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391 lines
;A Zone Nodelist for Friday, October 13, 1995 -- Day number 286 : 06108
;S A listing of all the systems within Region 65 of Fidonet
;A Copyright 1995, Fidonet Region 65, by Roy Luo --- All rights reserved.
;S Specific authority is hereby granted to Fidonet Coordinators to process
;S this list in any manner necessary to its inclusion in the Fidonet Nodelist,
;S provided only that it continues to be protected by a compilation copyright
;S in all composite lists.
;S The following flags define special operating conditions:
;S Flag Meaning
;S CM Node accepts mail 24 hours a day
;S MO Node does not accept human callers
;S The following flags define modem protocols supported:
;S Flag Meaning
;S V21 ITU-T V21 300 bps full duplex
;S V22 ITU-T V22 1200 bps full duplex
;S V29 ITU-T V29 9600 bps half duplex
;S V32 ITU-T V32 9600 bps full duplex
;S V32b ITU-T V32bis 14400 bps full duplex
;S V33 ITU-T V33
;S V34 ITU-T V34 28800 bps full duplex
;S V42 ITU-T V42 ARQ error control
;S V42b ITU-T V42bis Compression Protocol
;S H96 Hayes V9600
;S HST USR HST up to 9600 BPS
;S H14 USR HST up to 14400 BPS
;S H16 USR HST up to 16800 BPS
;S MAX Microcom AX/96xx series
;S MNP Microcom Networking Protocol error correction
;S PEP Packet Ensemble Protocol
;S CSP Compucom Speedmodem
;S ZYX ZyXEL up to 14400 BPS
;S Z19 ZyXEL up to 19200 BPS
;S V32t AT&T/Phylon's "V.32terbo"
;S VFC Hayes/Rockwell's "V.Fast Class"
;S NOTE: Many V22 modems also support Bell 212A.
;S If no modem flag is given, Bell 212A is assumed for 1200 bps
;S systems, CCITT V22bis is assumed for 2400 bps systems.
;S A separate modem capability flag should not be used when it can be
;S determined by the modem flag. For instance, a modem flag of HST
;S implies MNP. V32b implies V32 and V42b implies V42. HST,MNP and
;S H14,MNP and H16,MNP and V32,V32b and V42,V42b flag pairs are
;S unnecessary. H14 implies HST, H16 implies H14 and V42.Bis and Z19
;S implies ZYX as well as V.42Bis.
;S The following flags define the type(s) of compression of mail
;S packets supported.
;S Flag Meaning
;S MN No compression supported
;S NOTE: The only compression method standard in
;S FidoNet is archiving, using the standard SEA ARC
;S format, with archive names defined by the
;S specification for ARCMail 0.6. The absence of the
;S MN flag indicates that ARCMail 0.6 compression is
;S supported by this node.
;S The following flags indicate the types of file/update requests
;S supported.
;S The following flags indicate the types of file/update requests
;S supported.
;S |----------------------------------------------------------|
;S | | Bark | WaZOO |
;S | |-------------------------|-------------------------|
;S | | File | Update | File | Update |
;S | Flag | Requests | Requests | Requests | Requests |
;S |------|------------|------------|------------|------------|
;S | XA | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
;S | XB | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
;S | XC | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
;S | XP | Yes | Yes | No | No |
;S | XR | Yes | No | Yes | No |
;S | XX | No | No | Yes | Yes |
;S |----------------------------------------------------------|
;S The following software is qualified to use the specified
;S file request flag:
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S | File Req Flag Software Package |
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S | XA Frontdoor <1.99b |
;S | Frontdoor 2.02+ |
;S | Dutchie 2.90c |
;S | Binkleyterm >2.1 |
;S | D'Bridge <1.3 |
;S | TIMS |
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S | XB Binkleyterm 2.0 |
;S | Dutchie 2.90b |
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S | XC Opus >1.03 |
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S | XP Seadog |
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S | XR Opus 1.03 |
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S | XX D'Bridge 1.30 |
;S | Frontdoor 1.99b |
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S | None QMM |
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S ,2,ENDA-MAGHRED,Rabat,Muriel_Elbarkauoi,212-7-756412,9600,CM,V32b,V42b
;S The following flags define special operating conditions:
;S Flag Meaning
;S CM Node accepts mail 24 hours a day
;S MO Node does not accept human callers
;S LO Node accepts calls Only from Listed
;S FidoNet addresses
;S The following flags define modem protocols supported:
;S Flag Meaning
;S V21 ITU-T V21 300 bps full duplex
;S V22 ITU-T V22 1200 bps full duplex
;S V29 ITU-T V29 9600 bps half duplex
;S V32 ITU-T V32 9600 bps full duplex
;S V32B ITU-T V32bis 14400 bps full duplex
;S V33 ITU-T V33
;S V34 ITU-T V34 28800 bps full duplex
;S V42 LAP-M error correction w/fallback to MNP 1-4
;S V42B LAP-M error correction w/fallback to MNP 1-5
;S MNP Microcom Networking Protocol error correction
;S H96 Hayes V9600
;S HST USR Courier HST
;S H14 USR Courier HST up to 14.4Kbps
;S H16 USR Courier HST up to 16.8Kbps
;S MAX Microcom AX/96xx series
;S PEP Packet Ensemble Protocol
;S CSP Compucom Speedmodem
;S ZYX Zyxel (implies V.32Bis & V.42Bis)
;S NOTE: Many V22 modems also support Bell 212A.
;S If no modem flag is given, Bell 212A is assumed for 1200 bps
;S systems, CCITT V22bis is assumed for 2400 bps systems.
;S A separate modem capability flag should not be used when it can be
;S determined by the modem flag. For instance, a modem flag of HST
;S implies MNP. V32b implies V32 and V42b implies V42. MNP,HST and
;S H14,MNP and H16,MNP and V32,V32b and V42,V42b flag pairs are
;S unnecessary. H14 implies HST, H16 implies H14 and V42.Bis and Z19
;S implies ZYX as well as V.42Bis.
;S The following flags define the type(s) of compression of mail
;S packets supported.
;S Flag Meaning
;S MN No compression supported
;S NOTE: The only compression method standard in
;S FidoNet is archiving, using the standard SEA ARC
;S format, with archive names defined by the
;S specification for ARCMail 0.6. The absence of the
;S MN flag indicates that ARCMail 0.6 compression is
;S supported by this node.
;S The following flags indicate the types of file/update requests
;S supported.
;S The following flags indicate the types of file/update requests
;S supported.
;S |----------------------------------------------------------|
;S | | Bark | WaZOO |
;S | |-------------------------|-------------------------|
;S | | File | Update | File | Update |
;S | Flag | Requests | Requests | Requests | Requests |
;S |------|------------|------------|------------|------------|
;S | XA | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
;S | XB | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
;S | XC | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
;S | XP | Yes | Yes | No | No |
;S | XR | Yes | No | Yes | No |
;S | XW | No | No | Yes | No |
;S | XX | No | No | Yes | Yes |
;S |----------------------------------------------------------|
;S The following software is qualified to use the specified
;S file request flag:
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S | File Req Flag Software Package |
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S | XA Frontdoor <1.99b |
;S | Frontdoor 2.02+ |
;S | Dutchie 2.90c |
;S | Binkleyterm >2.1 |
;S | D'Bridge <1.3 |
;S | TIMS |
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S | XB Binkleyterm 2.0 |
;S | Dutchie 2.90b |
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S | XC Opus >1.03 |
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S | XP Seadog |
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S | XR Opus 1.03 |
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S | XW Fido >12M |
;S | Tabby |
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S | XX D'Bridge 1.30 |
;S | Frontdoor 1.99b |
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S | None QMM |
;S |---------------------------------------|
;S The following flag defines gateways to other domains (networks).
;S Flag Meaning
;S Gx..x Gateway to domain 'x..x', where 'x..x` is a string
;S of alphanumeric characters. Valid values for 'x..x'
;S are assigned by the FidoNet International
;S Coordinator. This flag is not authorized for use by
;S any node unless specifically authorized by the IC or
;S FidoNet Inter-Network Coordinator. Registered
;S domain gateways include:
;S uucp to be used only by nodes in a list of
;S authorized fidonet.org sites available at
;S 1:1/31.
;S The following flags define the dedicated mail periods supported.
;S They have the form "#nn" or !nn where nn is the UTC hour the mail
;S period begins, # indicates Bell 212A compatibility, and !
;S indicates incompatibility with Bell 212A.
;S Flag Meaning
;S #01 Zone 5 mail hour (01:00 - 02:00 UTC)
;S #02 Zone 2 mail hour (02:30 - 03:30 UTC)
;S #08 Zone 4 mail hour (08:00 - 09:00 UTC)
;S #09 Zone 1 mail hour (09:00 - 10:00 UTC)
;S #18 Zone 3 mail hour (18:00 - 19:00 UTC)
;S #20 Zone 6 mail hour (20:00 - 21:00 UTC)
;S NOTE: When applicable, the mail period flags may
;S be strung together with no intervening commas, eg.
;S "#02#09". Only mail hours other than that standard
;S within a node's zone should be given. Since
;S observance of mail hour within one's zone is
;S mandatory, it should not be indicated.
;S There is also a user flag which defines user-specific values. If
;S present, this flag MUST be the last flag present in a nodelist entry.
;S For further technical details about this flag, consult FidoNet
;S Technical Standard document FTS-0005 which is available for file
;S request under that magic name from 6:6/0 and 6:720/303 outside of the
;S Zone Mail Hour (+/- 2 hours).
;S Zone 6 authorised 'user' flags:-
;S Modem capability flags
;S V32T V.32 Terbo mode
;S VFC Rockwell's V.Fast Class
;S Z19 ZyXEL up to 19200 BPS
;S NetMail Coordination when (NC not= Host)
;S NC Network Coordinator. This flag is ONLY to be used by
;S the Network Coordinator of a net which has split the
;S duties of NC and Host and the NC does NOT occupy the
;S Net/0 position in the nodelist.
;S EchoMail Coordination:
;S ZEC Zone EchoMail Coordinator. Not more than one entry
;S in the zone 6 segment may carry this flag and that must
;S be the current Zone EchoMail Coordinator.
;S REC Regional EchoMail Coordinator. Not more than one
;S entry in any region may carry this flag and that must
;S be the current Regional EchoMail Coordinator.
;S NEC Network EchoMail coordinator. Not more than one entry
;S in any net may carry this flag and that must be the
;S current Network EchoMail Coordinator of that Net. This
;S flag will be authorised by the relevant Regional EchoMail
;S Coordinator.
;S Note: Redundant AKAs used to indicate EchoMail
;S Coordination functions are no longer permitted.
;S System open hours:
;S Txx In accordance with the recommendations in FSC-0062
;S and the reference table reproduced below:
;S +------+----+ +------+----+ +------+----+ +------+----+ +------+----+
;S |Letter|Time| |Letter|Time| |Letter|Time| |Letter|Time| |Letter|Time|
;S +------+----+ +------+----+ +------+----+ +------+----+ +------+----+
;S | A |0000| | F |0500| | K |1000| | P |1500| | U |2000|
;S | a |0030| | f |0530| | k |1030| | p |1530| | u |2030|
;S | B |0100| | G |0600| | L |1100| | Q |1600| | V |2100|
;S | b |0130| | g |0630| | l |1130| | q |1630| | v |2130|
;S | C |0200| | H |0700| | M |1200| | R |1700| | W |2200|
;S | c |0230| | h |0730| | m |1230| | r |1730| | w |2230|
;S | D |0300| | I |0800| | N |1300| | S |1800| | X |2300|
;S | d |0330| | i |0830| | n |1330| | s |1830| | x |2330|
;S | E |0400| | J |0900| | O |1400| | T |1900| | | |
;S | e |0430| | j |0930| | o |1430| | t |1930| | | |
;S +------+----+ +------+----+ +------+----+ +------+----+ +------+----+