Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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File List
581 lines
001/002 713-496-0162 24 Houston *Private Sector Chris Smith
001/003 713-772-2090 24 Houston *Programmers Workshop Paul Meiners
001/007 713-855-0013 24 Houston *Joshua Tree Larry Rushing
001/010 713-789-0857 24 Houston *Mel's Mel Douglass
001/015 713-437-0483 24 Houston +The Com Port Joel Rennie
001/017 713-728-9424 24 Houston Kilman's Cottage Victor Kilman
001/021 713-568-5740 24 Houston *Improbability Drive Jeff Wannamaker
001/023 713-530-5300 24 Houston *Houston Catholic Lonnie Hortick
001/026 713-996-8964 24 Houston *Sca Info Exchange Russell Dickers
001/027 713-995-1988 24 Houston Babel's Tower Juan Fajardo
001/030 713-785-5877 24 Houston *The Gavel Ernest Debakey
001/032 **Unlisted** 96 Houston Private Sector - Test Chris Smith
001/033 602-285-9914 96 Phoenix P&M Test System Paul Meiners
001/034 713-485-7731 24 Houston *Aviation Connection Ed Bacon
001/035 713-984-2782 24 Houston *Bay Area Cam Bevis
001/037 713-930-1710 24 Houston *Train Track Terry Buerger
001/038 713-771-0126 24 Houston Jim's James Badowski
001/039 713-374-1587 24 Houston *Slipstick II Larry Rushing
001/045 713-484-2939 24 Houston *SE Area Connection Chipper Bobo
001/046 713-941-6112 24 Houston Paul T's Place Paul Schwarz
001/048 713-457-6921 24 Houston *System Solutions Thomas Fowler
001/049 713-524-1671 24 Houston *Frank's Playtoy Frank Keightley
001/050 713-537-7325 24 Houston Joe's Pool Hall Chris Leaver
001/051 713-643-6258 24 Houston Limbo Jack Thompson
001/052 713-444-2338 24 Houston *Progasms Randy Bain
001/053 713-471-3553 24 Deer_Park_TX *Aviation Place Patrick Thompson
001/057 713-937-4344 24 Houston *Power Surge! Brody Bates
001/058 713-947-8489 24 Houston Mandala Observatory Mitchell Urquhart
001/059 713-550-6644 24 Houston *Christian Fellowship Ray Heuer
001/060 713-568-8482 96 Houston +Specific Solutions Richard Walker
001/064 713-827-1850 24 Houston *Owl's Nest Richard Snow
001/065 713-974-4320 96 Houston *New Ware Club (Sub1) Peter Hsu
001/068 713-523-3909 24 Houston *Peabody's Attic Ken Hallenberg
001/069 **Pnd_910113 24 Houston unknown unknown
001/070 **Pnd_910113 24 Houston unknown unknown
001/901 **Unlisted** 12 Houston Point System Mel Douglass (001/010)
001/902 **Unlisted** 24 Houston Jim Gaas' Point Jim Gaas (001/010)
001/910 713-859-0513 12 Houston Kidsline Daniel Liebling (001/064)
001/960 **Unlisted** 24 Houston RWW-Powergate Richard Walker (001/060)
001/999 **Unlisted** 24 Houston Fido<->GT NGC Gateway Mel Douglass (001/010)
002/002 305-935-0650 96 Miami *Komputer Korner John Kelner
002/004 305-926-5672 96 Ft_Lauderdale High Density Gill Hoffman (043/002)
002/005 305-764-6237 96 Ft_Lauderdale *Trade 80 Joe Agrella
002/006 305-925-8889 96 Ft_Lauderdale Laid Back Jack Frisbie
002/007 305-432-4227 96 Ft_Lauderdale *East Coast Nick Naples
003/001 512-454-8065 24 Austin_TX *Thirst For Knowledge Bill Knesek
003/005 512-335-3793 24 Austin_TX *Trivial Pursuit Marc Kirsch
003/009 512-244-3349 24 Austin_TX *Let's Play Chess Fred Peterson
003/010 512-331-9453 96 Austin_TX +Austin Retreat Don Kelley
003/900 **Unlisted** 24 Austin_TX GT Austin #2 Tom Scallorn (003/010)
003/901 512-834-2548 24 Austin_TX Red October Bob Quinlan (003/010)
004/000 214-358-5192 96 Dallas +Oak Lawn Online Jim Rash
004/001 214-422-2463 96 Dallas *Oyster Stew 001 David Wells
004/002 **Unlisted** 96 Dallas *Oyster Stew 002 David Wells
004/004 214-247-0261 24 Dallas *The Cook Shack Don Cook
004/005 214-279-2153 96 Dallas *Boardwalk April Strong
004/011 214-252-9147 96 Dallas *Fantasi Corner Raymond Bullock
004/013 214-539-7820 24 Dallas *Lightning Bolt Curtis Boykin
004/014 214-680-8119 96 Dallas *E-Link Kevin Martin
004/015 214-252-3125 24 Dallas *High Fidelity Softwr Joe Yurko
004/016 214-245-0758 96 Dallas *Edit & Redraw Russell Forrest
004/017 817-261-2407 24 Dallas *Diver Down Arlington Cap Carter
004/018 214-245-1036 24 Dallas *Stashu Rob Lewis
004/019 214-530-0421 24 Dallas *File Room Jeff Long
004/020 **Unlisted** 24 Dallas *Hole In The Walls Jesse Royall
004/021 214-357-5259 24 Dallas World's Smallest Jeff Woiton
004/022 214-293-0825 24 Dallas *Tradin Post Jim Setty
004/023 214-613-6975 24 Dallas *Mesquite's Best Warren Nobles
004/024 214-248-7461 24 Dallas *Spectrum Andrew Welch
004/025 214-823-8601 96 Dallas *The Laboratory David Tucker
004/027 214-321-7509 96 Dallas *The Ansiring Machine Mike Klinke
004/028 **Unlisted** 24 Dallas Cheri's Corner Cheri Martin
004/029 214-289-4138 24 Dallas Spunk's Place Glen Ashley
004/030 214-528-1816 24 Dallas *Dallas ManDate Mark Taylor
004/031 214-221-1357 24 Dallas Lewisville Cntry Barn Dirk Smith
004/032 214-242-6682 24 Dallas *Dark Castle Steve Heslet
004/901 **Unlisted** 24 Dallas Taylor Test System Mark Taylor (004/030)
004/902 **Unlisted** 24 Dallas Adv. Data Graphics Steve Milliren (004/016)
004/903 **Unlisted** 24 Dallas Boardwalk II Guy Strong (004/005)
004/999 **Unlisted** 96 Dallas FIDO OP: 77:214/113 Raymond Bullock (004/011)
006/000 606-283-5459 96 Florence_KY +Sunset Inn Keith Coyne
006/001 513-923-4908 96 Cincinnati_OH *The Gathering Place Joe Tellup
006/002 513-398-1387 96 Mason_OH *Linda's Castle Linda Tyjewski
006/004 513-831-2576 96 Milford_OH *Obiter Dictum Mike Schmieg
006/005 513-831-9385 24 Milford_OH Ground Zero Scott Tipton
006/006 513-761-7968 24 Cincinnati_OH The Nook Geoff Mandeville
006/008 **Unlisted** 24 Cincinnati_OH On The Brinck Alex Albrinck
006/009 513-860-4784 24 Fairfield_OH *The Cave Bill Ballinger
006/010 **New_Node#* 96 Florence_KY Sunset Inn II Keith Coyne
006/011 **Unlisted** 24 Cincinnati_OH The Pilots' Den Paul Troescher
006/012 **Unlisted** 24 Queen_AcresOH Scouter's Exchange Rusty Lockett
006/013 513-398-8218 96 Mason_OH *Tandyland Exchange 2 Ricky Schradin
006/018 513-574-0614 24 Cincinnati_OH *Knight's Comp. Enter. James Baird
006/022 513-561-8419 96 Madeira_OH *Schmieg Test System Mike Schmieg
006/032 513-831-4528 24 Milford_OH *Nocturnal Madness Jack Burnett
006/034 513-451-0048 96 Cincinnati_OH *Valhalla Gene Geist
006/038 513-742-5479 24 Forest_Pk_OH *Star_Light_Express Chad Douglas
006/041 513-398-6202 96 Blue_Ash_OH *Finishline Ken Opdycke
006/042 513-563-6475 96 Reading_OH *NGPK Shareware BBS Bob Mace
006/043 **Unlisted** 24 Cincinnati_OH *BlueStar John Kirts
006/044 **Unlisted** 96 Mason_OH *Linda's Castle II Linda Tyjewski
006/046 513-451-8124 96 Cincinnati_OH *Def_Con_One Dan Mayer
006/048 513-742-4772 24 Forest_Pk_OH *The Medicine Wheel Gus Bisson
006/100 606-283-5458 24 Florence_KY SunSet Inn II Keith Coyne
006/101 606-283-5874 24 Florence_KY *The Asylum Kathy Chambers
006/102 606-781-8303 96 Ft_Thomas_KY *The Oblivion Stephen Kreyling
006/103 606-291-5617 96 Ludlow_KY *Computer Addicts BBS Mark Knipfer
006/104 606-371-7149 24 Florence_KY Road House 76 Stan Schaffeld
006/105 606-581-1991 24 Covington_KY *Medicine Show Bob Haythe
006/200 513-898-5646 96 Vandalia_OH *Crossroads Connection Scott Hawk
006/900 606-581-0013 96 Bellevue *Dr. C's Laboratory Cecil Dennis (006/001)
008/000 212-548-0380 96 New_York +The Forgotten Machine Manny Gonzalez
008/001 **Dwn_910113 96 East_MeadowNY Wizzard's Cave Jon Freivald
009/000 602-285-1146 96 Phoenix +Prog Workshop West Paul Meiners
009/001 **Dwn_901223 24 Dickinson_TX *Far West BBS John Perry (009/000)
009/002 602-569-9674 24 Phoenix *After Hours Richard Wullkotte
009/400 602-451-5340 96 Phoenix *The Homeport S Ricciardelli
009/401 602-451-5341 24 Phoenix *The Corsair S Ricciardelli
010/001 502-937-6143 24 Valley_Sta_KY *Valley PC Clone Earl Albin
010/003 502-937-5450 24 Valley_Sta_KY +The Volunteer BBS Tom Currie
010/007 502-267-7422 96 Jeffersontown *Deckman's Exchange Dennis Deckmann
010/009 502-241-6327 24 Louisville_KY *Test System Terry Mcfalls
010/010 **Unlisted** 24 Valley_Sta_KY Valley Test System Earl Albin
010/011 812-246-5393 96 Sellersburg *Southern Star Troy Compton
010/016 502-449-2228 24 Louisville_KY Louisville Catholic Paul Kelley
010/017 502-458-6187 24 Louisville_KY *Programmer's Toolbox David Martin
010/018 **Unlisted** 96 Sellersburg Southern Star Test Troy Compton
010/019 502-933-3305 24 Louisville_KY *Modem Junkies BBS Reg Resper
010/020 **Unlisted** 24 Louisville_Ky Ky OnLine Club Brian Pierce
010/500 **Unlisted** 24 Valley_Stn LiveWire Allen Prunty
010/900 **Unlisted** 24 Valley_Stn LiveWire Pointe Allen Prunty (010/500)
010/901 **Unlisted** 24 Louisville_KY Derby City GT Point Mike Powell (010/003)
011/000 618-244-9565 96 Mt.Vernon_IL *The ...Engage BBS Jerry Hook
011/001 217-483-4921 24 Chatham_IL *MYBBS Lloyd Day
012/000 608-274-7776 96 Madison_WI +Communications Exch David Willow
012/002 608-835-7929 96 Madison_WI *Serengeti Plain Rob Alter
012/003 608-833-3059 96 Madison_WI *Computerland Rob Alter
012/901 **Unlisted** 24 Madison_WI Willow Test System David Willow (012/000)
012/999 **Unlisted** 24 Madison_WI Fido<->GT Gateway David Willow (012/000)
013/000 44-254682862 96 Blackburn *The Wind Oliver Bell
013/002 44-772735122 96 Preston *Hobbit's Armpit Dave Churm
013/003 **Pnd_901025 96 Blackburn Midnight Express Oliver Bell
013/004 44-254872677 96 Accrington *On Line Support Mike Robinson
013/005 44-254662805 24 Blackburn *Cassock Smoldering Steve Holmes
013/006 44-516302972 96 Liverpool *Davy Jones' Locker Dave Fernant
013/100 44-642224833 96 Middlesbrough *Friday The Thirteenth John Whitney
013/101 44-912634303 24 Tyne_Wear *Wild Imaginings Martin Nichol
013/102 44-912681807 24 Tyne_Wear *Geordies Retreat George Keys
013/103 44-969-24341 24 N_Yorkshire *Yoredale Mailbox John Kirk
013/105 44-912619066 96 Newcastle *Compleat Geoffrey Evelyn
013/201 44-908235933 24 Bucks *Ferrari Tech Services Brian Clare
013/300 44-506873000 24 Edinburgh *Dun Eideann Dungeon Iain Paterson
013/301 **Pnd_901025 24 Edinburgh Dun Eideann DepositoryIain Paterson
013/400 **Ret_910101 24 Gwent *The Midnight Caller Mike Joyce
015/002 404-934-3011 24 Atlanta +Halls Of Ivy Dennis Ivy
015/003 404-552-0266 24 Atlanta Arch Mage Nathan Quandt
015/004 404-921-8900 96 Atlanta *Wizard's Castle Ken Kirkland
015/005 **Ret_910129 12 Duluth_GA R R & S Dave Mays
015/007 404-728-0452 96 Atlanta *Medstat David Whiteway
015/009 404-634-9949 24 Atlanta *The ACTS BBS David Whiteway
015/010 404-424-0028 24 Atlanta *Step of Faith George Boykin
016/001 815-753-0042 24 Dekalb_IL +Board Of Trade Ken Isacson
016/901 **Unlisted** 24 Dekalb_IL Ken's Test System Ken Isacson (016/001)
017/003 512-674-2282 24 San_AntonioTX +Nightowl-Systems John Vielmann
017/004 **Unlisted** 24 San_AntonioTX *Overlord John Vielmann
017/005 512-433-9793 24 San_AntonioTX *Speedway BBS Carlos Martinez
018/003 209-544-0360 24 Modesto_CA *Comp-U-Tel Tim Todd
018/005 209-529-3463 24 Modesto_CA *The Warehouse Rasha Robinson
018/006 209-667-8437 24 Turlock_CA +Great White North Danny O'day
019/000 509-373-9166 12 Richland_WA Emergency Response Bob Elder
020/000 408-338-9511 24 San_Jose Andronx A.J. Teel
020/002 **Dwn_901011 12 San_Jose Boondocks Paul Ray
021/001 702-643-9642 24 Las_Vegas_NV The Eagle's Nest Rand Noel
022/001 216-446-4196 96 Cleveland +Data Base Portal John Fisher
022/005 216-234-2488 24 Cleveland Fish's Bowl John Fisher
022/008 216-226-0326 24 Cleveland *The Lighthouse BBS Terry Mccann
022/009 **Unlisted** 24 Cleveland Akademia Pana Kleksa Zbig Tyrlik
022/600 **Dwn_910113 96 Youngstown_OH *Humble Host Bob Luzier
023/000 619-283-0889 96 San_Diego *Catholic Infonet-#1 Mike Mollerus
023/001 619-755-5675 24 San_Diego Zeke James Brown
024/004 414-426-0465 96 Oshkosh_WI +Cushman Connection Scott Cushman
024/008 414-426-4476 24 Oshkosh_WI *The Z I P Joel Smith
024/010 414-233-4506 24 Oshkosh_WI *The Tech BBS Dick Hablewitz
024/100 312-943-0262 24 Chicago *Le Peloton William Johnson
024/907 **Unlisted** 24 Oshkosh_WI Captain Crunch BBS.. Bob Henderson (024/004)
025/000 717-540-5828 96 Harrisburg_PA +LSS Nightline Michael McDowell
026/000 517-892-4881 24 Bay_City_MI Imagesetter Doug Stefaniak
026/001 517-686-7598 24 Bay_City_MI Warped Board Dave Witucki
026/002 517-892-7885 24 Bay_City_MI Plastered Board Mark Danak
026/003 517-894-2655 24 Bay_City_MI Teen Connection Amy Stefaniak
027/000 216-671-2173 24 Cleveland *Tardis BBS Joan Wolschleger
028/000 714-599-5308 24 Colton The Bored Russ Halbert
028/002 818-963-9636 12 Azusa_CA *Matrix Info Sys Matthew Prosper
029/000 808-689-3447 96 Ewa_Beach_HI +Hawaiian GT Mailman Louis Braun
029/001 808-668-1156 24 Honolulu_HI *Nowhere Steve Gish
029/002 808-689-8583 96 Honolulu_HI *The Listening Post Louis Braun
029/003 808-625-0291 24 Honolulu_HI Techno Tronic Jerry Deguzman
029/004 808-488-4979 96 Aiea_HI +Twilight Zone Tim Mehlhorn
029/005 808-423-2579 24 Honolulu_HI *Casa De Amor Randy Cameron
029/006 808-668-9081 24 Nanakuli_HI *Ham Radio Landline Bob Kaneko
029/007 **Dwn_901223 24 Honolulu_HI *GT Power Connection Robert Burke
029/008 808-689-4043 24 Ewa_Beach_HI Random Motion Louis Braun
029/009 808-625-1741 24 Honolulu_HI Knights ofthe CkrBrd Rick Colson
029/010 808-672-9214 24 Honolulu_HI *Cosmos Mike Bambi
029/011 808-488-0617 24 Aiea_HI *Country Cupboard Jim Montgomery
029/012 808-488-6325 96 Aiea_HI *The Web John Holzer
029/013 **Pnd_910113 24 Honolulu_HI Campaign Headquarters Tom Gay
029/014 808-696-4728 96 Oahu_HI Hawaii PC Users Group Neal Pinckney
029/015 808-695-5190 96 Honolulu_HI One Step Beyond Don Jones
029/016 808-625-6903 24 Honolulu_HI Ratts Nest Rick Downs
029/017 808-254-3369 24 Honolulu_HI *Tandy User Group Del Rosario
029/018 808-624-5312 24 Wahiawa_HI *Engineer's Equation Dan Rossbach
029/019 808-486-2983 24 Honolulu_HI *Higher Powered Wayne Swanson
029/020 808-689-0040 96 Honolulu_HI *Fantasy Island Ken Ludwig
029/021 808-672-8276 24 Honolulu_HI *Makaao Dennis Leong
029/022 808-293-3644 96 Laie_HI *Aloha BBS Russell Yau
029/023 **Dwn_901209 24 Mililani_HI *MoonBase Alpha Steven Wright
029/024 808-841-2640 24 Honolulu_HI Direct Express Roy Salisbury
029/025 808-456-8561 96 Honolulu_HI Hog Heaven George Zornes
029/026 808-689-7734 24 Ewa_Beach_HI The Great White North Ken Ludwig
029/030 **Unlisted** 24 Honolulu_HI Skipster's Retreat Ed Ester
029/901 **Unlisted** 12 Kwajalein Space Command BBS Kevin Schorzman (
031/000 213-422-3986 96 Long_Beach_CA +Long Beach GT John Dunham
031/001 213-631-1434 24 Los_Angeles *Surfboard II Jon Bird
032/001 606-269-7128 96 Lexington_Ky +InfoStation Perry Alexander
032/002 **Dwn_900909 24 Lexington_Ky *Transylania 386 Ron Snowden
032/003 606-273-6270 96 Lexington_Ky *Systems Support Pers Cliff Hemstock
032/004 606-278-9709 96 Lexington_Ky *The Sprawl Scott Estes
032/005 606-253-1551 96 Lexington_Ky *Give Peace A Chance Lance Feldman
032/008 606-271-4270 96 Lexington_Ky *Lord Balfane's Manor Steve Elam
032/009 **Dwn_901231 24 Lexington_Ky *Phoenix Deborah Mckee
032/011 **Unlisted** 12 Lexington_Ky Bluegrass Test System Perry Alexander
032/012 **Unlisted** 24 Lexington_Ky The Eighth Bolgia Richard Elliott
032/013 606-254-6199 96 Lexington_Ky *Lefty's Bar And Grill Don Frederich
032/902 **Dwn_900909 96 Lexington_Ky Lunatic Fringe Point Ron Snowden (032/002)
032/903 **Unlisted** 24 Lexington_Ky Systems Support Point Cliff Hemstock (032/003)
032/904 **Unlisted** 24 Lexington_Ky Apocrypha Scott Estes (032/004)
032/908 **Unlisted** 24 Lexington_Ky High Octane Point Steve Elam (032/008)
033/000 301-499-4671 96 Washington_MD +Capitol Area Network Raymond Wood
033/001 301-588-8142 96 Washington_MD *Mystery Board Richard Klein
033/004 703-281-0023 24 Washington_VA Medulink BBS Frank Cuccias
033/005 301-588-9465 96 Washington_MD *Chips & Dips Richard Klein
033/006 703-532-3051 96 Washington_VA *Pedaler's Palace Dan Garnitz
033/007 301-621-9669 96 Washington_MD *Around And About Dave Mccrory
033/008 301-725-5734 24 Washington_MD *Typographer's BBS Maura Clover
033/009 301-869-5231 24 Gaithersburg *Red-line Station Michael Lee
033/011 703-271-8644 24 Washington_VA *Leprechaun Heaven Jim Porter
033/013 301-990-6362 96 Gaithersburg *Wizard Cbcs How-sun Chow
033/014 703-591-8228 24 Washington_VA *Penal Colony David Newman
033/015 301-551-2091 96 Odenton_MD *PBM/M BBS Chazz Meredith
033/016 301-924-4590 96 Washington_MD *Port O' Call Red Gambrell
033/017 **Unlisted** 96 Washington_MD Back and Forth Dave McCrory
033/018 703-242-3502 24 Washington_VA The Pilot's Lounge Bill Downing
033/019 **Pnd_910115 24 Washington_VA The Wee Gee Board Tom Straub
033/020 **Pnd_910127 24 Fairfax_VA UFOria Allen Roberts
033/021 **Pnd_910127 96 Washington_VA Edsall-386 BBS Curtis Leetch
033/022 **Unlisted** 24 Olney_MD Stars and Stripes Red Gambrell
033/100 717-632-6764 96 Hanover_Pa *The Colonel's BBS Bob Clarke
033/700 609-786-3475 96 Riverton_NJ *Allen's Space Shuttle Allen Stone
033/800 **Unlisted** 24 Annandale_VA Genealogical Source Dan Garnitz
034/000 **Ret_910201 96 Toronto_ON MOVED: 511/001 Steve Johns
035/003 501-455-3024 24 Little_RockAK HFE-BBS Pat Heily
036/000 804-541-9082 24 Hopewell_VA *Jo's Bar Jory Authement
037/000 808-422-2921 96 Honolulu_HI *Programmers Exchange Ed Bragg
038/000 809-292-1774 96 Devonshire_BD *Christian Deliverance Craig Clark
038/001 809-293-6700 24 St.Georges_BD *Naval Air Station BDA John Deangelo
038/002 **Unlisted** 24 Pembroke_BD *THE BAK BBS Derek Weller
039/001 416-507-0927 96 Cooksville_ON *Bytor BBS Keith Lunel
039/003 416-430-2337 24 Whitby_ON Quantums Leap Fred German
039/004 416-435-0898 96 Oshawa_ON *PowerNET Tim Payne
039/005 416-623-6664 24 Bowmanvile_ON Software Exchange Robert Wright
039/006 519-383-7938 24 Sarnia_ON Shack's Place Andrew Shackleton
039/007 416-463-9289 24 Oshawa_ON Tools of the Trade Yury Donskoy
039/008 416-450-8030 24 Brampton_ON Northern BBS Greg Cazabon
039/901 613-474-2305 96 Dickey_Lk_ON *Bytor Test System Keith Lunel (039/001)
039/902 **Unlisted** 24 Oshawa_ON College Test System Tim Payne (039/004)
040/000 303-361-6106 24 Denver *The Sunstroke BBS Louis Moritzky
040/001 **Unlisted** 24 Denver Sunstroke 2 Louis Moritzky
040/901 **Unlisted** 24 Denver Sunstroke Test Sys Louis Moritzky (040/000)
041/000 716-427-8423 24 Rochester_NY *The Shack BBS Mike Ward
041/001 716-288-5848 96 Rochester The Shack TOO Mike Ward
041/002 716-392-8793 24 Hilton_NY *1SG's Canteen Lee Florack
041/003 716-352-1629 24 Spencerprt_NY *Free File Farm Harold Webster
041/004 716-671-9679 24 Rochester_NY *Rueby's Gem Brian Rueby
041/005 **Unlisted** 24 Rochester_NY Eric's Desk Eric Florack
042/000 415-239-7925 24 San_Francisco *Catholic Infonet-#5 Hugh O'Regan
043/000 **Unlisted** 96 Palo_Alto private John Ferra
043/001 415-967-3420 24 Palo_Alto The Angelus Maryanne Lawless
043/002 415-793-0284 96 Palo_Alto +Litter Box John Ferra
044/002 415-359-8327 96 San_Francisco *My Brother's Board Jerry Havnar
044/003 415-595-5843 96 Palo_Alto +Geno's Place Gene Newcomb
044/004 **Unlisted** 24 Palo_Alto *Geno's Place Test Gene Newcomb
044/005 415-592-9395 24 Palo_Alto *Geno's Game Room Keith Arends
044/007 415-528-3928 24 Berkeley_CA *THE WESTERN DOMINICAN Vincent Benoit
044/008 415-571-9259 96 San_Mateo_CA *KayFun Bulletin Board Bob Wallace
045/001 707-255-1581 12 Napa_CA Catholic Infonet-#3 Francis Crotty
046/000 303-730-6709 96 Denver +Netcomm I Bill Watts
046/001 303-388-0336 24 Denver *Valuecomm Taylor Albrecht
046/002 303-344-9547 24 Denver George's Computer Rm George Clifford
046/004 **Unlisted** 24 Denver Netcomm II Bill Watts
046/006 303-279-2534 24 Denver *Voyager II Edward Shephard
046/007 303-979-8953 96 Denver *The Lensman Greg Bradt
046/008 303-421-4149 24 Denver *The Refrigerator Door Mark Pearsall
046/009 303-366-2473 12 Denver *EJC Data Systems Sean Burk
047/000 **Unlisted** 96 Med_Hat_AB +Nanchinchee Lloyd Ford
047/002 403-488-9532 24 Edmonton_AB White Rose M.S.G. BBS Kevin Forsland
047/003 403-454-1171 24 Edmonton_AB H.Express Midi Music Hans Ginnut
047/004 403-263-9891 24 Calgary_AB *Nemesis Roger Sween
047/005 403-527-0322 24 Med_Hat_AB *Port Karr Trading Co Helmut Henschke
047/006 403-527-2978 24 Med_Hat_AB *The Gate Way Brian Opp
047/901 **Unlisted** 24 Med_Hat_AB Avluela Point Lloyd Ford (047/000)
048/000 804-357-0357 96 Smithfield_VA +Club Pc Jim Kreyling
050/001 44-634200931 96 Kent +Bixbox Terry Dansey
050/002 44-712390871 24 London *Pyramid Ian Crocker
050/003 44-814434601 24 London *Grapevine UK Harry Green
050/004 44-375380030 96 Grays_Essex *Organic Garden Bob Campion
050/005 44-712451512 12 London *Crown Green Jim Brookbank
050/006 44-532842213 96 Leeds DBase User Group Harry Watson
050/008 **Moving**** 24 Berkshire *C-Side Jamie Moles
050/011 **Unlisted** 24 Kent *Serial Box Terry Dansey (050/001)
050/012 44-417622000 96 Glasgow *Buzby's Hotline Raymond Orr
050/013 44-642224833 96 Middlesbrough *Friday The Thirteenth Jane Whitney
050/015 44-633279985 96 Gwent *Liquorice Allsorts Gill Cobley
050/016 44-257261005 24 Lancashire *Attic David Isom
050/017 44-908668398 96 Milton_Keynes *Keyboard Ron Meldrum
050/018 44-634200707 24 Kent *Fuzzy Logic Phill Piddell
050/019 44-252528146 24 Hampshire *Shadowfax Mark Lydall
050/021 44-494765303 96 Bucks *M.S.P.E.O.S. Tim Bicknelle
050/032 44-420-85390 24 Hampshire *Penguin Towers Jeremy Folkes
050/034 **Unlisted** 12 London P.O.Private Board Jim Brookbank (050/005)
050/036 44-923775624 24 London *Zurlinden Strasse Andy Philpot (050/001)
050/039 44-272744579 24 Bristol *The Broken Biscuit Dave Liquorice
050/040 44-784249828 12 Middlesex Informix (UK) Mark Dooling
050/041 44-793724195 24 Swindon *The Boar's Nest Terry Mcbride
050/046 44-912619066 24 Newcastle Compleat Geoffrey Evelyn
050/054 44-732770498 24 Kent *Erebus Johathan Gill
050/055 44-622672090 24 Maidstone *System C On-Line Simon Cavell
050/057 44-272634572 24 Bristol *Laserline Paul Richards
050/058 44-245323693 96 Woodham_Ferrs *DataNET James Radley
050/059 44-716081484 96 London_UK *MCM Support Bob Butcher
050/061 44-65679477 96 Wales Welsh Wizard Dave Wall
050/927 **Unlisted** 24 Kent Dashboard Grahm Greenstreet (050/001)
051/000 614-228-5428 96 Columbus_OH +Electronic Circus David Stellmack
051/002 **Unlisted** 96 Columbus_OH Electronic Circus II David Stellmack
051/005 614-221-1935 24 Columbus_OH *PC On Line Jeff Edwards
051/007 614-497-3543 24 Columbus_OH *Out-In-Space Connect Mike Foshee
051/008 **Unlisted** 24 Columbus_OH The Short Circuit Andy McClung
053/000 **Ret_910201 96 Oakville_ON MOVED: 511/211 Paul Clarke
053/003 **Ret_910201 96 Toronto_ON *Neuroleptanagesic Gavin Peters
053/005 **Ret_910201 24 Toronto_ON Pete's Bar & Grill Peter Reid
053/008 **Ret_910201 24 Toronto_ON The ASCII Exchange Christopher Saunders
053/009 **Ret_910201 96 Aurora_ON MOVED: 511/511 Ted Arsovsky
053/010 **Ret_910201 24 Sarnia_ON *Bluewater Info Netwrk Barry Duquette
053/011 **Ret_910201 24 Mtbrydges_ON MOVED: 511/420 David Logan
053/012 **Ret_910201 24 Toronto_ON MOVED: 511/002 Doug Purdy
053/013 **Ret_910201 24 Toronto_ON MOVED: 511/813 Steve Hudson
053/014 **Ret_910201 24 Toronto_ON MOVED: 511/003 David Germinquet
053/901 **Ret_910201 96 Toronto_ON Agglomeration Test Paul Clarke (053/000)
511/001 **Unlisted** 96 Toronto_ON CD-Access Steve Johns
511/002 416-665-3263 24 Toronto_ON *Learning Experience Doug Purdy
511/003 416-321-9711 24 Toronto_ON The Funhouse David Germinquet
511/211 416-827-1766 96 Oakville_ON +Agglomeration Paul Clarke
511/511 416-841-8197 96 Aurora_ON The Mix Ted Arsovsky
511/813 416-420-0234 24 Toronto_ON *The Bottom Line Steve Hudson
512/420 519-264-2919 24 Mtbrydges_ON *Rib 'N Rail David Logan
054/000 **RET_910121 96 Santa_Barbara Console Command HQ Scott Swaine
054/003 805-483-1467 24 Oxnard_CA +Surfboard Terry Stewart
054/005 **Dwn_901112 24 Moorpark_CA *Quantum Leap! Patrick Russell
054/903 **Unlisted** 24 Oxnard_CA Surfboard Test System Terry Stewart (054/003)
056/002 503-581-4999 96 Salem_OR -Usenet-GT Test System John Cavanaugh
056/999 **Unlisted** 96 Salem_OR Usenet<->GT Gateway 1 John Cavanaugh (056/002)
058/001 201-287-1076 12 Edison_NJ Edison Hardline Mike Starrett
059/003 306-545-2530 24 Regina_SK United Federation Trevor Sorrell
060/002 313-363-3299 24 Pontiac_MI *Commerce Masonic Bill Thomas
060/003 313-264-7954 96 Sterling_Hts +Doug's Co Express Doug German
060/005 313-673-0931 96 Pontiac_MI *Skyliner Bill Thomas
060/006 313-391-6951 24 Pontiac_MI *Soundwave Mike Smith
060/007 313-683-0091 24 Sylvan_LakeMI *Grand Slam Bob Newman
060/008 313-666-9113 24 Drayton_Plns *Shipwreck Gary Truhn
060/009 313-853-6841 24 Bloomfield_MI *Altair Business Svcs Tom Becker
060/010 **Unlisted** 24 Rochester_M I Drydock Mike Pitts (060/003)
060/012 **Dwn_910114 24 Troy_MI *The Chief's Club Mike Pitts
060/013 **Unlisted** 96 Sterling_Hts Transfer Alley Doug German (060/003)
060/014 313-558-7689 96 Warren_MI *Technician's Corner Gary Schultz
060/024 **Unlisted** 24 Warren_MI Tech-Talk Gary Schultz (060/014)
062/002 403-236-1782 24 Calgary_AB *GT Calgary Denis Desfosses
064/001 919-998-6443 24 Advance_NC +Bluebird Private Jim Knight
064/002 919-765-2474 24 Winston_Salem *Wilson Family Circus Jim Wilson
064/003 704-492-2081 24 Mocksville_NC *Circle R Ranch BBS Rob Roesch
064/005 919-766-1108 24 Clemons_NC *High Rd. To Adventure Charles Spaugh
064/006 919-760-4087 24 Winston_Salem *Ronnie's Private BBS Ronnie Abernathy
064/007 **Pnd_901209 24 Winston_Salem *The Guardian Robin Stafford
065/000 919-447-9750 24 Havelock_NC +Cybertron (RINGBACK) Alvin Rivera
066/001 616-746-4594 96 Climax_MI +Nitty - Gritty Dave Richer
067/001 614-283-6409 69 Steubenville Steubenville Catholic Jim Coyle
068/001 313-747-0785 24 Ann_Arbor_MI +Levin Consulting James E. Levin
069/001 713-568-8483 24 Houston *SSMC - Binkley Richard Walker
069/002 713-669-2665 24 Houston Specific Solutions II Richard Walker
070/002 615-531-8789 96 Knoxville_TN +The Rising Connection Cory Wright
070/003 **Ret_910109 24 Knoxville_TN InPharmation Center Edwin Smith
070/005 **Ret_910109 24 Knoxville_TN Rising Connect Test Cory Wright
070/006 **Dwn_910109 96 Knoxville_TN *POWERAGE! John Roberts
070/100 319-381-1591 96 Blue_Grass_IA *The Short's BBS John Albrecht
070/901 **Ret_910109 24 Knoxville_TN Ed's Place Edwin Smith (070/002)
071/001 615-353-0514 96 Nashville_TN +Control Systems Ed Cavender
071/002 **Unlisted** 96 Nashville_TN Control Systems Test Ed Cavender
071/003 615-824-5014 24 Nashville_TN *Dream Machine Dave Nichols
071/901 **Unlisted** 96 Nashville_TN Dawg Byte Kevin Snivly (071/001)
073/001 **Ret_910121 24 Florence_SC Micro Line Randall Smith
075/001 813-726-6710 96 Safety_Harbor +Event Horizon Douglas Pippel
075/002 813-789-1394 96 Palm_HarborFL *Duck Soup Paul Duck
075/003 813-546-9491 24 St_Petersburg *Zero Charisma William Baker
075/005 813-544-3793 24 Pinellas_Park *Salt Shaker BBS Ben Waggoner
076/001 913-784-4154 96 Ft.Riley_KS +Gateway Allen Stern
077/001 **Dwn_901121 96 Ottawa_ON +Tube Tester William Warren
078/901 **Unlisted** 12 Elba Phantom Greg Farris (001/010)
079/000 612-474-0724 96 Minneapolis +Haven Of Rest Bryan Pike
079/001 612-474-2939 24 Minneapolis *GTPower North Bryan Pike
079/002 612-869-3869 96 Minneapolis *Billy's Best Bill Wahlstrom
079/003 612-861-7866 96 Minneapolis *Billy's Back Room Bill Wahlstrom
079/004 612-469-2417 24 Minneapolis *Ken's Den Ken Fortier
079/005 612-786-6047 24 Minneapolis *Roadhouse Cafe Ed Murphy
079/006 612-456-0774 24 Minneapolis *Hangar 18 Lowell Andrew
079/007 612-420-3208 24 Minneapolis *Sentry BBS Jeremy Sichak
079/008 612-560-7938 24 Minneapolis *Hobby House Thomas Hensch
079/009 **Unlisted** 24 Minneapolis *The Lost Chord Chuck Geise
079/100 804-543-0830 24 Chesapeake_VA *Christian Resource Mike Olah
079/102 804-340-9355 24 Va_Beach_VA The Fellowship Dan Grigsby
079/500 708-345-7202 96 Chicago *The Intercept Randy Imagen
079/501 708-548-2737 24 Chicago *The Cave Kevin Hemphill
079/603 **Dwn_900922 24 Blk.Riv.Falls The BBS Jim Miller
080/001 816-331-6963 96 Kansas_City *Batwing Board Dan Turkisher
080/002 **Dwn_910107 24 Kansas_City +The Zone Mark Street
080/003 816-257-2675 24 Kansas_City The Ebony BBS George Omoregie
081/001 404-798-4006 96 Augusta_GA +Jack's Board Jack Hazel
081/003 **Ret_910113 24 Augusta_GA *The Cool Place Robert Carson
081/004 **Ret_910113 24 Augusta_GA *T.I.B.T.A.W Brian Olah
081/005 404-798-7787 96 Augusta_GA *Gidget's Domain Jack Hazel
081/006 404-790-7142 24 Augusta_GA *Professors Workshop Michael Rey
081/008 404-790-1734 24 Hephzibah_GA *The Game Room Steve Paye
081/010 803-442-9545 24 N_Augusta_SC The Penitentiary Steve Moody
081/012 404-736-8862 24 Augusta_GA *Chris' Kitchen Chris Kitchin
081/013 404-790-1248 24 Augusta_GA Wolf's Den Deborah Barnhart
081/014 404-541-9126 24 Thompson_GA *The Relay Station Don Mullins
081/200 **Dwn_910113 96 Hickory_NC *Lapse of Reason John Setzler
081/300 904-273-9738 24 PonteVerda_FL Tsunami Chet Wilkinson
081/901 **Dwn_910113 24 Augusta_GA Jack's Test Board Jack Hazel (081/001)
083/901 **Unlisted** 24 Ft_Hood_TX Dixie Doodle Thomas Martinelli (001/010)
085/001 **Dwn_901209 24 York_PA C.A.G. BBS John Baird
087/001 904-472-1860 24 Newberry_FL *Philosopher's Corner Blane Amy
087/100 **Ret_910126 24 Kitchener_ON MOVED: 039/008 Greg Cazabon
088/001 719-597-4722 24 Colorado_Sprs Wizard's Lair Guy Bentley
088/002 **Pnd_910123 24 Colorado_Sprs Midnight Sun Ali Beethe
089/001 919-687-0913 24 Durham_NC +Tele-comm Lounge Gary Separk
091/001 314-842-4676 24 St_Louis *Free Expressions Robert Weiter
091/002 314-521-4621 24 St_Louis *Ovid's BBS Ovid Bilderback
092/000 606-283-5222 96 Independence +For Veterans Only Pete Beckett
092/001 **Pnd_910118 24 Independence *At the Post! Pete Beckett
092/002 606-781-8785 24 Ft._Thomas_KY *The Vulcan Academy Sam Hearld
092/003 513-792-5184 24 Cincinnati_OH *Tri State Data Michael Kuhl
092/004 513-683-0307 24 Cincinnati_OH *SYMBIOSIS Dennis Berry
092/005 513-779-3489 24 Cincinnati_OH *Airwaves Tom Schroeder
092/006 513-293-0179 24 Dayton_OH *The BLUE KNIGHT'S Timothy Kennaley
092/007 606-283-8110 24 Florence_KY *Cmptrs For Business Dennis Dean
093/000 **Ret_910121 96 Cincinnati MOVED: 006/001 Joe Tellup
093/002 **Ret_910118 96 Independence MOVED: 092/000 Pete Beckett (092/000)
094/900 **Unlisted** 24 Amarillo_TX tba Dennis Bills (040/000)
116/036 615-353-0514 96 Nashville_TN *Bridge Works Ed Cavender
150/000 34-3-4340492 12 Barcelona_SP Data Fox 386 Jose Villar
200/000 88-623074763 24 Taiwan-Taipei Air-Wolf Cbcs Jiann-Jyh Chern
200/001 88-623050734 24 Taiwan-Taipei Subway Cbcs Chueh C.P.
200/002 88-627078177 24 Taiwan-Taipei ABCD CBCS Andrew Lin
200/003 88-627353829 24 Taiwan-Taipei GT-735 Chu-Hao Hwang
200/004 88-628263148 24 Taiwan-Taipei Taiwan 24 Hr Host Brian Yang
200/005 88-627858155 24 Taiwan-Taipei Milkyway Dragon Chen
200/006 88-625429626 24 Taiwan-Taipei NEC M&P Demo Center Keen Hsieh
200/007 88-627687826 24 Taiwan-Taipei Postboy Tony Chang
200/008 88-627021594 24 Taiwan-Taipei Night Cats Edward C
200/009 88-629713061 24 Taiwan-Taipei Free-Man J.N. Lin
200/011 88-628731803 24 Taiwan-Taipei Fox Paddy Chung
200/012 88-629313045 96 Taiwan-Taipei *GT-Internet James Thomas
200/013 88-628250604 24 Taiwan-Taipei Drifter Daniel Yang
200/014 88-629042511 24 Taiwan-Taipei Marco Li-Shou Hong
200/015 88-625048111 24 Taiwan-Taipei Eden Tim J
200/016 88-627671428 96 Taiwan-Taipei *Night Cats Plus Bill Tung
200/017 88-627754529 24 Taiwan-Taipei Micronet Haily Lin
200/018 88-628814877 24 Taiwan-Taipei Fulin Chan-Ding Su
200/019 88-625090953 24 Taiwan-Taipei UFO I.Y. Lien
200/020 88-627710624 24 Taiwan-Taipei ETEN Perton Chang
200/021 88-629110543 24 Taiwan-Taipei *Night Cats II Steven Yen
200/022 88-623079304 12 Taiwan-Taipei Zoo BBS Henry Shieh
200/023 88-629425298 24 Taiwan-Taipei HWA HSIA Chu K.W.
200/024 88-627609345 24 Taiwan-Taipei Googol Terry Lin
200/025 88-625426662 24 Taiwan-Taipei Phoebes Francis Lee
200/026 88-629228228 24 Taiwan-Taipei *Student Prince Luo Ning
200/027 88-625066416 24 Taiwan-Taipei PostBoy ][ Johnny Lin
200/028 88-627901159 24 Taiwan-Taipei Venus CBBS G.S. HWANG
200/029 88-623568665 24 Taiwan-Taipei Great Great CBBS Zonzan Shiue
200/030 88-628953062 24 Taiwan-Taipei SkyHawk Workstation Johnson Yuh
200/031 88-629385770 24 Taiwan-Taipei ENERGY CBCS Ander Hwang
200/032 88-623518714 96 Taiwan-Taipei THE DATAS CHING-LUN HSU
302/000 61-2-8046412 96 Sydney +Poet's Dilemma John Della-Torre
302/001 61-2-9772013 96 Sydney *Kangaroo Korner Stephen Deplater
302/003 61-2-7198161 96 Sydney *Black Hole Ken Thompson
302/004 61-2-4896848 96 Sydney *Computrol Bob Spence
302/005 61-2-4821716 24 Sydney *cALMER 1 Claude Almer
302/006 61-2-6836093 24 Sydney *Food For Thought Steve Thompson
302/007 61-2-8096901 24 Sydney *Arcade Parlour Greg Cockett
302/008 61-2-5608296 96 Sydney Sydney Info Xchange Lawrence Gould
302/009 61-67-673018 24 Kootingal *Kootingal BBS Tony Pritchard
302/010 61-2-5472792 24 Sydney *The Dingo's Den David Lendrum
302/011 61-2-9857806 24 Sydney Home Computing David Woodbridge
302/012 61-2-4818410 24 Sydney Bush Telegraph Mark Kofahl
302/013 **Unlisted** 24 Sydney Jetstream Bob Gates
302/014 61-2-9682725 96 Sydney *Burk's Backyard Burk Mielke
302/015 61-42-971798 24 Warilla,NSW *Twilight Clone John Cooper
302/016 61-2-6715538 96 Sydney *Koala Country Warren Leadbeatter
302/017 61-42-616380 24 Dapto *Powerhouse BBS Bruce Lloyd
302/018 61-2-4889375 24 Sydney Hotline Nick Harvey
302/019 61-67-620241 24 Tamworth,NSW *Scotty's BIG RED Bus Eric Scott
302/021 61-2-7643410 24 Sydney *The Big Apple Patrick Perea
302/022 **Ret_910101 96 Singleton *Twilight Zone Matt Barton
302/023 61-2-6981565 24 Sydney *Service Centre Mike Kearnes
302/400 **Unlisted** 24 Sydney RBS Tech Support David Woodbridge
302/904 **Unlisted** 24 Warilla Hardware Cafe Craig Evans (302/015)
302/905 **Unlisted** 24 Sydney Power Point Bob Paino (302/003)
302/906 **Unlisted** 24 Sydney Tennyson Troubles David Philpott (302/003)
302/907 **Unlisted** 24 Tamworth,NSW Scotty's Red Depot Eric Scott (302/019)
302/990 **Ret_910101 96 Sydney GT Star Gate Ken Thompson
303/000 61-54-430953 96 Bendigo *Sandy's No Frills Sandy Craig
307/001 **Unlisted** 96 Sunshne_Coast *Lighthouse Jason Trump
307/002 61-77-722838 96 Townsville *Twilight Zone Matt Barton
307/900 **Unlisted** 24 Brisbane Leff Residence Geoff Leff (302/000)
310/000 31-104358625 24 VlaardingenNTH VLD Hobby BBS Aad Van.der.zalm
310/001 **Ret_910101 96 Tilburg_NTH *GIT-Network#1 Andre Jongerden
310/002 31-449078507 24 Beek_NTH Powerhouse Leon Mols
310/003 31-297560095 24 Uithoorn_NTH *The Brain Ben Geertsema
310/004 31-836033840 24 Zevenaar_NTH BenS Software Hans Smit
310/005 **Ret_910101 24 Gennep_NTH Mailbox Gennep Peter Scholten
310/006 31-104749306 24 VlaardingenNTH HCC TULIP GG Nol Kloosterman
310/007 31-45717186 24 Heerlen_NTH GT INFO-DATA Ben Kempink
310/901 **Unlisted** 24 Vlaardingen The Impossible Bart Van.Dongen (310/000)
310/902 **Unlisted** 24 Schiedam_NTH Franks Utils Frank Van.wensveen(310/000)
511/001 **Unlisted** 96 Toronto_ON CD-Access Steve Johns
511/002 416-665-3263 24 Toronto_ON *Learning Experience Doug Purdy
511/003 416-321-9711 24 Toronto_ON The Funhouse David Germinquet
511/211 416-827-1766 96 Oakville_ON +Agglomeration Paul Clarke
511/511 416-841-8197 96 Aurora_ON The Mix Ted Arsovsky
511/813 416-420-0234 24 Toronto_ON *The Bottom Line Steve Hudson
512/420 519-264-2919 24 Mtbrydges_ON *Rib 'N Rail David Logan
802/000 35-805653168 24 Helsinki_FIN +Alcatel Durk Ellison
802/001 35-805664608 24 Vantaa_FIN Ellison Test System Durk Ellison
802/002 35-805031193 96 Helsinki_FIN *Disco Data Workshop Alfe Syrjala
802/003 35-80718006 12 Helsinki_FIN ITT Component Timo Virtaneva
802/004 35-80821252 12 Vantaa_FIN *MCK-BBS Max Käär
802/005 35-80554837 24 Helsinki_FIN Alcatel Huolto Aimo Partanen
803/000 49-404605150 24 Marburg_GER *Wap Box #1 Juergen Lorenz
803/001 **Unlisted** 24 Hamburg_GER Wap Box #2 Juergen Lorenz
803/002 **Unlisted** 24 Hamburg_GER Wap Box #3 Juergen Lorenz
803/003 49-64622593 24 GladenbachGER *GD-Box Gerhard Donges
803/004 49-911528168 24 Nuernberg_GER *Merlin Udo Garbe
803/905 49-74258869 24 Schwarzwald Asterix Harald Weiss (803/003)
803/906 49-644124266 24 Wetzlar_GER TKS Stefan Litzinger (803/003)
803/907 49-64462629 24 Erda_GER Stuff Box Kuno Brockly (803/003)
803/908 49-642121441 24 Marburg_GER VM/SP Armin Roth (803/003)
803/909 **Unlisted** 24 Muenchen_GER Petsy Box Peter Schaetzlein (803/003)
803/912 49-642121332 24 Marburg_GER Isdad Hartmut Friederici(803/003)
803/913 49-895707450 96 Muenchen_GER Mazimoi Markus Mohr (803/000)
803/999 **Unlisted** 24 Gladenbach_GER Wap-Net <-> Fido-Net Gerhard Donges (803/003)
804/000 49-223814661 24 Pulheim_GER *Ali-Baba Alexander Langen
804/001 49-237372062 96 Froendenberg *ILF-Froendenberg Kurt Loebbecke
804/002 49-22751848 24 Kerpen_GER *EEH-Datalink Klaus Sagel
804/003 **Pnd_900618 24 Gladenbach GD-BOX Gerhard Donges
804/004 49-63125402 24 Kaiserslauter *CO-Sysop-Alibaba Jörg Illerich
804/800 492285205299 24 Bonn_GER *ROUTING-Box Alexander Langen
900/001 **Pnd_900709 96 Maumee_OH The Seagate Jeff Schwartz (004/000)
900/002 205-665-4355 24 Montevallo_AL Safe Harbor Eddie Dodwell (015/002)
900/003 **Unlisted** 24 Ft.Wayne_IN Joe's World Joey Kennedy (004/000)
900/901 **Pnd_900603 24 Deridder_LA Only The Best David Vandeburgt (004/000)
999/999 **Unlisted** 12 GTNL_Nodelist Daily-update By_Jim Rash