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The PPoint/FrontDoor Interface
A Short Text File On Using PPoint With FrontDoor/InterMail
By Lawrence Gordon (Fidonet 1:100/560)
I. Introduction
PPoint is an outstanding netmail and echomail program. It features
a built-in mail tosser, seamless integration with your favorite
text editor and spell checker, file requests, tagline support,
UUCP e-mail support, multiple host support, and, perhaps most
importantly, ease of use.
The author of PPoint, Harvey Parisien, has taken great pains to
make PPoint "user-friendly" - from its comprehensive menu and
help systems to its built-in nodelist compiler to its automatic
configuration of the BinkleyTerm frontend.
PPoint has introduced hundreds of people to the joys of "pointing"
and it has earned a reputation as being one of the best programs
of its kind.
Now, Harvey has made it even better... because PPoint now directly
supports *.MSG file-attach frontends, such as FrontDoor,
InterMail and D'Bridge. This enhancement to PPoint is an
exciting development for those of us who love using PPoint and
who don't want to sacrifice the power and enjoyment of our
favorite frontends.
II. Disclaimer
This document is not a tutorial on setting up FrontDoor, InterMail
or D'Bridge. Your use of PPoint with these frontends assumes that
you already have or know how to set up these systems. What this
document does is explain how to integrate these systems with
PPoint and how to take advantage of PPoint's new *.MSG file-attach
features. For this documentation, I have chosen FrontDoor
v2.02/Noncommercial as the frontend for explaining PPoint's
*.MSG features. My reason - it is free for noncommercial use and
it is still widely used and available, even though newer versions
have been released.
III. Configuring FD 2.02
A. Unarchive FD into its own subdirectory, which we'll call
B. Run FDSETUP.EXE. A message will appear SETUP.FD - Path or
file not found. Press the Spacebar to create SETUP.FD.
C. ->Global->Address
1. ->Address
Enter your node number in Main: e.g. 1:100/560.1
2. ->Site info
Enter your system's name: e.g. Toast Point
a. ->Location
Enter your system's location: e.g. St. Louis MO
b. ->Phone#
Enter your system's phone number or leave it as -Unpublished-
If you enter a telephone number, use the complete number.
In North America, for example, enter your phone number in
the form 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX (1-Area Code-Exchange-Local).
Most point systems should leave the phone number as
c. ->Speed
Arrow to the highest DTE speed supported by your modem.
For 14400s, this can be set at 19200.
d. ->Flags
If you support continuous mail, V32bis and V42bis, type
CM,V32B,V42B in this field. Consult your frontend's
documentation for details.
3. ->Domains
If you are pointing to a Fidonet system, e.g. type 1 under
Zone and fidonet.org under Domain name. (This field is
optional unless you are required to use 5d addressing).
4. ->AKA matching
This is probably unnessary for point systems. Leave blank
unless you have more than one AKA (e.g. you point off
more than one Fidonet boss in different zones).
D. ->Global->Filenames
1. ->System
This is where FrontDoor's system files are located; e.g.
2. ->Netmail
This is where FrontDoor places and expects to find *.MSG
netmail files; e.g. C:\FD\NETMAIL
3. ->Files
This is where FrontDoor stores incoming files and incoming
echomail packets; e.g. C:\FD\IN
4. ->Packets
This is where FrontDoor expects to find outgoing mail
packets. NOTA BENE: FD's packet directory MUST NOT be
the same directory as PPoint's OUTBOUND directory - FD
will trash or delete PPoint's outbound *.PKT files if
they are placed in FD's Packets directory. DON'T DO IT!
Keep PPoint's OUTBOUND directory separate from FD's Packets
5. ->Log file
This is the name of the log file you want FD to keep;
e.g. C:\FD\FD.LOG
6. ->Banner
Not used for nonBBS systems. Leave blank.
7. ->Nodelist
The directory for your raw "St. Louis" nodelists. FD,
as opposed to BinkleyTerm, requires the use of a raw
nodelist; e.g. C:\FD\NODELIST
8. ->In-event
A text message displayed when your system is in mail-only
event. PPointers can leave this blank since this message
is displayed only to human callers.
9. ->MSG Base
Location of Hudson-type message base. PPointers should
leave this blank, since PPoint does not use the Hudson
message base.
10. ->Swapping
Where FD swaps to disk. Set this to whereever your system
can support disk swapping or leave it alone.
11. ->Semaphore
Not available in FD 2.02. Ignore it.
E. ->Global->General
Read the FD docs for help with these settings.
F. ->Global->Users
Enter your name under Username; e.g. Lawrence Gordon
Enter any password or leave blank
Keep your access at Supervisor
G. ->Mailer->Miscellaneous
Recommended settings for PPoint users (my preferences):
Mail from unlisted systems -> No
Mail from unprotected systems -> No
Mail from unlisted points -> No
Kill empty received messages -> Yes
Terminal only -> No
Mail-only (no BBS) -> Yes
Match remote zone -> Yes
Present all AKAs to remote system -> Yes
Trigger exit on receipt of any netmail -> Yes
-upon receipt of ANY file -> Yes
Busy retries -> 5
Resend retries -> 0
Retry delay -> 60
Delay before first call -> No
Days to keep mail history -> 7
BBS software name -> [blank - remember you're not running a BBS!]
Minimum undialable cost -> 1
H. ->Mailer->Log
Settings for FD's log file. Please read the FD docs.
I. ->Mailer->File requests
Mode -> No requests (a point should probably not allow
f'reqs anyway. Read the FD docs if you want to allow
file requests.
J. ->Mailer->FDServer
Not necessary for use with PPoint.
K. ->Mailer->External mail
Not necessary for use with PPoint.
L. ->Mailer->Display
No reason to touch this if you are using PPoint. Read FD's
M. ->Mailer->Colors
Your choice of custom colors, default mono and default
color sets. Read FD's docs.
N. ->Mailer->Hidden dial info
Read FD's docs.
O. ->Mailer->Function keys
Here's how I use these with PPoint:
Title -> PPoint
Action -> ?245 (creates an errorlevel 245 explained later)
Pause -> No
Check -> No
Title -> Mail scan
Action -> ?240 (creates an errorlevel 240 explained later)
Pause -> No
Check -> No
P. ->Mailer->Errorlevels
Leave everything at 0 except Received mail; e.g.
Received mail -> 250 (creates an errorlevel 250 explained later)
Create BAT.file -> No (you are not going to be dropping to
a bbs, so this should be set to No).
Q. ->Mailer->Audio control
Read the FD docs.
R. ->Editor->Miscellanous
Read the docs. I recommend leaving everything as is.
S. ->Editor->Keyboard macros
->Editor->Origin lines (not used with PPoint)
I suggest leaving all these alone (except for Colors,
which you can customize). Read the FD docs for details.
T. ->Terminal->Miscellanous
->Terminal->Keyboard macros
->Terminal->EMSI Profile
These settings are for use with FrontDoor's built-in
terminal. Read the FD docs.
U. ->Modem->Hardware
->Modem->Command strings
->Modem->Answer control
These are settings for your modem. Read FD's documentation
and your own modem manual. Note: make sure that your
FOSSIL driver (BNU, X00, etc.) is set to the same speed
set in your ->Modem->Hardware setup.
NOTA BENE: in ->Modem->Answer control, you can toggle
whether you want FD to answer the phone. If you are
running a 24 hour mail system, you'll want Manual Answer
set to Yes.
V. ->Printer
Useless in FD 2.02/Noncommercial.
W. ->Manager->Events
Press spacebar to create the default event
Press enter to edit the default event
These settings are my recommendations for PPoint:
Use the defaults in FD except for the following:
Exit when mail is received -> Yes
Not used with PPoint
Used to place your session-level password with your boss
or host. Read FD's docs; e.g.:
System -> 1:100/560
Password -> Secret
FREQs Mail EMSI FTSC1 Zap YooHoo -> read FD's docs
Read FD's docs.
X. Recommendations
Read the documentation for your frontend!!!! PPoint does
not setup FrontDoor, InterMail or D'Bridge the way it
sets up BinkleyTerm. The task of setting up these programs
is left to the intrepid system or point operator. If you
don't understand these programs, by all means do NOT
attempt to run PPoint with them; use BinkleyTerm instead.
IV. FD's Routing File (FD system directory)
FrontDoor expects to find a file in its system directory called
ROUTE.FD. This is a simple text file, and it is used in
conjunction with FD's events. A simple ROUTE.FD that can be
used with PPoint follows. Comments are set off by the semicolon.
;Simple ROUTE.FD
;Route all mail through your boss except local Fidomail
ROUTE-TO 1:100/560 1:*
EXCEPT 1:100/*
; Make sure we don't send mail to systems who don't indicate support
; for Continous Mail. Note that you will have to set up another event
; and create another SCHEDULE block for it, if you want to send out
; mail to these systems, or alternatively, remove the "HOLD !CM"
; below.
; For further information about mail routing, please refer to the
; FrontDoor documentation.
Schedule @ *
Hold *
Except MyNet
;MyNet is the net number defined in your Address, e.g. 100
; end of file "ROUTE.FD"
V. FD's FDNODE.CTL file (FD's nodelist directory)
To process a raw "St. Louis" nodelist, place the nodelist
and FDNODE.CTL file in FD's nodelist directory and run
FD's FDNC.EXE to compile.
A simple FDNODE.CTL file might look like this:
;My compiled nodelist uses only Zone 1
;Remove the leading 1-314- when dialing local St. Louis nodes
Read the FD docs for more complex commands, including
multiple zones and multiple nodelists. FD expects to find
a file called NODELIST.XXX (where XXX is the Julian day
number of the nodelist) in FD's nodelist directory.
VI. Setting up PPoint
Set up PPoint as you normally would, but please note the following:
A. PPoint's default directories -
Set up PPoint's INBOUND directory the same as FD's Files
directory; e.g. C:\FD\IN
Set up PPoint's OUTBOUND directory so that it is NOT the
same as FD's Packets directory; e.g. if FD uses C:\FD\PACKET
for its Packets, PPoint should use its default C:\FD\OUT for
outgoing *.PKTs. I cannot stress enough how important this is,
because FD will hose your outgoing packets if they end up in FD's
Packets directory!!!
B. Editing your PPOINT.INI file
In order to have PPoint create a *.MSG file-attach for use
with FrontDoor, InterMail, or D'Bridge, you must add the
FD-NET keyword to your PPOINT.INI file. The .INI file might have
other commands associated with PPoint or other processors.
A simple .INI file might look like this:
QUOTE=On [DATE], [FROM] wrote to [TO]:
FD-NET tells PPoint where to place the *.MSG file.
The file-attached *.PKT will be created in PPoint's
OUTBOUND directory.
FD-CMD is optional, depending on whether you run
FD (or InterMail, or D'Bridge) from PPoint or run
PPoint from your frontend. This will be explained
Other PPOINT.INI commands and keywords can be found in
your PPoint documentation.
This file is created by PPoint. It defaults to using
BinkleyTerm. This file is no longer executed by PPoint
when the FD-CMD is implemented, so it can be safely
ignored. Instead of executing MAILER.BAT, PPoint will
execute whatever you define with the FD-CMD keyword.
Note: I have modified my MAILER.BAT so that it exits when called -
VII. Running PPoint from FD
If you plan to run PPoint from FD, set up a RUNFD.BAT file
with appropriate errorlevels. Here's a simple one:
@echo off
set fd=c:\fd
bnu /l:0=19200,8N1 /F+
fd /nounpack
if errorlevel 250 goto mail_in
if errorlevel 245 goto read_mail
if errorlevel 240 goto mail_out
if errorlevel 10 goto get_out
rem PPoint processes incoming mail at errorlevel 250 explained above
ppoint /in
goto main
rem PPoint accessed using the F1 key as explained above
goto main
rem PPoint processes outgoing mail using F2 key as explained above
ppoint /out
goto main
rem ALTQ is pressed in FD
goto bye
bnu /u
set fd=
Notes: This is a FrontDoor "driven" batch file, meaning
that PPoint is run from FD. When this setup is used,
FD remains the primary program, allowing you to run it
for continuous mail purposes. Because of this, you
should set FD-CMD=VER or FD-CMD=VOL to render MAILER.BAT
VIII. Running FD from PPoint
If you plan to run FD from PPoint, you must set an FD-CMD
directive in your PPOINT.INI file that calls a batch file
to run FD; e.g. FD-CMD=C:\FD\EMAIL.BAT.
This file (EMAIL.BAT) will be executed when Host Transfers is
selected from PPoint's Host menu. A simple EMAIL.BAT might look
like this:
rem start of EMAIL.BAT
@echo off
set fd=c:\fd
bnu /l:0=19200,8N1 /F+
fd /nounpack
bnu /u
set fd=
rem end of EMAIL.BAT
Notes: This is a PPoint "driven" batch file, meaning
that FD is run from PPoint. When this setup is used,
PPoint remains the primary program, allowing you to run it
for noncontinuous mail purposes. Because of this, you
must create a setting for FD-CMD in your PPOINT.INI
file, such as FD-CMD=C:\FD\EMAIL.BAT, so that your frontend
will be called from PPoint. When FD receives incoming mail, it
will exit back to PPoint, which will process incoming
mail, provided you set FD to exit upon receipt of netmail or
other files using appropriate errorlevel and events.
You should be aware that FD will not automatically
terminate if no mail is received. Because of this, I have
FD set to exit whenever any file is received.
IX. Conclusion
Setting up programs like FrontDoor, InterMail or D'Bridge may seem
like daunting tasks for the inexperienced sysop or pointop, and,
quite frankly, I have to recommend that these programs not be
used by novices; instead, BinkleyTerm should be used because PPoint
will automatically set up BinkleyTerm.
However, when you're ready to use a frontend like FrontDoor,
InterMail or D'Bridge, PPoint can step right in and get the
job done for you. PPoint itself requires only a few setting
changes in your PPOINT.INI to accomplish this, and, in my
opinion, the enjoyment and control you get from this
combination of software is well worth the effort!
X. Support
Questions regarding the PPoint/FD/InterMail interface can be
directed to me at Fidonet 1:100/560 or in the Fidonet POINTS echo.
XI. Acknowledgments
FrontDoor, InterMail, D'Bridge, BinkleyTerm, BNU and X00 are
copyrighted by their respective authors.
PPoint is copyrighted by Harvey Parisien.
Thanks, Harvey, for the best point software and support... anywhere!
XII. The Author
Lawrence Gordon
Toast House BBS (Fidonet 1:100/560)
St. Louis, MO USA
Documentation Revision 1.0 (09/04/95)