If, you have never logged onto an Ezycom BBS before, then we ìadvise you to read the following section on batch downloading, as it ìwill speed up your selection of files to download.
Ezycom offers several features which allow you to make up a ìbatch of files for download. The batch of files, is one or more ìfiles that are goruped together for downloading at a later point of ìtime.
Ezycom allows you to make up a batch of files for transfer ìbefore you actually download the files. For instance, you could log ìon, make up a batch of files for download, read/write messages, then ìdownload the files (time permitting).
To make up a batch of files, you can either select download, ìand make up the batch there (using add to batch), use the add to ìbatch menu option (if provided by the BBS), or add to batch during ìthe listing/searching of file lists.
The first to options of add to batch are very similar, you ìcan type in the names of files to add to the batch. Simply by typing ìin the name. Ezycom does support full wildcards, and space/comma ìseperators in the add to batch line. For example to download ìTEST1.ZIP TEST2.ZIP and TEST3.ZIP you could type in,
or you could equally type in
File(s): TEST?.ZIP
Providing no other files were called TESTx.ZIP, it would add those ìthree files to your batch of downloads, for later downloading.
The third method of batch downloads, is the most exciting, it ìoffers a fast method of adding files, without the need to jot down ìfilenames of the files you wish to download.
While display a file list/search, select the "Add to Batch" ìoption. You will be prompted with the usual "File(s):" prompt for ìadding files to the batch. As with normal batch adding, you can add ìthe files like normal, (eg TEST?.ZIP), or you can add the number(s) ìof the files to the batch. That is, if file number one (the number ìon the left hand edge of the file list) is called TEST1.ZIP, then you ìcould add TEST1.ZIP to the batch by typing in "+1". This tells ìezycom that you are adding a file to the batch, and the file number ìis one. Multiple files can be added using the space/comma ìseperators. For example "File(s): +1 +2 +3". This exposes another ìfeature of Ezycom's batch facilities. A range can be selected, ìinstead of individually typing in the file numbers. For example the ìprevious example could have been done by "File(s): +1-3". This would ìadd file 1, file 2 and file 3 to the batch.
The last feature of Ezycom's download batching, is that all ìadding to batchs are global, that is, you do not have to be in that ìfile area, for Ezycom to find the file to add to the batch of ìdownloads.
If, you have any other problems, please message your Sysop, or ìcontact your nearest Ezycom Support Site.