Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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286 lines
// chat_mode:
// this replaces the original chatmode found in original HOST.SLT
// entry values:
// local_stat = local_mode (is this a local mode test?)
// carrier_stat = carrier_counts (should we look out CD line?)
// capture_fname: capture file name
// return values:
// 0: normal exit by pressing F2
// 1: sysop press HOME to exit HOSTBBS
// 2: sysop press END to terminate user
// 3: connection is mysteriously lost
int local_mode, in_chat_mode;
int finished_caller, exit_requested, carrier_counts, kill_user;
str capfname[64];
main(int local_stat, int carrier_stat, str capture_fname)
str trail[85], chat_buffer[85];
int j, c;
local_mode = local_stat;
carrier_counts = carrier_stat;
capfname = capture_fname;
in_chat_mode = 1;
finished_caller = 0;
exit_requested = 0;
kill_user = 0;
trail = "";
host_send("^M^J^M^J--- SysOp Initiated Chat ---^M^J^M^J");
do {
chat_buffer = ""; // clear chat buffer
if (strlen(trail) > 0) { // there is word from previous line
host_send(trail); // display it and copy it to
substr(trail, 0, strlen(trail), chat_buffer);
host_input_strn(chat_buffer, 79, strlen(trail));
trail = "";
host_input_strn(chat_buffer, 79, 0);
if (finished_caller) {
if (exit_requested) // sysop press HOME
return 1;
else if (kill_user) // sysop press END
return 2;
else // connection lost
return 3;
if (!in_chat_mode) { // chat mode terminated by F2
host_send("^M^J^M^J--- Chat Finished ---^M^J^M^J");
host_send("Please press <RET> to continue...");
c = 0;
do {
c = host_input();
} while (c != '^M' && !finished_caller);
if (finished_caller) {
if (exit_requested) // sysop press HOME
return 1;
else if (kill_user) // sysop press END
return 2;
else // connection lost
return 3;
else return 0;
if (strlen(chat_buffer) == 79) { // line buffer is full
j = strlen(chat_buffer) - 1; // so remove the last word
while (subchr(chat_buffer, j) != ' ' // move before last word
&& j > 0)
--j; // point j to the first space just before the last word
substr(chat_buffer, j + 1, 80, trail); // copy the last word to trail
while (j < strlen(chat_buffer)){ // erase the last word
host_send_c(8); // in current line on screen
} while (1);
} // chat_mode
// host_send sends the specified string through two routes:
// 1) terminal emulator, so that ANSI codes can be interpreted locally
// 2) modem port
host_send(str outstr)
if (!local_mode)
cputs(outstr); // sends to modem port
printsc_trm(outstr); // sends to screen through terminal emulator
// host_send_c sends the specified character through two routes:
// 1) screen
// 2) modem port
host_send_c(int chr)
str c_str[2];
setchr(c_str, 0, chr);
setchr(c_str, 1, 0);
if (!local_mode)
cputc(chr); // sends to modem port
printsc_trm(c_str); // sends to terminal emulator of host
// host_input_strn waits the sysop/user to input a string or press <CR>
// return value = 1 if string is not empty
// 0 if string is empty
host_input_strn(str buf, int maximum, int start_point)
int i, j, key;
i = start_point;
while (1) { // endless loop until... lets see...
key = host_input(); // key is from host or user
if (!key) { // timeout or user disconnect
setchr(buf, 0, 0); // set string to empty
return 0; // indicate there is a problem
if (key == '^M') { // Carriage return pressed
host_send("^J"); // advance one more line
setchr(buf, 0, 0); // and clear the buffer
break; // out of the endless loop
if (key == 127 || key == 8) { // Backspace or Del
if (i) { // if something has been typed
host_send_c(key); // erase one character backwards
continue; // continue the endless loop
} // if Backspace or Del
if (key == 9) { // Horizontal Tab is converted to up to
j = 5; // five blanks.
while (i < maximum && j > 0){
setchr(buf, i, ' ');// put char into buffer and
host_send_c(' ');
if (key == 24) { // Ctrl-X key pressed by user
while (i >= 0) { // move cursor to starting point
i = 0; // reset i
if (i < maximum) { // if not more than buffer size
setchr(buf, i, key); // put char into buffer and
++i; // take a note about number of characters
if (i == maximum) // if maximum count is reached
} // the while endless loop
setchr(buf, i, '^0'); // mark the end of string
if (subchr(buf, 0)) // if this is not an empty string
return 1; // then return 1
else // this is an empty string
return 0; // so return 0
} // host_input_strn
// host input function does this:
// it starts up a timer to 5 minutes then enters an endless loop
// (No time limit if SysOp is calling this board)
// waiting for character coming from keyboard or comm port.
// any character presented in the keyboard or comm port will terminate
// the endless loop by doing the following:
// Keyboard character (from SysOp, of course):
// HOME -- sysop wants to exit the session
// END -- sysop kicks the user out (kill user)
// F1 -- sysop initiates chat mode
// F2 -- sysop terminates chat mode
// F3 -- sysop check incoming user's basic data
// All other char except BS & Del -- sends to screen & modem
// Comm port character (from User, of course):
// All other char except BS & Del -- sends to screen & modem
// return value = 0 if inactivity is too long or connection is lost
// return value = ASCII value
int c, t, curt, capst;
while (1) {
if (carrier_counts && !carrier()) {
prints("^M^JConnection has been lost, call terminated.^M^J");
finished_caller = 1;
return 0;
if ((c = inkey()) != 0) { // if keyboard buffer is not empty
if (c <= 255) {
if (c != 8 && c != 127 && c != 9) // backspace & delete & tab
host_send_c(c); // sends the character to screen & modem
return c;
else if (c == 0x4700) { // HOME key, sysop wants to exit
finished_caller = 1;
exit_requested = 1;
return 0;
else if (c == 0x4f00) { // END key, temrinate user
prints("^M^JUser terminated!");
ustamp("Terminated by SysOp", 1, 1);
if (carrier_counts)
finished_caller = 1;
kill_user = 1;
return 0;
// F1 (sysop initiate chat) is disabled
else if (c == 0x3c00) { // F2 key --> sysop terminate chat
in_chat_mode = 0;
return 0;
// F3 (display user's data) is disabled
else if (c == 0x3e00) { // F4 key --> capture on/off
capst = capture_stat();
if (capst == 0) // capture file is currently closed
capture(capfname); // so open a capture file
else if (capst == 1 || capst == 2) // capture file is currently open
capture("*CLOSE*"); // so close it
else if (c == 0x3f00) { // F5 key --> capture pause/unpause
capst = capture_stat();
if (capst == 1) // capture file is currently open
capture("*PAUSE*"); // so pause it
else if (capst == 2) // capture file is open and paused
capture("*UNPAUSE*"); // so unpause it
// F6 (reset caller's time) is disabled
} // if keyboard buffer is not empty
if (!local_mode) // if this is not a local test
if (cinp_cnt()) { // and if something is in the comm buffer
c = cgetc(); // then read that character
if (c != 8 && c != 127 && c != 9) // backspace & delete & tab
host_send_c(c); // sends the character to screen & modem (echo)
return c;
} // while
} // host_input