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/ Beijing Paradise BBS Backup / PARADISE.ISO / software / BBSDOORW / PMATCH3.ZIP / GENERAL.ANS (.png) < prev    next >
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OCR: ProMatch General Instructions Thank you for using ProMatch - The most advanced and full-featured MatchMaker Door Program on the market today. Please note that neither the SysOp nor the Author of this program is responsible for the accuracy of the data entered by users into the various databases nor that a "perfect match" will indeed be a "perfect match" for you. Since the User Profile Match is a large module a seperate help file is available at the User Profile Match Menu. - Instructions : What you're reading now. - Send An Action : Here you can send an "Action" to another node if your SysOp is running a Multinode system. An Action may be a Kiss or a Spanking or a Wink, etc. Here's an Example of what the receiver would see if you sent him/her a "kiss" : [You] on node [the node you're on] Just Sent the Following Action: A Kiss 3 - Who's Online : In a multinode environment this will give you a listing of other people on other nodes currently in the door. 4 - Classic MatchMaker : This is the "old fashion MatchMaker" part of the program. If your SysOp is running InterBBS answers here will not be sent via InterBBS Networks. You must first answer the questionaire before making a match. If ProMatch has been registered, the your SysOp can edit and add questions for Classic MatchMaker. Otherwise you will be presented with the stock questionaire that came with the door. You will be asked a question about yourself and then a question on the same subject about a person you might want to match. You can view the questionaire answers of others and also delete yourself from the classic MatchMaker module. Your Data will be kept until a time limit Defined by the SysOp. - User Profile Match : This is a detailed User Profile / MatchMaker module. You must first enter your Profile before quickScanning and Scanning other Profiles. Aside from general information, the following tests and matches are calculated : Purity test, Personality test, Cultural - General - Adult Questionaires (You will need to get in touch with the SysOp in order to answer / view the adult questionaire) and how other users match up, Basic Match of how they match up to your criteria and how you match up to their criteria. More detailed instructions are available at the User Profile Match Menu. Your Data will be kept until a time limit Defined by the SysOp. - Games : A free game is included with ProMatch called Spin the Bottle. At this time the only other game module available is a multinode Chat program call ProMatch ProChat. If this program isn't available he/she can call the support BBS and receive the latest version. - Bulletins : The SysOp can edit this file for his/her general locations. Some example bulletins would be single dances, Christian Singles group meetings, Parties, etc. Contact your SysOp if you have a bulletin to announce . - Enter A Personal Classified Ad : Here you can enter up to 5 lines of a personal Classified Ad and upload a graphics file. The length of time the ad is available is definable by the SysOp. 9 - Read A Personal Classified Ad : Here you can read others classified ads and download graphic file attaches if available. 10- Search Personal Classified Ads : If there are a huge number of ads you can use this feature to search text in classified ads. 11- Send a Local Message : You can send up to 5 lines of a local message to other users that are on or that have been in ProMatch. If the person is currently on the other node when you send the local message to them then they will receive it before they leave the door. 12- Send a Networked Message : If this BBS is networking with other BBSes then you can send a networked message, 5 lines max, to users on other BBSes. You will need to know their real name and alias name. 13- Statistics : This will give you gender statistics for the local registry, Classic MatchMaker and User Profile Match. 14- Quit back to BBS : This will take you back to the BBS