Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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C/C++ Source or Header
927 lines
/* RemoteAccess 2.00 structures
Converted to C by Sterling Moses
June 1st 1993
FIDONET (1:301/9)
#define byte unsigned char
#define word unsigned int
typedef enum {Yes,No,Ask,Only} AskType;
typedef enum {Auto,Short,Long} VideoType;
typedef enum {LocalMail,NetMail,EchoMail} MsgType;
typedef enum {Both,Private,Public,ROnly,NoReply} MsgKindsType;
typedef enum {Ignore,Create,Kill} OrphanType;
typedef byte FlagType[4];
char *RAEnvr;
//#pragma pack (1)
typedef struct GROUP
char Unused[2];
byte NameSize;
char Name[40];
word Security;
FlagType Flags;
FlagType NotFlags;
byte freespace[100];
typedef struct FILES {
byte Unused[4];
byte NameSize;
char Name[40];
byte Attrib1; /*
0: Include in new files scan
1: Include in upload dupe scan
2: Permit long descriptions
3: Area is on CD-ROM
4: All files are FREE
5: Allow DLs not in FDB
6: Allow users to password uploads
7: Scan uploads } */
byte FilePathSize;
char FilePath[40];
word KillsDaysDL;
word KillDaysFD;
byte PasswordSize;
char Password[15];
word MoveArea;
byte Age;
byte ConvertExt;
word Group;
byte Attrib2; // BIT 0 : Include in all groups
word DefCost;
word UploadArea;
word UploadSecurity;
FlagType UploadFlags;
FlagType UploadNotFlags;
word DownloadSecurity;
FlagType DownloadFlags;
FlagType DownloadNotFlags;
word ListSecurity;
FlagType ListFlags;
FlagType ListNotFlags;
word AltGroup[3];
byte Device;
byte FreeSpace[13];
typedef struct FILESHDR {
byte NameSize;
char Name[12];
long int Size;
long int CRC32;
byte UploaderLength;
char Uploader[35];
long int UploadDate;
long int FileDate;
long int LastDL;
word TimesDL;
byte Attrib1; /*
0: Deleted
1: Unlisted
2: Free (don't adjust ratio) - Does NOT affect "Cost"
3: Not available (don't allow downloads)
4: Locked (no kill)
5: Missing/offline
6: No time restrictions - always allow DL */
byte PasswordLength;
char Password[15];
struct { byte DescLength;
char Desc[15];
} KeyWord[5];
word Cost;
long int LongDesc;
byte FreeSpace[20];
typedef struct FILESIDX {
byte NameLength;
char Name[12];
long int UploadDate;
long int KeyWordCRC[5];
long int LongDesc;
typedef struct MESSAGE {
byte unused[4];
byte NameSize;
char Name[40];
MsgType typ;
MsgKindsType msgkinds; // Attributes
byte attribute;
// Bit 0 : Enable EchoInfo
// 1 : Combined access
// 2 : File attaches
// 3 : Allow aliases
// 4 : Use SoftCRs as characters
// 5 : Force handle
// 6 : Allow deletes
// 7 : Is a JAM area
byte recvkill; // { Kill older thax 'X' days }
byte dayskill; // { Kill recv msgs for more than 'x' days }
word countkill;
word readsecurity;
FlagType readflags;
FlagType readnotflags;
word writesec;
FlagType writeflags;
FlagType writenotflags;
word sysopsec;
FlagType sysopflags;
FlagType sysopnotflags;
byte l2;
char originline[60];
byte akaaddress;
byte age;
byte l3;
char jambase[58];
// char jambase[60];
word Group;
word AltGroup[3];
byte attribute2; // BIT 0 : Include all groups
byte freespace2[9];
typedef struct {
byte l1;
char Time[5];
typedef struct {
byte l1;
char Date[8];
typedef struct {
byte l1;
char LongDate[9];
typedef byte ByteArray32[32];
typedef struct{
word Zone;
word Net;
word Node;
word Point;
typedef struct{ /* LIMITS.RA */
word Security;
word Ltime;
word L300;
word L1200;
word L2400;
word L4800;
word L7200;
word L9600;
word L12000;
word L14400;
word L16800;
word L19200;
word L38400;
word Llocal;
word RatioNum;
word RatioK;
int PerMinCost[3];
byte FreeSpace[42];
typedef struct{ /* LANGUAGE.RA */
byte l1;
char Name[20];
byte Attribute;
byte l2;
char DefName[60];
byte l3;
char MenuPath[60];
byte l4;
char TextPath[60];
byte l5;
char QuesPath[60];
word Security;
FlagType Flags;
FlagType NotFlagsMask;
byte FreeSpace[190];
typedef struct { /* MSGINFO.BBS */
word lowmsg;
word highmsg;
word totalmsgs;
word totalonboard[200];
typedef struct { /* MSGIDX.BBS */
int msgnum;
byte board;
typedef struct {
byte l1;
char string[35];
typedef struct { /* MSGHDR.BBS */
int msgnum;
word prevreply;
word nextreply;
word timesread;
word startblock;
word numblocks;
word destnet;
word destnode;
word orignet;
word orignode;
byte destzone;
byte origzone;
word cost;
byte msgattr;
byte netattr;
byte board;
TIME posttime;
DATE postdate;
MSGTOIDX whofrom;
byte l1;
char subject[72];
typedef struct {
byte l1;
char text[255];
typedef struct { /* USERON.BBS */
MSGTOIDX handle;
byte line;
word baud;
byte l1;
char city[25];
byte status;
byte attribute;
byte l2;
char statdesc[10];
byte freespace[98];
word nocalls;
Status byte - 0 : Browsing (in a menu)
1 : Uploading/downloading
2 : Reading/posting messages
3 : In a door/external utility
4 : Chatting with sysop
5 : Answering questionnaire
6 : RTC
7 : New user logon
255 : User-defined - display StatDesc
Attribute - Bit 0 : Hidden
1 : Wants chat
2 : Reserved for RANETMGR
3 : Do not disturb flag
6 : Ready (0=busy) }
typedef struct { /* LASTCALL.BBS */
byte line;
byte l1;
char city[25];
word baud;
long int times;
TIME logon;
TIME logoff;
byte attribute; /* BIT 0 : Hidden */
typedef word LASTREAD[200];
typedef struct {
long int namecrc32;
long int handlecrc32;
typedef word COMBINED[200];
typedef struct {
byte l1;
char location[25];
byte l2;
char organization[50];
byte l3;
char address1[50];
byte l4;
char address2[50];
byte l5;
char address3[50];
byte l6;
char handle[35];
byte l7;
char comment[80];
long int passwordcrc;
byte l8;
char dataphone[15];
byte l9;
char voicephone[15];
TIME lasttime;
DATE lastdate;
byte attribute;
{ Bit 0 : Deleted
1 : Clear screen
2 : More prompt
3 : ANSI
4 : No-kill
5 : Xfer priority
6 : Full screen msg editor
7 : Quiet mode }
byte Attribute2;
{ Bit 0 : Hot-keys
1 : AVT/0
2 : Full screen message viewer
3 : Hidden from userlist
4 : Page priority
5 : No echomail in mailbox scan
6 : Guest account
7 : Post bill enabled }
FlagType flags;
long int credit;
long int pending;
word msgsposted;
word security;
long int lastread;
long int nocalls;
long int uploads;
long int downloads;
long int uploadsk;
long int downloadsk;
long int todayk;
int elapsed;
word screenlength;
byte lastpwdchange;
word group;
COMBINED combinedinfo;
DATE firstdate;
DATE birthdate;
DATE subdate;
byte screenwidth;
byte language;
byte dateformat;
byte l10;
char forwardto[35];
word msgarea;
word filearea;
char defualtprot;
word filegroup;
byte lastdobcheck;
byte sex;
long int XIrecord;
word msggroup;
byte freespace[48];
typedef struct {
byte freespace[200];
typedef struct {
long int totalcalls;
MSGTOIDX lastcaller;
byte extraspace[128];
typedef struct {
DATE startdate;
word busyperhour[24];
word busyperday[7];
typedef struct {
byte typ;
word security;
word maxsec;
FlagType notflagsmask;
FlagType flags;
word timeleft;
word timeused;
byte age;
byte termattrib; /* BIT 0 : ANSI | BIT 1 : AVT */
long int minspeed;
long int maxspeed;
long int credit;
long int optioncost;
long int permincost;
ByteArray32 node;
ByteArray32 group;
word starttime[7];
word stoptime[7];
byte l1;
char display[135];
byte l2;
char hotkey[8];
byte l3;
char miscdata[135];
byte foreground;
byte background;
byte freespace[50];
typedef struct {
byte status; // 0=Deleted 1=Enabled 2=Disabled
TIME starttime;
byte errorlevel;
byte days;
byte forced; // 0=False 1=True
DATE lastrun;
typedef struct {
byte l1;
char name[8];
byte l2;
char parent[8];
byte l3;
char desc[70];
byte attrib;
/* Bit 0 : Private
1 : Unlisted
2 : Global
3 : Permanent
4 : Use handles
byte l4;
char moderator[35];
byte l5;
char language[20];
byte l6;
char password[15];
word security;
FlagType flags;
byte numnodes;
byte active[250];
byte child[250];
FlagType notflagsmask;
byte freespace[96];
typedef struct {
byte comport;
byte inittries;
word buffersize;
word modemdelay;
long int maxspeed;
byte sendbreak;
byte lockmodem;
byte answerphone;
byte offhook;
byte l1;
char initStr[70];
byte l2;
char initStr2[70];
byte l3;
char busyStr[70];
byte l4;
char initResp[40];
byte l5;
char busyResp[40];
byte l6;
char connect300[40];
byte l7;
char connect1200[40];
byte l8;
char connect2400[40];
byte l9;
char connect4800[40];
byte l10;
char connect7200[40];
byte l11;
char connect9600[40];
byte l12;
char connect12k[40];
byte l13;
char connect14k[40];
byte l14;
char connect16k[40];
byte l15;
char connect19k[40];
byte l16;
char connect38k[40];
byte l17;
char connectFax[40];
byte l18;
char ringStr[20];
byte l19;
char answerStr[20];
byte l20;
char errorfreestring[15];
byte freespace[300];
typedef struct {
byte l1;
char extension[3];
byte l2;
char unpackcmd[60];
byte l3;
char packcmd[60];
typedef struct {
word Baud;
TIMELOG TimeLogInfo;
USERS UserInfo;
EVENT EventInfo;
byte NetMailEntered; //Boolean
byte EchoMailEntered; //Boolean
TIME LoginTime;
DATE LoginDate;
word TimeLimit;
long int LoginSec;
int UserRecord;
word ReadThru;
word NumberPages;
word DownloadLimit;
TIME TimeOfCreation;
long int LogonPasswordCRC;
byte WantChat; //Boolean
int DeductedTime;
struct {
byte l1;
char stack[8];
byte MenuStackPointer;
byte ErrorFreeConnect; //Boolean
byte SysopNext; //Boolean
byte EMSI_Session; //Boolean
byte l1;
char EMSI_Crtdef[40];
byte l2;
char EMSI_Protocols[40];
byte l3;
char EMSI_Capabilities[40];
byte l4;
char EMSI_Requests[40];
byte l5;
char EMSI_Software[40];
byte Hold_attr1;
byte Hold_attr2;
byte Hold_Len;
byte l6;
char PageReason[80];
byte StatusLine;
byte ExtraSpace[99];
typedef struct {
byte l1;
char name[15];
char ActiveKey;
byte OpusTypeCtlFile; //Boolean
byte BatchAvailable; //Boolean
byte Attribute; // 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled
byte l2;
char LogFileName[80];
byte l3;
char CtlFileName[80];
byte l4;
char DnCmdString[80];
byte l5;
char DnCtlString[80];
byte l6;
char UpCmdString[80];
byte l7;
char UpCtlString[80];
byte l8;
char UpLogKeyword[20];
byte l9;
char DnLogKeyword[20];
byte XferDescWordNum;
byte XferNameWordNum;
typedef struct CONFIG {
word versionID;
byte xCommPort;
long int xBaud;
byte xInitTries;
byte l1;
char xinitStr[70];
byte l2;
char xbusyStr[70];
byte l3;
char xInitResp[40];
byte l4;
char xBusyResp[40];
byte l5;
char xConnect300[40];
byte l6;
char xConnect1200[40];
byte l7;
char xConnect2400[40];
byte l8;
char xConnect4800[40];
byte l9;
char xConnect9600[40];
byte l10;
char xConnect19k[40];
byte l11;
char xConnect38k[40];
byte xAnswerPhone; // 1=TRUE 0=FALSE
byte l12;
char xRing[20];
byte l13;
char xAnswerStr[20];
byte xFlushBuffer;
int xModemDelay;
word minBaud;
word graphicsBaud;
word TransferBaud;
TIME SlowBaudTimeStart;
TIME SlowBaudTimeEnd;
TIME DownloadTimeStart;
TIME DownloadTimeEnd;
TIME PageStart[7];
TIME PageEnd[7];
byte l14;
char SeriNum[22];
byte l15;
char CustNum[22];
byte FreeSpace1[24];
word PwdExpiry;
byte l16;
char MenuPath[60];
byte l17;
char TextPath[60];
byte l18;
char AttachPath[60];
byte l19;
char NodelistPath[60];
byte l20;
char MsgBasePath[60];
byte l21;
char SysPath[60];
byte l22;
char ExternalEdCmd[60];
NETADDRESS address[10];
byte l23;
char SystemName[30];
word NewSecurity;
word NewCredit;
FlagType NewFlags;
byte l24;
char OriginLine[60];
byte l25;
char QuoteString[15];
byte l26;
char Sysop[35];
byte l27;
char LogFileName[60];
byte Fastlogon; // 0=False 1=True
byte AllowSysRem; // 0=False 1=True
byte MonoMode; // 0=False 1=True
byte StrictPwdChecking; // 0=False 1=True
byte DirectWrite; // 0=False 1=True
byte SnowCheck; // 0=False 1=True
int CreditFactor;
word UserTimeOut;
word LogonTime;
word PasswordTries;
word MaxPage;
word PageLength;
byte CheckMultiLogon; // 0=False 1=True
byte ExcludeSysop; // 0=False 1=True
byte OneWordNames; // 0=False 1=True
AskType CheckMail;
byte AskVoice; // 0=False 1=True
byte AskData; // 0=False 1=True
byte FullMailCheck; // 0=False 1=True
byte FileShells; // 0=False 1=True
byte FixUploadDates; // 0=False 1=True
byte FreezeChat; // 0=False 1=True
AskType ANSI;
AskType ClearScr;
AskType MorePrompt;
byte UploadMsgs; //Boolean
AskType KillSent;
word CrashAskSec; // Min sec# to ask 'Crash Mail?'
FlagType CrashAskFlags;
word CrashSec; // Min sec# to always send crash mail.
FlagType CrashFlags;
word FAttachSec; // Min sec# to ask 'File Attach?'
FlagType FAttachFlags;
byte NormFore;
byte NormBack;
byte StatFore;
byte StatBack;
byte HiBack;
byte HiFore;
byte WindFore;
byte WindBack;
byte ExitLocal;
byte Exit300;
byte Exit1200;
byte Exit2400;
byte Exit4800;
byte Exit9600;
byte Exit19k;
byte Exit38k;
byte MultiLine; //Boolean
byte MinPwdLen;
word MinUpSpace;
AskType HotKeys;
byte BorderFore;
byte BorderBack;
byte BarFore;
byte BarBack;
byte LogStyle;
byte MultiTasker;
byte PwdBoard;
word xBufferSize;
struct {
byte l1;
char string[60];
} Fkeys[10];
byte WhyPage; //Boolean
byte LeaveMsg;
byte ShowMissingFiles; //Boolean
byte xLockModem; //Boolean
byte FreeSpace2[10];
byte AllowNetMailReplies; //Boolean
byte l28;
char LogonPrompt[40];
AskType CheckNewFiles;
byte l29;
char ReplyHeader[60];
byte BlankSecs;
byte ProtocolAttrib[6];
byte l30;
char xErrorFreeString[15];
byte xDefualtCombined[25];
word RenumThreshold;
char LeftBracket;
char RightBracket;
byte AskForHandle; //Boolean
byte AskForBirthdate; //Boolean
word GroupMailSec;
byte ConfirmMsgDeletes; //Boolean
byte FreeSpace4[30];
byte l31;
char TempScanDir[60];
AskType ScanNow;
byte xUnknownArcAction; // Bit 0: Mark Deleted
byte xFailedUnpackAction; // Bit 1: Mark Unlisted
byte FailedScanAction; // Bit 2: Mark NotAvail
word xUnknownArcArea;
word xFailedScanArea;
word FailedScanArea;
byte l32;
char ScanCmd[60];
byte xDeductIfUnknown; //Boolean
byte NewUserGroup;
byte BadPwdArea;
byte l33;
char Location[40];
byte DoAfterAction; // 0=wait for CR,
// > 0=wait for x seconds
byte l34;
char OldFileLine[40];
byte CRfore;
byte CRback;
byte l35;
char LangHdr[40];
byte xSendBreak; //Boolean
byte l36;
char ListPath[60];
AskType FullMsgView;
AskType EMSI_Enable;
byte EMSI_NewUser; //Boolean
byte l37;
char EchoChar[1];
byte l38;
char xConnect7200[40];
byte l39;
char xConnect12000[40];
byte l40;
char xConnect14400[40];
byte Exit7200;
byte Exit12000;
byte Exit14400;
byte l41;
char ChatCommand[60];
AskType ExtEd;
byte NewuserLang;
byte l42;
char LangPrompt[40];
VideoType VideoMode;
byte AutoDetectAnsi; // Boolean
byte xOffHook; // Boolean
byte NewuserDateFormat;
byte l43;
char KeyboardPwd[15];
byte CapLocation; // Boolean
byte NewuserSub;
byte l44;
char PrinterName[4];
byte HilitePromptFore;
byte HilitePromptBack;
byte l45;
char xInitStr2[70];
byte AltJSwap; // Boolean
byte l46;
char SemPath[47];
// char SemPath[60];
byte AutoChatCapture; // Boolean
byte FDBPathSize;
char FDBPath[60];
byte NewFileTag; // Boolean
byte IgnoreDupeExt; // Boolean
byte l48;
char TempCdFilePath[60];
byte TagFore;
byte TagBack;
byte l49;
char xConnect16k[40];
byte Exit16k;
byte FilePayback;
byte l50;
char FileLine[200];
byte l51;
char FileMissingLine[200];
byte NewUserULCredit;
word NewUserULCreditk;
ARC ArcInfo[10];
struct {
byte l1;
char string[60];
} RaMgrAltFKeys[5];
byte l52;
char ArcViewCmd[60];
byte l53;
char xConnectFax[40];
byte ExitFax;
byte UseXMS; // Boolean
byte UseEMS; // Boolean
byte CheckDOB;
AskType EchoCheck;
word ccSec;
word ReturnRecSec;
byte HonourNetReq; // Boolean
COMBINED DefaultCombined;
byte AskForSex; // Boolean
byte AskForAddress; // Boolean
AskType DLdesc;
byte NewPhoneScan; // Boolean
byte FutureExpansion[585];
// byte FutureExpansion[587];
//#pragma pack ()