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Assembly Source File
243 lines
; FUNCOLRS.COM by Duane Paulson 08/06/91
; Based on RANDGEN.ASM by CompuServe member 72210,17, who wrote it and
; placed it in the public domain. I don't know your name, but thank you.
; Code from RANDGEN.ASM is indicated by the ;* notation. Lines that I
; changed so the routine would work with my code are marked with ;+
; PURPOSE: Writes a file called GCOLORS.T containing color parameters for
; the ZCOMM and PRO-YAM graphics file transfer display. A different set
; of colors is generated each time, and no two colors are ever repeated
; within a single set.
; ASSEMBLE: masm funcolrs;
; LINK: link funcolrs;
; exe2bin funcolrs funcolrs.com
; CALL: funcolrs
rt equ 0dh ;*
lf equ 0ah ;*
of equ offset ;*
sh equ short ;*
code segment ;*
assume cs:code, ds:code ;*
org 100h ;*
begin: jmp start
writes MACRO string,lstring,handle ; Writes a string to a file or device
mov ah,40h ;; write to file or device
mov bx,handle ;; file handle
mov cx,lstring ;; length of string
mov dx,OFFSET string ;; pointer to string
int 21h ;; call dos
;*Note: 24 and 55 are not arbitrary. They have been chosen so that the least
;*significant bits in the sequence of pseudorandom integers have a period of
;*length 2^55 - 1. The sequence of pseudorandom numbers themselves have period
;*2^f*(2^55 - 1) where 0 <= f <= 16. See Knuth's Volume 2 "Seminumerical
;*Algorithms" of the second edition of the three volume set THE ART OF COMPUTER
;*PROGRAMMING (pages 26 & 27).
j dw 24 * 2 ;*multiply by 2 for word offsets
k dw 55 * 2 ;*
;*Array of 55 seed elements for the additive pseudorandom number generator.
add_array dw ? ;*this location (offset 0 word) is not used
dw 7952, 42720, 56941, 47825, 52353, 4829, 32133 ;*
dw 29787, 7028, 62292, 46128, 34856, 63646, 21032 ;*
dw 62660, 61244, 35057, 36989, 43989, 46043, 48547 ;*
dw 43704, 29749, 21898, 10279, 48252, 35578, 27916 ;*
dw 3633, 50349, 33655, 36965, 48566, 43375, 15168 ;*
dw 30425, 8425, 31783, 3625, 23789, 37438, 64887 ;*
dw 19015, 43108, 61545, 24901, 58349, 52290, 62047 ;*
dw 21173, 27055, 27851, 47955, 14377, 14434 ;*
fname db "GCOLORS.T",0
fhand dw ?
emsg1 db "Error creating file. No handles available or access denied."
gcolor db 9,"gcolors "
endstr db "0,0",13,10,26
table db 15 dup (0)
onedig db ?
randomize proc near ;*randomize the random number generator
push ax ;*save
push bx ;*
mov ax,40h ;*set ds to BIOS data area
mov ds,ax ;*
mov bx,6ch ;*location of low word of 4-byte count
mov ax,[bx] ;*get low word of 4-byte clock count
push cs ;*reset ds for code addressing
pop ds ;*
mov bx,of add_array ;*address array of seed elements
add bx,2 ;*offset 0 is not used
mov cx,55 ;*shall adjust all 55 seeds
add [bx],ax ;*randomize seed value with current time
add bx,2 ;*move to next one
loop set_seed ;*
pop bx ;*
pop ax ;*
ret ;*
randomize endp ;*
random proc near ;*generate pseudorandom number in ax
push bx ;*save
push cx ;*
mov bx,j ;*get j index
mov cx,add_array[bx] ;*and load array element into cx
mov bx,k ;*get k index
mov ax,add_array[bx] ;*and load array element into ax
add ax,cx ;*new element and return value to ax
mov add_array[bx],ax ;*store new element at location k
sub j,2 ;*move down one element
sub k,2 ;*move down one element
cmp j,0 ;*is j down to 0?
jne check_k ;*no, check k
mov j,55 * 2 ;*set i to end of array
cmp k,0 ;*is k down to 0?
jne random_out ;*no, leave
mov k,55 * 2 ;*set k to end of array
pop cx ;*restore
pop bx ;*
ret ;*
random endp ;*
number db 3 dup(?) ;%reserve memory for output number
; originally was 5
;new_line db rt,lf,'$' ;%new line and DOS terminator
; following line replaces above line
new_line equ this byte ; we dont need the crlf (yet)
initial db ' 0,' ;%initialization value for number
; originally, ' 0'
write_dec_ax proc near ;%write decimal of ax to gcolors.t
; origianlly went to Standard Out
cmp ax,10 ; are we dealing with 1 digit or 2?
jb @F
mov onedig,0 ; here we're dealing with two
jmp short go1
@@: mov onedig,-1 ; here we're dealing with two
go1: push ax ;*save
push bx ;*
push cx ;*
push dx ;*
push si ;*
push di ;*
pushf ;*save direction flag
mov si,of initial ;*initialize output area
mov di,of number ;*
mov cx,2 ;%
; changed output from five digits to two
cld ;*
rep movsb ;*
mov bx,10 ;*base 10 divisor
mov di,of new_line-1 ;*point to last digit position
std ;*backward now
push ax
mov al,"," ; place comma in last output position
pop ax
or ax,ax ;*are we through?
je wda_out ;*yes, output result
xor dx,dx ;*clear high order end
div bx ;*next digit in result to dl
xchg ax,dx ;*place digit in al
add al,30h ;*convert to ascii digit
stosb ;*store it in output area
xchg ax,dx ;*quotient back to ax
jmp sh next_digit ;*loop
mov ah,40h ;*let DOS output the number
; originally function 9
mov bx,fhand ; write to GCOLORS.T
mov cx,3 ; number of bytes to write
mov dx,of number ;*
cmp onedig,0 ; are we dealing with 1 digit or 2?
je @F
inc dx ; here we're dealing with one
dec cx
@@: int 21h ;* here we rejoin with 2
popf ;*restore
pop di ;*
pop si ;*
pop dx ;*
pop cx ;*
pop bx ;*
pop ax ;*
ret ;*
write_dec_ax endp ;*
start: call randomize ;*randomize the generator
mov ah,3Ch ; create file (open for overwrite)
mov cx,0 ; normal attribute (not hidden, etc.)
mov dx,OFFSET fname ; pointer to filename
int 21h ; call dos
jnc @F ; jump over error routine
writes emsg1,59,2 ; display message to Standard Error
jmp short endit ; and exit
@@: mov fhand,ax ; save the file handle
writes gcolor,9,fhand ; write header material to file
mov cx,15 ;%number of randoms to write
next: call random ;*get a random number to ax
shr ax,1
and ax,0Fh ; use low nibble only
jz next ; discard return of zero
push di ; save registers
push bx
push cx
mov cx,15 ; number of positions in 'used' table
check: mov di,cx
mov bl,BYTE PTR table[di]
cmp bl,al
jne @F ; check if we have duplicate values
pop cx ; if we do, restore registers...
pop bx
pop di
jmp short next ; ... and do it again
@@: loop check ; else continue checking
pop cx ; Good value!
pop bx ; restore registers
mov di,cx
mov BYTE PTR table [di],al ; and make a note that we have used it
pop di
call write_dec_ax ;%write decimal of ax to file
; originally it went to CON
loop next ;*
writes endstr,6,fhand ; write ending material to file
mov ah,3Eh ; close file
mov bx,fhand ; handle
int 21h ; call dos
endit: mov ax,4C00h ; exit with zero exit code
int 21h ;*end (originally int 20)
code ends ;*
end begin ;*