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Text File | 1992-04-20 | 111.5 KB | 3,172 lines |
- v2.00 April 20, 1992
- A Complete Accounting & Billing Package
- For FidoNet/Compatible Network Treasurers
- Programmed by Craig Steiner
- FidoNet 1:104/332
- Documentation by Jesse David Hollington
- FidoNet 1:225/1
- INTRODUCTION/NOTES FROM THE AUTHOR.............................. 3
- SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS............................................. 4
- SOFTWARE DISCLAIMER............................................. 5
- The Software Key Approach................................. 7
- Registering FIDOBILL...................................... 8
- FIDOBILL Registration Form................................ 9
- INSTALLING & CONFIGURING FIDOBILL............................... 10
- Processing Nodelists...................................... 17
- Editing Nodes............................................. 18
- Receiving Node Payments................................... 22
- Manually Issuing Statements............................... 23
- Forcing Node Billing...................................... 23
- ECHOMAIL VOLUME-COST CALCULATIONS............................... 24
- The ECHOVOL Program....................................... 24
- Calculating Node Fees..................................... 26
- BANK ACCOUNT FUNCTIONS.......................................... 28
- Deposits.................................................. 28
- Withdrawals............................................... 29
- Bank Account Balance Report............................... 29
- REPORTS......................................................... 31
- Viewing Reports........................................... 32
- AUTOMATIC NODE WARNINGS/CANCELLATIONS........................... 33
- APPENDIX A: Command Line Parameters....................... 35
- APPENDIX B: Custom Message Files.......................... 37
- Custom Message Variables...................... 38
- The DEFAULT.ITM File.......................... 41
- APPENDIX C: Creating a Network EchoMap File............... 42
- APPENDIX D: Internal Files Used by FIDOBILL............... 43
- APPENDIX E: Dealing with Incompatibilities and Bugs....... 46
- Support/Update Instructions............................... 48
- Plans for the Future of FIDOBILL.......................... 49
- Beta/Support Sites........................................ 50
- Acknowledgements.......................................... 51
- I came up with the original idea for FIDOBILL soon after I started
- receiving my monthly co-op netmail bills after joining FidoNet. It
- seemed that the approach being used was rather cumbersome--for both
- the treasurer and the people receiving the bills. I netmailed the
- treasurer and found that he was using a rather odd combination of
- professional spreadsheets and a custom-written program to take the
- spreadsheet data and produce netmail bills. It seemed to me that a
- more elegant solution could be implemented. The first working version
- of FIDOBILL was in the hands of Eric Smith roughly a week later.
- Naturally FIDOBILL has evolved tremendously since then. When I
- originally wrote the program it was truly for Eric--I had no
- intentions to release it to the public. But I soon realized that
- there was a very real need for the program and others very well could
- make use it. The product of this was FIDOBILL v1.xxx. I figured that
- a no-frills but workable program might be of use to others. I was in
- no way prepared for the response it received. After the article
- appeared in FidoNews I received hundreds of file requests from around
- the world.
- This version of FIDOBILL represents three months of design,
- development, and debugging above and beyond the original release of
- FIDOBILL earlier this year. The most frequently requested features
- have been implemented in this program. But even before the release of
- this version both myself and the beta-testers recognized more
- desirable features--which virtually guarantees many more enhancements
- in the near future.
- Also, version 2.00 represents a change in the philosophy of
- encouraging users to register the software. FIDOBILL no longer
- includes an expiring key that will cause the program to stop
- functioning on a given date. The same features that were restricted
- to registered users are still restricted, but the program as a whole
- will continue to work indefinitely without a registered key. I hope,
- however, that you consider registering the program if you find
- yourself using it on an ongoing basis.
- I hope that you find FIDOBILL effective in your net's cost-recovery
- needs. If you have additional ideas that you'd like to see implemented
- in future versions of FIDOBILL I certainly welcome to the input.
- Best wishes,
- Craig Steiner (Programmer)
- o 640k RAM minimum
- o DOS 3.30 or above
- o 500k base disk storage plus approx. 4k per node in
- billing database.
- o Processor 80286-8 or above recommended
- o Colour monitor preferable
- o Printer optional
- As indicated above, FIDOBILL will require approximately half a
- megabyte of disk space and then grow by about 6k for each node that
- is in your billing database. Due to some of the number crunching it
- is recommended that you use a 286 or better, but this is not a
- requirement. A colour monitor will also add to the visual
- attractiveness of the program but, of course, is not required.
- A "clean" version of MS-DOS or PC-DOS, preferably version 3.x or above
- is strongly recommended. Although FIDOBILL should run in most
- environments, a true untainted version of MS-DOS or PC-DOS should
- insure compatibility. Be weary of any DOS "enhancers" or replacements
- for DOS's COMMAND.COM. Using such programs is just inviting
- incompatibility with not only FIDOBILL, but potentially many other
- programs as well.
- FIDOBILL now supports both the Hudson-style message base (RA, QBBS) as
- well as the Fidonet *.MSG message base format.
- This software is distributed on an "as-is" basis. The author assumes
- absolutely no responsibility for the results of using or misusing this
- software. The author will not be responsible for any loss, financial
- or otherwise, incurred by the use of this software.
- Further, the author makes no guarantees or promises concerning the
- fitness of this program for a specific purpose.
- The author is under no obligation to provide support or future
- enhancements for the product, though he may choose to do so.
- By using this software you unconditionally agree to this disclaimer
- and understand that you bear the full risk of using this software.
- ... I hate to have to make that statement. But everyone else does and
- I am not going to be the first programmer stupid enough to
- NOT make the statement!
- Two primary programs make up the FIDOBILL billing system. These
- programs are FIDOBILL.EXE and BILLING.EXE. In addition to these two
- programs there will be one additional .EXE file for each report that
- is being used.
- FIDOBILL.EXE is the control software. All of the setup is done from
- this program. All editing of node's accounts, input of received
- payments, etc. is also done from FIDOBILL.EXE. If you are not sure
- which program to use it is most likely FIDOBILL.EXE. FIDOBILL.EXE
- will not generate any NetMail by itself.
- BILLING.EXE is the program that handles the actual sending of netmail
- to individual nodes. This program should be run once and only once
- per 24-hour period. Presumably you would include this file in your
- nightly maintenance routines. It is recommended that it be set up to
- run right before an optimal time for sending NetMail out, for example
- right before Zone Mail Hour.
- See Appendix A for a list of command-line options supported by these
- programs.
- I have implemented a software key to encourage users to register the
- software.
- FIDOBILL is distributed as an unregistered evaluation copy, without a
- software key. This will allow you to use all the features of the
- package EXCEPT the functions that tie everything into the net's bank
- account. These features will be enabled only with a registered
- software key.
- I did not want to cripple the software too much, but quite honestly I
- DID want to see some registrations. I hope I balanced these factors
- well. The software is no less functional without the bank account
- features. But those features are definitely a "perk" for those who
- register the software.
- Please see the section "REGISTERING FIDOBILL" for the procedure to
- register this software and to receive a registered software key.
- FIDOBILL is a shareware program. You are free to use and test the
- program for as long as you wish to determine whether or not the
- program will suit your needs.
- If you choose to continue using FIDOBILL I do request that you
- register the software by filling out the registration form on the next
- page and sending it, along with cheque, cashier's cheque, or money
- order for $40.00 (U.S.) to the address indicated. Please do not send
- cash through the mail.
- Netmail will be sent to you upon receipt of your cheque indicating my
- receipt of the cheque and stating that your software key will be sent
- as soon as the cheque has cleared.
- Software keys will be sent to you via FidoNet Mail upon your cheque's
- successful clearing of your bank (normally 2-weeks). Cashier's
- cheques and money orders will be honoured immediately, so if you're in
- a hurry this is the way to go.
- Should you indicate that you are not a member of Fidonet or would, for
- any reason, prefer to call The Vault BBS and download your file or
- file-request it from my system simply check the appropriate space on
- the registration. A letter will be sent to you via standard US Snail
- Mail instructing you on how you can file-request the file or download
- it from The Vault BBS.
- Sorry, I'm not some major software company (yet?) so I can't accept
- credit card orders. Perhaps someday...
- Note that when FIDOBILL is registered it is registered to the NETWORK,
- not to the individual accountant. Should the accountant resign and
- someone else take his place the software key will still work and may
- legitimately be passed along to the new accountant--and the previous
- accountant may not take the key with him to another network. All
- commercial users must register their own software key at the standard
- price.
- -- v2.00 --
- Network To Register: ______ ______
- (Zone) (Net)
- Today's Date: _____/_____/_____
- Month Day Year
- Accountant's Name: ______________________________________
- Address: ______________________________________
- City: ______________________ State: ________
- Zip: ________ Country: ________
- Voice Phone: (____) ______ - __________
- FidoNet Address To Send Key To: ________________
- ____ Mark here if you are not on FidoNet or would prefer to receive
- your key by calling The Vault BBS and downloading your key.
- Is your network funding this registration? _______
- Where did you find this copy of FIDOBILL? _________________
- Where did you first hear of FIDOBILL? _____________________
- I have enclosed $40.00 (U.S.) drawn on a U.S. bank for FIDOBILL
- registration. I understand that by signing below I agree to any
- and all terms of usage of FIDOBILL, which include:
- 1. I will not resell the software key I receive.
- 2. I will not try to de-compile or reverse engineer FIDOBILL
- or attempt to tamper with it's data files without prior
- written consent of the author.
- 3. I will not distribute FIDOBILL in any form other than as
- the complete package as I received it.
- 4. I recognize that the software key is registered to my net
- and not myself.
- ________________________________________
- Signature of Applicant Date
- Send registrations to: Craig Steiner, 3827 E. Easter Drive
- Littleton, CO 80122, USA
- Presumably you have already done this. Installing FIDOBILL is a
- matter of unzipping the file into its own subdirectory. Any other
- zipfiles included in the FIDOBILL archive should also be unzipped. In
- addition, you should place a command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT to set the
- FIDOBILL environment variable to point to the directory that the data
- files are contained in (ie "SET FIDOBILL = C:\Fidobill\"). This will
- allow you to run FIDOBILL from any directory, since it will look for
- its data files in either the directory pointed to by the FIDOBILL
- environment variable, or the current directory if the FIDOBILL
- environment variable is not set.
- Once FIDOBILL has been installed the next step is to configure it. In
- order to do this you must run FIDOBILL.EXE and select the
- "(S)etup/Configuration" option from the main menu. This will take you
- into the setup section.
- From here you will be presented with four options as follows:
- Global Program Settings - Set Global Program Configuration.
- Net Specific Settings - Set Network Specific Configuration.
- Network Definition - Define Nodelists for each Net.
- Point-Net Translation - Set up Point Support.
- You should probably go through these in order for your initial setup.
- Start by selecting "Global Program Settings." You will be presented
- with a screen with the following information on it:
- Primary Network: 1:225
- Type of Key: Evaluation
- Key Expires: Never
- Key Status: No key found
- The last four fields give details of your registration status, and are
- for information purposes only. The first field is where you enter
- your Primary Net Number, in the format "z:nnn". The above example
- shows the evaluation copy information for Net 1:225. After you have
- entered your primary Net Number press ESC to return to the Setup Menu.
- Throughout the program, the ESC key will return you to the previous
- menu.
- The next section you should visit is the "Net Specific Settings."
- This will allow you to setup specific configuration information for
- each Net that you are billing for. This section consists of two
- screens, which may be accessed by hitting PGUP or PGDN from either
- screen.
- This screen is a little bit more complex than the last one. We'll now
- cover each of the Net Specific Setup Fields individually:
- ZONE:NET: This is the Network Number you are configuring for.
- If you are running Single-Net Billing, this must be your primary
- Net number. If you are running a Multi-Net Billing version, this
- can be any alternate Network that you also happen to bill for.
- Pressing F2 will give you a list of Nets that are currently setup
- in FIDOBILL. F3 will allow you to delete the currently displayed
- Net from FidoBill's database.
- BILLING SYSTEM ADDRESS: This is the network address for the
- system that will be running FIDOBILL and mailing out the bills,
- statements, etc. I would expect that this would be YOUR (the
- accountant's) network address.
- NETWORK THIS NET BELONGS TO: This is the name of the Network
- (Domain) that this Net belongs to (ie, FidoNet, AlterNet, Imex,
- etc.)
- PATH TO HUDSON QUICKBASE: If you are running a Hudson format
- message base, this field should contain the path to where your
- message base is stored. If you are running a *.MSG message base,
- this path should be left blank.
- HUDSON #/MSG PATH--NETMAIL: If you are running a Hudson format
- message base, this field should contain the number of your
- NetMail area. If you are running *.MSG, it should be a full DOS
- pathname to your NetMail directory, with trailing backslash
- included. It is highly recommended that you include the drive
- identifier as part of the path.
- HUDSON #/MSG PATH--FORUM: As above, except this is the area
- where you want forwarded EchoMail reports to be output. This
- would generally point to some form of local administrative echo.
- PRIORITY -- WELCOME: This is the priority (Normal/Crash/Hold)
- that you wish to send Welcome Messages with. Welcome Messages
- are explained in detail further on.
- PRIORITY -- RECEIPT: This is the priority (Normal/Crash/Hold)
- that you wish to send Payment Receipts with.
- PRIORITY -- BILL: This is the priority (Normal/Crash/Hold) that
- you wish to send Bills and Statements with.
- DEFAULTS: The fields in this section refer to the default
- settings for new nodes. You can modify all of these settings for
- existing nodes on an individual basis. These settings represent
- those that are assigned to new nodes by default.
- BILLING STATUS: This field indicates the default billing
- status of new nodes. It will cycle between the following
- options:
- NON-BILLABLE: New Nodes, by default, will not be
- charged any fee until you manually go in and edit their
- account. This would generally be used to signify nodes
- that are not being billed because they are not
- receiving any services (ie, Backbone echoes) that
- require a fee.
- BILLABLE: New Nodes, by default, will be billed as
- soon as they appear in the nodelist or are created in
- the node editor. If you want a node not to be billed
- for any reason, you must go in and manually edit their
- account.
- EXEMPT: Functionally, this is identical to "Non-
- Billable" in that new nodes are not billed. This
- option would generally be used for nodes that are
- exempt from billing for some administrative reason,
- such as being an Echo Hub.
- CANCEL: This option indicates that a node has been
- cancelled from EchoMail service, generally for non-
- payment. This would be a bizarre choice to default new
- nodes to, and I can't think of any reason why somebody
- would want to, but the ability is there in case
- somebody needs it.
- FEE CALC METHOD: This field indicates the default fee
- calculation method for new nodes. This is only applicable
- if BILLING STATUS is set to "Billable." It will cycle
- between the following options:
- FIXED: New Nodes will be charged a flat rate by
- default. The rate that will be charged is defined
- under "FEE."
- VOLUME: New Nodes will be charged based upon EchoMail
- volume by default. For more details on this, please
- see the section on EchoMail Volume-Cost Calculation on
- page 24.
- COST-SHARE: New Nodes will default to being charged an
- equal share of a fixed cost. The fixed cost is set by
- pressing F4 from the Net Configuration screen. For
- example, if the cost was set to $100, and there were 5
- nodes set to "Cost-Share," each node would be charged
- an equal share, or one-fifth, of the cost, which would
- come to $20 in this case. If a new node were to come
- online, the individual cost per node would go down to
- one-sixth, or $16.67 (FIDOBILL rounds to the nearest
- cent).
- BILLING DATE: This is the day of the month (1-31) that new
- nodes will default to being billed on. It is not
- recommended that this number be greater than the shortest
- month (ie, 28), since FIDOBILL will not send bills in
- months that have less days. For example, if you had this
- set to 31, and you were billing in a month that had only 30
- days, a bill would not be sent during that month, since the
- 31st day would never be reached.
- BILLING FREQUENCY: This field indicates how often you want
- new nodes to be billed by default. Regardless of the
- setting, bills are sent on the day of the month defined by
- BILLING DATE. This field will cycle between the following
- five options:
- MONTHLY: Bills are sent out and charges are calculated
- each month.
- BI-MONTHLY: Bills are sent out and charges are
- calculated every second month.
- QUARTERLY: Bills are sent out and charges are
- calculated every four times a year (every four months).
- SEMI-ANNUALLY: Bills are sent out and charges are
- calculated twice a year (every six months).
- ANNUALLY: Bills are sent out and charges are
- calculated once a year (every twelve months).
- COST-DEDUCT: This field only applies if the FEE CALC METHOD
- (above) is set to FIXED. It is a Yes/No toggle which
- indicates whether new nodes should have their Fixed Fee
- deducted from the total Cost-Share amount. For example, if
- the cost-share amount is $100, and there are 5 nodes marked
- for COST-SHARE billing, each node would normally be charged
- $20. However, if there is a sixth node paying a FIXED rate
- of $50, and it has COST-DEDUCT set to "Yes" then the $50
- will be deducted from the Cost-Share amount, and the
- remaining amount ($50), would be divided between the COST-
- SHARE nodes, which would mean that they would only be paying
- $10 each instead of $20 each (one-fifth of $50 instead of
- one-fifth of $100).
- SEND WELCOME TO: When new nodes are added to your database,
- you have the option of sending Welcome messages to them.
- This field specifies whether Welcome messages should be sent
- or not, and who they should be sent to. It will cycle
- between the following options:
- NONE: Welcome Messages are not sent.
- ALL NEW: Welcome Messages are sent to all new nodes as
- they appear in your database.
- NEW BILLABLE: Welcome Messages are sent to only new
- nodes when they are marked BILLABLE. Exactly how this
- behaves depends upon your default BILLING STATUS for
- new nodes. If you default your new nodes to BILLABLE,
- then this will function similar to the ALL NEW setting.
- If you default your new nodes to something other than
- BILLABLE, Welcome messages will be sent out when the
- individual node is marked as BILLABLE.
- ACCOUNTANT'S NAME: This is the name of the Network Accountant.
- It would generally be *your* name. It is used in the "From" line
- for messages that BILLING generates.
- SEND PAYMENTS TO: This field should contain the postal address
- that nodes should send their payments to. It may be used in
- messages generated by BILLING to tell your nodes where to send
- their money.
- BILLING SITUATIONS: This top half of the second page defines
- when and how you want your Automated Warning messages to be sent.
- For details please see the section on "Automatic Node Warnings
- and Cancellations" on page 33.
- AUTOMATED BANK STATEMENTS: These features require a registered
- software key. They allow you to automatically send out copies of
- your bank statement on a regular basis. This is useful if you
- have Administrative nodes in your Net who want to see what is
- happening in the account (for example your Network Coordinator).
- For more information see the section on BANK ACCOUNT FUNCTIONS on
- page 28.
- SEND LAST ___ DAYS OF BANK STATEMENT: This sets how many
- days to include in the bank statement. For example, if this
- was set to 30, then each bank statement would include the
- previous 30 days of activity.
- ON THESE DAYS: This defines the days of the month (1-31)
- that the bank statement is sent out on. Several days may be
- entered separated by spaces.
- FORWARD BANK ACCOUNT RECORDS TO: This is a list of the node
- addresses, separated by spaces, that you want to send copies
- of the statements to.
- BILL DOWN SYSTEMS: This is a Yes/No toggle which indicates
- whether systems which are marked as "Down" should continue to be
- billed. The setting of this would depend upon your specific
- application, but generally if a node is marked as down it isn't
- receiving any services, nor is there anywhere to send the bill
- to, so it shouldn't be billed. DOWN systems are generally
- compiled from the nodelist, but a node can also be manually
- marked as DOWN if necessary.
- SEND STATEMENTS TO EXEMPT NODES: This is another Yes/No toggle
- which indicates whether nodes that are marked as "Exempt" should
- have monthly statements sent to them. Exempt nodes will not be
- charged a dollar amount regardless of this setting, but if it is
- set to "Yes" they will be sent a monthly statement anyway.
- Once you have setup the options on this screen, press ESC to return to
- the Setup Menu, and then select NETWORK DEFINITION. This section
- allows you to tell FIDOBILL where it can find the nodelists for each
- of the Networks that you are a member of. A window should appear with
- the words "<< Create a New Network >>" highlighted. Press ENTER to
- select this option.
- You will then be asked to enter the name of the Network that you are
- defining the Nodelist for (ie, FidoNet). This should match the
- Network name that you setup in the last section. FIDOBILL will then
- ask you to enter the Nodelist spec. This is simply the full DOS
- pathname to your nodelist file. Do not include the extension, since
- FIDOBILL will add the appropriate numbered extension. For example, if
- your nodelist was called NODELIST.101 in the directory C:\Network, you
- would specify "C:\Network\Nodelist" in this field (FIDOBILL would add
- the ".101" extension when compiling the nodelist).
- If you are finished defining Networks, press ESC twice to return to
- the Setup Menu. Otherwise, select the "Create a New Network" option
- again to create a second Network. Repeat this step for each
- additional Network you are defining.
- Lastly, if you plan on billing points in your Net, you will need to
- select the "Point-Net Translation" option from the Setup Menu. Select
- the "Create New Translation Entry" option. You will first be asked to
- enter the primary node number. This is the BossNode, or the main node
- number that is supporting the points. You will then be asked to enter
- the Fake Net Number. If you are supporting true 4-Dimensional Point
- Addressing you should leave this field blank, otherwise enter the Fake
- Net Number that your points use. Lastly, you will be asked to enter a
- full pathname to the Nodelist that contains your points. This will be
- either a Fake Net list, or a BinkleyTerm-style 4D point list. This
- list will be compiled with your primary nodelist.
- Repeat this for each individual node in your Net that has points. You
- will most likely need to obtain their Point Nodelists to keep your
- database updated.
- Once FIDOBILL has been fully configured, you must construct the
- initial database of nodes. This is done by selecting the "(P)rocess
- Nodelist" option from the main menu. This option should be selected
- whenever you update your nodelist to keep FIDOBILL up to date on the
- status of the nodes in the database and automatically add any new
- nodes that have appeared in your Net.
- How long this function takes to run will depend upon where your
- network exists in the nodelist and how many nodes there are in your
- program does some index building and other file access that could make
- it potentially harmful to interrupt it in the middle of processing.
- The Nodelist(s) may also be compiled automatically in unattended mode
- by running FIDOBILL with the 'NODELIST' parameter. This will cause
- the newest Nodelist available in the Nodelist directory to
- automatically be compiled, and FIDOBILL will exit upon completion.
- This may be useful if you use an automated routine to process new
- Nodelists. For more information on the variations of the NODELIST
- parameter see the section on Command-line Parameters on page 35.
- Editing node accounts is a very simple matter. First, select the
- "(E)dit an Existing Network Node" function from the Main Menu. A
- screen will appear with a number of fields for you to edit.
- NETWORK ADDRESS: This is the node number that you wish to edit.
- Simply type in the address of the node you wish to edit or create
- (you only need to enter the node number - zone and net are
- assumed). Alternatively, you may press F2 which will allow you
- to select from a list of existing nodes. If you are creating a
- new entry the default values that you specified in the Setup
- section will be assigned to it and you may edit them if
- necessary.
- SYSTEM NAME: This is the name of the system as it appears in the
- nodelist. This field will normally be skipped when using the
- ENTER key. You must use the cursor keys if you need to access it
- for any reason.
- BILLING NAME: This is the name of the Sysop as it appears in the
- nodelist.
- fields are for your reference only, and are completely optional.
- They are not used by FIDOBILL.
- BILLING STATUS: This field indicates the node's billing status.
- It will cycle between the following options:
- NON-BILLABLE: This indicates that the node should not be
- charged any fee nor sent any bills or statements. This
- would generally mean that this node is not being billed
- because it is not receiving any services (ie, Backbone
- echoes) that require a fee.
- BILLABLE: This indicates the node will be subjected to
- normal billing procedures.
- EXEMPT: Functionally, this is identical to "Non-Billable"
- in that the node is not charged an echo fee. Whether or not
- the node has statements sent to it depends upon the setting
- section. This would generally indicate that the node is
- exempt from billing for some administrative reason, such as
- being an Echo Hub.
- CANCEL: This option indicates that this node has been
- cancelled from EchoMail service, generally for non-payment.
- Generally, this is set automatically by FIDOBILL (see page
- 33, Automatic Warning and Cancellation Messages), but it can
- be set manually if you so desire.
- FEE CALC METHOD: This indicates the fee calculation method for
- this node. This is only applicable if BILLING STATUS is set to
- "Billable." It will cycle between the following options:
- FIXED: This node will be charged the flat rate defined
- under "FEE."
- VOLUME: This node will be charged based upon the volume of
- EchoMail that it is receiving. For details on this, please
- see the section on EchoMail Volume-Cost Calculations, on
- page 24.
- COST-SHARE: This node will be charged an equal share of a
- fixed cost, split between all the nodes that are marked as
- COST-SHARE. The fixed cost is set by pressing F4 from the
- Net Configuration screen. For example, if the cost was set
- to $100, and there were 5 nodes set to "Cost-Share," each
- node would be charged an equal share, or one-fifth, of the
- cost, which would come to $20 in this case. If another node
- were set to COST-SHARE, the individual cost per node would
- go down to one-sixth, or $16.67 (FIDOBILL rounds to the
- nearest cent).
- BILLING DATE: This is the day of the month (1-31) that this node
- is billed on. It is not recommended that this number be greater
- than the shortest month (ie, 28), since FIDOBILL will not send
- bills in months that have less days. For example, if you had
- this set to 31, and you were billing in a month that had only 30
- days, a bill would not be sent during that month, since the 31st
- day would never be reached.
- BILLING FREQUENCY: This field indicates how often you want this
- node to be billed. Regardless of the setting, bills are sent on
- the day of the month defined by BILLING DATE. This field will
- cycle between the following five options:
- MONTHLY: Bills are sent out and charges are calculated each
- month.
- BI-MONTHLY: Bills are sent out and charges are calculated
- every second month.
- QUARTERLY: Bills are sent out and charges are calculated
- every four times a year (every four months).
- SEMI-ANNUALLY: Bills are sent out and charges are
- calculated twice a year (every six months).
- ANNUALLY: Bills are sent out and charges are calculated
- once a year (every twelve months).
- COST-DEDUCT: This field only applies if the FEE CALC METHOD
- (above) is set to FIXED. It is a Yes/No toggle which indicates
- whether this node should have its Fixed Fee deducted from the
- total Cost-Share amount. For example, if the cost-share amount
- is $100, and there are 5 nodes marked for COST-SHARE billing,
- each node would normally be charged $20. However, if there is a
- sixth node paying a FIXED rate of $50, and it has COST-DEDUCT set
- to "Yes" then the $50 will be deducted from the Cost-Share
- amount, and the remaining amount ($50), would be divided between
- the COST-SHARE nodes, which would mean that they would only be
- paying $10 each instead of $20 each (one-fifth of $50 instead of
- one-fifth of $100).
- SYSTEM STATUS: This field indicates the status of a node. It
- toggles between ACTIVE and DOWN. Normally this is updated
- automatically whenever you process a nodelist, however you may
- adjust it manually from the editor if you need to. NetMail will
- never be sent to systems that are marked as DOWN. In addition,
- DOWN systems will not be billed unless you have the "BILL DOWN
- SYSTEMS?" option in the Setup screen set to YES.
- WRITE-OFF: This field is a Yes/No toggle. The default is always
- NO. It is used only in the reports that FidoBill produces.
- Generally, if a node owes the Net money and then disappears
- without a trace, the money will in all probability never be
- collected. Setting this field to YES will tell FidoBill not to
- include the amount that this node owes in the general reports.
- NETMAIL BILL TO: This field indicates the Network address that
- FidoBill should send the bills and statements for this node to.
- Generally it will be the same address as the main NETWORK ADDRESS
- above. If you have a situation where the bill should be sent to
- a different address, you can change this.
- BILL ALTERNATE SYSTEM: This field allows you to define an
- alternate node that should be billed for this node's expenses.
- By entering a network address into this field, all charges that
- this node incurs will be charged to the alternate system's
- account. The main node will still receive a monthly statement
- letting them know that their charge has been billed to an
- alternate system.
- ECHOMAIL FEED: This field defines where this node gets its
- EchoMail from. This is currently used for reference purposes
- only. This field will contain information from your Echo Map
- file, if you have one and have imported it (see page 42,
- "Importing an Echo Map File" for details).
- Pressing F1 from the node editor will bring up a window showing the
- current node's account history. Anything involving this node will be
- recorded here, including date, description, and amount of the
- transaction. The 100 most recent transactions are retained.
- You can scroll through the transactions using the UP and DOWN arrow
- keys and the PGUP and PGDN keys. You may also adjust the balance of
- the node manually by hitting the space bar and entering a new balance.
- NOTE: When you adjust the balance of a node a NetMail message will be
- sent to the node you are adjusting to let them know that you have
- adjusted their balance. This prevents the accountant from modifying a
- balance "under the table" and assuming that nobody will notice the
- difference.
- Pressing F2 will bring up a list of all the nodes in your current
- database, from which you can select a node to edit.
- Pressing F3 will allow you to delete the currently displayed node from
- the database.
- Lastly, pressing ESC will return you to the main menu.
- When you receive the payment for a node, you should select the
- "RECEIVED NODE(S) PAYMENTS" option from the main menu. This will
- bring up a window prompting you to enter a node number. Enter the
- node number that you have received a payment from and FIDOBILL will
- then tell you the billing name for that node so you can verify that
- you have selected the correct node.
- You will then be prompted to enter either the cheque number that was
- received, or 'CASH' if you have received a cash payment. You will
- then be prompted to enter the amount of the payment. Upon hitting
- ENTER the payment will be credited to the node's account.
- The program will then cycle back to prompting you for another node
- number. This allows you to quickly enter many payments. If you have
- completed entering payments, pressing ESC will return you to the main
- menu.
- For each received payment you enter, a payment receipt will
- automatically be netmailed to the node acknowledging that you have
- received the payment.
- If a node requests an interim statement, you may simply select the
- "ISSUE STATEMENT TO A SINGLE NODE" option from the main menu. You
- will be prompted for the node number to issue a statement to and the
- date that the statement should list account activity from. The date
- here should be entered in the format MM/DD/YY or MM-DD-YY.
- If you wish to resend statements to all the nodes in your net, you may
- do so by running BILLING with the -ALLSTAT parameter. For more
- information, please see the section on Command-line Parameters on page
- 35.
- It should be noted that this does not imply that the node(s) will be
- billed again, but rather that they will get a new copy of their
- account status to date.
- Should you wish to force billing to a node on a day other than that
- node's normal billing day, you may do so by selecting the "FORCE
- BILLING NOW" option from the main menu. You will be prompted for the
- node number to force billing for and asked to confirm it. A bill will
- then be NetMailed to that node.
- Note that this forced billing is IN ADDITION to and not in place of
- the node's normal monthly billing. That is to say that if a node is
- billed on the 15th of the month and you force billing for that node on
- the 14th, the node will receive TWO bills, one for the forced billing
- on the 14th, and the other for the monthly billing on the 15th. As a
- result, this option should be used with extreme care. Note that there
- is no limit to the number of times you may force billing for a node
- each month.
- One of the major enhancements in FIDOBILL 2.00 is the ability to bill
- nodes based upon the volume of EchoMail which they receive. This way
- each node pays a fair share of the EchoMail costs.
- How this works is that the cost for bringing in EchoMail is shared
- proportionately between nodes receiving EchoMail, based upon the
- volume each node is receiving. For example if it costs $100 to bring
- in a month's worth of EchoMail, and one node is receiving 15% of the
- total volume of EchoMail coming in, that node would pay $15 (15% of
- $100 = $15).
- The total cost (the dollar amount to be shared) is entered in the Net
- Setup screen by pressing F4. There are two fields here, one is for
- EchoMail Volume Cost, and the other is for the basic Cost-Sharing
- function (explained earlier). You can use both methods if you so
- desire. Only those nodes with a FEE CALC METHOD of "Echo Volume" will
- share the EchoMail Costs. Other nodes can continue to be charged a
- Fixed rate, or a basic cost-share.
- In order to measure the volume of EchoMail coming in, a program called
- ECHOVOL.EXE is run during the main EchoMail Hub's unpacking sequence.
- This program calculates the sizes and number of messages in all
- inbound packets, and keeps track of them in a data file. This program
- should be run after the program that decompresses the packets, but
- before the program that unpacks them. If you are running a mail
- processor that decompresses and unpacks the packets simultaneously,
- you should get a hold of a pre-processing program, such as SPAZ, which
- will decompress the packets before your mail processor unpacks them.
- ECHOVOL supports three command-line parameters, as follows:
- "SCAN: <dir>": This tells ECHOVOL to scan the .PKT files in the
- directory specified by <dir>. If no directory is
- specified, the current directory is used.
- "DATA: <dir>": This tells ECHOVOL where to find its data file,
- ECHOVOL.DAT. It may be omitted if ECHOVOL.DAT is in
- the current directory.
- "DELETE <area>": This option is used to delete the volume
- statistics for a given echo from the ECHOVOL.DAT
- file.
- Running ECHOVOL with no command line parameters will display the
- collected volume statistics from ECHOVOL.DAT.
- Examples:
- Would scan all the packets in the current directory and store the
- information in ECHOVOL.DAT in the current directory.
- ECHOVOL SCAN: C:\Inbound\
- Would scan all the packets in C:\Inbound and store the
- information in ECHOVOL.DAT in the current directory.
- ECHOVOL SCAN: C:\Inbound\ DATA: C:\FidoBill\
- Would scan all the packets in C:\Inbound and store the
- information in C:\FidoBill\ECHOVOL.DAT.
- This would display the volume statistics accumulated by ECHOVOL
- by reading ECHOVOL.DAT in the current directory.
- ECHOVOL DATA: C:\FidoBill\
- This would display the volume statistics accumulated by ECHOVOL
- by reading ECHOVOL.DAT in C:\FidoBill.
- This would remove the volume statistics on the FIDOBILL echo from
- ECHOVOL.DAT in the current directory.
- This would remove the volume statistics on the FIDOBILL echo from
- ECHOVOL.DAT in the C:\FidoBill directory.
- At the end of the billing period, the ECHOVOL.DAT file is used by
- FIDOBILL to calculate what percentage of the total EchoMail volume is
- being received by each node.
- Since ECHOVOL only records the amount of inbound traffic, not who is
- receiving that traffic, you must also have a file from each Echo Hub
- detailing which nodes are receiving what echoes. These files are in
- standard AREAS.BBS format, and are named "NET-NODE.ARE". For example,
- the area file for 225/1 would be named 225-1.ARE.
- All areas listed in the areas file are assumed to be used by the Hub
- as well, unless they are marked as being passthru. FIDOBILL expects
- to see the "#" and "P" characters at the beginning of an area
- definition line to indicate if an area is passthru or not. A sample
- .ARE file for 225/1 might look something like the following:
- E:\Echo\MUFFIN MUFFIN 12/12 225/334 339 343 451 452
- #E:\Echo\INTERUSE INTERUSER 12/12 225/343
- This file would indicate that 225/1 is receiving the FIDOBILL and
- MUFFIN echoes as well as passing them on to the other nodes listed.
- However, the INTERUSER echo is marked as passthru, and is therefore
- only being used by the listed nodes (ie, 225/343).
- If for any reason one of your Echo Hubs doesn't support either the "P"
- or the "#" character to designate passthru areas, they must send
- another list to indicate those echoes that they are using. This list
- contains the names of these echoes, one to a line. This file uses a
- .ELS extension. A sample file for 225/1 would be named 225-1.ELS and
- might look something like the following:
- This ties in to the sample 225-1.ARE file. If the "#" symbol wasn't
- in front of the INTERUSER echo in the 225-1.ARE, FIDOBILL would have
- no way of knowing whether 225/1 was actually using the echo or not.
- Therefore it would check the 225-1.ELS file to see which echoes are
- being used by 225/1.
- These files should be collected from each of your EchoMail Hubs, and
- placed in your main FIDOBILL directory shortly before BILLING is run
- to generate the monthly billing. When BILLING runs, it will read all
- of these files, calculate what each node owes for the volume they have
- received, and sent out bills as appropriate. This may take a while,
- depending upon the size of your Net and how many echoes you are
- pulling in.
- After BILLING has finished running and the bills have been sent out,
- you should delete your ECHOVOL.DAT file in order to restart the
- tracking. Otherwise your nodes will be billed for the same volume
- statistics again the next time around.
- It is also possible to compute what each node owes from FIDOBILL,
- using the CALCULATE NODE FEES option from the main menu. Selecting
- this option will compute what each node owes and write it into the FEE
- field in each node record. This way you can get an idea of what each
- node will be paying before the bills are actually sent.
- It should be noted here that because of the way FIDOBILL works, it
- assumes that the information contained in the .ARE and .ELS files
- applies for the whole month. If a node has just connected to an area
- a couple of days before billing occurs, they may be billed a little
- bit extra for that conference (since FIDOBILL will assume they were
- carrying the area for the whole month). Conversely, if a node has
- just disconnected, they will be billed a little bit less than the
- volume they actually pulled in (since FIDOBILL will assume that they
- were not carrying the area at all during that month). Either way, the
- differences caused by this should be negligible, but it's something to
- be aware of.
- The Bank Account Functions are available only on the Registered
- Version of FIDOBILL. These are powerful functions which will make
- FIDOBILL even more useful, but the lack of them will not take away
- from the basic usefulness of the program for those who have not yet
- registered. For more information on how to register FIDOBILL to get
- these options to operate, please see "Registering FIDOBILL" on page 8.
- These options allow you to use FIDOBILL to track bank account
- activity, such as depositing node payments and making withdrawals to
- pay phone bills. FIDOBILL is also capable of sending out bank
- statements by NetMail and/or EchoMail to keep others in the Net
- informed of what is happening with the account.
- When payment is received from a node and entered into the program via
- the "RECEIVE NODE PAYMENTS" command (see page 22), FIDOBILL
- automatically tags the payment as waiting to be deposited into the
- bank account. Once you have accumulated enough node payments to go
- down to the bank and deposit them in your account, you will record
- this in FIDOBILL by selecting the "DEPOSIT PAYMENTS IN BANK" option
- from the main menu.
- You will be presented with a window showing you a summary of the funds
- waiting to be deposited, as two sums, one of total cheques received,
- and one of total cash received. You then have the option of either
- examining the deposit or posting it to the account.
- If you choose to examine the deposit, you will be presented with a
- breakdown of what payments make up the current deposit. The node,
- cheque number (or "CASH"), and dollar amount for each payment received
- will be indicated. You can scroll through the items using the UP and
- DOWN arrow keys, and PGUP and PGDN. If you need to adjust a deposit
- item, you may do so by highlighting the item in question and pressing
- ENTER. You will be prompted for a new dollar amount for that deposit
- item. In addition, the account of the node who made the payment will
- also be adjusted accordingly, and a NetMail message will be sent to
- that node indicating that an adjustment was made, just as if the
- adjustment were made in the node editor.
- When you are finished examining the deposit, you may press ESC to
- return to the Deposit Summary screen. The new amounts will be
- reflected here. If you are satisfied that the bank deposit amount
- reported by FIDOBILL actually reflects reality you should select the
- "(M)ake Deposit" option to post the deposit to the bank account. You
- will be prompted for a brief explanation of the deposit (which
- defaults to "NODE PAYMENT DEPOSIT"). The system will then post the
- deposits to the bank account and clear the pending deposits record.
- When the time comes when it's time to pay the Net's phone bills, you
- should inform FIDOBILL that funds are being removed from the account
- by selecting the WITHDRAW FUNDS option from the main menu.
- You will be prompted to enter a brief explanation of the withdrawal
- and then be prompted for the dollar amount to withdraw. Finally, you
- will be asked to confirm that the withdrawal information is correct.
- If it is then the withdrawal will be processed and the bank account
- information will be updated accordingly.
- To view a statement of the bank account activity, you should select
- the "BANK ACCOUNT BALANCE REPORT" option from the main menu. This
- will produce a screen that looks a lot like a chequebook. All of the
- activity in the network's bank account is reported here.
- The ledger itself is rather self-explanatory. If you know how a
- chequebook works then you will understand the ledger. If you don't
- know how a chequebook works then one could argue that perhaps your net
- should choose another accountant.
- From the Balance screen you have the following options:
- INTEREST APPLIED: This option will allow you to record any
- interest that the bank has applied to the account. You will be
- prompted for the amount of interest to apply and it will be
- credited to the account as "Interest."
- SERVICE CHARGE: This option allows you to record any service
- charges that the bank may charge you. It functions identically
- to the Interest function, except the amount you enter is debited
- from the account as a "Service Charge."
- ADJUSTING ENTRY: This is exactly what it sounds like. This
- allows you to make an adjusting entry to make FIDOBILL's
- statement match the bank's. This should be used as a last
- resort, only after you have tried everything possible to make the
- statement's match, since agreeing to the bank's statement may
- actually cost the network money, since banks have been known to
- make "computer errors" from time to time. When selecting this
- option, you will be prompted for a brief explanation of the
- adjustment, then prompted for the amount of the adjustment. A
- positive number is treated as a credit and will increase the
- balance, while a negative number is treated as a debit, and will
- decrease the balance.
- FORWARD COPY OF BANK ACCOUNT: This option allows you to manually
- forward a copy of FIDOBILL's bank statement to a specific node.
- You will be prompted for the address of the node to send the
- statement to and then asked how many days of the statement should
- be sent to the node. FIDOBILL will then send the statement to
- that node as a NetMail message.
- ECHOMAIL POST BANK ACCOUNT: This option is identical to the
- FORWARD option above, except that it will post a copy of the bank
- statement in your NetMail area, as defined in the setup.
- -- REPORTS --
- FIDOBILL is capable of generating a number of reports. The reports
- are created through external report generators, making it possible for
- future reports to be added to FIDOBILL at any time. The release
- version currently supports two reports, a General Accounting Report,
- and a report on Write-off Nodes. The reports section is accessed from
- the "VIEW REPORTS" option from the main menu.
- When this option is selected a window will appear listing all of the
- available reports. To view one of the reports, move the highlight bar
- onto it and press ENTER to execute it.
- You also have the option of removing a report that you no longer use
- or adding a new report. To delete a report position the highlight bar
- on the report that you wish to remove and select "(D)elete." FIDOBILL
- will ask you to verify that you really want to remove the report from
- your menu. Once you confirm this the report will be removed from the
- menu. It should be noted that this option only removes the report
- from the menu. The external program that generates the report is not
- deleted, and can therefore be reinstalled at a later time.
- To add a new report that you have received, or re-install a report
- that you have previously deleted, you may select the "(A)dd new
- reports" option. The program will prompt you for the name of this
- report. This is the name that will appear on the menu in the future.
- Enter anything you like here to describe the report. Next it will ask
- you to enter the filename of the external report generator. All
- report generators have a filename that looks like FBR-????.EXE, where
- ???? is some number between 0 and 9999. If the report you were
- installing was named FBR-0001.EXE, you would enter FBR-0001 in this
- field.
- When you have selected a report and press ENTER the program will
- execute the report generator and display the report on your screen.
- This may take a while depending upon how many nodes are in your net
- and what kind of report is being produced.
- Once the report is on the screen, you may use the arrow keys and the
- PGUP and PGDN keys to scroll through it. You may also select from one
- of the following options:
- PRINT REPORT: This allows you to print out the report.
- FORWARD REPORT VIA NETMAIL: This option allows you to forward a
- copy of this report to a specified node. You will be prompted
- for the node address, and the report will be forwarded as a
- NetMail message to that node.
- FORWARD REPORT VIA ECHOMAIL: This option allows you to forward a
- copy of this report into the EchoMail area that you have defined
- in your setup.
- SCHEDULE REPORT: This option allows you to setup FIDOBILL to
- automatically produce and forward this particular report, as
- either NetMail to a specified node or as EchoMail, on scheduled
- days of the month. You will be asked to select whether you want
- to schedule the report as NetMail or EchoMail. If you select
- NetMail, you will be prompted for the address to send the report
- to. You will then be prompted to enter the days of the month
- that this report is to be sent on. You may enter several days,
- separated by spaces.
- KILL SCHEDULED REPORTS: This option allows you to erase all the
- schedules for sending the current report. It should be noted
- that this option will kill ALL the scheduling for this report, so
- if you've scheduled the report to be sent to two different nodes
- on two different dates, BOTH of them will be removed by this
- function.
- One of the more powerful features of FIDOBILL is the ability to
- automatically send warning messages to nodes who are behind on their
- payments, and to cancel their accounts if they get too far behind.
- For example, let's say that you wish to cancel a node after they get
- two months behind payment, but you wish to send them some warnings and
- reminders before you cancel them. Perhaps you would like to send the
- node a reminder the month before their payment is due, then send them
- another notice when their payment is due, and lastly a warning when
- they are a month overdue, with a notice to the Net administration.
- Lastly, when they are two months overdue, cancel their account, cut
- their access off and send notice to the Net administration. FIDOBILL
- will handle all of this easily and automatically.
- Firstly, you should go back to the "Setups/Configuration" section from
- the main menu, and select "Net Specific Settings." Press PGDN to go
- to the second page of the Net settings. The whole top half of the
- screen relates to this functionality.
- First you have to setup the BILLING SITUATION lines. Each BILLING
- SITUATION line refers to a warning message that you would like to
- send. The information entered into each BILLING SITUATION line
- specifies the criteria on which the messages should be sent and the
- action that should be taken for that situation. The first parameter
- on the line is a number which specifies the number of months before or
- after payment is due that this message should be sent. A positive
- number refers to months before payment is due, while a negative number
- refers to months overdue. A zero refers to the month that payment is
- due. For example, if a -1 was placed here, this situation line would
- be processed when a node was 1 month overdue. The remainder of each
- BILLING SITUATION line, after the first number, may contain any or all
- of the following:
- NODE: Specifies that the individual node is to receive a warning
- message. See "Custom Message Files" on page 37 for information
- on how to create the text for these messages.
- ADMIN: Specifies that the Administrative nodes defined below
- should each receive a warning about the node.
- CANCEL: Specifies that the node's billing status should be
- marked as "CANCEL." It should be noted that this option implies
- ADMIN. Whenever a node is cancelled, the Administrative nodes
- will automatically receive notice, whether ADMIN is set for that
- situation or not.
- how you want the Node and Admin Warning Messages to be sent,
- respectively. They toggle between NORMAL and CRASH.
- Lastly, the ADMINISTRATION NODES TO WARN field is where you define a
- list of Administrative nodes (such as the NC and Echo Hubs) who will
- receive any ADMIN warnings that are generated. You can enter as many
- nodes in this field as you like, each separated by a space.
- Now, let's look at all this in light of the example above. We said
- that we would like to send a notice one month before payment is due,
- and another notice when payment is due. We also said that we would
- like to send a warning when payment is a month overdue, with an
- administration warning as well. Lastly, when the node is two months
- overdue, we want to cut them off, with a message to the administration
- as well. To do this, we would setup the billing situations something
- like the following:
- One month before payment is due, BILLING SITUATION #1 will be
- processed. The node will receive a message, supposedly reminding them
- that payment is due next month. The month that payment is due,
- BILLING SITUATION #2 will be used, and the node will be sent another
- notice, this time reminding them that they should pay their account
- immediately. If by the following month they still haven't paid (ie,
- they are now a month overdue), BILLING SITUATION #3 will be used, and
- the node will receive a notice and an administrative warning will be
- sent out listing this node. Finally, if they haven't paid their
- balance off by the following month, BILLING SITUATION #4 will be used,
- and the node will receive a warning, an administrative warning will be
- sent, and the node's billing status will be marked as CANCEL. It
- should be noted that in BILLING SITUATION #4, the "ADMIN" option isn't
- really necessary, since the "CANCEL" option will send out
- administrative notices anyway.
- The messages that are sent correspond to each of the BILLING SITUATION
- lines. They are defined in files with extensions of .ND1 through
- .ND4. For more information on these files please see "Custom Message
- Files" on page 37.
- FIDOBILL.EXE supports one basic command-line parameter, with several
- modifiers, to automate nodelist processing. This is the "NODELIST"
- parameter. The syntax for this parameter is:
- FIDOBILL [/U] NODELIST [<domain> | <net>]
- Where parameters included in brackets are optional, and <domain> is
- the name of a Domain to be compiled (ie, FIDONET or ALTERNET), and
- <net> is a network number to be compiled (ie, 1:225 or 1:104). /U
- stands for "Update" and indicates that the nodelist should only be
- compiled if a new nodelist is found in the nodelist directory.
- Example:
- This would compile your primary net.
- This would compile your primary net only if the nodelist was
- newer than the last one compiled.
- This would compile all of your billable Nets in FidoNet.
- This would compile all of your billable Nets in FidoNet and
- AlterNet.
- This would compile all of your billable Nets in FidoNet and Net
- 1:104.
- This would compile all of your billable Nets in FidoNet and
- AlterNet, and Net 1:104, but only if the nodelist was newer than
- the last one compiled.
- BILLING.EXE on the other hand has several command-line parameters
- which allow you to customize its operation. These are prefixed by a
- dash (ie, BILLING -ANNOUNCE) and are as follows:
- ANNOUNCE: This option enables the sending of a global
- announcement message. This allows you to send a mass mailing to
- all of the nodes in your Net. The default is for announcements
- NOT to be sent. See Appendix B, "Custom Message Files" for
- information on how to create the message text for this option.
- If the message file does not exist, no announcement messages are
- sent. Be especially careful when using this option in a routine
- batch file, since BILLING has no qualms about sending the same
- announcement message several times to every node. If you use
- this in a batch file, it is advisable to delete or rename the
- announcement file immediately after BILLING sends it out.
- WELCOME: This option enables the sending of welcome messages,
- based upon the setting for Welcome Messages in the Net
- configuration section. The default is to NOT send welcome
- messages. If this option is enabled, messages will either be
- sent to any new nodes that haven't received a welcome message, or
- to all new BILLABLE nodes that haven't received it, depending
- upon the setting in the Net configuration. See Appendix B,
- "Custom Message Files" for more information on how to create this
- message.
- NOBILLS: This option disables the billing portion of the
- program. The default is to process billing each time the program
- is run. This would generally be used if you were running BILLING
- manually from DOS and didn't want to send out any billing
- messages or statements. Payment Receipts, Reports, and Bank
- Statement will still be sent.
- NOACK: This option disables the sending of payment receipts to
- nodes. The default is to send any pending receipts each time the
- program is run.
- NOBANK: This option disables the sending of bank statements to
- any nodes that would normally receive them.
- ALLSTAT: This option will force a statement to be sent to all
- the nodes in your database. They will not be BILLED, but will
- receive their current statements.
- NOLOCAL: Turns off the local flag on any generated NetMail.
- NOK/S: Turns off the Kill/Sent flag on any generated NetMail.
- As a result, most mail processor will not kill the messages after
- they are sent.
- All of the NetMail messages sent by FIDOBILL are completely
- customizable. The text for these messages is contained in a series of
- ASCII text files which may be modified to suit your needs.
- Files that you wish to apply to all Nets that you bill should be named
- with a base filename of "DEFAULT". Files that apply to a specific Net
- should be named with the Network File Handle (the Net File Handle is
- displayed at the top of the Net Configuration screen). For example,
- Net 225's Network File Handle is N27F1.
- The extensions for these files are as follows:
- STATEMENTS - Sent when a statement is issued to a node.
- .STA Statement for billable nodes with balance > 0.
- .STB Statement for billable nodes with balance = 0.
- .STC Statement for billable nodes with balance < 0.
- .STD Statement for non-billable nodes with balance > 0.
- .STE Statement for non-billable nodes with balance = 0.
- .STF Statement for non-billable nodes with balance < 0.
- .STG Statement for exempt nodes with balance > 0.
- .STH Statement for exempt nodes with balance = 0.
- .STI Statement for exempt nodes with balance < 0.
- .STJ Statement for cancelled nodes with balance > 0.
- .STK Statement for cancelled nodes with balance = 0.
- .STL Statement for cancelled nodes with balance < 0.
- .STM Statement for Alternate Billable nodes with balance > 0.
- .STN Statement for Alternate Billable nodes with balance = 0.
- .STO Statement for Alternate Billable nodes with balance < 0.
- BILLS - Sent when BILLS are sent to nodes
- .BTA Bill for billable nodes with balance > 0.
- .BTB Bill for billable nodes with balance = 0.
- .BTC Bill for billable nodes with balance < 0.
- .BTD Bill for non-billable nodes with balance > 0.
- .BTE Bill for non-billable nodes with balance = 0.
- .BTF Bill for non-billable nodes with balance < 0.
- .BTG Bill for exempt nodes with balance > 0.
- .BTH Bill for exempt nodes with balance = 0.
- .BTI Bill for exempt nodes with balance < 0.
- .BTJ Bill for cancelled nodes with balance > 0.
- .BTK Bill for cancelled nodes with balance = 0.
- .BTL Bill for cancelled nodes with balance < 0.
- .BTM Bill for Alternate Billable nodes with balance > 0.
- .BTN Bill for Alternate Billable nodes with balance = 0.
- .BTO Bill for Alternate Billable nodes with balance < 0.
- RECEIPTS - Sent when payment is received from a node
- .CAS Receipt for CASH received.
- .CHK Receipt for CHECK received.
- ADJUSTMENTS - Sent when a node's account has been adjusted
- .ADJ Notification to the node that their account has been
- adjusted in a NEGATIVE direction. **NOTE** If you disclose
- the amount of the adjustment in your *.ADJ message the
- amount returned will be a *POSITIVE* number.
- .BDJ Notification to the node that their account has been
- adjusted in a POSITIVE direction.
- RELINK - Sent when a node has been reinstated after links were cut
- .RLK Notification to the Administration nodes requesting that the
- nodes echo links be re-established.
- .NOK Notification to the node that is being re-established that
- their links are being restored.
- ADMINISTRATION WARNINGS - Appended with "Warning" nodes
- .ADW This prefaces a list of nodes that have warning or cancelled
- status.
- .ANN Sent to all nodes if the -ANNOUNCE parameter is specified
- when running BILLING.EXE (see Appendix A for details).
- .WEL Sent to new nodes as defined in the network setups, if the -
- WELCOME parameter is specified when running BILLING.EXE (see
- Appendix A for details).
- Again, the base filename for these files is either the Network's File
- Handle or DEFAULT. FIDOBILL looks for the Network File Handle first,
- and if it can't find it for that Net, DEFAULT is used instead. For
- example, DEFAULT.WEL would be the welcome message for all Networks
- that you bill, while N27F1.WEL would be the welcome message for Net
- 225 only. If both existed, N27F1.WEL would be used for Net 225, and
- DEFAULT.WEL would be used for all the other Nets that you bill.
- Several variables may be used to in the custom message files to insert
- variable information. The variables are surrounded by a caret ("^")
- on either side, and are as follows:
- ======== ========================================= =====
- ABSCURBAL The absolute value of the current balance N+
- ACCTLINE1 Line 1 of the "Accountant Address" info T
- ACCTLINE2 Line 2 of the "Accountant Address" info T
- ACCTLINE3 Line 3 of the "Accountant Address" info T
- ACCTLINE4 Line 4 of the "Accountant Address" info T
- ACCTNAME The accountant's name T
- ACCTNODE The network address of the accountant T
- ACTIONDATE The date this action took place D
- ADDRESS The address of this node T
- AMOUNT The amount received or adjusted N+
- BILLFREQ Node's billing frequency (ie MONTHLY) T
- BILLSTAT Billing status (ie, billable) T
- BILLTO The address that we're billing to A
- CHECKCASH The cheque number, or "CASH" T@
- COMMENT,text In-line comments--totally ignored by program
- CREDITS The amount of credits considered N
- CURBAL Node's current balance N
- DEBITS The amounts of debits considered N
- DOMAIN The domain (Fidonet, Alternet, etc.) T
- ECHOHUB The address of the system's echo hub A
- ITEMS Individual item entries statements/bills T
- LASTPMT Amount of the last payment received N
- NETNUMBER Just the net number (104, etc.) text T
- NETWORK Complete network (1:104, etc.) T
- NETZONE Just the net's zone # (1, 2, 3, etc.) T
- NODEFEE Node's fee per billing frequency N
- NODENAME Node's system name T
- OPENDATE Date account was opened D
- PAIDTHRU The date that the account is paid thru D
- PMTDATE Date last payment was received D
- PREVBAL Balance previous to this month's billing N*
- STARTDATE Date from which statement is reporting D#
- SYSOPADDR1 Line 1 of the sysop's address T
- SYSOPADDR2 Line 2 of the sysop's address T
- SYSOPCITY The city of this sysop T
- SYSOPNAME The name of the sysop at this node T
- SYSOPSTATE The state of this sysop T
- SYSOPVOICE The sysop's voice phone number T
- SYSOPZIP The zip code of the sysop T
- TODAY Today's date D
- N = Value returned in the format X,XXX.XX
- D = Value returned as date in the format MM-DD-YY
- T = Value returned as text
- A = Value returned as a FidoNet Address in the format Z:NET/NODE
- + = Value returned is ALWAYS POSITIVE
- * = Valid only with BILLS
- @ = Valid only with Payment Receipt messages
- # = Valid only with STATEMENTS
- In addition, several formatting options are supported for each
- variable. These are placed after the variable name, separated by a
- comma. They are as follows:
- C Combined Upper/Lower case with U/L parser
- D Date first (DD-MM-YY)
- F Full Month Day, Year (January 10, 1992)
- O Date as only Month Year
- Z Format as "Month Year" if year differs, otherwise just "Month"
- U Return field in ALL upper case
- X Return field (upper/lower case) exactly as it appears in files
- Y Year first (YY-MM-DD)
- R=#### Right Justify (where #### is the length of the field)
- L=#### Left Justify (where #### is the length of the field)
- -#### Minus the # of days specified from the date
- -###M Minus the # of months from the specified date
- +#### Plus the # of days specified from the date
- +###M Plus the # of months from the specified date
- Examples:
- ^ACTIONDATE,O^ would return the date the transaction took place
- in the format "Month Year" (ie, "April 1992").
- ^ACTIONDATE,O-001M^ would return the date the transaction took place
- minus one month, in the format "Month Year" (ie,
- "March 1992").
- ^ACCTNAME,U^ would return the Accountant Name all in Uppercase
- ^OPENDATE,F^ would return the date the account was opened in
- full month day year format (ie, April 15, 1992).
- The various individual items listed in each statement by the ^ITEMS^
- variable can be modified by creating a file named DEFAULT.ITM. The
- format for each line in this file is:
- <linetag> | <text>
- Where <linetag> is the internal line name used by FIDOBILL, and <text>
- is what you want that line to read. The <text> line may include the
- variable ^I^, which will be replaced by the relevant information for
- that line (ie, the cheque number for received cheques, the dates for
- echo charges, etc). The formatting options described above may also
- be included after the ^I^ variable (ie, ^I,O^ would return "Month
- Year" format).
- The internal line names and their defaults are as follows:
- CHECK This is the line that indicates that a payment was
- received by cheque.
- DEF: "Received payment, check #^I^ -- Thank You"
- ALTERNATE This is the line that indicates that an alternate node
- has been billed for the current node's fees.
- DEF: "Credited for echo fee, charged to node ^I^"
- BILLEDFOR This line indicates that the current node is being
- billed for an alternate node.
- DEF: "Echo charge for node ^I^"
- BALFORWARD This line indicates the balance forward from a previous
- billing system.
- DEF: "Balance forward from previous billing system"
- CASH This line indicates that a payment was received as
- cash.
- DEF: "Received cash payment, please send checks"
- ECHOFEE This line indicates that a monthly echo charge has been
- deducted.
- DEF: "Monthly Echo Charge for ^I^"
- ADJUST This line indicates that an adjustment has taken place
- to the node's account.
- DEF: "Adjustment by accountant"
- It should be noted that the ^I^ variable is UNDEFINED for the
- BALFORWARD, CASH, and ADJUST lines, and should therefore not be used.
- See the included SAMPLE.ITM file for examples.
- FIDOBILL also has the ability to read a specially formatted EchoMap
- file in order to define who gets their EchoMail from whom. The
- information read in from the EchoMap file is placed in the ECHOMAIL
- FEED field in each node's record. The file is an ASCII text file,
- named using the network file handle as the base filename, with the
- extension .MAP. Your Network File Handle for each Network is shown on
- the Network Settings screen in the Setup section.
- The first line should define which Net the EchoMap file is for, and is
- of the format "ECHOMAP NET <net>" where <net> is your Net number in
- z:net format.
- The remaining lines will consist of node numbers which define the
- various EchoHubs and end-nodes. Node entries may be placed in any of
- four columns, one to a line. The first column ends at position 6, the
- second column at position 26, third at 46, and fourth at 66.
- The first node listed in the first column is the Network "Star", or
- the main hub which imports EchoMail into the Network. All the nodes
- which follow this entry in the first column are assumed as getting
- their EchoMail from the main hub. Secondary hubs should also be
- listed in this first column. The nodes that receive their mail from
- each secondary hub should be listed on the lines below the secondary
- hub in the second column (ie, ending at position 26). The same
- applies for the third and fourth columns.
- This is best explained by way of example. Let's look at a simple
- EchoMap file for Net 225....
- 99 <-- This is the Main Hub
- 334 <-- This node receives mail from Node 99
- 224 <-- Receives from 334
- 223 <-- Recvs from 224
- 339 <-- This node receives mail from Node 99
- 343 <-- This node receives mail from Node 99
- Note that the numbers in the first column END at character position 6,
- the second column at character position 26, and the third at position
- 46. For more details on the correct format, please see the included
- SAMPLE.MAP file.
- To Import the Network EchoMap, you simply place it in your main
- FIDOBILL directory, and select the "IMPORT NETWORK ECHOMAP" function
- from the main menu. FIDOBILL will read in this information and place
- it in the "ECHOMAIL FEED" field for each node.
- The following is a list and brief description of the files that are
- used by FIDOBILL:
- ======== ==================================================
- *.ARE The AREAS.BBS files for nodes, especially hubs, if you
- are using echo-volume based cost-sharing. The base
- filename identifies the node that the file references
- (ie, 225-1.ARE would be the AREAS.BBS file for node
- 225/1).
- *.FEX Contains the text for the "descriptions" entered by the
- accountant when making adjusting entries.
- AREAS.NET This file is produced when running BILLING or when you
- force cost calculation from FIDOBILL. This file is
- essentially an AREAS.BBS for the entire net. It will
- be an AREAS.BBS style format but will list all nodes in
- the net that receive the echo (assuming all information
- is made available to FIDOBILL).
- DEPOSIT.DAT This file holds information pertaining to the bank
- deposit. It will be created/appended whenever you
- (R)eceive a Node Payment. When you go to (D)eposit
- this file will be read to figure out what nodes should
- be in the deposit and for what amounts. If this file
- is erased or destroyed all records of a pending deposit
- will be lost.
- DOMAIN.DAT This file contains the domain/nodelist information.
- This file is automatically created by FIDOBILL in the
- Domain Setup screen, but must contain valid data for a
- successful nodelist compile to occur.
- ECHOVOL.DAT This file is created by ECHOVOL.EXE (if used) for
- tracking the volume in each echo. It is used by
- FIDOBILL for echo-volume based cost-calculations.
- FBR-????.RCF These are temporary files that are created by the
- auxiliary reports. They can be deleted without harm,
- but will be created again instantly by executing a
- report.
- FBR-????.TXT These files contain the output of the last report
- executed. These files can be deleted without
- harm--they will be created again instantly by executing
- a report.
- *.FBS This file(s) contains the "report schedule". If you
- have instructed FIDOBILL to automatically post report
- #1 in the echo, or to send report #2 to node 104/332
- each 15th, this file contains the data to cause this
- happen to. Erasing this file will wipe out any
- scheduled reports you have. This file does NOT contain
- the bank report scheduling that is defined in the
- Network Configuration.
- FIDOBANK.DAT This file contains the entire bank account history. It
- contains the current balance and a record of all
- transactions since the account was started in FIDOBILL.
- Erasing this file will cause all bank account data
- (except for pending deposits) to be wiped out.
- FIDOBILL.CFG This is the heart of the FIDOBILL data files. As the
- name suggests its the configuration file for FIDOBILL.
- It's best not to erase it. Erasing this file will
- essentially wipe out EVERYTHING that you may have set
- in the (S)etups section other than Domain Information
- and Point-Net Translation.
- FIDOBILL.LOG This file is just a log file for tracking what FIDOBILL
- may be doing.
- FIDOBILL.MNU This file is an "overlay" file of sorts. It contains a
- lot of critical information about the screens used in
- FIDOREP.DAT This file contains a list of what auxiliary reports are
- available from the (V)iew Reports menu option. Erasing
- the file will cause all reports to "disappear". They
- can, however, be added again from the (V)iew Reports
- menu option.
- *.NOD This file contains the main database of the node
- account information. Erasing this file will cause your
- node/account information to be erased. One of these
- files exists for each network you bill. Each node in
- the database requires 4k in this file.
- *.IDX This file is an index file into the *.NOD files. If
- this file is erased or corrupted it can be
- reconstructed by recompiling the nodelist. This file
- will always be 20,000 bytes long, plus an additional 2
- bytes per point system you include in your database.
- *.NLR This stands for "NodeList Report" It is created
- whenever you compile a nodelist. It will contain
- pieces of information about the compile that may
- interest some net coordinators.
- *.REF This is a reference file for the node account database.
- It is also created when you compile nodelists. It is
- also updated when you manually add nodes, change nodes,
- or delete them. If this file is corrupted or erased it
- can be recreated by recompiling the nodelist.
- *.MAP The "echomap" for the net. See Appendix C.
- *.NPD This file contains information pertaining to messages
- that are to be sent the next time BILLING.EXE is run.
- If you erase this file no permanent damage will be
- done, however any messages listed in this file will not
- be sent.
- NET.TMP This is a temporary file created by FIDOBILL during
- nodelist compiles. FIDOBILL should delete this file
- itself after it is finished compiling the nodelist.
- POINTNET.DAT This file contains the configuration data regarding
- points. It includes fake net translations and point
- nodelists. It is created from the Point Setup section.
- *.FBZ These file(s) contain information that will be mailed
- to SOMEONE. These files should automatically be
- deleted after running BILLING for all networks that you
- bill. If you are sure you have run BILLING for all
- nets that you bill and you still find any .FBZ files
- lying around, they can be deleted.
- FIDOBILL.KEY This is the key file for FIDOBILL. If you are an
- unregistered user, you will not have a key file. See
- page 8, Registration, for details on how to register
- If you have problems running FIDOBILL on your system, the first thing
- you should do is make sure that your system meets the "System
- Requirements" described on page 4. If your system meets these
- requirements, you should take the following steps to determine where
- the problem might be.
- First, try booting from a clean DOS diskette and running FIDOBILL. If
- FIDOBILL works properly at this point, you know that you have an
- incompatibility with something that is being loaded into memory.
- (NOTE: Sometimes this is not possible, particularly if you use a
- program such as Disk Manager or VFeature Deluxe, which requires a
- driver to be loaded to access the hard drive).
- Remove any non-standard programs that are in your environment, one at
- a time, since these programs can cause conflicts. The first sort of
- programs you should look for are TSR (Terminate-and-Stay-Resident)
- programs, such as pop-up calculators and so forth. These are the most
- common cause of compatibility problems. If FIDOBILL runs after you
- have removed a specific program, chances are extremely good that it is
- this program that was causing the conflict. If you discover a
- conflict like this, please report it to the author, since it is quite
- possible that it can be resolved in a future version.
- If, when stripped to the DOS level, FIDOBILL still doesn't work, you
- may have discovered a bug in FIDOBILL itself. As the program develops
- and progresses this possibility becomes more and more unlikely, but
- NEVER impossible. We will NEVER try to claim that FIDOBILL is bug
- free.
- Despite what some programmers would have you believe, ALL programs
- have bugs. A quote from a Murphy's Law Book seems to make a certain
- amount of sense:
- "It has been said that all programs contain at
- least one bug and that all programs can be
- reduced by at least one line of code. It can
- therefore be surmised that all programs may be
- reduced to one line of code that doesn't work."
- This being the case the author will be the first to admit that
- FIDOBILL very possibly still contains bugs. As more and more people
- have used the program we are catching more and more of them. If you
- should find bugs please report them ASAP. A kind note to the author
- at 1:104/332 will do the trick. Your note need not be "irritated" or
- "upset" sounding to attract immediate attention. All bug reports will
- be investigated and taken to their logical conclusion--either with the
- fixing of the bug or a reasonable explanation of what the user can do
- to defeat the problem.
- In any bug/incompatibility reports please include a complete
- explanation of what you were doing, what happened, what DOS (and
- version) you are running under, and any other TSRs or programs that
- are being run and their revision numbers. Also include the version
- number of FIDOBILL that you are currently using. If you successfully
- determined what software package FIDOBILL is conflicting with this
- would be very helpful.
- You may always freq the most recent version of FIDOBILL on any systems
- noted as being "FIDOBILL Support Systems" (see page 50 for current
- systems). The magic name "FIDOBILL" will always get you the latest
- version.
- Available on 1:104/332.0 is the file FIDOREV which is a zipped file
- which contains the current REVISION.DOC. At the time of this writing
- this file is only 4k long. It is recommended that you file request
- this file occasionally to see what, if any, enhancements and bug fixes
- are available in the current version. Should you decide that it would
- be worthwhile to file request the entire program you may then do so.
- Also available on the FidoNet Backbone is the Support Echo for
- FIDOBILL. The tag name for this area is FIDOBILL, and you should be
- able to request it through your local NEC or REC.
- You may send also netmail to Craig Steiner, the author and programmer
- of FIDOBILL, directly at 1:104/332.0. He will virtually always be
- able to respond to your netmail within 24-hours of receiving it.
- In future versions of FIDOBILL we hope to include:
- o Support for the Statistics file created by the Squish Mail
- Processor. This will eliminate the need to run EchoVol for
- those systems that run Squish.
- o The ability to bill nodes for Echo Volume based upon Cost
- per Kilobyte in addition to the current shared EchoMail Cost
- method.
- o The capability of automatically cutting echo feeds when a
- node is cancelled by writing a batch file that would call
- Areafix or some other EchoMail manager.
- o Support for other message base formats by writing EchoMail
- report messages as .PKT files in the inbound directory,
- which may then be imported by any echomail processor.
- o "Areafix-style" requests where nodes could send netmail to
- "FIDOBILL" to request a copy of their account history,
- current balance, or network administrators could instruct
- FIDOBILL to make account adjustments simply by sending
- netmail to it.
- o More complete support of the OS/2 Operating System.
- o Whatever else you want... Let me know!
- The following are the beta sites, support sites, and distribution
- sites for FIDOBILL. I thank all of these people who have helped
- greatly in the development of FIDOBILL:
- Eric Smith Dave Hunter
- LDS Reading Room A Small World
- Aurora, Colorado Nepean, Ontario, Canada
- 1:104/513 1:243/3
- 303-343-1665 613-726-0744
- Beta-Site DISTRIBUTION/Beta/Support
- Joe & Andrea Dabrowski Jesse D. Hollington
- Ice Palace BBS The NiteLine
- Las Vegas, Nevada North Bay, Ontario, Canada
- 1:209/770 1:225/1
- 702-438-2992 Beta/Support
- Craig Steiner
- The Vault BBS
- Englewood, Colorado
- 1:104/332
- 303-779-4253
- Time for the thank-you's...
- Eric Smith, the net 104 treasurer, has been extremely cooperative
- since day one. For that matter, I owe thanks to all of net 104.
- There have been times over the months when, because Eric was testing
- beta software, they received duplicate bills, were billed when they
- shouldn't have been, the reports were screwed up, etc. I thank both
- Eric and net 104 for their patience.
- I would like to thank the beta-testers (listed separately in this
- manual) for their extremely generous help in evaluating, testing, and
- supporting this program. Their help has been appreciated more than I
- could ever express. And I think I speak for both myself and the users
- of the program when I say "Thank you" for patiently helping to find
- and stomp out those nasty bugs before they had a chance to torment the
- users at large. Thanks!
- Jesse Hollington has been EXTREMELY helpful. Jesse, of course,
- deserves credit for putting together this documentation for version
- 2.00. But my debt to him doesn't end there--far from it. A late
- joiner in the beta team he has helped squash an incredible number of
- nasty bugs in short order. Many of the bugs he found were so squirly
- that I still cannot believe he found them ("If the month is xxx, there
- are four deposits pending, there is only one point in the database,
- etc." are the kinds of things we're talking about here). Were it not
- for him I would have spent much of my time writing docs instead of
- programming, and many more bugs would have reached the public.
- Thanks, Jesse! I hope I can make it up to you someday.
- [Editor's Note: That's okay, Craig... Let's just say that if I ever
- make it down to Colorado, you owe me a beer. ]
- I thank the USERS of this program. You are the people I am writing
- this program for. I appreciate the very fact that you are trying the
- program. And I definitely offer an additional "Thank You" to those
- who have made the effort and capital outlay to register the program.
- Finally, I would like to thank my good friend, Erin. Were it not for
- her encouragement throughout the months FIDOBILL might never have even
- reached the public--let alone reached version 2.00. Thank you, Erin.
- You will notice that this list has grown significantly since the
- original release. To me this means a lot: It tells me that there are
- people out there who think FIDOBILL is useful enough to commit their
- time, energy, and/or money to help support it. I think that this is
- the highest compliment the public can give a programmer.
- Thanks to everyone who has made FIDOBILL what it is today!
- The following names are trademarks, registered trademarks, and/or the
- efforts of the person(s) and/or companies named:
- Fido, FidoNet - Tom Jennings, Fido Software
- Areafix - George Peace and Greg Dawson
- Squish - Scott J. Dudley
- MS-DOS - Microsoft Corporation
- PC-DOS, OS/2 - International Business Machines Corporation
- BinkleyTerm - Bit Bucket Software
- VFeature, VFeature Deluxe - Golden Bow Systems
- Disk Manager - OnTrack Software Systems