Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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; **************************************************************************
; * Demo Configuration File for The FileHerald (V1.00-1) *
; * *
; * (c) 4/1993 by Oblivion Software, Norbert Schlia *
; * 7500 Karlsruhe 1, Germany *
; * *
; * 2:248/504@fidonet, 2:248/508@fidonet, 68:2493/104@cinemanet *
; **************************************************************************
; System Parameters
; **************************************************************************
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Debbuging mode:
; - "dangerous" function simulated, not actually carried out
;Debug YES
; This switch allows to switch on a text window containing detailed infor-
; mation on file count, size, number of added files and more.
;TextWindow NO ; Default: YES
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Name of the sysop, BBS and the network address
; All data is mandatory!
; Valid network address format: [zone:][net/]<node>[.point][@domain]
;SysopName Joe Public
;BBSname Somewhere-BBS
;BBSaddress 9:999/9@BonsaiNet
; Enter your registration key here, after you have received it:
;RegisterKey xxxx
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; FileHerald will use TEMP und TMP, to identify the temporary drive.
; Use this command to override this setting or use another drive:
;TempDrive D:\
; This is a list of directories where to the swap data may be written
; if unsufficient memory:
;SwapDirs D:\;C:\TEMP;F:\TEMP ; Default: tempdrive
; Where to data will be swapped. You may define any combination of these:
; DISK Disk only
; XMS Swapping to XMS
; EMS Swapping to EMS
; EXT Swapping to EXT DOS Extender
; ANY All of the above
;SwapType DISK, XMS, EMS ; Default: ANY
; Logfiles name
; These are the three possible log levels:
; NORMAL lists errors, warnings and if messages or filelists
; have been created.
; FULL lists more precise information, what has been written or read
; DEBUG exact logging, verbose information
LogLevel DEBUG ; Default: NORMAL
; When you want to be notified everytime FileHerald is run, specify a
; message type and board here. Only one type is allowed!
; Allowed types: SQUISH, FIDO, ECHO, TEXT
;NotifyMsgType ECHO
; Enter a board no., a squish area or a netmail path here.
;NotifyMsgArea 1
; Path and filename of your areas dir list. This ist the list which tells
; your mailer to locate all requestable files (only for Frontdoor):
;AreasDirList F:\FD\AREAS.DIR
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; These are all supported BBS software types:
; SBBS: SuperBBS
; QBBS: QuickBBS
; PB : Proboard 1.30
; RA : Remote Access 1.11
; RBBS: RoboBBS 1.xx
; WME : Windowed Modem Environment 1.00
; WC3x: Wildcat 3.xx
; BBS software you use, may be identified by environment variable. Use this
; to force a certain type:
;BBSType QBBS ; Default: SBBS
; Area list type, depends on your BBS software
;AreaListType QBBS ; Default: SBBS
; Path to your area list. If possible it will be determined by environment
; variable:
; If you want to use the special way of ProBoard to support CD-ROMs, you
; have to define which date format you use with it.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Time format
; 0 24h format with seconds
; 1 24h format without seconds
; 2 12h format with seconds (AM/PM)
; 3 12h format without seconds
;TimeFormat 0 ; Default: 0
; Date format:
; d replaced by the number of the day
; D replaced by the name of the day
; m replaced by the number of the month
; M replaced by the name of the month
; y Year (YY)
; Y Year (YYYY)
; Any other character will be used without change.
;Dateformat m-d-y ; Default: 07-22-92
;DateFormat d.M'y ; 01.Sep'92
;DateFormat d.m.y ; 01.09.92
; Abbreviated monthnames in your language. Defaults are appropriate for
; English countries. Enter exactly three characters per name and all
; twelve names.
;MonthNames Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
; Abbreviated weekday names in your language. Defaults are appropriate for
; English countries. Enter exactly two characters per name and all seven
; names. Start with Sunday.
;DayNames Su, Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa
; **************************************************************************
; Area file maintenance
; **************************************************************************
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This command allows FileHerald to write to your area files. But beware,
; if set to "NO" some other functions like "ADDNEWFILES" will not be
; functional!
;UpdateAreaFile YES ; Default: NO
; When an area file not exists, will FileHerald by default print an error
; message and skip the particular area. If enabled, the area file will be
; created. If "ADDNEWFILES" is enabled, all files will be added auto-
; matically.
;AutoCreateAreaFile YES ; Default: NO
; If you do not want FileHerald to create a backup of all processed area
; files, enter "NO".
;BackupAreaFile NO ; Default: YES
; Herald is able to create a second areafile of any type you like. This
; allows to convert areafile formats from any type to another.
; All by "BBSType" and "AreaListType" supported BBS softwares are allowed.
;ExtraAreaFileType SBBS
; RoboBBS and Remote Access allow the use of special area files in a
; different path. This command instructs Herald to create them. They are
; called FILES.n and located in "ExtraListPath".
;ExtraFileSpecName YES ; Default: NO
; This is the special path for Remote Access:
;ExtraListPath C:\RA\
; If enabled, missing files will be added to your area file.
;AddNewFiles YES ; Default: NO
; If you have enabled adding new files and want CD-ROM files to be added,
; too, enable this
;AddFromCDROM YES ; Default: NO
; These files will not be added, if missing in your area file.
IgnoreFile *.BBS,*.BAK,*.SYS,*.BAT
; This text will be added to new files, if not found in COMMENT.LST or
; DESCRIPT.IONs. Please use exactly the same as you use in your BBS system.
;MissingDescr No stupid comment ; Default: No description available
; This command instructs Herald to add information on size and colors to
; GIF and PCX
;AddGraphInfo YES ; Default: NO
; This set of commands allow auto-adding of descriptions from FILE_ID.DIZ
; and similar
; NO: no adding
; MISSING: try to add to files without description
; ALWAYS : try to add to EVERY file, old descriptions will be lost
;UseFile_ID MISSING ; Default: NO
; Filenames of the description files
; Unpack commands for the various unpackers.
; %ARCHIVE% replaced by path and archive name
; %TEMPPATH% replaced by temporary path
; %DESCRFILES% replaced by the above list of description files
UnpackCommand ARJ, ARJ e -& -y+ -jg+ %ARCHIVE% %TEMPPATH% %DESCRFILES%
UnpackCommand LHA, LHA e /a+ %ARCHIVE% %TEMPPATH%
UnpackCommand LZH, LHA e /a+ %ARCHIVE% %TEMPPATH%
UnpackCommand DWC, DWC ew %ARCHIVE% %TEMPPATH%
; If you have FILE_ID.DIZ descriptions and want them to remain as they
; are you can disable the autowrap feature using this command
;KeepDiz YES ; Default: NO
; Many FILE_ID.DIZ descriptions contain high ASCII characters (above 128)
; which look confusing on other systems. This command tells Herald to
; remove them
;StripHiASCII YES ; Default: NO
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; These areas will not be updated. Enter area numbers, full names enclosed
; in double quotes or a regular expression in single quotes. Names and
; expressions are not case sensitive.
; Numbers may be entered like 1, 2-, -7 or 1 - 7
;SkipUpdate 1,2,3,"Point software", 'CD-ROM*'
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; FileHerald supports 4DOS. These commands enable these functions.
; This keyword enables the use of 4DOS-DESCRIPT.IONs to generate descript-
; ions of new files.
;Use4DOSDescr YES ; Default: NO
; This command allows FileHerald to add descriptions to 4DOS-DESCRIPT.IONs.
; Files withou descriptions will of course never be added.
; NO : disabled
; NEW: only new files (by ADDNEWFILES)
; ALL: all files
;Update4DOSDescr NEW ; Default: NO
; Whether descriptions may be removed as files are deleted.
;Remove4DOSdescr YES ; Default: NO
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This command defines how long descriptions which have to be wrapped around
; to following lines are formatted.
; Possible values are:
; SPACE : inserts an appropriate amount of blanks
; NONE : does not make any wrap-around, not recommended except for
; RoboBBS
; SuperBBS : SPACE, ">"
; Remote Access: SPACE, NONE
; ProBoard : SPACE, "+"
; RoboBBS : NONE only
;LongDescrMark > ; Default: SPACE
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; SMART: Each line will be wrapped so that it fits exactly
; FULL: Wrap-around only when a line would get too long, original
; newlines are preserved
; NONE: No wrap-around if not over limit (e.g. 78 chars for FILES.BBS)
;AutoWrap FULL ; Default: SMART
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; If you want Herald to remove empty lines from your FILES.BBS, use this
; command
;RemoveEmptyLines YES ; Default: NO
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This keyword tells Herald to handle lines starting with a blank as
; a long description even when "LongDescrMark" is not set to SPACE
; BlanksAsComment NO ; Default: YES
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Definition of the download counter:
;LeftBracket [
;RightBracket ]
;CounterLen 3 ; Default: 2
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This allows you to remove files from your base. BE CAREFUL: All files
; for which the expression is valid will be removed.
; Days n : Files older than n days
; Dlds n : Files which were downloaded less than n times
; (1 removes all, which were downloaded 0 times)
; RemoveMissing : Removes descriptions of missing files
; "Days 200,Dlds 1" deletes all files which were downloaded less than 1
; times and is older than 200 days.
;KillFile Days 200, Dlds 1
;KillFile RemoveMissing
; Like "KILLFILE", but files are only move to another directory.
;TrashFile Days 200, Dlds 1
; To this directory trashed files will be moved.
; This keyword allows to skip killing/trashing of certain areas:
; From these areas nothing will be killed or trashed. Enter area numbers,
; full names enclosed in double quotes or a regular expression in single
; quotes. Names and expressions are not case sensitive.
; Numbers may be entered like 1, 2-, -7 or 1 - 7
;SkipKillTrash 1,2,3,"Point software", 'CD-ROM*'
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This header template will be used for every area file
; Maximum number of description lines per file
; (0 means unlimited)
;FileMaxLines 5 ; Default: 0
; This allows you to start a new line or strip the rest of descriptions
; FileEOLMark Uploader: ; cuts "Uploader:" away
; FileEOLMark ~Uploader: ; begins a new line before "Uploader:"
;FileEOLMark ~Uploader:
; Defines the look of the file names:
; IGNORE : No changes
; CAPITALIZE: Capitalize characters
; LOWERCASE : Convert to lower case characters
;FileCase LOWERCASE ; Default: IGNORE
; What happens to the counters:
; IGNORE : No changes
; STRIP : Cuts 'em off
; FIT : fits in the predefined counters
FileDLCounter FIT ; Default: IGNORE
; Order of the filenames:
; ALPHA: Ascending by names
; SIZE : Ascending by size
; DATE : Ascending by date
; NEW : New files first
; "!" reverses the order: !ALPHA !DATE
; IGNORE: No sorting
;FileOrder ALPHA ; Default: IGNORE
; **************************************************************************
; Repack functions
; **************************************************************************
; This function needs external utilities. You need Robert K. Jung's
; "REARJ" (V2.23 or later) to use it, but you may reconfigure this to use
; your own repacker software:
; This the repack command, here REARJ. The first "%s" is replaced by the
; file to repack. Re-comment it out to enable repacking.
;RepackCommand rearj %s /tARJ /u /d /v /s >NUL
; /a[suffix] convert archives within archives ("*" for all formats)
; /bcommand execute DOS command before extracting files
; /ccommand execute DOS command on extracted files before counting them
; /d delete original archives
; /e do not return error if no archives were found
; /f convert diskette archives
; /i[name] check integrity of REARJ.EXE
; /l[name] write append log file (default name is REARJ.LOG)
; /o allow overwrite of existing target archive
; /q query for each archive to convert
; /r recurse through subdirectories
; /s skip verify of file count and total size
; /tsuffix create suffix type archives
; /u[bak] allow update of archive with backup (default is BAK)
; /v execute configured command on extracted files
; /wdir assign work directory
; /xfile exclude file or wildname
; /z simulate operation
; Enter here which extension the target archives should have. This is
; mandatory, otherwise you will not find the correct filenames in your
; lists!!
RepackExtension ARJ
; This is the set of error messages and corresponding errorlevels. "TrashFile"
; decides wether the file is trashed when that particular error occurrs:
ErrorLevel 1
ErrorMessage File not found
TrashFile NO
ErrorLevel 2
ErrorMessage No matching archive type
TrashFile NO
ErrorLevel 3
ErrorMessage Target type already exists
TrashFile NO
ErrorLevel 4
ErrorMessage Not enough disk space
TrashFile NO
ErrorLevel 5
ErrorMessage User skipped repackaging
TrashFile NO
ErrorLevel 6
ErrorMessage UNPACK error
TrashFile YES
ErrorLevel 7
ErrorMessage PACK error
TrashFile YES
ErrorLevel 8
ErrorMessage Target cannot support dirs
TrashFile NO
ErrorLevel 9
ErrorMessage Wrong file count
TrashFile YES
ErrorLevel 10
ErrorMessage Wrong total size
TrashFile YES
ErrorLevel 11
ErrorMessage Internal archive REARJ error
TrashFile NO
ErrorLevel 12
ErrorMessage Rename archive error
TrashFile NO
ErrorLevel 13
ErrorMessage "/v" command error (virus?)
TrashFile YES
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; These areas will not be repacked. Enter area numbers, full names enclosed
; in double quotes or a regular expression in single quotes. Names and
; expressions are not case sensitive.
; Numbers may be entered like 1, 2-, -7 or 1 - 7
;SkipRepack 1, 2, 3, "Adult-Giffies"
; **************************************************************************
; Setups for file announcements
; **************************************************************************
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; A "NO" tells FileHerald not to create a message
;CreateMessage NO ; Default: YES
; These areas will not be announced. Enter area numbers, full names enclosed
; in double quotes or a regular expression in single quotes. Names and
; expressions are not case sensitive.
; Numbers may be entered like 1, 2-, -7 or 1 - 7
;SkipAnnounce 1, 2, 3, "Adult-Giffies"
; This disables the update of the list of announced files
;UpdateList NO ; Default: YES
; This is the name of the file in which the names of all announced files
; are stored
; Maximum security level which allows announcements (inclusive)
;MaxLevel 10 ; Default: 32000
; These files will always be announced
; These files will never be announced
;AnnounceNever *.GIF, *.BMP
; Allows to switch off announcing of files without description
;AnnounceMissing YES ; Default: NO
; Creates justified descriptions (looks great :-))
;DescrJustified YES ; Default: NO
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This is the number of new files which has to be found that a message is
; created.
;MinFiles 1 ; Default: 5
; Determines how files are compared. Normally files with different extensions
; are considered equal, so that if you repack a file for example from ZIP to
; ARJ it will not be announced again. If you choose "STRICT" this will happen.
;ScanMode STRICT ; Default: NORMAL
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; You can specify one or more header files here, seperated by kommas. They
; will be put before the message.
; This template file defines the look of every area header.
;AreaHeader MSGAREA.TXT ; Default: MSGAREA.TXT
; These footer files will be put under the messages. Enter one or more names,
; seperated by kommas, here. Of course their length fullfill the same terms as
; for the headers.
; Maximum number of description lines per file
; (0 means unlimited)
MsgMaxLines 0 ; Default: 1
; By default only the filename and its description shows in each line.
; You can put these additional information in it:
; SIZE File size
; DATE Date of upload
; TIME Time of upload
;MsgLineFormat SIZE, DATE, TIME
MsgLineFormat SIZE
; Maximum number of characters per line. More will be wrapped to the next
; line.
;MsgLineLen 78 ; Default: 78
; This allows you to start a new line or strip the rest of descriptions
; MsgEOLMark Uploader: ; cuts "Uploader:" away
; MsgEOLMark ~Uploader: ; begins a new line before "Uploader:"
MsgEOLMark Uploader:
; Defines the look of the file names:
; IGNORE : No changes
; CAPITALIZE: Capitalize characters
; LOWERCASE : Convert to lower case characters
;MsgFileCase LOWERCASE ; Default: IGNORE
;MsgFileFormat DOS ; Default: DEFAULT
; What happens to the counters:
; IGNORE : No changes
; STRIP : Cuts 'em off
MsgDLCounter STRIP ; Default: STRIP
; Order of the filenames:
; ALPHA: Ascending by names
; SIZE : Ascending by size
; DATE : Ascending by date
; NEW : New files first
; "!" reverses the order: !ALPHA !DATE
; IGNORE: No sorting
MsgOrder ALPHA
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Defines which type of message is created: TEXT, FIDO, ECHO, SQUISH
MsgType TEXT
; Defines the filename of text messages
; Most mail processors do not allow larg net- or echomails. Limit the
; maxmimum size using this keyword. Larger mails will be split.
;MsgMaxLen 16 ; Default: 12KB
; Path to your fidostyle *.msg
;NetPath F:\FD\MAIL\
; Path to your hudson style message base
;EchoPath F:\FD\HUDSON\
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Fidostyle messages:
; Possible attributes for *.MSG (Default: K/S PVT):
; This message number is mandatory, its parameters are default for all
; following netmail messages
;MsgNo 1
;From The FileHerald ; Default: Sysopname
;To Brian Cohn ; Mandatory information
;Subject New files at "..." ; Default, "..." is BBSName
;OrigAddr ; Default: BBSAddress
;DestAddr 8:888/888.8 ; Mandatory information
;Attrib HLD,K/S,LOC,PVT ; Default: K/S PVT
;NetPath ; Overrides "NetPath"
;PrivHeader ; Default: MSGHEADER
;PrivFooter ; Default: MSGFOOTER
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This message number is mandatory, its parameters are default for all
; following echomail messages
;MsgNo 1
;From The FileHerald ; Default: Sysopname
;To Brian Cohn ; Default: ALL
;Subject New files at "..." ; Default, "..." is BBSName
;OrigAddr ; Default: BBSAddress
;Board 1 ; Mandatory information
;PrivHeader ; Default: MSGHEADER
;PrivFooter ; Default: MSGFOOTER
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This message number is mandatory, its parameters are default for all
; following squish messages
;MsgNo 1
;From The FileHerald ; Default: Sysopname
;To Brian Cohn ; Default: ALL
;Subject New files at "..." ; Default, "..." is BBSName
;OrigAddr ; Default: BBSAddress
;SquishPath ; Mandatory, Path to Squish Area
;PrivHeader ; Default: MSGHEADER
;PrivFooter ; Default: MSGFOOTER
; **************************************************************************
; Filelists
; **************************************************************************
; This list number is mandatory, its parameters are default for all
; following filelists
;ListNo 1
; Disables filelists. If given for list no. 1, no lists at all will be
; created. For higher numbers it only has effect on this particular list.
;CreateFileList NO ; Default: YES
; Days files may be to to be in the new files list
;MaxDays 14 ; Default: 10
; Maximum security level which allows listing (inclusive)
;MaxLevel 10 ; Default: 32000
; Filename of the complete list
; Filename of the new files list
; Name of the info file. If not entered, none will bve created
; Whether this info file is appended to your lists:
;AppendInfo YES ; Default: "NO"
; This is a header for the infofile. It must not be longer than 1024 bytes
; For the ANSI version you can use these commands to colorize it:
; %CLRSCR% clear screen
; %NORMAL% all colors to default
; %BRIGHT% bright colors
; %BLINK% blinking colors
; %INVERSE% inverse colors
; %RESET% reset all attributes
; Foreground colors
; %FGBLACK% black
; %FGRED% red
; %FGGREEN% green
; %FGYELLOW% yellow
; %FGBLUE% blue
; %FGMAGENTA% magenta
; %FGCYAN% cyan
; %FGWHITE% white
; Background colors
; %BGBLACK% black
; %BGRED% red
; %BGGREEN% green
; %BGYELLOW% yellow
; %BGBLUE% blue
; %BGMAGENTA% magenta
; %BGCYAN% cyan
; %BGWHITE% white
InfoHeader %CLRSCR%%BRIGHT%%FGRED%┌────────────────────────────────────────────────%FGYELLOW%The─FileHerald V1.00-T%FGRED%──────┐
InfoHeader │ %FGGREEN%Area overview%FGRED% │
InfoHeader ├─────┬────────────────────────────────┬───────┬────────┬───────┬────────────┤
InfoHeader │ %FGBLUE%No.%FGRED% │ %FGGREEN%Area description%FGRED% │ %FGMAGENTA%Files%FGRED% │ %FGCYAN%kBytes%FGRED% │ %FGBLUE%Dlds%FGRED% │ %FGMAGENTA%F'reqs%FGRED% │
InfoHeader ├─────┼────────────────────────────────┼───────┼────────┼───────┼────────────┤
; Information for each area:
; ~A = Areaname left justified [40 characters]
; ~B = Areaname right justified [40 characters]
; ~# = Areanumber [3 characters]
; ~L = Access level to that particular area [5 characters]
; ~+ = Minimum age for that area [3 characters]
; ~F = Actual number of files in that area [5 characters]
; ~G = Number of files in that area [5 characters]
; ~S = Size of all files in kBytes [6 characters]
; ~M = Size of all files in in MBytes [6 characters]
; ~D = Downloads from this area [6 characters]
; ~R = Filerequest status (short) [10 characters]
; Footer for the info file
; ~F = Total actual number of files [5 characters]
; ~G = Total number of files [5 characters]
; ~S = Size of all files in kBytes [6 characters]
; ~M = Size of all files in in MBytes [6 characters]
; ~D = Total downloads [6 characters]
; ~% = Current time
; ~$ = Current date
InfoFooter %BRIGHT%%FGRED%├─────┴────────────────────────────────┼───────┼────────┼───────┼────────────┤
InfoFooter │ %FGGREEN%Date : ~%/ ~$ Total:%FGRED% │ %FGMAGENTA%~F%FGRED% │ %FGCYAN%~S%FGRED% │%FGBLUE%~D%FGRED% │ │
InfoFooter └──────────────────────────────────────┴───────┴────────┴───────┴────────────┘
; Marks missing files
;MissingFile <lost> ; Default: <missing>
; Marks areas which allow requests
ShortReqOKMsg Anyone
; this is the long version
ReqOKMsg <Filerequests possible>
; Indicates that requests from this area are not allowed
ShortNoReqMsg None
; or the long version
NoReqMsg <No requests allowed>
; Shows in areas which allow requests with password
ShortPwdOnlyMsg Password
; and again the long version
PwdOnlyMsg <Filerequests with password>
; List of areas which allow no requests
;NoFileReq 1, 2, 3, "Internal"
; List of areas which allow password protected requests
;PwdFileReq 7, 9, "Adult-Area", "Point-Software"
; These areas will not be listed. Enter area numbers, full names enclosed
; in double quotes or a regular expression in single quotes. Names and
; expressions are not case sensitive.
; Numbers may be entered like 1, 2-, -7 or 1 - 7
;SkipList 1, 3, 6, "Pictures", 'CD-ROM*'
; You can specify one or more header files here, seperated by kommas. They
; will be put before the lists.
; This template file defines the look of every area header.
; These footer files will be put under the list. Enter one or more names,
; seperated by kommas, here. Of course their length fullfill the same terms
; as for the headers.
; By default only the filename and its description shows in each line.
; You can put these additional information in it:
; SIZE File size
; DATE Date of upload
; TIME Time of upload
;ListLineFormat SIZE, DATE,TIME
ListLineFormat SIZE, DATE
; Maximum number of lines per description. 0 means don't care
ListMaxLines 0 ; Default: 1
; Maximum number of characters per line
;ListLineLen 78 ; Default: 78
; This allows you to start a new line or strip the rest of descriptions
; ListEOLMark Uploader: ; cuts "Uploader:" away
; ListEOLMark ~Uploader: ; begins a new line before "Uploader:"
ListEOLMark Uploader:
; Defines the look of the file names:
; IGNORE : No changes
; CAPITALIZE: Capitalize characters
; LOWERCASE : Convert to lower case characters
;ListFileCase CAPITALIZE ; Default: IGNORE
;ListFileFormat DOS ; Default: DEFAULT
; What happens to the counters:
; IGNORE : No changes
; STRIP : Cuts 'em off
;ListDLCounter STRIP
; Order of the filenames:
; ALPHA: Ascending by names
; SIZE : Ascending by size
; DATE : Ascending by date
; NEW : New files first
; "!" reverses the order: !ALPHA !DATE
; IGNORE: No sorting
;ListOrder ALPHA, NEW
; Creates justified descriptions (looks great :-))
;DescrJustified YES ; Default: NO
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; That's it. Have fun :-))
; Norbert Schlia,
; Sysop of MUSIC-BBS Karlsruhe, 2:248/504