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- Eagle Verify FILES.DOC
- *****************************************************************
- EVDOOR.EXE ......... Main executable EVDoor v4.1
- EVDSETUP.EXE ....... Setup program (RUN THIS FIRST !!)
- EVDOOR.NET ......... MUST be placed in the same DIRECTORY as the
- door whether you are running a
- network/multi-nodes or not. new file beginning
- with v2.4 and above
- EVDOOR.DAT ......... Example single line configuration file
- NODE1.DAT .......... Example multi-node configuration file
- EVDOOR ............. Example PCBoard batch file
- *****************************************************************
- VERIFY.FON ......... Example Verify.FON file. If you're upgrading
- from a previous version of Eagle_Verify Door
- use your old VERIFY.FON file. If this is your
- first time, use this file. It MUST be in the
- \FON directory.
- AREACODE.FON....... Example AREACODE.FON file. If you plan on using
- the long distance calling feature, then this
- file MUST be in the \FON directory It is a
- plain text file that you can maintain with any
- ASCII type text editor. It holds AREA CODES
- that you can PREVENT the program from calling
- because of long distance expense. Since we're
- in Florida, Alaska is a LONG way to call to, so
- I have locked out that areacode. You can add or
- take away. In any case, the file and at least
- ONE number MUST be in the file if you plan on
- using the long distance calling feature! Kim
- Namanny has taken time and effort to add in all
- known areacodes for the U.S.! Now all you have
- to do, to lock out certain areacodes is remove
- the asterisk (*) from in front of the area-
- code number you wish to lockout. Leaving the
- asterisk in front of the areacode number will
- ignore the number and ALLOW it to be called
- long distance.
- PREFIX.FON ........ Example Prefix.FON file. This file MUST be in
- the \FON directory. You can lock-out certain
- local numbers, such as 911 & 976. This also
- locks out the same prefix of a long distance
- user if you have long distance calling
- activated. So it affects both LOCAL and LONG
- DISTANCE callers. If a user enters 911 as his
- PREFIX, the door WILL lock him out of your
- system. Due to the serious nature of using 911,
- we hard-coded this into the Door.
- PREFIXLD.FON....... Example PrefixLD.FON file. This file MUST be in
- the \FON directory. You can TAG certain prefix
- numbers, as local, but TOLL. It will treat the
- USER as if they were a Long Distance caller and
- automatically log them off after the
- verification.
- *****************************************************************
- ABORT.VD .......... File displayed to users that Quit/Abort from
- EVDoor's main menu. (text version)
- ABORT.VDG ......... Same as above (ANSI version)
- LOGO.VD ........... Opening logo screen for Door (text)
- LOGO.VDG .......... Same as above (graphics version)
- DCONNECT.VD ....... Instructions on how caller should answer phone
- DCONNECT.VDG ...... Same as above (graphics version)
- GOODBYE.VD ........ Closing screen for Door (text)
- GOODBYE.VDG ....... Same as above (graphics version)
- SORRY.VD .......... Used to tell user phone number found & locked
- out (text)
- SORRY.VDG ......... Same as above (graphics version)
- SORRYLD.VD ........ Used to tell user you only make LOCAL calls
- (text)
- SORRYLD.VDG ....... Same as above (graphics version)
- SORRYAC.VD......... Tells user his AREA CODE has been locked out
- (text)
- SORRYAC.VDG ....... Same as above (graphics version)
- SORRYFX.VD ........ Used to tell user their PREFIX has been locked
- out (text)
- SORRYFX.VDG ....... Same as above (graphics version)
- SORRYNM.VD ........ Used to tell users their USER NAME was found
- SORRYNM.VDG ....... Same as above (graphics version)
- LDTIMES.VD ........ Used to tell user when your times are for LD
- calling
- LDTIMES.VDG ....... Same as above (graphics version)
- WELCOME.VD ........ Instructions on using the Door (text only)
- SECURITY.VD ....... Tells user he has the wrong security for the
- door
- SECURITY.VDG ...... Same as above (graphics version)
- LOGOFF.VD ......... File shown users that are automatically logged
- off after verification. (text)
- LOGOFF.VDG ........ Same as above (graphics version)
- NON-MNP.VD ........ File displayed to users if YOU are NOT using an
- ERROR CORRECTION modem and they ARE!
- NON-MNP.VDG ....... Same as above (ANSI version)
- LDINFO.VD ......... File that is used to explain to users your
- particular requirements for long distance
- calling. For those in areas where they are
- close to a number of different area codes.
- REQUIRES that the [ALLOW LD CALLS] switch to be
- turned on (Y = Yes) inorder for this file to be
- displayed to users!
- LDINFO.VDG......... Same as above (ANSI version)
- *****************************************************************
- CONVERT.EXE ....... Used to convert your VERIFY.FON file to the
- new EVDoor v3.5 and above format
- PROECHO.COM ....... Use to echo loading message to user
- ie: PROECHO 1 Please WAIT loading Door
- DELAY.EXE ......... Program to delay the opening of the door under
- multi-node operation. You MUST delay the
- opening of extra copies of the door under
- multi-node operation, or you will get a share
- voliation. Use different amount of seconds to
- open each door.
- usage: DELAY 5
- enter from 1 to 10 seconds.
- FATAL142.ZIP Program to catch those "Abort, Retry...."
- messages/errors.
- TXT2MB220.ZIP Program used to place ASCII text files into
- PCBoard message base.
- OUTCOMM.ZIP Program like PROECHO.COM used to display text
- or messages to users.
- INSTAREG .......... Example batch file, use the verify door with
- InstaReg(tm)
- TXT2MSG ........... Example batch file, use with TXT2MSG.EXE to send
- a pre-written "welcome" message to users that
- are verified.
- *****************************************************************
- Other Information...
- Use the EVDSETUP.EXE program to configure the door, See the batch
- file EVDOOR for an example of calling from PCBoard. The phone file
- now has a date stamp added to each line when a user is upgraded.
- Your old VERIFY.FON file will work with this release of the door.
- Use ONLY EVDSETUP.EXE to edit the *.DAT files! DO NOT use anything
- else or it WILL corrupt your *.DAT files and the door WILL NOT
- The following files can be maintained and edited with any standard
- ASCII TEXT editor. Use an EDITOR that does not leave a ^Z at the
- end of the file. QED.EXE (QuickDOSII editor) and Qedit are a few of
- the ones that do this correctly. The ^Z will also look like an
- arrow either at the end of the file or some where between. However
- with registered versions you can access and maintain the VERIFY.FON
- file from within EVDoor, alot simpler.
- The following files can be maintained and edited to your liking
- with a any standard ANSI (TheDraw) or ASCII (QEdit) text editor,
- depending on the file extension. The ONLY files that you really
- need to edit are GOODBYE.VD & GOODBYE.VDG, as well as LDTIMES.VD &
- LDTIMES.VDG. However all files ending with either .VD or .VDG can
- be edited to your liking. We would greatly appreciate it if you did
- not alter the files LOGO.VD & LOGO.VDG, as they are OUR personal
- opening screens for the door.
- Files ending with .VD
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- etc.....
- Used any standard ASCII Editor. (QuickDOSII editor or Qedit) or any
- ANSI editor and saving it in ASCII. (TheDraw)
- Files ending with with .VDG
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- etc......
- Use ONLY an ANSI editor like TheDraw! Save the screens with the
- BLOCK command and limit each line to 79 characters or less! This
- is a MUST DO deal, or your door and screens will be messed up.