column to start printing on game status line
Default.Table$ Table containing a unaltered filter
Table$ Specific filtering of characters for Incomm
KeyBoardTimeOut Number of SECONDS for a keyboard time out
Protected.Input$ Incomm displays this instead of what user types
ANSI.Select$ Menu Manager's ANSI selection string
NonAnsi.Select$ Menu Manager's NON-ANSI selection string
Carrier.Check Disables carrier checking (1 = Yes 0 = No)
CarrierLossError Causes ExitDoor to generate a error 255 if carrier
is dropped.
No.Abort Disables CTRL-X, CTRL-K keys from aborting screens
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
AutoMore Automatically prints more prompts/press any key prompts
Lines.Since Number of lines printed since last more/press prompt
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Programmer's Manual - Page 40
This is the reference for the UserBlock global variable
Variable Type P W R D Description
------------------- ----------- - - - - -------------------------
CityState AS STRING * 24 Y Y Y Y City and state of user
Password AS STRING * 12 Y Y Y User's Password
BusinessPhone AS STRING * 13 Y Y User's Business/Data phone
VoicePhone AS STRING * 13 Y Y Y User's Voice/Home phone
LastDateOn AS STRING * 20 Y Y Y Last date user was on
LastTimeOn AS STRING * 5 Y Last time user was on
ExpertMode AS STRING * 1 Y Y Y Expert mode "Y" or "N"
ProtocolType AS STRING * 5 Y Y Y Protocol selected
LastDirListing AS STRING * 10 Y Y Last date viewed dir
SecurityLevel AS INTEGER Y Y Y Y Security Level for user
TimesOn AS INTEGER Y Y Y Number of times on before
PageLength AS INTEGER Y Y Page length for user
TotalUploads AS INTEGER Y Y Y Total # of uploads made
TotalDownloads AS INTEGER Y Y Y Total # of downloads made
DailyDownloadBytes AS DOUBLE Y # of download bytes left
UserComment AS STRING * 30 Y User Comment field
SysopComment AS STRING * 30 Y Sysop Comment field
ElapsedTime AS INTEGER Y Y Elapsed Time on system 1
Subscription AS STRING * 20 Y
SubscriptionExpire AS STRING * 20 Y
AreaRegistration AS STRING * 50 Y Y Y Areas user has access to
AreaExpire AS STRING * 50 Y
AreasToScan AS STRING * 50 Y
TotalDownloadBytes AS DOUBLE Y Y Y Total bytes downloaded
TotalUploadBytes AS DOUBLE Y Total bytes uploaded
DeleteFlag AS STRING * 1 Y Flag to delete user
TimeEnteredDoor AS STRING * 5 Y Y Y Y Time user entered door
AreaFrom AS INTEGER Y Y Area user exited from
MemorizedMessage AS LONG Y Memorized message #
TimeCalled AS STRING * 5 Y Y Time user called bbs
DailyDownloadTotal AS INTEGER Y Total downloads TODAY
MaxDownloadLimit AS DOUBLE Y Max downloads TODAY
LastRead AS INTEGER Y Message last read
MaxDownloadKLimit AS DOUBLE Y Y Y Max d/l K TODAY
ExpirationDate AS STRING * 10 Y
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 41
Appendix E - Script Commands Reference
Script commands are several small routines packed all into one.
In order to access them, you set the according variables, and
then make a call to ScriptCMD routine. For example, if you
wanted to display a Press [ANY KEY] to continue prompt, you
could do this:
I1$ = "PRES"
Variables I1$, I2$, and I3$ are all INPUT variables that store
information for the routine to use. O1$, O2$, and O3$ are all OUTPUT
variables that return information from the routine to you.
I1$ is always the name of the routine you're calling inside of
ScriptCMD. You only have to specify the first 4 letters of the
word unless stated in the documentation.
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Programmer's Manual - Page 42
Purpose: To trim all leading spaces
Name in ScriptCMD: LTRIM
Remarks: This routine is a simple truncation routine to remove
all leading spaces from a string.
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - The string to be truncated
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - The truncated string
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 43
Purpose: To trim all trailing spaces
Name in ScriptCMD: RTRIM
Remarks: This routine is a simple routine to truncate all trailing
spaces from a string.
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - The string to be truncated
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - The truncated string
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Programmer's Manual - Page 44
Upper Case
Purpose: To convert a string to all upper case
Name in ScriptCMD: UPPER
Remarks: This routine will convert a string into all upper case
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - The string to be converted
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - The converted string
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Programmer's Manual - Page 45
Lower case
Purpose: To convert a string to all lower case
Name in ScriptCMD: LOWER
Remarks: This routine will convert a string into all lower case
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - The string to be converted
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - The converted string
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Programmer's Manual - Page 46
More Prompt
Purpose: To display a more prompt
Name in ScriptCMD: MORE
Remarks: This will display a more prompt and allow the user to
select Yes to continue, No to abort, and C to go non-stop. It
will return a Y (for yes), a N (for no), or a C (for non-stop)
in O1$
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - Contains a Y, N, or C
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 47
Press Any Key
Purpose: To display a Press [ANY KEY] to continue prompt
Name inside ScriptCMD: PRESS
Remarks: This will display a Press [ANY KEY] to continue prompt and
then wait for the key to be pressed:
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned: None
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 48
Purpose: To check if a file exists
Name inside ScriptCMD: EXIST
Remarks: This will check for the existence of the file specified.
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - Drive/Path/Location of file to check for
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - If the file exists
(Y = Yes N = No)
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Programmer's Manual - Page 49
Name conversion
Purpose: To convert a name into proper upper and lower case
Name inside ScriptCMD: NAMECASE
Remarks: This will take a name like "DR. JOHN DOE" and properly
convert it into "Dr John Doe"
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - The name to be converted
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - The converted name
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Programmer's Manual - Page 50
Coding and Decoding
Purpose: To code and decode a string
Name inside ScriptCMD: CODER
Remarks: This is a simple coding routine that will resist causal
attempts to break it. It will code and decode with the same password.
The longer the password, the better the protection you will have.
The password shouldn't have any high ASCII characters in it.
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - String to be coded/decode
I3$ - Password to code/decode with
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - The coded/decoded string
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Programmer's Manual - Page 51
Reverse Bits
Purpose: To reverse the bits in a string
Remarks: This will take all of the characters in a string and reverse
it's bits. This is a simple, but easy to break coding routine. To
unreverse the bits, just call the routine again.
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - The string to bit reverse
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - The bit reversed string
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 52
Reverse Characters
Purpose: To reverse the order of characters in a string
Remarks: This changes the order of characters in a string so that
the first is last, and the last is first, and so on throughout the
entire string. To decode it, simply call the routine again.
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - The string to be reversed
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - The reversed string
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 53
Appendix F - Command Reference
Each command is shown in a set format. The format is as follows:
Name of routine
Purpose: States the prupose of the routine
Remarks: Tells you the general information on the routine and how
to use it.
Parameters Passed: Tells you what parameters to the routine and what
they are for.
Parameters Returned: Tells you what parameters are returned and what
is in them.
Example: A short little program showing the usage of the routine
See Also: (on some routines) Gives you a reference to other routines
that do nearly the same thing or that work with this routine.
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Purpose: To adjust the user's time remaining
Syntax: CALL AdjustTimeLimit(Minutes)
Remarks: This will adjust the user's time remaining up or down
depending on the number you pass it.
Parameters Passed:
Minutes - The number of minutes to increase the user's time
Parameters Returned: None
CALL AdjustTimeLimit(10) ' Give 10 minutes
CALL AdjustTimeLimit(-10) ' Take 10 minutes
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Programmer's Manual - Page 55
Purpose: To truncate all leading and trailing spaces from a string
Syntax: Text$ = AllTrun$(Text$)
Remarks: This will remove all of those leading and trailing spaces
that are a result of random file input, use of STR$, and other
functions of BASIC.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - The string to remove leading and trailing spaces from
Parameters Returned:
Text$ - The string without leading and trailing spaces
Text$ = " These extra spaces will be removed "
Text$ = AllTrun$(Text$)
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Purpose: To play ANSI music to those users who can use it
Syntax: CALL ANSIMusic(Music$, Music)
Remarks: Some communacations programs can support and play ANSI music
but not all of them. Qmodem, for example, will play ANSI music. You
should ask your users near the beginning of the program "Do you have
ANSI music?" and if they answer yes, then set Music to Yes (1)
otherwise set it to No (0). You don't have to use Music, but whatever
variable you store that value in should always be the second parameter
of the call to this routine. The music string can be anything that
the BASIC command PLAY would be able to play. The local speaker
won't play the music unless the page bell is on.
Parameters Passed:
Music$ - The music to be played
Music - If the user supports ANSI music or not
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Parameters Returned: None
Music = Yes
Music$ = "ABCDEFG"
CALL ANSIMusic(Music$, Music)
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Programmer's Manual - Page 57
Purpose: To backspace on the local and remote screen and also erase
the proper character in the string passed
Syntax: CALL BackSpace(Text$)
Remarks: This will allow you to write your own input routines for
use, and when a user presses the backspace key, call this routine and
it will send the proper backspacing codes and erase the backspaced
character from the string passed.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - A string that will the backspace will be preformed on
Parameters Returned:
Text$ - The new string with the last character erased
IF KeyPressed$ = CHR$(8) THEN
CALL BackSpace(Text$)
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Programmer's Manual - Page 58
Purpose: To erase what is already on a line
Syntax: CALL BackSpaceOver
Remarks: This routine will backspace over everything to column 1,
erasing everything on that line. If you have a prompt that you'd
like to erase or something, this is the routine to call to erase
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned: None
CALL BackSpaceOver
See Also: BackSpaceToCol
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Programmer's Manual - Page 59
Purpose: To backspace over to the specified column
Syntax: CALL BackSpaceToCol(Col)
Remarks: This will backspace over from the current column all the
way to the column specified. This is useful if the user inputed a
improper response to a prompt and you want to erase just the user's
Parameters Passed:
Col - The column to backspace over to
Parameters Returned: None
CALL Send("Backspace to here->this will be erased!",No,No,10)
CALL BackSpaceToCol(20)
See Also: BackSpaceOver
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Programmer's Manual - Page 60
Purpose: To sound the local and remote speaker
Syntax: CALL BeepSpeaker
Remarks: Calling BeepSpeaker instead of sending a bell code to the
screen and com port is better since it will always beep the remote
speaker but won't make the local speaker sound unless the page bell
is on.
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned: None
CALL BeepSpeaker
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Programmer's Manual - Page 61
Purpose: To send a large amount of information to both displays
Syntax: CALL BlockSend(Array$(), Center, Lines.To.Send)
Remarks: This will send a large pre-programmed amount of data
to the local and remote displays. Color can only be set and
changed via @X codes. This routine is good for programmed in
documentation, or menus.
Parameters Passed:
Array$() - The array to be displayed
Center - Center text to be displayed
Lines.To.Send - Number of array elements to display
Parameters Returned: None
Array$(1) = "This will be displayed"
Array$(2) = "Using the BlockSend routine"
CALL BlockSend(Array$(), No, 2)
See Also: ColorEasy, RainbowSend, Send, QSend
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Programmer's Manual - Page 62
Purpose: To aid in centering strings for output
Syntax: CALL Center(Text$)
Remarks: This will strip out all @X codes and substitute in the
proper text for substitution codes and will then set TabSpace to
equal the correct column to make the string look centered. The
string that you pass is NOT modified by this routine. This routine
also will NOT print out the results but only set TabSpace.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - The string to be centered
Parameters Returned: None
Text$ = "This will be centered!"
CALL Center(Text$)
CALL Send(Text$, No, Yes, 10)
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Programmer's Manual - Page 63
Purpose: To raise or lower the CTS flag
Syntax: CALL ChangeCTS(OnOff)
Remarks: This will turn on or off the CTS (Clear To Send) flag
which is used to tell the other modem that it is okay to send
characters. Modem that don't preform error checking or UARTS
that don't have buffers may require CTS flow-control to be on
during high speed file transfers.
Parameters Passed:
OnOff - Whether you want the CTS on or off
(1 = Yes(On) 0 = No(Off))
Parameters Returned: None
CALL ChangeCTS(No) ' Turns CTS off
See Also: ChangeDTR, ChangeRTS
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 64
Purpose: To raise or lower the DTR
Syntax: CALL ChangeDTR(OnOff)
Remarks: If you want to drop the carrier on someone, this is one of
the best ways to do it. Turning the DTR off normally will cut a person
off-line, but not always.
Parameters Passed:
OnOff - Whether you want the DTR on or off
(1 = Yes(On) 0 = No(Off)
Parameters Returned: None
CALL ChangeDTR(No) ' Turns off DTR
See Also: ChangeCTS, ChangeRTS
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Programmer's Manual - Page 65
Purpose: To raise or lower the RTS flag
Syntax: CALL ChangeRTS(OnOff)
Remarks: The RTS (Request To Send) flag is uesd by most auto-dial
modems to see if a computer is ready to recieve data from the modem.
If the RTS signal isn't detected, some modems may refuse to accept
modem commands or send result codes.
Parameters Passed:
OnOff - Whether you want the RTS on or off
(1 = Yes(On) 0 = No(Off))
Parameters Returned: None
CALL ChangeRTS(No) ' Turns RTS off
See Also: ChangeDTR, ChangeCTS
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Programmer's Manual - Page 66
Purpose: To check if a carrier is present
Syntax: CALL CheckCarrier(CarrierPresent)
Remarks: This will (as long as Carrier.Check is set to 0) return
a Yes (1) or a No (0) in the parameter depending on if the carrier
is present. If the global variable Carrier.Check is set to 1, then
this routine will return ALWAYS a Yes (1).
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
CarrierPresent - Tells if the carrier is present
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
CALL CheckCarrier(CarrierPresent)
IF CarrierPresent = Yes THEN
CALL Send("You're still connected!", No, Yes, 10)
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Programmer's Manual - Page 67
Purpose: To tell you how many minutes a user has left on the system
Syntax: TimeRemaining = CheckTimeLeft
Remarks: This function will return the number of minutes that the user
currently on has left for this call. Be careful not to assign the
value returned to a variable named TimeLeft because doing so will
modify Door Source's variable and cause the user's time to go berserk!
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
TimeRemaining - The number of minutes left the user has
CALL Send("("+STR$(CheckTimeLeft)+" min. left )", No, No, 14)
See Also: AdjustTimeLimit
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Programmer's Manual - Page 68
Purpose: To clear the local and remote screens
Syntax: CALL ClrScrn
Remarks: This will effectively clear the screen for both sides
using the fastest method that the caller can use. Setting
BackGroundColor previous to calling this routine will cause the
entire screen to be that color!
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned: None
CALL ClrScrn
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Programmer's Manual - Page 69
Purpose: To colorize a string and output it
Syntax: CALL ColorEasy(Text$, Color.To.Use, Send.Enter)
Remarks: If you have a string that you'd like to colorize without
having to bother with multiple calls to Send or with @X codes, then
use this routine. It will colorize A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and punctuation
all in different colors. The Color.To.Use that you specify will
affect the output of color over the whole text, experiment with
different values to best fit what you need.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - The string to be colorized and displayed
Color.To.Use - This will vary the output for the different
colors used in coloring the text
Send.Enter - Send a CR/LF sequence once displaying is finished
Parameters Returned: None
Text$ = "This will be VERY colorful!!"
CALL ColorEasy(Text$, 10, Yes)
See Also: BlockSend, RainbowSend, Send, QSend
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Programmer's Manual - Page 70
Purpose: To get a key from just the remote keyboard
Syntax: Character$ = CommInkey$
Remarks: This works just like INKEY$ and CommKeyInkey$, except it
will take input ONLY from the com port. If there are no characters
waiting to be read, then it will return a null.
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
Character$ - The character read from the com port
LOOP UNTIL (CommInkey$ <> "") OR (INKEY$ <> "")
See Also: CommKeyInkey$
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Programmer's Manual - Page 71
Purpose: To get one character from the local or remote keyboard
Syntax: Character$ = CommKeyInkey$
Remarks: This will check the local keyboard and the com port buffer
for keys waiting to be read, if one is found, it will read it and
return it, otherwise it will return a null. If you want to wait for
a key to be pressed, you should put this routine in a WHILE loop.
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
Character$ - Either null (if no key was pressed local or
remote) or a key from the keyboard or com port
Character$ = CommKeyInkey$
LOOP UNTIL Character$ <> ""
See Also: Incomm, CommInkey$
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Programmer's Manual - Page 72
Purpose: To quickly copy a file without shelling to DOS
Syntax: CALL CopyAFile(Source$, Destination$, ErrCode)
Remarks: This will copy a file without the pitfalls of shelling to
DOS to do it or of special complex programming. It will return
a error code if an error occured.
Parameters Passed:
Source$ - Drive/Path/Filename of the file to be copied
Destination$ - Drive/Path/Filename of the file to be created
Parameters Returned:
ErrCode - If a error occured during the copy
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Source$ = "MYFILE.TXT"
Destination$ = "MYFILE2.TXT"
CALL CopyAFile(Source$, Destination$, ErrCode)
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Programmer's Manual - Page 73
Purpose: To calculate the which day of the week it is
Syntax: Day = DayOfWeek
Remarks: This routine will return a value from 1 to 7 indicating
which day of the week it is. A 1 is Sunday, 2 is Monday, and so on.
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
Day - A number from 1-7 representing the day of the week
IF DayOfWeek = 1 THEN
CALL Send("It's SUNDAY!", No, Yes, 14)
CALL Send("It's not sunday!", No, Yes, 10)
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Programmer's Manual - Page 74
Purpose: To keep a door from being used by two nodes at once
Syntax: CALL DoorBusy
Remarks: If you aren't going to program multi-node support, call
this routine so that multinode systems won't have problems running
your door. You have to set the global variable BusyFile$ to the
drive/path/filename of a "lockout file" that will be the signal
to other nodes that the door is in use. If another node is using your
door, then this routine will call DoorBusy and not return control
to your program.
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned: None
BusyFile$ = "MYDOOR.NET"
CALL DoorBusy
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Programmer's Manual - Page 75
Purpose: To provide a field showing maximum length of input for prompt
Syntax: CALL EntryIncomm(Text$, MaxLength, FieldColor, Color.To.Use)
Remarks: This is a handy routine to for larger fields (3 characters and
larger) that lets the user know what the limit is on the field size by
printing above the prompt a (------) field indicator showing the
maximum number of characters allowed.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - Prompt to display
MaxLength - Maximum number of characters to allow for input
(Required to be greater than 1)
FieldColor - The color of the (---) field above the prompt
Color.To.Use - The foreground color for the prompt itself
Parameters Returned:
ARG$ - The input received
Text$ = "Enter your name:"
CALL EntryIncomm(Text$, 20, 10, 11)
' This would output
' (--------------------)
' Enter your name:
See Also: PromptIncomm, Incomm
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Programmer's Manual - Page 76
Purpose: To let you trap F-keys in your own I/O routines
Syntax: CALL ExtendedCode(CodeToProcess$, NULL)
Remarks: If you are writing your own version of Incomm, and would
like to take advantage of Door Source's F-Key processing routines,
call this with the key pressed and it will take the necessary
action, which may be updating the status bar or shelling to DOS.
Parameters Passed:
CodeToProcess$ - The two character code of the key pressed
NULL - This variable shouldn't be used by your routine, it
is only used by Door Source and is specified only to maintain
Parameters Returned: None
IF LEN(A$)>1 THEN ' Extended code
CALL ExtendedCode(A$, NULL)
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 77
Purpose: To close the com port and update the bbs interface file
Syntax: CALL ExitDoor
Remarks: Whenever you want to end your door, you MUST call this
routine. NEVER let your door simply just come to an end or have the
END or SYSTEM command in it. This routine will uphold the DTR and
cleanup Door Source's variables, handlers, etc,... It will also
update the bbs interface file with the current information. After
calling this routine, control will not be returned to your door.
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned: None
CALL ExitDoor
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Programmer's Manual - Page 78
Purpose: To detect is a file exists on a disk
Syntax: Exists = FileExist(FileName$)
Remarks: If you're opening files or preforming something with files
you should check, before attempting use, if they exist and not assume
that they are there, otherwise your program will generate a error
and most likely crash the board it was running on.
Parameters Passed:
FileName$ - Drive/Path/Filename to the file to be checked for
Parameters Returned:
Exists - If the file exists or not
(-1 = Yes 0 = No)
CALL Send("It exists!", No, Yes, 12)
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 79
Purpose: To aid in opening files in a better, easier way
Syntax: FileNumber = FileOpen(FileName$, Access$, Sharing, Length)
Remarks: When you want to open a file and you don't know what the
next available file number is, or you don't want to refer to files
by their number, or if you don't want to have to fool with checking
if a network is active every time a file is opened, this routine
is what you should call. It will find the next available file number
and open the file according to your specifications and return the
file number to you in a variable so you can use it in place of a
Parameters Passed:
FileName$ - This is the name of the file to be opened
Access$ - The method in which you want to open the file
for access.
I - Sequential Input
O - Sequential Output
A - Append (Write at end of file)
R - Random Read/Write
B - Binary Read/Write
Sharing - Will open files to be shared if specified and a
network is active
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Length - For random and binary files only, this will open
the file with this as the record length.
Parameters Returned:
FileNumber - This is the variable you'd use for I/O with the
file. It will contain a -1 if the file wasn't
found that you tried to open only if you're
trying to do sequential input.
FileNumber = FileOpen("MYFILE.FIL", "O", Yes, 0)
PRINT #FileNumber, "This is in the file"
CLOSE #FileNumber
FileNumber = FileOpen("MYFILE.FIL", "I", Yes, 0)
INPUT #FileNumber, DataFromFile$
CLOSE #FileNumber
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Programmer's Manual - Page 80
Purpose: To write to the 25 line of the game line of the status line
Syntax: CALL GameInfoUpdate(Text$, Send.Enter, ColorFore, ColorBack)
Remarks: If you want a game status line, you should use this routine
to update line 25 (which will be the game status line). It works
just like the PRINT command would work with a few differences.
The Send.Enter really doesn't advance to the next line, but resets
the column pointer (GameInfoCol) to 1. If you want to start printing
someplace other than where you are, just set GameInfoCol to the
column number. See the Advanced Programming section for a detailed
explanation of how this command works.
WARNING: You HAVE to use the DSGAME.INT in your main module instead
of DOORSORC.INT otherwise this routine will not work!
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - String to be displayed on line 25
Send.Enter - Reset GameInfoCol to 1 after displaying
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
ColorFore - Foreground color to use
ColorBack - Background color to use
Parameters Returned: None
Text$ = "This is on the game status line!"
CALL GameInfoUpdate(Text$, No, 0, 7)
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Programmer's Manual - Page 81
Purpose: To separate the time into hours, minutes, and seconds
Syntax: CALL GetTime(Hours, Minutes, Seconds, SinceMid#)
Remarks: This will take the current time and return it to you
in a separated form.
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
Hours - The hour
Minutes - The minute
Seconds - The second
SinceMid# - The number of seconds since midnight
CALL GetTime(Hours, Minutes, Seconds, SinceMid#)
CALL Send("Its "+STR$(Hours)+" o'clock", No, Yes, 10)
See Also: TimeConvert
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 82
Purpose: To make a high score bulletin
Syntax: CALL HighScores(Score, HighScoreFile$, OutputNumber)
Remarks: This will take the user's score and use the high score data
file specified, update the information, and then either display a
bulletin or save it to disk. The high score data file, if
non-existent will be created, its a random access file and can't
be read/modified in a text editor. Compression can be done with the
compression utility included with the Door Source archive. You
will need to open the file for output before calling this routine
if you want to direct the output to a file, this also allows you
to create a header (on screen or in the file) for your bulletin.
The format of where HighScores places the information is like this:
<--21 spaces-------->(NAME OF USER)<---29 spaces--->(SCORE)
John Doe 100
Jane Doe 50
Parameters Passed:
Score - Score for user
HighScoreFile$ - Name of the random access data file
that HighScores creates
OutputNumber - The filenumber that output should go to, if
0 then output goes to screen
Parameters Returned: None
ScoreDataFile$ = "MYSCORE.SCO"
Score = 569
ScoreBlt = 1
CALL HighScores(Score, ScoreDataFile$, ScoreBlt)
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 83
Purpose: To receive data from the keyboard and com port
Syntax: CALL Incomm(Text$, Send.Enter, Max.Characters, Color.To.Use)
Remarks: This is the basic input routine, it will check the keyboard
and the remote keyboard for input. There are several variables that
affect input for this routine, and they are all listed here:
Protected.Input$ - Incomm will show this character in place of
what is really typed. Setting this to ""
will cause normal display of input
TabSpace - The string to be displayed will be tabbed to this
User.Color - The user's input will be displayed in this color
Caps - Incomm will covert input to all caps before returning
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
No.Enter.Send - After input is completed, a CR/LF won't be
sent (1 = Yes 0 = No)
EchoKey - Will make input not show up on the screens at all
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Filter - This will filter out high ascii characters (128+)
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Table$ - Set this to the only keys you want to be accepted
if you want to limit the user to a few keys. Set it
to Default.Table$ to restore it to normal.
BackGroundColor - This is the background color for the
prompt and input.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - String to be sent as a prompt
Send.Enter - Send a CR/LF AFTER the prompt and BEFORE input
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Max.Characters - The maximum number of character to accept
Setting this to a -1 (or Hockey) will make
Incomm take the first character it gets and
not wait for ENTER to be pressed before
(0 = No limit -1 = Hockey < 1 = Limit)
Color.To.Use - Foreground color of prompt Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 84
Parameters Returned:
ARG$ - The input received
' You don't need to reset all of these variables each
' time you call incomm, they are show here just so you
' can see how they work.
Caps = Yes ' Turn input to all caps
Protected.Input$ = "*" ' Show * instead of letters
Text$="Enter your name:"
CALL Incomm(Text$, No, No, 10)
Protected.Input$ = "" ' Show what is typed
CALL Incomm(Text$, No, 25, 10) ' Limit to 25 characters
See Also: CommInkey$ Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 85
Purpose: To make a scroll bar menu
Syntax: CALL MenuManager(Menu$(), Center, TextClr, Bars, SlctClr,
BarFore, BarBack, BarSelected)
Remarks: This will create a nice selectable menu with a scroll bar
for ANSI users to scroll up and down. Non-ANSI users will see the
menu, but will be forced to just enter a number and will have no
scroll bar. You shouldn't have more than 20 selections on the menu,
and all should be numbered. This routine is affected by several
variables which are:
Up.Key$ - The key to move the bar up
(Default to +)
Down.Key$ - The key to move the bar down
(Default to -)
ANSI.Select$ - Selection string displayed for ANSI users
NonANSI.Select$ - Selection string displayed for NON-ANSI users
Parameters Passed:
Menu$() - An array with all the menu selections in it
Center - Center the selections while displaying
TextClr - Color for selections
Bars - Number of selections in array
SlctClr - Color for ANSI.Select$ or NonANSI.Select$ string
BarFore - Foreground color for scroll bar
BarBack - Background color for scroll bar
Parameters Returned:
BarSelected - The bar selected by the user
See MENUDEMO.BAS included with Door Source
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 86
Purpose: To position the cursor on the screen
Syntax: CALL MoveCursor(X, Y)
Remarks: Call this routine to position the cursor anywhere on the
screen in the upper 22/23 lines (depending on if there is a game
status line). This routine will not move the cursor if the user is
not in ANSI mode.
Parameters Passed:
X - The row (vertical)
Y - The column (horizontal)
Parameters Returned: None
CALL MoveCursor(10, 10)
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 87
Purpose: To separate data in a string with a delimiter
Syntax: CALL Parser(SearchFor$, SearchIn$, ParArray$(), ErrCode)
Remarks: This will take a string and look for the character specified
and store the data in the array, it then repeats this process over
and over until the end of the string has been reached. This can be
handy to store numbers in a compact form for storage in a file.
Parameters Passed:
SearchFor$ - The string (delimiter) to search for
SearchIn$ - The string to search in and to parse
Parameters Returned:
ParArray$() - Contains the data from SearchIn$ but separated
ErrCode - Will greater than 1 is a error occurred
SearchFor$ = "*"
SearchIn$ = "100*200*300*400*500*"
CALL Parser(SearchFor$, SearchIn$, ParArray$(), ErrCode)
FOR X = 1 TO 5
CALL Send(ParArray$(X), No, Yes, 10)
' This would output:
' 100
' 200
' 300
' 400
' 500
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 88
Purpose: To send the specified number of times a CR/LF sequence
Syntax: CALL NL(Number.Of.Times)
Remarks: This will send a CR/LF sequence the number of times you
tell it to. This is base routine for all routines to advance to
the next line.
Parameters Passed:
Number.Of.Times - The number of times to display the CR/LF
Parameters Returned: None
CALL NL(3) ' Print 3 CR/LF sequences
See Also: Send
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 89
Purpose: To provide a very formatted input field with a prompt
Syntax: CALL PromptIncomm(Text$, Default$, DefaultColor, MaxLength,
Remarks: This will make a little ( ) area for input to be inside of
for ANSI users, non-ANSI users will just have a regular prompt. This
routine also allows to easily add a "default" to the prompt.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - Prompt to display
Default$ - "Default" field. Some predefined ones are:
Default1 = (Enter=no)
Default2 = (Enter=none)
Default3 = (Enter=quits)
DefaultColor - Foreground color for default text
MaxLength - Maximum number of characters (Required to be
greater than 0)
Color.To.Use - Foreground color for prompt
Parameters Returned:
ARG$ - The input received
Text$ = "Enter your name"
CALL PromptIncomm(Text$, Default3, 15, 10, 11)
IF AllTrun$(ARG$) = "" THEN
' Process default
' Process other
' This would output
' Enter your name (Enter=quits) ? ( )
' The input would be displayed inside the ( )
See Also: EntryIncomm, Incomm
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 90
Purpose: To send a string local and remote quickly without the
extra bells and whistles of Send.
Syntax: CALL QSend(Text$, Send.Enter)
Remarks: QSend is a very basic sending routine that simply sends
the given string to the local and remote screens. @X and other
substitution codes are the only form of color control in the
strings passed. Extra variables and parameters that affect Send
don't affect QSend.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - The string to be sent
Send.Enter - Send a CR/LF after sending is complete
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Parameters Returned: None
Text$ = "This will be displayed in the last color used."
CALL QSend(Text$, Yes)
See Also: BlockSend, ColorEasy, RainbowSend, Send, QSend
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 91
Purpose: To display text in a color, rainbow like form
Syntax: CALL RainbowSend(Text$, Bell, Enter, Color.To.Use)
Remarks: This is a creative way to display text to both displays.
It will take the color given to use, and rotate through the colors
making a very colorful display. Experiment with different colors
to find the most desirable effect.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - Text to be displayed
Bell - Sound the remote speaker, and local is page bell is on
Enter - Send a CR/LF sequence once displaying is done
Color.To.Use - Foreground color to display text in
Parameters Returned: None
Text$ = "This will be displayed"
CALL RainbowSend(Text$, No, Yes, 10)
See Also: BlockSend, ColorEasy, Send, QSend
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 92
Purpose: To generate a random number within a specified range
Syntax: Number = RandNum(Low, High)
Remarks: This is handy to generate a random number in the range
that you need it. It will generate a completely random number.
Parameters Passed:
Low - The lowest number desired
High - The highest number desired
Parameters Returned:
Number - The random number generated
CALL Send("The number is "+STR$(RandNum(10,20)), No, Yes, 10)
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 93
Purpose: To read from the PCBoard 14.x users file
Syntax: CALL ReadUsers(ErrCode)
Remarks: This will read the user's record from the PCBoard user file
specified in the global variable UserFile$. The data will be read into
the global type declaration UserBlock (Which is shown in Appendix D -
Variable Reference). For other bbs types, most of the data is loaded
directly from the bbs interface file, and calling a routine to read
the users file is not necessary. The best way to set UserFile$ is
to add on another line to the configuration file and read it in
yourself after the first call to ClrScrn.
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
ErrCode - This is the error code is a error occurred
1 - Users file not found
2 - Wrong BBS type
3 - UserFile$ not set to Drive/Path/Filename of users
' UserFile$ already set earlier in the program
CALL ReadUsers(ErrCode)
CALL Send("You're from "+STR$(UserBlock.CityState), No,Yes,10)
See Also: WriteUsers
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 94
Purpose: To display a string to local and remote screens
Syntax: CALL Send(Text$, Send.Bell, Send.Enter, Color.To.Use)
Remarks: This is the basic sending routine and it will display
to the local and remote screens. This routine will accept @X codes
and other substitution codes and display the proper things in
response to it. A few variables affect this routine's output, here's
a list:
BackGroundColor - Background color to be used
TabSpace - The text will be tabbed to this column for display
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - The string to be displayed
Send.Bell - Will sound the speaker on the remote and will
also sound the local ONLY if the page bell is on.
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Send.Enter - Send a CR/LF sequence once displaying is done
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Color.To.Use - Foreground color to display in
Parameters Returned: None
Text$ = "This will be displayed!"
CALL Send(Text$, No, Yes, 10)
See Also: BlockSend, ColorEasy, RainbowSend, QSend, WindowPrint
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 95
Purpose: To efficiently shell to DOS in order to avoid conflicts
Syntax: CALL ShellToDOS(Shell.String$)
Remarks: This will let Door Source completely wrap up all of its
operations (actually close the com port, but uphold DTR and carrier)
so that shelling to a external file transfer program is possible
without a conflict of interrupts. This command duplicates what
a SHELL command would do in BASIC, but gives Door Source a chance
to clean up itself.
Parameters Passed:
Shell.String$ - This is the command to be executed once the
shell is started
Parameters Returned: None
Shell.String$ = "DIR >OUTPUT.TXT"
CALL ShellToDOS(Shell.String$)
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 96
Purpose: To sort numbers into descending order
Syntax: CALL Sorter(ParArray$(), Number.To.Sort)
Remarks: If you need to sort numbers parsed with parser, or other
numbers in a STRING array, then call this routine and it will
sort it into a descending order.
Parameters Passed:
ParArray$() - The array of numbers to be sorted
Number.To.Sort - The number of array elements to sort
Parameters Returned:
ParArray$() - The sorted array
ParArray$(1) = "400"
ParArray$(2) = "200"
ParArray$(3) = "600"
CALL Sorter(ParArray$(), 3)
FOR X=1 TO 3
CALL Send(ParArray$(X), No, Yes, 10)
' Output would be this:
' 600
' 400
' 200
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 97
Purpose: To page the sysop if the page bell is on
Syntax: CALL SysopPage(Answered)
Remarks: This routine will check the page bell, and if on, will
page the sysop using the paging sounds. If the page wasn't answered
or the sysop isn't around then it will return a 0 in the parameter.
This routine is affect by several global variables, which are:
PageSound.1 - Sound #1 to be in the "beep" sound of the page
PageSound.2 - Sound #2 to be in the "beep" sound of the page
PageSound.3 - Sound #3 to be in the "beep" sound of the page
Page.String$ - String to show while paging the sysop
Not.Around$ - String to show when the sysop is not around
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
Answered - If the page was answered
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
CALL SysopPage(Answered)
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 98
Purpose: To convert from two variables into the HH:MM format
Syntax: CALL TimeConvert(Hours, Minutes, NewTime$)
Remarks: This will combine hours and minutes into the HH:MM format.
Parameters Passed:
Hours - The hour
Minutes - The minute
Parameters Returned:
NewTime$ - The hour and minute in HH:MM format
Hours = 10
Minutes = 30
CALL TimeConvert(Hours, Minutes, NewTime$)
CALL Send(NewTime$+" is the next event time.", No, Yes, 10)
See Also: GetTime
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 99
Purpose: To display a file to the local and remote screens
Syntax: CALL ViewFile(FileName$, ANSICheck, MorePrompts, ExitPrompt)
Remarks: This will display a ANSI or non-ANSI screen to both screens.
If you specify to check for a ANSI version of the file, then Door
Source will take the filename given, add a G to it, and look for
the existence of that file for ANSI users. You can enable more
prompts for documentation, or leave them off for long ANSI screens.
The exit prompt is a "Press [ANY KEY] to continue" prompt that
is display at the end of the file if told to do so. The user can
abort the screen at any point by pressing the space bar, CTRL-X, or
CTRL-K. If the No.Abort global variable is set to 1 (Yes) then
the user can't abort the display. ANSI files should NOT exceed
80 characters in length per line.
Parameters Passed:
FileName$ - Drive/Path/Filename of file to display
ANSICheck - Check for ANSI version of file for ANSI users
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
MorePrompts - Display more prompts every 23 lines
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
ExitPrompts - Displays a "Press [ANY KEY]" prompt at end of
display (1 = Yes 0 = No)
Parameters Returned: None
FileName$ = "MYFILE"
CALL ViewFile(FileName$, Yes, No, Yes)
FileName$ = "MYDOCS.DOC"
CALL ViewFile(FileName$, No, Yes, Yes)
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 100
Purpose: To delay the program the specified number of seconds
Syntax: CALL WaitASec(Number.Of.Seconds)
Remarks: Using the SLEEP command, or a FOR loop to delay a program
isn't often a good idea in a door because the user could drop carrier.
This routine will delay the program correctly for the number of
seconds specified and will also keep track of the carrier signal.
Parameters Passed:
Number.Of.Seconds - Number of seconds to delay program
Parameters Returned: None
CALL WaitASec(5) ' delay 5 seconds
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 102
Purpose: To display a prompt and get input from inside a window
Syntax: CALL WindowInput(Text$, MaxLength, Row, Col, Fore, Back)
Remarks: This works just like the Incomm routine, but does the
I/O inside of a window created with the Windows routine. The
MaxLength should be just right so that input won't overflow the
window border and cause problems with erasing it.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - Prompt to be displayed
MaxLength - Maximum number of characters allowed in input
Row - Row to display at (horizontal)
Col - Column to display at (vertical)
Fore - Foreground color to display prompt in
Back - Background color to display prompt in
Parameters Returned:
ARG$ - The input received
Text$ = "Enter your name:"
MaxLength = 25: Row = 13: Col = 12
Fore = 15: Back = 1
CALL WindowInput(Text$, MaxLength, Row, Col, Fore, Back)
See Also: Windows, WindowPrint
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 102
Purpose: To display text inside of a window
Syntax: CALL WindowPrint(Text$, Row, Col, Fore, Back)
Remarks: This is an easy way of displaying text anywhere inside of
a window made with the Windows routine. It can also be used for
quick short displays that aren't at the current cursor location.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - Text to be displayed
Row - Row to display at (horizontal)
Col - Column to display at (vertical)
Fore - Foreground color to display with
Back - Background color to display with
Parameters Returned: None
Text$ = "This will be displayed"
Row = 12: Col = 12: Fore = 15: Back = 1
CALL WindowPrint(Text$, Row, Col, Fore, Back)
See Also: Windows, WindowInput
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 103
Purpose: To draw window on the local and remote screens
Syntax: CALL Windows(ULR, ULC, LRR, LRC, Fore, Back, Border, Shadow)
Remarks: This will draw a border enclosed area on the screen, and
will even make a shadow if requested. Printing and input is done
inside the window with WindowPrint and WindowInput. This is a
ANSI only routine, and shouldn't be used with non-ANSI users.
Parameters Passed:
ULR - Upper Lefthand row
ULC - Upper Lefthand column
LRR - Lower Righthand row
LRC - Lower Righthand column
Fore - Foreground color to use for border
Back - Background color to use for border and to fill inside
Border - The border number
1 - Single line
2 - Double line
3 - Double horizontal, Single vertical
4 - Single horizontal, Double vertical
Shadow - Makes a shadow on the window
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Parameters Returned: None
ULR = 10: ULC = 10
LRR = 20: LRC = 70
CALL Windows(ULR, ULC, LRR, LRC, 11, 1, 4, Yes)
See Also: WindowInput, WindowPrint
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 104
Purpose: To write to PCBoard 14.x user file
Syntax: CALL WriteUsers(ErrCode)
Remarks: This will write the user's record to the PCBoard user file
specified in the global variable UserFile$. The data written will be
from the global type declaration UserBlock (Which is shown in Appendix
D - Variable Reference). For other bbs types, most of the data is
written when ExitDoor is called, and calling a routine to write to
the users file is not necessary. The best way to set UserFile$ is
to add on another line to the configuration file and read it in
yourself after the first call to ClrScrn.
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
ErrCode - This is the error code is a error occurred
1 - Users file not found
2 - Wrong BBS type
3 - UserFile$ not set to Drive/Path/Filename of users
' UserFile$ already set earlier in the program
UserBlock.CityState = "Anytown, USA"
CALL ReadUsers(ErrCode)
See Also: ReadUsers
░▒▓ ▓▒░
░▒▓ End of Door Source 4.0 Documentation ▓▒░
░▒▓ ▓▒░
Door Source - Version 4.0
Copyrighted 1989,1989,1990,1991
By Todd Miller
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 2
Table of Contents
The deal on NO registration
Some Never Nevers
Quick Start
Loading Door Source
First few lines
Testing your door
Getting Started
Command line options
Door Writing Techniques
Finishing your door
Getting more out of Door Source
Advanced Techniques
How a door works
Converting from 3.2 or before
Summary of new features
Appendix A - CALL Syntax
Appendix B - Optimizing your door
Appendix C - Common Questions
Appendix D - Variable Reference
Appendix E - Script Commands
Appendix F - Command Reference
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 3
Welcome to Door Source! Door Source is a Quick Basic library,
intended for using with versions 4.0 and above. Door Source provides
you with a collect of routines to help you interface with a bulletin
board and the communications port to make a "door", or otherwise
referred to as a third party program, that adds onto the board.
Some people don't like having to read a large manual, and rather
jump right in with both feet and start off, if you would like to quickly
start, please read the following two sections after this introduction.
It is advised however, that you read Door Writing Techniques, and
Getting More out of Door Source too. If you have previously used
Door Source, you should refer to Converting from 3.2 or before and
also to the Summary of New Features. Door Source will also be
referred to as DS in this manual.
Door Source is provided to you free of charge, and you can
receive technical support at (919) 294-1770 (DATA 2400 max).
Door Source users will be given free access to the other nodes
after first calling the number above.
Files included
Here is a list of files that you should have:
DS40 .QLB - Door Source 4.0 quick library
DS40 .LIB - Door Source 4.0 link library
DS40 .DOC - Door Source 4.0 documentation
DOORSORC.INT - Door Source 4.0 include file
DSGAME .INT - Door Source 4.0 include file
WINDDEMO.BAS - Window demo using the Window routine
MENUDEMO.BAS - Menu demo using the MenuManager routine
PRMTDEMO.BAS - Prompts demo using various input routines
BLCKDEMO.BAS - A demo using the UserBlock type declaration
ERRDEMO .BAS - A demo with the CarrierLossError variable
SAMPLE .BAS - A sample door program writting in Door Source
MANUAL .FRM - A form to order a printed manual with disks
LOADQB .BAT - A batch file to make loading DS easier
????????.DS4 - These are special files with extra routines
(DS40.QLB and DS40.LIB already have all of
these in them)
MAKEDS .EXE - This will help you select the right object
files for the most compact DS library.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 4
The deal on NO registration
This may seem extremely odd, but Door Source is offered 100%
completely free. There are no registration fees, no more forms,
you don't ever have to send us a thing!
Why? Many years ago when Door Source was first started on,
I realized the need for a better product in the field of door
tool kits, and I decided that I would try to fill that gap, but
at no charge. All the other door kits (that I know of) ask for
some kind of registration, and I think this is truly one of the
first that requires none at all.
But I do like to know who is using Door Source, and a call to
PC-Technologies just to say thanks, or, better yet, to give a
suggestion for improvements, is always appreciated! If you have
a specific need for a routine or improvement to the Door Source
library, you can call and tell it to me, and you're guaranteed
that 90% of all improvements or suggestions are added within a
few releases!
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 5
Some Never Nevers
There are some things you never should do when using Door Source.
What you shouldn't do is listed below, and since most people won't
believe it unless they know why, we have included reasons, and
in some cases, alternate routines to use instead.
Never use CLS, VIEW PRINT, PRINT, LOCATE, or COLOR because
Door Source handles all screen output, and using these
will cause Door Source to lose some of its pointers on the
screen. Also, on systems using DesqView, it could cause lock ups.
Never use OPEN COM or ON COM, because Door Source doesn't use
Quick Basic's communication routines, and using these would
cause a confliction of interrupts between Door Source and
Quick Basic, that would lead to unpredictable results.
Never use SCREEN, because Door Source handles screen output,
it wouldn't be able to follow your change to a different
mode, and would cause serious problems.
Never use END or SYSTEM, because that would cause Door Source
to leave its interrupt handlers still in place and the
next program to run would probably crash.
Never use DEFINT, or any of DEF beside DEF FN, because
Door Source expects variables to be passed that are in
single precision format (the default of Quick Basic).
Never use PLAY or SOUND, because it will cause a sound
when the sysop using your door program may not want sound,
like in the middle of the night, use BeepSpeaker instead
of BEEP or SOUND, and AnsiMusic instead of PLAY.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 6
Quick Start
Installing and loading Door Source
After you have unzipped the Door Source file (assuming that you
have since you're reading this), you will only need to copy a few
files into your Quick Basic sub-directory. All you will need to
copy is DS40.QLB, DS40.LIB, and DOORSORC.INT. Now you are ready
to load up Quick Basic, which you can do by typing:
QB [your program name] /L DS40
You also can add on a /CMD[command$ string] that would place
what you put there into COMMAND$ inside Quick Basic. This would
be used to easily specify your configuration file for the door,
an example is this:
Putting a space in between the /CMD and TESTDOOR.CFG will
cause Door Source not to recognize your configuration file
The First Few Lines
Once inside the Quick Basic environment, ready to write a
new door program, the first line should always be:
This will tell Quick Basic to include this file into your
program. What this file contains is declarations for the
Door Source routines (to help eliminate errors), a COMMON SHARED
block, along with a few CONSTant declarations. At the end of the
file, it calls the InitDoor routine, which starts Door Source
rolling. The next line after that in your program should be:
PROGNAME$ = "My Door"
You should replace "My Door" with the name of your door. But
make sure that it is in quotations, or Quick Basic will give you
a Type mismatch error. The name placed in this string shouldn't
exceed 20 characters. The next line should be:
RELEASE$ = "1.0"
This is the release number (or version number) of your door
program. It should be less than 6 characters long, and can contain
letters and numbers (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), as well as punctuation.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 7
CALL ClrScrn
CALL ClrScrn should be the next line in your program. It will
clear the screen, and now you almost ready to go on about your
door, however, there is one last thing. In the DOORSORC.INT, when
it calls InitDoor, it will leave a file open for you (file number 1)
and this file is the configuration file. If you would like to
INPUT anything from it, do that here, and once you are done inputing
anything else that was added onto the configuration file, or if
you didn't input anything at all, you will need to add one last
line, which is:
Now you are ready to write your door. A few basic routines that
you should look up are Send (on page XX), Incomm (on page XX),
ClrScrn (on page XX), and NL (on page XX). I'm sure you are
sick of reading this manual by now, but these are the 4 most
basic commands. You should also read Testing Your Door before you
try to run the door for the first time, because there are a few
things to make sure that you have in your program, and on your
disk in order for it to work.
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 8
Getting Started
Writing a simple program in Door Source
Before loading Quick Basic, make sure that you have set the
proper environment strings to direct Quick Basic to your Door
Source directory (if you have one).
You will also need to make a configuration file that you
can use to test a simple door with. The Door Source configuration
file format is a simple four line file. You can make it longer
if your door needs information from it (see Advanced Techniques).
An example configuration file might be called TESTDOOR.CFG and look
like this:
The first line is a drive/path/filename to the bbs interface file,
and the second line is the name of the bbs using the door. The third
line is the first name of the sysop and the fourth line is the last
name of the sysop.
Now, load up Quick Basic, with the /L (library) switch on it like
QB /L DS40
That will load up Quick Basic and the Door Source library. Two other
switches that you might use when loading Quick Basic are:
/RUN - This is put at the beginning of the line right after
QB and will make Quick Basic run the file specified.
/CMDMYCONFIG.CFG - The /CMD option always comes at the end, and what
comes DIRECTLY after the /CMD will be loaded into
the COMMAND$, this simulates what you would have
if someone loaded your program like this:
The MYCONFIG.CFG would be put in the COMMAND$, but
if you want to test doors inside Quick Basic, you
should use this option, or set the COMMAND$ from
the Run menu in Quick Basic.
Once Quick Basic is loaded, you should press ALT-R to get the
Run menu, and the select Modify COMMAND$ (If it isn't listed, then
go to the options menu and select Full Menus, then try again). Now
enter in the name of the configuration file that you made earlier
before loading (If you didn't make it, you can shell to dos from the
File menu and make it there). Put after the configuration filename,
Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 2
the word LOCAL. LOCAL will tell Door Source to read the configuration
file, but not to use the BBS interface file. Door Source will prompt
you for a name, and if you want to use ANSI graphics. This way, you
don't have to worry about making a test PCBOARD.SYS, DORINFO1.DEF,
CALLINFO.BBS, or DOOR.SYS. If you didn't specify LOCAL, it would look
for the bbs interface file that you gave it.
Now type the following program into Quick Basic:
PROGNAME$="Hello World"
CALL ClrScrn
CALL Send("Hello World!",No,Yes,10)
CALL Incomm("How are you today, @FIRST@ ?",No,No,14)
CALL ExitDoor
Press the F5 key and the program will run. If you receive an
error, refer to Common Questions to find a solution. You should
see Door Source ask you for a name, and if you want ANSI graphics.
Then the screen will clear and it will say Hello World! in High
Intensity Green, and the beneath that it will show How are you today,
with your first name. Enter in anything you want and press enter.
It will then say Closing Door... and more. You'll also notice that
at the bottom of the screen is a status line, and it will be
discussed later in this section. Now let's find out how this
program works.
First, the INCLUDE file has a lot of DECLAREs in it and a
COMMON SHARED block, it also makes a CALL to the Door Source
routine InitDoor. Inside InitDoor, Door Source will read the
configuration file, process the bbs interface file (in this
case, it will ask you for your name and if you want ANSI
instead), and it will set up the communications port if it
is going to be used.
In the next two lines, you set up two variables. PROGNAME$
should be the name of your program. RELEASE$ should be the
version number of your program. Door Source will display these
on the status line. PROGNAME$ shouldn't be bigger than 20 characters
and RELEASE$ shouldn't be bigger than 5 characters. They both
can contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and punctuation.
Then you make a call to the Door Source routine ClrScrn, which
clears the screen (local and remote), and updates the status line.
At this point, if you had added onto the configuration file, you
would read it here, but since we didn't, we just close the file
that InitDoor left open for us.
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The first four lines of the program above should be the first
four lines in all of your doors, except you would replace what
PROGNAME$ and RELEASE$ with information for your door.
Send is a Door Source routine that outputs (local and remote)
a string, and can optionly beep the speaker, and send a enter when
done. The number is the color number, here's the format for calling
CALL Send("Hello World!", No, Yes, 10)
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | Color to use
| | Send enter when done?
| Beep the speaker when done?
What to output
Incomm is another routine that outputs first and then waits
for input back. There are many options that you can use with
Incomm, most which are in global variables, which are covered
in the reference for it. Here's the way to call Incomm:
CALL Incomm("How are you today, @FIRST@ ?", No, No, 14)
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | Color to use
| | Limit the length? If
| | so, max length.
| Send enter before input?
What to output first
You may have noticed how @FIRST@ wasn't displayed on the screen,
but your first name was instead. That's because that when Door Source
sees one of these, it knows to replace it with what you want instead.
There is a complete list of these in Appendix D.
The last call is to ExitDoor, which closes up Door Source files
and removes the Door Source interrupt handlers. If you use END
instead of ExitDoor, then the interrupt handlers will remain in
place, causing the next program to run to crash. ExitDoor will
also insure that the caller stays connected while he/she is transferred
back to the bbs.
Door Source 4.0
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Door Source can support foreground and background colors. There
are three different ways that you can use and change colors too.
Here's a color chart:
# Name Hex Foreground Background
0 Black 0 Y Y
1 Blue 1 Y Y
2 Green 2 Y Y
3 Cyan 3 Y Y
4 Red 4 Y Y
5 Magenta 5 Y Y
6 Brown 6 Y Y
7 White 7 Y Y
8 Gray 8 Y N
9 HiBlue 9 Y N
10 HiGreen A Y N
11 HiCyan B Y N
12 HiRed C Y N
13 HiMagenta D Y N
14 Yellow E Y N
15 HiWhite F Y N
Way #1 to use color
CALL Send("Hello!",No,No,12)
CALL Send("Bye!",No,Yes,10)
This would output Hello! in high intensity red and on the same
line it would put Bye! in high intensity green.
Way #2 to use color
CALL Send("Hello!",No,Yes,HiRed)
CALL Send("Bye!",No,Yes,HiGreen)
This would output the same thing as above, the only difference
is that it is easier to read.
Way #3 to use color
CALL Send("Hello!@X0ABye!",No,Yes,12)
This would output the same as the first and second way, but
this one does it with one string. The whole key to this method
is the @X0A code in the middle. It tells Door Source to change
Door Source 4.0
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Color Code
Here's how to use the special color codes:
|||Foreground color
||Background color
|Second part of signal code
First part of signal code
You can also change the background color by setting the
variable BackGroundColor to a color number on the chart
above that is valid a background color (0-7).
Command Line Options
Door Source has numerous command line options in order to provide
flexibility with most computer systems. Here is a list:
LOCAL - Forces Door Source to run in local mode. This
is really meant for testing purposes, but it
still reads the configuration file, but doesn't
read the bbs interface file.
NETWORK - Forces file sharing to be active incase you
are using something other than SHARE to manage
file locking.
IRQ=n - Lets you change the IRQ used for the com port
specified in the bbs interface file.
(See below for more information)
ADDR=&Hnnnn - Lets you change the address used for the com
port specified in the bbs interface file.
(See below for more information)
PS2 - Forces the PS/2 IRQs and addresses if a PS/2
isn't detected (Normally it is, but you can't
always tell!)
RBBS - Forces Door Source into RBBS/QBBS mode
WILDCAT - Forces Door Source into Wildcat 2.0 mode
DOORSYS - Forces Door Source into 31-Line DOOR.SYS mode
PCB121 - Forces Door Source into PCBoard 11.8/12.x mode
with COM 1 active
PCB122 - Forces Door Source into PCBoard 11.8/12.x mode
with COM 2 active
PCB14 - (DEFAULT) Forces Door Source into PCBoard 14.x
Door Source 4.0
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When you use the IRQ or the ADDR option, you must include the other.
You can't use just the IRQ and not the ADDR, and you can't use just
the ADDR and not the IRQ. Here's a chart with the STANDARD IRQs
and addresses for the PS/2s and IBM PCs:
Non PS/2
Com port IRQ Address
1 4 &H3F8
2 3 &H2F8
3 4 &H3E8
4 3 &H2E8
5-8 4 &H3F8
Com port IRQ Address
1 4 &H3F8
2 3 &H2F8
3 3 &H3220
4 3 &H3228
5 3 &H4220
6 3 &H4228
7 3 &H5220
8 3 &H5228
Door Source 4.0
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Door Writing Techniques
When writing a door, you should keep three concepts in mind, they
1) Compatibility
2) Flexibility
3) Multi-node
A compatible door is a door that easily runs on several bbs types.
Door Source currently supports PCBoard 11.8+, PCBoard 14.x, WildCat,
RBBS/QBBS DORINFO1.DEF, and the 31-line version of DOOR.SYS. Modifying
specific detailed parts of the user's information makes the door
less portable, since not all systems have the same information as
A flexible door is one that allows the sysop to EASILY tell the
game where things are, and to set the options that they want.
Options like a tournament mode, turns per day, plays per day, etc,...
are good options to have. Letting the sysop define text from the
door is stretching this a little, but some sysops like this feature.
Of course it does mean a lot of work on your part too.
A multi-node door is often the hardest to write, but not if you
know how. Really it is very easy, easier than most think. You first
have to decide how multi-node you want your door to get. For example,
you might not won't to try to program something to let two players
on at the same time attack each other, so maybe you don't let on
go into the same sector as another that is currently on, or you
could go for the more complex way and do a one-on-one active battle
mode (which players would like). But the one thing all multi-node
doors must do is to share files correctly, and the way to do this
is to open files as SHARED, and to LOCK and UNLOCK individual records.
You will also want to keep in contact with other nodes playing
your door at the same time, and this can be done with a simple file
that would be organized by node. It would tell the other nodes if
it was running maintenance (so the others would play while it was), or
to tell the other nodes where someone is. In the Door Source Door
tool kit, it contains routines to maintain a file, and others to
help make your door more multinode. A multi-node door is always
praised by the sysops of a multi-node system.
Quick Basic problems
Quick Basic does have a few problems, and you will encounter them
if you are working on a large door project. You will probably
encounter a "Out of Stack Space" or a "Out of Data Space" error.
I've found that exiting to DOS and then coming back will usually
solve the problem. If not, then its time to do some work on your
program. If you know that you're door will be large, or if your
door gets larger than you expected, then here are a few tips on
how to get rid of these problems, or to prevent them:
Door Source 4.0
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1) Use variables, not constants. When you call a routine,
like Send, and pass it a constant, the space that the
constant used is not released for other programs to use.
Instead, it stays in memory until your program quits.
So call Send or other routines this way, by defining your
variable first.
CALL Send(Lin$, No, Yes, ColorToUse)
If you didn't set up the variables before hand, you
would have just used up 12 bytes of stack space that
wouldn't be made available for other things. (I didn't
miscount, a string has a 4 byte discriptor on it.)
2) Use MAKEDS so that your Door Source library will be
as small as possible, and so it won't take up extra
space with routines you don't need.
3) Use as few variables as possible. You should set aside
two or three variables for your loops, a few for input,
and a few for output, etc,... Just don't go around
putting in new variables, because it will eliminate
stack space.
4) If you are using your own COMMON SHARED block, eliminate
all unnecessary variables from it, and don't declare
a function or subroutine as STATIC unless necessary.
Large doors
When writing LARGE doors with Door Source, you should use
a multi-module program. To create a new module, you must select
the Create file option from the file menu (full menus only).
Here are some tips for writing large doors:
1) Make a COMMON SHARED block for each of your modules
that has commonly used variables.
2) Include the DOORSORC.INT at the beginning of each module
so that it can use the Door Source routines and variables.
3) Make as many things as possible a routine or a function,
and place those routines and functions into a module of
their own (You could even have several modules of routines).
4) Remember that you can't GOTO or GOSUB to a line number or a
label in another module.
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5) Anything that is done more than once is a good candidate for
routine or function, even if it just calculates a score
or shows lots of information.
6) When calling routines (Door Source or your own), pass
variables, not constants to them.
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Gathering Data from the User
When writing your door, you will want to keep a consistent, but
friendly and easy to use approach to receiving information back from
the user. Using the PromptIncomm or EntryIncomm is a good way to
gather a limited amount of data, PromptIncomm is most useful for
yes and no questions, and for amounts. EntryIncomm is good for
long replies (sentences, names, etc,...).
You can also vary Incomm in a number of ways, the Incomm routine
is the kernel for PromptIncomm and EntryIncomm. You can write your own
routine to first do your special prompt and then call Incomm. For
example, if you wanted to make a prompt that used RainbowSend so the
prompt is lots of different colors, you could do this:
SUB RainbowInput(Text$, LimitField)
CALL RainbowSend(Text$, No, No, 11)
CALL Incomm("", No, LimitField, Last.Clr.Used)
This would be output Text$ (the prompt) using RainbowSend first,
then use Incomm to receive the data. The variable, Last.Clr.Used, is
a Door Source variable that has the number of the last color used
stored in it.
If you have specific keys that you want the user to use and to
lock out the others, use the Table$ and Default.Table$ to limit
the input to certain keys, for example:
CALL Incomm("Do you want to quit (Y/N) ? ", No, 1, 14)
The above example first sets Table$ to equal YN, now Door Source
will only allow the user to input the letters Y and N (Lower case
will NOT work, you have to add in the lower case letters too!).
The last line sets Table$ back to the default (when Door Source
starts, Table$ is already at the default). This is very important
so that you don't accidentally keep limiting input when you don't
want to. Also, NEVER change Default.Table$, doing so will make it
only harder on you to undo the Table$ setting. You don't have to
worry about adding in characters like backspace or enter, because
Door Source assumes that you will want to let the user use those
keys. Table$ does not affect any output routines, only the Door
Source input routines (except CommInkey$ and CommKeyInkey$ functions)
Door Source 4.0
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Making friendly menus
Friendly menus (to you and the user) are menus that can be
aborted in the middle of display. To make a friendly menu in
Door Source, define a array and put your menu in it. This also
makes it easy for you to make a quick change to one or all of
your menus if you have all of the arrays in the same place.
An example of how to make a friendly menu would be:
CONST Main.Menu.Length = 5
DIM Main.Menu$(5)
Main.Menu$(1)="(1) Quit"
Main.Menu$(2)="(2) Quit"
Main.Menu$(3)="(3) Quit"
Main.Menu$(4)="(4) Quit"
Main.Menu$(5)="(5) Quit"
CALL BlockSend(Main.Menu$(), No, Main.Menu.Length)
If the user was to press the space bar, CTRL-X, or CTRL-K while
the menu was displaying, it would stop displaying and let your
program go on to receive the input.
Another form of the friendly menu (but doesn't allow aborting)
is using MenuManager to display your menu, and allows ANSI users to
use a scroll bar to scroll up and down and make their choice, and
allows non-ANSI users to enter their selection.
Presenting information in a compact format
Displaying ten, twenty character long lines, on ten separate lines
is a waste of space. Instead, you could compact the display to five
lines, or even less. Setting TabSpace in between calls to one of the
Send routines will let you make a nicely formatted display, for example:
CALL Send("Info #1:"+Info1$, No, No, 10)
TabSpace = 40
CALL Send("Info #2:"+Info2$, No, Yes, 10)
CALL Send("Info #3:"+Info3$, No, No, 10)
TabSpace = 40
CALL Send("Info #4:"+Info4$, No, Yes, 10)
Would look like:
Info #1: Something Info #2: Something else
Info #3: Anything Info #4: Anything else!
Door Source 4.0
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If you want to display information from an array in a compact
format, you could do this:
Stack = 0
FOR X = 1 TO 10
IF Stack = 0 THEN
CALL Send("Info :"+Info$(X), No, No, 10)
TabSpace = 40
Stack = 1
CALL Send("Info :"+Info$(X), No, Yes, 10)
Stack = 0
IF TabSpace = 40 THEN TabSpace = 0
In the above example, the variable Stack changes from 0 to 1 and
back again to keep track of whether or not it's time to tab over to
column 40 or to end the line. The IF after the NEXT X makes sure that
you aren't set at column 40 for your next output when you don't want
to be.
You could also put in another IF block inside the FOR loop to let
you decide whether or not you have any information to display or not.
You could also modify all the above examples so that you could have
three columns and not just two.
The Configuration File
You can make the configuration file for your door program larger
than what Door Source requires it to be, and you can read in the
information yourself too. Door Source automatically reads in the
first four lines of the configuration file and sets everything up
for you to read the rest. Reading more from the configuration file
is simple:
ProgName$="Configuration Reader"
LINE INPUT #1, ExtraInfo$
LINE INPUT #1, ExtraNumber
CALL ClrScrn
Even though there is no open statement, Door Source opened the
file and read the information from it already (It did this from in
the DOORSORC.INT). Remember to close the file after use, even if you
don't use it at all. The only limit to how long your configuration
file can be is the disk space and the amount of memory you can
use to store the information. The configuration file can not be
in a random access format, only sequential.
Door Source 4.0
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Testing your Door
The easiest way to test your door is to run it from inside the
Quick Basic environment. You first have to have three things done
so that you can, and they are:
1) Have a sample configuration file in the Quick Basic
2) Load Quick Basic with the /L option and DS40 after it
For example:
3) Load Quick Basic with the /CMD option and your configuration
file's name after it with the word LOCAL.
(See above example)
If you forgot to load with the /CMD option, you can set it from
inside Quick Basic from the Run menu (Modify COMMAND$).
Now all you have to do is press F5 to run your program. If you
have any problems, refer to Appendix C - Common Questions.
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Finishing your Door
To eliminate all possible problems, you should first thoroughly test
you door in two manners, logically, and unlogically. When you are
logically testing it, you should use your door the way you designed
it to be used, noting the little problems as you go. Then when you
unlogically test it, you try testing your program in a way completely
opposite of how you designed it. This method is a through method to
debug your program. You will find most of the errors through this
method, but then there are always situations that even you didn't
think of in either of these manners.
To finish a door you will need to compile to door into a EXE format.
This way you can use the door without having to load QuickBasic to run
your doors. Since Door Source doesn't use Quick Basic's communications
routines, you CAN compile your door to be a stand-alone program, that
doesn't need BRUN45.EXE. If you prefer to not make it a stand-alone,
you do not have to use a patched version of BRUN45.EXE like other
door packages require.
In order to compile your program, you must go to the Run menu and
select Make EXE. It will compile your program in memory and then
a window will pop up asking what you want the final file name of the
program to be, and other options. Do not select the produce debug
code option, it will only make your program larger and slower, and
allow people to break it in the middle by pressing CTRL-Break. After
you have everything like you want it, select one of the button on the
bottom of the window to start the process.
Of course, you'll need to provide some documentation for your
door, and good documentation should have some of these sections listed
Table of contents
Overview/Summary of the door
List of files in archive
Configuration file setup
Command line options
Batch file setup
Customization instructions
List of function/ALT keys
Possible errors/Troubleshooting
A good disclaimer is always something that is hard to come by, here
is a disclaimer that pretty much covers you:
This program and other files associated with it are not
guaranteed to be bug free or virus free. We are not
responsible for any damages of any kind, including
profit loses and data loss, that relate directly or
indirectly to these programs and files. You may
distribute this program, as long as it is in unmodified
form with all the files originally included.
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You may wish to add/change/delete something from this one, but it
is a pretty good one. A overview or summary of the door would be a
simple explanation of exactly what your door does, no specifics
really. The configuration file section should show a sample
configuration file, and give a sentence or two on each line in the
file. The command line options should show the user how to
configure the door to run with his system. Refer to the chapter
on command line options to put into your documentation.
The batch file setup should show a few example batch files, and
telling you if you need to add it in your daily event, etc,...
The customization section should tell the sysop that uses your door
how to better customize it to what he needs. Some examples might be
aliases allowed/not allowed, location of files, prompts, etc,...
The list of function keys is basically this:
F3 - Printer toggle
F4 - Page bell toggle
F5 - Shell to DOS
F7 - Caller alarm toggle
F8 - Return caller to board
F10 - Start sysop chat
ESC - Enter sysop chat
ALT-X - Drop to DOS after caller logs off
ALT-N - Sysop next on flag
Troubleshooting should list a few possible errors that might
occur, and how to solve them. Like if error number 53 (File not found)
occurs, then search your configuration file for a misspelled filename
or a wrong path. If error 61 (Disk full) occurs, free up disk space.
Some errors can't be solved, and you could list those and have them
call a bulletin board for more help.
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Getting more out of Door Source
This section and the following section, Advanced Techniques, are
very closely related. With Door Source 4.0, it is basically possible
for you to write your own input and output routines using out base
routines to do the dirty work. The difference in between this section
and the next is simply that this tells you how to take advantage of
some of the new variables and features, and the next section tells
you more on programming more advanced things with Door Source.
The definable page sound
You can easily change the sound of the SysopPage routine by
setting 3 variables - PageSound.1, PageSound.2, and PageSound.3
The sound generated is in the order of PageSound.1, then PageSound.2,
and then the final sound is PageSound.3. The numbers you put in
PageSound should be in the acceptable range of the SOUND command,
which is somewhere around 45-32767. A page sound of 200, 400, 600
would make a sound that starts out low, then the next sound is
about double the pitch of the first, and the third is double the
pitch of the second. Its possible to create a variety of different
sounds with this, try experimenting with the SOUND command first to
find what you like the best. The duration of the sounds is set, and
can't be changed.
CALL SysopPage(Answered)
Filtering your input
Sometimes, you may want to limit the input to a question to a
few letters, or selectively not recognize certain characters. To
do so, you should set the Table$ variable. An example would be:
Table$ = "YNyn"
CALL Incomm("You can only type Y and N:",No,1,15)
' Anything else besides Y,N,y,n that the user types is
' not displayed or recognized. Backspace and enter CAN NOT
' be filtered out.
Table$ = Default.Table$
' This is necessary to reset the filter back to normal,
' if you didn't do this then you'll have problems with
' later Incomm commands still being restricted with the
' filtering.
You can only type Y and N:Y Door Source 4.0
Programmer's Manual - Page 2
Protecting input from prying eyes
When a password or something secret needs to be concealed, you
can now set a "substitution character" that will be displayed in
place of what the user really types. You can make the character
anything you wish, but making it a null turns it off.
Protected.Input$="*" ' Now shows a * in place of text
CALL Incomm("Password:", No, No, 15)
Protected.Input$="" ' Turns it off - Back to normal display
Two fancier input prompts
EntryIncomm prints out a field of (----) above the area where
the user's input will be displayed. The size of the field is based
on how big you make the field. Good for ANSI and NON-ANSI!
CALL EntryIncomm("Your new name:", 25, LightGreen, Yellow)
' ^ Field size
Your new name:Zantigahicatal
PromptIncomm is most useful in ANSI cases, but will handle
non-ansi well too, but the purpose of the routine is defeated
then. What it does is create a field similar to the EntryIncomm
but the field is on the same line as the input. The second text
field is the "default field" tells the user what it defaults to
if they press enter, but its up to you to interpret them pressing
enter. You can pass a string as the second parameter, and it
will use that instead of one of the already programmed constants.
The constants are:
Default1 = (Enter=no)
Default2 = (Enter=none)
Default3 = (Enter=quits)
CALL PromptIncomm("Do you wish to quit",Default1,
LightGreen, 1, Yellow)
' ^ Field size
Do you wish to quit (Enter=no) ? (N)
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Unabortable ViewFiles
Do you want to force the user to see out an entire file? Its easy
to block the abort codes by setting the variable No.Abort to YES,
then when the user tries to abort, it won't let him. However, if
more prompts are still offered, answering NO to it will stop the
No.Abort = YES
CALL ViewFile("MYFILE.ANS", No, No, No)
No.Abort = NO ' Reset it back to normal
Disabling carrier checking
How would you like to turn off carrier checking for a
call back verification program of some sort, or something
along those lines? Try setting Carrier.Check to YES, and
Door Source will *IGNORE* the carrier detect flag. If the
user drops carrier, you'll have to handle and detect yourself!
Carrier.Check = No ' Disables carrier checking
Carrier.Check = Yes ' (Default) enables carrier checking
Checking the baud and the carrier, setting DTR, CTS, and RTS
Checking the baud rate
The variable Baud& has the baud rate stored in it. Here's
what the number in it means:
1 - Local mode
300 - 300 baud
1200 - 1200 baud
2400 - 2400 baud
4800 - 4800 baud
9600 - 9600 baud
-192 - 19,200 baud
-384 - 38,400 baud
-1152 - 115,200 baud
Checking the carrier
The routine CheckCarrier will tell you if a carrier is
CALL CheckCarrier(CarrierFlag)
IF CarrierFlag = NO AND Baud& > 1 THEN
CALL ExitDoor ' Carrier lost!
Door Source 4.0
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Setting the DTR, CTS, and RTS
The DTR (Data Terminal Ready) when on normally means that
you are on-line, and have a connection. However, on most
modems, turning it off while it is on will break the
CALL ChangeDTR(YES) ' Turn DTR on
CALL ChangeDTR(NO) ' Turn DTR off
CTS Control On/Off
CTS (Clear To Send) is used to signal the other modem that
it is ok to send characters. Modems that don't preform
error checking or UARTS that don't have buffers may require
CTS flow-control to be on during high-speed file transfers.
CALL ChangeCTS(YES) ' Turn CTS control on
CALL ChangeCTS(NO) ' Turn CTS control off
RTS (Request To Send) is used by most auto-dial modems to
see if a computer is ready to receive data from the modem.
If the RTS signal isn't detected, some modems may refuse
to accept modem commands or send result codes.
CALL ChangeRTS(YES) ' Turn RTS on
CALL ChangeRTS(NO) ' Turn RTS off
Automatic more prompts
If you're displaying lots of information, like programmed in
documentation, and you don't want to keep track of when you
need to show a more prompt or a press any key prompt, just
simply set the AutoMore variable to one of the settings:
0 Disables the prompts (default)
MorePrompt (Or the value 1) Causes automatic more prompts
PressKeyPromp (Or the value 2) Causes automatic press any key
AutoMore = MorePrompt
The variable Lines.Since will tell you how many lines have been
sent SINCE the last ClrScrn WITH one of the Send routines or
Incomm routines. The automatic prompts are by default not
enabled, and when enabled, they occur every 23 lines.
Door Source 4.0
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Advanced Techniques
Door Source has several new features that are more program
related, that are just a little bit to hard to put in the previous
section, Getting more out of Door Source.
The extra line status line
Normally, Door Source has lines 24 and 25 in use with its status
line, but if you have some information of you're own that you'd
like to put on it, now you can by using the GameInfoUpdate
routine with the variable GameInfoCol.
The only major change you have to make to your program is to use
the DSGAME.INT file instead of the DOORSORC.INT file, and you'll
need to write a routine to do the status line updating.
First of all, the Door Source status line is moved up to lines
23 and 24, and we leave 25 for your use. You call the
GameInfoUpdate routine like you would call print, for example:
. (Later in the program) Background
. \/
CALL GameInfoUpdate("This is on the 25th line!", No, 14, 7)
^ Text ^ ^
| Foreground
The background is the last number, and the color you specify is
the foreground color. The enter parameter is like the ; on a
print command, telling it no keeps the current position at that
spot, but yes will start at column 1 when you do the next
But what if you want to position the cursor somewhere on the
line without printing to that location? Or what if you want
to know where the cursor is? You can tell both of these by
looking at the GameInfoCol variable. For example:
A = GameInfoCol ' A now contains the horizontal position
' of the cursor on line 25.
GameInfoCol = 30 ' With the next GameInfoUpdate call, it
' will start printing at column 30.
Now the only thing missing is your interfacing this into your
program. The easiest way to do this is to write a new ClrScrn
routine, that you call in place of ClrScrn, this is necessary
because ClrScrn doesn't update your line when called, so you'll
have to do it. Here's an example of a new ClrScrn:
SUB ClearTheScreen
CALL ClrScrn
CALL GameInfoUpdate("This is on the 25th line!",No,14,7)
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Writing your own output routines
With Door Source, you can virtually write your own output
routines for use with your program. The kernel for all of our
output routines is the Send1Line routine. It will send one
line out to the local and remote display, and will decode the
substitution codes too! All that's left for you to do is to
write your own routine that calls this routine. For example,
say you wanted to write a routine that would colorize all of the
letters that are the capital A, then you might do this:
SUB ColorizeTheA(Text$,AColor$,RegularColor$)
FOR X=1 TO LEN(Text$)
IF MID$(Text$,X,1)="A" THEN
CALL Send1Line(AColor$+MID$(Text$,X,1))
CALL Send1Line(RegularColor$+MID$(Text$,X,1))
The variables AColor$ and RegularColor$ would store the @X color
codes for the colors for A's and other letters.
Writing your own input routines
You can write your own input routines too with Door Source.
The main kernel for the input routine is CommInkey$, and a few
other routines supplement the features offered in Incomm. An
example input routine that is very simple might be:
SUB GetInput
You should also be aware that all filters, and special variables
that affect input with Incomm do NOT work with CommInkey$, you
have to program in support for them yourself if you want them.
The GetInput routine above would wait for a key to be pressed
on the local or remote keyboard. Now say that you want to echo
the character to the screen and to the remote screen, you'd do
SUB GetInput
CALL Send1Line(A$) ' Echos the character
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Now maybe you want to trap the function keys, you could do this:
SUB GetInput
CALL ExtendedCode(A$,NULL) ' Process the function key
CALL Send1Line(A$) ' Echos the character
The NULL variable on the ExtendedCode is used only by Incomm,
and you shouldn't pass anything to it in place of it, and its
not used to return anything to your program. Now the GetInput
routine we have above is pretty good. It will accept input
from the keyboard and from remote, check for a extended code
and process it, otherwise it will echo the character.
You can also write your own chat routine, but use our code
by calling Incomm with the second parameter as a 5. This
will print the "Sysop started chat at" and the "Hello, this is"
lines, and then will handle the input and color for you, then
once the sysop presses ESC to end the chat, it will print the
"Sysop ended chat at" and return control to you. So basically, by
passing a 5 as the second parameter forces a chat.
CALL Incomm("",5,No,15) ' Forces a chat
Carrier loss processing
Sometimes in more complex doors, its necessary to process
a carrier drop yourself in order to save and wrap up files.
You could turn carrier checking off, but its best if you use
the CarrierLossError method. What you do is set CarrierLossError
to YES and when carrier is dropped, a error number 255 will be
forced, and if you have a ON ERROR trapping processing in your
program, you will be able to catch it, and then let Door Source
finish off the rest. For an example, please refer to the example
program ERRDEMO.BAS.
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How a door works
Understanding how a door works is good to know so that you can
better plan your door. Here's a simple diagram on what happens:
BBS Creates the interface file and exits
Door's batch file is run
|--> Door loads and reads in the interface file
| \|/
Door Source | The door opens the communications port if needed
handles this | \|/
with your | User interacts with the door
program | \|/
|--> Door eventually exits, updating the interface file
BBS reloads and reads in the interface file
User continues using the bbs
The DOORSORC.INT file sets up the necessary DECLAREs for the routines
and the functions, it then sets up the COMMON SHARED block which lets
you share variables with Door Source, like Baud&. Then it sets up
a few constants, and then calls InitDoor, then the Door Source library
takes over, and reads the configuration file, initialize its variables
and then opens the com port for access. Then control is returned to
you and your program picks up from their setting the program's name
and version, etc,... While you're doing other processing, Door Source
is ALWAYS looking at the com port, keeping received data in its
buffer until you're ready for it. Door Source monitors everything
for you, from carrier detection to characters being sent to
characters being received, all behind the scenes.
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Converting from Door Source 3.2 or before to 4.0
There are a few changes in how you call routines from 3.2 and
before. Here's the list and how to change your program to fit 4.0
without major restructuring. The easiest way to change things is
using the QuickBasic search and replace feature from the edit menu.
* Routine AllTrun is now a function, you use it like this:
A$ = AllTrun$(A$)
* Routine HighScores has a extra parameter. The new third parameter
lets you output its output to a already open file by passing the
file number, but if you pass a 0, it outputs to the screen.
CALL HighScores(Score, ScoreDataFile$, OutputFileNumber)
* Routine Windows has a few parameters changes, the text foreground
and text background have been deleted since WindowPrint and
WindowInput do all window processing. Windows in your program
will need to be re-written because of this.
CALL Windows(ULR, ULC, LRR, LRC, Foreground, Background,
Border, Shadow)
* Routine Windows has two new borders, they are:
3 - Double horizontal Single vertical
4 - Single horizontal Double vertical
* Routine DayOfWeek moved into ScriptCMD.
* Routine MenuManager parameters have been changed, the Select$
parameter has been deleted, since now ANSI.Select$ and
NonANSI.Select$ (COMMON SHARED variables) are now used for the
select string. BarForeground and BarBack have been added, they
have the foreground and background color for the selection bar.
CALL MenuManager(Menu$(),Center,TextColor,NumberOfSelections,
BarForeground, BarBackground, BarnumberSelected)
* Routine SysopPage now has an extra parameter, this extra one is
used to return a variable in, not to pass one. It returns a 1 (YES)
if the page was answered.
CALL SysopPage(Answered)
* Routine ErrorLevelSet has been removed because of environment
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Summary of new features
LOCAL command line switch added
NETWORK command line switch added
Up.Key$ and Down.Key$ variables added
SysopPage changed
PageSound.1, PageSound.2, and PageSound.3 added
Page.String$ added
F5 (Shell to DOS) added
F3 (Printer toggle) added
GameInfoUpdate routine added
GameInfoCol added
Table$ and Default.Table$ added
PromptIncomm routine added
No.Abort added
MenuManager changed
Parser changed
WindowPrint and WindowInput routines added
ExtendedCode routine added
Protected.Input$ added
BlockSend routine added
RainbowSend routine added
Windows routine changed
DayOfWeek routine moved into ScriptCMD
RandNum function fixed
EntryIncomm added
AllTrun routine changed into a function
CheckCarrier routine added
Baud& variable added
CarrierLossError added
Carrier.Check added
ChangeDTR, ChangeCTS, and ChangeRTS added
IRQ command line parameter added
ADDR command line parameter added
PS2 command line parameter added
HighScores changed
ALL ROUTINES optimized to run faster, and to be more compact
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Appendix A - CALL Syntax
CALL QSend(Text$, Enter)
CALL BackSpace(Text$)
CALL ExtendedCode(Text$,NULL)
CALL BeepSpeaker()
CALL NL(Number.Of.Lines)
CALL Send(Text$, Bell, Enter, Color.To.Use)
CALL Incomm(Text$, Enter, Limit.Field, Color.To.Use)
CALL ANSIMusic(Music$, Music)
CALL GameInfoUpdate(Text$, Enter, Color.To.Use, Color.Background)
CALL BackSpaceOver()
CALL Center(Text$)
CALL ClrScrn
CALL ColorEasy(Text$, Color.To.Use, Enter)
CALL DoorBusy()
CALL ErrorLevelSet(Error.Level)
CALL ExitDoor()
CALL GetTime(Hours, Minutes, Seconds, SinceMid#)
CALL HighScores(Score, Score.FileName$, OutputFileNumber)
CALL MenuManager(Menu$(), Center, TextColor, Number.Of.Bars,
Select.Color, BarForeground, BarBackground, BarSelected)
CALL MoveCursor(X,Y)
CALL Parser(SearchFor$, SearchIn$, Array$(), ErrCode)
CALL ReadUsers(ErrCode)
CALL ScriptCMD()
CALL Sorter(Array$(), How.Many.Elements)
CALL SysopPage(Answered)
CALL TimeConvert(Hours, Minutes, New.Time$)
CALL ViewFile(FileName$, Check.For.GFile, MorePrompts, EnterPrompt)
CALL WaitASec(How.Many.Seconds.To.Wait)
CALL Windows(ULR, ULC, LRR, LRC, Fore, Back, Border, Shadow)
CALL WriteUsers(ErrCode)
CALL BlockSend(Array$(), Center, Lines.To.Send)
CALL WindowPrint(Text$, Row, Col, Fore, Back)
CALL WindowInput(Text$, MaxLength, Row, Col, Fore, Back)
CALL RainbowSend(Text$, Bell, Enter, Color.To.Use)
CALL PromptIncomm(Text$, Default$, DefaultColor, LimitField,
CALL EntryIncomm(Text$, LimitField, FieldColor, Color.To.Use)
CALL ShellToDos(Shell.String$)
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Appendix B - Optimizing your door
The best way to optimize a door program can be divided into two
1) The first part is cleaning up your code. This would mean
elimination of most or all GOTOs and GOSUBs, elimination
of as many constants as possible, and elimination of
repetition in your code.
2) The second part is compiling from the command line.
QuickBasic compiles with some unneeded options when you
select the Make EXE command from the Run menu. You might
need the error trapping flag (/X) if you have a ON ERROR
statement in your program, and you might need the switch
for dynamic arrays (/AH) if you're using them. Here's a
sample compilation for a NON-STANDALONE program:
For a STANDALONE program, use this:
These parameters will compile the to the most compact
format. You can also use PKLITE to compress it more.
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Appendix C - Common Questions
Q: How do I read in additional information from the configuration
A: To read in more information, simply INPUT from file #1 after you
call ClrScrn for the first time. Make sure to close it when you're
done. Here's an example:
CALL ClrScrn
INPUT #1, ExtraInfo
Door Source doesn't read past the fourth line of the configuration
file, so you can put whatever you please there.
Q: How do I test a door from inside QuickBasic?
A: You must have first loaded QuickBasic with the /L option specifying
the Door Source library. For example:
Then you will need to setup the command line parameters by setting
the COMMAND$, you do this from the Run menu from Modify COMMAND$.
Now, as long as your configuration file, bbs interface file, and
all other files you need exist, you can press F5 and test your door
from QuickBasic.
Q: Should I compile as a stand-alone door?
A: It's up to you. A stand-alone door will not need the BRUN45.EXE,
but it will make your door significantly larger, and compiling
not as a stand-alone will save space. Door Source will work fine
either way.
Q: What does the error "Error opening port -1" mean?
A: It means that you have specified a invalid serial port, and you
should check your bbs interface file or your bbs's setup.
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Appendix D - Variable Reference
The first part of this reference is of the global variables, the
second is of the global UserBlock type declaration.
Variable Name Purpose
------------- ------------------------------------------------------
ARG$ Input from user, returned by Incomm routine
SYSDPATH$ Drive/Path/Filename of bbs interface file
BBSName$ Name of BBS running on
SysopNM$ Sysop FULL name
CALLNAME$ Caller's FULL name
Baud& Baud rate of caller
PROGNAME$ Name of your door
RELEASE$ Version of your door
ANSI Ansi Flag (1 = On 0 = Off)
I1$,I2$,I3$ Input variables to script commands
O1$,O2$,O3$ Output variables from script commands
User.Color Color that user input will be display in
BackGroundColor Color to use for background when displaying
Exit.Dor.1$ First line of ExitDoor message
Exit.Dor.2$ Second line of ExitDoor message
Exit.Dor.Clr1 Color of first line
Exit.Dor.Clr2 Color of second line
UserF$ First name of caller
UserL$ Last name of caller
Caps Convert all input to caps (1 = Yes 0 = No)
Page.Bell Page bell toggle (-1 = On 0 = Off)
Caller.Alarm Caller alarm (-1 = On 0 = Off)
Sysop.Next Sysop next on toggle (-1 = On 0 = Off)
Hang.Up Exit to DOS after log off toggle (-1 = On 0 = Off)
User.Record Record number of user
Network Network active (1 = Yes 0 = No)
Display.Toggle Display on/off toggle (ignored by DS -1 = On 0 = Off)
Printer.Toggle Printer on/off (-1 = On 0 = Off)
BusyFlag A signal to ExitDoor that DoorBusy routine is in use
UserFile$ Drive/Path/Filename of USERS file (PCBoard ONLY!)
Up.Key$ Key to be used for scrolling up in MenuManager
Down.Key$ Key to be used for scrolling down in MenuManager
Parity Parity of user calling (7 or 8 data bits)
Filter Incomm filtering active (filters all high ascii out)
BusyFile$ Drive/Path/Filename of busy file for DoorBusy routine
SysFirst$ Sysop's first name
SysLast$ Sysop's last name
CommPort Communacations port being used (1-8)
Last.Clr.Used Last color used in a call to Send
EchoKey STOPS echoing keys to remote user (1 = Yes 0 = No)
No.Enter.Send Incomm doesn't send enter when done (1 = Yes 0 = No)
File.Missing$ String ViewFile$ displays when file is not found
BBSType$ Type of BBS in use (PCB14, PCB121, PCB122, WILDCAT,
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Node Node caller is on
TabSpace Send will tab to this column before sending
InverseText Reverses the text colors (Foreground/Background switch)
Sysop Sysop is on (1 = Yes 0 = No)
BlinkText Send will make text blink
Not.Around$ String to show when Sysop doesn't answer page
PARAM$ Extra command-line parameters that DS didn't use
Page.String$ String to display while paging
PageSound.1 First tone of page
PageSound.2 Second tone of page
PageSound.3 Third tone of page
GameInfoCol Column to start printing on game status line
Default.Table$ Table containing a unaltered filter
Table$ Specific filtering of characters for Incomm
KeyBoardTimeOut Number of SECONDS for a keyboard time out
Protected.Input$ Incomm displays this instead of what user types
ANSI.Select$ Menu Manager's ANSI selection string
NonAnsi.Select$ Menu Manager's NON-ANSI selection string
Carrier.Check Disables carrier checking (1 = Yes 0 = No)
CarrierLossError Causes ExitDoor to generate a error 255 if carrier
is dropped.
No.Abort Disables CTRL-X, CTRL-K keys from aborting screens
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
AutoMore Automatically prints more prompts/press any key prompts
Lines.Since Number of lines printed since last more/press prompt
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This is the reference for the UserBlock global variable
Variable Type P W R D Description
------------------- ----------- - - - - -------------------------
CityState AS STRING * 24 Y Y Y Y City and state of user
Password AS STRING * 12 Y Y Y User's Password
BusinessPhone AS STRING * 13 Y Y User's Business/Data phone
VoicePhone AS STRING * 13 Y Y Y User's Voice/Home phone
LastDateOn AS STRING * 20 Y Y Y Last date user was on
LastTimeOn AS STRING * 5 Y Last time user was on
ExpertMode AS STRING * 1 Y Y Y Expert mode "Y" or "N"
ProtocolType AS STRING * 5 Y Y Y Protocol selected
LastDirListing AS STRING * 10 Y Y Last date viewed dir
SecurityLevel AS INTEGER Y Y Y Y Security Level for user
TimesOn AS INTEGER Y Y Y Number of times on before
PageLength AS INTEGER Y Y Page length for user
TotalUploads AS INTEGER Y Y Y Total # of uploads made
TotalDownloads AS INTEGER Y Y Y Total # of downloads made
DailyDownloadBytes AS DOUBLE Y # of download bytes left
UserComment AS STRING * 30 Y User Comment field
SysopComment AS STRING * 30 Y Sysop Comment field
ElapsedTime AS INTEGER Y Y Elapsed Time on system 1
Subscription AS STRING * 20 Y
SubscriptionExpire AS STRING * 20 Y
AreaRegistration AS STRING * 50 Y Y Y Areas user has access to
AreaExpire AS STRING * 50 Y
AreasToScan AS STRING * 50 Y
TotalDownloadBytes AS DOUBLE Y Y Y Total bytes downloaded
TotalUploadBytes AS DOUBLE Y Total bytes uploaded
DeleteFlag AS STRING * 1 Y Flag to delete user
TimeEnteredDoor AS STRING * 5 Y Y Y Y Time user entered door
AreaFrom AS INTEGER Y Y Area user exited from
MemorizedMessage AS LONG Y Memorized message #
TimeCalled AS STRING * 5 Y Y Time user called bbs
DailyDownloadTotal AS INTEGER Y Total downloads TODAY
MaxDownloadLimit AS DOUBLE Y Max downloads TODAY
LastRead AS INTEGER Y Message last read
MaxDownloadKLimit AS DOUBLE Y Y Y Max d/l K TODAY
ExpirationDate AS STRING * 10 Y
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Appendix E - Script Commands Reference
Script commands are several small routines packed all into one.
In order to access them, you set the according variables, and
then make a call to ScriptCMD routine. For example, if you
wanted to display a Press [ANY KEY] to continue prompt, you
could do this:
I1$ = "PRES"
Variables I1$, I2$, and I3$ are all INPUT variables that store
information for the routine to use. O1$, O2$, and O3$ are all OUTPUT
variables that return information from the routine to you.
I1$ is always the name of the routine you're calling inside of
ScriptCMD. You only have to specify the first 4 letters of the
word unless stated in the documentation.
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Purpose: To trim all leading spaces
Name in ScriptCMD: LTRIM
Remarks: This routine is a simple truncation routine to remove
all leading spaces from a string.
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - The string to be truncated
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - The truncated string
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Purpose: To trim all trailing spaces
Name in ScriptCMD: RTRIM
Remarks: This routine is a simple routine to truncate all trailing
spaces from a string.
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - The string to be truncated
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - The truncated string
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Upper Case
Purpose: To convert a string to all upper case
Name in ScriptCMD: UPPER
Remarks: This routine will convert a string into all upper case
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - The string to be converted
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - The converted string
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Lower case
Purpose: To convert a string to all lower case
Name in ScriptCMD: LOWER
Remarks: This routine will convert a string into all lower case
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - The string to be converted
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - The converted string
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More Prompt
Purpose: To display a more prompt
Name in ScriptCMD: MORE
Remarks: This will display a more prompt and allow the user to
select Yes to continue, No to abort, and C to go non-stop. It
will return a Y (for yes), a N (for no), or a C (for non-stop)
in O1$
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - Contains a Y, N, or C
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Press Any Key
Purpose: To display a Press [ANY KEY] to continue prompt
Name inside ScriptCMD: PRESS
Remarks: This will display a Press [ANY KEY] to continue prompt and
then wait for the key to be pressed:
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned: None
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Purpose: To check if a file exists
Name inside ScriptCMD: EXIST
Remarks: This will check for the existence of the file specified.
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - Drive/Path/Location of file to check for
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - If the file exists
(Y = Yes N = No)
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Name conversion
Purpose: To convert a name into proper upper and lower case
Name inside ScriptCMD: NAMECASE
Remarks: This will take a name like "DR. JOHN DOE" and properly
convert it into "Dr John Doe"
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - The name to be converted
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - The converted name
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Coding and Decoding
Purpose: To code and decode a string
Name inside ScriptCMD: CODER
Remarks: This is a simple coding routine that will resist causal
attempts to break it. It will code and decode with the same password.
The longer the password, the better the protection you will have.
The password shouldn't have any high ASCII characters in it.
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - String to be coded/decode
I3$ - Password to code/decode with
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - The coded/decoded string
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Reverse Bits
Purpose: To reverse the bits in a string
Remarks: This will take all of the characters in a string and reverse
it's bits. This is a simple, but easy to break coding routine. To
unreverse the bits, just call the routine again.
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - The string to bit reverse
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - The bit reversed string
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Reverse Characters
Purpose: To reverse the order of characters in a string
Remarks: This changes the order of characters in a string so that
the first is last, and the last is first, and so on throughout the
entire string. To decode it, simply call the routine again.
Parameters Passed:
I2$ - The string to be reversed
Parameters Returned:
O1$ - The reversed string
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Appendix F - Command Reference
Each command is shown in a set format. The format is as follows:
Name of routine
Purpose: States the prupose of the routine
Remarks: Tells you the general information on the routine and how
to use it.
Parameters Passed: Tells you what parameters to the routine and what
they are for.
Parameters Returned: Tells you what parameters are returned and what
is in them.
Example: A short little program showing the usage of the routine
See Also: (on some routines) Gives you a reference to other routines
that do nearly the same thing or that work with this routine.
Purpose: To send a string local and remote quickly without the
extra bells and whistles of Send.
Syntax: CALL QSend(Text$, Send.Enter)
Remarks: QSend is a very basic sending routine that simply sends
the given string to the local and remote screens. @X and other
substitution codes are the only form of color control in the
strings passed. Extra variables and parameters that affect Send
don't affect QSend.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - The string to be sent
Send.Enter - Send a CR/LF after sending is complete
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Parameters Returned: None
Text$ = "This will be displayed in the last color used."
CALL QSend(Text$, Yes)
See Also: BlockSend, ColorEasy, RainbowSend, Send, QSend
Purpose: To get one character from the local or remote keyboard
Syntax: Character$ = CommKeyInkey$
Remarks: This will check the local keyboard and the com port buffer
for keys waiting to be read, if one is found, it will read it and
return it, otherwise it will return a null. If you want to wait for
a key to be pressed, you should put this routine in a WHILE loop.
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
Character$ - Either null (if no key was pressed local or
remote) or a key from the keyboard or com port
Character$ = CommKeyInkey$
LOOP UNTIL Character$ <> ""
See Also: Incomm, CommInkey$
Purpose: To aid in opening files in a better, easier way
Syntax: FileNumber = FileOpen(FileName$, Access$, Sharing, Length)
Remarks: When you want to open a file and you don't know what the
next available file number is, or you don't want to refer to files
by their number, or if you don't want to have to fool with checking
if a network is active every time a file is opened, this routine
is what you should call. It will find the next available file number
and open the file according to your specifications and return the
file number to you in a variable so you can use it in place of a
Parameters Passed:
FileName$ - This is the name of the file to be opened
Access$ - The method in which you want to open the file
for access.
I - Sequential Input
O - Sequential Output
A - Append (Write at end of file)
R - Random Read/Write
B - Binary Read/Write
Sharing - Will open files to be shared if specified and a
network is active
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Length - For random and binary files only, this will open
the file with this as the record length.
Parameters Returned:
FileNumber - This is the variable you'd use for I/O with the
file. It will contain a -1 if the file wasn't
found that you tried to open only if you're
trying to do sequential input.
FileNumber = FileOpen("MYFILE.FIL", "O", Yes, 0)
PRINT #FileNumber, "This is in the file"
CLOSE #FileNumber
FileNumber = FileOpen("MYFILE.FIL", "I", Yes, 0)
INPUT #FileNumber, DataFromFile$
CLOSE #FileNumber
Purpose: To tell you how many minutes a user has left on the system
Syntax: TimeRemaining = CheckTimeLeft
Remarks: This function will return the number of minutes that the user
currently on has left for this call. Be careful not to assign the
value returned to a variable named TimeLeft because doing so will
modify Door Source's variable and cause the user's time to go berserk!
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
TimeRemaining - The number of minutes left the user has
CALL Send("("+STR$(CheckTimeLeft)+" min. left )", No, No, 14)
See Also: AdjustTimeLimit
Purpose: To backspace on the local and remote screen and also erase
the proper character in the string passed
Syntax: CALL BackSpace(Text$)
Remarks: This will allow you to write your own input routines for
use, and when a user presses the backspace key, call this routine and
it will send the proper backspacing codes and erase the backspaced
character from the string passed.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - A string that will the backspace will be preformed on
Parameters Returned:
Text$ - The new string with the last character erased
IF KeyPressed$ = CHR$(8) THEN
CALL BackSpace(Text$)
Purpose: To let you trap F-keys in your own I/O routines
Syntax: CALL ExtendedCode(CodeToProcess$, NULL)
Remarks: If you are writing your own version of Incomm, and would
like to take advantage of Door Source's F-Key processing routines,
call this with the key pressed and it will take the necessary
action, which may be updating the status bar or shelling to DOS.
Parameters Passed:
CodeToProcess$ - The two character code of the key pressed
NULL - This variable shouldn't be used by your routine, it
is only used by Door Source and is specified only to maintain
Parameters Returned: None
IF LEN(A$)>1 THEN ' Extended code
CALL ExtendedCode(A$, NULL)
Purpose: To sound the local and remote speaker
Syntax: CALL BeepSpeaker
Remarks: Calling BeepSpeaker instead of sending a bell code to the
screen and com port is better since it will always beep the remote
speaker but won't make the local speaker sound unless the page bell
is on.
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned: None
CALL BeepSpeaker
Purpose: To send the specified number of times a CR/LF sequence
Syntax: CALL NL(Number.Of.Times)
Remarks: This will send a CR/LF sequence the number of times you
tell it to. This is base routine for all routines to advance to
the next line.
Parameters Passed:
Number.Of.Times - The number of times to display the CR/LF
Parameters Returned: None
CALL NL(3) ' Print 3 CR/LF sequences
See Also: Send
Purpose: To display a string to local and remote screens
Syntax: CALL Send(Text$, Send.Bell, Send.Enter, Color.To.Use)
Remarks: This is the basic sending routine and it will display
to the local and remote screens. This routine will accept @X codes
and other substitution codes and display the proper things in
response to it. A few variables affect this routine's output, here's
a list:
BackGroundColor - Background color to be used
TabSpace - The text will be tabbed to this column for display
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - The string to be displayed
Send.Bell - Will sound the speaker on the remote and will
also sound the local ONLY if the page bell is on.
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Send.Enter - Send a CR/LF sequence once displaying is done
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Color.To.Use - Foreground color to display in
Parameters Returned: None
Text$ = "This will be displayed!"
CALL Send(Text$, No, Yes, 10)
See Also: BlockSend, ColorEasy, RainbowSend, QSend, WindowPrint
Purpose: To receive data from the keyboard and com port
Syntax: CALL Incomm(Text$, Send.Enter, Max.Characters, Color.To.Use)
Remarks: This is the basic input routine, it will check the keyboard
and the remote keyboard for input. There are several variables that
affect input for this routine, and they are all listed here:
Protected.Input$ - Incomm will show this character in place of
what is really typed. Setting this to ""
will cause normal display of input
TabSpace - The string to be displayed will be tabbed to this
User.Color - The user's input will be displayed in this color
Caps - Incomm will covert input to all caps before returning
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
No.Enter.Send - After input is completed, a CR/LF won't be
sent (1 = Yes 0 = No)
EchoKey - Will make input not show up on the screens at all
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Filter - This will filter out high ascii characters (128+)
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Table$ - Set this to the only keys you want to be accepted
if you want to limit the user to a few keys. Set it
to Default.Table$ to restore it to normal.
BackGroundColor - This is the background color for the
prompt and input.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - String to be sent as a prompt
Send.Enter - Send a CR/LF AFTER the prompt and BEFORE input
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Max.Characters - The maximum number of character to accept
Setting this to a -1 (or Hockey) will make
Incomm take the first character it gets and
not wait for ENTER to be pressed before
(0 = No limit -1 = Hockey < 1 = Limit)
Color.To.Use - Foreground color of prompt
Parameters Returned:
ARG$ - The input received
' You don't need to reset all of these variables each
' time you call incomm, they are show here just so you
' can see how they work.
Caps = Yes ' Turn input to all caps
Protected.Input$ = "*" ' Show * instead of letters
Text$="Enter your name:"
CALL Incomm(Text$, No, No, 10)
Protected.Input$ = "" ' Show what is typed
CALL Incomm(Text$, No, 25, 10) ' Limit to 25 characters
See Also: CommInkey$
Purpose: To truncate all leading and trailing spaces from a string
Syntax: Text$ = AllTrun$(Text$)
Remarks: This will remove all of those leading and trailing spaces
that are a result of random file input, use of STR$, and other
functions of BASIC.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - The string to remove leading and trailing spaces from
Parameters Returned:
Text$ - The string without leading and trailing spaces
Text$ = " These extra spaces will be removed "
Text$ = AllTrun$(Text$)
Purpose: To play ANSI music to those users who can use it
Syntax: CALL ANSIMusic(Music$, Music)
Remarks: Some communacations programs can support and play ANSI music
but not all of them. Qmodem, for example, will play ANSI music. You
should ask your users near the beginning of the program "Do you have
ANSI music?" and if they answer yes, then set Music to Yes (1)
otherwise set it to No (0). You don't have to use Music, but whatever
variable you store that value in should always be the second parameter
of the call to this routine. The music string can be anything that
the BASIC command PLAY would be able to play. The local speaker
won't play the music unless the page bell is on.
Parameters Passed:
Music$ - The music to be played
Music - If the user supports ANSI music or not
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Parameters Returned: None
Music = Yes
Music$ = "ABCDEFG"
CALL ANSIMusic(Music$, Music)
Purpose: To write to the 25 line of the game line of the status line
Syntax: CALL GameInfoUpdate(Text$, Send.Enter, ColorFore, ColorBack)
Remarks: If you want a game status line, you should use this routine
to update line 25 (which will be the game status line). It works
just like the PRINT command would work with a few differences.
The Send.Enter really doesn't advance to the next line, but resets
the column pointer (GameInfoCol) to 1. If you want to start printing
someplace other than where you are, just set GameInfoCol to the
column number. See the Advanced Programming section for a detailed
explanation of how this command works.
WARNING: You HAVE to use the DSGAME.INT in your main module instead
of DOORSORC.INT otherwise this routine will not work!
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - String to be displayed on line 25
Send.Enter - Reset GameInfoCol to 1 after displaying
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
ColorFore - Foreground color to use
ColorBack - Background color to use
Parameters Returned: None
Text$ = "This is on the game status line!"
CALL GameInfoUpdate(Text$, No, 0, 7)
Purpose: To erase what is already on a line
Syntax: CALL BackSpaceOver
Remarks: This routine will backspace over everything to column 1,
erasing everything on that line. If you have a prompt that you'd
like to erase or something, this is the routine to call to erase
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned: None
CALL BackSpaceOver
See Also: BackSpaceToCol
Purpose: To aid in centering strings for output
Syntax: CALL Center(Text$)
Remarks: This will strip out all @X codes and substitute in the
proper text for substitution codes and will then set TabSpace to
equal the correct column to make the string look centered. The
string that you pass is NOT modified by this routine. This routine
also will NOT print out the results but only set TabSpace.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - The string to be centered
Parameters Returned: None
Text$ = "This will be centered!"
CALL Center(Text$)
CALL Send(Text$, No, Yes, 10)
Purpose: To clear the local and remote screens
Syntax: CALL ClrScrn
Remarks: This will effectively clear the screen for both sides
using the fastest method that the caller can use. Setting
BackGroundColor previous to calling this routine will cause the
entire screen to be that color!
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned: None
CALL ClrScrn
Purpose: To colorize a string and output it
Syntax: CALL ColorEasy(Text$, Color.To.Use, Send.Enter)
Remarks: If you have a string that you'd like to colorize without
having to bother with multiple calls to Send or with @X codes, then
use this routine. It will colorize A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and punctuation
all in different colors. The Color.To.Use that you specify will
affect the output of color over the whole text, experiment with
different values to best fit what you need.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - The string to be colorized and displayed
Color.To.Use - This will vary the output for the different
colors used in coloring the text
Send.Enter - Send a CR/LF sequence once displaying is finished
Parameters Returned: None
Text$ = "This will be VERY colorful!!"
CALL ColorEasy(Text$, 10, Yes)
See Also: BlockSend, RainbowSend, Send, QSend
Purpose: To calculate the which day of the week it is
Syntax: Day = DayOfWeek
Remarks: This routine will return a value from 1 to 7 indicating
which day of the week it is. A 1 is Sunday, 2 is Monday, and so on.
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
Day - A number from 1-7 representing the day of the week
IF DayOfWeek = 1 THEN
CALL Send("It's SUNDAY!", No, Yes, 14)
CALL Send("It's not sunday!", No, Yes, 10)
Purpose: To keep a door from being used by two nodes at once
Syntax: CALL DoorBusy
Remarks: If you aren't going to program multi-node support, call
this routine so that multinode systems won't have problems running
your door. You have to set the global variable BusyFile$ to the
drive/path/filename of a "lockout file" that will be the signal
to other nodes that the door is in use. If another node is using your
door, then this routine will call DoorBusy and not return control
to your program.
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned: None
BusyFile$ = "MYDOOR.NET"
CALL DoorBusy
Purpose: To close the com port and update the bbs interface file
Syntax: CALL ExitDoor
Remarks: Whenever you want to end your door, you MUST call this
routine. NEVER let your door simply just come to an end or have the
END or SYSTEM command in it. This routine will uphold the DTR and
cleanup Door Source's variables, handlers, etc,... It will also
update the bbs interface file with the current information. After
calling this routine, control will not be returned to your door.
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned: None
CALL ExitDoor
Purpose: To detect is a file exists on a disk
Syntax: Exists = FileExist(FileName$)
Remarks: If you're opening files or preforming something with files
you should check, before attempting use, if they exist and not assume
that they are there, otherwise your program will generate a error
and most likely crash the board it was running on.
Parameters Passed:
FileName$ - Drive/Path/Filename to the file to be checked for
Parameters Returned:
Exists - If the file exists or not
(-1 = Yes 0 = No)
CALL Send("It exists!", No, Yes, 12)
Purpose: To separate the time into hours, minutes, and seconds
Syntax: CALL GetTime(Hours, Minutes, Seconds, SinceMid#)
Remarks: This will take the current time and return it to you
in a separated form.
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
Hours - The hour
Minutes - The minute
Seconds - The second
SinceMid# - The number of seconds since midnight
CALL GetTime(Hours, Minutes, Seconds, SinceMid#)
CALL Send("Its "+STR$(Hours)+" o'clock", No, Yes, 10)
See Also: TimeConvert
Purpose: To make a high score bulletin
Syntax: CALL HighScores(Score, HighScoreFile$, OutputNumber)
Remarks: This will take the user's score and use the high score data
file specified, update the information, and then either display a
bulletin or save it to disk. The high score data file, if
non-existent will be created, its a random access file and can't
be read/modified in a text editor. Compression can be done with the
compression utility included with the Door Source archive. You
will need to open the file for output before calling this routine
if you want to direct the output to a file, this also allows you
to create a header (on screen or in the file) for your bulletin.
The format of where HighScores places the information is like this:
<--21 spaces-------->(NAME OF USER)<---29 spaces--->(SCORE)
John Doe 100
Jane Doe 50
Parameters Passed:
Score - Score for user
HighScoreFile$ - Name of the random access data file
that HighScores creates
OutputNumber - The filenumber that output should go to, if
0 then output goes to screen
Parameters Returned: None
ScoreDataFile$ = "MYSCORE.SCO"
Score = 569
ScoreBlt = 1
CALL HighScores(Score, ScoreDataFile$, ScoreBlt)
Purpose: To make a scroll bar menu
Syntax: CALL MenuManager(Menu$(), Center, TextClr, Bars, SlctClr,
BarFore, BarBack, BarSelected)
Remarks: This will create a nice selectable menu with a scroll bar
for ANSI users to scroll up and down. Non-ANSI users will see the
menu, but will be forced to just enter a number and will have no
scroll bar. You shouldn't have more than 20 selections on the menu,
and all should be numbered. This routine is affected by several
variables which are:
Up.Key$ - The key to move the bar up
(Default to +)
Down.Key$ - The key to move the bar down
(Default to -)
ANSI.Select$ - Selection string displayed for ANSI users
NonANSI.Select$ - Selection string displayed for NON-ANSI users
Parameters Passed:
Menu$() - An array with all the menu selections in it
Center - Center the selections while displaying
TextClr - Color for selections
Bars - Number of selections in array
SlctClr - Color for ANSI.Select$ or NonANSI.Select$ string
BarFore - Foreground color for scroll bar
BarBack - Background color for scroll bar
Parameters Returned:
BarSelected - The bar selected by the user
See MENUDEMO.BAS included with Door Source
Purpose: To position the cursor on the screen
Syntax: CALL MoveCursor(X, Y)
Remarks: Call this routine to position the cursor anywhere on the
screen in the upper 22/23 lines (depending on if there is a game
status line). This routine will not move the cursor if the user is
not in ANSI mode.
Parameters Passed:
X - The row (vertical)
Y - The column (horizontal)
Parameters Returned: None
CALL MoveCursor(10, 10)
Purpose: To separate data in a string with a delimiter
Syntax: CALL Parser(SearchFor$, SearchIn$, ParArray$(), ErrCode)
Remarks: This will take a string and look for the character specified
and store the data in the array, it then repeats this process over
and over until the end of the string has been reached. This can be
handy to store numbers in a compact form for storage in a file.
Parameters Passed:
SearchFor$ - The string (delimiter) to search for
SearchIn$ - The string to search in and to parse
Parameters Returned:
ParArray$() - Contains the data from SearchIn$ but separated
ErrCode - Will greater than 1 is a error occurred
SearchFor$ = "*"
SearchIn$ = "100*200*300*400*500*"
CALL Parser(SearchFor$, SearchIn$, ParArray$(), ErrCode)
FOR X = 1 TO 5
CALL Send(ParArray$(X), No, Yes, 10)
' This would output:
' 100
' 200
' 300
' 400
' 500
Purpose: To generate a random number within a specified range
Syntax: Number = RandNum(Low, High)
Remarks: This is handy to generate a random number in the range
that you need it. It will generate a completely random number.
Parameters Passed:
Low - The lowest number desired
High - The highest number desired
Parameters Returned:
Number - The random number generated
CALL Send("The number is "+STR$(RandNum(10,20)), No, Yes, 10)
Purpose: To read from the PCBoard 14.x users file
Syntax: CALL ReadUsers(ErrCode)
Remarks: This will read the user's record from the PCBoard user file
specified in the global variable UserFile$. The data will be read into
the global type declaration UserBlock (Which is shown in Appendix D -
Variable Reference). For other bbs types, most of the data is loaded
directly from the bbs interface file, and calling a routine to read
the users file is not necessary. The best way to set UserFile$ is
to add on another line to the configuration file and read it in
yourself after the first call to ClrScrn.
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
ErrCode - This is the error code is a error occurred
1 - Users file not found
2 - Wrong BBS type
3 - UserFile$ not set to Drive/Path/Filename of users
' UserFile$ already set earlier in the program
CALL ReadUsers(ErrCode)
CALL Send("You're from "+STR$(UserBlock.CityState), No,Yes,10)
See Also: WriteUsers
Purpose: To sort numbers into descending order
Syntax: CALL Sorter(ParArray$(), Number.To.Sort)
Remarks: If you need to sort numbers parsed with parser, or other
numbers in a STRING array, then call this routine and it will
sort it into a descending order.
Parameters Passed:
ParArray$() - The array of numbers to be sorted
Number.To.Sort - The number of array elements to sort
Parameters Returned:
ParArray$() - The sorted array
ParArray$(1) = "400"
ParArray$(2) = "200"
ParArray$(3) = "600"
CALL Sorter(ParArray$(), 3)
FOR X=1 TO 3
CALL Send(ParArray$(X), No, Yes, 10)
' Output would be this:
' 600
' 400
' 200
Purpose: To page the sysop if the page bell is on
Syntax: CALL SysopPage(Answered)
Remarks: This routine will check the page bell, and if on, will
page the sysop using the paging sounds. If the page wasn't answered
or the sysop isn't around then it will return a 0 in the parameter.
This routine is affect by several global variables, which are:
PageSound.1 - Sound #1 to be in the "beep" sound of the page
PageSound.2 - Sound #2 to be in the "beep" sound of the page
PageSound.3 - Sound #3 to be in the "beep" sound of the page
Page.String$ - String to show while paging the sysop
Not.Around$ - String to show when the sysop is not around
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
Answered - If the page was answered
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
CALL SysopPage(Answered)
Purpose: To convert from two variables into the HH:MM format
Syntax: CALL TimeConvert(Hours, Minutes, NewTime$)
Remarks: This will combine hours and minutes into the HH:MM format.
Parameters Passed:
Hours - The hour
Minutes - The minute
Parameters Returned:
NewTime$ - The hour and minute in HH:MM format
Hours = 10
Minutes = 30
CALL TimeConvert(Hours, Minutes, NewTime$)
CALL Send(NewTime$+" is the next event time.", No, Yes, 10)
See Also: GetTime
Purpose: To display a file to the local and remote screens
Syntax: CALL ViewFile(FileName$, ANSICheck, MorePrompts, ExitPrompt)
Remarks: This will display a ANSI or non-ANSI screen to both screens.
If you specify to check for a ANSI version of the file, then Door
Source will take the filename given, add a G to it, and look for
the existence of that file for ANSI users. You can enable more
prompts for documentation, or leave them off for long ANSI screens.
The exit prompt is a "Press [ANY KEY] to continue" prompt that
is display at the end of the file if told to do so. The user can
abort the screen at any point by pressing the space bar, CTRL-X, or
CTRL-K. If the No.Abort global variable is set to 1 (Yes) then
the user can't abort the display. ANSI files should NOT exceed
80 characters in length per line.
Parameters Passed:
FileName$ - Drive/Path/Filename of file to display
ANSICheck - Check for ANSI version of file for ANSI users
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
MorePrompts - Display more prompts every 23 lines
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
ExitPrompts - Displays a "Press [ANY KEY]" prompt at end of
display (1 = Yes 0 = No)
Parameters Returned: None
FileName$ = "MYFILE"
CALL ViewFile(FileName$, Yes, No, Yes)
FileName$ = "MYDOCS.DOC"
CALL ViewFile(FileName$, No, Yes, Yes)
Purpose: To delay the program the specified number of seconds
Syntax: CALL WaitASec(Number.Of.Seconds)
Remarks: Using the SLEEP command, or a FOR loop to delay a program
isn't often a good idea in a door because the user could drop carrier.
This routine will delay the program correctly for the number of
seconds specified and will also keep track of the carrier signal.
Parameters Passed:
Number.Of.Seconds - Number of seconds to delay program
Parameters Returned: None
CALL WaitASec(5) ' delay 5 seconds
Purpose: To draw window on the local and remote screens
Syntax: CALL Windows(ULR, ULC, LRR, LRC, Fore, Back, Border, Shadow)
Remarks: This will draw a border enclosed area on the screen, and
will even make a shadow if requested. Printing and input is done
inside the window with WindowPrint and WindowInput. This is a
ANSI only routine, and shouldn't be used with non-ANSI users.
Parameters Passed:
ULR - Upper Lefthand row
ULC - Upper Lefthand column
LRR - Lower Righthand row
LRC - Lower Righthand column
Fore - Foreground color to use for border
Back - Background color to use for border and to fill inside
Border - The border number
1 - Single line
2 - Double line
3 - Double horizontal, Single vertical
4 - Single horizontal, Double vertical
Shadow - Makes a shadow on the window
(1 = Yes 0 = No)
Parameters Returned: None
ULR = 10: ULC = 10
LRR = 20: LRC = 70
CALL Windows(ULR, ULC, LRR, LRC, 11, 1, 4, Yes)
See Also: WindowInput, WindowPrint
Purpose: To write to PCBoard 14.x user file
Syntax: CALL WriteUsers(ErrCode)
Remarks: This will write the user's record to the PCBoard user file
specified in the global variable UserFile$. The data written will be
from the global type declaration UserBlock (Which is shown in Appendix
D - Variable Reference). For other bbs types, most of the data is
written when ExitDoor is called, and calling a routine to write to
the users file is not necessary. The best way to set UserFile$ is
to add on another line to the configuration file and read it in
yourself after the first call to ClrScrn.
Parameters Passed: None
Parameters Returned:
ErrCode - This is the error code is a error occurred
1 - Users file not found
2 - Wrong BBS type
3 - UserFile$ not set to Drive/Path/Filename of users
' UserFile$ already set earlier in the program
UserBlock.CityState = "Anytown, USA"
CALL ReadUsers(ErrCode)
See Also: ReadUsers
Purpose: To send a large amount of information to both displays
Syntax: CALL BlockSend(Array$(), Center, Lines.To.Send)
Remarks: This will send a large pre-programmed amount of data
to the local and remote displays. Color can only be set and
changed via @X codes. This routine is good for programmed in
documentation, or menus.
Parameters Passed:
Array$() - The array to be displayed
Center - Center text to be displayed
Lines.To.Send - Number of array elements to display
Parameters Returned: None
Array$(1) = "This will be displayed"
Array$(2) = "Using the BlockSend routine"
CALL BlockSend(Array$(), No, 2)
See Also: ColorEasy, RainbowSend, Send, QSend
Purpose: To display text inside of a window
Syntax: CALL WindowPrint(Text$, Row, Col, Fore, Back)
Remarks: This is an easy way of displaying text anywhere inside of
a window made with the Windows routine. It can also be used for
quick short displays that aren't at the current cursor location.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - Text to be displayed
Row - Row to display at (horizontal)
Col - Column to display at (vertical)
Fore - Foreground color to display with
Back - Background color to display with
Parameters Returned: None
Text$ = "This will be displayed"
Row = 12: Col = 12: Fore = 15: Back = 1
CALL WindowPrint(Text$, Row, Col, Fore, Back)
See Also: Windows, WindowInput
Purpose: To display a prompt and get input from inside a window
Syntax: CALL WindowInput(Text$, MaxLength, Row, Col, Fore, Back)
Remarks: This works just like the Incomm routine, but does the
I/O inside of a window created with the Windows routine. The
MaxLength should be just right so that input won't overflow the
window border and cause problems with erasing it.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - Prompt to be displayed
MaxLength - Maximum number of characters allowed in input
Row - Row to display at (horizontal)
Col - Column to display at (vertical)
Fore - Foreground color to display prompt in
Back - Background color to display prompt in
Parameters Returned:
ARG$ - The input received
Text$ = "Enter your name:"
MaxLength = 25: Row = 13: Col = 12
Fore = 15: Back = 1
CALL WindowInput(Text$, MaxLength, Row, Col, Fore, Back)
See Also: Windows, WindowPrint
Purpose: To display text in a color, rainbow like form
Syntax: CALL RainbowSend(Text$, Bell, Enter, Color.To.Use)
Remarks: This is a creative way to display text to both displays.
It will take the color given to use, and rotate through the colors
making a very colorful display. Experiment with different colors
to find the most desirable effect.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - Text to be displayed
Bell - Sound the remote speaker, and local is page bell is on
Enter - Send a CR/LF sequence once displaying is done
Color.To.Use - Foreground color to display text in
Parameters Returned: None
Text$ = "This will be displayed"
CALL RainbowSend(Text$, No, Yes, 10)
See Also: BlockSend, ColorEasy, Send, QSend
Purpose: To provide a very formatted input field with a prompt
Syntax: CALL PromptIncomm(Text$, Default$, DefaultColor, MaxLength,
Remarks: This will make a little ( ) area for input to be inside of
for ANSI users, non-ANSI users will just have a regular prompt. This
routine also allows to easily add a "default" to the prompt.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - Prompt to display
Default$ - "Default" field. Some predefined ones are:
Default1 = (Enter=no)
Default2 = (Enter=none)
Default3 = (Enter=quits)
DefaultColor - Foreground color for default text
MaxLength - Maximum number of characters (Required to be
greater than 0)
Color.To.Use - Foreground color for prompt
Parameters Returned:
ARG$ - The input received
Text$ = "Enter your name"
CALL PromptIncomm(Text$, Default3, 15, 10, 11)
IF AllTrun$(ARG$) = "" THEN
' Process default
' Process other
' This would output
' Enter your name (Enter=quits) ? ( )
' The input would be displayed inside the ( )
See Also: EntryIncomm, Incomm
Purpose: To provide a field showing maximum length of input for prompt
Syntax: CALL EntryIncomm(Text$, MaxLength, FieldColor, Color.To.Use)
Remarks: This is a handy routine to for larger fields (3 characters and
larger) that lets the user know what the limit is on the field size by
printing above the prompt a (------) field indicator showing the
maximum number of characters allowed.
Parameters Passed:
Text$ - Prompt to display
MaxLength - Maximum number of characters to allow for input
(Required to be greater than 1)
FieldColor - The color of the (---) field above the prompt
Color.To.Use - The foreground color for the prompt itself
Parameters Returned:
ARG$ - The input received
Text$ = "Enter your name:"
CALL EntryIncomm(Text$, 20, 10, 11)
' This would output
' (--------------------)
' Enter your name:
See Also: PromptIncomm, Incomm
Purpose: To efficiently shell to DOS in order to avoid conflicts
Syntax: CALL ShellToDOS(Shell.String$)
Remarks: This will let Door Source completely wrap up all of its
operations (actually close the com port, but uphold DTR and carrier)
so that shelling to a external file transfer program is possible
without a conflict of interrupts. This command duplicates what
a SHELL command would do in BASIC, but gives Door Source a chance
to clean up itself.
Parameters Passed:
Shell.String$ - This is the command to be executed once the
shell is started
Parameters Returned: None
Shell.String$ = "DIR >OUTPUT.TXT"
CALL ShellToDOS(Shell.String$)
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░▒▓ End of Door Source 4.0 Documentation ▓▒░
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