Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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Text File
364 lines
; Diff file from V0.93-1 to V1.00-1
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; These are all supported BBS softwares:
; SBBS: SuperBBS
; QBBS: QuickBBS
; PB : Proboard 1.30
; RA : Remote Access 1.11
; RBBS: RoboBBS 1.xx
; WME : Windowed Modem Environment 1.00
; WC3x: Wildcat 3.xx
; BBS software you use, may be identified by environment variable. Use this
; to force a certain type:
;BBSType QBBS ; Default: SBBS
; Area list type, depends on your BBS software
;AreaListType QBBS ; Default: SBBS
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Path and filename of your areas dir list. This ist the list which tells
; your mailer to locate all requestable files:
;AreasDirList F:\FD\AREAS.DIR
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;TextWindow NO ; Default: YES
; This switch allows to switch on a text window containing detailed infor-
; mation on file count, size, number of added files and more.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This the repack command, here REARJ. The first "%s" is replaced by the
; file to repack. Re-comment it out to enable repacking.
;RepackCommand rearj %s /tARJ /u /d /v /s
; /a[suffix] convert archives within archives ("*" for all formats)
; /bcommand execute DOS command before extracting files
; /ccommand execute DOS command on extracted files before counting them
; /d delete original archives
; /e do not return error if no archives were found
; /f convert diskette archives
; /i[name] check integrity of REARJ.EXE
; /l[name] write append log file (default name is REARJ.LOG)
; /o allow overwrite of existing target archive
; /q query for each archive to convert
; /r recurse through subdirectories
; /s skip verify of file count and total size
; /tsuffix create suffix type archives
; /u[bak] allow update of archive with backup (default is BAK)
; /v execute configured command on extracted files
; /wdir assign work directory
; /xfile exclude file or wildname
; /z simulate operation
; Enter here which extension the target archives should have. This is
; mandatory, otherwise you will not find the correct filenames in your
; lists!!
RepackExtension ARJ
; This is the set of error messages and corresponding errorlevels. "TrashFile"
; decides wether the file is trashed when that particular error occurrs:
ErrorLevel 1
ErrorMessage File not found
TrashFile NO
ErrorLevel 2
ErrorMessage No matching archive type
TrashFile NO
ErrorLevel 3
ErrorMessage Target type already exists
TrashFile NO
ErrorLevel 4
ErrorMessage Not enough disk space
TrashFile NO
ErrorLevel 5
ErrorMessage User skipped repackaging
TrashFile NO
ErrorLevel 6
ErrorMessage UNPACK error
TrashFile YES
ErrorLevel 7
ErrorMessage PACK error
TrashFile YES
ErrorLevel 8
ErrorMessage Target cannot support dirs
TrashFile NO
ErrorLevel 9
ErrorMessage Wrong file count
TrashFile YES
ErrorLevel 10
ErrorMessage Wrong total size
TrashFile YES
ErrorLevel 11
ErrorMessage Internal archive REARJ error
TrashFile NO
ErrorLevel 12
ErrorMessage Rename archive error
TrashFile NO
ErrorLevel 13
ErrorMessage "/v" command error (virus?)
TrashFile YES
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Herald is able to create a second areafile of any type you like. This
; allows to convert areafile formats from any type to another.
; All by "BBSType" and "AreaListType" supported BBS softwares are allowed.
;ExtraAreaFileType SBBS
; RoboBBS and Remote Access allow the use of special area files in a
; different path. This command instructs Herald to create them. They are
; called FILES.n and located in "ExtraListPath".
;ExtraFileSpecName YES ; Default: NO
; This is the special path for Remote Access:
;ExtraListPath C:\RA\
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This set of commands allow auto-adding of descriptions from FILE_ID.DIZ
; and similar
: NO: no adding
; MISSING: try to add to files without description
; ALWAYS : try to add to EVERY file, old descriptions will be lost
;UseFile_ID MISSING ; Default: NO
; Filenames of the description files
; Unpack commands for the various unpackers.
; %ARCHIVE% replaced by path and archive name
; %TEMPPATH% replaced by temporary path
; %DESCRFILES% replaced by the above list of description files
UnpackCommand ARJ, ARJ e -& -y+ -jg+ %ARCHIVE% %TEMPPATH% %DESCRFILES%
UnpackCommand LHA, LHA e /a+ %ARCHIVE% %TEMPPATH%
UnpackCommand LZH, LHA e /a+ %ARCHIVE% %TEMPPATH%
UnpackCommand DWC, DWC ew %ARCHIVE% %TEMPPATH%
; If you have FILE_ID.DIZ descriptions and want them to remain as they
; are you can disable the autowrap feature FOR DESCRIPTIONS ADDED FROM DIZ
; using this command
;KeepDiz YES ; Default: NO
; Many FILE_ID.DIZ descriptions contain high ASCII characters (above 128)
; which look confusing on other systems. This command tells Herald to
; remove them
;StripHiASCII YES ; Default: NO
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; If you have enabled adding new files and want CD-ROM files to be added,
; too, enable this
;AddFromCDROM YES ; Default: NO
; This keyword allows Herald to add size and resolution information to
; GIF and PCX pictures
;AddGraphInfo YES ; Default: NO
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This keyword allows to skip killing/trashing of certain areas:
; From these areas nothing will be killed or trashed. Enter area numbers,
; full names enclosed in double quotes or a regular expression in single
; quotes. Names and expressions are not case sensitive.
; Numbers may be entered like 1, 2-, -7 or 1 - 7
;SkipKillTrash 1,2,3,"Point software", 'CD-ROM*'
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Herald now allows to enter long and short filerequest infos:
ShortPwdOnlyMsg Password
ShortNoReqMsg None
ShortReqOKMsg Anyone
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; SMART: Each line will be wrapped so that it fits exactly
; FULL: Wrap-around only when a line would get too long, original
; newlines are preserved
; NONE: No wrap-around if not over limit (e.g. 78 chars for FILES.BBS)
;AutoWrap FULL ; Default: SMART
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; If you want Herald to remove empty lines from your FILES.BBS, use this
; command
; RemoveEmptyLines YES ; Default: NO
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This keyword tells Herald to handle lines starting with a blank as
; a long description even when "LongDescrMark" is not set to SPACE
; BlanksAsComment NO ; Default: YES
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;AnnounceMissing YES ; Default: NO
; Allows to switch off announcing of files without description
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Creates justified descriptions (looks great :-))
;DescrJustified YES ; Default: NO
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; These new keywords offer the possiblity to use a private footer and/or
; header for each particular message.
PrivHeader <Filename> (MSGHEADER)
PrivFooter <Filename> (MSGFOOTER)
PrivHeader <Filename> (MSGHEADER)
PrivFooter <Filename> (MSGFOOTER)
PrivHeader <Filename> (MSGHEADER)
PrivFooter <Filename> (MSGFOOTER)
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This is the header of the infofile. It must not be longer than 1024 bytes
; For the ANSI version you can use these commands to colorize it:
; %CLRSCR% clear screen
; %NORMAL% all colors to default
; %BRIGHT% bright colors
; %BLINK% blinking colors
; %INVERSE% inverse colors
; %RESET% reset all attributes
; Foreground colors
; %FGBLACK% black
; %FGRED% red
; %FGGREEN% green
; %FGYELLOW% yellow
; %FGBLUE% blue
; %FGMAGENTA% magenta
; %FGCYAN% cyan
; %FGWHITE% white
; Background colors
; %BGBLACK% black
; %BGRED% red
; %BGGREEN% green
; %BGYELLOW% yellow
; %BGBLUE% blue
; %BGMAGENTA% magenta
; %BGCYAN% cyan
; %BGWHITE% white
InfoHeader %CLRSCR%%BRIGHT%%FGRED%┌────────────────────────────────────────────────%FGYELLOW%The─FileHerald V1.00-T%FGRED%──────┐
InfoHeader │ %FGGREEN%Area overview%FGRED% │
InfoHeader ├─────┬────────────────────────────────┬───────┬────────┬───────┬────────────┤
InfoHeader │ %FGBLUE%No.%FGRED% │ %FGGREEN%Area description%FGRED% │ %FGMAGENTA%Files%FGRED% │ %FGCYAN%kBytes%FGRED% │ %FGBLUE%Dlds%FGRED% │ %FGMAGENTA%F'reqs%FGRED% │
InfoHeader ├─────┼────────────────────────────────┼───────┼────────┼───────┼────────────┤
; Information for each area:
; ~A = Areaname left justified [40 characters]
; ~B = Areaname right justified [40 characters]
; ~# = Areanumber [3 characters]
; ~L = Access level to that particular area [5 characters]
; ~+ = Minimum age for that area [3 characters]
; ~F = Actual number of files in that area [5 characters]
; ~G = Number of files in that area [5 characters]
; ~S = Size of all files in kBytes [6 characters]
; ~M = Size of all files in in MBytes [6 characters]
; ~D = Downloads from this area [6 characters]
; ~R = Filerequest status (short) [10 characters]
; Footer for the info file
; ~F = Total actual number of files [5 characters]
; ~G = Total number of files [5 characters]
; ~S = Size of all files in kBytes [6 characters]
; ~M = Size of all files in in MBytes [6 characters]
; ~D = Total downloads [6 characters]
; ~% = Current time
; ~$ = Current date
InfoFooter %BRIGHT%%FGRED%├─────┴────────────────────────────────┼───────┼────────┼───────┼────────────┤
InfoFooter │ %FGGREEN%Date : ~%/ ~$ Total:%FGRED% │ %FGMAGENTA%~F%FGRED% │ %FGCYAN%~S%FGRED% │%FGBLUE%~D%FGRED% │ │
InfoFooter └──────────────────────────────────────┴───────┴────────┴───────┴────────────┘