Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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@X1F│@X17 K M A I L H E L P S Y S T E M @X1F│@X02
@X0EHelp is available on the following Menu topics:@X02
@X0B[@X0EA@X0B] @X02Archive Type @X0B[@X0EO@X0B] @X02Own Messages
@X0B[@X0EB@X0B] @X02Bulletin Files @X0B[@X0EP@X0B] @X02PNT File
@X0B[@X0EC@X0B] @X02Select Conferences @X0B[@X0EQ@X0B] @X02Quit
@X0B[@X0ED@X0B] @X02Download Messages @X0B[@X0ER@X0B] @X02Reset Msg Pointers
@X0B[@X0EF@X0B] @X02New Files List @X0B[@X0ES@X0B] @X02Set ALL Msg Pointers
@X0B[@X0EG@X0B] @X02Goodbye @X0B[@X0ET@X0B] @X02Transfer Protocol
@X0B[@X0EK@X0B] @X02Kill PreZip @X0B[@X0EU@X0B] @X02Upload Messages
@X0B[@X0EM@X0B] @X02Message Limits @X0B[@X0EX@X0B] @X02Expert Mode
@X0B[@X0EN@X0B] @X02News File @X0B[@X0EY@X0B] @X02Scan Your Messages
@X0B[@X0EE@X0B] @X02Extended Services @X0B[@X0EGEN@X0B] @X02General Info
@X0BEnter your selection as indicated inside the square brackets.@X02
@X02Please type one of the indicated topics for additional help.
@X02Press @X0B<@X0EENTER@X0B> @X02alone to exit the help system.
@X0B(@X0EA@X0B) @X0FArchive:@X02
In order to save time the mail packet is compressed into an archive
before transmission. If the Sysop of this BBS has made more than one
compression method available, use this option to select your preference.
@X0B(@X0EB@X0B) @X0FBulletins:@X02
This is a Yes/No toggle switch. When set to Yes will cause to collect the
BBS bulletins from each conference you selected to scan and include them in
your mail packet. The offline RDR's have built in routines to display them.
@X0B(@X0EC@X0B) @X0FSelect Conferences:@X02
You will be presented one or more screens which show all available
conferences. When you select a conference for scanning, you must select
one of three methods of message scanning. They are:
(A)ll - Scan all messages.
(P)ersonal - Scan only personal messages to you.
(T)o All + Personal - Scan personal and "To All" messages.
In addition, you are given the opportunity to set your last- read
message pointer in each conference. Depending on the system and/or
conference, the number of available messages might range from perhaps a
100 to over several thousand, in which case you will probably want to
set your pointer somewhere near the higher end of available messages.
Note: Conferences may also be selected/unselected by creating messages
offline and addressing them to either KMAIL or QMAIL. Both EZ-RDR
and SLMR mail readers have options to create messages of the
proper format to perform this function.
@X0B(@X0ED@X0B) @X0FDownload Messages:@X02
This command starts the process of collecting messages from all of the
conferences that you have selected to scan. The messages and perhaps
other files such as NEWS and Bulletins are compressed into a file with
a .QWK extension and sent to you via your selected transfer protocol.
Should the need arise, you may abort the mail scan by entering CTRL-K.
@X0B(@X0EE@X0B) @X0FExtended Services:@X02
The extended services option allows you to subscribe to a specific set
of files. The list of files is determined by the system operator of this
system. There may be up to eight possible services with each service
containing multiple files. If available, files from the selected service
will be included within your mail packet.
@X0B(@X0EF@X0B) @X0FSend New Files List:@X02
This is a Yes/No toggle switch. When set to Yes will cause Kmail to
scan the BBS for files that have been uploaded since your last time on
the system and include this information in your mail packet.
@X0B(@X0EG@X0B) @X0FGoodbye@X02
This command may be entered at the main menu or as part of a stacked
command upon opening the door. It will log you off the system and hangup
the phone.
@X0B(@X0EGEN@X0B) @X0FGeneral Information:@X02
The purpose of a mail door is to quickly gather messages and other BBS
information into a downloadable "mail packet" which can then be viewed offline
at your convenience. This allows more time for you to do other things and also
allows more time for other users. Once you have become familiar with using the
KMail door, you may wish to try one of the following methods of quick starting
the door directly from the main PCBoard menu screen.
KMAIL D (Open Kmail, Download)
KMAIL D Y (Open Kmail, Download, Yes to Receive)
KMAIL D Y G (Open Kmail, Download, Yes to Receive, Goodbye)
KMAIL D G (Same as above but with 10 sec countdown to Goodbye)
KMAIL U (Open Kmail, Upload Replies)
@X0B(@X0EK@X0B) @X0FKill PreZip Packet:@X02
If you have a mail packet waiting that has been prezipped by the Sysop
this option may be used to delete the prezip mail packet if for some
reason you don't wish to receive it.
@X0B(@X0EN@X0B) @X0FSend System News File?@X02
This is a Yes/No toggle switch. When enabled will cause KMail to include
the NEWS file from the main system area in your mail packet. Depending on
the configuration of this system, you may receive the NEWS file with every
mail packet or only when it has been updated since your last call.
@X0B(@X0EM@X0B) @X0FMessage Limits:@X02
This option is used to adjust the number of messages per conference and
the TOTAL number of messages per mail packet that you wish to receive in
a single download. The System operator of this BBS has set a maximum value
for these fields based on your modem connect speed. This option would
normally be used when you wish to receive fewer messages than the system
defaults would send.
@X0B(@X0EO@X0B) @X0FDownload Own Messages?@X02
This is a Yes/No toggle switch. The question is asking if you want to
download messages that you have personally uploaded. In other words, do
you want to receive messages from yourself?
@X0B(@X0EP@X0B) @X0FProcess PNT File?@X02
This option is used to reset your message pointers back to that of a
previous day. Each mail packet that you download includes a file called
"bbsid.PNT" which contains a list of your current msg pointers. If a
need arises to restore your message pointers back to a previous day and
you have one or more .QWK packets available, simply extract the
bbsid.PNT file from the appropriate .QWK packet and use the (P) option
to upload the pointer file to KMail.
In addition, the "bbsid.PNT" file may be included within the REP packet
and it will be automatically processed during the upload. The processing
routine will ask if you want the message pointers reset to BEFORE or
AFTER the download the created the PNT file.
You may further automate the process by including a message to KMAIL and
a subject line of -- ( PNT: After or PNT: Before ) -- and the process
will complete automatically. The subject line is NOT case sensitive.
@X0B(@X0EQ@X0B) @X0FQuit@X02
This command will close the KMail door and return you to PCBoard.
@X0B(@X0ER@X0B) @X0FReset Msg Pointers?@X02
This option is used to adjust your last-read message pointer, as
required, in one or more conferences. The conference in question must
have been previously selected for scanning in order to reset the
pointer. One or more conference menu screens are presented which list
all available conferences.
Note: Last-read pointers may also be reset by creating offline messages
and addressing them to either KMAIL or QMAIL. Both EZ-RDR and
SLMR mail readers have options to create messages of the proper
format to perform this function.
@X0B(@X0ES@X0B) @X0FSet all Last-Read Ptr's?@X02
This option will set your last-read message pointer equal to the high
message # in each of your selected conferences. You will rarely if ever
need this function. It is provided in case the need arises.
@X0B(@X0ET@X0B) @X0FTransfer Protocol?@X02
The default transfer protocol is Zmodem. If the System Operator of this
BBS has made additional protocols available, use this option to select your
preferred protocol. A menu of available protocols will be presented.
@X0B(@X0EU@X0B) @X0FUpload Messages:@X02
If you have created messages or replies using an offline reader this
option is used to send them to the BBS for insertion into the
appropriate conference. KMail expects to receive a file with a .REP
extension. Messages are only accepted in conferences that you have
previously selected to scan.
@X0B(@X0EX@X0B) @X0FExpert Toggle:@X02
This is an On/Off toggle switch. When set to the On position, a
single command line showing a partial list of options is presented
rather than the full menu screen.
@X0B(@X0EY@X0B) @X0FD/L all Msgs addressed to YOU:@X02
This option will scan ALL selected conferences for messages addressed
specifically to you. The process starts with the lowest message in each
conference. Message pointers are not changed or altered in any way
during this function. This function is mainly used to obtain a complete
set of your messages in one packet.