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- ' QuickFILES.BBS ver1.00 Cofiguration File. 06/04/93
- '
- ' ** It is strongly recommend you make a working copy of this config **
- ' ** file and save the original unaltered file in a safe place! **
- '
- ' All Directives must be terminated with a colon (:).
- ' The apostrophe is a comment symbol. All lines beginning with one are ignored
- '
- ' *PLEASE NOTE* All directories are limited to 50 characters.
- '
- '───────────────────── Directive Descriptions ─────────────────────────────
- ' Defaults are noted in brackets
- '
- 'DLCharacter: Character used to enclose number of downloads {[}
- 'EditMode: Default mode for line editor (Insert/Typeover) [Typeover]
- 'ExtEditor: External Editor loaded by QuickFILES.BBS [Edit]
- 'F1Dir: Default Dir selected with F1 during MOVE operation. [None]
- 'FileList: Filename of FileList for each File Area. [Files.bbs]
- 'OrphanComment: Comment attached to Orphan files.
- ' [Orphan File Appended to FileList.]
- 'PrvtUpload: Private Uploads allowed? (Yes, No, or specify one DIR) [NO]
- 'PFileList: Filename of FileList for private uploads [Pfiles.bbs]
- 'RecordLen: Max record len (Incl Filename,# of downloads, & comment) [256]
- ' The largest valid value of RecordLen is 256
- 'TrackDrive: Drive on which to monitor free space. [Startup Drive]
- '
- 'SwapQF: Swap QuickFILES.BBS to XMS, EMS, or disk when shelling [No]
- ' to DOS. All but 2k will be swapped out to the first
- ' available location. This affects both the plain DOS
- ' shell and UserOptions. Do not load TSRs when shell out
- ' of QuickFILES.BBS!
- '
- 'SwapFile: Path and filename when swapping to disk [C:\QFSwap.!!!]
- '
- 'ZipViewer Utility for viewing ZipFile contents [PKUnzip -vm,F,Y,N]
- ' There are four fields in this Directive, each separated by a comma:
- ' Field 1: Filename of the desired utility. Include any required command
- ' line switches in the ZipViewer directive.
- ' (Such as the -vm switch in the default setting for PKUnzip)
- ' Field 2: Specifies whether to pass the selected (F)ilename, full
- ' (P)ath, or (N)othing to the called utility in the command
- ' line.
- ' Field 3: Determines if QuickFILES.BBS should pause before clearing
- ' the screen upon termination of the called utility (Y or N).
- ' Field 4: Determines if the FileList should be re-scanned after
- ' termination of the called utility (Y or N). Set this
- ' option to Y if there is any possibility of file information
- ' (file size, file date, HD free space) being changed.
- '
- 'UserOptions HotKey assignments (Active from FileList Display only)
- ' [Default is no assignments]
- ' F1Key: - F12Key: Function Key Assignments
- ' @F1Key: - @F12Key: Alt-Function Key Assignments
- ' There are 5 fields in these Directives, each separated by a comma:
- ' Field 1: The menu text to be displayed on screen. (35 Characters max)
- ' Field 2: The program name of the desired utility, including any
- ' necessary command line switches. (See ZipViewer Directive)
- ' Field 3: Specifies whether to pass the selected (F)ilename, full
- ' (P)ath, or (N)othing to the called utility in the command
- ' line.
- ' Field 4: Determines if QuickFILES.BBS should pause before clearing the
- ' screen upon termination of the called utility (Y or N).
- ' Field 5: Determines if the FileList should be re-scanned after
- ' termination of the called utility (Y or N). Set this option
- ' to Yes if there is any possibility of file information
- ' (file size, file date, HD free space) being changed.
- '
- 'File Area Definitions
- ' Any line which contains the string ":\" at the second character position
- ' will be considered a File Area path definition
- '
- ' Directive References must be terminated by a colon (:)
- '
- ' Any Directive can be set to the default value by simply commenting the
- ' line with an apostrophe. Likewise, a System File Area can be disabled
- ' by the same method.
- '
- '
- '
- '───────────────────── Directive Assignments ────────────────────────
- DLCharacter: [
- EditMode: TYPEOVER
- ExEditor: edit
- FileList: FILES.BBS
- OrphanComment: Orphan File Appended to FileList.
- PrvtFiles: C:\bbs\backup
- RecordLen: 256
- TrackDrive: C:
- ZipViewer: PKUNZIP -vm, File, Yes, No
- SwapQF: No
- SwapFile: C:\QFSwap.!!!
- '────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ' UserOptions Hot Key Assignments (Active from FileList Display only)
- '
- ' Menu Text , UtilName, Path/File/None, Pause, Rescan
- ' |-------- 40 Characters Maximum -------|
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- F1Key: chkdsk (DOS Command) , Chkdsk.exe ,n,y,n
- 'F2Key: Redate File to Today's Date , Redate ,F,Y,Y
- 'F5Key: Strip Zip Comments (This Directory) , StripZip *.zip ,N,Y,Y
- 'F12Key: StupenDOS , SD.EXE ,n,n,y
- @F1Key: View Attributes of All Files in This DIR, Attrib | more ,N,Y,N
- '@F3Key: Set Selected File's Attributes read only, Attrib +r ,f,n,n
- '@F4Key: Set Selected File's Attributes to Normal, Attrib -r ,F,N,n
- '@F6Key: Gif Viewer , Picem.exe ,F,Y,N
- '────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 'System File Areas
- ' Recognized by the string :\ starting at the second character position
- C:\bbs\backup
- c:\bbs\offline
- c:\bbs\pup
- c:\bbs\ascii