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MSTPOPDL - Most Popular Downloads
MSTPOPDL (Most Popular Download) is a utility program for
Searchlight BBS programs. The program will only work with SL version
2.11 and higher. A version is also available the works with v1.74
and higher, up to v1.77.
MSTPOPDL (c) 1990,91 Jerry Carson, Fred Stoll, All rights reserved.
You are encouraged to use, copy and distribute MSTPOPDL providing:
No fee is charged for use, copying or distribution.
It is not modified in any way.
Files included in the MSTPOPDL package are:
MSTPOPDL.EXE The program itself
DEFAULT.TPL The default template file
COLOR.TPL The color template file
REGISTER.FRM Form to use when registering
BUG.FRM Form to use when reporting bugs
If any of these files is missing or appears to have been tampered with
the latest version can be downloaded from the Wolverine BBS (see below).
If you have any questions, you can contact the authors at:
Send Mail to either, Jerry Carson or Fred Stoll on
Wolverine BBS
(517) 631-3471
24 Hours
Wolverine BBS is also an official Searchlight Support and Dealer
BBS. Wolverine's FIDO node is 1:159/1004. Wolverines supports
baud rates up to 9600 bps.
MSTPOPDL is very easy to use. Type "MSTPOPDL ?" at your prompt,
this will display the following help screen:
Invalid Parameter - ?
MSTPOPDL Version 2.04
Usage: MSTPOPDL [-nnn] [-d] [-e=ccc] [-f=path\filename.ext] [-i=path]
[-l=name] [-l=@filename.ext] [-n] [-p] [-q] [-s]
[-t=filename.ext] [-x=name] [-x=@filename.exe]
MSTPOPDL reads Searchlight .DIR files to determine the most often downloaded
files and reports them. The program's actions can be modified as follows:
[-nnn] Indicates the number of entries to report (max. 100)
[-d] Generates a report for each .DIR file
[-e=ccc] Create a separate report (dirname.ccc) for each .DIR
[-f=path\filename.ext] Routes the report to a file
[-i=path] Indicates the path of CONFIG.SL2 file
[-l=name] Only run on this directory name
[-l=@filename.ext] Only run on those directories listed, (max. 100)
[-n] Do not generate a global report
[-o=old] In case of ties, take oldest file
[-o=new] In case of ties, take newest file
[-p] Routes the report to the printer
[-s] Reports the most download since last report
[-t=fileame.ext] Use filename.ext as template format
[-q] No output to screen
[-x=name] Do not include directory "name" in report
[-x=@filename.ext] Do not include directories in filename.ext in report
[-nnn] This parameter indicates the maximum number of files
to report. For example, -20 will report up to 20 of
the most often downloaded files. If there are less
than 20, it will only report the actual number. This
number can range from 1 to 100 and the default is 10.
[-d] This will generate a report for each .DIR listed in
your .DEF file. This action can be modified by the
-l and -x options.
[e=ccc] This parameter causes the reports to be split into
separate files for individual use. These files have
the name of the .DIR with the extension .ccc.
Example: The report for UPLOADS.DIR with -e=txt will
be placed in UPLOADS.TXT.
The overall report is placed in a file called: GLOBAL.ccc
[-f=filename.ext] The report is routed to the file specified. If an existing
is specified it will be overwritten.
[i=path] This option can be used to indicate the path that
CONFIG.BBS resides in. This is useful when MSTPOPDL
does not reside in the searchlight program directory.
[-l=name] This option causes only the area named (and all areas
named after) to be included in the reports. This is
useful for getting reports on individual areas.
[-l=@filename.ext] This option specifies a file of areas to be included
in the report. This is an ASCII file with the area
name being the first thing on the line and one area
per line. The default extension for this file is LST.
[-n] This option indicates that the generation of the
global or overall report is to be suppressed.
[-o=old] If two files have been downloaded the same number of
times, the oldest file is placed and the list and
the newer file is forgotten. This is the default.
[-o=new] If two files have been downloaded the same number of
times, the newest file is placed and the list and
the older file is forgotten.
[-p] The report is routed to the LST device. Care should
be taken to insure that the printer is online and has
sufficient paper before using this option.
[-q] Causes the program to be run in 'quite' mode. No
output is generated to the screen.
[-s] Instead of using the total number of times a file has
been downloaded, this option bases the report on the
number of times the file has been downloaded since the
last -s option was used. When used this option will
cause a .MPD file to be created for each .DIR file
scanned. These files contain a snapshot of the .DIR
files for use in later runs. The first time this
option is used the report will be based on the total
downloads but the .MPD files will be created.
[-t=filename.ext] Indicates the name of the template file to use. Two
templates are provided; DEFAULT.TPL and COLOR.TPL.
More can be written by the user for his or her
personal preference. See the 'TEMPLATES' section for
information on creating template files. The default
extension is .TPL.
[-x=name] The area named is NOT included in the reports
generated. More areas can be named with additional
-x options.
[-x=@filename.ext] The areas listed in filename.ext are excluded from
the reports generation. The format of this file is
the same as for the -l option. This way the same file
can be used to generate a report based on a list of
files then be used to exclude those files from another
report. The default extension is .LST.
You can configure MSTPOPDL almost anyway you like. You can have it
just list a global listing of your most popular downloaded files or
send it to text file, you can also have a different text file for each
file area that will be displayed upon entry to that particular file area.
-- Displays the top 100 all time downloaded files
-- Routes the report to a ascii text file called MSTPOPDL.TXT
-- Routes the report to a ascii text file called mstpopdl.txt that
has Searchlight color codes.
-- Creates reports for each .DIR file and routes to report to an ASCII
text file called MSTPOPDL.TXT
-- Creates individual color report files for each filename.DIR with the
name filename.TXT in the default directory. It places the global
report in a file called MSTPOPDL.TXT
-- Reports on USER.DIR only.
-- Creates reports for each of the names listed in DIRS.LST (one name per
line ASCII only) and prints it.
-- Reports the most frequently downloaded files since the last time
MSTPOPDL was run with the -S option. If it is the first time it
will generate an overall report. This options takes some time and
generates a .DLS file for each .DIR file it processes.
The template file is an ASCII file and can be created using any editor
that will generate simple ASCII text. Each line consists of two fields
separated by a comma. The first field is the placement indicator which
consists of a single character and must be first on the line.
Valid values for this field are:
1 Header
2 Sub-header
3 File line
4 Sub-trailer
5 Trailer
; Comments
The lines in each section (except 3 and ;) are placed in the order that
they appear in the template file. If more than one type 3 lines exist
they are rotated starting with the first line of type 3. For example,
if there are 2 lines of type 3 in the template file the first file will
use the first line, the second will use the second, the third will use
the first, etc.
The line with a placement indicator of ; are comments and will not be
placed in the output stream. Types 1 and 5 appear once per output
stream or file while types 2 and 4 are repeated for each area.
An example of a valid template file is:
1,MSTPOPDL - Ver. %vr, (C) 1990,91 Jerry Carson, Fred Stoll
2,\CE80Top %no Downloads for %bn (%dn) as of %dt
2,No. Filename Size D/Ls Date Description
3,%rk:r03 %fn:l08 %fx:l03 %sk:r04K %dl:r03 %fd:r08 %ds
This may seem confusing at first, but once you start working with it is
really quite flexible.
The second field is the line format. These consist of normal text,
variable fields, and format codes. Variable fields are two letter codes
preceded by a % sign. This field is replaced by data at run-time.
Optionally these variables can be followed by a :xnn where x is either
'R' or 'L' to indicate whether the field is the right or left justified,
and nn is the 2 digit length of the field. The variable fields are
listed below.
Variables can be divided into two groups, GLOBAL and LOCAL. GLOBAL
variables are can be used anywhere, while LOCAL variables can only be
used in line of type 3.
Global variables:
%bn BBS name as found in the CONFIG.BBS
%dd Directory description. This is the description of the
current file area. This variable should not be used in
type 1 lines.
%dn Directory name. This is the file name of the .DIR file
and should not be used in type 1 lines.
%dt Current date as defined by the system clock
%ld Date of last run of MSTPOPDL using -s option. Only valid
if the -s options is used.
%lf Total number of files in this area, should not be used in
type 1 lines.
%ls Total space used by files in this area. Should not be
used in type 1 lines.
%no Number of files to report, ie. top 10
%nm Actual number of files reported in this area.
%tf Total number of files.
%ts Total space used by files.
%vr MSTPOPDL version number
Local variables:
%dl Number of times downloaded; this is either total or since last
time depending on the -s option.
%ds Description of the current file
%d1 Line 1 of extended description
%d2 Line 2 of extended description
%fd Creation date of the current file
%fn Name of current file
%fx Extension of current file
%rk Ranking in list. The first file is 1, second is 2, etc.
%sk Size of the file in K. Includes 1 decimal place.
%sb Size of the file in bytes
The format codes are used control the placement or content of a line.
Each one consists of a \ followed by a two letter code followed by a 2
digit data field.
Format codes:
\CEnn Center remaining text in a field of nn positions.
\HXhh Replace with the ASCII character whose hex value is hh.
This can useful for inserting your own ANSI or printer
control codes.
\TBnn Tab to position nn on line. Note you may not tab
\?? Insert random color code. This will be a random color
other than black.
MSTPOPDL is shareware. You can use it for 30 days. After 30 days
you either have to register or stop using it.
The authors hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this
software, whether express or implied, including without
limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness
for a particular purpose. The authors will not be liable for any
special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages
due to loss of data or any other reason.
The person using the software bears all risk as to the quality
and performance of the software.
MSTPOPDL has not been tested for door use. However, it should work as a
door program, keep in mind that MSTPOPDL has no modem support.
MSTPOPDL is designed to be run in your event.def or event.bat file.
an example.bat file is enclosed with MSTPOPDL.ZIP file. Bug reports
should be made on Wolverine BBS (517-631-3471) to either Jerry Carson
or Fred Stoll. We feel that MSTPOPDL is a solid program, but sometimes
bugs do creep in. The first person to report a particular bug will
receive free registration. This offer is given solely at the authors
discretion and may be retracted at any time. To report a bug please
fill out and return the BUG.FRM file with the requested information.
MSTPOPDL v1.00 - First Public Release
(October 1990)
MSTPOPDL v1.01 - Fixed problem reading some .DEF files
(November 1990)
MSTPOPDL v1.02 - Fixed problem with using -e and -f option together
(December 1990) Added the -q and -x options
Added the ability to read .TPL files
Removed -b,-cs, and -cf options as no longer needed
MSTPOPDL v2.00 - First Public Release for SL 2.0 and greater.
(April 1991)
MSTPOPDL v2.01 - Minor bug fixes.
(June 1991)
MSTPOPDL v2.02 - Fixed problem with missing FILEDEF.
(June 1991)
MSTPOPDL v2.03 - Fixed problem with length being shown incorrectly.
(July 1991)
MSTPOPDL v2.04 - Added -o option
(October 1991)