Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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Version 4.2 adds expanded User Record Ownership support for type the 3
database. In the case of a Type 3 database where rebuilding indexes is
common. QRDB will maintain a .Dbf field named REC_OWNER. It will place
the name of the originator of a record in the REC_OWNER field. QRDBMgr
will then use that name when rebuilding indexes.
If you are interested in who own's user generated records in Type 3
database's that were created prior to this Version 4.2 User Record
Ownership support. Run ListKeys <Index FileName>
Example: ListKeys USERBBSO.IDX
Version 4.2 also adds a new search feature. It provides a fast search
for use with a very large databases. The search is similar to QRDB's other
search function with the difference that this function searches key
fields only for it's string match. In the case of a dual word search it
looks for the first word in the key fields. If it finds a match, then it
searches the complete record for the second word. A Command Line Options
/K is required if QRDB is to include the special Key field Search. This
feature was inspired by a user with a 1.5 million record database.
A file that was added in ver 4.0, QRDBLang.DBF is also required.
If you use the Fossil version of QRDB, it is the file called QRDB_fos.Exe,
depending on your setup you may have to rename it QRDB.Exe. Earlier
fossil versions were in a seperate package and were called QRDB.Exe.
-------- ATTENTION --------
When run in stand-alone mode full access to all features is given and
levels do not apply.
QRDB is being supplied is being supplied in both Non-Fossil and Fossil
versions. The fossil version is in QRDB_FOS.EXE and is included. Some
BBS systems running under a Fossil have found that the non Fossil
version won't work with their system. I run a QuickBBS system and use
the Non-Fossil version. I have had reports from Max and RA sysops that
required the Fossil version. The Fossil version won't allow you to
hang up on a user, but you can always use that button on the modem.
The error message "Cannot execute QRDB.EXE" means that the program
does not have enough memory to operate in. You need at least 400k.
If you get the Error message "QRDBLang.DBF not found" or "QRDB.Dat not
found or Corrupt", make sure you have the environment variable set,
before looking for other problems. Example QRDB=C:\QRDBDIR set it to the
directory that QRDB is located in.
Earlier 3.x versions of QRDB had a problem that sometimes left two keys
to the same type 3 record when a keyfield was edited using QRDB. The old
key and the edited key both pointed to the edited record. If you have
duplicate keys you will have to rebuild the index using the QRDBMgr
program to get rid of them. First use the function: (E)rase QRDB
Index/Data then (B)uild Type 3 DB Index.
The following info was added to the docs, you may have nissed it A
numeric field as a key may have problems indexing. Depending on how the
key field was input. dBase, dBuddy or QRDB. It is suggested that you
don't use a numeric field as a key unless all input is via one system.
If you are updating from Versions of QRDB prior to 3.x read the following.
If you have type 3 Database files, use QRDBMgr to check Security levels.
Add, Edit and Delete features have been added to the type 3 DataBase,
and security level fields in QRDBMgr have been expanded to control
access. One other thing on the type 3 DataBase field codes in QRDBMgr
have also been changed to N,O,R and K. The old (D) code will be
interperted as (O) in any existing files.
║ │ │ │(N)/A │ ║
║ │ │ │(O)pt │ ║
║ │ │ │(R)eq │ ║
║ │Name Typ Len│ │(K)ey Display Label Line Col │ ║
The following is an answer to a couple of Frequently asked questions
1. QRDB looks in the directory it is run from for, DorInfo*.Def or
Door.Sys. So it should be run from the directory your system puts
Door.Sys in. Door.Sys shouldn't be put in the QRDB directory, because if
it is you can only run one node as the QRDB directory can contain only
one copy of Door.Sys.
2. QRDB uses the following lines from Door.sys
1. Comm Port - COM0: = LOCAL MODE
2. Baud Rate
10. User Full Name (First and Last)
11. Calling From (City, State)
15. Security Level
19. Minutes Remaining THIS call
20. Graphics Mode - GR=Graph, NG=Non-Graph
21. Page Length