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FrEevOtE v3.1 Documentation
!!!WARNING!!! If you are upgrading from v2.7 or earlier please run the
v2xtov28.exe program to upgrade the question file! .. read UPGRADE.DOC
for more info!
IMPORTANT NOTE (since version 3.0):
This version had a bug which did not add users answers .. whoops .... it's
fixed now ...
Welcome to FrEevOtE v3.1
What is Freevote?: Totally FREE voting door with the best features of them all
I made it to compare to EZVote 6.1 and the Renegade BBS Software voting door.
And I tried to make it better.
Why is it free?: Because I hate people who charge for voting doors! And I
don't have to worry about anything. And just because I didn't wanna pay for
any $20 voting door (that's why freevote was born)
Please send in donations if you wish to see more new features in this door,
READ DONATION.DOC! You don't have to pay, but it will for sure make me
motivated to make new versions and add all those features i wanted to add!
What's the difference from the first version?: Read WHATSNEW.DOC!
This door is a remake of an example door from OPENDOORS programming toolkit!
I think I spent more time on this door by now than it would take me to write
the original door. But still so that you know. Actually by this time it is
about 80% my code!
So what are those cool features:
Up to 15 one-lined answers per question, or seven 2-lined answers, the
creator of the question chooses which!
Users can add questions if the sysop allows it!
Questions can be posted anonymously. Only the sysop will see who created it
Even before he votes on the question (users can't see that)
Questions can allow multiple answers to be checked. To allow check all that
applies kind of questions. This is chosen by the question creator
Users can change their previous votes if the sysop allows it!
Users can delete the questions they have created if the sysop allows it!
Up to 400 Questions!
A nice graph display of answers!
You can set the program to delete old questions if you like!
Answers can be added by user if the creator of the question allows it!
4 ways of forcing voting (-F, -FQ, -FNQ and -FA command line arguments)!
let users see a message on how many they have not voted only, no voting
(-FC argument)
multinode aware ... it locks files so two, or more, nodes can run at the
same time without anything bad happening.
Multitasker aware, it releases time slices.
Sysop can add questions which are forced just like if you used the -FNQ
switch, but if you create such a question it will be forced everytime
any user enters the door with any options. Except if the user is the sysop!
You can lock out bad users! Look at the SYSOP Control! section of this doc
This door is very configurable! Just look at all teh otpions in the .cfg file!
This program is freeeware which means ya should not charge for it, unless the
cost covers your distribution charges. I accept donations but Ya don't need
to send no money .. the software is FREE!!!! Ya got too much to pay just
running a board! But ya can send me donations if you think I deserve them :)
This software is the copyright (c)1995-1996 of George Lebl, excluding the
parts which were written by the author of opendoors, Brian Pirie.
I think it would be really lame to blame anything on me since this is
freeware. So this means I'm not responsible for anything that happens to you
by the use of any of the files in this package. This means if Freevote erases
your hd and the monitor blows up and your house burns down and the russians
drop an A-bomb on yer city ... I ain't responsible, You as a user are!
Other legal stuff
This package should not be altered, unless you ask my permission and i say
yes ... it should contain these files:
V2XTOV28.EXE <--Run for upgrade from 2.0 - 2.7 to v2.8 format
DONATION.DOC <--Please send donations!
Getting newer versions!
Ok If you got WWW go to
If ya only got ftp the files should be usually on
ftp.uniserve.com /pub/bbs_doors
ftp.wustl.edu /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/bbs/doors
if ya only got internet e-mail use the e-mail freq site (it should work)
TO: getfile@peacebbs.org
SUBJECT: <the file name goes here>
put anything in the body
FIDO FREQing should be available at 1:300/705. by filename only.
or you can call my bbs and ask for verification! [520] 297-0889
The File naming covention since v2.0 is
+--- the version number ... (e.g. "31" for 3.1)
Well to get you up and running fast, let's get to the instalation. Copy all
files into a directory (e.g. C:\FREEVOTE) and edit the FREEVOTE.CFG file to
your systems specifications. You can also use the example freevote.bat and
edit it to your system specifications and then run the program from that!
You should also run maintanance every day! This is done by the -M command
line argument! The maintanance takes care of packing question and user file
and deleting questions that are too old (if you set it up that way in the
.cfg file) It is not neccessary to run the maintanance but then if you delete
a question it will decrease your 400 question limit, and if you have timed
deletion set up it will not work. (BTW as a sysop you can create questions
that will never be deleted by the timed deletion!) Anywayz ... you should
make sure that nobody else is voting while you run the maintanance! Running
it in your nightly batch file is recomended!
If your bbs software cannot pass the comport information through the door
file, then edit the comport options in the .CFG file. If you run a multiple
nodes on such a system create more .CFG files (e.g. FV1.CFG, FV2.CFG) edit
these ... (You have to put all the settins in both af them!) and start the
FREEVOTE.EXE with the -C option (e.g. FREEVOTE.EXE -Cfv1.cfg)
If you have a bbs software that passes the comport information leave the
comport settings in the .CFG file commented out. Even on a multinode system.
If you want to set up Freevote to tell the user if there are new questions or
not set up your bbs software to run freevote during the user logon and run it
with the -FA parameter. this will count the questions the user has not
answered and ask him if he wants to go vote on them. If you want the user to
go vote on them right ahead without counting the questions, use the -F
parameter. If you want to prevent the user from quitting or skipping
questions and so forcing the user to vote on all the questions before he can
procceed, use the -FNQ argument. This will force user to answer all questions
and then it will just quit and never enter the main menu. Or if you want the
questions to appear just as if they were in you bbs with no press enter mesages
just the questions, use -FQ argument this will be the same as -FNQ but without
the stupid messages:) Read more about this in the command line parameters
section of this manual!
Sample batch files:
Let's say your bbs system is in c:\bbs your dropfiles for node 1 are in
c:\bbs\node1, and in c:\bbs\node2 for node2 .. etc... Freevote is installed
in c:\doors\freevote. This is example batch file which would be called with
one command line argument which would be the node number (e.g.
"FREEVOTE.BAT 2" for node 2)
@echo off
cd \doors\freevote
REM change to the freevote dir
freevote -n%1 -pc:\bbs\node%1
REM call freevote with -n<node number> and -p<dropfile path> arguments
cd \bbs\node%1
REM get back to you bbs\node<node number> directory
In your nightly maintanance batch file you would add:
cd \doors\freevote
REM change to the freevote dir
freevote -m
REM call freevote to run maintanance
This setup should work for most systems. Just change the path to your
From v2.8
No conversion neccessary, just unzip this archive to the freevote directory
From v2.0 - 2.7
Jusdt unzip the whole thing into your freevote directory, then run the
v2xtov28.exe program to upgrade the question file! Read UPGRADE.DOC
for more info!
From v1 (freevote.zip)
Delete everything in your current freevote directory and install it as new.
There is no way to upgrade because v2 needs more info than is stored in the
v1 files. So all your old questions will be lost.
-C = Run the game with config file differen from FREEVOTE.CFG
(e.g. -Cfvalt.cfg = run FREEVOTE with the FVALT.CFG file)
-L = Force local operation. Does not read the drop file and ask for
your name.
-P = Use drop file in dir specified after this option. You can also
specify a drop file to use. (e.g. -Pc:\ra\doorinfo1.def)
-S = The user security! Will be read from the dropfile otherwise!
-F = Forces the user to vote on all new questions when he enters the
door then asks him if he wants to goto the menu or quit.
-FA = Counts the questions the user has not answered and asks him if he
wants to enter the door. This is the most user friendly way of
forcing voting. It also if there were questions and the user has
voted on all of them, it asks him if he wants to enter the main
menu or just quit to the BBS.
-FNQ = Forces the user to vote on all new questions when he enters the
door but he HAS to answer the question, he cannot [S]kip nor [Q]uit
after he answers all questions the door exits so the user doesn't
actually get into the main menu. This is good if you need some
system oriented questions to be asked and want all the users to
answer! Just put "freevote -fnq" into the login sequence.
-FQ = Same as -FNQ but it is a quiet mode so no messages like press
enter or returning or you have voted on .... it's just the
questions nothing else.
-FC = like -FA, but it is does not ask the user if he wants to enter the
door it will just cound the unanswered questions display that
message to the user and say press enter to continue and then it
quits thi sis good for adding just a message to your logon wthout
making it messy.
-N = Set node #. It is only used in the status line.
-LOG = Log the usage into "FREEVOTE.LOG" file. It was default in v1, but
it bugged me so I made it only an option
-RDBPS = Forces the game to read the locked port rate. This was default in
the past and had caused problems!. This argument is only used for
solving problems with locked bps fossil driver setups!
-M = Run maintanance! This should be run once a day while nobody else is
online! It only runs in local mode! Running "FREEVOTE -M" in your
nightly maintanance file is recomended!
-NAD = No autodetection of terminal emulation! It is done if you do not
specify this option!
SYSOP Control!
You can control how the door works in different ways!
Edit the .cfg file, there is a ton of options there ....
You can now lock bad users out by creating a BADUSERS.TXT file and putting
the user names each on a separate line!
If you wish different security levels to have different access then create
a .cfg file for each security level and then have your bbs software start
freevote with the apropriate .cfg file! For example you migth have a low
access and high access .. so you would create two .cfg files, fvl.cfg and
fvh.cfg, then you would have your bbs software use the -cfvl.cfg argumet
for low level users, and -cfvh.cfg for high level users!
Problems, Special Setups!
If you have problems with reading the dropfile. you might try editting the
BBSDir parameter in the .cfg file. then you would call freevote without
any parameters.
If you have this problem on a multinode system, create a .cfg file for every
node (e.g. FV1.CFG, FV2.CFG ...) then call freevote with just the -C
for example for node 2:
freevote -Cfv2.cfg
If the users are suddenly forced to vote even on questions you created before
the upgrade to 2.8,3.0 or 3.1, you did not run the upgrade program which
reset the reserved flag used for this! Read UPGRADE.DOC!
If you want multiple sessions of freevote, like if you wanted to have one for
system specific questions and one for user questions and fun. Then you'll
have to create two different directories and install it like two separate
doors! There are yet no specific functions for this.
That's IT!!!
You've done it ....
run FREEVOTE -L to test it local, and enjoy the voting
Ok PLEASE send me donations! If you do there WILL be future versions, if you
don't, there might not.
Beer isn't cheap and doing this program for free kindda sux, I have not
recieved any donations. So please send some money to keep me motivated!
You don't have to pay but if you can and think that this software is good nuff
for you, please send some money (for sure it's less then any other door that
does this much!) I don't wanna make it shareware .. and i won't ... but I
know hundereds of peaople use freevote and not one sent in a donation.
12460 n granville cyn way
tucson,az 85737
Donations should be cash or money order only!!!! I don't wanna deal with
returned checks or stuff like that. But remember it's not a shareware and you
don't have to pay .. but it will prolly make me make the door better than it
anywayz ... just enjoy .. ya don't heftta pay ... oh yeah if ya want to send
me comments about it send it to
and look at my page (will have the newest ver of FrEevOtE!)
new files are usually on
ftp.uniserve.com /pub/bbs_doors
ftp.wustl.edu /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/bbs/doors
if ya wanna call my bbs call (you can d/l all my stuff on fisrt call!):
Franz's BBS [520] 297-0889
There needs to be a free door like this don't ya think.
Anywayz if you find something you like on other doors or you just made it up
bitch to me about it and maybe i will make another version. Lately due to
requests and bug reports i have released 3 versions in one week! (2.4, 2.5 and
2.6) and now due to requests i released 2.7
...and now the v2.8! .. and v3.0,3.1 .. and ... but i keep being more and more
lazy on the door as i have not gotten any donations.
There are two effective ways of getting me to do something, send me 20 e-mails
a day, send me money, buy me a beer, well that's three ...:)
Have phun and go vote!
Other software I wrote:
New York 2008: RPG Door Game .. LORD alike but a bit more complicated and
certainly different setting! (shareware $15)
(newest version as of this v0.05a)
Dirty Wall: A Wall door. The best looking, but not too configurable.
It looks like a real wall, with bricks and everything.
This is a different implementation of a poster program which i
wrote for my bbs, and now it is a REAL door for any BBS software
(newest version as of this v2.2)
FrEevOtE: Well that's this little program (freeware)
(newest version as of this v3.1)
KeWlcHaT: Sysop chatting/paging door, pretty kewl but simple. (freeware)
(newest version as of this v1.2)
BULLS: ANSI, ASCII bulletin maker, very simple but I use it all the time!
(freeware) (newest version as of this v1.2)
Jackpot: New York 2008 IGM. (freeware, source released for v1.0)
(lost the source to the latest version in an HD crash)
(newest version as of this v1.2 development stopped!)
Franz's Bar: New York 2008 IGM. ($1-donation-ware) (lost the source in a crash)
(newest version as of this v1.3 development stopped!)
Shoot Em: New York 2008 IGM. ($1-donation-ware) (lost the source in a crash)
(newest version as of this v1.1 development stopped!)
HIDET: Encryption program (almost shareware, I require a $10 payment, but
there is no crippling and i released the source) Unbeatable but slow
Latest version is v2.2 which is stable and probably the last version
anybody interested i will e-mail the source or encryption algorithm.
It has a few neat things to it! I might rewrite the algorithm in C
and make a cross platform encryption program. I'd consider it freeware!
Battle: MARS Type programming game. For Windows 3.1. (wanted $10) but it again
ain't crippled and ain't really good, and does not follow standards
and i haven't received a single reg nor feedback in 3 years:)
(newest version as of this v1)
Things: REALLY STUPID program for Win3.1 If you find it DON't D/l it ... hehehe
You migth laugh yourself to death by it's stupidity. but it's 300k
long! (newest version as of this v1)