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// MORSE.SCR -- Play command line text in Morse Code -- Version 1.00
// Script program for MUL - the Maximus User Language
// MUL is (C) Copyright 1990-93 by CodeLand Australia
// Based on code written by Michael M. Dodd, N4CF, and placed in the public
// domain. Modified for ZTC++, TC++, & BC++ by Bob Stout.
// USAGE: MUL -pMorse "String to play"
char *banner = "MORSE v1.00"; // Script banner
char *desc = "Play Text in Morse Code"; // Description
int note = 1500; // Note to play
int dely = 54; // Timing delay
char line[128]; // Line to play
int SPACE_MASK = 0x8000; // Bit mask
int BIT_MASK = 0xFE; // Bit mask
int codes[64] = { // Morse codes
0x8000, // Entry 0 = space (0x20)
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // ! " # $ % & " (
0, 0, 0, 115, 49, 106, 41, // ) * + , - . /
63, 62, 60, 56, 48, 32, 33, 35, // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
39, 47, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, // 8 9 : ; < = > ?
0, 6, 17, 21, 9, 2, 20, 11, // @ A B C D E F G
16, 4, 30, 13, 18, 7, 5, 15, // H I J K L M N O
22, 27, 10, 8, 3, 12, 24, 14, // P Q R S T U V W
25, 29, 19 // X Y Z
// Main program
main (int argc, char *a1, char *a2, char *a3, char *a4, char *a5, char *a6)
printf ("\n%s - %s\n\n",banner,desc); // Announce
getcmd (argc,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6); // Get the command line
printf ("Playing text: ");
morse (line); // Play the text
saybibi (); // Was it good for you too?
// The Morse code pattern is taken from bit 0, and is shifted right each
// time an element is sent. A special "marker bit" follows the complete
// Morse pattern. This marker bit is tested before transmitting each bit;
// if there are no 1's in bits 1..15, the complete character has been sent.
// For example, an "L" would be 0000000000010010, with bit zero containing
// the first dot, bit one the dash, etc. The marker bit is in bit 4.
// Morse code function
morse (char *cp)
int ch, c;
while ((c=ch=*cp++)!=0) { // Transmit complete string
ch=toupper (ch); // No lower-case characters
ch=ch-' '; // Adjust for zero-based table
if (ch>=0&&ch<=58) { // If out of range, ignore it
ch=codes[ch]; // Look up Morse pattern from table
if (And (ch,SPACE_MASK)) { // If the space bit is set
putch (' '); // Echo the character to screen
word_space ();
else {
putch (c); // Echo the character to screen
while (And (ch,BIT_MASK)) { // Transmit one character
if (And (ch,1))
send_dash (); // Sound a dash
send_dot (); // Sound a dot
ch=ShiftRight (ch,1); // Bitwise shift right
ltr_space (); // Send a space following character
putch ('\n'); // Terminate screen line
// Send a dot and a space
send_dot ()
Play (note,dely); // Play the note
Play (0,dely); // Pause
// Send a dash and a space
send_dash ()
Play (note,3*dely); // Play the note
Play (0,dely); // Pause
// Produce a letter space
ltr_space ()
Play (0,2*dely); // Pause * 2
// Produce a word space
word_space ()
Play (0,4*dely); // Pause * 4
// Get the command line
getcmd (int count, char *a1, char *a2, char *a3, char *a4, char *a5, char *a6)
// Load command line text to play
if (count) {
strcpy (line,a1);
if(--count>0) { strcat (line," "); strcat (line,a2); }
if(--count>0) { strcat (line," "); strcat (line,a3); }
if(--count>0) { strcat (line," "); strcat (line,a4); }
if(--count>0) { strcat (line," "); strcat (line,a5); }
if(--count>0) { strcat (line," "); strcat (line,a6); }
// If nothing entered on command line use default
if(!line[0]) strcpy (line,"Enter text on command line");
// Byebye
saybibi ()
puts ("\nMorse done!\n");
// End of script