Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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173 lines
1.00 17mar90 First public release.
1.01 30mar90 Added, Search for string, Tag and Mass move.
1.02 12apr90 Added view file and enhanced the move and copy.
You will need "LIST.COM" and "SHEZ.EXE" to use
the ALT-V command. Fixed bug with copy or move
not having enough space.
1.03 29apr90 Minor bug fixes.
1.04a 15may90 Removed prompt in mass move. Added checking to
make sure there is enough room for the file to be
copied and FILES.BBS to be modified on destination.
Fixed problem with mass move when entries were not
on the screen.
1.04b 19may90 Added to commands ("," and "."). Changed operation
of quit command slightly.
1.04c 24may90 Fixed bug with quit command. (NQN)
1.04d 06jun90 Increased number of columns in area display. Added
new commands in area selection.
1.05a 23jun90 Added ALT-F command, to force SHEZ on a file with
an improper extension.
1.05b 30jun90 Added *NEW* way to change areas. (Start spelling
the area)
1.05c 03jul90 Added ':' to area mask. Changed quit in area
selection to allow quick quitting.
1.05d 15aug90 Changed the save procedure to start the description
at position 14.
1.06a 20aug90 Added support for three line descriptions. Fixed
several bugs. (^Q)
1.06b 30aug90 Fixed problem with case sensitivity in area table.
1.06c 06sep90 Added ability to quote keys in description edit.
This is done with the ^Q key.
1.06d 07sep90 Fixed problem with "BuildList" properly identifying
1.06e 08sep90 Changed insert command, to only insert a blank.
1.07a 11oct90 Changed tagging to also move down. Fixed problem
with area select #1 key.
1.07b 22oct90 Fixed problem, when killing top entry the display
show the killed list over and over to fill the
screen. The TopEntry was not updated properly.
In released version 1.07, the file AREA.INC was
1.07c 26oct90 Fixed problem with "BuildList" properly identifying
comments. (again)
1.07d 27oct90 Fixed problem with "FreeSpace" showing 0k free.
1.07e 29oct90 Fixed problem with only filename.
1.08a 07nov90 Tick release of 1.08 in SDSMAX.
1.08b 23nov90 Added CTRL-X command to copy the description from
the record above.
1.08c 26nov90 Added ability to specify AREAS.CTL's name.
Example >>>---> -aC:\MAX\FILEAREA.CTL
Added ability to specify number of columns in area
display. From 3 to 8, default 5.
Example >>>---> -k8
1.08d 28nov90 Added new command "^A - Adopt All Orphans". Change
Find both to from ^A to ^B.
1.08e 09dec90 Changed from TP5.5 to TP6.0
1.08f 19dec90 Changed from AREAS.CTL to AREA.DAT, with the unit
MAXAREAS. Renamed all .INC files to .PAS to make
it easier to work in TP60.
1.08g 20apr91 Added CallList routine to allow viewing files
without extensions. (ALT-L)
1.09 14jun91 Added support for ARJ files. Fixed file sharing
problem. Improved copy subroutine and AREA.DAT
reading subroutine. Fixed problem with ^B (find
string in description and filename). Added MASS
COPY subroutine.
1.09a 19jun91 Fixed problem with move subroutine.
1.09b 20jun91 Fixed problem with AREA.DAT file being greater then
an integer value.
1.09c 03aug91 Changed >= to > in MAXAREAS.PAS to fix problem with
missing the last area.
"If (StructLen*AreaNo) > FileSize(AreaDat) Then"
1.09d 23sep91 Fixed problem with "0" as leading character. Added
size and number of files.
1.09e 27sep91 Added ALT-Z to view GIFs.
1.09f 22oct91 Added file path to line 25.
1.09g 23oct91 Added file path to line 25 on area select.
1.09h 23oct91 Changed colors to match Maximus.
1.09i 31oct91 Changed more colors.
1.09j 03nov91 Added internal skip list. Will now save original
1.10 16nov91 Added external skip list. (MFM-SKIP.LST) Maximum
skip entries is 20.
1.11 29dec91 Changed MAXAREAS to use RECORDBUFFER.
1.11a 30dec91 Forgot to set file mode to 64.
1.11b 07jan92 MFMRUNFB.BAT will now be created when and area is
edited and the command line switch -R is used.
1.11c 20aug92 Increased size of description field to 255. Fixed
problem with MASS MOVE skipping the last entry.
1.11d 21aug92 Added SDN to autoload SHEZ. Added toggle between
Vpic and Cshow to view Gifs.
1.12 05jan93 Added remote page option. (^P)
1.12a 13feb93 Changed sort to allow sorting on Name, Ext, Size or
Date. Added use of config file and changed view.
1.12b 14feb93 Added "Debit User" function. (^R) When positioned
on a file that the uploader should not get credit
for. Press ^R and if the upload is still listed
in the UL.LOG file, the user will be debited by the
size of the file.
1.12c 20feb93 Modified debit function to allow debit and credit.
Started addition of compressed file directory. Zip
and Arj viewer now working. Changed all files to
units. Fixed problem with display stack.
1.12d 08mar93 Changed to Borland Pascal 7.0 Added sort option to
sort on description.
1.12e 09mar93 Added indicators for FIRST and LAST positions.
1.19a 17may93 Changed area selection to allow any number of areas
and to allow CDROM support.
*** Support for file build has been temporarily removed ***
1.19b 29may93 Added CDROM support. *** ALPHA *** Be VERY careful
with this version. I had to change the file copy
and move routines to allow CDROM support. Command
line parameters now use a "/" in place of the "-".
1.19c 04jun93 Command line parameters now use a "/" or a "-".
Added new tab command on area select screen. Tab
will now open a DOS directory selector.