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- FNLScan Registration Form
- FNLScan is not free! You are allowed to use this program for a period of 30
- days for evaluation. After 30 days, you must complete this form and return it
- to me with the registration fee (in U.S. dollars) enclosed, or stop using
- FNLScan. An FNLScan registration is valid for use on a single BBS system,
- whether a single-line, single-computer system, or a multi-line, networked
- computer system. If you run two or more distinct BBS systems on the same
- computer (with different BBS names), you require two or more FNLScan
- registrations.
- The non-commercial FNLScan registration cost is $15 U.S., which will provide
- you with a registration code for removing the time delay and beg message. This
- program is not crippled; it is fully functional, and will always remain so.
- The registration fee for commercial BBSes, defined if you run your BBS in the
- course of a commercial business or for profit, is $30. Other than the
- difference in the price of the license, the registration is the same.
- Please send a check or money order (drawn on a U.S. bank) made payable to Stacy
- Smith; send cash at your own risk.
- ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
- │ FNLScan Registration Order Form │
- └───────────────────────────────────┘
- Qty Item Price
- ___ Non-commercial registration only (letter
- with your registration code)............... $15 each $________
- ___ Commercial registration only (letter with
- your registration code).................... $30 each $________
- ___ Registration AND disk with latest version
- of FNLScan................................. $5 extra $________
- Check one: [ ] 5.25" disk [ ] 3.5" disk
- [ ] Netmail file attach
- TOTAL $________
- Send To: Stacy Smith
- Route 6 Box 189
- Forest, Virginia 24551 U.S.A.
- Name: ________________________________________________________________
- (Exactly as you want it to appear in the FNLScan registration)
- BBS name: ________________________________________________________________
- (Exactly as you want it to appear in the FNLScan registration)
- BBS phone: ________________________________________________________________
- BBS software: ________________________________________________________________
- Voice phone: ________________________________________________________________
- Address: ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- If you would for me to netmail your registration
- letter, enter your Fidonet address: _____________________________
- Any comments? ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- FOR MY USE: Date Received: _______________ Serial Number: _______________
- (0.98ß) Registration Code: ____________________________________________