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144 lines
Changes to NodeMsg 1.01
o This version has been modified so that when run from RASIS
(next version, 2.02) it will not clear the screen. Under
normal command line run, the screen is cleared.
o Certian new features have been made available only in REGISTERED
mode. See NODEMSG.REG These registered only features are
marked with {+}
o Editing: The TAB key will now tab over 8 spaces in the
message window.
o If no command is given on the command line, you are taken to
the Who's Online Window.
o The Who's Online window is now the main window..... if you
"Send" a message, either successfully, or you abort (Q), you
will be returned to the Who's Online window.
o The TEST - Dump Msg To Screen function, will pause for a
keypress, if the RA Wait_For_Enter character (Ctl-A) is found
in the message.
Thus you can test importing a large message, and see just how it
will be displayed to the user online.
o If you choose <S>end Message from Who's Online, the Node to
Send to will be the node you were viewing at the time.
This can be changed at the Send Message window prompt, or
erased to abort the message. (Backspace to erase, hit Enter)
Also, pressing ESC when a node number is in the prompt field
will Abort the send.
o When prompted for Node to send message to, pressing ESC will also
abort, as well as entering 0 or Blank.
o The Import File function has changed!
The Ctl-F1 and Alt-F1 are no longer used.
** Read this carefully......
To import a file, the function key MUST be the FIRST key pressed
in the Editing Session, after the first keypress, all keys are
accepted as message text.
If you do not want to import a file, press the Spacebar, the
first key pressed is not shown in the screen, thus if you start
typing a message, you would have to do your first key twice.
Confusing?? Experiment.
The File Import keys are displayed at the top of the Editing Window
when first shown on screen. They are removed when a key is pressed.
The Import File keys are as such:
F1 - Will import a file named HINEW (no extension) in the
NodeMsg directory. Meant to send a message (Welcome type)
when you know a new user has logged on.
F2 - Will import a file called HOLDON (no extension) in the
NodeMsg directory. Meant to send to a user that pages you,
while you are tied up, on the phone etc.
You can of course, have any kind of message you wish in the
above two files. BUT.... to be imported with the Function keys,
they MUST be named as shown.
{+} F3 - Will prompt for a file to import, just as did the previous
Ctl and Alt-F1 - Supply full path+name if the file to import
is NOT in the same directory as NODEMSG.EXE, if it is,
just the filename is enough.
SPC - The Spacebar will Skip the File Import section.
o If no text has been entered, instead of prompting for a node
to send to, NodeMsg exits directly back to the Who's Online
o The message buffer has been bumped up, you can now Enter or import
up to 3800 characters. At 76 characters per line (the right margin)
thats about 54-55 lines.
More than a screens worth!!
Less characters per line, means more lines....
If you import a message of this size, make sure that in the
message, you have a RA_Wait_For_Enter character (Ctl-A) somewhere,
so it will not scroll past the user. The ^A will be properly
handled by RA when the message is displayed to the caller, and
will wait for them to press ENTER before displaying any more.
Try logging on locally, shell out, (Alt-J), run Nodemsg SEND,
and import the example file IMPORT.... this is a copy of part
of this file, with some Clt-A's inserted. See how it works.
When you exit DOS back into RA, it will be displayed to you.
o The SEND command has been enhanced, as before, simply giving the
SEND command puts you directly into the Edit Window.
But if you supply a Node Number, and a filename, NodeMsg will
immediatly send that file to the specified Node.
Command Syntax is:
{+} NODEMSG SEND <node> <filename>
The file import function is the same as used from the editor, and
does the same validation on the filename, and follows all rules
given for Importing into the Editor.
*** Thank's to Bob DaCastello for suggesting this feature! ***
In addition, if instead of supplying a node number to send to, you
type ALL, NodeMsg will post the specified message file to ALL
available nodes.
Command Syntax is:
{+} NODEMSG SEND ALL <filename>
Remember, even if no one is online for a particular node, its no
problem. RA will erase the node message file when it next fires up
for that node.
o Support has been added for the USERDOES files, created by some
Door Programs, and is a means to provide extended information about
what a user is doing on another node.
NodeMsg first looks in the defined Semaphore Directory for a
USERDOES.<node>, if not found, it checks the RA system directory,
if still not found, it displays a message to that effect, else the
contents of the userdoes file.
The userdoes file generally will only have up to 75 characters in
a line. Nodemsg actually supports about 90 characters in the line.
The USERDOES text line is displayed in a 'wrapped' format, on the
last two lines of the Who's Online Window.
YOU can create a USERDOES file for your Doors and Games, see
USERDOES.TXT for more info.
NOTE: If the Door/Game does not practice good housekeeping, and
delete the USERDOES file upon completion, you may get
a message that really does NOT pertain to the current
user online, as there is no way for NodeMsg to know if
this is what the current caller is really doing.
If you create your own, you need to make sure its deleted
also when the door/game exits. Again, see USERDOES.TXT