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357 lines
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Deluxe Fullscreen ANSI Message Editing Utility
For RemoteAccess v2.xx, & QuickBBS Compatibles
│░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓ IceEdit Feature & Fix History ▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░│
! EDITCFG would not allow you to edit the last three fields in the display
location setup. Fixed.
! If CTRL-W was enabled to activate quote window, then quote option on the
help menu wouldn't work. Fixed.
* IceEdit can now be configured to suspend time while the user is writing a
* INSERT MODE status field can now be enabled/disabled, and moved to different
screen locations.
* Time limit field can now be enabled/disabled.
* Added definable brackets & colours around menu options.
* Field headers will now move with actual field information. ie. If you were
to move the entire "FROM" information over 3 spaces, the actual "FROM"
would move aswell.
* Completely configurable program header (MSGHDR.ANS)!
* Information fields now have configurable screen locations!
* Look 'n feel of configuration changed slightly, windows are now
highlighted/darkened depending on whether or not they are active.
* Quote activation code can now be configured as either CTRL-Q or CTRL-W
* Documentation updated to reflect new registration and support sites.
* Errorlevels can now be disabled for BBS packages which use the errorlevels
for other purposes (ie TeleGard).
* Speller scan order on menu re-arranged to default to entire message rather
than single page.
! Multitasking routines which were introduced in last version have been
re-organized, due to lag created when run under some multitasking
! IceEdit would not correctly read in the true QBBS MSG.INF file, as format
differs slightly from the RemoteAccess format. Fixed.
* Option added to allow the sysop to configure whether or not pipecodes
should be left as normal (TG users), or converted to ansi (RA users).
* Colour codes ( ` and | ) will now be stripped from override configuration,
and from areaname when the main program is run (TG users).
* Tagline database name has been taken out of the configuration program,
filename is now hardcoded as ICETAG.[group]
* Toggles added to allow SysOp to turn certain fields on the screen on and
* IceEdit will now terminate with an errorlevel - 0 if message was saved
successfully; 1 if message was aborted.
* Kludgeline filtering is now available for BBS packages which export
kludges to quoted text (ie. QBBS and TG)
* Added additional colour configuration.
! Double space indent when quoting non-formatted text has been fixed.
! Extra long macros would get truncated when typed on main editing screen.
! Using DOOR.SYS support would intermittantly cause the screen to blank
and/or random ascii to be displayed. Fixed.
* Added dorinfox.def support for ProBoard users.
* Added message override configuration for ProBoard users.
* Configuration program has been re-organized.
* Macro trigger configuration added.
* Commandline parameter help added. (/?)
* IceEdit will no longer censor those with SysOp security, as defined in
* Tagline database scrolling added! Users can scroll through entire
database, perform line jumps and keyword searches!
* Message header support added for BBS packages which do not have
configurable message headers.
* Lockup in quote window fixed.
* PathScan routines added, IceEdit will scan it's execution path to find
configuration files if environment variable doesn't exist.
* IceEdit will not delete the quote text file if being run from BlueWave.
* Dictionary "Word Selection Window" now uses a scroll similar to the quote
* Spellcheck at save can be disabled using EditCfg.
* Built in colour scheme configuration added to EditCfg.
* PgUp & PgDn fixed in Quote window.
* When you hit enter in the quote window, the text would be placed in your
main editing buffer but intermittantly wouldn't be drawn on the screen.
* IceEdit used to leave an "In Use" type flag in it's directory if it
crashed, resulting in failed attempts to execute IceEdit once system
was rebooted. Fixed.
* Menu option system completely redesigned; lightbar selector as well as
hotkeys are available.
* Lightbar color configuration added.
* Color configuration routines in EditCfg reorganized.
* IceEdit will now keep the original "Quote Initials" when it reformats
text to prevent "chainsaw effect".
* Program Registration Status and Information screen added into help
menu in ICEEDIT.EXE.
* Status Line added to help screens so that the SysOp can still identify
the user even if they are not on the main editing screen.
* Menu system in ICEEDIT rearranged to improve organization.
* Help system in EDITCFG has been improved.
* Occasionally tagline selecting routine in IceEdit.Exe would give the file
header information ("IceEdit Tagline File - By Jeremy Landvoigt") as a
possible tagline to select. Fixed.
* Conversion utilility would give RTE #5 if a tagline file existed. Fixed.
* Keyboard timeout disabled in local mode.
* The node number which the user is currently logged into is now displayed
on the main editing screen.
* IceEdit will now report that one node is in use if the program is accessed
with the same node number in a different window, rather than reporting
RTE #162.
* Quote Buffer expanded to hold as much quoted text as there is, rather
than the 300 line limit.
* Quote routines re-written to allow the user to choose line to be quoted
without scrolling the entire buffer up or down every time up or down is
* Up to ten random taglines can be selected when user opts to save the
message, rather than only displaying a single tagline.
* Message override file option created so that SysOps can toggle taglines,
ANSi, Censoring, etc for specific message bases.
* EditCfg macro editing routine re-written to allow for a continuous
scrolling window rather than five pages.
* Unregistered SysOps are limited to 23 macros. (Registered version allows
115 macros).
* Tagline Manager added to Add, Delete, Import, and Edit available taglines.
* If quoting text, and quoted text exceeded the screen length, IceEdit
would change pages once quote selector was exited. In addition, the page
change would not position the cursor directly below quoted text. Fixed.
* Routines added to reformat quoted text. Some editors (such as DOS EDIT)
when used in conjunction with BlueWave cause messages to be afflicted
with what is commonly known as the "Chainsaw Effect", caused by Hard
Returns. IceEdit will now reformat quoted text to remove this annoying
* Multiple line textfiles (such as sigs) can now be imported using the
Function keys.
* Offline mail reader support updated.
* Tagline structures re-written to decrease size of compiled tagline
* Spell checker will now scan entire message, rather than only the current
* IceEdit will now prompt for spell checking when the user chooses to save
their message.
* Censor routines completely re-written to prevent the censoring of
sub-words .. eg ("ass" in 'assume').
* IceEdit will now delete MSGINF file once the message information is read
* Keyboard timeout routines added.
* Added BLACK to the colour pipe code routines.
* ESC routine fixed so that remote users only need to push ESC once for
menu bar to appear.
* IceEdit will now give the user a time limit warning when the user has 5
or less minutes left by emitting a double-beep (remote end only), making
time limit indicator blink, and giving a short message at the bottom
of the screen.
* IceEdit now has a line draw mode. The user can draw lines by moving the
cursor keys around in this mode. Four different line styles are available.
* IceEdit now has a toggle to disable taglines.
* IceEdit now supports multiple tagline files for different GROUPS (RA only).
* IceEdit now has a multiple line deletion buffer.
* Forced message writing parameter added, to disallow the message from
being aborted (useful for newuser questionnaires).
* Parameter for multinode systems to specify node number.
* After a word wrap occurred, the cursor would just forward and backward with
every keypress. Fixed.
* After a word wrap occurred, if a user attempted to backspace to a previous
line, the cursor would "slide" up the left margin. Fixed.
* Colour Selection routines in EditCfg have been modified to prevent system
lockups on some computers.
* IceEdit can now limit the number of quotes per message to prevent "quote-
happy" people from quoting excessively.
* IceEdit can now limit the percentage of Uppercase text in a message to
prevent CAP-LOCK happy people from writing annoying complete upcase
* SysOps can now use CTRL-LEFT and CTRL-RIGHT to move left and right from
word to word.
* File import feature would import text horizontally instead of vertically.
* Dictionary browsing added.
* Dictionary addition added from within the main program.
* IceEdit would save each line of text with a Hard-Return appended to it.
Fixed. (Soft return support added)
* IceEdit would not function properly with BBS's that didn't support the
MSGINF dropfile. Fixed.
* Macros can now be personalized so that either only SYSOPs, only ONE USER,
or everybody can use particular macros.
* Taglines can now be more easily disabled with a simple toggle.
* Some punctuation was being translated into the same colors as numbers or
UpperCase Text. Fixed.
* Quick-keys added. /A to quick-abort, /Q to quote text, /S to quick-save.
* PageUp & PageDown keys would place the cursor either three lines down from
the top or three lines up from the bottom. Fixed.
* If a key was typed when cursor was on the last character of a line of text,
the last character would be deleted and replaced with the new character,
instead of being pushed forward to make room for the new character. Fixed.
* Taglines are no longer stored as text, but are stored as a datafile that
can be compiled using EditCfg. This has been done to improve speed and
* Replacement strings added that can be used in taglines, macros, and SysOp
Function keys. Eg: @T = Current Time, @D = Today's Date, .. etc..
* Color configuration modified to use standard number assignments. Brown is
now included as an available color.
* Confirm abort toggle has been added to prevent accidental message erasure.
* Header & border color configuration added.
* CTRL-A replaced with ESCape key to bring up help menu.
* Imbedded filenames can now be put into message text and imported when the
message is saved.
* It is possible now to disable the Quote Color if you do not want Quoted
text to be treated differently.
* ANSi codes can be disrupted when they are being imported into IceEdit
(Either by SysOp file import, or Quoted text).
* Command line parameters added!