Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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1. Do you like to
A. Listen
B. Talk
2. Do you readily talk with subordinates
A. No
B. Yes
3. When a person disagrees with you do you
A. Change the subject
B. Try to convert them
4. Do you prefer to do
A. One thing at a time
B. A variety of things
5. Timewise, are you
A. Leisurely
B. Punctual
6. Do you
A. Spend
B. Save
7. Upon making a decision do you
A. Alter it willingly
B. Tend to Stick
8. Do you prefer people who are
A. Good Thinkers
B. Good feelers
9. Are you more interested in people's
A. Beliefs
B. Behavior
10. Are you a collector
A. Yes
B. No
11. Which colors do you prefer
A. Muted Effects
B. Bright Effects
12. Which attracts you mor in pictures
A. Form
B. Color
13. In friendship, do you
A. Restrict your friends to a few with whom you are confidential
B. Have many friends
14. When reading a book that does not meet your expactations, do you
A. Begin a new one
B. Finish it anyways
15. Do you make decisions based on first impressions
A. Yes
B. No
16. When planning, do you
A. Decide one incident at a time
B. Plan alternate Decisions
17. Is tact a matter of
A. Respecting independent views
B. Warm sympathy
18. With people, do you prefer
A. Professional
B. Persnal tastes
19. What type of presentation do you prefer
A. Sustained/Thorough
B. May-Sided / Mobile
20. Do you express yourself more easily
A. Writing
B. Conversation
21. Is your Attitude
A. More General
B. More Specific
22. At a party are you happier with
A. 6
B. 12
23. Do you prefer to make decisions
A. At leisure
B. Immediately
24. Do you like pictures with a sense of
A. Soaring upward
B. Closeness to Earth
25. When reading, do you prefer
A. Poetry/Fantasy
B. Current events
26. When choosing a gift for someone, do you seek
A. A surprise
B. Something practical
27. In forming judgements is your mental process
A. To look for a guiding principle
B. To declare your personal valuation
28. Confronted with misfortune in others is your impulse to
A. Search for the cause
B. Console